Nikolai rastorguev. Nikolai Rastorguev - biography, information, personal life Rastorguev’s marital status

Nikolai Rastorguev was born in the village of Bykovo near Moscow on February 21, 1957. His father Vyacheslav Nikolaevich was a simple driver, and mother Maria Alexandrovna was a seamstress. When did it appear younger sister Nikolai Larisa, mother began to work from home to raise her child. Rastorguev studied at school without enthusiasm, and not everything was smooth with his behavior. His circle of friends were the guys from the yard. One friend’s mother was a cinema director, so friends could often watch films. And so one day Nikolai saw the film “A Hard Day’s Night”, starring members of the cult group The Beatles. This moment had a great impact on the future of the teenager. It was after watching this film that the guys started playing guitars. At first, it seemed like a completely frivolous hobby. But life decreed otherwise. After graduating from school, Rastorguev entered the Moscow Institute of Technology light industry. He was not particularly interested in studying, and soon he began to skip classes. The principled leader of the group reported objectively about what was happening in his “patrimony”, and therefore the careless student Rastorguev was deprived of his scholarship for frequent absences. Then Nikolai decided to “deal with” this headman: he started a fight with him and sent him to a hospital bed. After the fight, Rastorguev was reprimanded and was unable to pass the exams, after which he was expelled. I had to go to work. He began to work as a mechanic in Central Institute aviation engine building in Lytkarino. Since 1978, Rastorguev followed the path of a musician and played in several bands. For six years he was a vocalist in the VIA "Six Young", where his colleague was Valery Kipelov, the future vocalist of the group "Aria". After that, Nikolai worked in the Leisya Song group, but in 1985 it was “abolished” by order of the authorities. After that, Kipelov and Rastorguev tried to become part of the Singing Hearts VIA, but it didn’t work out; there were no vacancies for vocalists there. Then Nikolai found himself in the Rondo group, where he played bass guitar for a year and a half. Later he was the vocalist of the group “Hello, song!”. Everything changed when in 1989 life path Rastorgueva crossed paths with composer Igor Matvienko. This was the beginning of a fruitful union. Nikolay suggested for new group the name "Lube", which in slang meant "different". As planned, this characterized the genre diversity of the musical group. Two debut compositions were recorded at the Sound studio: “Old Man Makhno” and “Lube”. A couple of months after recording, the song “Old Man Makhno” was already heard on the radio. When the group first appeared on television, it was accompanied by resounding success, which, perhaps, the musicians themselves did not expect. As I recall, Alla Pugacheva herself once gave advice on her stage image: this is how the signature tunic and tarpaulin boots appeared. Over many years creative activity The team's most successful compositions were the songs "Combat", "You carry me like a river", "There beyond the fogs", "Birches", "Come on!" and many others. In 1997, Rastorguev became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and in 2002 - a People's Artist. The singer played at the Mayakovsky Theater in the production of “Love in Two Acts.” He also took part in television projects: in 2005 he hosted the documentary program “Things of War”. Since 2006, Rastorguev has been a member of the United Russia party. Since 2010 – deputy of the State Duma of Russia. In 2015, in Lyubertsy near Moscow, it was installed sculptural composition, dedicated to Nicholas Rastorguev. In 2007, Nikolai Rastorguev became seriously ill. He was diagnosed with advanced stage renal failure, which required constant hemodialysis. The singer stood in line for a kidney transplant, but did not stop performing. During the tour, the group visited only those cities where local clinics had equipment for the necessary procedures. In 2009, he underwent a successful operation. Nikolai married for the first time at the age of nineteen to a girl from his courtyard. Soon a son, Pavel, was born into the family. Fifteen years later the marriage broke up. The second time Rastorguev married a costume designer in the Zodchie group, whose name was Natalya and she was thirteen years younger than her husband. They had a son, Nikolai. Now Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Rastorguev lives with his family and granddaughter Sofia in the Moscow region in his own house.

As far as I know, Rastorguev has been living on hemodialysis for a long time. So show-off is show-off, but his non-functioning kidneys and the attitude of German doctors towards them are more valuable to him than show-offs about Great Russia inside which people like him cannot survive.

Originally posted by oleg_leusenko at The staples are cracked: the cotton pet fled for permanent residence in Germany

Putin’s favorite, “father battalion commander” Rastorguev moved to permanent place residence in German Baden-Baden.

disrespect and disrespect‏@VictorKvert2008

To be fair, it is worth noting that the Crimean Nazi Rastorguev fell in love with German soil almost immediately after Russia’s occupation of Crimea:
Elena Rykovtseva, January 2, 2015
· Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Baden-Baden ·
About two patriots living in Baden-Baden. Misha. He's been here for two decades. But he doesn’t forget for a minute about his native Kislovodsk. He has this Kislovodsk in every word. Me: “Oh, Misha, how similar it is here to Karlovy Vary!” “They are all similar,” agrees Misha, “Baden-Baden, Karlovy Vary and Kislovodsk.” Misha to me: “Have you been to Montreux?” Me: “I wasn’t. And how was it?” Misha: “Montreux is very unique. It reminded me a lot of Baden-Baden, and through it Kislovodsk.” Me: “Misha, what delicious cakes!” Misha (condescendingly): “Of course, this is Turgenev’s favorite confectionery. But come to Kislovodsk, there is a confectionery opposite the Rossiya cinema, that’s where the eclairs are!” And so on. At the same time, Misha is not at all eager to return to Russia. He didn’t really like all this Crimean-nashi crap anyway, but now New Year. “I looked,” he says, “your New Year's show. There were huge meaty women there. They had black shiny dresses. And many other terrible things. After all this, I felt sorry for those who live there."
Now another patriot. Nikolay Rastorguev. He also lives in Baden-Baden. By the way, Misha’s friend is next door to Nikolai. He is not the only one adjacent to it. A couple of years ago, Igor Matvienko mentioned in an interview that Nikolai settled in Baden-Baden next to him, and they really like to have lunch together right in the park.
And here's what's interesting. Misha in Baden-Baden talks about Kislovodsk. And when he comes to Russia for work, he is not at all embarrassed to talk about Baden-Baden there. But when Nikolai Rastorguev arrives in Russia, you would never guess that he ever left it. In his interviews, he firstly says that Crimea is, of course, “ours”. He also says that " last years We have more and more reasons to be proud of our country, which has risen from its knees." Therefore, Nikolai tries to sing songs "with a patriotic intensity." "We live in Russia - a huge state that simply must be strong. Otherwise, they will simply tear us apart,” declares Nikolai Rastorguev, who actually lives not in Russia at all, or not only in it. But he is silent about this. And in his songs he sings about the Race from the Volga to the Yenisei, and never sings about Baden-Baden. And he also sings:
“We will stand until the end, for you, Motherland!
We will sing, we will walk, for you - Motherland!
And for the country three times “Hurray!” for the Motherland."

And he does all this from Germany: he stands, and sings, and walks, and shouts “hurray” - everything is from there. Misha and Nikolai are two patriots, but they are so different. Misha remains faithful to his Kislovodsk, but at the same time believes that Baden-Baden (living in it) saves him from modern Russia. Nikolai, on the contrary, believes that it is Russia that needs to be saved from all external enemies, which, logically, includes the state on whose territory Baden-Baden is located. But at the same time, he lives there - both for his health, which still greatly failed him, and, apparently, for pleasure, and not with the goal of keeping an eye on the enemy from the inside, so that he does not attack and tear apart his homeland.

In the 1990s, Nikolai Rastorguev and the Lyube group toured extensively and successfully throughout Russia and abroad. During the first three years of the group's existence, about 800 concerts were organized, attended by more than three million people.

In 1992, the album “Who Said We Lived Badly?” was released. with the songs “Come on, play around”, “Hare sheepskin coat”, “Have mercy, Lord, on us sinners”, “Tram Pyaterochka”, which became hits.

In 1994, the album “Lube Zone” was released, where the songs “Road”, “Horse”, “Forgive me, Mom” were presented.

In 1996, the group released the album "Kombat", songs from this album - "Moscow Streets", "Samovolochka", "The main thing is that I have you" - immediately became popular, and the song "Kombat" took first place in the Russian charts .

In 1997, the collections “Collected Works” and “Songs about People” were published. The discography of "Lube" continued with the albums "Songs from concert program" (1998), "Half Stops" (2000), "Let's go for..." (2002), "Anniversary" (2002).

In 2003, the Lyube group, specially for Defender of the Fatherland Day, released a thematic collection of their “military” songs - “Guys of Our Regiment.” It included the songs “Combat”, “Soldier”, “There, behind the fogs”, “The main thing is that I have you”, “Samovolochka”, “Call me quietly by name”, “Come on for...”. The album also included the legendary songs “Two Comrades Served,” “The Last Battle,” covered by Nikolai Rastorguev, and cover versions of Vladimir Vysotsky’s songs “On Mass Graves” and “Song of the Stars.”
In 2005, "Lube" released the album "Rassya". The disc featured a duet between Nikolai Rastorguev and Nikita Mikhalkov - the composition “My Horse” based on the poems of the White Guard officer Nikolai Turoverov. The album also included the song " Clear Falcon", which the group recorded with Sergei Mazaev and Nikolai Fomenko.

In February 2009, the Lyube group celebrated its 20th anniversary in the Kremlin, in honor of which.

In April 2009, Nikolai Rastorguev underwent a complex kidney transplant operation, and on June 12 on Red Square on Russia Day.

In 2012, Rastorguev celebrated his anniversary at Crocus City Hall.

The new album of the group "Lube" - "For you, Motherland!" came out in 2015.

In addition to vocal creativity, Nikolai Rastorguev mastered acting profession. In 1994 he played main role in the film "Lube Zone", starred in the musical films "Old Songs about the Main Thing" (1996, 1997, 1998), the comedy "In a Lively Place (1998), the crime film "Check" (2000), the film "Women's Happiness" (2001 ).

Rastorguev played Sharnin in the series "Striped Summer" (2003), Fyodor Kuzmich in the crime comedy "Money" (2014), Mark Bernes in the series "Lyudmila Gurchenko" (2015).

Songs performed by him are heard in the films and TV series “Hot Spot” (1998), “Kamenskaya” (1999-2000), “Admiral” (2008), “Gentlemen Officers: Saving the Emperor” (2008), “Dusty Work” (2011 ), "Family detective" (2011-2012), "Such work" (2014-2016).

In 2002, Nikolai Rastorguev made his debut at the Vl. Mayakovsky in Andrei Maksimov's play "Love in Two Acts".

In 2005, Rastorguev tried himself as a TV presenter and starred in the series of television documentary programs “Things of War”.

In 2006, he joined the United Russia party, and in 2010 he became a deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation from the Stavropol Territory, and became a member of the Culture Committee.

Rastorguev is married for the second time. The singer has two sons - Pavel (born in 1977) and Nikolai (born in 1994).

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Nikolai grew up as an ordinary child, whose performance at school was satisfactory. Everything changed after the boy watched the movie “The Night After a Hard Day” in the cinema, in which the Beetles participated. Impressed by the musicians, he mastered the guitar, but never even dreamed of becoming an artist.

After graduating from school, Nikolai Rastorguev, at the insistence of his parents, became a student at the Institute of Technology, but never received a diploma - due to private absenteeism and beating the leader of his group, he was expelled.

Not received higher education, the future singer got a job as a mechanic. Over time, he began to play in musical groups, and then for four years he was a vocalist in the VIA “Six Young”, where Valery Kipelov also sang, who later became the vocalist of “Aria”.

After a short stay in the Leisya Pesnya group, which was disbanded in 1985 on the orders of the authorities, Nikolai Rastorguev became a member of the Rondo group and played bass guitar there for a year and a half. Around that time, the artist came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a group performing exclusively songs of national-patriotic themes. In 1989, he met producer and composer Igor Matvienko, who assembled the Lyube group.

Soon, two debut songs of the newly formed group were recorded at the Sound studio: “Old Man Makhno” and “Lube”, which almost immediately became popular. In 1989, “Lube” appeared on the television screen in the “Christmas Meetings” program, where, under the influence of Alla Pugacheva, Rastorguev’s image and style was formed.

Nikolai’s compositions “Don’t cut men” and “Atas” instantly became popular hits, and the group itself received a huge army of fans who were close to patriotic and military songs.

The debut disc "Lube" was released in 1991 and was called "Atas". In total, the group recorded and released as many as 19 albums. During this time, Nikolai Rastorguev recorded two solo discs: “Four Nights in Moscow” and Birthday (With Love).

In 1997, the singer received the title of Honored Artist Russian Federation, and in 2002 - the title of People's Artist. In addition to song creativity, Rastorguev tried himself on the stage of the Mayakovsky Theater, taking part in the production of “Love in Two Acts”, and became a TV presenter of the series documentaries"Things of War", starred in several feature films and TV series, and in 2006 he joined the United Russia party and became a State Duma deputy.

Personal life

Married twice. The singer's first chosen one was his neighbor, who gave birth to a son, Pavel - the artist lived in this marriage for 15 years. Rastorguev’s second wife was Natalya, a costume designer in the Zodchie group, who in 1994 gave birth to a son, Kolya.

Interesting Facts

His paternal grandfather's name was Nikolai Rastorguev

A characteristic attribute of Rastorguev’s stage image is the military tunic, which Alla Pugacheva advised him to wear at her “Christmas meetings”

In 1991, at the presentation of the "Black Album" of the Kino group at the Moscow Youth Palace, Rastorguev almost got into a fight with Yuri Shevchuk, the leader of the DDT group.

Likes to play billiards, watch movies, smoke fragrant pipes and expensive cigarettes

Didn't serve in the army because he didn't pass the medical examination

Fan of Moscow football club"Torpedo"

Plays electric guitar acoustic guitar and tambourine

One of the features of the Lube group is the use of a 6-string bass guitar

In 2006 he joined the United Russia party.

In 2010, he became a deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation from the Stavropol Territory

On March 11, 2014, he signed an appeal from cultural figures of the Russian Federation in support of the policies of Russian President V.V. Putin in Ukraine and Crimea


As part of the group "Lube":

1990 - We will now live in a new way

1991 - Atas

1991 - Don't be a fool, America

1992 - Who said that we lived badly..?

1994 - Lube Zone

1996 - Battalion Commander

1997 - Collected Works

1997 - Songs about people

1998 - Songs from the concert program “Songs about People”

2000 - Half-stops

2001 - Collected works. Volume 2

Nikolay Rastorguev

Zodiac sign:

Eastern horoscope:

Place of Birth:
village Bykovo, Moscow region.

singer, deputy

85 kg

174 cm

Biography of Nikolai Rastorguev

Childhood and family of Nikolai Rastorguev

Nikolai's homeland is the Moscow region. The future singer’s father was a driver, while his mother worked in a factory. When Nikolai's younger sister appeared in the family, my mother left work and began sewing at home. So she had the opportunity to raise children.

Things were going well at school. Kolya got C grades in almost all subjects, including behavior. He had his own social circle - several boys from their yard. One of them’s mother worked at the Illusion cinema as a director, thanks to this, her son and his friends always had countermarks. On one of their trips to the cinema, the boys watched the movie “A Night After a Hard Day,” in which the Beatles participated. This became a real event in Kolya’s life. He was inspired by what he saw and wanted to become like the members of this Fab Four. After watching the film, the friends, imitating the Beatles, strummed their guitars. All this did not seem serious, since Rastorguev was sure that he had neither hearing nor ability for music. That's what his mother always told him.

Nikolai Rastorguev in his youth

After graduating from school, the young man became a student at the Institute of Technology. He entered there on the advice of his parents. It was not interesting to study, and he, along with some of his fellow students, skipped lectures. Such absenteeism often happened. After he was deprived of his scholarship for this, he decided to deal with the head of the group in his own way, thanks to whose reports he was “punished.” After the fight, the headman ended up in the hospital, and the student Rastorguev was given a severe reprimand, and then completely failed his exams. This was the end of Nikolai’s higher education. He got a job as a mechanic.

The first songs of Nikolai Rastorguev

Since 1978, Nikolai has played in several musical groups. For four years in VIA “Six Young” he was a vocalist. Valery Kipelov, who later became the vocalist of “Aria,” also participated in this VIA. Then the singer performed in the group “Leisya Song”. In 1985, this team was disbanded by order of the authorities.

Nikolai Rastorguev - Song about a friend

Kipelov and Rastorguev tried to get into “Singing Hearts”, but there was no need for a vocalist. Then he became a member of the Rondo group and played bass guitar there for a year and a half.

Rastorguev and the Lyube group

At one time, the singer had a dream about courageous vocals, about a group whose repertoire would consist of songs with national-patriotic themes. This dream came true when in 1989 Igor Matvienko organized a new Music band with the name "Lube". In the same year, two songs were recorded at the Sound studio - one of them was “Old Man Makhno”, the other was “Lube”. This was the moment when “Lube” was born.

Two stars. Guseva, Rastorguev “Everything begins again”

Just two months after recording, the song “Old Man Makhno” was heard on the radio. The group first appeared on TV when “Christmas Meetings - 1989” was broadcast. Alla Pugacheva invited “Lube” to this concert. According to the singer, it was she who gave some advice regarding their appearance and image on stage. This is how the gymnast, tarpaulin boots, and riding breeches appeared. At this concert, Nikolai sang “Don’t cut men” and the song “Atas”. After the performance, “Lube” immediately found itself in the top ten. Since then, the team decided to leave this image for further performances.

Nikolay Rastorguev today

Until the beginning of 2000 and all the years until today, “Lube” continues to perform. The work of this group has always had fans. They went on tour and released a lot of discs. The first disc was recorded in 1991 and was called “Atas”. Until 2000, six more discs were released - “Songs about People”, “Lube Zone”, etc.

Eight more discs ended up in the Lyube discography after 2000. The last one was recorded in 2009. It's called "Ours".

Since 1997, the singer has been Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and since 2002 - National artist. Nikolai tried himself on the stage of the Mayakovsky Theater, taking part in the production of “Love in Two Acts.” Rastorguev has experience working in non-television. In 2005, he had the opportunity to host a series of documentary programs called “Things of War.” Singer since 2006 in the United Russia party. In addition, he became a State Duma deputy.

Personal life of Nikolai Rastorguev

Nikolai got married when he was only nineteen years old. His chosen one was a girl living in the same yard. A year later, a son, Pavel, appeared in the young family. Fifteen years later, this marriage was dissolved. With Pavel at the singer's a good relationship. He lives with his wife and daughter Sophia in the Moscow region.

Nikolai Rastorguev now works as a deputy

Rastorguev married a girl who worked as a costume designer in the Zodchie group. Her name is Natalya, she is thirteen years younger than her husband. In the spring of 1994, a son, Kolya, was born into the family. A special craving for singing in school age he didn’t have one, but he still sang in the school choir. In the cartoon "Prince Vladimir" younger son Rastorguev voiced Giard, one of the main characters.

In 2007, the singer became seriously ill. As a result of chronic renal failure, he required a kidney transplant. The operation became possible in 2009.

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