Presentation for preschoolers dedicated to Nosov. Presentation - Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov

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NIKOLAI NOSOV Nikolai Nosov is a Russian Soviet prose writer, playwright, all works for children. Nikolai Nosov - invented Dunno and settled him with other shorties in the Flower City.

His father was a pop and film actor, his mother was a needlewoman and singer. Nikolay Nosov was born in Kyiv

A multi-talented boy, Nosov from his high school years was interested in music, theater, writing - along with chess, photography, electrical engineering, and amateur radio.

He was a newspaper merchant, a navvie, a mower, and in 1927–1929 he studied at the Kiev Art Institute, from where he transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography.

In 1932–1951 he was a director of animated, popular science and educational films (including for the Red Army, earning the Order of the Red Star in 1943).

Nikolai Nikolaevich himself said that he began writing for children completely by accident - at first he simply told fairy tales to his little son and his friends.

The first story “Entertainers” was published in 1938 in the magazine “Murzilka”.

Nosov introduced a new hero into children's literature - a naive and sensible, mischievous and inquisitive fidget, obsessed with a thirst for activity and constantly finding himself in unusual, often comic situations.

The fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, “Dunno in the Sunny City” and “Dunno on the Moon” brought the writer well-deserved fame.

Screen adaptation of N. Nosov's works

Nikolay Nosov

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Literary reading lesson "Drafting a plan for N. Nosov's story "The Living Hat"." 2nd grade

This lesson is the second based on N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat”. The main element is group research activities working with text. A presentation is offered for the lesson...

“Nosov’s works” - Biography. With whom did Dunno play chess? An artist from Flower City? His father was a pop and film actor, his mother was a needlewoman and singer. What do you know about Nikolai Nosov? The first story “Entertainers” was published in 1938. Director from Sunny City? Guys, read books! Nikolai Nosov. Works by N. Nosov.

“Stories and Tales of Nosov” - R. Ykazenn. Dunno. Extracurricular reading lesson. He began writing his humorous stories even before the war. B. Valya and Petya. “Entertainers.” Steklyashkin. Bear. “Mishkina porridge.” Fear has big eyes. Primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 47 Kruglova T.Yu. Patch. Born in Kiev. Kabukov. Who is the author of the fairy tale?

“Nosov's stories” - Vintik and Shpuntik. Poet. Guess the names of Dunno's friends. Films: “Two Friends”, “Druzhok”, “Dunno from Our Yard”, “Dreamers”, etc. Drawings by children from our school. Library lesson. “If you think writing funny stories is easy and simple, you are mistaken.” For boys and girls. Annotation. Artist. N. Nosov.

“Nosov about war” - They will do another one in such a way that you cannot distinguish it from a living child. The school was daytime. Echoes of war in the works of E. Nosov. Alexey died, diving on his tiny “hawk” onto the back of a heavy fascist bomber... A large carpet of poppies was blazing in the flowerbed... In a tunic and soldier’s boots, with a pension certificate for a disabled war veteran.

"Writer Nosov" - (1908-1976). “What did I not have time for then!” 100th birthday. Nikolai NOSOV. In “The Adventures of Dunno,” Nosov talks in detail about such machines, devices, S.V. Mikhalkov. Nikolai Nosov was born on November 23, 1908 in Kyiv. Modern readers know that such a system actually exists.

“Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov” - Nikolai Nosov (on a deer) with his brother Peter. Moscow, 1974 N.N. Nosov with his son Peter. 1932 Moscow. 1968 N.N. Nosov with his wife Tatyana Fedorovna and grandson Igor. 1963 Vostryakovo near Moscow. 1963 Mother of the writer Father of the writer Varvara Petrovna Nikolai Petrovich. N.N. Nosov at his dacha near Moscow. 1911, Nosov is 3 years old.

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Presentation for the lesson

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Subject: Works by N.N. Nosov for children.

A lesson in summarizing and reviewing what has been learned.

Lesson objectives:

  • Help children repeat and summarize the material they have covered.
  • Develop memory, attention, logical and imaginative thinking;
  • Cultivate an interest in reading and broaden their horizons.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Entering the lesson:

They became beautiful and aligned.
The backs are straight, the heads are raised.
Heels together, toes apart.
Everyone looked at me and smiled:
For health protection
Let's do the exercises:
Hands up, hands down,
Rising on tiptoes:
Then we sit down, then we bend over:
They stood up straight and smiled:
Hello guys!
They sat down very quietly.

2. Setting goals for students.

Guys! Today we are conducting a general lesson on the works of N.N. Nosov, which we studied in previous literature lessons and with which you were already familiar earlier.

3. Generalization of student knowledge:

Who is N.N. Nosov?

  • writer
  • fabulist
  • storyteller

Let's determine the circle of friends of N.N. Nosov. / read by the best students /

  • Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky
  • Agnia Lvovna Barto
  • Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak
  • Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov

What was Nosov interested in as a child?/ The children read the words in chorus and explain how they understand the meaning of these words./

  • music
  • singing
  • theater
  • chemistry
  • chess
  • amateur radio
  • electrical engineering
  • photography
  • writing

Did Nosov immediately become a writer? /Children read the words in a chain and explain how they understand them?/

  • Newspaper seller
  • Laborer
  • Digger
  • Mower
  • Log driver
  • Director of educational and popular science films
  • Writer

What works of N.N. Nosov did you read in literature lessons?

/children answer: “Entertainers”, “Living Hat”, “On the Hill” /

Find out from the illustrations:

Who are they and where are they from?

  • Slide 6. (“Entertainers”)
  • Slide 7. (“Cucumbers”)
  • Slide 8. (“Phone”)
  • Slide 9. (“Mishkina porridge”)
  • Slide 10. (“Dreamers”)
  • Slide 11. (“Living Hat”)
  • Slide 12. (“Bobik visiting Barbos”)

4. Conversation on the read work.

What were the names of the heroes of his very first story, “Entertainers”?

(Valya and Petya)

Why was the story called that?

What game did they want to play?

Why was the game interrupted? What stopped them from finishing the game?

Tell me how the story ends?/Children retell the ending of the story/

5. Vocabulary work.

Children, pay attention to the screen. Where do these words come from, from what work?

  • room
  • potato
  • k.mod
  • k.rzina
  • k.cherga
  • bed
  • k.tenok

Which of these words are dictionary words? What unstressed vowels will you insert?

What is a chest of drawers?

What is a poker?

Remember the content of this story. Who are the heroes of this story?

How did the boys show themselves when they met the “Living Hat”?

Slide 13. (2nd column)

Select what you need:

  • brave
  • cowardly
  • playful
  • resourceful
  • quick-witted
  • kind
  • curious

6. Work on the proposal.

Pay attention to the offers. What letters should be inserted into words?

K.tenok Vaska sat on the near the k.mod and l.wilted flies. And in fashion, on the very edge of the face, the hat stung:

7. Selective reading.

Who was the first to reveal the secret of the “living hat”: Volodya or Vadik?

Let's check: are you attentive readers?

Prove with the words of the story p.58

Now let’s remember the story “On the Hill.” Based on this story, you made a plan and retold its contents.

8. Work on a story plan.

Are the parts of the story arranged correctly?

What proverb can be chosen for the fifth point of the plan:

  • If you do it hastily, you will do it out of laughter.
  • Measure seven times and cut once.
  • If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

Story plan.

1. Kotka is working.

2. Construction of a slide.

3. I liked the work.

4. Sly Kotka.

Is a fifth part of the story necessary? What is the main idea of ​​the story?

Now let’s put the points of the plan correctly in their places:

1. Construction of a slide.

2. Sly Kotka.

3. If you do it hastily, you will do it out of laughter.

4. Kotka is working.

5. I liked the work.

9. Working with unfamiliar text.

/The children are given pieces of paper with the unfamiliar text “Dunno and the Beetle.”/

Buzzing reading of unfamiliar text. Conversation on reading.

Tell us what you read about?

10. Role-based reading of an excerpt from Nosov’s work “Telephone”.

eleven . Quiz - confusion on the works of Nosov:

Nosov's name is Nikolai Pavlovich? (Nikolaevich)

- “Cockroach”, “Moidodyr”, “The Adventures of Dunno” - are these fairy tales by Chukovsky? (Not all. “The Adventures of Dunno” is a story by Nosov)

Were the children's names from the story "Entertainers" Petya and Valya? (Yes!)

Was the kitten's name from the story "The Living Hat" Fluffy? (No! Vaska)

Potatoes, a basket, a hat - are these items from the work "Dreamers"? (No!" Living Hat"

A scoop, a shovel, a bucket - are these objects from the story “On the Hill”? (Yes!)

Which characters' car, which work's car was fueled with sugar syrup? (Vintik and Shpuntik)

12. Summing up the lesson.

What can you say about all of Nosov’s heroes, what are they like?

(Cheerful, kind, restless, very naive, good, sincere, hardworking, they honestly make mistakes and are artlessly cunning)

What do Nosov’s stories teach?

“It’s hardly worth commenting on the stories of the famous Nikolai Nosov. You just need to read them again to be convinced again: all of Nosov’s heroes are “as if alive,” and their imagination, their actions and even tricks teach readers goodness and nobility.”

(Sergey Mikhalkov)

Lyudmila Tyurina
Lesson summary with presentation “Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov”

I present to your attention GCD summary with presentation for children to get acquainted with creativity Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. The presented material can be used in the senior group of kindergarten as part of direct educational activities or as a full-fledged class. Presentation includes brief biographical information about the writer, the names of his most famous works; V presentation also includes text and illustrative material to familiarize children with the story “The Living Hat” and a short quiz on the material studied.

Target: introduce children to the works of N.N. Nosova.


Educational: continue to work on generating interest in the book; help you understand the sequence of actions of fairy tale characters with the help of illustrations; learn to correctly name the author and title of the work; help children remember the names of the most famous works Nosova.

Developmental: develop the ability to listen carefully to works of fiction; develop the ability to adequately perceive the content of a work, evaluate the actions of the characters; develop a sense of humor.

Educational: to cultivate emotional and figurative perception of the text,

Integration of educational regions:

artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, speech development.

Material: illustrative material, books by N.N. Nosova, interactive complex, file presentations.

Preliminary work:

a selection of books and illustrative material for getting acquainted with the work of N.N. Nosova; Reading books Nosova before bedtime and in free time; watching cartoons about Dunno and “Bobik visiting Barbos”.

Progress of direct educational activities:

1. Organizational moment - asking a riddle about Dunno

This boy is short

A dreamer and a braggart.

He takes on a lot

But he really doesn’t succeed in anything.

Who do you think this riddle is about? (About Dunno).

Right. Stories about Dunno and his friends were written by a children's writer and storyteller Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. (Slide 2).This is his portrait. Why do you think he is surrounded by books? (Children's answers).

2. Conversation about N.N. Nosovo.

- Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov- famous children's writer. He said: “Composing for children is the best job. It requires a lot of knowledge). The main thing is love for them. And respect." N. Nosov At first I composed fairy tales and stories just like that - for my little son.

His first book was published in 1938.

He wrote many books: “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”

Slides 4-9

Stories “Putty”, “Patch”, “Entertainers”, “Mishkina Porridge”, “Cucumbers”, “Dreamers”.

Slides 10-11

Some stories and fairy tales have been adapted into cartoons and even movies! What cartoons have you seen? What are they about? (children's answers).

3. Dynamic pause.

And now I suggest you relax a little and warm up with Dunno.

(I show cards on which the drawn Dunno performs various exercises. The dynamic pause takes place to the music “Where the Wizards Are” from the movie “Dunno from Our Yard”)

4. Reading the story "The Living Hat".

Now let's get to know the story Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov"Living Hat"

Slides 12-17. Reading a story with visual accompaniment.

5. Fixing the material.

Guys, Dunno invites you to take part in a quiz.

Slide 18. Who wrote the story "Living hat?"

Slide 19. What other stories have you written? Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov?

Slide 20. What cartoons are based on stories and fairy tales Nosov you watched?

Slide 21. What stories Nikolai Nosov do you love the most? And why? Tell us!

Slide 22. Well done!

6. Reflection.

Who did we talk about today?

What did you find interesting?

What do you remember most?

What did you like most?

Slide 2

  • Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born on November 23, 1908. The versatility of the writer’s talents was evident during his studies at the gymnasium, and then at the school for working youth.
  • The young man, along with music, singing, and amateur theater, was also interested in the exact sciences.
  • The young man was also interested in chemistry, chess, amateur radio, electrical engineering, and photography. Already in those days, Nosov was composing for the handwritten magazine "X". The writer’s youth came at a difficult time in our history. Nosov managed to work as a laborer, a newspaper seller, a navvy, a mower, and a log carrier. In 1927, Nikolai entered the Kiev Art Institute, and in 1929 he transferred to the Institute of Cinematography in Moscow.
  • From 1932 to 1951 Nosov worked as a director of animated, popular science and educational films. After filming several training films for the Red Army in 1943, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. Nosov made his debut as a writer in 1938: his first story for children, “Entertainers,” was published.
  • Soon Nosov's stories were published in one of the most famous magazines at that time - "Murzilka".
  • Slide 3

    Nikolay Nosov

    “During my school years I dreamed of becoming a musician (something like Paganini at least), then I abandoned the violin, became interested in chemistry and quite seriously prepared to enter the chemistry department of the Polytechnic Institute; just before entering, he changed his mind and entered the Art Institute instead of the Polytechnic... He graduated from the Institute of Cinematography, then worked in cinema, then became a children’s writer.” So he will write about his “dreams” in his autobiography.

    The writer's mother is Varvara Petrovna. The writer's father is Nikolai Petrovich.

    Slide 4

    Without exaggeration, we can say that we all grew up with stories and fairy tales: “The Cheerful Family”, “Mishkina Porridge”, “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” and many other funny and exciting works, the author of which was the children's writer Nikolai Nosov. Time passes, however, the characters invented by Nosov do not age. Yes, this does not threaten them - even if new ones appear, authors writing for children, Nosov’s heroes have already stood the test of time.

    Slide 5

    • With grandson Igor
  • Slide 6

    Slide 7

    The following films were made based on N. Nosov’s scripts:

    1. Buddy – 1958
    2. The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin – 1964
    3. Dreamers - 1965

    Slide 8

    To the 100th anniversary of his birth

    In November 2008, a coin with the image of N.N. was issued. Nosova.

    Slide 9

    Slide 10

    Like many famous writers, Nikolai Nosov first composed fairy tales and stories just like that - for his little son. And then he took one of his stories, it was called “Entertainers,” to the magazine “Murzilka”. The story was published. This was in 1938.

    Slide 11

    The most famous book is, of course, about Dunno and his friends.

    Slide 12

    What story are these dialogues from?

    She's alive, alive!
    - Who's alive?
    - Whoa, whoa, whoa.
    - What you! Are there living hats?

    Slide 13

    Give me the rope. - But there is no rope.
    - Where is she?
    - There.
    - Where exactly?
    - Well... In the well.
    - So you missed the bucket with the rope?
    - Well, yes.

    Slide 14

    I used to know how to fly!
    - Well, fly!
    - Now I can’t: I’ve forgotten how.

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