Natal chart online Vedic astrology. Jyotish (Vedic astrology) - in simple words about the sacred

Vedic astrology is based on Indian Vedic knowledge. This is one of the most ancient sciences that studies time cycles, their influence on humans and fate, and has its own prediction technology. And in Lately All more people The Vedic horoscope is preferred to the traditional Western horoscope. They mainly refer to the fact that more accurate forecasts are given, and sometimes the most unexpected sides human life. If the traditional horoscope takes into account the influence of stars and constellations, then in Vedic astrology they mainly study the influence of the sun and moon on the health and destiny of a person, as well as a list of planets such as: Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu. All names in Vedic astrology are left to ancient language“Sanskrit”, so many people do not understand it. They will say something only to those who study or are familiar with the Vedas.

In India, great respect and trust is given to this horoscope and not a single event takes place without agreement with the horoscope and viewing natal chart. There Vedic astrology It is considered a science in its own right, exams are taken on it, and you can even choose it as your profession.

Vedic astrology has the same signs as Western astrology, but the names and boundaries of transitions from one sign to another are different. For example, if you are a Gemini according to the traditional horoscope, then according to the Vedic horoscope you will already be a Cancer. Each zodiac sign is called "rashi". You will also have a different natal chart.

Also a feature of Vedic astrology is that a person can have several signs at the same time. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that there are nine planets in the natal chart, and they are located in different signs zodiac And each sign in Vedic astrology has half-periods, which are ruled by these planets. This suggests that you can be Leo, Libra and Aries at the same time.

A horoscope in Vedic astrology can give you slightly different information and predictions than a traditional one. And most people wonder: what to trust and which horoscope is more truthful? In fact, there are no bad or good horoscopes, they just exist. Just different systems and calculus techniques. However, this will give you a greater range of knowledge about you and your destiny, and based on this you can better understand your true essence. Therefore, some prefer to listen to one, the one that is closer and more understandable to them in perception. And some take into account the advice of two horoscopes.

These two scales of predictions and forecasts are slightly different due to the fact that the traditional horoscope has changed over time and has been improved, certain adjustments have been made. In Vedic astrology, the horoscope has not changed, and all calculations are carried out as they were two thousand years ago.

Vedic astrology Jyotish

Vedic astrology is known as Jyotish throughout the world. This name translated from Sanskrit means “divine principle or light.” Jyotish has ancient origin and is based on the accumulated knowledge of the Vedas. And many, therefore, consider Vedic astrology Jyotish a more advanced science and are inclined to trust it.

If you noticed above, Jyotish does not attach importance to the planets Uranus, Pluto, Neptune. This is due to the fact that these planets move very slowly, and such movement does not have any significant effect on a person, like other more active ones.

Since Vedic astrology Jyotish has more signs, influences and definitions, it takes much longer to study it. At first, you need to get used to the very language of all the meanings and definitions, otherwise you can get confused. With the development of esotericism, more and more people became interested in Jyotish Vedic astrology.

For any Vedic astrologer, an important skill is to draw up a natal chart for any person. What does this mean and how does it work?

A natal chart in Vedic psychology is a diagram that depicts the most accurate position of the planets, as well as the celestial bodies at the time of a person’s birth. Since every moment of life is special and not similar to the others, and the situation of each celestial body changes just as quickly. All this is taken into account in the natal chart, which is an important forecast for a person’s entire life.

What we came to this planet for, for what purpose, what potential is inherent in us - all this can be told by the natal chart in Vedic astrology. Well, to draw up a map, Vedic astrologers always ask about the place of birth.

Vedic astrology claims that the natal chart tells the whole life and there cannot be other events. However, this is too categorical a statement, the natal chart indicates the main path, and how we get there is up to us to decide.

Ever since Vedic astrology became famous in our circles, many people began to appear who wanted to receive such a forecast. Vedic astrology makes it more detailed and accurate, and this is what attracts the average person. Therefore, it began to appear more and more Vedic astrologers. Sometimes even traditional astrologers express a desire to retrain as Vedic.

In Vedic astrology, forecasts are possible for both destinies and dates. In this way you can find out the most favorable days for a wedding, for conceiving a child or signing an important agreement.

And since more and more people prefer to use online services, Vedic astrology is no exception. Many astrologers offer their services via the Internet, because this does not require personal contact or conversation. It is enough to provide your data and astrologers will calculate for you all the information that may be in the natal chart.

Vedic astrology online is one of the most useful esoteric resources that is worth listening to. After all, there is a lot of very valuable and useful information for us.

Topics for this lesson:

  1. Installation and configuration of the program according to Sri Surya Siddhanta
  2. Algorithm for calculating the natal chart (horoscope)
  3. Understanding the symbolism of the natal chart

Lesson notes

BC-1 lesson notes - Program settings.pdf [download]

Additional materials for the lesson:

  • Instructions for Jyotish - [download]
  • Bariev I.K. — Coordinates settlements, time zones and changes in time calculation - M., Konek - 1997 - [download]
  • Jagannath Hora program 7.64 [download]
  • Zet9 program zet9setup229-ru [download]

Homework for the 1st lesson of the Basic Course of Vedic Astrology

  • Install and configure the Jagannatha Hora program
  • Calculate your natal chart
  • Write down general data on your chart in a separate file: what is your Ascendant?
  • In which houses of the horoscope and in which signs of the Zodiac and in what degrees of the Sign are your planets located?

Additional materials for students of the curatorial group

Names of the zodiac signs in English (from the lesson of Vasily Rurikovich)

Symbols of the Zodiac Signs (English version)

1. Ar (Aries) – Aries

2. Ta (Taurus) – Taurus

3. Ge (Gemini) – Gemini

4. Cn (Cancer) – Cancer

5. Le (Leo) – Leo

6. Vi (Virgo) – Virgo

7. Li (Libra) – Libra

8. Sc (Scorpio) – Scorpio

9. Sg (Sagittarius) – Sagittarius

10. Cp (Capricorn) – Capricorn

11. Aq (Aquarius) – Aquarius

12. Pi (Pices) - Pisces

Where to find changes to all time zones and daylight saving time in all cities and countries of the world

In the process of drawing up a map, you constantly have to deal with the need to find out time zones and take into account possible transitions to and from daylight saving time; some cities are “transferred” to other time zones, in different countries decrees are either issued or cancelled, “switchmen” in governments regularly experiment with Time... and astrologers have to take all these changes into account. In addition to the above-mentioned Bariev reference book and the Zet9 program, there are specialized sites where you can quickly find out the right time online.

A program that shows a star map

How to visually understand what the Lagna or Ascendant is

Since the Zodiac is in constant motion, in 24 hours each of the signs has the opportunity to visit.

What is Ayanamsha

An imaginary sphere within which everything is located solar system, is called the celestial sphere. The projection of the earth's equator onto this sphere forms the celestial equator. When the Sun moves north of the celestial equator, it crosses it at the vernal equinox. Another point of intersection of the celestial equator and the orbit of the Sun, which is formed when it moves from north to south, is called the autumnal equinox point.

Observations show that the point of the vernal equinox, which also serves as the beginning of the sign of Aries, does not stand still. Each year, when the Sun counts the vernal equinox, the Earth's position relative to the fixed star Revati has shifted an angular distance of approximately 50.3 seconds westward from its position on the previous year's equinox. It turns out that the equinox points slowly move along the ecliptic in the opposite direction. Angular distance between starting point fixed Zodiac and the vernal equinox point is called Ayanamsha. The Indian system of astrology uses a fixed zodiac, also known as Nirayana zodiac, where the first degree of Aries is counted from a specific fixed star in the constellation Revati. Western astrologers, in turn, use the moving zodiac, also known as Sayana zodiac, and take the point of the vernal equinox as the initial degree of Aries.

It is estimated that in 285 AD both Zodiacs coincided. In 2008, Ayanamsha was 23°58′. To calculate the positions of planets in the Nirayana zodiac (Jyotish), you need to subtract the value of Ayanamsha from the corresponding values ​​of the coordinates of the planets according to the Sayana system (Western astrology).

In our Surya Siddhanta school we use the Sri Surya Siddhanta ayanamsa.

Vasily Rurikovich Tushkin: “In my experience, these settings more accurately show the beginning of periods and subperiods. Moreover, Surya Siddhanta does not show the position of the planets (Drik Siddhanta), which can be seen through a telescope, but the POSITION OF THE DEMIGODS of the planets, which cannot be seen through a telescope. And it is the demigods who give the planets their special character and energy.”

Hello dear connoisseurs of Vedic astrology. I inform you about the release new version 2.3 programs Jyotish calculator.

I am attaching a video to the announcement (at the end of the recording) shot in HD format, so at low resolution you will not see small parts, I recommend setting up video viewing for this format.

What's new in the program.

1) The concept of displaying maps has changed. Now cards are displayed using templates. You can customize the size, colors, line thickness, fonts and set of elements for displaying the map. You can use your own fonts and make the map look as convenient as possible for you.

2) The program works with templates of two styles - southern and northern. You can create your own from the default templates. I have prepared a separate manual in pdf format for the template editor. It comes with the program and is located in the Help folder.

3) The program elements are concentrated in 4 panels that can be turned on and off. To do this, an item has appeared in the main menu of the program Panels. For example, for astrology lessons you can display only one panel with one template card big size. Or if you are working on a netbook with a small screen, this will help you avoid constantly scrolling the program window.

4) The program now includes a special lag calculation and several fractional maps have been added.

5) The menu for cards has also been redesigned. Among the features, I will highlight methods for selecting map elements. You can mark planets, mark and highlight houses. Planets marked according to the conditions are outlined with a rectangular outline; the program allows you to mark planets in 3 layers, i.e. there can be up to three selection outlines. However, it will look acceptable on large templates. The marked houses are also outlined, and the highlighted houses are filled in with color.

Note: the bottom panel in the program has not yet been redesigned to use templates and is only available in one style.

To download the program you need to go to the page

The word Jyotisha, jyotish (from Sanskrit - jyotiṣa - “astronomy, astrology” from jyotis - “light, celestial body”) - Hinduism. Typically it is called Indian astrology or Vedic astrology.

Vedic Astrology

Science of Astrology called Hora-sastra; this name is obtained by combining two words - Aho and Ratri - from which the first and last letters are discarded. It talks about the results of good and bad deeds done by people in their past lives...

Vedic Horoscope

Vedic Astrology uses a system of planetary periods, in the BPHS there are 45 of them, the main one used is Vimshotarri.

A system is used to determine the strength and weakness of planets (Shadbala). In the Western system- APHETICS OF THE PLANETS of the system of astrologers S. Vronsky, S. Shestopalov, P. Krivoruchko, P. Globa, A. Ryzhova, Jan Kefera, Lilly...

A system of various planetary combinations (Yoga) is used. In Western astrology SPBAA - there are connections and combinations of houses -

There is a unique Jaimini astrology using karakas and 4 other systems of planetary periods - in fact, it is a set of methods from complete system Vedic astrology contained in the Brihat-Parashara-Hora-Shastra of Parashara.

Vedic Astrology uses means of correcting planetary influences (Upaya) - Mantras, Yantras, Yagya, and also uses a system of precious stones. In the northwestern- there is a discipline “Magic of talismans”.

They practice the system of astropalmistry.

There is a Muhurta system - calculating favorable periods for starting new things. In Western astrology- Horoscope of election.

There is a system Lunar astrology using nakshatras.

  • Ayanamsha (Ayanamsa)
  • Book Brihat-Parashara-Hora-Shastra - classic book Jyotisha in Vedic Astrology, volume 1, 2
  • Book "Mukhurta - Astrology of choosing a favorable time"
  • Book "Jataka-Bharnam" ("Jatak Bharanam")
  • Book "Predictive Vedic Astrology"

In India in the early 2000s, astrology became a subject political struggle between representatives of religion and the academic establishment. The University Grants Commission and the Ministry of Human Resource Development have decided to introduce a course in Vedic Astrology (jyotir vijñāna?) in Indian universities, backed by a decision of the Andhra Pradesh High Court, despite widespread protests from the Indian scientific community and Indian scientists working abroad , and a notice from the Supreme Court of India that this is a backward leap, undermining the scientific trust that the country has earned so far. Currently, a number of Indian universities offer degrees in Jyotish.

07/05/1978 when the Moon conjoined the Sun (new moon), Jupiter (Brihaspati) and Silence (Sirius) in the Sign of CANCER.
"Aham Brahmasmi" - I am Brahman - I am totality - I am the cosmos.
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Tags: Vedic astrology, calculate horoscope, books, Indian Jyotish, astrologers, Jyotish, Vedic horoscope, free download programs, natal chart, Jyotish horoscope online, Indian astrology, Vedas, Jyotish Navamsha

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Rising sign - Sagittarius

Sagittarius Rising is masculine and fire sign, symbolized by an archer. It indicates the active, direct and noble character of a person striving for a great goal or defending some good cause. Sagittarians are principled, they make good parents and teachers.

Usually these are healthy, cheerful, fair, serious and spiritual people, with an open soul, generous, working for the spiritual uplift of others. They have knowledge in the field of philosophy and have good foresight. They are modest, impulsive, enthusiastic, love to travel and hate hypocrisy.

Their appearance: full figure, happy smile, brown hair, long face, large nose and ears. Their behavior is restrained, consistent with generally accepted traditions, but at the same time they are enterprising. They make good businessmen and officials, since they strive for power, but do not allow dishonesty when using it. They are able to overcome the resistance of their opponents. People with Sagittarius ascendant can sacrifice themselves for the good of others, finding good fortune abroad, or far from the place where they were born.

People belonging to this sign will know the laws and scriptures, they can become good leaders and guides for people who are pure in heart. There are often quarrels in their families, and they sacrifice their love of convenience for the sake of working for the benefit of humanity. They have good self-control, but they lose their money. They are brave and virtuous, but suffer from the opposition of envious people. They are highly respected by scientists and noble people, live long, and their lives are pure.

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