What to do: the child studied well. I want my child to study better! What can parents do to help their child do well at school?

Every parent dreams of their child studying well and bringing home excellent grades. However, the truth of life is that these wishes do not always come true, and not everyone gets to hear the praise of teachers. In most cases, the reason for this is a simple reluctance to “gnaw the granite of science.” But not everyone knows that magic can help in such situations. To push your child towards knowledge, you can read a special spell for good study. As a result of this expedient intervention, everyone is happy - the child, the teachers, and the parents.

This allows you to make your child's own experience. Especially during puberty, she must be able to grow and find her way into herself. While some conflict is inevitable, too much of it disrupts the new adult level that builds up during adolescence.

Ultimately, we can only care for, love and support our children. Go, talk, make mistakes, they must make themselves. And see, the more naturally you let go, the more you have your own life and relationship with your partner.

The magical effect that spells have for studying pushes people to learn new disciplines. Such spells are very effective and act by awakening in a person a desire to study at school (or other educational institutions), and at home.

Magic spells for good study that help a child find “ mutual language” with science, there are several types. Their classification is based on the result that can be achieved if one or another spell is used. Conventionally, all magical texts aimed at improving studies can be divided into two types:

Is it serious to learn to read and write later? Waldorf pedagogy

How do you, as a mother or father, let go of your child? Share it with us because every idea and help can mean a smaller obstacle. If you want to know more about surrender, you will find more information there. Many parents are alarmed when their children do not learn to read or write quickly. And when school teachers say, “It looks like we have a problem here,” then anxiety can turn into family drama. But all this is really necessary. Rapid interviews with psychologists, tests, medical examinations and finally plans for strengthening or learning assistance are used.

  • Prayers for good luck. If such spells are used, the child will be able to successfully pass all exams and receive good grades while studying;
  • Conspiracies for good study. Rituals during which these texts are read help to entice the child to study. As a result, the child will be more attentive and concentrated in class, and will work hard on assignments at home.

Of course, a study conspiracy made by a person for himself will be considered the most effective. However, a child cannot always cope with this kind of ritual. And in some cases, he simply should not know about the ritual. In both the first and second cases, parents or relatives can help the baby. In this case, it is desirable that a female person perform the ritual to improve studies. A mother, godmother or grandmother will cope with this task perfectly.

Studying native language and arithmetic are, of course, the fundamental foundations of schooling. But, according to our current technocratic, bureaucratic and "cultural" culture, it increasingly demands a premature competence of "readability" in all life processes, literary training has acquired a disproportionate and unhealthy weight in the world of primary education.

Children vary greatly in their ability to learn to read. Learning to read is not a systematic technical procedure, but a process in which complex sensory and intellectual interactions occur. Thanks to modern medical research we are increasingly aware of the complexity of it all. Internationally renowned individuals in the field of neurosecretory research, such as Ernst Pöppel and Manfred Spitzer, are revealing to the world the reality that learning to read is something completely unnatural for their child. brain.

The result of the spell cast will become noticeable only after a couple of months. Therefore, after reading a spell for good luck in studies, or for the success of a child in the learning process, try not to read other magical prayers. Have patience and faith in your child's abilities.

Secondly, achieve significant results Your child will succeed in his studies if you fulfill the main condition. And it lies in the fact that before the ritual and after its implementation you cannot share with anyone about what you have done. As a rule, for conspiracies to work long time, complete confidentiality must be maintained.

This may explain, in many cases, the irrational aversions experienced by students, or even the disastrous early termination of a school outing. Throughout evolution, the human brain has developed structures that would, in principle, be ideal for learning to read. But this same brain makes an open statement of antipathy to the task of learning to read as a child! The process of reading can even block the ability to learn effortlessly and the pleasure of collecting and processing information. Thus, when we intend to help children with reading difficulties, we must already take into account these results of modern neurosecretory research.

Considering the basic recommendations, you can begin to choose the necessary prayer, based on what goal you are pursuing. Below we offer several options for rituals that will help your child easily explore new horizons.

The ability to absorb written information depends primarily on the ability to concentrate. Without this, everything that comes under your eyes from a reading point of view tends to remain vague and incomprehensible. Children who have not previously learned to concentrate show an almost automatic difficulty in learning to read in school.

There are no assessments or prerequisites in Waldorf education. preparatory work to learning in school, and initially writing is learned through a procedure involving many works of art: there are many drawing and painting exercises, oral activities and musical skills. Thus, children learn to write mainly from an artistic understanding of letters, and then move on to reading from letters. This process is primarily based on shape-making exercises, in which children learn to understand the nuances present in free-form or geometric shapes.

Ritual for concentration

In order for your child to study well and receive the highest grades, as well as praise from teachers, you should help him concentrate on learning. A special study spell will help with this.

To carry out the ceremony, you will need candles purchased in the church (three pieces). The ritual is best performed on a full moon or on a waxing moon. In the evening of the planned day, sit down at the table. Place the candles in front of you and light them. Say the words of prayer into the flame:

From this they will achieve autonomous creativity for such processes. The deep educational anthropology present in this procedure is the formation of senses, the later understanding of letter shapes and how to multiply them. What role does musicality play here? Waldorf pedagogy develops a very specific musical-vowel combination. When a child learns to feel his voice and appreciate his own timbre, he will be better prepared to understand at the right time his growth of the inner musicality of words.

At Waldorf school after children learn to draw isolated art forms letters, the ability to write intensively is carried out before reading the child’s own letter. In the case of children who are still unable to read at this stage, the process is made easier by writing exercises with texts that have previously been learned to vocalize by color. Reading unknown texts printed in books or magazines or electronic devices is directly left for later. If parents and teachers do not allow themselves to be offended or deceived by the child's apparent "retardation", reading and writing skills can easily be achieved by the end of the year without effort and without the use of artificial interventions.

“Holy flame, burn, flare up. Be swayed by my words. So that the servant of God (the name of the child) will go well in his studies, so that he will burn for science in the same way as these candles. Amen".

Ritual for good learning

It happens that a child cannot cope with his own anxiety and therefore fails to get good grades. This happens especially often before exams or other similar tests of knowledge. To help your child become more confident and get rid of anxiety, you can use the following spell for good luck in school.

Of course, there are always children who, even at the end of the year, still have not mastered the art of reading and who, in comparison with others, are also not good enough in writing. This is usually where the traditional education system starts labeling everything as a “serious and alarming deficiency.” For Waldorf pedagogy, late reading ability is actually much less severe than early reading ability. The reading procedure requires the use of intellectual energies. But if they are not yet present congenitally in the child, this effort should be avoided in the first seventh, otherwise increased care for mental activity weakens physical health and mental balance, which is the basis for further metamorphosis of mental abilities.

If a ritual is used to attract success in an exam, it is best to perform it the night before the event. In other situations, the text of the prayer can be read on a full moon or on a waxing moon. To carry out the ritual, you will need a textbook (notes) from which the child was prepared.

Having taken the necessary item in your hands, you need to read the words of the conspiracy above it. They sound like this:

Currently, there are many methods and exercises for teaching early reading. This is all based on a failed educational concept that states that future adult "capabilities" must be realized as soon as possible. The striking proverb “Little Cucumber Twists” demonstrates with folklore the presence of this error even in the highest echelon of the educational world.

Whenever a child is robbed of energies that are not yet innately present, his physical and mental constitution will tend to compensate for the loss of these energies by turning to other recesses of the soul. Because the modern science is beginning to confirm today that teaching reading skills early can have negative consequences for many children. Parents and educators remain blind to this reality because such consequences can only occur later in life, for example in the form of a predisposition to abstractions, which in turn may even explain the onset of sclerotic conditions.

“Let all the knowledge be fixed in the head of the servant of God (say the name of the offspring), so that he studies well and successfully. So that teachers would help and give high grades. It will be so from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

Having said the text of this prayer three times, place the enchanted object near your child’s head. The main thing is not to tell anyone about the ritual to bring good luck.

As Rudolf Steiner explained, the energies that were saved due to late learning to read may even turn out to be positive in the future. adult life. Numerous brilliant personalities around the world have in their biographies a history of late learning to read and difficulties with writing during the school period. In Waldorf education, don't try to "make the grass grow faster by pulling it." When faced with a child who shows deviations from the norm in terms of ability to read and write, the teacher's first concern is to understand the entire internal and external life of the child, both at school and at home.

Rite for easy learning

There is another popular study spell that helps a child grasp all knowledge almost “on the fly.” This spell is especially relevant for children who have recently crossed the threshold of school. To carry out such a ritual, you will need:

He will endeavor to discover objectively and intuitively what peculiarities or geniuses are latent in the child, for this is the way it is. In many cases, after school activities, artistic activities or healthy physical activity can be provided. The effects of these actions are, in many cases, immediately felt in the school.

For some educators and parents, these extracurricular activities may seem unnecessary, expensive, or presumptuous. But a more detailed observation of educational practices in Waldorf schools will demonstrate that the so-called "difficult children" always have something extremely individual, unique and original, something that needs to be expressed in some way, and this requires more attention from the side around you. The teacher will then strive, where possible, to provide the child with a protective space in his or her classroom and an adequate social atmosphere within the school community.

  • cup;
  • well water;
  • coals;
  • salt;

To ensure that your child masters disciplines without problems and easily perceives new knowledge, carefully prepare for the ritual. You need to pour water into a glass in advance. Then you need to mix salt into it one by one (three grains, which should be taken with your little finger and thumb), three coals (also taken with 2 fingers). After this, take a knife and draw a cross over the glass with its handle. At the same time say the magic words:

This is not easy to accomplish, since you usually have to fight with courage against prejudices, bitter habits and false scientific propositions loaded with pure utilitarianism and blindness to the essence of what a person is. But those who devote themselves to love, intensity and mutual understanding to such children will soon confirm that in the embryonic state they have extraordinary energies or specific abilities that will later be appreciated by society. They may demonstrate, for example, a greater capacity for compassion for others, an intuitive sensitivity to thoughts and feelings present in their environment, and excellent expressiveness in terms of imagination and fantasy.

“Thoughts are bright and fast, deeds are quick, the mind is strong! Wisdom, luck and cunning, mix like salt with ash and water. Get together and become a servant of God (the name of the child), so that he will shine in his studies, surprise his teachers, and delight his family. My word is firm, so be it! Amen"

After reading this spell for good study, the glass needs to be covered and put in a secret place. The container with the enchanted water should stand there for exactly 40 days. After this period, the water can be poured under young tree. As a rule, all conspiracies for studying begin to “work” after a couple of weeks.

Children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder do not always spontaneously or clearly develop literary skills or progress at the same rate as other children. Learning to read and write begins early in any child by understanding the concepts of literacy and phonology. The combination and sequence of events are logically represented in representative images to automate the Alphabetic Principle. Thanks to experience and interaction with environment and agents, each child will develop at his own pace, but within the normative period - the necessary skills for reading and writing.

We should not forget that when a child moves from kindergarten There is a period of adaptation to school that cannot be avoided. The time period of this period may vary, depending on the individual characteristics of the child. You can't demand from the first school days unprecedented success. The child is still, so to speak, looking around, getting used to the new environment, to children's team, meets the first teacher.

For reading and writing to occur, the child needs to consolidate the concepts of phonological correspondence, the alphabetic system, and phonology into distinct patterns that allow autonomy and fluency in both processes. Children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder do not always develop spontaneous or unexplained literary skills or develop them at the same rate as other children.

Some children, throughout their development, present problems with communication, language, sensory, repetitive and restrictive behavior, interests, difficulties in understanding abstractness, among others, which, although predictive, do not necessarily contribute to reading difficulties. Although verbal instructions and reader decoding are typically weak areas, visual supports are important features to add as additional means structured reading programs.

If in the kindergarten classes are still based mainly on game form, then school already requires greater responsibility and independence. There is no need to scold a child if something doesn’t work out for him, thereby you can completely discourage the desire and desire to study; nothing should be under attack in this matter. A first-grader, of course, should strive to ensure that everything works out, but without any nervousness or remarks: “Mom will kill me if I don’t succeed!” - it shouldn't be. There is no point in instilling in a child an aversion to learning; you must not intimidate him, otherwise you will not achieve any success.

Show genuine interest in educational process find your baby free time, sit through lessons with him, rejoice in his small victories, and don’t scold him too much for his failures. A lot in learning depends on how the child’s relationship with the teacher and the children in the class develops. Teach your child to respect the teacher, but do not rely on his unquestioning authority. A child should have his own opinion in any case.

You cannot discuss the teacher at home, in front of your child, even if you are dissatisfied with something, be sure that all this will be brought into the class, and your negativity towards the teacher will be taken over by the child himself and other children. If a misunderstanding arises, it is better to immediately go to the school principal than to sit at home and wash the bones of a teacher you don’t like.

Teach your child not to laugh at the mistakes of his classmates, to rejoice at their successes and always come to the rescue. Make up a conversation on the topic “friendship”, explain what real friends should be like, how you can behave and how not. Teach your child sincerity both in front of you and in front of other people, tell him that he can always come to you with any problem, you will always listen to him and help him solve it.

Do your homework during the day, don’t put it off until late in the evening. If classes start at 8–9 o’clock in the morning, then you need to go to bed no later than 9 o’clock in the evening so as not to doze off during class. Organize something convenient for your child workplace To do homework, from the first days teach him to be neat and orderly, do not clean up after him and pack his briefcase. This is not yours, but his direct responsibility.

Explain that studying at school is a serious matter, but do not intimidate the child with phrases: “If you study poorly, you will go to work as a janitor!” They will not bring anything positive. Your sincere interest and willingness to help are the main criterion for success. After all, what seeds are like shoots, ancient wisdom, still relevant today.

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