What are solar and lunar eclipses? Astrology of lovers in Life.

A lunar eclipse is a natural phenomenon during which the Moon enters the Earth's shadow. When a lunar eclipse occurs, the Moon, the Sun and the Earth should be located on the line at the same time. It turns out that the Moon is blocked from the Sun with the help of the Earth. This means that an eclipse is possible only during a full moon. At this time, you can see the Moon, which is completely or partially obscured from the Earth. It is possible to observe an eclipse from that part of our planet that is located above the horizon.

Partial lunar eclipse

The diameter of the Earth's shadow is 2.5 times greater than the lunar shadow, which is why the Earth's shadow covers the entire disk of the Moon. In a situation where this happens, the eclipse is total. If the Moon is partially immersed in the Earth's shadow, then such an eclipse is considered a partial eclipse.

In situations where the line of the Moon with the Sun and the Earth is far from ideal, it is possible that the eclipse phase will not occur. It is also possible that the earth's shadow will affect the edge of the lunar disk, it will be covered with penumbra.

The duration of the phases of any eclipse, partial or total, depends directly on the location of all 3 of the above-mentioned celestial bodies. The longest duration of a lunar eclipse can be 108 minutes. The brightness of the lunar disk during a total lunar eclipse also depends on the same reason. There are cases when the Moon is not visible at all, and it also happens that the Moon is so bright that observers do not even believe that a lunar eclipse has occurred.

The penumbra that exists around the Earth's shadow cone can partially obscure the Sun. When the Moon begins to pass this area, but has not entered the shadow, a penumbral eclipse occurs. The brightness of the Moon becomes less, but only slightly. Such a decrease in brightness cannot be seen with the naked eye; only instruments can detect it.

Even when the lunar eclipse is total, the Moon does not disappear at all, becoming dark red. There is an explanation for this: with the onset of a total eclipse, the rays of the Sun illuminate the Moon further. These rays shine tangentially on the earth's surface, are refracted, and then scattered in the earth's atmosphere.

The Earth's atmosphere is capable of absorbing short-wavelength spectral parts of blue and blue hues, but at the same time transmitting red ones without problems. They reach the lunar surface during an eclipse. This phenomenon has the same nature that is observed in the sun's rays coloring the western part of the sky in a soft pink color.

In order for an eclipse to occur, it does not matter whether it is lunar or solar, the Moon, the Sun, and the Earth must be on the same line. So, during a solar eclipse, the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, and it seems to hide the Sun from view, covering it. But during a lunar eclipse, the Moon is already covered by the shadow of the Earth, which is cast from the planet illuminated by the Sun.

There are total, partial and penumbral lunar eclipses. With a total lunar eclipse, the Moon is completely “closed” by the earth’s shadow, with a partial eclipse, the Moon is only half immersed in the shadow, while the maximum possible darkening is half of the Moon’s disk. And during a penumbral eclipse, the Moon passes only through the Earth's penumbra. Lunar eclipses occur only when the Moon is full. But the full moon occurs every month, however, for some reason we do not notice such frequent lunar eclipses. What is this connected with? But with this: in order for such a friendly company represented by the Sun, Moon and Earth to delight us with lunar eclipses every night with the participation of the full Moon, they must be “friends” in a completely different way. And this is what this “friendship” should look like: The Moon should rotate around the Earth in the same plane in which the Earth rotates around the Sun. But this does not happen, because the plane of the lunar orbit is slightly, very slightly, inclined relative to the plane of the Earth’s revolution around the Sun (in scientific terms, this plane is called the ecliptic plane). Thus, it turns out that an eclipse occurs only when the Moon is located near the nodes of its own orbit. The length of the lunar eclipse phase is determined by how close the eclipse is to the lunar node. So, the closer it is to it, the longer the phase will be. Since during an eclipse, the Moon is covered by the shadow of the Earth, then, logically, it should completely disappear from view. However, as we know, this never happens. And all because the earth’s atmosphere simply scatters the rays of the Sun, and they, in turn, fall on the Moon, darkened by the earth’s shadow. Most often, the darkened Moon has a reddish color. This is due to the fact that red and orange rays travel best through our planet's atmosphere.

This was a brief introduction to the basics of astronomy and lunar eclipses. But we still haven’t answered how often such a phenomenon as a lunar eclipse occurs. They answered more precisely, but illuminated some part of this phenomenon. That is, now we know that a lunar eclipse is possible only when the Moon is full. But it is still not clear how many times, for example, a year there are lunar eclipses? But even ancient astronomers calculated the frequency of lunar eclipses per year. So, they came up with such a concept as “saros”. Saros lasts exactly 18 years, 11 days and 8 hours. And during this time period, 43 solar and 28 lunar eclipses occur. Thus, at least two lunar eclipses are possible per year, sometimes the number of eclipses increases by one more, and there are also years without any eclipses at all. But this frequency of lunar eclipses is designed for the entire Earth. And if we consider individual areas of the globe, then their frequency will not be the same. In certain places, eclipses will be visible more often than in others.

In the end, I would like to note that both lunar and solar eclipses are the most beautiful phenomena that nature has given us. And this is a fairly common occurrence, but it may well seem to us that they happen no more often than once a decade, which is when the media reports to us about the next major eclipse.


As you know, the Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. In the earth's sky, it is the brightest object after the Sun. In its orbital movement, the Moon, at different periods of time, appears either between our planet and the Sun, or on the other side of the Earth. The Earth is constantly illuminated by the Sun and casts a cone-shaped shadow into outer space, the diameter of which at the minimum distance to the Moon is 2.5 times its diameter.

The plane of the Moon's orbit is located at an angle of about 5° to the plane of the ecliptic.
If we take into account the precession of the earth's axis and the plane of the lunar orbit and take into account the disturbances caused by the Sun and other planets of the solar system, it becomes clear that the movement of the Moon in its orbit changes periodically.

At some points in time, the Sun, Earth and Moon may be on the same or almost on the same line, and the Earth's shadow will partially or completely cover the Moon. This astronomical event is called a lunar eclipse. If the lunar disk is completely immersed in the region of the earth's shadow, a total lunar eclipse occurs. During partial immersion, a partial eclipse is observed. The total eclipse phase may not occur at all.

Even during a total eclipse, the lunar disk is visible in the sky. The moon is illuminated by the sun's rays passing tangentially to the earth's surface. The earth's atmosphere is most permeable to rays of the red-orange spectrum. Therefore, during an eclipse, the lunar disk becomes dark red and not so bright. There will be 2 total lunar eclipses in 2014 - April 15 and October 8. It is clear that an eclipse can only be observed in that part of the globe where the Moon is above the horizon at the time it passes through the shadow region. The maximum duration of a total lunar eclipse is 108 minutes.

During a partial eclipse, the earth's shadow covers only part of the lunar disk. From Earth, an observer will see a somewhat blurred boundary between the illuminated and shadowed parts of the Moon due to light scattering by the atmosphere. Shaded areas take on a reddish tint.

As you know, light rays are able to bend around obstacles. This phenomenon is called diffraction. Thus, around the cone of complete shadow in space there is a partially illuminated area - penumbra. Direct sunlight does not penetrate there. If the Moon passes through this area, a penumbral eclipse is observed. The brightness of its glow decreases slightly. As a rule, an eclipse cannot even be noticed without special instruments. Penumbral eclipses are of no interest to astronomers.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon (in its full moon phase) enters the cone of the shadow cast by the Earth. The diameter of the Earth's shadow spot at a distance of 363,000 km (the minimum distance of the Moon from the Earth) is about 2.5 times the diameter of the Moon, so the entire Moon may be obscured. A lunar eclipse can be observed over half of the Earth's territory (where the Moon is above the horizon at the time of the eclipse). The view of the shadowed Moon from any observation point is the same. The maximum theoretically possible duration of the total phase of a lunar eclipse is 108 minutes; such were, for example, lunar eclipses on August 13, 1859, July 16, 2000.

At each moment of the eclipse, the degree of coverage of the Moon's disk by the earth's shadow is expressed by the eclipse phase F. The magnitude of the phase is determined by the distance 0 from the center of the Moon to the center of the shadow. Astronomical calendars give the values ​​of Ф and 0 for different moments of the eclipse.

If the Moon falls into the total shadow of the Earth only partially, it is observed partial eclipse. With it, part of the Moon is dark, and part, even in its maximum phase, remains in partial shade and is illuminated by the sun's rays.

Around the cone of the Earth's shadow there is a penumbra - a region of space in which the Earth only partially obscures the Sun. If the Moon passes through the penumbra region, but does not enter the shadow, it occurs penumbral eclipse. With it, the brightness of the Moon decreases, but only slightly: such a decrease is almost imperceptible to the naked eye and is recorded only by instruments. Only when the Moon in a penumbral eclipse passes near the cone of total shadow can a slight darkening at one edge of the lunar disk be noticed in a clear sky.

An eclipsed Moon flickers in the sky above the Monument to the Savior of the World in San Salvador, El Salvador, December 21, 2010.

(Jose CABEZAS/AFP/Getty Images)

When a total eclipse occurs, the Moon takes on a reddish or brownish hue. The color of the eclipse depends on the state of the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere, since only the light passing through it illuminates the Moon during a total eclipse. If you compare photographs of total lunar eclipses from different years, you can easily see the difference in color. For example, the July 6, 1982 eclipse was reddish, while the January 20, 2000 eclipse was brownish. The Moon acquires these colors during eclipses due to the fact that the earth's atmosphere scatters red rays more, so you can never observe, say, a blue or green lunar eclipse. But total eclipses differ not only in color, but also in brightness. Yes, exactly, brightness, and there is a special scale for determining the brightness of a total eclipse, called the Danjon scale (in honor of the French astronomer Andre Danjon, 1890–1967).

The Danjon scale has 5 points. 0 - very dark eclipse (the Moon can barely be seen in the sky), 1 - dark gray eclipse (details are visible on the Moon), 2 - gray eclipse with a brown tint, 3 - light red-brown eclipse, 4 - very light copper-red eclipse (The moon is clearly visible, and all the main surface details are visible.)

If the plane of the lunar orbit lay in the plane of the ecliptic, then lunar (as well as solar) eclipses would occur monthly. But the Moon spends most of its time either above or below the plane of the Earth's orbit due to the fact that the plane of the lunar orbit has a five-degree inclination to the plane of the Earth's orbit. As a result, the Earth's natural satellite falls into its shadow only twice a year, that is, at a time when the nodes of the lunar orbit (the points of its intersection with the ecliptic plane) are on the Sun-Earth line. Then on a new moon there is a solar eclipse, and on a full moon there is a lunar eclipse.

At least two lunar eclipses occur every year, but due to the mismatch of the planes of the lunar and earth's orbits, their phases are different. Eclipses repeat in the same order every 6585⅓ days (or 18 years 11 days and ~8 hours - a period called saros); Knowing where and when a total lunar eclipse was observed, you can accurately determine the time of subsequent and previous eclipses that are clearly visible in this area. This cyclicality often helps to accurately date events described in historical records. The history of lunar eclipses goes back a long way. The first total lunar eclipse was recorded in ancient Chinese chronicles. Using calculations, it was possible to calculate that it happened on January 29, 1136 BC. e. Three more total lunar eclipses are recorded in the Almagest of Claudius Ptolemy (March 19, 721 BC, March 8 and September 1, 720 BC). History often describes lunar eclipses, which is very helpful in establishing the exact date of a particular historical event. For example, the commander of the Athenian army Nicias was frightened by the beginning of a total lunar eclipse, panic began in the army, which led to the death of the Athenians. Thanks to astronomical calculations, it was possible to establish that this happened on August 27, 413 BC. e.

In the Middle Ages, a total lunar eclipse did Christopher Columbus a great favor. His next expedition to the island of Jamaica found itself in a difficult situation, food and drinking water were running out, and people were in danger of starvation. Columbus's attempts to obtain food from the local Indians ended in vain. But Columbus knew that a total lunar eclipse was about to occur on March 1, 1504, and in the evening he warned the leaders of the tribes living on the island that he would steal the Moon from them if they did not deliver food and water to the ship. The Indians just laughed and left. But as soon as the eclipse began, the Indians were seized by indescribable horror. Food and water were immediately delivered, and the leaders on their knees begged Columbus to return the Moon to them. Columbus, naturally, could not “refuse” this request, and soon the Moon, to the delight of the Indians, shone in the sky again. As you can see, an ordinary astronomical phenomenon can be very useful, and knowledge of astronomy is simply necessary for travelers.

Observations of lunar eclipses can bring some scientific benefit, as they provide material for studying the structure of the earth's shadow and the state of the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere. Amateur observations of partial lunar eclipses come down to accurately recording the moments of contact, photographing, sketching and describing changes in the brightness of the Moon and lunar objects in the eclipsed part of the Moon. The moments of the lunar disk touching the earth's shadow and leaving it are recorded (with the greatest possible accuracy) by a clock calibrated using precise time signals. It is also necessary to note the contacts of the earth's shadow with large objects on the Moon. Observations can be made with the naked eye, binoculars or telescope. The accuracy of observations naturally increases when observing through a telescope. To register eclipse contacts, it is necessary to set the telescope to its maximum magnification and point it at the corresponding points of contact of the Moon’s disk with the earth’s shadow a few minutes before the predicted moment. All entries are recorded in a notebook (a journal of eclipse observations).

If an astronomy enthusiast has a photoexposure meter (a device that measures the brightness of an object), then it can be used to construct a graph of changes in the brightness of the lunar disk during the eclipse. To do this, you need to install the exposure meter so that its sensitive element is aimed exactly at the disk of the Moon. The readings from the device are taken every 2-5 minutes and recorded in the table in three columns: brightness measurement number, time and brightness of the Moon. At the end of the eclipse, using the table data, it will be possible to display a graph of changes in the brightness of the Moon during this astronomical phenomenon. Any camera that has an automatic exposure system with an exposure scale can be used as an exposure meter.

Photographing the phenomenon can be done with any camera that has a removable lens. When photographing an eclipse, the lens is removed from the camera, and the body of the device is adjusted to the eyepiece part of the telescope using an adapter. This will be shooting with ocular magnification. If the lens of your camera is not removable, then you can simply attach the camera to the telescope eyepiece, but the quality of such a picture will be worse. If your camera or video camera has the Zoom function, there is usually no need for additional magnifying tools, because The dimensions of the Moon at maximum magnification of such a camera are sufficient for filming.

However, the best image quality is obtained when photographing the Moon at the direct focus of the telescope. In such an optical system, the telescope lens automatically becomes a camera lens, only with a larger focal length.

On January 31, 2018, from 15:51 to 17:08 Moscow time, a total lunar eclipse will be observed almost throughout the entire territory of Russia, except for the western and southwestern regions. The moon will be in the Earth's shadow for about 77 minutes. In this case, the eclipse will coincide with a supermoon - this is the name for the periods when the natural satellite is closest to the Earth. Among other things, it will also be a “blue” Moon, that is, the second full moon falling in one calendar month (the first was on January 2). The coincidence of three events at once - a blue moon, a supermoon, an eclipse - is a rare occurrence; the last time this happened was in 1866.
Residents of Siberia and the Far East will be able to see all phases of this astronomical phenomenon. In Moscow, the “bloody” supermoon will rise above the horizon after 17:00. However, the cloudiness forecast for this day will prevent Muscovites and guests of the capital from seeing the final phase of the eclipse. The lunar eclipse will also be visible from Eastern Europe, East Africa, Asia, Australia, the Pacific and North America.

Lunar eclipses affect the human psyche, his consciousness, subconscious and emotional state. On the days of eclipses, people with a sensitive psyche or mental disorders may experience exacerbations of diseases and emotional breakdowns.

People with a stable psyche may have mood swings or come up with unrealistic/illusory ideas and fantasies, which can subsequently “lead in the wrong direction.”

All affairs, plans started during the days of eclipses will influence a person’s life for the next 18.5 years, i.e. have far-reaching consequences that even with great effort will be difficult to change! During lunar eclipses, these will be primarily psycho-emotional consequences.

During the days of lunar eclipses, you can successfully get rid of bad habits, negative thoughts and behavior patterns, and character traits that interfere with your life. During an eclipse, the Moon, darkened by the shadow of the Earth, has a special effect on the subconscious and programs are cast for 18.5 years; these programs can be both positive and destructive. Therefore, the future depends on how you spend the day of the eclipse.

Source http://akashy.ru


After reading this article, you will have something to think about during periods of solar and lunar eclipses.

Eclipses are the most powerful tools through which the Universe makes changes in our lives. It is very interesting to watch them, this spectacle is captivating and always has elements of a certain surprise. Some of them bring a lot of difficulties into our lives, while others, on the contrary, provide us with new opportunities and promise many gifts from Fate. Believe me, few events occurring in space can lead to such significant changes in your life. But let's first define two basic concepts. What are called solar and lunar eclipses, what do they represent. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon takes a position between the Sun and the Earth, thereby blocking the sunlight. A solar eclipse always occurs during new moon periods, and in astrology it is commonly said that it marks a new beginning. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the Moon and the Sun, preventing the Sun's rays from illuminating the Moon. Lunar eclipses always occur during periods of the full Moon and usually mark points of culmination or completion of some processes. They bring with them memories, dreams and emotions, and therefore have a huge potential charge.

An eclipse of the Sun will most likely entail some important events related to a significant man in your life (father, husband, boss or other key figure).

An eclipse of the Moon will entail events concerning a significant woman in your life (mother, wife or boss woman, for example). And although such events may not occur, if you observe, you will notice that, despite the exceptions, the above is a solid rule of thumb.

Solar eclipses work a little differently than lunar eclipses, they highlight the beginning - which is why they prove so exciting. In most cases, they entail some happy events in your life! (Sometimes a solar eclipse can occur after the completion of some process, but in any case, the emphasis will be on the beginning of events.) Changes can be either gradual or sudden. The surprise may come from the news of these changes or the timing of them. If a solar eclipse falls on your birthday or occurs within a few days, you will feel its effects throughout the following year. And by the time of your next birthday, the changes that have begun will be completely completed. Although most solar eclipses are almost always positive, if they form unfavorable aspects to other planets, their effects on you can be quite complex. Although not too often, it still happens sometimes. However, interpreting eclipses is different from other aspects of astrology because they work in many different ways.

It is worth keeping in mind that all eclipses that occur are ultimately aimed at your development and achieving the necessary maturity, which means that they, in any case, are on your side.

Eclipses always come in pairs, first on the new moon, and then, two weeks later, during the full moon, they occur every five and a half months in signs belonging to the same pair, for example Capricorn-Cancer or Leo-Aquarius. The period of each pair of signs lasts approximately 18 or 24 months before power passes to the next pair of signs, say from Cancer-Capricorn to Sagittarius-Gemini.

The events that follow an eclipse are more significant than those caused by a regular new moon or full moon. Figuratively speaking, the eclipse can be imagined as a New Moon or Full Moon that has swallowed steroids. The events caused by a sign often turn out to be more powerful, and sometimes among them there are those that are usually called fatal.

Now let's look at the main factors to keep in mind to understand how eclipses affect our lives so that we can meet them head-on so that they can no longer take us by surprise.


We cannot in any way predict how eclipses will appear on us.

They give us the significant jolt we need to quickly move from one level of development to another. They bring with them what we need for such a movement - a competitor, an opponent or critic, a benefactor, funding, or any other force through which we begin to think, decide, or change.

An eclipse always brings with it a precise message about what needs to be promoted and developed in our lives. They point out to us our weaknesses in certain circumstances, as well as information that helps us decide what exactly we want to do about it.

Eclipses work from the outside. What this means is that some external event that appears to have nothing to do with you and over which you have no control, nevertheless often acts in such a way that it directly affects your life for a long time. Moreover, this external event itself may be random and insignificant, it does not have to be large, but, one way or another, it has the most direct impact on your life, which can be called monumental.

Eclipses bring long-lasting news about important life events. For example, you can sell or buy a house, start a new business, or, on the contrary, close it. You may get a promotion or find a new promising client, gain fame or get fired. You may find yourself a new partner or get engaged. Or on the other hand, an eclipse may “eclipse” someone in yours, that is, you may get a divorce or separate from your partner.

Often during an eclipse, we begin to think about the transience of life and this makes us a little melancholic, even when there is good news. During an eclipse, you may find out that you are pregnant. Or receive news that the adoption process you've been working on for a long time is finally making significant progress. You may find a source of large income or, conversely, unexpectedly lose it. You may sign an important business agreement or withdraw from some agreement. You might undergo surgery or win a marathon that gets you on television. Finally, you can get a pet. Either way, it will be a significant life change.

Eclipses often change the status of a situation. While they reveal and point out your weaknesses, eclipses can also bring about positive changes, such as finding new love or getting an interview for an important position. Unexpected luck will contribute to a change in your status.

During an eclipse, you should pay special attention to your health. Especially if it occurs in close proximity to your birthday, in your sign, or 6 months away from your sign - that is, the opposite. If you need to consult a doctor or dentist, do so, and very soon you will feel just great.

During an eclipse, you may feel as if you are walking across a bridge to some unknown land and have no way of returning to the place from where you started. Indeed, after you begin your path to a new life situation - of your own free will or it will be done under duress - the “bridge” behind you will begin to collapse, cutting off your way back. At the same time, you not only cannot go back to the good old days, but you also don’t want to. The Universe requires you to gain new experiences, and not return to what has already been experienced, even if it was extremely reliable.

The ancients wrote that when you act under the influence of an eclipse, especially during a total lunar eclipse, your plan will never work out as intended. It is best if at this time you discuss other people's ideas rather than introducing your own, especially since you should not announce your intentions. It is better to wait until a more favorable moment, a few weeks later, when there will be less cosmic dust in the air and things will proceed more calmly. In addition, there is another important reason for such waiting - after the end of the eclipse, you will have more information you need. Follow this rule, listen to others and respond to what they say, but do not make or formulate your own suggestions. Before you begin to act, allow a certain amount of time to pass after the eclipse - at least one week. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to postpone things, so just do everything that depends on you in the given circumstances. Don't try to threaten to quit or end the relationship unless you really mean to. Otherwise, the situation may explode and work against you when your partner unexpectedly agrees with your decision. Remember that an eclipse is not the time to give ultimatums. Let's say you have to decide to change jobs. An eclipse is a good time to accept someone's offer, but an extremely bad time to quit your old job. If someone makes you an offer for a new job, you are not the one who initiated it, so you are safer. You can accept it, but do not perform any impulsive actions on your own. If you and your loved one are long overdue for an important conversation regarding your disagreements and mutual grievances, it is recommended to slow down a little and postpone it to a period a few weeks after the eclipse, when the atmosphere will be more rarefied. If you start to sort things out during an eclipse. the result may unpleasantly surprise you; you will get a completely different effect than you expected. Unfortunately, as practice shows, it is during lunar eclipses that, as a rule, it is not possible to avoid such conversations; moreover, they seem to arise by themselves, erupting like a geyser.

Eclipses affect our sense of time, changing it, compressing it and speeding it up. They bring with them events that you could expect to occur months or even years later. For example, a couple in a relationship might agree that marriage should be delayed until they have saved enough to make a down payment on a house. This is expected to happen in about two years. And so, during the eclipse, one of the partners in the couple receives a significant promotion and a chance to work in the London office. Therefore, the lovers deviate from their original plan and decide to get married immediately so that they can start their life together in London right away, immediately. Yes, under the influence of eclipses, the original schedules can change dramatically.

Additionally, if an eclipse affects one of your planets, you may feel as if the entire tape of your life has been put on fast forward. Events and activities that would normally take you up to three years are suddenly compressed into just six months. And you yourself can almost see how the arrows on the dial are spinning. With the help of eclipses, you can discover in yourself the ability to do things that you would never dare to start doing at any other time. But eclipses seem to tell you - yes, you CAN do it!

As an example, imagine that you are on vacation in an unfamiliar area. You want to ride a horse for a couple of hours. And since your friends preferred swimming, you decide to do it yourself, alone. Since you are not a very experienced rider, you ask the trainer to give you a calm horse. He offers you an option that is perfect for you in all respects, and also recommends a simple route that you should follow. However, he warns you that if you follow this route, you will have to overcome a low barrier on your way - after about five miles. The trainer calms you down and tells you that the horse is quite capable of making this small jump. You start moving, admire the landscapes opening before you and completely forget about the obstacle waiting for you ahead. And when it suddenly appears in front of you, you find yourself completely unprepared for it. You are overcome with panic, especially since the fence turns out to be slightly higher than you expected. If you knew exactly its height, you would most likely never choose this route. You simply could not imagine that you would have to go through such an ordeal. You experience conflicting feelings: on the one hand, you want to do it, but on the other hand, you are too scared (fear versus desire). Perhaps on your way to this fence you even try to stop the horse, however, he senses your hesitation, which sends him completely different signals. And before you know it, the horse takes a leap. The horse has been trained to jump, so it is absolutely calm and confident that it is you who are afraid, and not it. And before you are able to pull on the reins, to your horror and surprise, you already feel yourself flying through the air on her back and overcoming the fence. Much to your amazement, you land perfectly. Both you and the horse are fine, but you feel overwhelmed and try to count your own fingers to make sure you are still one. It all happened so quickly! You knew that you had to overcome this fence, but you were distracted by the landscapes and did not expect to see it in front of you so quickly (time compression during eclipses). You had no time to think. But now you feel like a fairly experienced rider, moreover, you are proud that you were able to do this - and you are absolutely rightly proud. This is a very important moment in your life. If you had time to think, most likely you would not decide to do it. But you reacted according to the circumstances - and achieved success.

Welcome to the eclipse effect. Although it does not manifest itself in all cases, eclipses do often show us our capabilities and advantages that we were not aware of and which surprise us a lot.

Try not to set ultimatums or start any grandiose undertakings during the period of eclipses, because events will not unfold at all as you expect. It's better to wait a few weeks and start acting only when the air contains less cosmic dust and electrically charged particles.

Respond to other people's messages and requests, but don't try to come up with your own ideas. In other words, during an eclipse, it is better to listen and respond according to circumstances, rather than making your own plans or projects.

If one of the eclipses falls on your birthday, then the year following it will be rich in events. There will definitely be significant changes in one area of ​​your life. This may apply to both your long-term plans and changes in your lifestyle.

If a lunar eclipse falls on your birthday, then in the coming year you can expect the completion of some ongoing events or the implementation of some of your plans.

Often, lunar eclipses bring changes to your home or your family. For example, you may move to a new place, your neighbors may change, you may have a child, or some other family change will occur.

If you have the Sun, Moon or other important planets affected by the eclipse in your natal chart, it may bring with it an unexpected change in the direction of your life path. To affect you, eclipses do not have to occur in your sign, it only needs to have an orbit of up to 10 degrees with important planets and asteroids in your natal chart. (Some astrologers use an orb up to five degrees, but in my experience you need to have a wider area of ​​influence). Eclipses form an arbitrary random angle, later move into a sign and make their way every five and a half months - that is, they do not move like planets, but in the opposite way. This is probably why the message about the next eclipse always seems so unexpected. And that's why out of a series of eclipses one or two affect you - but in different ways. They all end up in different corners. Summarizing the above, we can say that only one of the eclipses in a given pair of signs will be significant for you, while you may not even notice the others.

Eclipses in the same pair of signs are connected to each other by their themes, like pearls in one necklace. For example, if the January eclipse triggered some important event in your life, then the subsequent July eclipse will take things to a new level. Eclipses in one sign pair tend to intensely focus on one area of ​​your life. The Universe obviously understands that a too radical change at once may be beyond our capabilities. Therefore, eclipses give us time to digest these changes before adding new ones. Each subsequent eclipse helps us move one more step. New information arrives only with the next eclipse and only when you are ready for it.

To make it clearer, let's look at an example. Let's say a husband and wife have been married for a long time. And although the husband is constantly dissatisfied with something, the wife considers her marriage happy and stable. Meanwhile, this is infinitely far from the truth, because in fact the husband has a mistress. Eventually, during an eclipse, the husband quarrels with his wife and demands a divorce. Of course, this turns out to be a big shock for her, and she spends several weeks bursting into tears. The next couple of eclipses bring with them discussions about the division of property. During the next couple of eclipses, the house is sold. Within six months after this and during subsequent eclipses, divorce documents are drawn up and signed by both parties. By the time of the next eclipse, the husband has entered into a new marriage, and the wife has come to terms with her new life. Of course, she didn’t ask her, but now she knows the whole truth, and her relatives and friends have already managed to calm her down. Of course, no one wants to minimize the degree of grief of the abandoned woman and what both parties have to endure during the restructuring of their lives. Events are not always as dramatic and sad as in this example (at least, let's hope not for you) , however, I hope you get the idea.

If you take a close look at the events that eclipses bring into our lives, you will be amazed at how effectively they fulfill their mission of helping us live more productive, holistic, and ethical lives.

Eclipses are extremely effective in revealing someone's character or true motivations. Once you discover what is really going on, you will be better able to protect yourself. And even if this turned out to be very unpleasant and unsettled you, remember that the eclipse was just trying to help you. Often, a lunar eclipse causes a person to leave your life who, perhaps, you think you really need, but in reality, this is not the case. This happens because this person has already fulfilled his task in your life or because the situation developing with him turns out to be destructive for you, it has exhausted all its potential and can no longer support you. An eclipse is a signal for you that the time has come in order to move on. Often we ask why things had to end the way they did, but we don't get an answer. Unfortunately, everything in this life has its own cycle, be it work or relationships. Focus on the future, not the past, try to adapt to the changes that have occurred and strive to find out what will happen next, what will come into your life. Remember that the Universe cannot stand emptiness. Every time a vacuum forms somewhere, the Universe strives to fill it. Believe that this will happen to you, everything that you have lost will definitely be reimbursed to you. And, as a rule, the next stage turns out to be much better than the previous one.

Pay attention to any news or signals you receive near the date of the eclipse. Sometimes they can be frank and obvious, and sometimes such signals or news come in a veiled state, little by little, for example, you may find out some secret or accidentally hear some gossip. No matter how this information comes to you, take it very seriously because it can tell you exactly what changes to expect. Even if you do not like this information, you will have to accept it and treat it with all the necessary attention. Realize that you cannot control some events in your life, accept it, listen to what you have been told and move on. For example, if the person you love tells you that it's over between you, just accept it and move on with your life. Of course, this is not always easy, especially if the person is really dear to you. However, try to behave with dignity and do not humiliate yourself, do not beg him to continue the relationship.

Eclipses force us to acknowledge that something has changed, and most likely forever. During an eclipse, we realize that we cannot control everything in life. Accepting the finality of a certain relationship or situation can be very painful, but is part of the experience of life. If you are too sad, try not to get depressed, but spend more time with your dear and close people. Remember that eclipses contribute to our development, teaching us wisdom, maturity and a philosophical attitude towards life. Eclipses help clarify some issues related to the area of ​​your natal chart that they affect. Eclipses can be compared to giant lamps that shed the light of truth on conditions or opportunities that you have, but which you have until now, for some reason, ignored or not noticed at all. Eclipses also often serve as a catalyst to help you make some important life decisions. Without them, we would most likely continue in the same direction or with minimal changes. Under the influence of an eclipse, we can finally see the true essence of a person and understand his character. You may feel like you know someone very well, when suddenly, during an eclipse, you discover a side of them that you never knew existed before. It can be quite dark and frustrating at times.

Eclipses also have the potential to change your life prospects. It looks as if you have been looking for the missing piece of some puzzle for a long time. And so, during an eclipse, you unexpectedly find it, it just falls into your hands from heaven. As soon as you insert it into place, you get a clear and clear picture of what is happening and understand what exactly needs to be done. You are no longer wandering in the dark. Even if the eclipse does not directly affect you. you can notice its influence on what is happening around you - in your immediate environment or even in the rest of the world. Usually, during this period, the news media are simply overflowing with information. You may also hear about some important events taking place in the lives of people close to you - friends or relatives. In some cases, they may need your help, so try to block some free time into your schedule. You may feel overwhelmed with emotions, especially when it comes to a lunar eclipse, which, as we remember, happens during the full moon. Keep this in mind if you have to make any important decisions - under the influence of emotions they may turn out to be biased. It may be better to postpone them until a more opportune moment. In any case, try to wait at least a week. So, if someone makes you an offer that seems extremely tempting to you, take a closer look at it, think it over carefully and take time to think about it. If after a week or two you still like the offer, you can accept it. But don't give a definitive answer until you've checked all the facts. You may be required to respond quickly to information you receive. Try to maintain your sense of humor. As we have already said, set aside any free time in your regular schedule that you may need to respond to the news you receive in a timely manner. give them the closest attention. Try not to be surprised by anything and not to fall into a state of shock. Just react appropriately and go with the flow. Do not rush to assess the eclipse that has occurred - whether it is “bad” or “good” for you. Sometimes it may take several weeks to understand the real meaning of the events taking place. Remember that an eclipse always has its “second act.” Be patient - sometimes you will have to wait up to six months for more information, and sometimes even more. The picture will continue to change while you wait.

If you're missing something during an eclipse, it's probably because the Universe has something better planned for you. Try to approach what is happening with maximum objectivity. The message that the eclipse sends to you usually arrives within 4 days after its date, however, this does not always happen. Sometimes you can begin to feel the effects of an eclipse a full month before it (plus or minus 5 days), most often directly on the day of the eclipse (plus or minus 5 days) or a month after (plus or minus 5 days). It is also possible that you will feel the influence of what is happening six months later, when another planet connects to it. Remember that sometimes, under the influence of an eclipse, even heavy iron gates, which were previously tightly closed to you, open. Be optimistic. An eclipse can help you realize the most unattainable plans, provided that you yourself work hard on them. So again, be optimistic!

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