International Black Sea Day: interesting facts about the unique body of water. International Black Sea Day: history of the holiday

International Black Sea Day is celebrated annually on October 31. On this day in 1996 in Istanbul (Turkey), representatives of the governments of Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and Georgia signed a strategic action plan to save the Black Sea.

The need for such a document arose due to the danger of destruction of the unique natural complexes of the water area. At the same time, it was decided to make October 31 International Black Sea Day.

The Black Sea is an inland sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. The Bosphorus Strait connects with the Sea of ​​Marmara, then, through the Dardanelles, with the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. Kerch Strait connects with Sea of ​​Azov. From the north, the Crimean Peninsula cuts deep into the sea. The water border between Europe and Asia Minor runs along the surface of the Black Sea.

Area 422 thousand square kilometers (according to other sources - 436.4 thousand square kilometers). The greatest length of the sea from north to south is 580 kilometers. The greatest depth is 2210 meters, the average is 1240 meters.

The sea washes the shores of Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia.

The largest rivers flow into the Black Sea: Danube, Dnieper, Dniester, as well as smaller Mzymta, Psou, Bzyb, Rioni, Kodori, Inguri (in the east of the sea), Chorokh, Kyzyl-Irmak, Ashley-Irmak, Sakarya (in the south), Southern Bug (in the north).

The flora of the Black Sea includes 270 species of multicellular green, brown, and red bottom algae.

The fauna of the Black Sea is noticeably poorer than that of the Mediterranean Sea. The Black Sea is home to 2.5 thousand species of animals (of which 500 species are unicellular, 160 species of vertebrates - fish and mammals, 500 species of crustaceans, 200 species of mollusks, the rest are invertebrates different types), for comparison, in the Mediterranean there are about 9 thousand species.

A characteristic feature of the Black Sea is the complete (with the exception of a number of anaerobic bacteria) absence of life at depths above 150-200 meters due to the saturation of the deep layers of water with hydrogen sulfide.

The Black Sea is an important transport area, as well as one of the largest resort regions in Eurasia.

In addition, the Black Sea retains an important strategic and military significance. The main military bases of the Russian Black Sea Fleet are located in Sevastopol and Novorossiysk.

The Black Sea coast and the river basins flowing into it are areas with high anthropogenic impact, densely populated by people since ancient times. The ecological state of the Black Sea is generally unfavorable. Among the main factors that disturb the balance in the ecological system of the sea are:

- severe pollution of rivers flowing into the sea, especially with runoff from fields containing mineral fertilizers, especially nitrates and phosphates. This entails rapid growth of phytoplankton (sea bloom - intensive development of blue-green algae), a decrease in water transparency and the death of multicellular algae;

— water pollution with oil and oil products (the most polluted area is the western part of the sea, which accounts for the largest volume of tanker traffic, as well as port waters). This leads to the death of marine animals and air pollution due to the evaporation of oil and petroleum products from the surface of the water;

- pollution of sea waters with human waste - discharge of untreated or insufficiently treated Wastewater and so on.

— mass fishing and prohibited but still used bottom trawling, which destroys bottom biocenoses;

— change in the composition of flora and fauna water world under influence anthropogenic factors(including the displacement of indigenous species by exotic ones appearing as a result of human impact).

To protect the environment in the Black Sea area, the ACCOBAMS (Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantik Area) agreement was adopted in 1998, where one of the main issues is the conservation of cetaceans of the Black Sea.

The main international document regulating the protection of the Black Sea is the Convention for the Protection of the Black Sea from Pollution, signed by six Black Sea countries - Bulgaria, Georgia, Russia, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine in 1992 in Bucharest (Bucharest Convention). Also in June 1994, representatives of Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and the European Union signed the Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Danube River in Sofia (Bulgaria). As a result, the Black Sea Commission (Istanbul) and the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (Vienna) were created. These bodies perform the function of coordinating environmental programs implemented within the framework of the conventions.

Every year, as part of the celebration of International Black Sea Day, events are held aimed at preserving the unique ecosystem of the Black Sea, drawing attention to problems and finding ways to solve the most pressing of them. Environmental campaigns are held in all cities of the Black Sea coast and regional centers, round tables, competitions and other events aimed at developing public opinion to protect the sea, promote the education of the ecological culture of the population.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

On International Black Sea Day, which is celebrated on Friday, the Sochi 2014 organizing committee will take part in an action to clean up the beaches of Sochi.

International Black Sea Day is celebrated on October 31. On this day in 1996 in Istanbul (Turkey), representatives of the governments of Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and Georgia signed a strategic action plan to save the Black Sea. The need for such a document arose due to the danger of destruction of the unique natural complexes of the water area. At the same time, it was decided to make October 31 International Black Sea Day.

The Black Sea is an inland sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. The Bosphorus Strait connects with the Sea of ​​Marmara, then, through the Dardanelles, with the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. The Kerch Strait connects with the Sea of ​​Azov. From the north, the Crimean Peninsula cuts deep into the sea. The water border between Europe and Asia Minor runs along the surface of the Black Sea.

The sea washes the shores of Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia. On the northeastern coast of the Black Sea is the state of Abkhazia, which is not recognized by the majority of UN member countries.

The Black Sea is an important transport area, as well as one of the largest resort regions in Eurasia. In addition, the sea remains of strategic importance. The main military bases of the Russian Black Sea Fleet are located in Sevastopol and Novorossiysk.

The sea area is approximately 422,000 square km. The outline of the Black Sea resembles an oval with the longest axis about 1150 km. The greatest length of the sea from north to south is 580 km. The greatest depth is 2210 m, the average is 1240 m.

Characteristic feature The Black Sea is a complete (with the exception of a number of anaerobic bacteria) absence of life at depths above 150-200 m due to the saturation of the deep layers of water with hydrogen sulfide.

The Black Sea coast and the river basins flowing into it are areas with high anthropogenic impact, densely populated by people since ancient times. The ecological state of the Black Sea is generally unfavorable.

Among the main factors that disturb the balance in the ecological system of the sea are:

Severe pollution of rivers flowing into the sea, especially with runoff from fields containing mineral fertilizers, especially nitrates and phosphates. This entails rapid growth of phytoplankton (“blooming” of the sea - intensive development of blue-green algae), a decrease in water transparency and the death of multicellular algae.

Water pollution with oil and oil products (the most polluted areas are the western part of the sea, which accounts for the largest volume of tanker traffic, as well as port waters). This leads to the death of marine animals and air pollution due to the evaporation of oil and petroleum products from the surface of the water.

Pollution of sea waters with human waste - discharge of untreated or insufficiently treated wastewater, etc.

Massive fishing and prohibited but used bottom trawling, which destroys bottom biocenoses.

Changes in the composition of the flora and fauna of the aquatic world under the influence of anthropogenic factors (including the displacement of indigenous species by exotic ones appearing as a result of human impact). For example, according to experts from the Odessa branch of YugNIRO, in just one decade (from 1976 to 1987) the number of Black Sea bottlenose dolphins decreased from 56 thousand to seven thousand individuals.

To protect the environment in the Black Sea region, the ACCOBAMS agreement (“Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantik Area”) was adopted in 1998, where one of the main issues is the protection of dolphins and whales.

The main international document regulating the protection of the Black Sea is the Convention for the Protection of the Black Sea from Pollution, signed by six Black Sea countries - Bulgaria, Georgia, Russia, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine in 1992 in Bucharest (Bucharest Convention). Also in June 1994, representatives of Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and the European Union signed the Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Danube River in Sofia. As a result, the Black Sea Commission (Istanbul) and the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (Vienna) were created. These bodies perform the function of coordinating environmental programs implemented within the framework of the conventions.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Teachers Krasnodar region invite you to conduct an interactive environmental lesson “Gift to the Black Sea” for schoolchildren in grades 7-11. The start of the project is timed to coincide with International Day Black Sea, which is celebrated this year on October 31. The purpose of the lesson is to tell schoolchildren in exciting game formats about the value of the Black Sea, the main causes and consequences of marine pollution, as well as how to contribute to solving the garbage problem.

Teachers can conduct a lesson in their classes by downloading materials for the lesson for free on the website daychernogomorya.rf. No special preparation is required to conduct the lesson. After registering on the site, the teacher receives access to a set of materials, which includes Toolkit and video guide, animated presentation, handouts for game tasks. Parents and volunteers can also give lessons to children.

During the lesson, schoolchildren will learn about the causes of pollution of the Black Sea, the scale of the garbage problem and its consequences for marine life and humans. Students will also have an interactive task during which they will use brainstorming to learn how to express their active civil position and engage others in environmental issues.

One of the goals of the lesson is to involve schoolchildren and their families in the practice of separate waste collection, which contributes to solving the problem of garbage, which is one of the serious threats to the Black Sea today.

As part of the project, teachers and schoolchildren can take part in the “School Eco-Yard” competition and hold “Eco-Yard” holidays in their schools, aimed at developing separate collection and a culture of competent waste management. During the holiday, a mobile collection point for recyclable materials is organized, and all collected waste is sent for recycling. In addition, activities are carried out aimed at involving participants in the practice of separate collection and reducing the amount of waste produced.

The winning school of the competition in the Krasnodar region will receive containers for separate waste collection as a prize, and the teacher-organizer of the Eco-Dvor holiday will receive a personalized diploma.

“A Gift to the Black Sea” is the second lesson in the “Black Sea Day” series. The first lesson in the series was held in the fall of 2017. More than 3 thousand teachers from the Krasnodar Territory and other regions of Russia joined him. More than 16 thousand Russian schoolchildren took part in the lesson.

The project is organized by the Coca-Cola system in Russia together with the ERA Foundation and the ECA movement.

“My work to develop a responsible attitude towards environment We lead with partners who are experts in environmental education and dissemination of the principles of sustainable development. Developed jointly with the Era Foundation, the environmental lesson “Gift to the Black Sea” is an important tool for attracting attention younger generation on the issue of preserving the unique ecosystem of the Black Sea and the existing problem of separate collection and recycling of waste,”- notes Alexander Gorbachev, regional head of corporate social responsibility (Center-South region) Coca-Cola HBC Russia.

The Coca-Cola system in Russia has been implementing the Black Sea Day project since 2009. Every year, environmental campaigns, environmental festivals, interactive eco-lessons and round tables are held in the cities of the Krasnodar region, aimed at discussing issues of protecting the Black Sea, drawing attention to existing problems and finding ways to solve the most pressing of them.

Black Sea Day is celebrated all over the world on October 31st. More than 20 years ago, a meeting of representatives of countries bordering the Black Sea was held. On the same day, they signed a document indicating a plan of necessary actions in order to protect the Black Sea. This document sets out the structure of joint efforts of 6 states located off the coast of the Black Sea. It describes the future of the sea basin, which they strive for to this day.

History of the holiday International Black Sea Day

Interesting facts about the Black Sea

Many of us have swam in the Black Sea at least once in our lives. And today is just the day when you can slowly remember the warm waves of the Black Sea, humming a tune familiar from childhood.

International Black Sea Day is celebrated annually on October 31 in memory of the day in 1996 when six Black Sea countries - Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Russia and Ukraine - signed a Strategic Action Plan for the rehabilitation and protection of the Black Sea. It was then decided to establish today’s environmental holiday.

The plan was developed after comprehensive studies of the marine environment showed that its viability had deteriorated significantly compared to the previous three decades, and there was a risk of destruction of the unique natural complexes of the water area. His main goal was to attract the attention of the international community to the irreparable damage to the sea caused by overfishing, water pollution and global warming. The Black Sea is an inland sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean.

This is an important transport area and one of the largest resort regions in Eurasia. This region has been densely populated by humans since ancient times, so the Black Sea coast and the river basins flowing into it are areas with high anthropogenic impact. All this upsets the balance in the ecological system of the sea.

Traditions of the holiday International Black Sea Day

October 31st, will be held again public events, educational conferences, scientific meetings, round tables, video screenings, exhibitions, competitions and quizzes. After all, this is how it is customary to celebrate this significant day on the calendar. The scientific community never ignores this date; specialists and scientists always travel together with higher education students educational institutions and high school students in the Crimean region

Now the most important thing is to raise the public and pay attention to the problem of the sea of ​​ordinary citizens, form their opinion on helping to maintain order and cleanliness of the pool, and educate the general environmental culture of the population. Residents of the Black Sea coast actively participate in all events. Hundreds of different events are being held throughout cities aimed at protecting water spaces from the negative impact of human activities.

IN Lately Another tradition has emerged - holding environmental flash mobs. One of them has become the most popular - the “Feed the Sea with Stones” campaign. Dozens of young people go to sea to fill it natural stones, which are very useful for the biota of the water basin.

Another form is scientific and practical seminars where they discuss serious problems ecology of the Black Sea, ways to solve each of them separately. As a rule, well-known scientists, both Russian and foreign, participate in discussions. After all, the International Black Sea Day itself is celebrated in all countries participating in the Strategic Plan for the preservation and restoration of the marine ecology signed in 1996.

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Main issues addressed by International Black Sea Day

Among the most pressing problems of the Black Sea are the following:

1. Oil pollution (oil slicks are spreading more and more across the sea area, causing marine animals to die and poisonous fumes being released into the air).

2. Sea pollution by the waters of flowing rivers (rivers carry, firstly, household garbage, and secondly, fertilizers washed away from fields; fertilizers, in turn, provoke excessive growth of algae, the so-called sea bloom, which affects marine life).

3. Uncontrolled fishing (because of this, today, according to the European Environment Agency, 90% of all living organisms in the sea are jellyfish).

There are actually a lot of problems. Therefore, on International Black Sea Day, it is important, first of all, to remember how detrimentally humans impact the marine environment. And also think about what we can do to prevent his death. After all, the Black Sea is the cradle of hundreds of species of flora and fauna, as well as simply a pearl, which you and I have been entrusted with preserving.

1. The ancient Greek name of the sea is Pont Aksinsky (Greek Πόντος Ἄξενος), which means “Inhospitable Sea”. It is assumed that the sea was named so because of difficulties with navigation. Later, after the successful development of the shores by Greek colonists, the sea began to be called Pontus Euxine (Greek Πόντος Εὔξενος, “Hospitable Sea

2. A characteristic feature of the Black Sea is the complete (with the exception of some bacteria) absence of life at depths above 150–200 m. The fact is that the deep layers of the Black Sea are saturated with hydrogen sulfide.

International Black Sea Day is celebrated annually on October 31 in memory of the day in 1996 when six Black Sea countries - Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Russia and Ukraine - signed a Strategic Action Plan for the rehabilitation and protection of the Black Sea. It was then decided to establish today’s environmental holiday.

history of the holiday

The plan was developed after comprehensive studies of the marine environment showed that its viability had deteriorated significantly compared to the previous three decades, and there was a risk of destruction of the unique natural complexes of the water area. Its main goal was to attract the attention of the international community to the irreparable damage to the sea caused by overfishing, water pollution and global warming.

The Black Sea is an inland sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. This is an important transport area and one of the largest resort regions in Eurasia. This region has been densely populated by humans since ancient times, so the Black Sea coast and the river basins flowing into it are areas with high anthropogenic impact. All this upsets the balance in the ecological system of the sea.

On International Black Sea Day, the countries participating in this document host various events dedicated to the problems of the Black Sea and the preservation of its unique ecosystems - these are conferences, round tables, exhibitions, various video shows, competitions, quizzes, etc.

Their organizers and participants are leading scientists, specialists from higher educational institutions, research institutes, nature reserves of the Crimean region, students and everyone interested. And their main goal is to form public opinion in favor of the protection of the sea and to promote the education of an environmental culture among the population.

Some facts about the Black Sea

The greatest depth of the sea is 2210 meters, and the average is about 1240 meters.

- The Black Sea can be compared in shape to an oval, stretching from west to east, approximately 1,150 kilometers long. From north to south the sea extends for 580 kilometers.

The Black Sea washes the shores of Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia.

The largest rivers flow into the Black Sea: Danube, Dnieper, Dniester.

The flora of the sea includes 270 species of multicellular green, brown, and red bottom algae. Phytoplankton contains at least 600 species. The Black Sea is home to more than 2,500 species of animals.

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