A secret to the whole world. Ecological disaster in the Azov and Black Seas

Give me back my 2007- a nostalgic phrase about how different everything was 10 years ago. Attributed mainly to the emo subculture, which was in its heyday that year. But in a broad sense, the meme affects everyone who was between 13 and 18 years old in 2007.


It is generally accepted that the meme was started by Dmitry Medvedev. In November 2011, the then current president of Russia, at a meeting with journalists, said the phrase: “No one will ever return to 2007.” This was a comment that the course towards modernization in the country will continue and there will be no rollback.

All I can tell you is that no one will ever go back to 2007 because it's 2011. And we are all different. We understand the challenges facing the state and the economy. We all understand the challenges we face. And those processes that were started several years ago will continue in any case, no matter who is doing it. No one should have any doubt about this. Dmitry Medvedev

The phrase touched a nerve among many and everyone began to remember what 2007 was like. Most remembered the emo subculture. She was in her prime then. Many people noticed that a year before the 2008 crisis, these were quite glorious times. Mobile phones, not smartphones. ICQ, not VKontakte. Informals and rappers. Everything was different.

Over time, the phrase “Bring back my 2007” spread throughout the RuNet. It was mainly attributed to young people who that year were either emo themselves or were directly familiar with the subculture. Thus, a noticeable trigger in this regard was the song “September” by the emo group Stigmata. There are also some memes associated with it that pop up every year at the beginning of autumn.


In 2017, the meme acquired a symbolic character. 10 years have passed. Those who wore pink bangs and drank Blazers are now raising children. Technology has advanced greatly. The conflict between rockers and rappers has dissolved, moreover, rap has become main music all over the world. And yet, millions of people still remember 2007. For them, this is the era of reckless youth, the blossoming of subcultures. For some, it’s the time when a dollar cost 30 rubles.

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I read the comments, many write that if you were 11 years old in 2007, then, in fact, you won’t remember anything about it. In 2007, I was 10 years old and, despite this, it left a vivid mark on my memory; I am still nostalgic for those times. Now I’ll tell you about my memories associated with him (in the form of a story) and try to answer the question. In 2007, I first met my friend, who moved to live in my city, and so, at one of our first meetings with him, he comes out in a slipknot hoodie, where all the band members are depicted in the form of a drawing. Then, of course, I still didn’t know about the existence of this group, and I didn’t even understand that slipknot was a group (I also discovered the concept of a hoodie for the first time), I was interested purely in the drawing, and I began to ask him where he bought it , and what kind of devilry is this? He didn't really have much information himself, and he only bought this T-shirt with a print because it looked cool when he saw it (but at least he knew that it was a band). I painted the introduction so strongly on purpose, because this is where all the subsequent ones begin. bright events, associated with me since 2007. Naturally, I bought myself exactly the same robe, and then they went: chains, tokens, badges, posters, rings, etc.. Then it was commonplace, young people bought everything that was connected with their beloved group, everything that could be found. In the passages they sold posters with the top bands (grandmothers who knew nothing about the product), then there were still kiosks and even rock paraphernalia stores, where you could find from CDs to scarves with your band. People were really passionate about music and tried to find any information related to it, because only a few had the Internet, probably only the majors had players, and their favorite tracks were played from ordinary discs, which are now a thing of the past. It was then that I developed a musical preference and a favorite band, of which I am still a loyal fan. Every second youth representative wore robes, sweatshirts, breeches and sneakers. All the prints, which I had never seen before, were interesting; sometimes I missed a passerby to see the name of the group on his back. Amatory, Stigmata, Aria, Linkin Park, Cannibal Corpse, Korn, Tokio Hotel,... - were just everywhere. Many argued about whose group was better, cooler, those who were older looked at us, at our outfit, with contempt, advised us to listen to their groups, assured that ours was “bullshit”, and theirs were “classics”. But somehow the people were mostly calm, tolerant of all youth movements, because, I repeat, it was commonplace, now it’s even difficult to imagine that people will again begin to support that direction. I remember I bought Bravo special alternative magazines (they are no longer in print), tore out posters of my band from there, cut out information and photos with it and pasted them on the walls, on cabinets, on the doors of my room. And many did so. There was also the first alternative music channel A-one (now it has turned into some kind of hip-hop squalor) - that’s when I got hooked on it. They played clips with “selected meat” on it, advertised concerts and festivals and introduced them to the news of the rock industry, and also played advertisements with discs of new albums of groups. This was the only video source of information on alternative music. Back then, young people went in groups to various rock festivals almost every month (particularly rabid fans and more often, fortunately the ticket prices allowed), rather than watching performances on YouTube, they gathered at the apartment with friends, while their parents were at the dacha, inserting a disc into music Center and turned up the speakers full blast, not giving the neighbors peace, rather than quietly listening to VK while sitting with headphones on. In 2007, skateboards and bemics were in fashion. Few people really knew how to do tricks (because there was nowhere to get them from), but everyone tried to do something with them, jumping in courtyards, near schools, on theater squares, alleys, disturbing mothers with strollers and fighting with old people. If someone knew how to do something special, everyone asked to show them, to teach them. In general, there wasn’t much entertainment at home, so free time everyone was eager to go outside and meet friends. Back then, movie discs were sold in supermarkets; entire aisles were devoted to them, where they were divided into categories. Licensed discs were expensive, but the quality of the film was high, and only one film was recorded on the disc, while pirated discs cost pennies with the appropriate quality, were sold mainly in kiosks, and could contain from 1 to 12 films. If you had a “license”, and even a new one, you’re cool, and you can invite your friends over the weekend to watch it. In general, I remember that such visits to people’s viewings were popular and always left vivid impressions regardless of the quality of the film, because the atmosphere was more important, not the cinema. TV sets were valued accordingly. Back then, many still had bulky banduras, namely old televisions, which gradually became a thing of the past, and were replaced by thin “plasmas”, they were in fashion. And if you also had a strong diagonal, you are generally the king of the court. But basically everyone hung out on the street, in the entrances, because there was nothing to do at home and there was little that could be done to attract guests to their place. IN computer games I didn’t play, and few of my friends played, because there weren’t many of them either, and many simply had nothing to play with. I had a computer, but my father worked on it and, in principle, it belonged only to him. But there were computer clubs where you could come and play alone or with friends. I don’t remember exactly, but in my opinion the payment was hourly, it cost a penny (20-30 rubles, count as travel), in principle they agreed on any time of the game, and if there were not many people, then they were allowed to play for more than the paid time. As for the entrances: then teenagers loved to hang out there, mainly if they wanted to drink (they would gather in groups, sit on the steps with chips and seeds) or paint the walls, climb on the roofs, and just run around doing nothing. I can’t write anything special about cigarettes and booze, their prices, because... was still small and did not go into details. But the fact that all the booze was sold around the clock and on every corner - yes, and in the evening in the warm season, companies would gather on benches right at the entrances and make ferment - I remember that, then it was not so strict with this. About cell phones: they were push-button, many adults had them, but not all schoolchildren, and they were all of different brands, different models, different times of production (some might have a new product, while others might have my dad’s Siemens from ’99 ) and completely different price categories. I had a Sony Ericsson w700i, I remember buying it for 8 thousand, it was a very expensive phone for that time. Pictures, songs, videos - everything was transmitted via infrared, bluetooth (which not everyone had yet). If someone had something new on their phone, within a couple of days everyone in your class had it, and a week later, half the school had it. Regarding food: not many people ordered pizza home; as a rule, they went to a cafe; only a few knew what sets, rolls, sushi, ramen were; it was not common. Fast food restaurants were common. People learned all the news mainly from TV or from newspapers. You could only watch the TV program for the week in the newspaper (if you didn’t have the Internet). There weren’t many really cool foreign cars, and if bright new cars appeared, it was a topic for discussion (especially among schoolchildren). The domestic auto industry was much more common than it is now. As for everyday clothes: as such, there was no special fashion, and people were not worried about what to wear today; you could throw out the trash in slippers and go for a walk in them. Cool sneakers and tracksuits Only a few had them, there was no concept of swag, the girls dressed in what they considered fashionable for themselves, and did not copy each other’s style. In general, then everyone was somehow different from each other in terms of clothing. With money, everything was easier, because the prices were reasonable, and you didn’t hear your parents’ daily whining about the prices for utilities, food and things. Then you could play music through the speakers of your mobile phone or through portable speakers (they were in fashion) and listen to it this way anywhere, even on the bus (now it seems somehow strange, it causes inconvenience to others, but then everyone was calm about it ). Climbing onto the roof with the lady of your heart, turning on the track on your mobile and listening to it while standing together was romantic. In general, young people were much more active than now, more proactive, somehow no one knew about the concept of social anxiety and depression (unless, of course, you are an emo boy-girl). The people were not so spoiled. If there were cartoons on TV, they were watched both in junior and senior grades, because there was a shortage of them, and there was nothing shameful about it. There weren’t a ton of favorite TV series for every taste like there are now. At school, during recess, boys played chips instead of watching Dota streams. I don’t know much about registrations at that time (because I was in the 4th grade), but the fact that 14-17 year old schoolchildren were connoisseurs of whiskey and tequila was definitely not the case. 2007 is considered the era of emo, but honestly, I can’t say that this is exactly the case, in any case, in my city they were very rare. Mostly the subcultures were associated with heavy metal, emo boy-girls were a more exclusive phenomenon. Life then really was somehow simpler, more fun, and not because I was 10 years old, it was all about the atmosphere of that time, some kind of crazy energy that reeked from everywhere. The Internet had not yet become a part of life, the main thing was live communication, it was easier to surprise people with something new, unknown. And yes, at that time they still read, even teenagers, and even if it was some kind of science fiction or fiction, which they took because of the beautiful cover (personally, in my social circle, “very scary horror stories” by R.L. Stine were especially popular) , not classical or fiction, but still read it. 2007 was an amazing year, you felt free and happy! It seems that I wrote most of what I remember myself. Thanks to everyone who read all this to the end. I hope I told you something new in answer to the question.

The computer was not common? It also seems to me that this is not about the 2000s. Before 2007, many games were released that became classics that people still play today. I’ll even risk saying that most of the most “cult” ones came out before 2007.

Only the majors have players - also no. True, what else can you call a player: now a device on a AA battery with a memory of 128 MB makes it funny and sad. This was by no means a major thing and a rarity.

And by that time, video rental had long since begun to lose ground; torrents and dc++ appeared for those interested.

Listening to music from a mobile phone or speakers in transport, in my opinion, has always been not the norm. Especially these satanic howls and howls of yours! *grandmother mode*

People didn’t know depression - you got really excited in a fit of sentimentality. The fact that depression is not typical of 11-year-olds is true, but this does not mean that it was invented and came into fashion later and was rare before that.

Playing chips at recess is more like 1999-2000, but only in my opinion. It’s news to me that the fashion for chips lasted so long, cool.)

And the fact that people were supposedly not in front of the TV or computer all the time, but on the street - this is just some kind of favorite Soviet saying, this line is certainly far from being in 2007. And “they were still reading books” made me laugh.

Just don't take my nitpicking as harsh criticism; perhaps it's just a view from a different perspective, from a different place or age. It all seems closer to 2003-2005 to me. I didn’t put a downvote, I agree with a lot of things, I just wrote in the comments only what doesn’t fit into my ideas.



33 years

A skateboard, striped stockings and a pink streak in her hair are the attributes of this Canadian singer. In 2007, Avril supported the rebellious spirit of teenagers, and her songs about unrequited love were listened to by the entire girl half of the world.

Avril's work influenced many musicians. The group Paramore, for example, admitted that it was Lavigne’s music and hard rock that contributed to the emergence of their own style.

As the years passed, Avril turned from a teenager into a feminine beauty, began wearing heels and appearing on the covers of glossy magazines.


" I do not regret anything. You see, ties, alcoholic T-shirts and the like... All this was in time and place. And now I’ve matured and outgrown it,” Lavigne said.

In February 2012, Avril began an affair with Chad Kroeger, lead singer of the band Nickelback, and in the summer of 2013 the couple got married. The marriage did not last long: on September 2, 2015, Avril announced that she had separated from her husband.

In 2014, it became known about the singer’s serious illness. She developed Lyme disease from the tick bite, which causes fever, headache, fatigue and a characteristic skin rash. Avril did not get out of bed for more than six months. I had to forget about the scene. IN last interview Billboard the singer announced that she is successfully recovering.

Paris Hilton

36 years

Only the lazy ones 10 years ago did not hear about the adventures of the hooligan heiress. All the it-girls of that time wanted to look like a socialite and bought Chihuahuas and pink sheepskin coats. The paparazzi followed Paris's every move, hoping to get a shot of the drunken Hilton.

After the release of the reality show, Hilton dabbled in music, cinema, and a modeling career, but they only laughed at the blonde. Working for the heiress was clearly worse than hanging out. Paris's fame began to fade, and now her name only occasionally appears in chronicles in connection with new novels.

Tokio Hotel

And don’t say that you didn’t listen to Monsoon on repeat and didn’t secretly dream of getting the dark-haired handsome Bill Kaulitz.

This German group either they loved or hated, but no one remained indifferent. At their concerts there was deadly chaos: everyone dreamed of getting into the front row in order to be closer to their idol. Fans watched over the musicians, and once even broke down the doors of the Kaulitz brothers' house. As a result, they were forced to leave their native Germany and move to Los Angeles.

This was probably the point of no return. Since then, the group disappeared from the radar for almost 5 years. When they returned, the guys radically changed their style and began playing electro-pop. Bill stopped wearing makeup, painted his nails, dyed his hair blond and released solo album I Am Not Ok (“I’m not okay”).

50 Cent

42 years

It seems that the Candy shop track was on everyone's ringtone. Rapper 50 Cent was at the height of his popularity in 2007 and was considered the richest rap artist after Jay-Z, according to Forbes, with a net worth of $150 million.

What happened and why have we heard nothing about it now?

In 2015, 50 Cent declared bankruptcy. “Fifty Dollars” reported that his debts range from $36 million to $50 million. Some media considered this move a thoughtful decision, and the court recently closed the musician’s financial insolvency case, not declaring him bankrupt after he paid off the debts. The lawsuit distracted 50 Cent from music for a long time.


34 years

“Do you know”, “Tenderness”, “Letting Go” - this list of hits can be continued endlessly, because all of MakSim’s songs were incredibly popular.

Success came to Marina Abrosimova in 2006, when her first album, “Difficult Age,” sold one and a half million copies.

But now Marina appears less and less in public and releases songs. The artist alone is raising two daughters: eight-year-old Alexandra from her first marriage to sound engineer Alexei Logovtsov, and two-year-old Maria, whom the artist gave birth to from her former lover, businessman Anton Petrov.

“I calmed down, breathed out and came to the conclusion that 12 concerts a month is the limit. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday - tours. The rest of the time I’m with the children,” says the singer.

The Pussycat Dolls

They danced to their songs at school discos, imitating the group members.

Incredible popular girls became after the release of the single Buttons. They traveled on Christina Aguilera and Rihanna's tours. However, in 2010 the group announced its breakup. Lead singer Nicole Scherzinger explained it this way: “Our time has passed. Some girls left the group, I couldn't do anything. I wouldn’t want to be in a group with any other girls, because we were like one family.”

Each of the participants tried to build a solo career, but only Nicole succeeded.

In 2015, there were rumors about a reunion of the team, but it never came to fruition. Whether the Pussycat Dolls will return is anyone's guess.

"Band" Eros

Columbia Pictures has no idea why the group that made noise in 2007 is now unheard of.

What animal's year is 2007 according to the horoscope? All people born during this period were born under the sign of the Pig. It's good old fashioned. She is helpful, gallant and extremely scrupulous. You can trust this person with anything. He will never betray or reveal to another the secret entrusted to him.

general characteristics

The pig is honest. She hates any kind of fraud. She will not lie even for a great purpose. 2007 gave the world gullible people. They do not see evil and betrayal in others. The pig is naive and defenseless. However, she is not so weak as she is peaceful.


2007 is the Year of the Pig? At this time, people are born under the sign of the red fiery Pig. She is friendly and smart. Despite his gentle character, the Pig does not have many friends. But those whom she once called a friend, she keeps and protects all her life. For the sake of loved one she is capable of great sacrifices. She will wake up in the middle of the night for a friend and give everything she has. The Pig is very attentive to everyone around him, no matter how much she likes them. She will never ask a question that might confuse her interlocutor. It's a pleasure to talk to her. The Pig will always listen, console and, if necessary, give advice.

Pig Woman

What animal's year is 2007 according to the horoscope? This question is worth asking yourself to the future husband of a girl born during this period. This woman loves attention and gifts. It is very important for her to be valued and respected. She loves to organize holidays and has succeeded a lot in this. The pig is an excellent housewife. Her home is always clean and tidy. She knows how to receive guests. Friends and relatives enjoy visiting her home. This woman has a lively and cheerful character. She does not like arguments and conflicts. The Pig will not object to someone's opinion and would rather pretend that he agrees, even if this is not the case at all. She is not litigious and will do anything to avoid being involved in a conflict. For the same reason, the Pig rarely defends its point of view, even if it is completely sure that it is right.

This woman is honest and impulsive. Many people use it positive qualities to please yourself. As a rule, she loses to those who are less scrupulous. Men are easy with her. However, you should not put too much pressure on her and take advantage of her kindness. The pig may get tired of this, and then she will leave quickly and silently.


2007 is the year of which animal? The Red Fire Pig is hardworking and conscientious. Almost all professions are subject to her. Whatever she chooses, she can do everything. The Pig makes every possible effort to master his chosen profession. She will study dozens of books and scientific works and will become the best in her business.

Her employer will never regret choosing the employee. Thanks to natural sensitivity and intuition, the Pig can achieve great success in literature, poetry and other forms of art.

Character traits

If you think about whether 2007 is the year of the Pig, then the answer is - fiery.

The fiery red sign carries not only positive meaning. For a happy and long life, the Pig needs to be extremely careful. Folk wisdom says that “the pig is well fed to be eaten on holidays.” People of this sign should not trust others too much. Otherwise, it may be used and thrown away when it is no longer needed. On the material side, these people will always find means of subsistence. They always have money and at least some kind of work. They get all this without much effort. Throughout his life, the Pig receives help from friends, colleagues and loved ones. This helps her achieve great success.

Love and family

Those who will be looking for their soulmate should definitely know which year 2007 is the year of which animal. The pig is charming and gentle. She is loved and praised. However, she often remains deceived. She is not easily disappointed. The pig will trust his loved one until the last moment.

Women of this sign are caring mothers. They are in their children. They are always supported and protected in everything. But you should not try to offend her child. In this case, you will not be happy. The Cat is more suitable for marriage than others. They are similar in character and strive for harmony. The cunning Snake, on the other hand, should be avoided. The pig will easily fall into the placed nets and will depend on the partner. The snake will easily fool her and lead her astray.


The year of which animal according to the horoscope is 2007 and what does it mean? 2007 is the year of the Pig. She's an excellent player. She has a competitive spirit, which she rarely shows off. She is not confident in herself. Many questions are often asked, for example, is she right, is this what should be done in this or that situation? This is an incredibly sincere person. Her statements and actions are so honest and open that they can disarm anyone. You can only hear a lie from a Pig as a last resort. She is very smart, but sometimes there is a noticeable lack of dexterity. However, over the years it will come life experience, which will correct this circumstance. The Pig sees only the good in people. She can’t even imagine that her loved ones might wish her harm or deceive her. She wants to believe that everyone is just like herself. Often this attitude towards people becomes a reason for disappointment. It is almost impossible for someone she no longer believes in to return to her circle of friends.


The year 2007 (who it is, we have already found out), like any year passing under this sign, is favorable for all those striving for knowledge, receiving education or simply working. After all, the Pig herself is educated, well-read and hardworking. At first glance, you might think that she knows everything about everything. However, in reality this will not be entirely true. The pig has fragmentary knowledge of various issues. But they are enough for her happy life. In the Year of the Pig, people should be more down-to-earth and think about the material side of life. It would be a good idea to invest in real estate or think about building your own home. Under the auspices of the Pig, such plans will be doomed to success. But do not forget that for this you will need to work and make every possible effort.

Inner strength

2007 - what year according to the horoscope? It was the year of the Red Fire Pig. Under this sign people are born with enormous inner strength. They are complacent in appearance, but have great will and love of power. They are ambitious and have a goal in life. For the sake of latest Pig will not spare any effort or time. She will go to her long and persistently, and as a result she will achieve her goal. No one can lead the Pig astray or resist it. If she has decided something, she will stand her ground. But don’t rush to contradict her.

People of this sign think carefully and for a long time about all their actions. Those around you should listen to them.

In the professional sphere, it is better for the Pig to avoid the Snake. The latter can wrap itself around her so that she does not move and cannot do anything. The Goat, who will constantly abuse the kindness of the Pig, will not become a good comrade.

How the life of a Pig seems to change

If you are wondering what animal year is 2007 according to the horoscope and how this will affect a person, then carefully read the following. The first phase in the life of the Pig will be calm and serene. She will experience all the joys of childhood and adolescence and will be able to avoid most of the troubles associated with adolescence. In the second phase, problems may arise in marital life. Most often, the husband takes advantage of her kindness, and the Pig tolerates it. If she can force herself to be respected, she will find happiness. In adulthood, most problems will be resolved, and the Pig will have a calm old age.

Each of us wants to return to the past. Often this desire arises in the fourth decade of life, when most people experience the so-called “mid-life crisis” period. A time when carefree youth was in full swing, all roads were open and the brightest fantasies about your future were in your head. But some dates especially stand out from the rest: 1945, 1961, 1980, 1991, 1998. Today we’ll talk about why everyone wants to go back to 2007?

The rise of the Emo subculture

2007 is considered the peak of popularity emo subculture in Russia, and the already matured fans of this movement want to return this time. Unlike the West, in our country teenagers from wealthy families became adherents of emo and stood out among representatives of other subcultures for their peacefulness and fight for justice:

  • Positive. Despite the imperfection of the world, they always have a positive attitude towards life.
  • healthy lifestyle. Consciously refuse alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Preach healthy image life.
  • Liberty. They often rebel against excessive parental care and strive for personal freedom.
  • Justice. They condemn any form of human discrimination: religion, phobias, racism.
  • Relationship. Always truthful and honest relationships with themselves and with the people around them.

Entering adult life, it is the former emos who remember their 16 years and are nostalgic for this period.

Economic crisis in 2007

The prosperous and “well-fed” year of 2007 precedes the crisis year in Russia in 2008. The US became the birthplace of instability, and everyone felt the financial consequences the developed countries peace. Russia is on this list was no exception. The main causes of the economic crisis:

  1. World cyclicality economic development , which says - sooner or later, times of prosperity alternate with periods of decline.
  2. Artificially high mortgage rates(loans) - it is impossible to constantly live “in debt”. In particular, the world's largest investment bank, Bear Stearns, collapsed, after which a chain reaction of crisis began throughout the world.
  3. High prices for raw materials, including oil - all this, from year to year, slowly slowed down the development of the economies of many industrialized countries.

What we had at the beginning of 2008: strengthening of the ruble, record GDP growth (more than 8%), a high and constantly growing standard of living.

And that's all collapsed. All hopes for the country's economic growth and confidence in the future have collapsed. This is why many people remember the successful 2007 and want to return it.

Change of President

After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian economy for a long time was in poor condition. Decline of industry, unemployment, high level inflation and corruption are the main reasons that hampered the country's development. Everything changed dramatically during the first two terms of Vladimir Putin’s presidency (2000-2008), and 2007 was the “full” year of his reign. Key achievements:

  1. Fight against corruption. All companies that were transferred to the oligarchs during the “turbulent 90s” returned to state control. And this is a significant increase in the replenishment of the state budget.
  2. Food breakthrough. The constant growth in agricultural output has saturated the domestic market and helped to stop buying low-quality Western-made products.
  3. Standard of living. increased significantly wages and, subsequently, the standard of living. Demographic situation: the life expectancy of a Russian has increased by 6 years, and since 2004 the percentage of deaths has been decreasing.
  4. Development. Everything that was robbed and destroyed in the 90s began to be restored. Dozens of factories and other large industrial enterprises were built.

Ruslan Tushenkov and CrazyMegaHell

Perhaps this phrase became popular thanks to Ruslan Tushenkov, who posted the song “ Give me back my 2007!” (video at the end of the article).

The text of this piece of music, is filled with nostalgia not only for the order of life at that time, but also for the objects that characterized 2007: the fruity alcoholic drink “Blaizer”, the Snickers chocolate bar, computer clubs, etc.

The most important thing that Ruslan remembers is your past youth, which can no longer be returned. Apparently he is not the only one who remembers those times, otherwise there is no way to explain the popularity of the video on the Internet (millions of views) and the emergence of the performer’s fan clubs.

The most important events that happened in 2007

  • The Russian deep-sea vehicle Mir has reached the lowest point of the Arctic Ocean floor.
  • The Russian men's basketball team becomes the European champion.
  • The last part of the Harry Potter book is being published in Russian.
  • The Zenit football club wins the Russian football championship for the first time.
  • Viktor Zubkov becomes Prime Minister of Russia.
  • Russians Dmitry Tursunov and Nadezhda Petrova win the Hopman Tennis Cup.
  • The Ice Hockey World Championships were held in Moscow, and the Bandy World Championships were held in Kemerovo.

We tried to collect the main reasons that answer the question that is often encountered on the Internet - why does everyone want to return to 2007. Any intermediate period in the development of both a country and an individual ends sooner or later, and with it the main features disappear into oblivion of one era or another.

What has passed cannot be returned, and therefore you need to raise your head higher and strive to reach new heights in life.

Video: “Give me back my 2007”

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