The meteorologist confessed her love for quivering heucheras. Who is Irina Polyakova? Biography, how old, personal life? Who does the public like more - women or men?

Irina Polyakova is a charming presenter and chief editor of the TV show “Weather Forecast” on the NTV channel.


Irina Polyakova is a native Muscovite, born on March 9, 1961. Ira’s dad worked as a military engineer and from childhood taught his daughter to be disciplined and always achieve her goal.

This upbringing benefited the girl - she graduated from school with a gold medal and successfully passed the entrance exams to the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University.

At school, Ira was given all subjects with ease, but she especially liked geography lessons. In her senior year, the girl’s father suggested that Polyakova enter the Institute of Steel and Alloys.

The girl did not contradict her father and even took preparatory courses at this institute. But chance helped her decide to enter the Faculty of Geography.

Two weeks before the entrance exams, my aunt came to stay with my parents. Having learned where the girl was going to enroll, the relative was stunned and said that this was not a woman’s profession.

Her aunt advised Polyakova to try to enter the geography department of the prestigious Moscow State University. The advice of a relative made the girl think, and she soon followed it.

Working on television

After graduating from Moscow State University with honors, Irina Polyakova decided to continue her studies and entered graduate school at the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, which she never completed.

Irina made her debut on television in the weather forecast as part of the program “ Good morning", which was broadcast on Channel One.

As the presenter says, the work was not easy - she drew the map herself and switched the camera to different angles.

In 1998, the young presenter was invited to the Meteo-TV channel. According to Irina, the first releases of the news forecast were far from ideal - the newly minted presenter often stammered out of excitement, and the release was recorded several times.

But gradually she began to develop professionally, and already in 2002 Irina became the chief editor of the channel.

In 2006, Irina became editor-in-chief of the weather channel on famous TV channel MTV+.

Personal life

Little is known about Irina’s personal life. Polyakova does not tell the press about her husband and does not even reveal his last name.

It is known that the presenter has a daughter, Vera. According to Polyakova, the birth of her daughter became turning point in her life.

With daughter

Despite her strict character, the TV presenter spoils her daughter. Irina's parents were strict and did not allow the girl much. Therefore, Polyakova raises Vera without forbidding her anything.


Irina is a versatile person. TV presenter leads active image life. IN free time the woman skates and skis and also likes to participate in team sports.

Also in the interview, the TV presenter admitted that she is fond of Latin American dances and landscape design.

Irina Polyakova – presenter of weather forecast for Russian television, runs an agency for organizing holidays, and has a daughter, Vera.

In 1961, on March 9, Irina Polyakova was born in Moscow. The father of the future presenter worked as a military engineer. Discipline in the family came first. The main goal parents began to teach their daughter to go towards the intended goal and achieve what she wanted. Strict authoritarian upbringing was not in vain. On graduation party At school, Irina was awarded a gold medal.

IN educational institution many subjects were easy for the girl, but Polyakova’s love awoke only for geography. Despite this, the TV presenter decided, at the insistence of her father, to enter the Institute of Steel and Alloys, and for several months she actively prepared for the entrance exams.

But fate made adjustments to Irina’s education. Shortly before the crucial moment, an aunt came to visit the Polyakovs. And the woman was horrified when she learned about the future presenter’s intentions to enter the Institute of Steel and Alloys. Aunt sincerely believed that the specialty was not one of the women's professions. A relative recommended that Irina try her hand at the Faculty of Geography at Moscow State University.

But, if the girl was not afraid for mathematics and physics, then problems could arise with the main subject - geography. Irina received a ticket consisting of two questions. With the first one animal world Australia did it easily, but the second topic caused problems. The girl sincerely thought that the exam had failed, but the chairman admissions committee encouraged Polyakova with a story about a frog that ended up in a jug of milk.

The knowledge about marsupials on the Australian continent delighted the examination committee, so the second question was left unanswered. Polyakova received the coveted “four”. In parting, the chairman called Irina “a good frog.” So the girl became a student at the Faculty of Geography at Moscow State University.

Journalism and television

The professional stage of Irina Polyakova’s biography began at the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, where the girl underwent graduate school. But she never managed to get a diploma as a TV presenter. Soon Irina is invited to present a weather forecast on Channel One in the Good Morning program. The work was difficult for Polyakova. The girl had to draw a map, and then independently switch the camera to shoot from different angles.

In 1998, the still aspiring presenter was invited to work on the Meteo-TV channel. The first programs, according to Irina, were very funny and not at all ideal. Because of the excitement and responsibility that fell on the shoulders of the young Polyakova, the girl constantly stammered and forgot details. Because of this, the team had to record episodes several times.

Professional development turned out to be rapid. After 4 years, Irina was promoted to the position of chief editor of the channel. This event was unexpected, but pleasant for Polyakova. And in 2006, the TV presenter was offered the position of editor of the weather channel on MTV+. Among Irina’s places of work was the NTV channel, where the woman was also involved in weather forecasting in different parts of our country.

Personal life

Irina Polyakova is a happy mother and wife. The woman tries not to talk about her personal life. But sometimes in interviews he describes his hobbies and the life of his charming daughter Vera. The TV presenter prefers to avoid strictness and prohibitions in raising a child, unlike her own parents. But family comes first for Irina, and then her career.

Polyakova enjoys sports, including skiing and skating, and in the summer she rollerblades. Only such a vacation, according to Irina, can charge a person with energy and joy.

Journalism is not Polyakova’s only passion. A woman organizes special events. Together with friends, she organized a holiday agency " Big city». Collaboration team is able to turn an ordinary birthday or presentation into an incredible event.

Irina's figure is admirable. But, as Polyakova admits, keeping in shape is part of the job. For a long time a woman follows the principles proper nutrition and plays sports.

From time to time, Irina indulges herself and her family members with culinary masterpieces, despite the fact that she does not like to cook. Polyakova speaks about her work with love. Attention is paid to viewers expressing opinions regarding the program.

In addition to her husband and daughter, Irina has two red-eared turtles named Katya and Vasya in her house. Pets, according to Polyakova, are original. Animals quarrel and damage each other, so veterinarians have to be called. And peace and friendship reign between people in Irina’s family.

Irina Polyakova now

Now Irina Polyakova’s life is busy, so there is no time for social media, including VKontakte and Instagram, simply not. But numerous photos You can find a young woman on the Internet; in some, the TV presenter poses with her daughter Vera.

Irina continues to lead an active lifestyle, combining career and family idyll. Polyakova organizes a weather forecast on television and admires own work. Manages to pay attention to her own business of organizing holidays.


  • TV presenter of weather forecast in the Good Morning program on Channel One
  • TV presenter of weather forecast on Meteo-TV
  • Chief editor of the “Weather Forecast” program on Meteo-TV
  • Chief editor of the Weather Forecast program on NTV

TV meteorologist Irina POLYAKOVA even watches TV series from a professional point of view

It is estimated that 90 percent of people on Earth would not be able to start a conversation with a random interlocutor if they did not have such an amazing reason as the weather. People admire the weather, scold it, and sometimes even fear it... In general, it leaves no one indifferent. But there are people who live by the weather, literally and figuratively. These are meteorologists.

For their professional holiday, which is celebrated on March 23, MK interviewed the editor-in-chief of the Meteo-TV television company, meteorologist-climatologist Irina POLYAKOVA. From a conversation with her we learned:

How can marsupials of Australia radically influence fate;

What secrets of TV series cannot be hidden from meteorologists.

Irina, leaving aside the television topic for now, reveal the secret: how do you become a meteorologist? Have you dreamed about this?

I got into this profession completely by accident. The only prerequisite can be considered that my excellent studies at school. After all, meteorology and atmospheric physics are natural sciences that would be difficult to study without a decent knowledge of mathematics and physics.

Dad decided that after school I should enter the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, the department of crystallography. I agreed, it seemed to me that it was difficult and mysterious at the same time. I even spent whole year for preparatory courses. And then, a month before the entrance exams, one of our relatives, who found out that they wanted to send me to a rather difficult, not entirely female university, said her word: “How can this be? There is an excellent geography department at Moscow State University, there is romance, expeditions, many specialties more suitable for a girl, and there are some with serious science.” In general, at the family council it was decided that I should try to enroll at Moscow State University first, since time allowed me to apply to MISiS if I failed.

I was well prepared for mathematics and physics at the exam at Moscow State University (for that same crystallography), but geography... I receive a ticket in which the first question is about the animal world of Australia and the second is about economic geography, something about deposits in South America. I knew the first perfectly well, but I was rather poorly prepared for the second. I was already afraid that the exam would fail, but the chairman of the admissions committee advised me not to give up - following the example of a frog that fell into a jug of milk... As a result, my knowledge about marsupials of the Australian continent so amazed the commission that it somehow accepted the answer to the second question, giving the final “four”. “See what a good frog you are!” - the chairman told me goodbye.

Preparing weather forecasts is a pleasure.

Eye of the Storm is fantastic!

- So, you entered the Faculty of Geography, and there you chose the specialization “Meteorology”...

Yes, and the head of the department of meteorology, Mikhail Armaisovich Petrosyants, got me interested in this science. He is no longer with us; countless meteorologists are proud to have studied with him. He taught this course with such inspiration! I liked everything - the special spirit and the richness of knowledge, and I decided: this is where I belong.

But the weather is as unpredictable as the dollar exchange rate! Some even believe that meteorology is not a science...

What do you! Vice versa! The weather is governed by the laws of physics. The calculations are carried out using the most complex hydrodynamic models. They are constantly improving, supercomputers are working. There is so much initial data that fits into complex meteorological calculations! The quality of the initial information leaves much to be desired. If the number of weather stations increased rather than decreased, you would be amazed at the accuracy of the forecasts.

- After university, you were hired at the Hydrometeorological Center. What were you doing there?

She worked in the laboratory of atmospheric dynamics in the tropical zone, forecasting the movement of tropical cyclones.

- What got you interested in them?

This is such power, such energy, comparable to the energy of a thousand atomic bombs! A force that suddenly accumulates into a clot with incredibly clear boundaries. If you look at a photo from space, you will see that the typhoon is like a smooth comma against the background of scattered, ragged clouds. And the eye of the storm - the center of the typhoon - is absolutely fantastic. Everyone knows that in the eye of the storm there is calm weather, complete calm for several tens of kilometers, and around it the wind speed can already reach 200 km per hour or more.

- IN Lately There seem to be more such cataclysms...

Of course, it doesn’t happen year after year. In one, 20 typhoons can form, in another - 30, there are many reasons, there is a connection with the Pacific El Niño phenomenon. But we must take into account that we know about this now only because the means have begun to work better and brighter mass media, and therefore it is not worth talking about an unprecedented number of typhoons.

70th anniversary of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University. The Meteo-TV television company presents awards to the best young meteorologists. Photo: Irina Polyakova.

What is obedient weather?

- Which of the extreme manifestations of the elements is closer to you - heat, wind, snow storm, the same typhoon?

I am often asked what kind of weather I like most. All other things being equal, I, of course, prefer the sun and heat. But as a meteorologist, I still prefer those manifestations of it that we successfully predicted (smiles). I know that according to the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia and the Meteorological Bureau of Moscow and the Moscow Region, tomorrow in Moscow there should be only 0...+2, I know what process is responsible for this transformation... And no matter how much I myself would like a speedy spring, these two I will be more happy with the degrees than with the sudden warming.

- What about the element of surprise?

But we don’t need him here at all. We forecast the weather, and it should not be unexpected for us. Do you know what we wish each other on the holidays? “Obedient” weather. There is such a term - “predictability”. I don't really like him. There is something petty about it, as if we are constantly apologizing for knowingly expecting a mistake.

- While on vacation, do you continue to monitor weather reports?

Sometimes you can completely switch off, especially in hot countries where the weather is stable. But if the Internet is at hand, there is always a temptation to check whether everything is going according to forecast, I’ll definitely open our informational portal And my relatives and casual acquaintances ask me all the time about the weather... The situation obliges me to always be armed with information.

And in general, I already monitor the weather automatically. Even if I read something from fiction, and there is a description of nature, I automatically imagine what processes could lead to this. If I become interested in some television series, although this happens rarely, then I involuntarily (just depending on the weather) notice whether it was filmed over one season or several. Even if several years fly by in the film, I understand that they filmed it in one autumn: there are too many rainy days in the frame, because a meteorologist can easily distinguish autumn rain from any other.

With daughter Vera. Photo: Irina Polyakova.

“It’s a pleasure to write a weather forecast for tomorrow.”

- Tell us how you got on television?

Accidentally. Finding ourselves, as they say, in right time in the right place. While working at the Hydrometeorological Center, I was invited to a laboratory that prepared information for policymakers and the media. And I realized that I like to inform people about the actual weather and its upcoming changes, and then I began writing my own weather columns for the Izvestia newspaper. It was there that Alexander Mitroshenkov, president of the Meteo-TV television company, found me.

What can you think of that is new about the weather every day? It’s good when the process should change tomorrow from a cyclone to an anticyclone, but the weather doesn’t change dramatically every day.

You need to love it. Even when the weather does not seem to change, for example, there is a blocking process in the atmosphere or the rains of a cyclone have charged, you can always find new sides, choose new colors for the same situation. After all, every cyclone has its own unique story: where he came from, how the air swirled in him, how he lives and ages, suddenly comes to life, and then dissolves in the atmosphere... I enjoy the fact that I can find many nuances and make a dry weather report interesting.

It happens when I’m very busy and my friends call, something like this dialogue happens between us: “What are you doing?” - “I’m writing a weather forecast for tomorrow.” - “You wrote the weather forecast yesterday. And the day before yesterday... Just take yesterday’s text, correct the numbers...” But I can’t do that - I give birth to something every day. I have a friend who writes amazing poetry. Everything about her is so non-standard, she never starts from a rhyme on purpose, it is born by itself. And when I ask her how she does it, I hear the answer: “I don’t know how I do it, it probably comes from there (turns her eyes to the sky). So for me, my weather plot twists also come from somewhere there!..

Beauties of Meteo-TV. Photo: Irina Polyakova.

How did Professor Belyaev appear?

- Who comes to work on the weather program now?

There are meteorologists and just nice ones beautiful faces that can inspire confidence in the viewer. There are newcomers among them, who can be broadcast live tomorrow, and there are those who still need to work, to achieve such an effect so that the person on the other side of the screen understands: the presenter of the weather broadcast is well versed in what he is talking about, and is passionate about it.

- Who does the public like more - women or men?

To each his own; I probably like specific types more, such as, for example, Professor Belyaev.

- By the way, I always wanted to know who came up with this role?

The president of our television company, Alexander Mitroshenkov, was the one who invited Alexander Vadimovich to talk about the weather. He suggested adding scientific image Deputy Director of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, making him a television professor. Alexander Vadimovich is an extraordinary storyteller, he has his own unique style, which is so loved by the audience.

- Are there new types, discoveries, techniques now?

On each channel, the weather forecast is made in its own style. All graphics that appear in the background of the frame are unique. Both the persons and the method of presenting information are strictly approved. For example, on NTV these are author’s releases, mine, of Alexander Belyaev, Andrey Skvortsov. Weather on the channel "Russia" - more classic style, and on REN-TV we prepare weather reports with an eye to some weather sensation. Maybe sometimes this is done to the detriment of a full forecast for the entire country, but with a twist.

On REN-TV there is a very bright, tall weather presenter, who at one time contrasted sharply with the news presenter in height. Was this done on purpose?

Yes, you are talking about Alena Dublyuk, for whom I wrote texts. And the contrast was specially staged: Alena was asked to put on shoes high heels. But I hope that her forecasts were watched not only because of this (smiles).

They say nature has no bad weather. But on one of our TV channels, a young man in the frame very often, in my opinion, repeats unpleasant epithets addressed to the heavenly office: “she again played a dirty trick on us,” “when will this nightmare end?”... From your point of view, is this acceptable?

Sometimes some philistine epithets can come in handy - the main thing is not to overdo it with them, because the viewer (you, for example) immediately feels it. And when everything is used in moderation, we even receive gratitude from the audience. The mother of the same Alena Dubluk once noted, after looking at my forecast: “Ira speaks so well and in a homely way! At the end she said: “But still, at the end of the week this disgrace will end.” About ten years ago I was embarrassed by such informal words. And now I understand that there is nothing reprehensible in this, and viewers like it when the person on the screen speaks simply and clearly. And you also need positivity. Even if the forecast for tomorrow is “not very good,” there is always the opportunity to add positivity by looking into the forecast for a longer term. The weather there will definitely improve.

“I would exchange the climate with Holland”

By the way, about the positive. You said at the beginning of our conversation that you love the heat. Will you not renounce these words even at +30...35?..

I am very tolerant even of such extreme manifestations. Once during the hot season, a correspondent came to my dacha to do a story. He wanted to hear advice on how to deal with the heat. I just read on the Internet that during such periods you should eat more bananas: they have an astringent effect and retain moisture in the body. Spices are also useful, for example, regular parsley from the garden. So no heat can scare me!

Mark Twain once said, alluding to the variability of the weather: “If you don’t like the weather in New England, wait a few minutes”...

I haven’t experienced that New England weather myself, but I roughly understand what the writer meant. I definitely wouldn't choose this one. But if I were offered to change the climate (not the country or friends), I would change our Moscow climate to the Dutch one. In the meteorology textbook it is called temperate marine. And all because I am a passionate gardener and florist. Now I’m looking forward to spring to check how all my plantings overwintered. This year's winter is so... I, of course, love it... But the beginning was almost snowless, the frosts hit sharply, and this is a serious test for plants. I have very difficult, almost risky farming: the plot is shaded, with poor, acidic forest soil. The choice of plants for such extreme conditions is small; only the strongest survive. But this complexity only spurs me on. I really like conifers. And the favorites are heucheras and hosts. These are beautiful herbaceous plants with colorful colorful foliage. I have 40 varieties, if not more. Very proud! I also became interested in hydrangea - shade-loving shrubs. So, last winter could easily have destroyed heucheras, hostas, and hydrangeas.

Don’t worry: your fellow climatologists say that lately the warmth has been spreading more and more to the north.

This is an average, and extreme winters are one of the manifestations of global weather changes. We are increasingly hearing about some extremes: in some places there is unprecedented heat with drought, in others there are crushing downpours. The weather of our mid-latitudes is traditionally formed in the west. But recently, this west-east transfer is increasingly interrupted by meridional flows, and there have been more northern and southern intrusions.

- And this also happened once before?

Most likely.

- What are the initial reasons for all this?

There is the cyclicity of the Sun, and there is the own cyclicity of our planet. It's all interconnected.

Do you agree with the opinion of many Western climatologists that the global warming that is currently observed on the planet is most influenced by the anthropogenic factor?

I am not inclined to dramatize the situation. For example, Greenhouse effect stimulates not only human activity - there are more serious sources on Earth. Recently, Russian scientists discovered huge deposits of methane in the Arctic, which due to melting ice last years began to rise into the atmosphere. When we are presented with the news that freon is damaging the ozone layer, I don’t really believe it either, because as a climatologist I know: the size of the ozone hole obeys its own laws of periodicity and cyclicity.

When a bouquet of roses causes stress

- I can’t help but ask about funny things during filming...

Everything is polished to the smallest detail, but there are still funny slips. But the most unusual thing is what happens in live. My birthday this year coincided with a working day. I was already getting ready to talk about the weather when a huge bouquet of roses was brought into the studio. What to do? I, of course, expected that they might congratulate me in words, especially since I knew that in front of me in the news broadcast there was a story about drought and flowers in China, and some kind of bridge leading from them would be thrown to me. But I didn’t expect such a surprise. “...But Irina Polyakova’s flowers will not wither! Happy Birthday!" In those seconds, a whole range of feelings washed over me: the pleasure of congratulations, admiration for the roses, and then the questions: “Where should I put the flowers? Which hand should I put the remote control with which I switch cards?..” In general, mild stress. And as a result, I couldn’t find anything better than just putting flowers on the floor. Of course, bending over, she fell out of frame for a few seconds, but she still completed the release. I then came to the news presenter Lila Gildeeva in the dressing room and asked: “Why didn’t you warn me that you would give flowers?” “We wanted to see your reaction,” she replied, smiling.

Yes, you know who is my most important, most faithful, most important viewer? This is my dad - he strictly reviews all my forecasts. Tells me what I liked and didn’t like about the episode. After every appearance on the screen, he always calls me and shares his impressions. Of course, he really liked the plot with flowers. All the time when, after congratulating me, I talked about the cyclone that rained on the earth, proving that my flowers would not wither, I thought how nice it would be for dad.

It’s difficult for me to listen to the presenter, sometimes I can’t even catch what the weather is like, etc. Everything flows in a continuous stream without pauses or stops. I honestly don’t like it very much and I switch to another channel, by the way, Prokhor Chaliapin, in my opinion, tells the weather forecast more pleasantly and more clearly.

Hello. 1. Polyakova - the voice is disgusting, boring, she doesn’t know how to dress. 2. Skvortsov, if you were an actor, then go to the circus and act there.

Vile intonations, the woman may be fine, but the presentation is disgusting.

What does Alena Dubljuk smoke before the broadcast? It is impossible to listen to her, and also to look at her, the pupils are dilated, the look is stoned.

Mrs. Polyakova Irina! For several months now I have been participating in this chorus of viewers who are deeply dissatisfied with your “work.” At one time I managed to escape from you by quickly turning off the sound. But today! Not only did you, madam, howl from the first sound. Yegor Kolyvanov asked you a question so clearly, and in response there was a kind of sound jelly, muesli, in general, a mixture of sounds. But this is not enough. I understand that age is taking its toll, you have gained a little more weight than the screen allows, but to put on a bright pink robe that has expanded you even more...

TV Weather Forecasts cover the map of the North Caucasus, where there are weather numbers! Nothing can be SEEN!

Does anyone teach announcers the skill of intonation? The weather with Irina Polyakova is terrible. Is it true. Deliberate intonation, unnatural, very unpleasant for the ear - before, such an announcer would not have been allowed near television at gunpoint. It's a shame for our television broadcasting and, especially, for my favorite channel NTV. Considering that over time the intonation skill has not improved, we can conclude that Irina Polyakova has a diction defect and is not suitable for working on television as a presenter.

Was it someone else who noticed Polyakova’s Korean style of howling, or am I writing about this for the second time after the next weather forecast. She's so disgusting, that's for sure, her voice makes me sick to my stomach.

Gentlemen. I always enjoy watching your news posts. Recently, the manner in which Irada Zeynalova conducted the news program has become unbearable for my entire family. We switch the TV to another program when it starts breaking news. Why speak from the screen so quickly, like the lady from the wedding in Malinovka. There is a normal style of conversation in Russian culture. Try suggesting that she take lessons from specialists, maybe she will try and be able to speak normally. Moscow...
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