The greenhouse effect occurs as a result of accumulation. The mechanism of formation of the greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is the delay of the planet's thermal radiation by the Earth's atmosphere. Any of us has observed the greenhouse effect: in greenhouses or greenhouses the temperature is always higher than outside. The same thing is observed on a global scale: solar energy, passing through the atmosphere, heats the surface of the Earth, but the thermal energy emitted by the Earth cannot escape back into space, since the Earth’s atmosphere retains it, acting like polyethylene in a greenhouse: it transmits short light waves from the Sun to the Earth and delays long thermal (or infrared) waves emitted by the Earth's surface. A greenhouse effect occurs.The greenhouse effect occurs due to the presence of gases in the Earth's atmosphere that have the ability to trap long waves.They are called “greenhouse” or “greenhouse” gases.

Greenhouse gases were present in the atmosphere in small quantities (about 0,1%) since its formation. This amount was enough to maintain the Earth's thermal balance at a level suitable for life due to the greenhouse effect. This is the so-called natural greenhouse effect; if it weren’t for it, the average temperature of the Earth’s surface would be 30°C lower, i.e. not +14° C, as it is now, but -17° C.

The natural greenhouse effect does not threaten either the Earth or humanity, since the total amount of greenhouse gases was maintained at the same level due to the cycle of nature, moreover, we owe our lives to it, provided that the balance is not upset.

But an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leads to an increase in the greenhouse effect and disruption of the Earth’s thermal balance. This is exactly what happened in the last two centuries of civilization. Coal-fired power plants, car exhaust, factory chimneys and other human-made sources of pollution emit about 22 billion tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each year.

The role of the greenhouse effect

The Earth's climate is greatly influenced by the state of the atmosphere, in particular, the amount of water vapor and carbon dioxide present in it. An increase in water vapor concentration causes an increase in cloudiness and, consequently, a decrease in the amount of solar heat reaching the surface. And a change in the concentration of carbon dioxide CO 2 in the atmosphere is the reason for the weakening or strengthening greenhouse effect, in which carbon dioxide partially absorbs the heat emitted by the Earth in the infrared range of the spectrum, followed by its re-emission towards the earth's surface. As a result, the temperature of the surface and lower layers of the atmosphere increases. Thus, the phenomenon of the greenhouse effect significantly influences the moderation of the Earth's climate. In its absence, the average temperature of the planet would be 30-40°C lower than it actually is, and would not be +15°C, but -15°C, or even -25°C. At such average temperatures, the oceans would very quickly become covered with ice, turning into huge freezers, and life on the planet would become impossible. The amount of carbon dioxide is influenced by many factors, among which the main ones are volcanic activity and the life activity of terrestrial organisms.

But the greatest impact on the state of the atmosphere, and, consequently, on the Earth’s climate on a planetary scale, is exerted by external, astronomical factors, such as changes in solar radiation fluxes due to the variability of solar activity and changes in the parameters of the Earth’s orbit. The astronomical theory of climate fluctuations was created back in the 20s of the twentieth century. It has been established that a change in the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit from a possible minimum of 0.0163 to a possible maximum of 0.066 can lead to a difference in the amount of solar energy falling on the Earth's surface at aphelion and perihelion by 25% per year. Depending on whether the Earth passes its perihelion in summer or winter (for the northern hemisphere), this magnitude of change in the flux of solar radiation can lead to general warming or cooling on the planet.

The theory made it possible to calculate the time of ice ages in the past. Up to the error in determining geological dates, the century of a dozen previous icing events coincided with the readings of the theory. It also allows us to answer the question of when the next closest icing should occur: today we live in an interglacial era, and it does not threaten us for the next 5000-10000 years.

What is the greenhouse effect?

The concept of the greenhouse effect was formed in 1863. Tyndall.

An everyday example of the greenhouse effect is heating from the inside of a car when it is parked in the sun with the windows closed. The reason for this is that sunlight comes through the windows and is absorbed by the seats and other objects in the cabin. In this case, light energy turns into heat, objects heat up and release heat in the form of infrared, or thermal, radiation. Unlike light, it does not penetrate through the glass to the outside, that is, it is captured inside the car. Due to this, the temperature rises. The same thing happens in greenhouses, which is where the name of this effect comes from, the greenhouse effect (or greenhouse Effect). Globally, carbon dioxide in the air plays the same role as glass. Light energy penetrates the atmosphere, is absorbed by the earth's surface, converted into its thermal energy, and released in the form of infrared radiation. However, carbon dioxide and some other gases, unlike other natural elements of the atmosphere, absorb it. At the same time, it heats up and in turn heats the atmosphere as a whole. This means that the more carbon dioxide it contains, the more infrared rays will be absorbed and the warmer it will become.

The temperature and climate to which we are accustomed are ensured by a concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of 0.03%. Now we are increasing this concentration, and there is a tendency towards climate warming.
When concerned scientists warned humanity a few decades ago about the increasing greenhouse effect and the threat of global warming, they were initially looked upon as comical old men from an old comedy. But soon it became no laughing matter at all. Global warming is happening, and very quickly. The climate is changing before our eyes: unprecedented heat in Europe and North America is causing not only massive heart attacks, but also catastrophic floods.

In the early 60s in Tomsk, frost of 45° was common. In the 70s, a drop in the thermometer below 30° below zero already caused confusion in the minds of Siberians. The last decade scares us with such cold weather less and less often. But strong hurricanes have become the norm here, destroying roofs of houses, breaking trees, and cutting power lines. Just 25 years ago in the Tomsk region, such phenomena were very rare! To convince someone that global warming has become a fact, it is no longer enough to look at press reports, domestic and international. Severe droughts, monstrous floods, hurricane winds, unprecedented storms - now we have all become involuntary witnesses of these phenomena. In recent years, Ukraine has experienced unprecedented heat, tropical downpours, which lead to devastating floods.

Human activity at the beginning of the 21st century leads to a rapid increase in the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere, which poses the threat of destruction of the ozone layer and sudden climate change, in particular global warming. To reduce the threat of a global environmental crisis, it is necessary to significantly reduce the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere everywhere. Responsibility for reducing such emissions must be shared among all members of the world community, which differ significantly in many respects: level of industrial development, income, social structure and political orientation. Because of these differences, the question inevitably arises as to what extent a national government should control air emissions. The debatability of this problem is further enhanced by the fact that to date no agreement has been reached on the impact of the increasing greenhouse effect on the environment. However, there is a growing understanding that, given the threat of global warming with all the ensuing devastating consequences, limiting harmful emissions into the atmosphere is becoming a task of paramount importance.

The coastal areas of the Azov and Black Seas are facing a real threat of extinction. The catastrophic floods we are already dealing with will also occur much more frequently. For example, the Dnieper dams, in particular the Kiev dam, were built taking into account the most devastating floods ever to occur on the Dnieper.

The rapid increase in industrial and other air polluting emissions has led to a dramatic increase in the greenhouse effect and the concentration of gases that destroy the ozone layer. For example, since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the concentration of carbon dioxide CO 2 in the atmosphere has increased by 26%, with more than half of the increase occurring since the early 1960s. Concentration of various chloride gases, primarily ozone depleting ones chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), in just 16 years (from 1975 to 1990) increased by 114%. The concentration level of another gas involved in creating the greenhouse effect, methane CH 4 , has increased by 143% since the start of the Industrial Revolution, with about 30% of this growth occurring since the early 1970s. Until urgent action is taken at the international level, rapid population growth and increasing incomes will be accompanied by accelerating concentrations of these chemicals.

Since careful documentation of weather patterns began, the 1980s have been the warmest decade. Seven of the hottest years on record were 1980, 1981, 1983, 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1990, with 1990 being the hottest on record. However, until now, scientists cannot say for sure whether such climate warming is a trend under the influence of the greenhouse effect or whether it is just natural fluctuations. After all, the climate has experienced similar changes and fluctuations before. Over the course of the last million years, eight so-called ice ages occurred, when a giant ice carpet reached the latitudes of Kyiv in Europe, and New York in America. The last ice age ended about 18 thousand years ago, and at that time the average temperature was 5° lower than now. Accordingly, the level of the world ocean was 120 m lower than it is today.

During the last ice age, the CO 2 content in the atmosphere dropped to 0.200, while for the last two warming periods it was 0.280. This is how it was at the beginning of the 19th century. Then it gradually began to increase and reached its current value of approximately 0.347. It follows that in the 200 years since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the natural control of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through a closed cycle between the atmosphere, ocean, vegetation and processes of organic and inorganic decay has been grossly disrupted.

It is still unclear whether these climate warming parameters are truly statically significant. For example, some researchers note that the data characterizing climate warming are significantly lower than the indicators calculated using computer forecasts based on data on the level of emissions in previous years. Scientists know that some types of pollutants may actually slow down warming by reflecting ultraviolet rays into space. So whether climate change is consistent or whether the changes are temporary, masking the long-term effects of increasing greenhouse gases and ozone depletion is debatable. Although there is little evidence at the statistical level that climate warming is a sustainable trend, assessments of the potential catastrophic consequences of a warming climate have prompted widespread calls for preventive measures.

Another important manifestation of global warming is the warming of the world's oceans. In 1989, A. Strong of the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration reported: “Satellite measurements of ocean surface temperatures between 1982 and 1988 indicate that the world's oceans are warming gradually but noticeably by about 0.1°C per year.” year". This is extremely important because, due to their colossal heat capacity, the oceans hardly respond to random climate changes. The detected trend towards warming proves the seriousness of the problem.

The occurrence of the greenhouse effect:

The obvious reason for the greenhouse effect is the use of traditional energy resources by industry and motorists. Less obvious reasons include deforestation, waste processing, and coal mining. Significantly increasing the greenhouse effect are chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), carbon dioxide CO 2, methane CH 4, oxides of sulfur and nitrogen.

However, carbon dioxide still plays the greatest role in this process, since it has a relatively long life cycle in the atmosphere and its volumes are constantly increasing in all countries. Sources of CO 2 can be divided into two main categories: industrial production and others, accounting for 77% and 23% of total emissions into the atmosphere, respectively. The entire group of developing countries (approximately 3/4 of the world population) accounts for less than 1/3 of the total industrial CO 2 emissions. If we exclude this group of countries, China, this figure will drop to approximately 1/5. Since in richer countries the level of income, and therefore consumption, is higher, the volume of harmful emissions into the atmosphere per capita is much higher. For example, per capita emissions in the United States are more than 2 times the European average, 19 times the African average and 25 times the corresponding figure for India. However, recently in developed countries (in particular, in the USA), there has been a tendency to gradually curtail production that is harmful to the environment and population and transfer it to less developed countries. Thus, the US government is concerned about maintaining a favorable environmental situation in its country, while maintaining its economic well-being.

Although the share of third world countries in industrial CO 2 emissions is relatively small, they account for almost the entire volume of its other emissions into the atmosphere. The main reason for this is the use of forest burning techniques to bring new lands into agricultural use. The indicator of the volume of emissions into the atmosphere for this article is calculated as follows: it is assumed that the entire volume of CO 2 contained in plants enters the atmosphere when burned. It is estimated that deforestation by fire accounts for 25% of all emissions into the atmosphere. Perhaps even more important is the fact that in the process of deforestation, the source of atmospheric oxygen is destroyed. Tropical rainforests provide an important mechanism for ecosystem self-healing as trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis. Destruction of tropical forests reduces the environment's ability to absorb carbon dioxide. Thus, it is precisely the characteristics of the land cultivation process in developing countries that determine such a significant contribution of the latter to the increase in the greenhouse effect.

In the natural biosphere, the content of carbon dioxide in the air was maintained at the same level, since its intake was equal to its removal. This process was driven by the carbon cycle, during which the amount of carbon dioxide extracted from the atmosphere by photosynthetic plants is offset by respiration and combustion. Currently, people are actively upsetting this balance by clearing forests and using fossil fuels. Burning every pound of it (coal, petroleum products and natural gas) produces approximately three pounds, or 2 m 3, of carbon dioxide (the weight triples because each carbon atom of the fuel attaches two oxygen atoms during the combustion process and becomes carbon dioxide). The chemical formula for carbon combustion is as follows:

C + O 2 → CO 2

Every year, about 2 billion tons of fossil fuels are burned, which means that almost 5.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere. Another approximately 1.7 billion tons of it comes there due to the clearing and burning of tropical forests and the oxidation of soil organic matter (humus). In this regard, people are trying to reduce emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere as much as possible and are trying to find new ways to fulfill their traditional needs. An interesting example of this is the development of new, environmentally friendly air conditioners. Air conditioners play a significant role in the occurrence of the “greenhouse effect”. Their use leads to an increase in vehicle emissions. To this must be added the slight but inevitable loss of coolant, which evaporates under high pressure, for example through seals at the hose connection. This coolant has the same climate impact as other greenhouse gases. Therefore, researchers began searching for an environmentally friendly refrigerant. Hydrocarbons with good cooling properties cannot be used due to their high flammability. Therefore, scientists chose carbon dioxide. CO 2 is a natural component of air. The CO 2 required for air conditioning appears as a by-product of many industrial processes. In addition, natural CO 2 does not require the creation of an entire infrastructure for maintenance and processing. CO 2 is inexpensive and can be found throughout the world.

Carbon dioxide has been used as a cooling agent in fishing since the last century. In the 30s, CO 2 was replaced by synthetic and environmentally harmful substances. They made it possible to use simpler technology under high pressure. Scientists are developing components for a completely new cooling system using CO 2 . This system includes a compressor, gas cooler, expander, evaporator, manifold and internal heat exchanger. The high pressure required for CO 2, taking into account more advanced materials than before, does not pose a great danger. Despite their increased pressure resistance, the new components are comparable in size and weight to conventional units. Tests of a new car air conditioner show that using carbon dioxide as a coolant can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a third.

A constant increase in the amount of burned organic fuel (coal, oil, gas, peat, etc.) leads to an increase in the concentration of CO 2 in the atmospheric air (at the beginning of the twentieth century - 0.029%, today - 0.034%). Forecasts show that by the middle XXI century, the CO 2 content will double, which will lead to a sharp increase in the greenhouse effect, and the temperature on the planet will rise. Two more dangerous problems will arise: the rapid melting of glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic, the “permafrost” of the tundra and the rise in the level of the World Ocean. Such changes will be accompanied by climate change, which is even difficult to foresee. Consequently, the problem is not simply the greenhouse effect, but its artificial growth generated by human activity, a change in the optimal content of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Human industrial activity leads to a noticeable increase in them and the appearance of a threatening imbalance. If humanity fails to take effective measures to limit greenhouse gas emissions and preserve forests, the temperature, according to the UN, will increase by another 3° in 30 years. One solution to the problem is environmentally friendly energy sources that would not add carbon dioxide and large amounts of heat to the atmosphere. For example, small solar power plants that consume solar heat instead of fuel are already being successfully used.


Recently, human activities have had an unprecedented impact on the environment and global life support systems in terms of scale and intensity. Proof of this is one of the many environmental problems - global warming - the greenhouse effect. Soon the atmosphere will become impenetrable to heat, and the consequences could be very global - an inevitable rise in the level of the world's oceans as a result of the melting of continental and mountain glaciers, sea ice, and thermal expansion of ocean waters. Such climate warming will cause serious changes in environmental conditions in the tundra, in “permafrost” zones: seasonal thawing of soils will increase, which will create a threat to roads, buildings and communications, the process of waterlogging will intensify, and the condition of forests on permafrost will deteriorate.

The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is one of the main causes of the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide acts in the atmosphere like glass in a greenhouse: it allows solar radiation to pass through and does not allow infrared (thermal) radiation from the Earth to pass back into space. The content of greenhouse gases - CO2, methane, etc. - is steadily increasing. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acts as a powerful absorber of terrestrial radiation that would otherwise be scattered into space. By absorbing and re-releasing this radiant energy, carbon dioxide makes the atmosphere warmer than it would otherwise be.

Photosynthesis helps reduce carbon dioxide. Plants absorb CO2 from the air and build their biomass from it. All land vegetation absorbs about 20-30 billion tons of carbon from the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide. One square meter of tropical forest removes 1-2 kg of carbon from the air. About 40 billion tons of carbon are absorbed per year by microscopic algae floating in the ocean.

However, the Earth's vegetation is not able to cope with the ever-increasing atmospheric pollution, which leads to climate change. Compared to the pre-industrial era, the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by 28%. If measures are not taken to reduce emissions, then by the middle of the 21st century the average global temperature of the surface atmosphere will increase by 1.5 - 4.5 0C.

This will lead to a redistribution of precipitation, an increase in the number of droughts, and the river flow regime will change. The top layer of permafrost, which occupies about 10 million km2 in Russia, will melt. The level of the World Ocean may rise by 20 cm by 2030, which will lead to flooding of coastal areas.

Causes of the greenhouse effect

Back in 1827, French physicist Joseph Fourier suggested that the earth's atmosphere acts as a kind of glass in a greenhouse: the air allows the sun's heat to pass through, preventing it from evaporating back into space. And he was right. This effect is achieved thanks to some atmospheric gases of minor importance, such as water vapor and carbon dioxide. They transmit visible and “near” infrared light emitted by the sun, but absorb “far” infrared radiation, which has a lower frequency and is formed when the earth's surface is heated by the sun's rays. If this did not happen, the Earth would be about 30 degrees colder than it is now, and life on it would practically freeze.

Based on the fact that the “natural” greenhouse effect is an established, balanced process, it is quite logical to assume that an increase in the concentration of “greenhouse” gases in the atmosphere should lead to an increase in the greenhouse effect, which in turn will lead to global warming. The amount of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere has been steadily increasing for more than a century due to the widespread use of various types of fossil fuels (coal and oil) as an energy source. In addition, other greenhouse gases, such as methane, nitrous oxide and a number of chlorine-containing substances, enter the atmosphere as a result of human activity. Even though they are produced in smaller quantities, some of these gases are much more dangerous in terms of global warming than carbon dioxide.

Today, few scientists involved in this problem dispute the fact that human activity leads to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases will lead to heating of the lower atmosphere and surface of the earth... Any change in the Earth’s ability to reflect and absorb heat, including those caused by an increase in greenhouse gases and aerosols in the atmosphere, will lead to changes in the temperature of the atmosphere and the world's oceans and will disrupt stable patterns of circulation and weather."

However, there is intense debate over exactly how much of these gases will warm the climate and to what extent, as well as how soon it will happen. The thing is, even when climate change does happen, it's hard to be 100% sure. Global average temperatures can fluctuate wildly over periods of years and decades - and for natural reasons. The problem is what to consider as the average temperature, and on the basis of what criteria to judge whether it has really changed in one direction or another.

In the late eighties and early nineties, the average annual global temperature was above normal for several years in a row. This has raised concerns that human-caused global warming has already begun. There is a consensus among scientists that over the past hundred years the average annual global temperature has risen by 0.3 to 0.6 degrees Celsius. However, there is no agreement among them about what exactly caused this phenomenon. It is difficult to say with certainty whether global warming is occurring or not, since the observed increase in temperature is still within the range of natural temperature fluctuations.

Uncertainty about global warming creates skepticism about the threat. The problem is that when the hypothesis about anthropogenic factors of global warming is confirmed, it will be too late to do anything.

Deforestation and the pace of industrial development lead to the accumulation of harmful gases in the layers of the atmosphere, which create a shell and prevent the release of excess heat into space.

Ecological disaster or natural process?

Many scientists consider the process of rising temperatures to be a global environmental problem, which, in the absence of control over the anthropogenic influence on the atmosphere, can lead to irreversible consequences. It is believed that the first person to discover the existence of the greenhouse effect and study the principles of its action was Joseph Fourier. In his research, the scientist looked at various factors and mechanisms that influence climate formation. He studied the state of the planet's thermal balance and determined the mechanisms of its influence on average annual temperatures on the surface. It turned out that greenhouse gases play one of the main roles in this process. Infrared rays are retained on the surface of the Earth, which is their effect on the heat balance. We will describe the causes and consequences of the greenhouse effect below.

The essence and principle of the greenhouse effect

An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to an increase in the degree of penetration of short-wave solar radiation onto the surface of the planet, while a barrier is formed that prevents the release of long-wave thermal radiation from our planet into outer space. Why is this barrier dangerous? Thermal radiation, which is retained in the lower spheres of the atmosphere, leads to an increase in ambient temperature, which negatively affects the ecological situation and leads to irreversible consequences.

The essence of the greenhouse effect can also be considered as the cause of global warming caused by an imbalance in the thermal balance of the planet. The mechanism of the greenhouse effect is associated with emissions of industrial gases into the atmosphere. However, to the negative impact of industry should be added deforestation, vehicle emissions, forest fires, and the use of thermal power plants to generate energy. The impact of deforestation on global warming and the greenhouse effect is due to the fact that trees actively absorb carbon dioxide and the reduction of their areas leads to an increase in the concentration of harmful gases in the atmosphere.

Ozone screen condition

The reduction in forest area, coupled with large volumes of harmful gas emissions, leads to the problem of ozone layer destruction. Scientists are constantly analyzing the state of the ozone ball and their conclusions are disappointing. If current levels of emissions and deforestation continue, humanity will face the fact that the ozone layer will no longer be able to sufficiently protect the planet from solar radiation. The danger of these processes is caused by the fact that this will lead to a significant increase in environmental temperature, desertification of territories, and an acute shortage of drinking water and food. A diagram of the state of the ozone ball, the presence and location of holes can be found on many sites.

The state of the ozone shield worries environmental scientists. Ozone is the same as oxygen, but with a different triatomic model. Without oxygen, living organisms will not be able to breathe, but without the ozone ball, the planet will turn into a lifeless desert. The power of this transformation can be imagined by looking at the Moon or Mars. Depletion of the ozone shield under the influence of anthropogenic factors can lead to the appearance of ozone holes. Another advantage of the ozone screen is that it blocks ultraviolet radiation that is harmful to health. Disadvantages - it is extremely fragile and too many factors lead to its destruction, and the restoration of characteristics is very slow.

Examples of how ozone depletion affects living organisms can be given for a long time. Scientists have noted that the number of cases of skin cancer has recently increased. It has been established that it is ultraviolet rays that contribute to the development of this disease. The second example is the extinction of plankton in the upper layers of the ocean in a number of regions of the planet. This leads to the disruption of the food chain; after the disappearance of plankton, many species of fish and marine mammals may disappear. It is not difficult to imagine how this system works. It is important to understand what the results will be if measures are not taken to reduce anthropogenic impact on ecosystems. Or is it all a myth? Maybe life on the planet is not in danger? Let's figure it out.

Anthropogenic greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect occurs as a result of the influence of human activities on surrounding ecosystems. The natural temperature balance on the planet is disrupted, more heat is retained under the influence of a shell of greenhouse gases, this leads to an increase in temperature on the surface of the Earth and ocean waters. The main reason leading to the greenhouse effect is the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere as a result of the operation of industrial enterprises, vehicle emissions, fires and other harmful factors. In addition to disrupting the thermal balance of the planet, global warming, this causes pollution of the air we breathe and the water we drink. As a result, we will face illnesses and a general reduction in life expectancy.

Let's look at what gases cause the greenhouse effect:

  • carbon dioxide;
  • water vapor;
  • ozone;
  • methane.

It is carbon dioxide and water vapor that are considered to be the most dangerous substances that lead to the greenhouse effect. The content of methane, ozone and freon in the atmosphere also affects the disruption of the climate balance, which is due to their chemical composition, but their influence is currently not so serious. The gases that cause ozone holes also cause health problems. They contain substances that cause allergic reactions and respiratory diseases.

Sources of harmful gases are, first of all, industrial and automobile emissions. However, many scientists are inclined to believe that the greenhouse effect is also associated with the activity of volcanoes. Gases create a specific shell, which results in the formation of a cloud of steam and ash, which, depending on the direction of the wind, can pollute large areas.

How to combat the greenhouse effect?

According to ecologists and other scientists who deal with issues related to the conservation of biodiversity, climate change, and reducing human impact on the environment, it will not be possible to completely prevent the implementation of negative scenarios for human development, but it is possible to reduce the number of irreversible consequences of industry and humans on ecosystems. For this reason, many countries are introducing fees for the emission of harmful gases, introducing environmental standards into production, and developing options for how to reduce the destructive impact of humans on nature. However, the global problem lies in the different levels of development of countries, in their attitude towards social and environmental responsibility.

Ways to solve the problem of accumulation of harmful substances in the atmosphere:

  • stopping deforestation, especially in equatorial and tropical latitudes;
  • transition to electric vehicles. They are more environmentally friendly than conventional cars and do not pollute the environment;
  • development of alternative energy. The transition from thermal power plants to solar, wind and hydroelectric power plants will not only reduce the volume of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, but also reduce the use of non-renewable natural resources;
  • introduction of energy-saving technologies;
  • development of new low-carbon technologies;
  • fighting forest fires, preventing their occurrence, establishing strict measures for violators;
  • tightening of environmental legislation.

It is worth noting that it is impossible to compensate for the damage that humanity has already caused to the environment and completely restore ecosystems. For this reason, one should consider actively implementing actions aimed at reducing the consequences of anthropogenic impact. All decisions must be comprehensive and global. At this point in time, this is hampered by the imbalance in the level of development, life and education of rich and poor countries.

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And global warming are related concepts familiar to every person today. Let's consider what the greenhouse effect is, the causes and consequences of this phenomenon.

This is a global problem for humanity, the consequences of which should be reduced by every person. The phenomenon refers to an increase in temperature observed in the lower layers of the atmosphere. The consequences are quite impressive, but the main thing is the appearance of greenhouse gases in excess volumes in the atmosphere. All this led to the emergence of real preconditions for the emergence of global warming.

Greenhouse gases: how they work

It is not always clear why the greenhouse effect is dangerous. The first person to highlight the principles of this phenomenon and explain them was Joseph Fourier, who tried to understand the peculiarities of climate formation. The scientist also examined factors that could change the world’s climate and even the heat balance in general. Joseph established that active participants in the process are, preventing the passage of infrared rays. Based on the degree of exposure, the following types of gases can be distinguished:

  • methane
  • carbon dioxide
  • water vapor

Water vapor is responsible for increasing moisture in the toposphere, so it is considered the main gas among gases, providing the maximum contribution to temperature growth. The strengthening of the greenhouse effect is explained by nitrogen oxide and freons. The remaining gases are present in the atmosphere in low concentrations, due to which their influence is insignificant.

Clear causes of global warming

Global warming and the greenhouse effect are interrelated concepts. The greenhouse or greenhouse effect and its impact are represented by short-wave radiation from the Sun penetrating into the Earth's atmosphere due to the fact that it contains carbon dioxide. As a result, the Earth's thermal radiation, called long-wave radiation, is delayed. Orderly actions will cause prolonged heating of the atmosphere.

The phenomenon is based on an increase in the Earth's global temperature, contributing to a change in the heat balance. This process results from the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which cause the consequences of the greenhouse effect.

The causes of the greenhouse effect are quite diverse. What is the main one? These are industrial gases. In other words, human activities have negative results, leading to climate change. Such activities are:

  • use of remaining fuel
  • transport emissions
  • Forest fires
  • functioning of all kinds of enterprises

The greenhouse effect arises largely due to the fact that humans are destroying forests, and the forest is the main sink of carbon dioxide.

Other causes of problems in the atmosphere include the following:

  1. The use in industry of a variety of combustible minerals, which are burned, releasing a large number of harmful compounds.
  2. Active use of transport increases the emission of exhaust gases. They not only pollute the air, but also intensify the effect of the phenomenon.
  3. Forest fires. This problem is important because it has recently led to severe forest destruction.
  4. Population growth. This increases the demand for clothing, food, houses, contributing to an increase in enterprises and, as a result, more intense pollution of the planet.
  5. The use of fertilizers and agrochemicals that contain harmful substances and also release nitrogen.
  6. Burning or decomposing waste. As a result, the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases.

The greenhouse effect and various climate changes are two inextricably linked concepts. Changes in the climatic conditions of our planet are becoming the main consequences. Experts note that air temperatures are increasing every year, and not only in greenhouses. Water sources evaporate faster, reducing the planet's water supply. Scientists are confident that just two centuries later a real danger will appear - the water level will drop and the “drying out” of water resources may actually occur.

In fact, the problems of the biosphere, in particular, the decrease in the number of bodies of water on our planet, is only one side of the problem. Second, glaciers begin to melt. This, in turn, will, on the contrary, lead to rising sea levels. As a result, the shores of islands and continents may be flooded. Already today, we can note a greater number of coastal floods and floods, which are increasing every year, negatively affecting the environment.

An increase in temperature on our planet will affect all territories, negatively affecting not only the biosphere. For arid areas, the problem will be most obvious, since today, with low rainfall, they are not entirely suitable for life. Rising temperatures will make it impossible for people to live on them at all. The problem will also be the loss of crops due to climatic conditions, which will lead to a shortage of food and the extinction of living organisms.

Implications for human health

Some people mistakenly believe that global warming has no effect on their health. In fact, the harm is quite impressive, it resembles a “time bomb”. Scientists believe that the main effects on human health will be seen decades later. The danger is that it will no longer be possible to change anything.

Such diseases tend to spread rapidly geographically. That is why people all over the world will be exposed to them. Various insects and animals can become carriers of infections, moving north due to rising air temperatures in their usual habitat, as well as due to increased greenhouse gases.

What to do in case of abnormal heat

Currently, global warming, which causes the greenhouse effect, has already affected the lives of people in certain areas. As a result, people must change their usual lifestyle, and also take into account a number of tips from experts in order to maintain their own health.

It can be noted that several decades ago the average summer temperature was in the range from +22 to +27°C. Now it reaches the range from +35 to +38°C. This causes constant headaches, heat and sunstroke, as well as some other problems - dehydration, problems with the heart and blood vessels. The risk of stroke is also caused by climate changes.

  1. If possible, it is necessary to reduce physical activity, as it dehydrates the body.
  2. Movement on the street must be reduced to a minimum to prevent sun and heat stroke.
  3. It is important to increase the amount of drinking water consumed. The norm for a person per day is 2-3 liters.
  4. When outdoors, it is better to avoid direct sunlight.
  5. If there is no chance to hide from the sun, you should wear hats or caps.
  6. In the summer, you should stay indoors with a cool temperature most of the day.

Ways to minimize the greenhouse effect

It is important for humanity that global warming and the greenhouse effect do not harm. To do this, we need to get rid of the sources of greenhouse gases. This will somewhat minimize the negative impact of the greenhouse effect on the biosphere and the planet as a whole. It should be understood that one person can begin to change the life of the planet for the better, so you should not shift responsibility to other people.

  1. The first thing to do is to stop deforestation.
  2. You should also plant new shrubs and trees that absorb harmful carbon dioxide.
  3. Transport is an integral part of the life of a modern person, but if you switch to electric vehicles, you can reduce the amount of exhaust gases. You can also use alternative modes of transport, for example, bicycles, which are safe for the atmosphere and biosphere, and for the ecology of the planet as a whole.

It is necessary to attract public attention to this problem. Every person should try to do what they can to reduce the accumulation of greenhouse gases, and, as a result, take care of the favorable climate of our planet.

The strengthening of the greenhouse effect will lead to the need for ecosystems, people and living organisms in general to adapt to climate change. Of course, the easiest way is to try to prevent the catastrophe of global warming, for example, to reduce and regulate emissions on earth.

For the further development of mankind and the preservation of the biosphere, it is important to develop methods that will reduce the negative impact on the atmosphere. To do this, today experts are studying the greenhouse effect and climate change, its various causes and consequences, developing an action plan for the world's population.

The greenhouse effect, which has worsened for a number of objective reasons, has acquired negative consequences for the ecology of the planet. Find out more about what the greenhouse effect is, what are the causes and ways to solve environmental problems that have arisen.

Greenhouse effect: causes and consequences

The first mention of the nature of the greenhouse effect appeared in 1827 in an article by physicist Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier. His work was based on the experience of the Swiss Nicolas Theodore de Saussure, who measured the temperature inside a vessel of darkened glass when it was placed in sunlight. The scientist found that the temperature inside is higher due to the fact that thermal energy cannot pass through the cloudy glass.

Using this experiment as an example, Fourier described that not all solar energy reaching the Earth's surface is reflected into space. Greenhouse gas traps some of the thermal energy in the lower layers of the atmosphere. It consists of:

  • carbon dioxide;
  • methane;
  • ozone;
  • water vapor.

What is the greenhouse effect? This is an increase in the temperature of the lower atmospheric layers due to the accumulation of thermal energy held by greenhouse gases. The Earth's atmosphere (its lower layers), due to gases, is quite dense and does not transmit thermal energy into space. As a result, the Earth's surface warms up.

As of 2005, the average annual temperature of the earth's surface has increased by 0.74 degrees over the past century. In the coming years, it is expected to increase rapidly by 0.2 degrees per decade. This is an irreversible process of global warming. If the dynamics continue, irreparable environmental changes will occur in 300 years. Therefore, humanity is facing extinction.

Scientists name the following causes of global warming:

  • large-scale industrial human activity. It leads to an increase in the release of gases into the atmosphere, which changes its composition and leads to an increase in dust content;

  • combustion of fossil fuels (oil, coal, gas) in thermal power plants and in car engines. As a result, carbon dioxide emissions increase. In addition, the intensity of energy consumption is growing - with an increase in the world population by 2% per year, the need for energy increases by 5%;
  • rapid development of agriculture. The result is an increase in methane emissions into the atmosphere (excessive production of fertilizers from organic matter as a result of decay, emissions from biogas stations, an increase in the amount of biological waste when keeping livestock/poultry);
  • an increase in the number of landfills, which causes methane emissions to increase;
  • deforestation. It leads to a slowdown in the absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The consequences of global warming are monstrous for humanity and life on the planet as a whole. So, the greenhouse effect and its consequences cause a chain reaction. See for yourself:

1. The biggest problem is that due to rising temperatures on the Earth's surface, polar ice begins to melt, causing sea levels to rise.

2. This will lead to flooding of fertile lands in the valleys.

3. Flooding of large cities (St. Petersburg, New York) and entire countries (the Netherlands) will lead to social problems associated with the need to resettle people. As a result, conflicts and riots are possible.

4. Due to the warming of the atmosphere, the period of snow melting is shortened: it melts faster, and seasonal rains end faster. As a result, the number of dry days increases. According to experts, with an increase in average annual temperature by one degree, about 200 million hectares of forests will turn into steppes.

5. Due to the reduction in the amount of green space, the processing of carbon dioxide as a result of photosynthesis will decrease. The greenhouse effect will increase and global warming will accelerate.

6. Due to the heating of the Earth's surface, the evaporation of water will increase, which will intensify the greenhouse effect.

7. Due to rising water and air temperatures, there will be a threat to the lives of a number of living creatures.

8. Due to the melting of glaciers and rising sea levels, seasonal boundaries will shift and climatic anomalies (storms, hurricanes, tsunamis) will become more frequent.

9. An increase in temperature on the Earth's surface will negatively affect people's health, and in addition, will provoke the development of epidemiological situations associated with the development of dangerous infectious diseases.

Greenhouse effect: ways to solve the problem

Global environmental problems associated with the greenhouse effect can be prevented. To do this, humanity must coordinately eliminate the causes of global warming.

What to do first:

  1. Reduce emissions into the atmosphere. This can be achieved if more environmentally friendly equipment and mechanisms are put into operation everywhere, filters and catalysts are installed; introduce “green” technologies and processes.
  2. Reduce energy consumption. This will require switching to the production of less energy-intensive products; increase efficiency at power plants; use thermal modernization programs for housing, introduce technologies that increase energy efficiency.
  3. Change the structure of energy sources. Increasing the share of energy generated from alternative sources (sun, wind, water, ground temperature) in the total volume of energy generated. Reduce the use of fossil energy sources.
  4. Develop environmentally friendly and low-carbon technologies in agriculture and industry.
  5. Increase the use of recycling resources.
  6. Restore forests, effectively fight forest fires, increase the area of ​​green spaces.

Everyone knows how to solve problems arising from the greenhouse effect. Humanity needs to realize what its inconsistent actions are leading to, assess the scale of the impending disaster and take part in saving the planet!

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