Liepa Andris personal life. Andris Liepa left his daughter without money

Ekaterina Liepa is a girl with piercing blue eyes. This is exactly how Andris Liepa describes his first impressions of meeting his future wife. Behind the fragile appearance of Ekaterina, a former soloist of the Mariinsky Theater ballet, and now the head of the Stand4 charity company, lies a strong character. She told a Cleo correspondent about her work, her romance with Andris and her family.

“Because of Andris, they stopped taking me on trips”

Ekaterina Liepa, tell us a little about yourself and your family.

Blitz survey “Cleo”

Are you friends with the Internet?

Did you have a nickname as a child?

What is an unaffordable luxury for you?
Wasting time, especially communicating with people who are not interesting to me.

Where did you spend your last vacation?
We went to the Emirates for a week with our daughter.

What turns you on?
Stupidity and lack of responsibility of people.

I was born in Moscow. My mother (Tatyana Katkovskaya - author's note) is an honored ice ballet artist, she is twice a champion of Moscow, performed for 20 years in the Moscow ice ballet, and was a leading soloist. I have always been close to art. My dad is a writer and playwright (Boris Ratzer - author's note). He lived in St. Petersburg. Our life slowly moved from Moscow to Leningrad, I started studying at the Vaganova Choreographic School, I was 10 years old then. Another one has begun difficult life. At first I lived alone, because my mother was still working in Moscow. Then there was no mom or dad around, and this is such a big school of life, I can say. I’m now looking at my daughter, who just turned 11 - of course, she’s still a very young child.

The choreographic school is a great school of life, it is a school of survival. This is not an easy story. You need to study at school for 8 years. From our class, which consisted of 36 people, two reached graduation - me and another girl.

The rest were expelled: some couldn’t cope, some lost their form, some left on their own. Gradually, my mother began to live in Leningrad, an apartment appeared, and for the last few years of my studies I lived at home. I studied for 8 years and started dancing at the Mariinsky Theater. It was there that I met my husband.

But from this place in more detail, please...

Andris came to the Mariinsky Theater as a guest star, and I had just come from school and, of course, I was captivated and amazed, because he danced extraordinarily, was a very bright personality in ballet - not just as a dancer, but also as an actor. This is also very important, because ballet is not a sport, it is not only physical form, but it’s also about creating an image. And Andris just knew how to create an image on stage, in addition to his beauty and excellent physical shape.

Ekaterina Liepa, when did Andris start courting you?

Almost immediately. I was, of course, shocked. I am 10 years younger than Andris, and at first it was even more like friendly support from an older comrade. He had already danced at the Bolshoi and managed to work in New York. He told me all this, and I, such a little girl, opened my eyes, ears, and mouth and listened. If you listen to Andris, it turns out funny. Because on my part these are some emotions, on his part they are different. He describes everything so romantically that he saw a little girl with extraordinary blue eyes.

Almost immediately after we met, we went to Paris on tour for two months, and he looked after me in every possible way, took me everywhere, showed me everything. This is such a beautiful romantic French story.

Are you a night owl or a lark?

Do you have a talisman?
I don’t have a talisman, I try to always carry a cross with me.

How do you get rid of stress?
I read spiritual literature.

What ringtone do you have on your mobile?

What is your psychological age?
I didn't think about it.

What is your favorite aphorism?
If you do something, you have to do it well. If you take it, it's the best.

How did others perceive your novel?

It was very difficult, because theater is, you know, like a big country, only on a small scale. People are always under a magnifying glass. Any step you take to the left or step to the right is perceived as exaggerated. I can say that everything was not easy. There was some jealousy on the part of some people, they stopped taking me on trips.

“Let time stop and go again”

Has marriage become a logical continuation of a beautiful romance?

Like every woman, at some point I wanted to decide: okay, we’ve been dating for two years, but what next? Moreover, Andris was already married twice. And he, in turn, like every man, was afraid that as soon as we signed, this trepidation, love, some kind of lightness would pass.

Meanwhile, I gradually came to Orthodoxy, to faith. And it became somehow dishonest. I understood that we live together, but we do not live as a married couple, although spiritually we are very close, we are like one whole. We go to church and, in theory, should confess every time - and again we return home, and again we continue to live together.

At some point, I quite clearly set a condition for Andris: either we now decide to get married, or we separate. I am a fairly soft person, and this apparently made an impression, because it was already a tough position.

Ekaterina Liepa, how did Andris propose to you? Or did you just make a mutual decision to get married?

No, it was very romantic story. It was in St. Petersburg. We were driving from a television shoot in the evening, and there was an unusually red sunset. Something so impossible - the whole sky is red, like a sign. And there was already some kind of anxiety in the air, I felt everything vibrating in my stomach. We left the restaurant near the Church on the Blood. Andris took off luxurious expensive watch, threw it into the river and said: let time stop and start again. And he proposed to me. Everything was very touching and romantic. Later we got married in St. Nicholas Church.

How has your life changed with the birth of your daughter Ksenia?

I already clearly understood that I really want a child. Just as I clearly decided on my company Stand4 and doing charity work, so it was with my child. I just realized: here we live, we created a foundation, we are doing something, but it’s all empty and it’s unclear what it’s for.

We walk, earn something, go somewhere, and then what? At that moment I realized that I really needed a child. This was an absolutely conscious step, I realized that I was ready to convey and give something to someone, otherwise there is no point in existing at all.

Which one of you is stricter with your daughter?

Unfortunately, I. I have to play the role of a person who says: yes, no, this is possible, this is not possible.

Are you friends with her?

Yes, we are friends. From Ksyusha I learn some good stubbornness, the ability to achieve goals.

Does she give you advice on clothes?

Yes, I always ask her for advice. And this is good for the child - it develops a sense of style. We discuss with her: this fits here, this doesn’t.
I remember, for example, that until I was 20 years old I couldn’t put on a red jacket. Maybe it was due to the school, where you had to look more modest. I don't even know what it was connected with. Ksyusha, on the contrary, likes bright things. And very often we go to the store, and she chooses things that I would never even think of trying on, but she forces me. I put it on and think: it’s really good!

Ekaterina Liepa, tell us about a moment of absolute happiness in your life.

He, of course, is connected with the child. I remember that I had long dreamed of how I would walk with my baby and hold his little gentle hand. And when Ksyusha was born and I could already walk with her hand, it was an unforgettable moment of happiness.

When you and Andris are together, you both glow from within. What is the secret of your family happiness?

Difficult question. Probably patience, love, inner understanding of why you are doing this. I believe that the family very much depends on the woman. An intelligent and wise woman, if she wants, can always save her family. If he doesn’t want to, he can destroy it.

The role of women on Earth should under no circumstances be diminished. This was revealed to me in Italy, where women are put on a pedestal. And it is right. Because life comes through a woman, thanks to a woman the planet Earth rotates. And neither men nor women should forget this. Especially women. You cannot allow yourself to be trampled, you cannot allow yourself to be humiliated. We need to learn to love ourselves well. This is very, very important. And as soon as self-respect comes, then the respect of others comes, and everything lines up as it should.

The main thing is to avoid excesses. As one wise priest said, pride is a sin, but you must have pride. These concepts should not be confused.

"It's time to give back"

On the eve of the 2009 New Year, you held a charity star tree for orphans at the Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Tell me how it went?

Such events are always very exciting, although this is already the second event within the framework of “charitable family evenings” and I already knew many of the nuances. On the other hand, since I have already held many events over 10 years in this business, I know that the second event is the most difficult. Like the second performance for ballet dancers, you can’t relax under any circumstances.

Overall everything went very well, 450 children from orphanages from different cities We came to the performance of “Mary Poppins” at the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Many then came up and thanked them, because they were not truly spoiled by such high level performances with horses, with royal poodles, with aerialists.

The kids drew drawings in advance, knowing that their works would be put up for sale and the proceeds would go to save the lives of sick children. This is the idea of ​​continuity of generations. Children from orphanages understand that they can make a contribution and save someone’s life.

There were also creative intelligentsia, and Chulpan Khamatova herself was with her daughters, through her “Gift of Life” foundation we help the children, we transfer the proceeds there.

We collected 3 million 300 thousand rubles. Of course, this is not only the sale of drawings, but also donations large companies. As a result, 25 children have now received the necessary treatment.

How did you feel the day after the event?

Oh, I just lay there for two days. She could neither speak nor move. I was on my feet from 7 am: I watched how the gifts were unloaded, I made stands myself, and hung drawings on them. It was necessary to say hello to everyone, go on stage to give a speech, then a press conference and much, much more. So when it all ends...

Ekaterina Liepa, at what point do you realize that all this is not in vain?

When it was necessary to go on stage at the end of the performance, greet everyone and thank them for their participation. I entered the Circus arena and said: “Let's greet the kids from the orphanages.” And everyone stood up and applauded, and I saw happiness in the children's eyes. At such moments you realize that all this is not in vain.

How did you get into charity?

At some point I realized that I had accumulated a lot of work experience, spiritual love, generosity and kindness, and it was time to give. Together with Andris we organized a foundation named after Maris Liepa.

Then I worked in a large bank, organized events, and did a lot of things. We also brought Western stars - Diana Ross, for example, and did small fashion shows. And at some point you come to the conclusion that this is all good, you can do it, but something is missing. You want to apply your experience, your strength to help someone. This is how the Stand4 company was born, which has a non-passive position - we want to do, we want to give. This is how charity family evenings appeared. And I clearly feel that this is the right path for me.

The dancer does not want to pay child support

The dancer does not want to pay child support

The last court hearing took place the other day, putting an end to the relationship between one of the most beautiful couples in the ballet world. Andris and Katya LIEPA are no longer husband and wife. The woman was forced to defend child support through the court. Andris refuses to pay any money to support the girl.

50 year old Andris Liepu and his wife Ekaterina, who is ten years younger than him, were considered one of the most brilliant couples in the ballet world. At social events, everyone's attention was focused on them. The couple willingly posed for photographs and seemed quite happy. As it turned out, they had not lived together for five years. And the other day they got divorced.

Katya didn’t want anyone to know that they had broken up,” said Catherine’s friend. “She thought that Andris would continue to support their daughter Ksenia, and did not want any fuss. Could become known facts, which will not be pleasant to either him or her.

But Andris stopped participating in the girl’s upbringing to the extent that Katerina wanted. Therefore, she decided to get a divorce officially, through the court. It was not possible to conclude a settlement agreement due to financial disagreements.

During these five years, Andris only paid for Ksenia’s schooling,” Ekaterina complains. - Didn't help with anything else. When the lawyer I contacted learned about this fact, he agreed to work for free. By the way, we had nothing to share in terms of property: Andris has his own apartment, I have mine.

You can't eat Britney Spears

The court still had to determine the amount of alimony for the minor daughter Ksenia.

For everyone present in the hall it was a shock,” said Ekaterina’s lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky. - People's Artist of Russia Andris Liepa said that he is not going to pay any alimony. And the father motivated his decision by the fact that he already helps the mother raise her daughter. So he said: “I am involved enough in the child’s life. For example, I introduced her to Britney Spears...” In confirmation of these words, Andris’s lawyer took out a photograph in which the American pop star stands next to Ksenia as an indisputable fact of his client’s participation in upbringing. Everyone in the hall almost burst out laughing.

And how beautifully the relationship of this couple began! They met in 1989 during a trip to Paris. Andris, with a sweeping gesture, threw his watch into the river with the words: “Now it begins.” new life!”, after which he proposed marriage. Six years later, the lovers got married in St. Nicholas Cathedral in St. Petersburg. And to this day they remain husband and wife before God.

Katya was warned that Andris was a “multi-faceted” man, a friend said. “But she was so in love that she didn’t want to notice it.” And then my daughter was born, and I had to raise her. When she realized that she was no longer interested in her husband as a woman, it was too late. No, no other female person appeared... There is something else...

The court ruled that the girl's primary place of residence would be with her mother. Andris Liepa is obliged to pay his ex-wife 25 percent of his income to support his daughter.

Photos with Britney Spears are good, says Dobrovinsky. - But you can’t eat them, and you have to feed the girl. Our next step is to reveal all the legal and illegal income of Andris Liepa.

St. Petersburg and Moscow are the largest Russian centers of ballet art. This is where the most famous theaters countries. It is here that the stars of the Russian ballet school perform roles in unique productions, including important place for a long time was also assigned to the Latvian dancer, now the ballet director and director of the Kremlin Ballet theater - A. Liepa.

Biography pages

Andris Liepa is the heir to the ballet dynasty. His father is a famous ballet dancer and stage director. His younger sister Ilse is also a celebrity on the ballet stage. They were born into an acting family, but only half - into a ballet family. Their father is the famous ballet dancer of the 20th century and their mother is the dramatic actress M. Zhigunova. The family of Maris Eduardovich then lived in Moscow on Nezhdanovaya Street, in a house built for acting families - employees of the Bolshoi and Moscow art theaters. The Lieps were probably lucky, because they lived in the apartment where People's Artist of the RSFSR E.V. Geltser, a unique ballerina and actress, lived. Famous dramatic actors of the 20th century also lived in the house - Kachalov, Leonidov and others.

Andris attended the ballet school of the Moscow Art Academy of Art (MHAI) and began his career at the Moscow Bolshoi Theater. Over the years of service, he danced almost all the leading roles in classical productions. He went on tour a lot, including foreign tours. While on tour in Washington, he suffered a serious leg injury and was forced to leave the stage.

Behind the scenes

In the biography of Andris Liepa personal life went hand in hand with creativity, because his wife Ekaterina Liepa danced with him in some performances. However, twenty years later life together this idyll star couple the end has come. Andris Liepa's divorce from Ekaterina excited fans. It didn’t even help that the marriage was sanctified by the church. Ekaterina filed for divorce. Andris Liepa can only regret this ending to his personal life. The reasons for this decision were not disclosed.

The foreign page of Andris Marisovich’s work is also interesting. Having gone abroad early, he performed with Mikhail Baryshnikov. Abroad he had the opportunity to work for unique scenes European opera houses- La Scala in Milan, at the Paris Opera, Maurice Bejart's team in Lausanne, Sweden and Rome. His partners were: the brilliant Isabelle Gihren, the amazing Carla Fracci, but most long time Nina Ananiashvili had the status of partner of the famous Andris Liepa. It was with her that Liepa began his creative path, participated in almost all competitions. And he remained faithful to his work to the end.

A worthy successor

The personal biography of Andris Liepa in his work is quite fruitful and vibrant. Dancer and choreographer, Andris Marisovich worthily continues the dynasty following his titled father Maris Eduardovich. The main productions in which he danced his most brilliant roles were "Raymonda" by A. Glazunov, the famous ballets of P. I. Tchaikovsky, "Giselle" by A. Adam, "The Golden Age" by D. D. Shostakovich, "Ivan the Terrible" . S. Prokofiev in versions by titled choreographers - M. Petipa, S. Grigorovich.

However, Andris Marisovich did not stop at the universally recognized classics, but tried himself in more innovative works: " Swan Lake"in the concept of M. Baryshnikov, "Petrushka" - the work of O. Vinogradov, "Romeo and Juliet" in a variation by K. MacMillan, "Violin Concerto" by J. Balanchine.

As a director

While still at the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater, Andris Liepa reconstructed several important works in the history of ballet art: “Petrushka” and “Firebird” by I. F. Stravinsky, “Scheherazade” by N. A Rimsky-Korsakov, staged by M. Fokin. This event took place in 1993, and since then “Scheherazade” and “Firebird” have been performed on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. The photo shows Andris Liepa in the role of Petrushka - one of the most colorful images he performed.

All three listed performances were staged by A. Liepa for the Dresden, Roman and Florentine theaters. A year later, the premiere of another creative work of the master took place: opera performance"The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh." The production was created for the Mariinsky Theater, but its premiere was in Paris. Conducted by the maestro Liepa performed the same work at Edinburgh Festival- in another year. He also staged the opera "Eugene Onegin" for the Center opera singing G. Vishnevskaya.

One more interesting work Andris Liepa began performances based on the works of S. Rachmaninov, staged for the theater " New Opera". These are the performances: "Oscar Schlemmer Museum" and "Maestro".

The Firebird is back!

In 1997, Andris Liepa turned to cinematography, successfully combining it with his main vocation. He created a film project that received a name associated with one of the ballet performances he had previously staged for the Mariinsky Theater - “The Return of the Firebird.”

This film-ballet includes all three famous one-act productions by M. Fokine, reconstructed by A. Liepa. The central roles in them were played by A. Liepa himself, his constant partner Nina Ananiashvili, as well as Andris Liepa’s sister Ilze, his wife Ekaterina, Gedeminas Taranda and others. By the way, the roles in the version of S. Diaghilev’s enterprise were performed by Vaslav Nijinsky, Anna Pavlova, Mikhail Fokine and other ballet stars of the early 20th century.

Charity as a way of life

1996 - important in life and social activities Andris Liepa: he founded a foundation for the development of ballet art named after his father. The main purpose of the foundation was to organize charity performances for different categories of Russians in difficult situations. social conditions. And also to popularize domestic art. His project involves cultural and artistic stars. Gala concerts within the framework of the fund are dedicated to Maris Liepa, Maya Plisetskaya and others. They are in demand abroad - London, Madrid, Riga, etc.

The Foundation for the Promotion of the Development of Choreographic Art, founded by A. Liepa, cooperates with the Chelyabinsk children's charitable foundation "Alyosha", which organizes the tour of the "Russian Seasons of the 21st Century" in Chelyabinsk. and helps identify and promote young talents.

"Russian Seasons": revival

To appreciate this initiative of Andris Liepa, one should turn to the history of the beginning of the 20th century, when Sergei Diaghilev first organized the project “Russian Seasons in Paris” - to popularize Russian musical art, and then opera and ballet. Russian ballet stars such as Mikhail Fokin, Rudolf Nureyev, Anna Pavlova and others danced as part of the Russian Seasons troupe. The whole world applauded Russian dancers and singers. In connection with this, he became famous in the artistic field for creating the costume and set designs for the “season” performances.

Now, in beginning of XXI c., exactly a century later, “Russian Seasons” was revived by Andris Liepa. True, their name has changed somewhat - “Russian Seasons of the 21st Century”. The updated enterprise travels around cultural centers Europe and the world. Ballet masters present their works in London, Paris, Kyiv, Madrid, etc. And their productions enjoy undoubted success.

To the monastery!

There is a Nikolo-Solbinsky convent in Russia. It is located in the Yaroslavl region, not far from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. And it is called so from the Finno-Ugric meaning of the word “solba” - “living water”.

The monastery has orphanage and school. Sixty pupils from 7 to 18 years old live and study there. There is also a vocational college here.

Andris Liepa has been helping the pupils of this monastery for many years now. In joint labor activity They are beautifying the monastery territory - planting rose bushes and building an observation tower. But Liepa does not forget about his usual duties - he organizes a charity festival within the walls of the monastery, not only as a director, but also as a cook.

Since 2017, girl actresses of the Good School on Solbe theater have been touring in Moscow. They have already shown their musical performances in the Moscow Palace of Pioneers and on the stage of the Ryumina Theater. The girls have already presented their musical "The Brave Little Swan". This result became possible because at the school girls are trained by professional specialists: choreographers, vocalists, directors, etc. Those students who do not have musical, dancing and acting abilities participate in the creation of scripts and decoration performances. The performances turn out to be very kind and touching. And thanks to amazing needlewomen - and bright ones. According to viewers, they touch “to the core.”

Kremlin Ballet

This unusual theater, which popularizes and develops the national ballet art, was founded in 1990 by choreographer and stage director A. Petrov. The Presidential Orchestra was responsible for the musical component of his performances Russian Federation under the direction of conductors A. Ovsyannikov and V. Orlov. Later the performances began to be accompanied by another Music band- State Symphony Orchestra "New Russia"under the leadership of Yu. Bashmet.

The theater restores works created at the beginning of the 20th century. art troupe under the direction of S. Diaghilev. On this moment His repertoire includes 11 performances from this cycle. This is a lot given the difficult path of development of Russian ballet.

Awards chronology

Andris Liepa has a lot of strength and creative ideas gave to my favorite art and home country. For services to the Fatherland and domestic art was awarded several times. He received his first award while still a ballet dancer, almost in the prime of his professional career: he was the winner of the International Ballet Competition in Moscow. Four years later he won a silver medal in the same competition. And already on next year received the Grand Prix of an international competition in the USA. Andris Liepa also has an award from the country where he comes from: the highest award in Latvia - the Order of Three Stars.

As a gift for the hero of the day!

In February 2017, People's Artist of Russia Andris Liepa celebrated his 55th birthday. As a gift to the hero of the day and the residents of the capital for his anniversary, an exhibition of photographs and stage costumes amazing dancer. It lasted eight days and was free for everyone. Among the exhibits of the exhibition were wonderful photographs of A. Liepa, taken by his great friend, photographer Nina Alvert. The most interesting to the public are the costumes of the dancer’s father, Maris Liepa, as well as the stage outfits created at the Grand Opera for performances staged in the 20th century. R. Nuriev and restored by A. Liepa.

On February 18, the Kremlin Palace hosted a concert by Andris Liepa, where they presented: a fragment of the Children’s ballet musical theater them. Sats "The Golden Cockerel" by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, the play "The Vision of the Rose" by Mikhail Fokine, a fragment of the opera "Prince Igor" by A. Borodin - "Polovtsian Dances", which at one time became an independent one-act ballet.

Andris Liepa contributed huge contribution in the development of domestic ballet art, invested a lot of effort and creative potential in its development, propaganda at the global level. And on stage he not only adequately represented the level of Russian ballet, but also became a true continuator of the work begun by his father. And even though no films have been made about Andris Liepa yet, this is quite fixable!

Andris Liepa- famous Russian ballet soloist, producer and theater director. In 2009 it was recognized People's Artist Russia.

Biography of Andris Liepa

Andris was born in 1962 in the family of famous creative figures Margarita Zhigunova (famous dramatic actress) and Marisa Liepa (world-famous dancer). It has younger sister, who is a famous ballerina.

In 1980 Andris Liepa Graduated from the Moscow Academy of Choreography, after which he almost immediately joined the group of artists Bolshoi Theater. Over the 8 years of work in this theater, Liepa performed leading roles in almost every performance presented on stage. Unfortunately, due to an injury received during a tour in Washington, young man had to leave choreographic group theater

Today he is artistic director and a presenter at a theater called the Kremlin Ballet.

Personal life of Andris Liepa

During his life, the dancer had only two beloved women, who later became his wives:

  1. Lyudmila Semenyaka. She was a ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. The young people got married almost immediately after meeting.
  2. Ekaterina Liepa. She is an artist of the Mariinsky Theater. Married to this woman Andris Liepa stayed for 14 years. The fruit of their love was their daughter Ksenia.

Today, the outstanding dancer is lonely, but he does not despair and hopes that he will find his love.

Creative activity of Andris Liepa

During his work at the Bolshoi Theater, Liepa took part in the following productions:

  • "Sleeping Beauty";
  • "Nutcracker";
  • "Ivan groznyj";
  • "Swan Lake".

Famous Andris Liepa and abroad. He worked at the American Ballet Theater located in New York, where he danced the role of Siegfried in the play “Swan Lake” for a long time. He played the role of Romeo in the play Romeo and Juliet. He took part in the play “Violin Concerto” created by George Balanchine.

He took part in a large number of international competitions. One of the most famous is the International Ballet Competition held in Moscow, where Liepa received a gold medal for the first time and a silver medal for the second time.

Ballet dancer and director Andris Liepa was not afraid to perform in his field famous father Marisa Liepa. Immediately after graduation choreographic school he ended up at the Bolshoi Theater, where he danced leading roles for almost ten years, participated in productions of the famous ballet troupe The New York City Ballet, as well as La Scala and the Mariinsky Theater, worked with world ballet classics Baryshnikov and Bejart. In the early 90s he made his debut as a choreographer and continues to do so successfully to this day - he restored “Petrushka”, “Scheherazade” and “The Firebird” by the legendary choreographer Mikhail Fokin. Since 1997 - Chairman of the Board of the Charitable Foundation. Marisa Liepa. Likes to skateboard, walk on Vorobyovy Gory and dine in Japanese restaurants. Member of the Snob project since December 2008.

The city where I live



Where he was born


"I was born in Moscow. I spent my childhood on Nezhdanova Street, now Bryusov Lane. My father received an apartment in a house that was built according to the design of the architect Shchusev specifically for artists of the Bolshoi and Moscow Art Theater. We lived in the apartment of Ekaterina Vasilievna Geltser - the first people's artist RSFSR, legendary ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. They lived in the house famous actors, such as Kachalov, Leonidov. My father once joked that it would be nice if there was a memorial plaque with his name on this house after his death. And when he died, together with Vladimir Vasiliev we ensured that a memorial plaque to Maris Liepa was unveiled on the house.”

Who was born to

Father - Maris Liepa, dancer.

“...With us he was always just a dad. He was always an amazingly kind and, most importantly, professional person. And he instilled this professionalism in us. For this, I bow to him.”

Mom - Margarita Zhigunova, dramatic actress.

“Mom lost 4 years because she gave birth to us one after another - Ilze and I are almost the same age... But she returned to Theatre of Drama, where she worked until retirement.”

Where and what did you study?

Graduated from the Moscow Academic Choreographic School.

Where and how did you work?

He worked with the Bolshoi Ballet and danced with the New York City Ballet and the American Ballet Theatre. Became a soloist of the Mariinsky Theater ballet.

“I understood that you can give your strength and health to the Bolshoi Theater, but you cannot give your soul to it...”

“If I had not gone to America... to Baryshnikov, I would never have left at the age of 36. If you haven’t made a career before you’re 30, then you’re too lazy to do so.”

He danced on the stages of the La Scala theater with Carla Fracci, the Paris Opera with Isabelle Guirin, and worked with Maurice Bejart in Lausanne. He was invited as a soloist to the Rome Opera, Swedish Opera and other ballet companies.

Since 2002, he has been holding New Year's balls at Gostiny Dvor.

“The idea of ​​these balls was suggested to me by New York: being in this city, I saw with what pleasure they welcomed people together there. New Year unfamiliar people... The theme of our New Year's balls is travel from Moscow to other cities of the world.”

Artistic director of the project “Russian Seasons XXI Century” (ballets “Firebird”, “Scheherazade”, “Tamar”, “Bolero”, “Petrushka”, “Blue God”, “Vision of a Rose”, " Afternoon rest faun").

“Recreating “Russian Seasons” as much as possible is my main task. You could say missionary activity... "Russian Seasons" could... fill the niche of lack of spirituality and turn creative thought into a variety of areas.”

What did you do?

At the Bolshoi Theater he danced leading roles in The Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty, Giselle, Ivan the Terrible, The Golden Age, Raymond, Swan Lake, etc.

At the New York City Ballet he danced in the ballets Raymonda Variations, Symphony C and Apollo.
At the American Ballet Theater he performed the role of Prince Siegfried in Mikhail Baryshnikov's production of Swan Lake, and danced in Kenneth MacMillan's Romeo and Juliet and George Balanchine's Violin Concerto.

At the Kirov Ballet he performed leading roles in Vinogradov’s “Petrushka” and in the ballets “La Bayadère”, “Swan Lake”, “The Nutcracker”, “The Sleeping Beauty” and others.

He was the director and performer of the main roles in the film-ballet “The Return of the Firebird”.
He staged Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “The Tale of the Invisible City of Kitezh” at the Mariinsky Theater and the performances “Oscar Schlemmer Museum” and “Maestro” to the music of Sergei Rachmaninov on the stage of the Moscow Novaya Opera Theater.

He was the director of concerts for Jasmine, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Anita Tsoi, Mikhail Shufutinsky and others.


The film-ballet “The Return of the Firebird” was marked “timeless”.

“I received a message from London that, after an assessment by experts, our film was recognized ... as high-quality material ... with the mark “timeless” - a timeless product. This assessment is more important to me than any criticism.”

Public affairs

Since 1997 - Chairman of the Board of the Charitable Foundation. Marisa Liepa.

“Today our foundation is one of the most famous production centers in the country, whose projects are running both in Russia and abroad.”

In 1998 he acted as organizer, stage director and set designer of a large charity concert in favor of the First Moscow Hospice on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia.

Member of the board of trustees of the Church of the Great Martyr Catherine, which is being built in Rome.

“At one time, we received the blessing of Metropolitan Kirill to help us rebuild this temple. A fund was opened, I became a member of the board of trustees.”

In September 2008, he took part in a celebration organized by Troika Dialog for children with serious illnesses from orphanages, for scholarship holders and participants in projects of the International charitable foundation Vladimir Spivakov.

Public acceptance

Received gold and silver medals at international competitions. Grand Prix at International competition in Jackson, Mississippi (USA). In 1998, he received the “Golden Ribbon of Russian Cinema” prize from the French Academy of Cinema in the category “Debutant Director” for the ballet film “The Return of the Firebird”.

Awarded the Latvian Order of Three Stars, 4th degree and the Order of Diaghilev.

Important life events

First role at the Bolshoi Theater in the play “Mozart and Salieri”.

“...The negative role of Salieri in the play “Mozart and Salieri”... became a turning point in my life, because they realized that I was not just a dancer, but also an actor on stage.”

The role of the Prince in the ballet "The Nutcracker".

“The first fateful role was the Prince in The Nutcracker; it brought me to the position of leading soloist of the Bolshoi Theater.”

Meeting Rudolf Nureyev in Paris.

“This was a turning point in my biography. Rudolph opened my eyes... We... had no idea about modern ballet choreography. Soon after this meeting, I decided to leave the (Bolshoi) theater.”

Successful projects

He restored three ballet productions by the legendary choreographer Mikhail Fokine “Petrushka”, “Scheherazade” and “Firebird”.

“I managed to restore the Firebird as it was under Fokine. Compared to Western analogues, we have the best version..."

In 2006, he acted as director of a gala concert dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Maya Plisetskaya at the Royal Opera House (London) and at Espace Pierre Cardin (Paris).

In December 2006, 2007, 2008 he organized for veterans of the Great Patriotic War"Winners' Ball" in the complex of the Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill.

“I have never seen eyes like those of the veterans in those minutes. It was huge. The special thing about the ball is that no one ordered it from above for us.”

Known for…

He became the first dancer to be officially allowed by the Soviet government to work in a foreign troupe.

“Only me and the pianist Viardot had an exit visa. I was the first person who did not stay in the West and did not ask for political asylum.”

I love

Kremlin Palace

“Many people in those days really didn’t like the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, then Bolshoi performances were played on it, there was only one directorate. The artists called it a “training ground”, they said that it was uncomfortable and slippery. But I like this stage because it was the first time in my life that I appeared on it as a dancer. Our school performances were held on the stage of the KDS. Like the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, it is for my dear, while studying in the last class of ballet school, I danced on it in Coppelia. main role together with Nina Ananiashvili. When Vasiliev staged “Macbeth” and “Cinderella” there, I came there as if to my own home. I know in which dressing room I do my makeup, where I warm up, in front of which mirror I can work out.”

Sparrow Hills

“Lenin Mountains (now Vorobyovy), one of our family’s favorite places...”

to skateboard

“...I love to skateboard. I go for a ride to Vorobyovy Gory, Serebryany Bor, Poklonnaya Gora. I’m on the board, and Ksyushka is behind me on a bicycle.”

Japanese cuisine

“...We love Japanese cuisine very much. It is very light, based on a dietary combination of fish and rice.”

Well, I don't like it

go to presentations, fashion shows, etc.

“... because by nature a person is not a party person. I go to the theater, but only to certain performances that I am interested in. I’m a workaholic, so I prefer to stay in the office and work.”


First wife - Lyudmila Semenyaka.

Second wife - Ekaterina Liepa, former soloist Ballet of the Mariinsky Theater, now artistic director of the Maris Liepa Foundation.

“We met Katyusha at the Kirov Theater... I came to see them for some performances at the Mariinsky Theater, then it was still the Kirov Theater. I saw her backstage... and that was it.”

Daughter Ksyusha.

“I see myself in her. She is mature, interesting and capricious... She definitely feels her desires... Ksyusha is an adult and intelligent child beyond her years...”

Sister of Ilze Liepa.

“As for my relationship with my sister, it is very warm and close... She is a very subtle and sensitive person, so we always feel each other’s mood.”

And generally speaking…

“Today a woman is trying to achieve what previously rightfully belonged to a man. It is not right. Men and women are a priori two different substances, we cannot be equal... When trying to encroach on someone else's, women become masculine, and men become effeminate. It's off-putting."

“My sister and I love what we do. Happiness creative person- to do what you love and convey it to others, we succeed... Realizing this, realizing that you are right, that everything is going right and you are doing what you should, without a doubt, is happiness.”

"Eat good phrase: “I am at an age and in a position where I can afford not to do what I don’t want.” I can say the same about myself. I should definitely be interested. I love all types of art and all genres and change them all the time. I don't like to focus on one thing."

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