Biography of Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Arseniy Yatsenyuk and his family, personal and political life

Civil servants of Ukraine filed an annual income report. This fate did not spare the country’s scandalous Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, whose imminent resignation has been predicted for several months now. The declaration of the head of the cabinet of ministers was leaked online.


So, in 2015, Yatsenyuk earned 75 thousand dollars (about two million hryvnia). Most of the income comes from interest on bank deposits and rental fees for real estate.

The prime minister's wife earned a little less - her income in 2015 was 43 thousand dollars (1.1 million hryvnia). This amount was made up of profits from business activities and interest on bank deposits, RIA Novosti reports.

It is noteworthy that the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko earned 30 times more than his colleague. It is reported that during the year the politician received about 2.3 million dollars (60 million hryvnia).

Note that Petro Poroshenko is one of richest people Ukraine. According to experts, the president's total wealth is estimated at $858 million.

However, if you believe the official income statement of the Ukrainian president, the head of state’s income in 2015 decreased by at least six times. In 2015, he earned 62.163 million hryvnia ($2.371 million at the current rate of the National Bank of Ukraine). According to the document, of this amount, Poroshenko’s salary amounted to 121.054 thousand hryvnia (4.617 thousand dollars), dividends – 12.375 million hryvnia (almost 472 thousand dollars), “other types of income” – 49.665 million hryvnia (1.894 million dollars). As Dni.Ru wrote, “other” income means business: the well-known confectionery corporation, agro-industrial business, media, shares of the automobile company Bogdan Motors and other, less significant enterprises.


Born on May 22, 1974 in Chernivtsi. Graduated with a silver medal high school. Arseniy's parents are teachers at Chernivtsi State University. When I was a child, my father quoted Stepan Rudansky to me: Vchisya, my son, vchisya richly, because you will become a fool, and I will become your tat. Which, in fact, is what I was doing,” recalls Arseniy Petrovich (Galician contracts, April, 2003). The Yatsenyuk family was friendly in Chernivtsi with the family of Nazariy Yaremchuk.

In 1996 he graduated from Chernovetsky State University them. Fedkovich. By education he is a lawyer. As the teachers recall, from the second year Arseny practically did not appear in classes - he was busy with business. He wanted to write and defend his diploma in English. But Yatsenyuk was denied this - because the commission members did not speak this language well enough. In 2001 he graduated from the Chernivtsi Trade and Economic Institute of the Kyiv National Trade and Economic University. Specialty: accounting and auditing. In the early nineties, as Arseny Petrovich says, he and his friends traded cars on the market: And I’m not at all embarrassed about it!.. This is big life experience(Facts, June 1, 2007).

Founded in December 1992 law firm YurEk Ltd, which dealt with privatization issues. They say that he ran his business together with the son of the then governor Ivan Hnatyshyn. According to Arseniy Yatsenyuk, organizational assistance in creating the company was provided to him by the head of the department of financial law at Kyiv State University, Lidia Konstantinovna Voronova. True, among the then patrons of Yatsenyuk they name the current Minister of Labor and social policy Mikhail Papiev, Igor Pluzhnikov, Victor Korol and Gennady Moskal. Then he was introduced to the chairman of the board of AKB Aval, Fedor Shpigu. This played a decisive role in the fate of Arseniy Yatsenyuk. In January 1998, he came to work at the bank as a consultant and in three years managed to go from an ordinary employee to deputy chairman of the board of AKB Aval.

In September 2001, Yatsenyuk went to Crimea, where he received the position of acting Minister of Economy of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The Crimean parliament failed the first vote on Yatsenyuk’s candidacy. As Arseny Petrovich himself recalls, the chairman then spoke out against him Supreme Council ARK Leonid Grach. But a few months later, parliament changed its attitude towards Yatsenyuk and gave the green light to his appointment as Minister of Economy. Since January 2003 - First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine. In 2004, when Sergei Tigipko left to work in the headquarters of Viktor Yanukovych, Arseniy Yatsenyuk headed the National Bank. It was then that he showed his talents, preventing the national currency and the country's banking system from collapsing. I spent the night on the Internet trying to find a similar situation in world practice. There was nothing like that. In the morning, I issued an order to the National Bank of Ukraine, which prohibited early issuance of deposits, recalls Arseniy Petrovich (Strana.RU, March 21, 2007).

In February 2005, on the initiative of the new head of the NBU, Vladimir Stelmakh, Arseniy Petrovich resigned. The reason is the difference in views on further development Ukrainian banking. Then Yatsenyuk was forced to go to Odessa, where he received the post of first deputy chairman of the regional state administration Vasily Tsushko. According to socialist Ivan Bokiy, at that time Arseny Petrovich and Tsushko were like two wings of one body. In September 2005, after the appointment of Yuri Yekhanurov as Prime Minister, Yatsenyuk received the post of Minister of Economy of Ukraine. A year later, he is the first deputy head of the Presidential Secretariat, the president's representative in the government. At this time, Yatsenyuk was in charge of the Security Service of Ukraine. In 2006, in the Top 100 most influential people in Ukraine, determined annually by Korrespondent magazine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk took 28th position. At the end of 2006, Arseniy Petrovich was tipped to take the place of head of the People's Union Our Ukraine party. However, Yatsenyuk limited himself to only joining the NU-NS. In March 2007, when the candidacy of Vladimir Ohryzko was failed three times in the Verkhovna Rada, Arseniy Yatsenyuk was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs.

In 2007, in the Top 100 most influential people in Ukraine, determined annually by Korrespondent magazine, Yatsenyuk took 12th position. In the 2007 parliamentary elections, he was elected to the Verkhovna Rada on the list of the Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense bloc (No. 3). During the election campaign, Arseniy Yatsenyuk was one of the seven speakers who were authorized to speak on behalf of the NUNS bloc. In November 2007, FOM-Ukraine conducted a survey to find out who they would like to see as speaker of parliament. Only 0.7% of respondents supported Arseniy Yatsenyuk. On December 4, 2007, he was elected Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Then Viktor Yushchenko said that he hoped that Arseniy Yatsenyuk would be able to unite the parliament. In 2007, in Focus magazine's ranking of the 200 most influential Ukrainians, Arseniy Yatsenyuk took 8th place.

In May 2008, Yatsenyuk's name appeared among possible candidates for the post of chairman of the United Center party, to which Arseniy Petrovich replied: I am not going to head any political project. And if I ever have to head it, then only the one that I create personally. In 2008, in the Top 100 most influential Ukrainians identified by Korrespondent magazine, Yatsenyuk took 8th place. On September 17, 2008, due to the collapse of the Orange coalition, he resigned from the post of Speaker of Parliament. At the same time, Yatsenyuk announced his intention to create his own political project.

The structure of the Ukrainian political system is peculiar: several months pass after the elections, and the people cease to love the government for which they recently voted. The disgraced 15th Prime Minister of Ukraine was no exception, who, after his resignation, ceased to be a public politician. Everyone is wondering - where is Yatsenyuk now? Today there are several versions about what Arseny Petrovich does and where he lives.

Yatsenyuk Arseniy Petrovich: where is he now?

April 14, 2016 - the Ukrainian parliament sends Prime Minister Yatsenyuk to resign. The disastrous two years spent in this position should have finally knocked out the winner of the elections to the Verkhovna Rada from the highest echelon of the country's politics. However, this did not happen, and Arseny Petrovich feels great in the role of “ eminence grise» Ukraine:

  • The consignment . As the head of the Popular Front, he constantly dominates party meetings and almost single-handedly decides how the faction should vote in the Verkhovna Rada.
  • Ministers . Despite the fact that Arseny Petrovich is now in the shadows, he still has his own people in the cabinet. And this is “profitable” lobbying for the requests of large corporations.
  • Key players . Three Key Players political structure countries, represent Yatsenyuk's party: Avakov - heads the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Parubiy - dominates the Verkhovna Rada, Turchynov - the first person in the National Security and Defense Council. Key issues are resolved with their consent, which means, de facto, Arseniy Petrovich himself is involved in this.
  • Ambition . Despite his young political age, Yatsenyuk had already become Minister of Foreign Affairs, headed the Ministry of Justice, headed the NBU and served as Prime Minister. What remains? That's right - the presidency.

Where is Yatsenyuk and his family now?

After Yatsenyuk resigned as prime minister, rumors appeared that Arseniy Petrovich had left Ukraine. They even named specific countries: Argentina, Great Britain, USA. This was preceded by two scandals:

  1. Billionaire . In two years as prime minister, Yatsenyuk becomes a dollar billionaire. A civil servant, and according to the laws of Ukraine, Arseniy Petrovich did not have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity, he physically could not earn the amount of two billion dollars, while living on a politician’s modest salary.
  2. Project "Wall" . We most likely will not find out about Yatsenyuk’s “dark” affairs, but his public promises are known to everyone. During the PR of the “Wall” project, which should be located on the border with Russia, Arseniy Petrovich thus raised his low rating. The result - for 400 million dollars, 30 km of fence was built, which strangely resembles an ordinary chain-link mesh.

But money decides everything, and no criminal cases were brought against the ex-prime minister. Now Yatsenyuk and his family live safely in Kyiv, and in any favorable case, he will return to big politics.

Friendship with the country's most influential oligarchs Akhmetov and Kolomoisky leaves no doubt - Yatsenyuk at the next presidential elections will definitely participate.

Yatsenyuk's real name

Ukrainian politics is quite unique - all key people do not have their own last names:

  • Petro Poroshenko . The President of Ukraine changed his initials in his youth. Real name- Waltzman.
  • Vitaliy Klichko . The famous boxer, and now the mayor of Kyiv, used to be Etinson.
  • Yulia Timoshenko . The oppositionist and head of the BYuT faction has Armenian roots. For the purpose of “Ukrainization”, Yulia Grigyan turned into Yulia Tymoshenko.
  • Semyon Semenchenko . The public deputy from the Samopomich party was formerly Konstantin Grishin.

As for Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the politician comes from an ancient Jewish family - Bakai. But what to do if, just recently, people who have Jewish roots, did not have serious job prospects? That's right - change the last name to something more consonant with the Ukrainian voter. So Arseniy Bakai became Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk: what next?

Whatever political experts say, Yatsenyuk’s future prospects in the political field are more than rosy. A superficial analysis of the current situation in Ukraine confirms this fact:

  • Rating . The former prime minister's current rating is very low. But time is on Arseniy Petrovich’s side. All current power is concentrated in one hand - President Poroshenko. All the country’s failures are also associated with Pyotr Alekseevich. In the event of early elections to the Verkhovna Rada, political strategists will be able to turn Yatsenyuk into a new people's “messiah.”
  • Oligarchs . Knowledgeable people associate the "Popular Front" with the name Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. On the other hand, and Yatsenyuk was once a member of Yanukovych’s government, no one denies Arseniy Petrovich’s friendly ties with another financial heavyweight, Rinat Akhmetov. From this we can conclude: the project called “President Yatsenyuk” has not been cancelled.

Now the Popular Front is the second largest faction and is part of the coalition in the Verkhovna Rada. Until the situation changes, Arseniy Yatsenyuk remains a person who is able to influence the decisions of the country's leadership.

American trace

It will not be a secret to anyone that the US State Department was at the origins of " Orange Revolution"2004 and the "Revolution of Dignity" 2014. After an unsuccessful bet on Yushchenko, the American leadership began to promote new people, one of whom was Yatsenyuk. Facts confirming this:

  • Joseph Biden . The Vice President of the United States is good friend Yatsenyuk.
  • Victoria Nuland . The Assistant Secretary of State in 2014 misspoke in an interview and called Arseniy Petrovich “her man.”
  • Barack Obama . At critical moments of Yatsenyuk's premiership, he met twice with US President Obama.

Did you know that:

  1. Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who is Jewish by nationality, denies this in every possible way and claims that he is a pure Ukrainian.
  2. In 2015, Arsen Avakov awarded Arseny Petrovich a machine gun from the times of the first world wave “Maxim”.
  3. With my future wife The ex-prime minister met while working at Raiffeisen Bank.
  4. As head of the NBU in 2005, it was Yatsenyuk who kept the hryvnia from devaluing.
  5. Arseniy Petrovich broke the anti-record for Yushchenko's popularity - in April 2016, the population's support rating for Yatsenyuk was 1.5%. The third president stopped at 2.5%.

Now you know exactly where Yatsenyuk is now. Today we can safely say that Arseniy Petrovich, after his disastrous premiership, did not run away anywhere, but lives in Kyiv and dreams of returning to big politics with triumph. The next presidential elections will show whether he will succeed. And on this moment Yatsenyuk remains one of the richest and most influential people in Ukraine.

Video about politics

This video will show an investigation of one popular Ukrainian channel, in which they were able to establish exactly where the ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine disappeared:

Arseniy Yatsenyuk is a political and statesman of Ukraine. In February 2014, he was appointed prime minister. Prior to this, he held key positions in the Ukrainian government for several years. He has repeatedly been included in the top lists of the most influential personalities in Ukraine, occupying quite high positions in them.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk's fortune is estimated at several million dollars. According to his recent statements, he has about three million in Ukrainian bank accounts. However, the prime minister tactfully kept silent about how many dollars he has in foreign accounts. Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s real estate as of 2013 is also impressive: a country house, a plot of land, a garage, three apartments in Kyiv. How did he come to all this?


On May 22, 1974, in the city of Chernivtsi, located in the southwest of Ukraine, Yatsenyuk Arseniy Petrovich was born. The parents of the future Ukrainian politician were teachers. His father, Pyotr Ivanovich Yatsenyuk, taught Russian history, Latin America and Germany. Mother, Maria Grigorievna Yatsenyuk, born in the Ukrainian city of Kolomyia, was a French teacher. This pedigree of Arseniy Yatsenyuk, without a doubt, provided him with a brilliant future. The boy studied at a specialized English-language school named after No. 9, which he graduated from in 1991. In 1989, he became a law student at the Chernivtsi National University. Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s older sister, Alina, studied there, at the Faculty of Foreign Philology and graduated two years before her younger brother entered there.

Student life and first experiences in business

Having entered the university, Yatsenyuk quite successfully combined studies and entrepreneurial activity. He and the son of the governor of the Chernivtsi region, Valentin Gnatyshin, created the law firm “YurEl Ltd” in the city.

Having received his diploma in 1996, the future prime minister heads the company mentioned above. Then Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s business gradually began to expand. The future politician successfully privatized several different industrial and agricultural enterprises.

Two years later, in 1998, Yatsenyuk moved to Kyiv. There he received the position of consultant in the credit department at the Aval Joint Stock Postal and Pension Bank. Already in December 1998, he became an adviser to the chairman of the board of this bank, and after that his deputy.

After this, the biography of Arseniy Yatsenyuk takes an important turn: the Chairman of the Crimean Council of Ministers Valery Gorbatov invites him to become the Minister of Economy of the region.

Five years after receiving his first diploma, in 2001, at the age of 27, Arseniy Yatsenyuk received a second diploma higher education majoring in accounting and auditing, having studied at the Chernivtsi Trade and Economic Institute.

As Crimean Minister of Economy

In September 2001, the political career of Arseniy Yatsenyuk began. From the 19th, he takes charge of the Ministry of Economy of Crimea in an acting capacity, and two months later he takes office officially, in accordance with the decision of parliament.

In April 2002, the entire Council of Ministers of Crimea resigned due to the start of the work of the newly elected Crimean Verkhovna Rada. And despite the fact that Valery Gorbatov was replaced by the new chairman of the government, Sergei Kunitsyn, Arseniy Yatsenyuk managed to retain his position and in May became the full-fledged head of the Crimean Ministry of Economy for the second time.

However, he was destined to work in this position for just over six months. At the beginning of 2003 it was transferred to new job and moves to Kyiv.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk and the National Bank of Ukraine

January 2003 becomes another important date in Yatsenyuk’s life: he is appointed first deputy to Sergei Tigipko, chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine. Later, Tigipko himself recalled this, characterizing his deputy as a normal team player. How old was Arseniy Yatsenyuk at that time? Then he turned 29.

A year later, at 30, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “Organization of the system of banking supervision and regulation in Ukraine” and became a candidate of economic sciences.

In the same 2004, Yatsenyuk was entrusted with the duties of chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine, since the current head, Sergei Tigipko, headed the election headquarters of Viktor Yanukovych, a candidate for president of Ukraine. Yatsenyuk was supposed to head the NBU until the end of the election campaign, but other circumstances left him at the helm until mid-December. After the Verkhovna Rada accepted the resignation of Sergei Tigipko and appointed a new leader, Vladimir Stelmakh, Yatsenyuk left his post.

During the crisis, Arseniy Yatsenyuk adopted a resolution providing for a temporary ban on early withdrawals of bank deposits, which helped prevent possible negative consequences that could result from political confrontation. According to Ukrainian politician and businessman Yevgeny Chervonenko, Yatsenyuk at that time managed to keep both the bank and the currency afloat.

In 2005, in February, Arseny's resignation was accepted, and he resigned from the position he held.

A month later, in March, Yatsenyuk was appointed first deputy chairman of the Odessa regional administration Vasily Tsushko, under whom he worked until he was appointed Minister of Economy of Ukraine at the end of September. From this moment on, the biography of Arseniy Yatsenyuk takes on a bright political coloring, and he becomes a prominent figure in big politics.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk heads the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

September 2005 was marked for Yatsenyuk with the assumption of the post of Minister of Economy of Ukraine in the government headed by Yuri Yekhanurov.

In May 2006, the entire government was dismissed by the newly elected Verkhovna Rada. At the same time, Arseniy Yatsenyuk was left to perform his duties. He worked for more than two months until he was dismissed in early August.

As Minister of Economy, Yatsenyuk led negotiations regarding Ukraine's accession to the WTO (World Trade Organization). He also headed the “Ukraine - European Union” committee. He also served on the Advisory Council on Foreign Investments and headed the board of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank from late December 2005 to early March 2007.

Yatsenyuk - Deputy Head of the Presidential Secretariat

In September 2006, by decree of the then President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, Arseniy Yatsenyuk was appointed to the position of first deputy head of the Ukrainian Presidential Secretariat. Since then, he has been the president's representative in the Cabinet of Ministers.

This time was difficult for Yushchenko, since it was then that the Verkhovna Rada fired almost all the ministers who did not share the views of the president. At the same time, since September 2006, Yatsenyuk was included in the board of the NBU (National Bank of Ukraine) and in the supervisory board of the State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine. He vacated these positions in mid-March 2007.

A few days later he was approved for the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs, after which his work in the Presidential Secretariat was ended. This moment, without a doubt, marks the birth of Arseniy Yatsenyuk as a major, promising political figure who entered the international arena.

Yatsenyuk at the helm of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry

In 2007, Arseniy Yatsenyuk was confirmed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine through a vote of the Verkhovna Rada. His candidacy was proposed by President Viktor Yushchenko when the parliament twice rejected the candidacy of Vladimir Ohryzko, who also applied for the post of minister. At this time, a question began to arise that still haunts everyone who does not like Arseniy Yatsenyuk. The biography and nationality of the politician began to interest his opponents, who openly called him a Jew in their questions, although he always denied this.

When applying for the position, he spoke about the importance of the economy within the framework of Ukraine's foreign policy. He proposes to maintain a course towards European integration and strive to enter European markets. Realistic, pragmatic and predictable Ukrainian foreign policy, in his opinion, would be ideal for the country. He describes cooperation with Russia, speaking of this country as an extremely important partner with whom it is dangerous to conduct an unpredictable dialogue.

According to former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yuriy Yekhanurov, Arseniy Yatsenyuk lacks both professional diplomatic experience and special education, extensive and rich experience in international work. According to the statement of Andrei Shevchenko, a deputy of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, made after Yatsenyuk took office, he is rather perceived as a pro-Western person, rather than as a pro-Russian one.

Along with his appointment to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yatsenyuk becomes a member of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council.

At this time, the political biography of Arseniy Yatsenyuk again coincided with the instability of the government, since almost his entire term in office he had to observe an acute political crisis, which began in early April 2007, when the Ukrainian parliament was dissolved.

At the beginning of July of the same year, Yatsenyuk was nominated for the post of deputy of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada by the Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense party bloc, which actively supported the policies of the Ukrainian president. Because of these events, Arseny went on unpaid leave, however, in order to control the ministry still under his control, he interrupted his “rest” several times.

In December, he took leave again, a couple of days after becoming head of the Verkhovna Rada. And in the middle of the month, Yatsenyuk was dismissed from his ministerial post. This saved him from combining two posts: head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and chairman of the Verkhovna Rada.

Head of the Ukrainian government

November 2007 was marked for Yatsenyuk by taking the oath of office as a deputy of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada, and a month later he was elected by secret ballot as the eighth chairman of the Ukrainian parliament, with 227 votes cast in his favor.

Yatsenyuk was expelled from the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council, since his new position did not imply membership in this government body. But almost immediately, on the same day, he again became a member of the National Security and Defense Council - Ukrainian politics is not constant.

In September 2008 he resigned. The reason was the demise of the ruling party.

In November, deputies accepted Yatsenyuk's resignation by secret ballot. The Prime Minister was the first to put his ballot in the ballot box. But the vote was declared invalid because insufficient numbers of deputies were present.

The next day, Yatsenyuk was removed from the presidency by the Verkhovna Rada for a two-day period, after which the secret vote was replaced by an open vote. After the introduction of this innovation, the resignation of Arseniy Yatsenyuk was accepted by a majority vote.

A few days later he was expelled from the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council.

Even while Yatsenyuk was the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, he initiated the development of a system called “Rada-3”, which included preventing the possibility of voting for one’s colleagues. But its introduction never happened.

And at the end of 2011, as a people’s deputy, Arseniy Yatsenyuk came up with a bill amending the rules of the Ukrainian parliament. According to the document, deputies register and vote using exclusively a touch button and nothing more.

Yatsenyuk and the “Front of Change”

In mid-December 2008, Yatsenyuk made an announcement about possible creation party, which will be based on the public initiative “Front of Change”. In one of his interviews in February 2009, he said that no politician is his ally. At that time he was very often compared to Viktor Yushchenko. And Yatsenyuk was perceived as nothing other than a political clone of the Ukrainian president.

In the spring of 2009, in April, Arseniy Yatsenyuk (whose nationality was already discussed in every corner) openly declared his desire to nominate himself as a candidate for the post of head of state. The presidential campaign of the former head of the Ukrainian government was allegedly estimated at around 60-70 million dollars. On the posters that appeared in the country in the summer of 2009, Yatsenyuk was depicted as a militarist. This was fundamentally different from the image of the “young liberal”, which had already become familiar to everyone. According to some analysts, such a change in image had a negative impact on his campaign. In January 2010, Yatsenyuk said that the election campaign had cost him 80 million hryvnia, and his amount of advertising was much less than that of rivals in the race for the presidency. He also said that most of the budget was spent on television advertising and participation in debates.

At the end of the elections, Yatsenyuk intended to achieve the dissolution of the Verkhovna Rada, which, in his opinion, would be an obstacle to his activities. In addition, he did not separate the Party of Regions and the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc, calling them practically one whole.

According to the results of the presidential elections, he came fourth with almost 7% of the votes of Ukrainian citizens. There is evidence that the wife of the then head of state, Catherine-Claire Yushchenko, took an active part in Yatsenyuk’s election campaign. This is explained by the fact that, while still working in the presidential secretariat, Arseny supported the financing of the fund, which was managed by the wife of the head of state.

In the winter of 2010, Yanukovych proposed three candidates for the post of prime minister, among whom was Arseniy Yatsenyuk. The latter rejected his candidacy, not approving the new law, which allowed not only parliamentary factions, but also the majority of individual deputies to form their own personal coalitions.

After these events, he began to call for early presidential elections, since he considered it impossible for himself to be prime minister in a coalition with the communists.

According to journalist Yulia Mostova, in the summer of 2010, a campaign was held that revealed that Arseniy Yatsenyuk had every chance of winning the second round of presidential elections and overtaking Viktor Yanukovych. Perhaps if this had actually happened, the political biography of Arseniy Yatsenyuk would have become even more vivid.

and beliefs

Arseniy Yatsenyuk does not support the privatization of state property and advocated simplification of the system government controlled. He also believes that corruption will be defeated only when the country's governance system changes. I am convinced that only Ukrainian language should be state-owned, but he is against the infringement of the rights of Russian-speaking citizens. According to experts, based on what Arseniy Yatsenyuk says, he does not consider the nationality of citizens to be the dominant factor, for which the majority of both Ukrainians and Russians are ready to express support for him. He also advocates the abolition of the visa regime with the countries of the European Union.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk and his family

Currently, his father is deputy dean of the Faculty of History at Chernivtsi National University, his mother teaches French.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s sister, Alina Petrovna Steele, lives in America, where she moved in 1999, after her brother’s wedding. Lives in California. She was married three times, and in her third marriage she is raising a daughter and a son. Her current husband is in the real estate business and she helps him. He speaks several languages ​​perfectly and sometimes works as a translator.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk's wife Teresia, daughter of philosophy professor Viktor Gur and candidate philosophical sciences Svetlana Gur. They met in 1998 at New Year's corporate party at Aval Bank. There Teresia worked as a research assistant. After the wedding, she runs her own business and also takes care of her family.

What Arseniy Yatsenyuk, like any public person, is reluctant to talk about is children. It is known that he has two of them: eldest daughter Christina, born in 1999, and youngest daughter Sofia, who is five years old younger than sister and was born in 2004.

Today, Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s main property is a country house with a plot of 30 acres, adjacent to the residence of Viktor Yanukovych.


During the 2009 presidential election campaign, repeatedly, both by society and by means of mass media an issue was discussed that Arseniy Yatsenyuk himself was never the first to raise. Biography, nationality - this question haunted even prominent political figures in Ukraine and gave rise to anti-Semitic statements addressed to Yatsenyuk from the mayor of Uzhgorod Sergei Ratushnyak.

According to a statement by the vice-president of the Jewish Community of Ukraine made in 2009, Yatsenyuk is not a Jew. But many do not agree with this and are “digging” the prime minister’s biography deeper and deeper.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk himself, whose year of birth is 1974, is recorded as Ukrainian in his passport; his parents have the same nationality. He has repeatedly said that he has nothing to do with Jews and is proud to profess the Greek Catholic faith. But no matter what Yatsenyuk says, there are two opposing camps: one of them will persistently classify the prime minister as a Jewish nation, the second will prove the opposite. The circumstances in Ukraine are such that things that were ordinary at other times become the cause of numerous scandals, condemnation, and sometimes even violence.

After the election of a new president, who became Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk retained the position of prime minister. However, few in Ukraine doubted that it would be different. According to the head of state, Arseniy Yatsenyuk is the most suitable head of the Cabinet of Ministers today. The prime minister's main goals are to bring Ukraine into the European Union and establish full control over all regions. Settle all internal and external conflicts. Then lead the country out of the crisis, both financial and political.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk is a famous Ukrainian politician who served in different time key positions in the country's government. Since 2014, after active participation in the so-called “Euromaidan”, he became the Prime Minister of Ukraine. Until recently, Yatsenyuk was considered one of the most influential figures in Ukrainian politics.

Yatsenyuk Arseniy Petrovich was born on May 22, 1974 in the beautiful Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi in a family of teachers. Mother Maria Grigorievna worked as a French teacher in one of the local schools, and father Peter Ivanovich served as deputy dean of the history department at Chernivtsi National University. The head of the Ukrainian government also has an older sister, Alina, who has lived in California since 1999 with her third husband and two children.

Yatsenyuk's childhood years were spent in hometown, where he graduated from a specialized school with in-depth study with a silver medal in English No. 9, and then became a student at Chernivtsi National University. Arseny associated his future career with jurisprudence, so he entered the Faculty of Law, which he graduated in 1996. Parents strongly supported their son’s desire to study. Teachers speak of the future politician as a diligent, careful and intelligent student who was able to easily master all sciences both at school and at university.

Having received a law degree, the future prime minister decided to continue his studies and entered the Kiev National Trade and Economic University at the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, which he successfully graduated in 2001.

In 1992, back in student years, Yatsenyuk became a businessman, founding with the son of the governor of the Chernivtsi region, Valentin Gnatyshin, a law firm dealing with privatization issues of individuals and legal entities. During his time at the head of the law firm, Arseniy Petrovich met many representatives of Ukrainian politics and big business, which became a turning point in his biography.


Arseniy Yatsenyuk's political career started in 2001, when he was offered to head the Ministry of Economy in Crimea. But literally two years later career politics quickly rose, and he moved to Kyiv, becoming first deputy head of the National Bank of Ukraine Sergei Tigipko, who is an ally of the ex-president of Ukraine.

In 2005, having resigned, Yatsenyuk was invited to the post of vice-governor of the Odessa region, where he worked in Vasily Tsushko’s team for about six months, after which he was appointed to the post of Minister of Economy of Ukraine. A year later, the entire Ukrainian government, together with the Minister of Economy, was dismissed, but already in September 2006, Arseniy Petrovich received the position of deputy head of the Secretariat of the President of Ukraine.

This period of Yatsenyuk’s career was very difficult, since the country was experiencing an acute political crisis, and all the ministers representing the interests of the then current Ukrainian leader Viktor Yushchenko were removed from their positions by the Verkhovna Rada. Nevertheless, the politician managed to stay afloat, and in 2007 he became the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, despite the lack of professional diplomatic experience and education. At the same time, having become the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yatsenyuk receives membership in the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

And this period of his political career again coincided with instability in the Ukrainian government, so Arseniy Petrovich managed to hold on to his position for only 11 months, after which he was dismissed. After this, Yatsenyuk created his own political bloc, the “Front of Change,” whose activities brought the politician fame and popularity among the population.

In society, the politician was perceived as a promising leader, who was predicted to be the president of the country. In 2009, the former head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry began an election campaign in the presidential race, but failed, taking only fourth place in the elections.

In 2010, Yatsenyuk was nominated by the then-current president of the country, Viktor Yanukovych, for the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine. But Arseny Petrovich rejected this proposal, since being prime minister in a coalition with the communists was unacceptable for him. After this, Yatsenyuk began to call on parliament for early elections, believing that illegal attempts by parliamentarians to form a coalition would lead to state and political crisis in Ukraine.

Against the backdrop of his opposition activities in 2012, the leader of the “Front for Change” unites with the head of “Batkivshchyna”, with whom he forms common list to participate in the presidential elections and creates a council of the “United Opposition”.

In 2013, Yatsenyuk, together with Oleg Tyagnibok, led the coordination protest movement on the Maidan, opposing the current authorities who suspended the process of preparing the signing of an association agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. A month later, ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, in order to get out of the protracted crisis, offered Arseniy Petrovich the position of prime minister of the country, but he did not agree. Only a month after putting forward a similar proposal at Euromaidan, Yatsenyuk became prime minister within 24 hours.

While heading the government of Ukraine, the opposition politician was faced with the Crimean crisis and armed conflict in the east of the country. His achievement in his position was the signing of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine. Many Ukrainian deputies considered Yatsenyuk’s rise to power illegal, which is why they appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine, where it was decided to open proceedings on this claim.

Yatsenyuk did not wait for the court’s decision and voluntarily resigned. But after the Verkhovna Rada reviewed some bills providing for the easing of certain conditions, in particular in the gas sector, which was in the interests of many of the country’s oligarchs, such as, the government did not accept the resignation of Arseniy Petrovich. After early elections, he was confirmed as head of the government of Ukraine.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

The second government of Arseniy Yatsenyuk in the history of Ukraine became a record for the number of members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine - out of 20 ministers, 8 are among the richest people in the country, who previously had nothing to do with bureaucratic work.

The new government of Arseniy Petrovich included 4 foreigners, including the Minister of Economy, US citizen Natalya Yaresko, the Minister of Health, Georgian citizen Alexander Kvitashvili, and the Minister of Trade, Lithuanian Aivaras Abromavicius, who, after taking office, were granted Ukrainian citizenship by the President of Ukraine.

The Yatsenyuk government program was approved in December 2014 - its key directions are reforms in various fields and changing the country's social security system. Of course, in the post-revolutionary and war conditions, the Yatsenyuk government had no chance of becoming successful. Many experts believe that Yatsenyuk did not implement a single point from the approved program due to the unprofessional staff of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Despite his pretty thorny path As Prime Minister of Ukraine, Yatsenyuk does not demonstrate his discomfort, adhering to categorical and tough positions. He builds his policy as a business project, the goal of which is to effectively fight for the economy of Ukraine, the resources of which are simply “melting” against the backdrop of the war.

Due to the fact that the main character trait of a politician is the desire to get the most profitable result in any endeavor, reform in Ukraine did not begin during the year of his work. Political scientists believe that this is due to the politician’s fear of making mistakes and disappointing the electorate.

Arseny Petrovich's efforts do not bring results, and soon society demands his resignation. The years of Yatsenyuk’s rule are considered extremely unsuccessful, the people are literally groaning under the burden of his “reform initiatives,” and total poverty is setting in in the country. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko took advantage of a similar situation, removing a political competitor who was dragging his rating to the bottom, he actually formed a new leadership of the executive branch, subject only to him alone.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk now

People in Ukraine react extremely negatively to the person of Arseniy Petrovich after his premiership. Any media report about Yatsenyuk’s possible appointment to a high government position is perceived by the public without much enthusiasm.

People asked in all corners of Ukraine about where Arseniy Yatsenyuk is now, because after serving as head of the Ukrainian government, Yatsenyuk suddenly disappeared from TV screens. News about politician was less and less, many voters began to make their own assumptions regarding the fate of the official.

The Ukrainian press, against the backdrop of “silence,” reported that statesman Yatsenyuk was killed and his body was discovered country house near Kyiv. Such rumors turned out to be fiction. In addition, even during his premiership, information appeared in the media about Yatsenyuk’s preparation to flee abroad, that the politician allegedly received Canadian citizenship. Arseniy Petrovich himself called such data untrue.

In 2017, the Ukrainian media reported that Yatsenyuk could replace Valeria Gontareva as head of the NBU, but he former prime minister declined to comment on such reports.


Arseniy Petrovich’s activities soon even became the reason for the creation of various memes, which became very popular on the Internet, and the famous Ukrainian presenter Alexei Durnev gave the politician a carrot at one of the rallies. According to Durnev, such a vegetable is “a symbol of presidential power” for Yatsenyuk.

In December 2015, the incident involving Oleg Barna, a deputy from the Solidarity party, and Arseniy Yatsenyuk was remembered not only in Ukraine. Many foreign media called the delicate situation “an intimate attack by Barna on the prime minister.”

The ex-president of Georgia also takes his place in the biography of Arseniy Yatsenyuk. At the Reform Council, the Georgian reformer had a row not only with the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also with the Prime Minister. Saakashvili called the actions of the head of the Ukrainian government provocative and demanded that the press service of the Presidential Administration publish the full video of the conflict.

Yatsenyuk always spoke quite harshly about Russia, accusing the neighboring state of inciting war in Donbass, and called the President of the Russian Federation the main culprit of the conflict. According to the Ukrainian politician, it is necessary to strengthen sanctions measures against the Russian side, as well as to react more harshly to Russia’s “behavior.” With similar offers he often visits Western countries. In particular, his last interview BBC television and radio company, in which the former Ukrainian official spoke about Putin in his usual manner.

“Russia is a challenge for the West. We need to formulate a new, strong policy that will protect our values, freedoms and democracies. Putin wants to get a new geopolitical structure of the world, this is the whole reason. Who is Vladimir Putin in the context of NATO and Ukrainian independence?! We still have a country, we still have a nation, and I don’t care what President Putin wants,” Yatsenyuk said in an interview with the BBC’s Hard Talk program during a visit to the British capital.

Personal life

Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s personal life, in contrast to his eventful political career, is calm, stable and transparent. In 1999, Teresia Viktorovna Gur, who is four years older than the politician, became his wife.

The Yatsenyuk couple are raising two daughters – Kristina and Sofia. It is known that Arseny Petrovich’s wife is engaged in business, runs household and takes an active part in political activity spouse.

Since 2003, the Yatsenyuk family has lived near Kiev; their two-story mansion with a plot of land of 30 acres is located in the village of Novye Petrivtsi, Vyshgorod district, next to the residence of the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.

Being a wealthy and adult man, the Prime Minister of Ukraine decided to become a Greek Catholic, which he is very proud of. At the same time, Yatsenyuk has repeatedly become involved in scandals regarding his nationality. Many politicians believe that Arseny Petrovich is a Jew by nationality. Despite the fact that such information was not officially confirmed, at the end of 2009, Yatsenyuk was included in the collection “50 Famous Jews of Ukraine.”


Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s income, according to the 2015 declaration, amounted to about 1 million 150 thousand hryvnia, which is equivalent to 49 thousand dollars. This amount included the salary of the Prime Minister of Ukraine and interest on bank deposits.

The declaration also states that Yatsenyuk is the owner land plot(3 thousand sq.m.), a residential building (300 sq.m.), two apartments in Kyiv (225 and 83 sq.m.) and a 2010 Mercedes S car.

In 2016, the press reported that Yatsenyuk purchased 24 villas in Miami, but the politician himself soon denied such information.

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