Who is Dmitry Monatik? MONATIK: biography, photo and personal life of the artist

Dmitry Sergeevich Monatik(MONATIK) was born on April 1, 1986 in Lutsk in the wonderful friendly family. Dima was the only son and the favorite of the whole family. From the early childhood Dima was incredibly purposeful. He studied well and mastered several instruments at the same time. The parents did not contradict their son’s desire to develop in creative direction and supported him in everything. His passion for dancing, as one of Dima’s hobbies, occurred in adolescence and even then, at the age of 14, Dima, as a member of the Lutsk break dance group “DBS Crew”, won the title of the best “B-boy” team in Western Ukraine.

Fateful moment

In 2003, Dima entered the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management at the Faculty of Law. But his creative character made itself felt, and without giving up dancing and music in his senior years, Monatic passed the final casting for the cult project “Star Factory -2” where Dima was noticed by Natalya Mogilevskaya. She personally invites Dima to her ballet. It was this event that became “fateful” for Monatic. He agrees and moves to Kyiv.

The beginning of a creative journey

After graduating from university in 2009, Monatic collected his first Music band"Monatique" with which he performs in clubs. This gives Dima the opportunity to express himself creatively and perform his own repertoire. In the same year, he auditions for the ballet “D’arts”, and for two years, together with the guys, he experiences a lot of creative events that played a significant role in his life. So in 2010, Dima performed as one of the main dancers in the incredibly successful play “The Little Match Girl” directed by Nikolai Boychenko. In the same year, as part of the ballet “D’arts”, he became a member of the official ballet of the “Republic of Kazantip”. And in 2010, he starred in a cameo role in the popular television series “Mukhtar”.

Talent show

In July 2010, Dmitry became a member dance show“Dance All-3” and enters the top thirty best dancers in Ukraine. People are starting to talk about him a lot and well. Dima has his own fan club and a huge number of fans. In August of the same year, Monatik successfully passed the auditions of the world's most popular vocal talent show "X-Factor" and became one of the most bright participants project, once again making sure that it is on the right way. At the same time, Dima Monatik acts as a choreographer and director of the video clip “On the Bolshoi hot-air balloon» singer Yolka.

“I always treat the stage with respect and excitement. It seems to me that people who are not nervous before going on stage do not treat it with all the respect! I always spend a lot preparatory work, and then I go on stage and receive indescribable emotions of pleasure!”

Solo career

After participating in the talent show, Dima Monatik begins working on a solo project with even greater zeal. So in the summer of 2011, together with his friend Nikolai Boychenko and the ballet “D’arts”, Monatic filmed his debut video video for the single “Tay Flying Away”. The video instantly gains a huge number of views and becomes business card Dima Monatica. Six months later, Dima releases the second single “Air” and shoots a video clip for it


In August 2012, Dima Monatic wrote the iconic song “40 degrees,” which the most outrageous artist LOBODA took into her repertoire. The song instantly tops all the country's charts. Thanks to LOBODA, Monatik becomes famous as the author of words and music. In the summer of 2012, Dima Monatic released another video for the single “TerrorizirU.E.t.” The song is one of those songs that every year acquires new meaning and reveals new sides, a new attitude. In the same year, Monatic released the single “Important” and, together with Open Kids, shot a video for a cover version. Continuing his collaboration with LOBODA, Dima successfully acts as a composer in several episodes high-profile project"Hello, Director." In November 2012, Dmitry Monatik performed on the X Factor stage, already as a guest artist and performing a solo song. In March 2013, Monatic presented the track and video for “Sorry...” and released the first solo album called "The Soundtrack of Today". In April 2013, Monatic wrote the first solo track for Eva Bushmina “With Myself”, with which Eva starts after leaving the group “ Via Gra» .

New story. MONATIK

In the fall of 2014, Dmitry Monatik begins cooperation with the PR agency YULA and takes the short stage name MONATIK. The first song of their close collaboration is the track “Now”, which is called a breakthrough in Ukrainian music. musical culture. In the fall of 2014, a large solo tour of MONATIK under the same name “Now” will start. The tour covered the most big cities Ukraine and attracted incredible sold-out crowds. In the winter of the same year, MONATIK met Anna Sedokova and wrote a remix for the single “Piranha” for her. From this moment their fruitful joint cooperation begins. And on February 14, 2015, Valentine’s Day, Anna and MONATIK released a joint single “Hush,” and 3 weeks later they released a video clip for the same composition. During the same period, MONATIK, together with Anton Chilibi, opened its own recording studio, MonatikChilibiSound, and was closely involved in writing its second album. An incredible achievement in the artist’s career is that MONATIK is among the top five artists of Ukraine at the YUNA and big stage The ceremony will present the social track “One More.” The number was named one of YUNA's best numbers. On April 1, 2015, on its birthday, MONATIK once again delivers a musical bomb and releases a video clip with the cult band Quest Pistols Show for the song “Wet”. Filming took place in Kyiv at the October Palace. The video was directed by Yuri Bardash. More than ten choreographers from three continents took part in the filming of the “Wet” video. The words and music were written by MONATIK. “Wet” will be presented in MONATIK’s second album, scheduled for release in autumn 2015.

9EmfpppINO8At the moment, MONATIK is a young, promising, creative, purposeful multi-artist. Every day MONATIK makes more and more listeners fall in love with their own music, which they write from the heart. His name appears more and more often in the media, and his songs are increasingly heard on radios. MONATIK is a multi-artist and confirms his status with every new day!

Childhood and youth Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site website. So, Dmitry Monatic- a real diamond of Ukrainian pop music, which independently polishes its boundless edges of talent year after year. The singer was born on April 1, 1984 in the town of Lutsk (Ukraine). Dmitry’s parents at that time were ordinary workers: his father worked at an aircraft factory, and his mother was a secretary. Only a few years later the family opened their own business. The spirit of creativity was passed through the veins of Monatik from his grandfathers. One of them was an athlete and an excellent dancer, and all the neighbors in the area went crazy from the songs and playing the button accordion of the other.
Until the 8th grade, Dima did not notice any special talents in himself. By serendipity Monatik saw a breakdancing show in the city square. Unusual movements captured Dmitry's heart so much that he promised himself to learn to dance.
Over the course of several years, the purposeful guy proved to the whole country that he deserves to be in best team breakdancing group "DBS Crew". Even then, the young man had a permanent attribute in the form of a hat, since Dima often had to spin around on his head.
Despite the boy's creative hobbies, conservative parents convinced him to get an adequate profession. That is why in 2003 Dmitry entered the Faculty of Law. Because of his studies, creativity faded into the background, but Monatik never abandoned it.

Music career

IN student years Dmitry survived strong crush, which became the muse for many texts and the impetus for a new life. It was during this period that Monatic decided to audition for the Ukrainian “Star Factory”. Unfortunately, Dima didn’t have enough to become a participant in the project. But then, as in a fairy tale, a fairy appeared in the person of the popular Ukrainian singer Natalia Mogilevskaya. She invited Dmitry to move to the capital and work in her ballet. Who knows how many world hits Monatika had on the Lutsk-Kyiv train back then?
Next important stage for Dima it was work in dance school Turbo. Despite the fact that Monatik himself worked as a teacher, he watched the master classes of great dancers day after day, and honed his skills at night.
In parallel with dancing, Dmitry developed the vocal project "Monatiqe". It intertwined romantic lyrics with deep vocals and classical piano.
In 2010, he joined the ballet “D’arts” by Nikolai Boychenko. In the same year, Monatik managed to discover his acting side. He was lucky enough to star in several episodes of the series "Mukhtar".
In the same year, Dmitry entered the top 30 dancers Ukrainian broadcast"Everybody dance-3". Dima failed to make it to the finals.
Without waiting for the final results, the lively boy immediately found himself at the casting of another X-Factor project. After the show, many fans began to single out Monatic as a solo artist.
Since 2011, the author's talent has begun to gain momentum.

MONATIK - Tayuletayu (2011)

The view counts for the songs “Tay Flying” and “Air,” which the singer posted on YouTube, increased every day.

In 2013, Dmitry released a solo album called "S.D.D.", which included 13 compositions, including an acoustic version of the song "Important" together with "Open Kids"
The talented guy wrote many hits for popular stars: “40 degrees” (Svetlana Loboda), “Soboy” (Eva Bushmina), “Come on” (), “Hush” (Anna Sedokova) and for many others.

Anna Sedokova & MONATIK - Hush (2015)

And in 2016, the 2nd album “Sounds” was born with hits (“Weekend”, “Circles”, “Dream”). It was at this moment that Monatik’s songs “whirled” not only the whole of Ukraine and Russia, but also the countries of the near and far abroad.

In 2016, Dmitry became a coach in the Ukrainian show “Voice.Children”. Although his ward Vlad Fenichko failed to win, Dmitry proved himself to be a sensitive mentor.
In 2017, Monatik opened Eurovision 2017, which took place in Kyiv. An incendiary performance with the song "Spinning" ( English version"Spinning") was liked by all of Europe.

Personal life

The charismatic singer does not like to advertise his personal life and tries in every possible way to hide it from the media. Fans of the artist conducted their investigation and found out that Dmitry still has a wife named Irina Demicheva, who in 2015 made Monatik a father, giving birth to his son. In the spring of 2017, the family added another child.

Monatic now

Monatik is the most crystal clear artist. His music is incredibly light, but at the same time there is some deep ethics in it. You want to soar to dance tracks, and cry to lyrical tracks. It’s amazing how one artist with his songs makes the listener experience a whole range of feelings.

MONATIK - Vitamin D (2017)

: vk.com/dima_monatik (Official community in VK)
: instagram.com/monatik_official ( Official page on Instagram)
: TV channels "1+1", "NTV", "STB", video hosting "YouTube.com" - still images
: vk.com/monatikofficial (Official page in VK)
Stills from MONATIK music videos from YouTube
Personal archive Dmitry Sergeevich Monatik

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The article was prepared by the resource "How Celebrities Changed"

Artist Dima Monatic admitted that he recently became a dad for the second time. And Zhenya Galich, the lead singer of the group O.Torvald, which will represent Ukraine at Eurovision 2017, is waiting for a new addition to the family. “Strana” found out who the youth idols are married to and what they do in their private lives.

Who is Monatik and what is on his personal front?

30-year-old Dmitry Monatik became famous thanks to the TV shows “Everybody Dance” and “X-Factor” on the STB TV channel. Soon he acted as a composer when he wrote the hit “40 degrees” for singer Svetlana Loboda. After some time, Monatik began to sing himself. And in 2015, according to the First Music Channel M1, he became “Breakthrough of the Year.”

Dima Monatic, photo: vklybe.tv

On February 21, the sixth professional awards ceremony took place at the Kiev Palace of Ukraine. Monatik received 2 statuettes: for the album “Sounds” and for the video “Circles”.

Almost nothing is known about Dima Monatik’s personal life. At parties, the singer is almost always himself; in interviews he does not talk about his family. But as Strana learned, Dmitry has been married for a long time and recently had a second son. For some time, the artist did not comment at all on the news about the addition to the family, but in an interview "High Life" he admitted that he was incredibly happy about the birth of another heir. “I fly. It changes everything around. You basically perceive your work differently, and everything becomes completely different. And it’s cool! You want even more, even better, so that everything is fine for everyone!”, shared his emotions Monatic.

Irina, wife of Dima Monatik, photo: facebook.com

Dmitry is married to Irina Demicheva, who works with him. Irina is the singer's director. As sources close to the family told the country, Ira and Dima have been together for more than six years. She inspires him, supports him and is very upset if her husband doesn’t succeed.

Dmitry and Irina in Deneyland, photo: vk.com

“Ira is a wonderful mother. She manages to combine absolutely everything: work, household chores, and motherhood. And Dima... Dima wants to be close to her family every minute,” Monatik’s friends told us.

Dima and Ira have been together for more than six years, photo: vk.com

Zhenya and Lera Galich are expecting their second

After winning the National selection for singing competition"Eurovision 2017" from Ukraine, the rock band O. Torvald continues to accept congratulations and criticism. It is known that the STB TV channel announced that it would financially help make the production concert number and sew stage costumes for musicians. Meanwhile, the lead singer of the group, 32-year-old Zhenya Galich, said that he considers the words of his 3-year-old daughter Eva to be the greatest praise.

“In the morning, my daughter came up to me and said: “You won!” You are better than Monatik!" Before that, she watched the YUNA awards ceremony, where Dima won many awards, but we didn’t get anything. She loves his work very much, listens to all the songs. This is from her highest degree praise. By the way, I really respect Dima, he is a great workaholic. I think if Monatik had participated in the National selection for Eurovision, he would definitely have won,” he said.

Lera, Zhenya and Eva Galich, photo: instagram.com

As for his personal life, Zhenya Galich has been married for a long time and is raising a daughter, Eva. His wife Lera is now in interesting position. The couple will soon have a second child.

Lera Galich training for pregnant women, photo: instagram.com

Zhenya and Lera met at a concert of the Pyatki group, where the guy played drums. This was about eight years ago. At that time, Lera had a boyfriend, but they soon broke up.

Lera does business, she sells houseplants in beautiful pots. Together with their partner they offer

Dmitry Monatik is a Ukrainian youth singer, composer and dancer, performing under the stage name Monatik. Creativity is his main and favorite pastime: he writes music and lyrics himself, performs songs and films videos.

Childhood of Dmitry Monatik

Dmitry was born on April 1, 1986 in Lutsk. I grew up in an ordinary family with ordinary parents: my father worked at an aircraft factory, my mother was a secretary. Later, when Dima grew up, they started working for their own business.

Most likely, the young man received his musical talent from his grandfathers: One of them was a deaf-mute dancer and athlete, the second sang well, and even masterfully accompanied himself on the button accordion.

Until the eighth grade, Dima grew up, completely no different from the rest of his peers. The starting point for the teenager was the breakdancing show he saw in the city square. Fascinated by the expression of dance, he decided to learn how to dance and joined the breakdancing group "DBS Crew". Purposeful Dima quickly achieved success, becoming one of best performers. Together with the group, he began performing throughout the country.

In graduating class, it's time to decide future profession. The parents managed to convince their son of the vital need to study to become a lawyer, and to transfer music to the level of a hobby. As a result, Dmitry Monatik was a law student during the day, and returned to the musical element in the evening.

Musical career of Dmitry Monatik

And yet, Fortune was merciful to Dmitry, giving him the opportunity to do what he loved instead of sitting in the office for many hours. The impetus to serious musical career became unrequited love.

During this period, Monatik got to the casting of the Ukrainian “Star Factory”, where he managed to impress people's artist Natalia Mogilevskaya. She took him into her team and helped him move from Lutsk to Kyiv. The next stage is working as a dancer in the capital’s professional studio “Turbo”. This gave Dmitry the opportunity to learn from the best dancers in the country, and free time hone your own skills.

At the same time, Dmitry managed to create a personal vocal project “Monatique”. He wrote and performed songs himself.

In 2010, Dmitry Monatik came under the wing of the famous choreographer Nikolai Boychenko, and also took part in the filming of the series “Mukhtar”. That year was also successful in competitions: Monatik was one of the thirty dancers selected in the third season of the “Everybody Dance” competition and became one of the best performers of “The X Factor”.

Released in next year The clips “Tay Flying” and “Air” that he posted on YouTube produced the effect of a bomb exploding. By 2012, Dmitry Monatik had become well-known in musical environment author of the hit “40 degrees,” which he wrote for Svetlana Loboda, as well as the song “By Myself” for another former Viagryan woman, Eva Bushmina.

In 2013, his first solo album of 13 compositions, “S.S.D.”, which stood for “Soundtrack of Today,” was released.

2014 was marked for the singer with a new pseudonym MONATIK and two songs created in collaboration with Anna Sedokova. Next is our own recording studio. In 2015, the Ukrainian music channel M1 named him “Breakthrough of the Year.”

Monatik - video “Weekend”

In 2016, Monatic released his second album, laconicly titled “Sounds” and consisting of 16 songs, including a duet with Anna Sedokova and Quest Pistlos. In the same year, the premiere of the videos “Weekend”, “Circulating”, “Eternity” and “Dream” took place, which was filmed with the participation of rapper L’One.

Monatik feat. L"ONE - Dream

Personal life of Dmitry Monatik

On his verified VKontakte page, the singer willingly shares music and videos, creative plans and reports with fans. But not a word about personal things. He doesn't like to talk about his family.

However, the singer’s fans know that he is married, his wife’s name is Irina Demicheva. She is also the director of the MONATIK project.

They got married in 2015 after a long-term relationship, and immediately after this event the couple had a son. In February 2017, the family added another child.

Dmitry's other favorite pastimes include drawing. In his youth, he even created his own “cartoon world of Monatic”, and he also designed the cover for the first album himself. He also doesn’t mind spending his free time playing the console.

Dmitry Monatik is a comprehensively developed character in Ukrainian show business. Singer, dancer, video director, songwriter, actor - all in one. Today we will tell you about the “breakthrough” of the famous Ukrainian performer and his path to fame: where and how Dmitry grew up, how he chose the path of a performer, and who helped him in this.


Monatik Dmitry Sergeevich comes from Western Ukraine, namely the city of Lutsk. Born on April 1, 1986 in a very ordinary family. His parents could not boast of special wealth, rather the opposite. Dmitry’s dad worked at one of the Ukrainian aircraft factories, assembling engines for aircraft, and a little later began working on the production of foam rubber.

Mom held the position of secretary in the executive committee of the Lutsk city council. Over time, Dima's parents managed to raise money and open their own small business.

Monatic was always a short, stocky boy, but in the 8th grade, fate forced him to change. One day, returning home from school, he noticed the dancers who were performing near the central square of his city, and realized that he wanted to dance no worse than them. From that day on, Dmitry began to actively engage in dancing, namely the popular style of “break dancing” at that time.

Soon the guy becomes a member of a famous dance team“DBS Crew”, which actively toured throughout Ukraine. Some time later, Dmitry participated in the popular program “Everybody Dance.”

But we all know Monatic in the image of the popular Ukrainian singer. According to the artist himself, his love for music was passed on to him from his grandfathers. One of them was deaf and dumb, but this did not stop him from becoming a dancer and achieving great success in sports, the second was a virtuoso accordion player and singer. The result of mixing all the genes was a charismatic and, of course, talented artist.

Carier start

In the eleventh grade, the time has come to decide your destiny, namely to choose a direction further studies at the university. The guy's parents persuaded him to choose a more down-to-earth profession and go to study as a lawyer. So he did, enrolling in law school. But this did not stop him from continuing to engage in creativity. In his free time from studying, Monatik continued to actively engage in music and develop his talents.

Unrequited love became the impetus for Dima’s further advancement in music career ladder. The breakup of an unsuccessful relationship forced Monatik to go to the casting of the Ukrainian “Star Factory”, where singer Natalia Mogilevskaya took him under her wing. He moves to live in Kyiv and is engaged in creativity. After some time, Dmitry begins working as a dancer in the Turbo studio.

The next stage of it creative path become involved in vocal show“X Factor”, where he became one of the strongest and most beloved participants.

"Atomic Bomb Explosion"

The year 2011 is marked by Monatik’s breakthrough on the Ukrainian singing scene. The guy posted two videos on YouTube for the songs “Tay Flying” and “Air”, and... tore the audience apart! Popularity fell on Monatic like out of the blue.

In 2012, he wrote the lyrics to the song “40 degrees”, performed by singer Svetlana Loboda. A year later he releases his first music album, which included 13 singles under the general title “S.S.D.”, which translated means “Soundtrack of Today.”

The pseudonym MONATIK appeared in 2014, and with it his own recording studio, where the singer created two new hits in collaboration with Anna Sedokova. In 2015, the Ukrainian TV channel M1 called Monatik “breakthrough of the year.”

In 2016, Dmitry Monatik released his second album, which included the songs “Circulating”, “Eternity”, “Weekend”, “Dream”, as well as songs in a duet with Anna Sedokova and the group Quest Pistlos.

Hidden Love

Monatik remains one of the few artists whose personal life the Ukrainian media did not have time to sort out. He carefully hides personal information and skillfully avoids questions on love theme. But we still know some facts. Dmitry Monatik got married in 2015. His beloved name is Irina Demicheva, she also plays the role of director creative project"MONATIK".

In the same year, their first-born son was born. And in 2017, a second child was born, although the artist himself for a long time denied information of this kind.


In 2016-2017, Dmitry appeared as a judge on the show “Voice of the Country. Children”, where his ward Daneliya Tuleshova won.

Also in 2017, the album “Sounds” and the video “Circles” were recognized as the best at music award"YUNA" 2018 for Monatik is marked by many victories. On February 26, at the YUNA award ceremony, Monatik won three statuettes, namely:

  • Best Performer;
  • Best video clip (“Vitamin D”);
  • The best concert show(Live Show "Vitamin D")
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