Who recognized the annexation of Crimea. When will Crimea be recognized as Russian?

IN currently only six countries recognize our Crimea as part of the Russian Federation. Well, this is not so bad, considering the demonization of Moscow by Western countries. But it still seems that recognition from Afghanistan or Cuba is not enough. Firstly, these countries have nothing to do with Crimea, and it is unlikely that there will ever be economic cooperation between the peninsula and, say, Kabul. In addition, recognition did not entail any consequences for these countries, absolutely none.

Secondly, Nicaragua or the DPRK today are not among those states whose opinion is considered important in the world. In this regard, Russia lacks recognition from some more influential player in the international arena. Türkiye is perfect for this role. She has long been considered as a candidate for this role.

She has an interest in developing relations with Crimea - under favorable circumstances, Ankara could become the main supplier of products to the peninsula, and Turkish construction companies are always ready to come and build up almost the entire peninsula, in any case, representatives of Turkish business have repeatedly spoken about such opportunities. This, of course, is still only a theory, but it speaks too much for it. For example, Ankara on the peninsula has a powerful lobby represented by Crimean Tatars. No one will deny that in Crimea this national minority is represented in all spheres of government by very influential people. Of course, this is also facilitated by the proximity of the regions.

In general, Turkey could have very good a good relationship with Crimea. But something is not going well. Ankara has repeatedly refused to consider Crimea part of Russia, officially recognizing the peninsula as an annexed republic of Ukraine. For example, recently the head of the Turkish Foreign Ministry Mevlut Cavusoglu once again stated that Crimea has been annexed, and Türkiye will never give up these words. Why is Türkiye so principled, despite strengthening cooperation with Russia?

We decided to talk about this with Turkish economist Taner Beksoy.

“SP” - What is the reason for Cavusoglu’s recent statement on Crimea?

- He has political reasons. He held a meeting with part of the Crimean Tatar community loyal to Ukraine. He simply outlined to them Turkey’s official position: Turkey voted for the adoption of resolution 68/262 (UN General Assembly resolution on the territorial integrity of Ukraine - author) and has always officially advocated for Crimea to belong to Ukraine.

"SP": - Can Türkiye change its mind?

“We shouldn’t expect this in the coming years.” International politics - complicated thing, therefore, it makes no sense to talk about the complete independence of any of the countries. In Turkey itself, society has little interest in this issue, and in politics there are many people who advocate rapprochement with Russia and abandoning the need to follow European countries. This also applies to Crimea. But these people cannot change their official position. But they are allowed to develop economic cooperation projects with the Russian Federation, including Crimea. Now this cooperation is difficult, but thanks to the actions of this part of the Turkish elite, Ukraine does not prevent Turkey from developing projects in Crimea. Nobody bothers Turkish ships when they call at Crimean ports. This suits everyone, so there is no need to change your political position about this question. Türkiye is developing relations with Crimea as part of Russia, while officially recognizing the rights of Ukraine. Is not new approach, for example, like this for a long time Taiwan developed, and even today it is not officially recognized by most states, but everyone trades with it.

“SP”: — Is there a possibility that Turkey will recognize Crimea as part of Russia in the future and what is needed for this?

— It is still unknown what will happen after the elections (soon early presidential and parliamentary elections will be held in Turkey - author). But if the current president wins the election, then this possibility remains. This is explained by the position Erdogan on Russia, and his desire to make his policy independent of the European Union and the United States, but this requires many conditions. One of them is guarantees from Russia. Türkiye might think about Crimea if it were given exclusive rights to a number of economic projects in the region. This, of course, is not enough. First of all, there must be big changes in international politics, this largely depends on the actions Donald Trump, which has still not decided on its relations with Turkey. He likes Erdogan because they are similar in many ways, but this is not enough to build mutually beneficial relations between the states that each represents. In order for Erdogan to recognize Crimea as Russian territory, either a major crisis in Turkish-American relations or progress in America’s relations with Russia is needed.

The number of countries voting at the UN against the Ukrainian resolution on Crimea is growing every year. If in 2014 the resolution was not supported by 11 states, and in 2016 by 23, then in 2017 their number increased to 26. This indicates that the recognition of Russian Crimea is gradually growing.

The document, which Kyiv submits almost annually to the General Assembly, speaks of “condemnation of human rights violations” in Crimea and “non-recognition of Russia’s occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine - the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.” Each time the resolution is adopted by a majority vote. But, firstly, this document does not change the reality: Crimea was and remains Russian. By definition, a resolution can only be of a recommendatory nature; it has no force. And secondly, support for Kyiv’s position no longer seems so unanimous.

At the UN vote this year, 70 countries condemned the “occupation” of Crimea (in 2014 there were exactly 100), 76 abstained, and 26 states refused to take Kyiv’s opinion on this issue into account. The number of countries that actually recognized the Russian ownership of the peninsula a year ago included China, India, South Africa, Iran, Serbia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and others. This year they were joined by Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, the Philippines, Myanmar and Uganda.

Representatives of the majority of states that did not support the Ukrainian resolution did not explain their decision in any way. One can only assume that they are tired of the anti-Russian rhetoric that is harming their contacts with Moscow and creating unnecessary tension. Only Belarusians spoke about their position.

Deputy head of the information department of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry Andrei Shuplyak said that his country “has always voted against any country resolutions.” “This is our principled position; we know from our own experience what attempts at artificial politicization and inflating problems that in reality do not exist in society and the state are,” the diplomat said.

Shuplyak called such resolutions an ineffective and destructive tool. Minsk stands for “a persistent search for ways and opportunities to bring closer positions beyond the framework of accusatory resolutions.”

Independent political analyst Alexander Asafov believes that comprehensive recognition of Russian Crimea will come with time. “It is obvious that the very topic of the resolution is no longer very interesting for the whole world; it borders on absurdity, especially considering Russia’s position on this issue. Nevertheless, this is an indicator: global community begins to recognize Crimea as part of Russia. And recognition itself is only a matter of time, a matter of different foreign policy circumstances for different countries", quotes the FAN expert as saying.

According to Asafov, the world cannot endlessly blame Russia for the alleged annexation of the peninsula. Sooner or later, EU countries will have to cooperate with Moscow in the economic, political and even military spheres. “First, this will come from Russia’s allies, who voted against the Ukrainian resolution, and only then, through the countries of old Europe, Austria and Germany, it will spread to the rest. Thus, anti-Russian sentiments will go away to the displeasure of the United States and Ukraine,” he concluded.

SIMFEROPOL, October 9 - RIA Novosti Crimea. One of the three newly elected leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milorad Dodik, said that he recognizes the legitimacy of the referendum on March 16, 2014 in Crimea, as a result of which the peninsula became part of Russia. According to him, the events in Crimea took place in a more democratic atmosphere than the separation of Kosovo from Serbia, and, despite this, the United States and most of its allies recognize the independence of Kosovo, but do not recognize Crimea as part of the Russian Federation. Dodik assured that he intends to seek recognition of the Russian status of the peninsula at the level of Sarajevo.

Dodik has long been known for his pro-Russian position. He also strongly opposes Bosnia and Herzegovina's entry into NATO and calls for closer cooperation with Russia. There are more and more politicians in Europe and other countries of the world who openly hold similar views on the events of the “Crimean Spring” and relations with the Russian Federation every year. At the same time, increasingly, statements about recognition of the Russian status of Crimea are heard not just from ordinary members of parties and socio-political movements, but from current officials holding fairly high positions in their states, deputies of national and European parliaments. Many experts consider this an indicative moment, believing that in European countries are gradually coming to realize the need to recognize the peninsula as part of Russia and to abolish those harmful to everyone economic sanctions. However, this prospect still seems very distant.

Club of Seven

Today, Crimea as a subject of the Russian Federation is recognized at the official level, in addition to Russia itself, by less than a dozen powers. One of the first to do this was Nicaragua, a state in Central America lying between Pacific Ocean And Caribbean Sea. In March 2014, Nicaraguan Ambassador to Russia Luis Molina Cuadra said that his country “unconditionally” recognizes the results of the referendum in Crimea and the entry of the peninsula into the Russian Federation.

This small list includes the South American state of Venezuela. In March 2014, the President of this country, Nicolas Maduro, supported Russia on the air of one of his radio programs, and also accused states that did not recognize the Crimean referendum of using double standards.

“It turns out that dividing Serbia ten years ago and taking Kosovo away from it with the help of a referendum is legal from the point of view of international law. It turns out that trying to take away the Falkland Islands, which are located here in South America, Argentina with the help of a referendum, which is absolutely dishonest and illegal, from the point of view of Europe and the United States, honestly. But if the residents of Crimea hold a referendum to ensure a peaceful future for themselves, then this does not comply with the laws. This double standards international politics", said the President of Venezuela.

Afghanistan also recognized the results of the expression of the will of the Crimeans through the mouth of its President Hamid Karzai. Moreover, the head of state made a corresponding statement during a meeting with representatives of the US Congress and Senate.

“We respect the decision of the Crimean people, which they made in the recent referendum, recognizing Crimea as part of the Russian Federation,” Karzai said.

The statement by the President of Afghanistan came as a surprise to many, primarily in the United States itself, since Kabul is very dependent on assistance from overseas and Europe. According to American edition The New York Times, Karzai's position is due to the fact that the country's Pashtun majority, divided by British-imposed colonial borders, sympathizes with the population of Crimea. It's about about the Durand Line, recognized by most of the world, which separated from Afghanistan part of the lands that are today the territory of Pakistan. Kabul does not recognize this border and hopes to restore its own historical borders.

Into the “club of selected countries,” as those who recognized it were dubbed in the Western press Russian Crimea state, includes Syria, with which Russia has had particularly close relations in recent years in light of the difficult and protracted military conflict in this country.

"We recognize that Crimea is an integral part of Russia. Crimea was part Soviet Union, and due to the events that developed after the collapse of the USSR and up to the present times, this entity returned to its origins after the free expression of the will of the people in a referendum in Crimea, which as a result directly affected the interests of the inhabitants of the peninsula. They decided to unite with their country. This is what happened,” commented the Chairman of the Syrian Parliament, Hadiya Abbas, on the results of the March 2014 referendum.

This year, a large delegation from Syria led by Ambassador Riyad Haddad visited the Yalta International Economic Forum. And in the near future there will be a visit of the Crimean delegation to Damascus, during which it is planned to sign a number of important agreements, including on cooperation with the province of Latakia, as well as on the creation of a Syrian trading house in Crimea and a joint shipping company.

The Russian status of Crimea was also officially recognized by Cuba and North Korea. In particular, back in 2014, the director of the press and information department of the DPRK Foreign Ministry, Jong Dong Hak, stated that Pyongyang “approves the annexation of Crimea to Russia and considers this step completely justified.”

In October 2017, the country released a new political atlas of the world, in which the Crimean Peninsula was designated as part of the Russian Federation.

“The DPRK respects the results of the referendum held in Crimea on the entry of the peninsula into the Russian Federation, considers its results legitimate and fully consistent with international legal norms,” the Russian embassy commented on the situation and noted that Pyongyang adheres to a similar position regarding the ownership of the Kuril Islands.

Most recently, Sudanese Ambassador to Russia Nadir Yusuf Babiker announced the recognition of Crimea as part of the Russian Federation. According to him, Sudan believes that the Crimean referendum corresponds international law. The ambassador added that representatives of his country's business community plan to take part in the upcoming Yalta Economic Forum.

The Palestinian Ambassador to Russia, Abdel Hafiz Nofal, made an almost similar statement in a media interview, noting that the people of Crimea “have the right to self-determination,” and Palestine itself “supports Russia’s actions on this issue.” However, the Palestinian diplomatic service soon refuted the ambassador’s words, saying that Nofal had not made any statements on the status of Crimea.

Voting Recognition

Many experts and politicians tend to include in the “club” of countries that have recognized the Russian ownership of Crimea those states that regularly vote against the UN General Assembly resolution in support of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. This is the so-called “formal recognition”. Without officially declaring their acceptance or non-acceptance of the change in the borders of the Russian Federation in 2014, these countries de facto express their position during voting at the UN. Ukraine regularly submits this resolution to the General Assembly for consideration, but the number of its opponents is only growing every year. If in 2014 there were only 11, then in 2017 there were already 26. These are Armenia, Belarus, Bolivia, Burundi, Cambodia, China, Cuba, North Korea, Eritrea, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Philippines , Russia, Serbia, South Africa, Sudan, Tajikistan, Syria, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Venezuela and Zimbabwe. In particular, Deputy Head of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Andrei Shuplyak commented on the position of official Minsk on voting for the Ukrainian resolution: “Belarus has always voted against any country resolutions. This is our principled position. Our country knows what attempts at artificial politicization and inflating problems that in reality, there is no such thing in society and the state. The UN General Assembly is not the place to discuss and adopt country documents of this nature. Our vote against this instrument is an attempt to draw attention to its not only ineffectiveness, but also to its destructiveness."

At the same time, the resolution was supported by representatives of 70 countries, representatives of 76 states abstained.

According to political scientists, this trend suggests that the world community, tired of anti-Russian hysteria, is gradually recognizing, albeit formally, Crimea as an integral part of Russia. State leaders understand that they will have to cooperate with the Russian Federation as a major international player in various fields, and the position of non-recognition of Crimea, which in fact is already Russian region, will only pose obstacles to the establishment of this interaction.

Through public diplomacy channels

Foreign politicians, businessmen, social activists, cultural and sports figures who regularly come to the peninsula also make their contribution to the recognition of Crimea by the international community. People's diplomats, despite the warnings of their governments and threats from Ukraine, continue to visit Crimea.

Thus, in March 2015, former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama visited Crimea. Contrary to the recommendation of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hatoyama decided to visit the peninsula in order to objectively assess what was happening in the Republic and personally find out from local residents their opinion on the referendum that took place on March 16, 2014. In September 2015, former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, one of the few European politicians who fully supported Russia’s position on the Ukrainian crisis, visited Crimea on a private visit. Berlusconi met on the peninsula with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Chapter Russian state and the former head of the Italian Cabinet visited the memorial in Sevastopol, dedicated to memory those killed in Crimean War soldier of the Sardinian Kingdom, St. Vladimir's Cathedral in Chersonesos, Massandra Palace in Yalta, the Massandra winemaking association, as well as the Khan's Palace in Bakhchisarai.

In July 2015, a group of deputies visited Crimea National Assembly France, led by co-chairman of the Franco-Russian Dialogue Association Thierry Mariani. The event was called a diplomatic breakthrough, since it was the first official visit of a European delegation to Crimea and Sevastopol since the reunification of the peninsula with Russia.

In March 2017, in honor of the third anniversary of the reunification of Crimea with Russia, a large foreign delegation arrived on the peninsula, which included members of the European Parliament and national parliaments of a number of European states, as well as politicians from the European Union, CIS and Latin America. In particular, the delegation included deputies of the People's Assembly (Parliament) of Serbia from the Serbian Radical Party Milovan Bojic and Dubravko Bojic, member of the Presidium of the Serbian Radical Party Aleksandar Seselj, Serbian writer and political scientist, professor at the University of Banja Luka Srdja Trifkovic, as well as a member of the Chamber of Deputies Member of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Jaroslav Golik, Chairman of the United Kingdom Independence Party branch in the Enfield and Haringey area (London) Nigel Sussman and others.

In October 2016, 18 parliamentarians and businessmen from five regions of Italy (Veneto, Liguria, Lombardy, Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna) arrived in Crimea. The organizer of the trip on the Italian side was Venetian parliament member Stefano Valdegamberi, one of the initiators of the process of lifting anti-Russian sanctions at the regional level in Italy.

And this is only a small part of the foreign delegations that have visited Russian Crimea over four and a half years and expressed unconditional support for the will of the Crimeans. The quintessence of this process was the forum of friends of Crimea held in November last year, within the framework of which the international Association of Friends of Crimea was created - an informal club of politicians, parliamentarians and public figures from different countries of the world. This structure is designed to contribute to solving problems aimed at restoring constructive interaction and normalizing relations Western countries with Russia, and building diverse ties between the peninsula and foreign partners.

According to the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Crimea - Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the President of Russia Georgy Muradov, today there is a change in the attitude of representatives of individual countries to the issue of the status of Crimea for the better for the peninsula.

“As an example, we can cite the governments of Italy, Austria, Cyprus. Take even Trump’s statements: he never said that Crimea was occupied, that Crimea was annexed. On the contrary, he says that Russian people live in Crimea, Crimea turned out to be where he wanted “We understand perfectly well that as influential people from all over the world visit Crimea, attitudes towards Crimea in foreign countries are changing for the better. De facto, the topic of Crimea has already disappeared from the world agenda. Now we need to consolidate the result de jure,” he said. Muradov during the recent Moscow-Simferopol video bridge at the multimedia press center of the Rossiya Segodnya MIA.

Date of publication: 06/29/2016

The young Republic of Crimea, independent of Ukraine, calls for recognition of its independence. The sovereign state of Crimea strives for peace, equality and good neighborly relations with other states. The Kremlin issued a decree recognizing Crimea as an independent state.

If you need to book a hotel in Crimea, you can do this.

Ukraine believes that Crimean autonomy should not be recognized, casts doubt on the results of the referendum, and has prepared a resolution at the UN in which it condemns Russia’s positions. The UN adopted a resolution and does not recognize the independence of Sevastopol and Crimea. The United States, while providing Ukraine with comprehensive support, criticizes all the actions of the Russian President. However, not all countries support the United States in this opinion.

So, which countries recognized Crimea as part of Russia?

Among the first to recognize the independence of Crimea from Ukraine were such states as Armenia, Kazakhstan, Cuba, Bosnia, and Syria. They still support the independence of Crimea and Sevastopol. Argentina and Abkhazia, North Korea, Bolivia, Venezuela, more than a dozen countries that belong to this list.

As for Belarus, today the president of the country also supported the integrity of the Russian Federation and the Crimean peninsula. The state takes into account the actual development of the situation in the republic and supports its independent status.

Catalonia, which has long planned to gain independence from Madrid, also recognizes the Crimean peninsula as an independent state.

The Ambassador of Nicaragua claims that his country accepts the will of the inhabitants of the peninsula and fully recognizes the sovereignty of the formed state. It is worth noting that Nicaragua was the first to recognize the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia in 2008.

The Chairman of the Syrian Parliament, Hadiya Abbas, made an official statement that her country recognized the Crimean peninsula as an integral part of the Russian Federation.

US President Barack Obama stated in the press that Russia will not give up the Crimea peninsula in the future. This is already recognition of the unification of Crimea with Russia, that is, recognition of an independent state within the Russian Federation.

In light of the Crimean events, the US President called the Russian Federation a weak “regional power.” But he said that there would be no conflict with Russia over the sovereignty of Crimea. He believes that Russia does not act as a geopolitical rival to the United States.

Having become acquainted with which countries recognized Crimea as part of Russia, you will probably be interested in which countries are against this.

Western countries, namely the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, etc., opposed the entry of the peninsula into the Russian Federation. Also among the dissenters were Japan and South Korea.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry called on both sides of the Crimean conflict to show composure and restraint, and also emphasized that such an issue must be resolved by legal, diplomatic methods.

As you can see, today Ukraine and most countries of the world categorically do not support the separation of Sevastopol and Crimea from the state and their annexation to the Russian Federation. In their opinion, annexation is a type of aggression, and it should be followed by international legal responsibility.

The publication’s analysts in their article “A year after the Russian annexation of Crimea, locals prefer Moscow to Kyiv” mention research by two authoritative Western sociological structures - the American Gallup Institute and the German GFK.

Journalist Kenneth Raposa, after analyzing the results of the polls, comes to the conclusion that “ local residents— be it Ukrainians, ethnic Russians or Tatars — they are unanimous in one thing: life with Russia is better than life with Ukraine.” In the article, he talks about a study conducted by Gallup together with the International Broadcasting Observatory in 2014 in Crimea.

According to the document, 83% of Crimean residents then said that the results of the March referendum really corresponded to the aspirations and aspirations of the residents of the peninsula. 74% of respondents were confident that reunification with Russia would have a positive impact on their quality of life.

Tellingly, a year later, 82% of Crimeans declared unequivocal approval of the reunification of Crimea with Russia. Another 11% approve for the most part. Thus, 93% of the population of Crimea have a positive assessment of the results of the March 2014 referendum.

According to Rapoza, the results of research from two authoritative Western institutions at once convincingly indicate that the results of the 2014 referendum are completely objective.

By the way, only 13% of Crimeans believe that their financial situation is Last year has worsened, while 21% of the population believes that their financial situation has improved significantly over the year, 30% - that it has simply improved, 35% believes that their financial situation has remained somewhere at the level of last year.

He also notes that in Crimean society there is unity and unanimous approval of the existing course of the republic, but in the case of Ukraine there can be no talk of any unity.

Let us note that Forbes has previously voiced the conclusion that “it is in vain that the United States and the EU want to ‘save’ the inhabitants of the peninsula... After all, they are happy to be where they are now.” These findings are confirmed by the American research company Gallup.

According to its data, about 83% of Russians, Ukrainians or Crimean Tatars living on the peninsula believe its reunification with Russia is correct. The last survey was conducted by the German company GFK in February of this year. The result was approximately the same - 82% of Crimeans cannot imagine life outside of Russia.

By the way, the Russian status of Crimea was also approved by the official Moldovan court, and the French Ministry of Justice indicated in the documents issued to the French woman her place of birth as “Sevastopol, Russian Federation.” In addition, even the US Postal Service recognized Crimea as part of Russia.

Working with a businessman from Feodosia, after Crimea was reunited with Russia, the American Post Office sent him a letter indicating the address “Feodosia, Crimea, Russia.” Yes, and Google sends its representatives to Russian court on the proceedings regarding the claim filed by a resident of Crimea (although, it would seem, you do not recognize Russian jurisdiction?).

“What can we talk about, even if the well-known opposition and pro-Western journalist Andrei Babitsky said “the majority of the population of Crimea has always perceived Ukraine as a foreign state” and called for an end to talk about the “return of Crimea” - declaring that it is Russian, period,” the media noted .

Let us add that the IOC actually perceives Crimea as one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. “Crimea is not an independent region that needs to be recognized ...,” said the head of the IOC, Mr. Bach. This is not the first sports organization global scale, recognizing that “Crimea is ours.” Crimea like Russian territory adopted by the European Chess Union.

The International Tennis Federation (ITF) recognized Crimea as part of Russia. This was stated by ITF President Francesco Ricci-Bitti. “Crimea is part of Russia,” he said simply. Well, a little reminder about the WBA, if anyone forgot or missed it. That’s right, they also consider Crimea to be part of Russia.

Also this fall, a significant sporting event will take place in Crimea - the First Yalta Mountain Marathon. The announcement of the event appeared on the website of the authoritative German ultramarathon association - Deutsche Ultramarathon-Vereinigung e.V. (DUV). Its representatives published information about the upcoming event, indicating the venue, which reads “Crimea. RUS". Now Crimea is recognized as Russian territory by the best runners on the planet.

Well, besides sports, even Google de jure recognized new status Crimea, sending its representatives to the hearings and thus confirmed the competence of the consideration of the claim by the Russian court.

By the way, back in October 2014, the British press recognized Crimea as part of Russia - it published news reporting how during a hurricane in Sevastopol, which, as the media clarifies, is “in the south of Russia.” Even the US Postal Service recognized Crimea as part of Russia. Working with a businessman from Feodosia, after Crimea was reunited with Russia, the American Post Office sent him a letter indicating the address “Feodosia, Crimea, Russia.”

Well, the American newspaper USA Today, which is one of the leaders in average daily circulation, published on its pages a map of Ukraine without Crimea.

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