Analysis of work experience at a given enterprise. Personnel structure analysis

education, professional activity and etc.

The number of employees of Instroy Technology LLC at the end of 2007 was 55 people (Appendix 3). Dynamics of structure average number by employee categories in Table 3.

Dynamics of the personnel structure of Instroy Technology LLC for

2006-2007, people

Table 3

The average number of personnel of Instroy Technology LLC in 2006 was 51 people, while in 2007 it increased by 4. In 2007, due to the emergence of a new division, the number of staff increased by 4 people, of which 1 manager, 2 specialists and 1 employee. In 2007, the growth rate of the number of employees was 7.84%, specialists 1.53%, office workers 50%, managers 25%. In 2007, the number of employees was 55 people. At the same time, the number of employees increased by 1 staff unit, specialists by 3 people, managers by 1 person, and the number of workers remained unchanged

The trend of two recent years speaks of an increasing role creative potential in work on technical. This is due to the periodic updating of technology that releases labor and the desire of the enterprise management to diversify production - that is, to introduce new types of products, original, technically new, new in design to increase sales of products that are in real demand in the market. The company is gradually moving away from templates and strives to develop new products on the market, which in the future can provide the company with a greater percentage of profit.

We will also analyze the personnel structure for 2007 by gender, age, level of education, and length of service and draw the necessary conclusions.

The data in Table 4 suggests that women occupy a significant share in the personnel structure - 40%, which requires the management of the enterprise to have a special attitude towards the working conditions of the team. Basically, these are women under 25 years old, i.e. graduates of educational institutions, and, most likely, not all of them have a family or children. This suggests that the company’s management is not embarrassed by the lack of work experience, and also pays attention only to work qualities women. Most a large share The team is occupied by men aged 30 to 35 years; there are 8 of them. Let us note that 3 girls working in their specialty were hired with almost no work experience, which encourages measures to be taken to improve their qualifications.

Analysis of the personnel structure by gender and age in 2007, people

Table 4

Also, 3 of the employees are at pre-retirement age, and 1 woman has already retired and continues to work. We can conclude that management values ​​valuable personnel and does not seek to part with them.

Let’s analyze the organization’s personnel by level of education and draw conclusions. (Appendix 3) The data is presented in table 5.

The largest half of employees have graduated (47%) or are currently studying at universities (7%), which indicates a fairly high intellectual potential of the enterprise staff. The share of enterprise employees with secondary special education= 42%. The predominant number of men with secondary specialized education is 18 people, while there are only 5 women. They have only secondary education - 2 workers are men, which is 4%; there are no such women among them. 54% of women and 46% of men of the company have higher education. There are 4 more women with higher education, including incomplete education. One man and 3 women have incomplete higher education.

Analysis of the number of personnel by level of education for 2007, people

Table 5

In general, according to Table 5, we can conclude that the level of education of women in Instroy Technology LLC is higher.

Population analysis women's team organizations by age and marital status presented in Table 6.

From Table 6 you can see that the bulk of the female team, 41% aged 20 to 56 years, are married and have 1 or more children. 18% are married girls no children under 25 years of age. 27% of women are single, which is 5 people under 25 years of age and 1 between the ages of 35 and 40 years. A special place is occupied by women with children and those who are unmarried for some reason; they account for a total of 14%, that is, 3 people. Moreover, one of them is a widow with two children. It is also worth noting that one of the accountants aged 50 to 55 without a husband has two children. The remaining women have one child each. It should be noted that 3 women recently left maternity leave.

Analysis of the female team by age and marital status

in 2007, people

Table 6

Marital status of women, persons


Single, with a child

with baby

Widow with child

Total, people

Let us note that three employees recently returned from maternity leave and have lost much of their accumulated experience; it is worth paying attention to this and conducting educational seminars or trainings.

According to Table 7, it can be seen that 17 women out of 22 are specialists, 3 are managers and 2 are employees, that is, workers primarily in mental labor and work in the office. There are only 7 men working in the office, of which 1 is an employee, 4 are specialists and 2 are managers. The remaining 26 workers are located directly at the base. There are no women workers. Most of the working men are between 30 and 40 years old. Main exercise stress lies on men the most

working age up to 40 years. The majority of women professionals are under 25 years of age, which suggests that management supports and welcomes young professionals.

Table 7

Female managers are aged 35 years or older, which indicates that leadership positions are occupied by women with the most experience. Let us note that one woman with a higher technical education, relatively recently, is in the position of executive director and requires advanced training. All women and 7 men, of which 3 are over 45 years old, 3 are under 30 years old and one is 35-40 years old, work in the office and are not exposed to excessive physical stress.

An analysis of the number of personnel by length of work at Instroy Technology LLC is presented in Table 8.

In terms of length of service, the team is relatively stable. The majority of employees - 56% - have been working at the company for 1 to 3 years. Since its founding, 35% have been employed; these are 10 men and 9 women. The majority of men, 67%, work for about 3 years. The number of women who worked for more than 3 years and women who worked from 1 to 3 years is equal and amounts to 41%. The smallest share, 5 people, are employees who have worked for the enterprise for about 1 year - 9%.

Analysis of the number of personnel by length of service for 2007, people

Table 8

Thus, after analyzing the personnel structure, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The structure of the enterprise’s personnel is growing in the direction of increasing not the number of personnel, but in the direction of improving its quality, its labor and intellectual potential.

2. The enterprise has a very stable team; employees have been working at the enterprise almost since its founding (35%), which speaks not only of the workers’ confidence in the stable position of the enterprise, not only of the established corporate culture at the enterprise, but also about creating acceptable working conditions for employees.

3. Women make up almost half of the entire team (40%), which imposes on the management of the enterprise the concern of creating acceptable conditions for the work of the team.

The personnel structure is assessed, first of all, by categories of workers; for this purpose, data is provided on the number and share in the total number of workers (main and auxiliary) and employees (managers, specialists, other employees). If an organization, in accordance with its industry specifics and the nature of its activities, uses a different classification of workers by category, other categories and groups of workers are indicated and evaluated accordingly.

Indicators 2010 2011 Change
Person % Person % Person %
1. Production personnel (workers)
1.1 Essential workers
1.2 Support workers
2. Administrative staff (employees)
2.1 Leaders
2.2 Specialists
2.3 Other employees
3. Total number of personnel

Based on the calculation results, it is necessary to: characterize changes in the total number of personnel, noting the presence of a general trend, compare the dynamics of various categories of personnel, characterize the personnel structure and its changes, pay attention to the proportions in the personnel structure (production and administrative).

An important step analysis labor resources is to study the qualitative structure of the enterprise’s personnel. At the same time, the qualitative structure is understood as the distribution of workers by gender and age, level of education, length of service at the enterprise and other characteristics. Data on the distribution of workers by qualitative characteristics can be presented in tables 6-8. It is necessary to characterize the qualitative structure in dynamics and use information for 2-3 years.

Table 6 – Assessment of the structure of employees by gender and age

Categories of workers 2010 2011 Change
Person % Person % Person %
Age distribution
Under 20 years old
20-30 years
31-40 years old
41-50 years
51-60 years
Over 60 years old
Gender distribution

When assessing the distribution of workers by age, it is necessary to pay attention to the proportion of different age categories and formulate appropriate conclusions. So, significant specific gravity workers aged 20 to 30 years suggests a high potential for personnel to improve their level of qualifications and professional training. The large proportion of age categories from 20 to 40 years generally indicates high labor activity of personnel, since these years are the peak of human labor activity. When characterizing the distribution of workers by gender, the proportion of men and women should be noted and the changes occurring should be characterized.

To assess the structure of personnel by level of education, categories of workers with secondary education, secondary specialized (vocational), and higher professional education are distinguished.

Table 7 – Assessment of the structure of employees by gender and age

According to the table, the structure of personnel by level of education in general is characterized (the proportion of workers with different levels of general and professional training), and its dynamics are assessed. The growth rates of the number of workers of different categories are compared. A large proportion of employees with a higher level of education certainly characterizes the personnel structure positively. You can, in addition, find out the composition of workers by specialty and profession and indicate which specialties and professions predominate (by blue-collar workers).

In addition, an analysis of the work of the enterprise in training personnel should be carried out. For this purpose the following information may be considered:

About availability at the enterprise structural unit, whose functions include work on personnel training (department or bureau of personnel training), the areas of work of this unit;

About the number of workers undergoing vocational training and retraining (including by category of workers), frequency of training;

About the forms of training (on-the-job and on-the-job; in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, in advanced training courses, participation in seminars, etc.), about the composition of the specialties for which training is carried out;

On the amount of enterprise costs for personnel training (total and per employee on average per year).

Such information will make it possible to assess the interest of the enterprise management in increasing the level of education and qualifications of workers, and may reveal a connection in the activity of the enterprise in training personnel and the dynamics of the quality structure of personnel by level of education.

The distribution of employees by length of service is of no small importance, since the indicator of duration of work at the enterprise characterizes the stability of personnel, assesses the proportion of experienced workers, and, to some extent, satisfaction with working conditions.

Based on the calculation results, it is necessary to draw a conclusion about the personnel structure based on the duration of work at the enterprise and characterize its dynamics.

Table 8 – Assessment of personnel structure by duration of work

Related information.

The personnel structure is an important part of any enterprise, since the quality and timely completion of the work process depends on the employees. The workforce in an organization are people who have certain knowledge and skills. Future employees are selected for the company in accordance with education, qualifications, and necessary personal qualities. It is the correctly selected composition of the company’s employees that ensures future productive work for many years.

Main features

The organization's personnel structure is an important and integral part of any team. To give a more precise definition, a structure is a collection of certain parts of a team that are united according to certain characteristics. The composition and structure of an enterprise's personnel can be as multifaceted as the institution requires.

When a new production is formed, it usually immediately becomes clear to managers what goals and functions this enterprise will develop, and what number of employees is required to perform these services. In order to correctly determine the composition of an enterprise’s employees, the very first thing is to correctly determine the need for specialists of certain categories for productive work. Accordingly, specialists or managers must meet the categories of the position held.

All available vacancies at this company are approved in the regulatory document “staffing table”. Such a document is available at every enterprise and it reflects the position, the number of rates, the official salary; a schedule must be made and approved at the beginning of the year or when changes are made.

According to the staffing table and personal orientation of the organization, structures can be drawn up various types full-time employees.

Based on the types of employees, quantitative and qualitative structures of employees are distinguished. The quantitative composition is determined staffing table at a certain point in time, the composition of the workforce is also calculated based on both occupied and available vacancies. The qualitative composition of personnel is usually determined by the degree of education, work experience, age and other social parameters that positively contribute to achieving the company’s goals.

Components of the personnel

The totality of employees of any organization can be classified into statistical and analytical employees. The statistical structure involves grouping people and distributing them into groups depending on their positions.

  1. The very first and leading line is occupied by the company's managers. The manager is the main link; he is obliged to manage the entire structure of his production. Managers can also be divided into levels, if any. Highest level- this is the director or the most important leader, average level- his deputies; in addition, there may be heads of departments, production workshops or sections. The grassroots level is the management staff of the sites, for example, foremen.
  2. The second, no less important link is considered to be specialists. Specialists include accountants, economists, lawyers, human resources departments, various kinds engineers, mechanics.
  3. At the third level are executive employees, these include: secretary, cashier, typist.
  4. The fourth stage is working employees. Very often, it is the workers who take the place of performing the services and basic functions of the organization. Workers may have primary or secondary qualifications.

The analytical structure of the company involves additional research and calculations, which will group employees according to certain characteristics. Let's consider analytical structuring and its types.

Organizational and functional structure of employees

This is a set of departments in one organization and the relationship of employees in the workplace. This grouping of people as an organizational structure distributes them according to their powers and types of activities, while uniting them into one whole. By studying the organizational components of one enterprise, you can see several types of organizational groups. In practice, structures are distributed depending on approaches to employees.

There are functional, linear and matrix organizations.

The functional structure is formed depending on functional responsibilities every employee. For example, consider the functional analysis of one company. Our company can be divided into separate areas, for example: an accounting department, a large number of people can work in it, it is directly managed by the chief accountant, each of the employees performs certain functions of the process. However, such a division works for the benefit of the entire organization, although all other subdivisions are not associated with the same type of work with accountants. The functional structure involves the work of each separately from each other, but they act for the benefit of the common cause. If we consider accounting, then accrual wages it produces reports for the entire company and reports are also produced for the entire organization.

Linear organizational groups exist in small firms where the types of duties performed are of the same type and the employed employees are all on the same line of employment. Such enterprises do not need to create complex structuring. When introducing employees with more complex functions to such a company or increasing the salaries of some employees, such actions will necessitate the introduction of positions and tasks of a complex organizational component of the personnel.

The matrix composition is created under the condition of increased satisfaction from the duties performed. However, such matrix schemes have a number of disadvantages, for example, frequent changes of managers and specialists lead to loosening of the team and weakening of the quality of work.

Role structure of personnel

It defines the roles of employees, according to creative directions, however, this is not the main indicator of the role composition.

The roles in the workplace for each employee can be characterized by certain characteristics: behavioral role, communication role, creative behavior model.

The role structure of personnel includes several components. The behavioral role is determined by personal psychological behavior in the workplace or when performing a complex task; in addition, conflict situations are taken into account.

The communication role determines the personality in the dissemination or transmission of information and the reliability of certain factors. Creative indicators can manifest themselves in very active employees who can take part not only in labor processes, but also engage in various kinds of organizational activities.

The composition of employees, structured by gender and age, is a set of employees of the company who will be distributed according to gender (women and men), as well as by age.

Other structures

Age grouping is usually done in the form of a table, for example, people will be distributed according to age up to 20, 30, 40, 50 years, and from 51 to 60 years. In addition, by distributing the total composition of the population by age, in the same table you can make a distribution into men and women. Such structuring will help the manager to bring out average age personnel and make plans according to future reserves or passing qualification courses.

The age structure of personnel is very convenient to use for a manager, since many companies determine methods of influencing and stimulating work based on the age of their employees. In turn, the age indicator should not exceed 37 years on average.

Qualification structure of personnel. This component determines the professional skills of employees. Not only the diploma and the profession indicated in it play a role here; again, by analyzing employees, it is possible to reflect advanced training courses, additional categories confirming the level of a professional, for example, categories for drivers, different categories for specialists. It is also possible that the company you work for will be able to offer you to learn various types of professional skills for promotion. career ladder or improvements to job functions.

The personnel structure based on length of service can be calculated in two ways. The first option is if the composition of employees is grouped by total work experience, for example, the table: experience up to 3 years, up to 5, 8 years, from 8 to 10 years, from 10 to 15 years, from 15 to 20 years. Such a table will be convenient for the manager and for reporting by the HR department. Based on the analysis, it will be possible to see the approximate age category of the employees, since the total length of service will be quite low if the employees are young. The second option is work experience specifically in a given organization. Such a composition will show the stability of the staff. The table can be made like this: less than 1 year, from 1-3 years, from 3-5 years, up to 10 years, from 10 to 20 years and more. An analysis of this composition will show the dedication of employees to this company, however, if the staff is young, then there will not be great indicators.

The structure of personnel by level of education can show the level of education of personnel, according to the general or special level of training. This composition can be made in the form of a table in which the following sub-items can be highlighted, for example, elementary education(school certificate for 9 classes), incomplete secondary (school certificate for 11 classes), secondary (vocational school or college diploma), incomplete higher education (university bachelor's degree), higher education (specialist, master), various other academic degrees, doctors and candidates of science. Such an analysis by level of education will help the manager see the level of education of the team, and in the future improve the level of his employees.

Self-management is a relatively new concept in management science. Its emergence is largely connected with a rethinking of the content of an individual’s activity and a deeper understanding of the processes of initiative taking place within the organization.

Analysis of management organization at the enterprise

The age composition of the personnel is shown in Table 2.10.

Table 2.10 - Composition of enterprise personnel by gender

The Company's personnel are quite young; employees under 40 years old make up about 70% of the total number and only just over 30% of employees are over 40 years old.

Table 2.11 - Personnel structure by age

more than 50 years

As you can see in their tables, most of the staff of LLC " Computer World“These are men, from 30 to 50 years old. As the data in Tables 2.10 and 2.11 show, during the period under study, the composition of personnel by gender and age remained virtually unchanged.

The qualitative composition of the personnel of Computer World LLC is characterized by general educational and professional qualification levels.

According to Table 2.12, the educational level of the enterprise's employees is quite high - 33.3% have a higher education, and 33.3% have a secondary technical education (college, technical school).

Moreover, 33% of employees have a technical education, 19.6% have a financial and economic education, 17.6% have a humanitarian education, and 7.8% have a different education profile.

Table 2.12 - Educational level of employees of Computer World LLC in 2010

Educational level

Number of employees, people

Share in the total number, %

Higher education

Unfinished higher education

Secondary technical

Secondary specialized

74.2% of employees have work experience in trade enterprises, 19.8% - in industrial enterprises, 6% - in other institutions.

Employees of Computer World LLC have a high educational level and work experience. And, at the same time, they are young enough to develop further and work actively.

In conclusion, we will determine how effective the existing enterprise management system is.

The total amount of management costs in 2009 compared to 2007 decreased from 42,565 to 40,886.04 thousand rubles. The number of management employees during the analyzed period did not change and amounted to 13 people. At the same time, 1 management employee accounts for 10,771.85 thousand rubles. products sold, 419.00 thousand rubles. balance sheet profit.

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The basis of professional competence is professional suitability, that is, the totality of mental and psychophysiological characteristics of a person necessary to carry out effective activities.

In conditions modern stage Scientific and technological revolution clearly shows a tendency towards rapid obsolescence of the knowledge and experience of personnel, which may be professional and official. The first is characteristic of technical specialists and is expressed in the lag of their individual knowledge and experience from that currently accumulated in society. The second is manifested in the discrepancy between the subject’s knowledge and experience and the requirements of the position and the functions it entails. It is typical for managers and leads to a misunderstanding between them, which creates friction in the management system.

The age structure of the personnel is characterized by the proportion of persons of corresponding ages in its total number.

The structure of personnel by length of service can be considered in two ways - in terms of total length of service and length of service in a given organization. The level of labor productivity is directly related to overall length of service, and length of service in an organization characterizes the retention of personnel.

The structure of personnel by level of education (general and special) involves the identification of persons with higher education, incomplete higher education (more than half a term of study), secondary specialized, secondary general, incomplete secondary, primary.

We can also talk about the personnel structure by position.

Any position has its own name, which reflects the content and nature of the work performed by the person occupying it. This name consists of a basic element and additional information about the scope of activity, its content, place and time of implementation, standing as before base element, and after it. For example, “electrical engineer”, “shift administrator” (the basic name is given in italics). If the latter exhausts the entire content of the functions, then only it is used.

When a position is filled by an employee of a strictly defined specialty, their names may merge. In other words, they say, for example, “economist,” and not “economist-economist.” At the same time, if a position involves performing the functions of two independent positions, a double name is also used for it, with the name of the basic position, say “producer director,” being put in first place. In some cases, job titles may be ranked, for example, “senior vice president,” “second mate,” etc.

      Organizational structure personnel

Organizational structure is the composition and subordination of employees, determined by the composition and subordination of interconnected management units. The organizational structure of personnel is determined by the type of organizational structure of the organization.

Management theory distinguishes traditional types of organizational structures (linear, functional, linear-functional, divisional, matrix) and new ones (tensor (multidimensional), network, edhocratic, participatory, entrepreneurial, market-oriented).

Let's look at some of them.

Linear structure personnel implements the principles of unity of command and centralism (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Linear personnel structure

It provides for the performance by one manager of all functions at each level of management, with full subordination to him, with the rights of unity of command, of all lower-level units. In turn, he reports to only one superior manager. Linear structure originated in the army of Ancient Rome.

The functional structure is based on the division of functions between structural units (specialists), with all lower-level units subordinate to them (see Fig. 3). It provides for the subordination of one employee (unit) to several superior managers who carry out their functions. The internal structure of divisions, as a rule, is built on a linear principle. The functional structure was developed by W. Taylor at the beginning of the 20th century.

Rice. 3. Functional structure of personnel

The linear-functional structure is based on the observance of unity of command, the linear construction of structural units and the distribution of management functions between them (see Fig. 4). It synthesizes the best properties of a linear structure (clear lines of subordination, centralization of management in one hand) and functional structure(division of labor, qualified preparation of decisions). It arose in a feudal state and then became widespread in the army with the advent of headquarters, and in production with the advent of specialists.

Rice. 4. Linear-functional personnel structure

The line-staff structure is a linear structure, where at each link a headquarters has been created, consisting of production, technological, and planning departments; services of chief specialists; separate bureaus important for the production of specialists.

Rice. 5. Linear staff structure of personnel

The line manager approves the decisions prepared by the headquarters and transfers them to subordinates for execution. The advantages of a line-staff structure are that, if necessary, the head of the organization can make a single decision.

The line-staff structure provides for the creation of social, professional and consulting divisions of the leader. This structure is mainly used in medium-sized enterprises.

The basic principle underlying any divisional management structure is to divide the entire structure of the company into divisions.

Rice. 6. Divisional structure personnel

A division is a large structural subdivision of an enterprise that has great independence due to the inclusion of all necessary services.

It should be noted that sometimes divisions take the form of subsidiaries of the company, even legally registered as separate legal entities, in fact being components one whole. The divisional structure, while increasing management flexibility, has serious disadvantages. They restrain the growth of labor productivity and limit the possibilities of using large, high-performance equipment.

The matrix structure, which provides for the implementation of targeted programs (projects), has become widespread in large and international companies.

The matrix structure allows for double subordination of departments and individual employees.

Rice. 7. Matrix personnel structure

Powers are delegated to the head of the target program (project) by the senior manager. He is generally responsible for the integration of all activities and resources related to a given project (program), for planning, and adherence to the implementation schedule.

The advantages of the matrix structure are that it allows you to achieve flexibility, redistribute labor resources depending on the needs of each target program (project), coordinate various types of activities and use of resources.


The previous chapters outlined the theoretical aspects of the organization's personnel structure in the current socio-economic situation in Russia. In the third chapter, an analysis of the personnel structure will be carried out using the example of the open joint-stock company Central Automation Design Bureau. Data for analysis were taken from the annual report of JSC "TsKBA" for 2008, posted on the official website of this enterprise.

The annual report of JSC "TsKBA" for 2008 is compiled based on actual results in all areas of the Company's activities and reflects the results of the Company's work, goals and objectives for 2008. This document presents conclusions about the financial and economic activities of the Company for the reporting period.

JSC "TsKBA" is a modern high-tech company for the development and manufacture of passive radar systems for all branches of the Russian Defense Ministry and for export, including test, maintenance and repair products.

Activity personnel service was aimed at providing the enterprise with highly qualified personnel, training and advanced training, optimization of the workforce, taking into account economically justified production requirements aimed at fulfilling the enterprise's plans.

The total number of personnel at TsKBA at the end of 2008 was 1,308 people, which is 57 people less than the corresponding figure at the end of 2007 (1,365 people). The decrease in the figure for 2008 was due to the dismissal of workers.

During 2008, 125 people were hired, 182 were fired. The dynamics of changes in the number of TsKBA personnel over the past 3 years are presented in Diagram 1.

Diagram 1

The reduction in the number of personnel is due to the fact that there was no influx of young specialists, and some workers of retirement age retired. The distribution of personnel by category is presented in Diagram 2.

Diagram 2

The main part of the personnel at the enterprise are specialists and workers engaged in the manufacture of prototypes. JSC "TsKBA" employs 4 candidates of sciences, 619 people out of the total number of personnel have higher professional education. The distribution of personnel with higher education depending on category is shown in Diagram 3.

Diagram 3

According to the diagram, it can be seen that the largest number of employees with higher education falls in the category of specialists, which is due to the area of ​​activity related to the development of equipment samples and R&D. Changes in the age composition of workers are presented in Diagram 4.

Diagram 4

The average age of employees at the end of 2008 was 45 years, at the end of 2006 – 46 years.

The age structure of the enterprise personnel is presented in Diagram 5.

Diagram 5

The largest number of employees at the enterprise last year were workers aged 50 to 59 years, which is a consequence of the crisis of the 90s, the smallest figure corresponds to workers aged 60 years and older.

The company is focused on updating its engineering and technical staff and attracting young specialists. For this purpose, a program to support working youth has been developed and is being implemented.

At the end of 2008, there were 193 working youth in TsKBA (which is about 15% of the total number of personnel of the enterprise), of which: young specialists - 88, young workers - 10. From the diagram 6 below it is clear that a decrease in the number of working youth is taking place due to the fact that young specialists are moving into the specialist category by age, and there has been no new influx of young specialists.

Diagram 6

The number of young people studying in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions is 40 people, graduate school is 4 people.

To maintain the age and intellectual level of the personnel, the enterprise is replenished with young specialists with a high level of theoretical training through selection, selection, participation in training and attracting them to the enterprise. For these purposes, the following activities were implemented in the reporting year:

    targeted training at universities and postgraduate studies through competitive selection of candidates has been formalized;

    targeted meetings were held with graduates, students and management of universities, technical schools, excursions around the production and divisions of the enterprise;

    places were provided on a competitive basis for practical training, performing theses students of universities and technical schools in accordance with the needs of the Central Clinical Hospital (49 people);

    cooperation has been implemented with educational institutions in Omsk (Omsk State Technical University, Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky, Omsk State University of Pedagogical University, Omsk State Technical University named after N.E. Zhukovsky), Tomsk (TUSUR) on the issues of attracting graduates for employment, internships for students, targeted preparation. Work with admissions committees of educational institutions.

Underway Full time job to improve the personnel structure - reducing the number of auxiliary and functional units, as well as the number of departments of the enterprise that do not have sufficient workload, in order to increase the average salary of the main production personnel.

In 2009, it is planned to further improve the personnel structure, increase labor productivity and average wages. The dynamics of the number and average wages of the enterprise’s employees is characterized by the following indicators presented in Table 1:

Table 1

Dynamics of indicators of the number and average wages of enterprise employees

In conclusion, I would like to note that the staff of JSC "TsKBA" is fully staffed, the qualification level of the employees is quite high. Considering all of the above, we can conclude that the company has good human resources potential.


Currently, much attention is paid to the formation and structure of personnel, since it is important for an organization to have right time and in the right place, in the right quantity and with the appropriate qualifications, such personnel as are necessary to solve production problems and achieve its goals.

The study of special literature on the problem under study allowed us to determine that the study of issues of formation personnel quite a lot of attention is paid. To date, many textbooks have been published on this topic.

Analysis practical activities and personnel composition of JSC "TsKBA" allows us to draw the following conclusions:

Studying the personnel composition of the enterprise will allow management to develop an effective personnel policy, create conditions for motivating higher productivity and job satisfaction.

An analysis of the composition and structure of personnel will allow the manager to obtain the necessary information about the personnel (qualifications, gender, age, national characteristics, etc.), with the help of which it becomes possible to develop an operational plan for working with personnel.

In general, the enterprise has promising personnel potential, which, with the skillful use of its skills and abilities, can become a decisive factor in increasing the efficiency of the entire enterprise.


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    Fedorova N.V., Minchenkova O.Yu. Organizational personnel management: Textbook.

    – M.: KNORUS, 2005. – 416 p.

    Chizhov N.A. Enterprise personnel: technology of management and development. – M.: Publishing Center “Ankil”, 2008. – 275 p.

    Shlender P.E. Economics of labor resources: Textbook. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. – 102 p.

    Organizational personnel and their management / Internet resources: -

    Labor resources, personnel and labor potential of the organization / Internet resources: -

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