Who is the author of Little Red Riding Hood? Little Red Riding Hood

In the style of Peysatel (in fact, he is the author):
Sergei Lukyanenko

In the style of "Dream Line", but with elements of "Genome" and "Spectrum":

More than anything else, the Wolf loved little girls. It doesn’t matter whether with or without hats - the Wolf valued the content, not the form. But still, the hat gave the girls a certain charm...
It was just such a girl, dressed in a cap, who approached the Wolf along the forest path. Hidden behind a juniper bush, the Wolf waited. The smell of the berries made me think of a gin and tonic... a good shot of the right Sapphire gin with the right Schweppes tonic, one to three, mixed but not shaken. And the song “Gin and Tonic” came to mind.
“He was jealous of her for the rains,” the Wolf sang quietly, without taking his eyes off the girl. The girl was moderately well-fed, rosy-cheeked to match her cap. The wolf especially liked these.
The wolf took a deep breath and walked out of the bushes.
“I noticed you a long time ago,” the girl said with a smile. - I have a positive mutation - I see in the infrared.
She lowered her hand into the basket, and the Wolf saw with horror how a light Perrault plasma blaster appeared from under a package of frozen croissants.
The wolf even managed to jump. The reactions of an intellectually advanced animal were far superior to those of an ordinary wolf.
But the barrel of the blaster blossomed like a red flower and something unbearably hot hit the Wolf right in the defenseless belly, which opened in the jump...

In the style of "Cold Shores":

The girl's hat was red, made from Russian scarlet cloth in the style of a skullcap. And, apparently, there was a triangular scrap of expensive fabric left - the girl tied it around her neck like a scarf. good girl, not from poor family- only fate brought her to meet me, the murderer, alone in dark forest. I would let her go. Yes, but how can a robber ataman nicknamed Gray wolf Show your weakness in front of your little people? It appears that now I need to rape her, despite her young age, and then strangle her with a handkerchief. Or first strangle, and then rape...

In the style of "Labyrinth of Reflections":

I get up. The color blizzard of the deep program is subsiding. All around is yellow-gray, dull and wet autumn forest. There is only one bright spot in front of me - a red cap on the head of a small, seven or eight years old girl. The girl looks at me with fear. Asks:
- Are you a wolf?
“It’s unlikely,” I answer, looking around myself - have I turned into a wolf? No, it doesn't look like it. An ordinary naked man covering his shame with a steamed birch broom. What could I do when the virtual Sanduns exploded due to stack overflow? Just group up and wait to see where it throws me...
“I’m going to see my grandmother,” the girl says. - I’m bringing her some pies.
It looks like I was brought to some kind of children's server, like the famous " Good night, kids."
-Are you a person or a program? - I ask the girl.
“Grandma is sick,” the girl continues.
All clear.
The program, and even one of the most primitive ones.
I stop paying attention to the girl and look around. Where is the way out?
- Why do you have such a long tail? - the girl suddenly asks.
“It’s not a tail,” I answer and blush.
- Don't overestimate yourself. I’m talking about the tracking programs that have landed on your channel,” the girl kindly clarifies. Her voice changes dramatically, now in front of me is a living person.

Folk song. And the composer “Shchedrik” - Nikolai Leontovich.
Shchedrik, generous, generous,
A swallow has arrived
I started chirping to myself,
Call the owner:
“Come out, come out, master,
Look at the sheepfold, -
There the sheep rolled
And the sheep were born.
Your goods are all good,
You will have a measure of money,
Although not money, then sex,
You have a black-browed woman.
The author of “Pinocchio” is the Russian literate Tolstoy.“The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” is a fairy tale by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy, written based on the fairy tale by Carlo Collodi “The Adventures of Pinocchio. The history of a wooden doll."
Aeneid- everyone knows this name, but not everyone can remember who wrote the Aeneid, especially since there are two works under that name.
"Aeneid" Virgil - epic work on Latin, authored by Virgil. Written between 29 and 19 AD. BC e., and is dedicated to the story of Aeneas, the legendary Trojan hero, who moved to Italy from the rest of his people, united with the Latins and founded the city of Alba Longa.
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark- a well-known tragedy, since school curriculum. But apparently not everyone remembers well who the author is, who wrote Hamlet.
The square in front of the castle in Elsinore. On guard are Marcellus and Bernard, Danish officers. They are later joined by Horatio, the learned friend of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. He came to verify the story of the nightly appearance of a ghost similar to the Danish king, who had recently died. Horatio is inclined to consider this a fantasy. North. And a menacing ghost in full military garb appears.
Everyone has read the fairy tale “Mr. Kotsky,” but everyone remembers who its author is. Let's remember together who wrote “Pan Kotsky”.
One man had an old cat that was no longer able to catch mice. So the owner took him and took him out into the forest, thinking: “Why did he surrender to me, I’ll just feed him in vain - let him walk better in the forest.”
He agreed. The fox leads him to her house - it suits him that way: if she catches a chicken somewhere, she doesn’t eat it herself, but brings it to him.
And the boar was lying near the table in the brushwood, and somehow a mosquito bit him by the tail, and he turned his tail like that;
Gaidamaki- we all studied this poem in school, but over time we may forget who the author is, who wrote Gaidamaki.
Author Gaydamaki - Taras Shevchenko. Haydamaky is a historical-heroic poem by Shevchenko, the first Ukrainian historical novel in verse. The introduction to “Gaydamak”, dated April 7, 1841, was written by the poet after completing the work.
"Earth"- this is a socio-psychological story, one of best works about the peasantry not only in Ukrainian, but also in world literature. But which of us talk about a lot or remember who the author is, who wrote “Earth”.
Author of “Earth” Olga Kobylyanskaya. Based on actual facts, the writer created deeply individualized images of peasants, connected with their whole being to the land-nurse, and showed a penetrating understanding of their psychology.
Poem Seamstress- we remember everything well, because we studied it by heart, back in school. But we often forget who the author is, who wrote The Seamstress.
My little hands go numb and stick together very much.
God, how long can I wait?
From early morning until late at night
Twist the needle daily.
The blood is sucked out by ote ostogijene,
Damned secret sewing,
That Panen is capricious, pampered,
They'll throw it out in the trash.
Iliad- this particular poem is known to everyone since school, but we often forget who wrote the Iliad, and when Homer created the Iliad
Author of the Iliad Homer. This poem, numbering 24 cantos, which consist of 15,693 verses, and attributed to Homer, is the oldest surviving monument of Greek literature. The Iliad is a reworking and unification of numerous tales Ancient Greece about the exploits of ancient heroes.
Homer's Iliad is based on the Trojan cycle of myths and tells about a ten-year war between the defenders of the city of Troy.
Everyone has read or watched “The Kid and Carlson,” but everyone remembers who the author is. Let's remember together who wrote "Carlson".
Carlson - literary character, created by Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren. Carlson lives in a small house on the roof of an apartment building in Stockholm, in the same area where Astrid Lindgren herself lived.
Best friend Carlson - seven-year-old (at the time of meeting Carlson) Svante, youngest child in the Svanteson family, nicknamed Baby.

Why isn't the little girl afraid to talk to the wolf? Doesn't she see that this is a terrible beast? Who does she take him for and why doesn’t she try to run away?

Many parents ask themselves these questions when reading Little Red Riding Hood to their children. Meeting and talking with a wolf on a forest path seems unnatural even for a fairy tale - the girl talks to him without fear, as with a neighbor. This is despite the fact that wolves have always been feared. And why does the heroine mistake the wolf for her grandmother? Is she that stupid or blind?

Was there a wolf?

To understand these oddities, you need to return to the folk tale on the basis of which Charles Perrault created his “Little Red Riding Hood”. It’s called “A Tale about a Grandmother” and begins in much the same way as Perrault’s: “One day a woman prepared bread and said to her daughter: “Get ready and take a warm bun and a bottle of milk to your grandmother.” The girl got ready and went. At the intersection of two roads, she met a bzou, who asked her: “Where are you going?”

Who is this bzu? This was also unclear to folklorist Achille Milien, who wrote down the tale in 1885 in Burgundy. The storytellers explained to him that in the local dialect this is what werewolves are called. Agree, this explains why the girl easily talks to the wolf: she is sure that this is an ordinary man in front of her, and does not even realize that this is a werewolf in human form. In this light, the famous dialogue with the grandmother lying in bed looks different. The girl sees her grandmother in front of her, who is gradually turning into a wolf. And when she asks the old woman why she is so hairy, she sees thick hair appearing on her skin. When he asks about the claws, he sees how they grow from the nails, about the ears - he sees how they lengthen and become triangular, about the mouth and teeth - he sees how the mouth expands and fangs appear in it.

Fairy tales and politics

Why did C. Perrault abandon the werewolf, which in the fairy tale seems more organic and understandable, and exchanged it for a wolf? The reason is the era. Louis XIV carried out a radical reform to build a unified French society. To achieve this, the country actively fought against folk superstitions, witchcraft, belief in werewolves and other demonic things. And the werewolf simply could not remain in the fairy tale - after all, it was prescribed to see in him not representatives dark forces, but simply mentally ill people who attack people at night in a fit.

At the forefront of this fight against superstition was Charles Perrault - academician, writer and very influential official. He right hand the powerful Jean-Baptiste Colbert, and Colbert himself is the right hand of the “Sun King”. There was no more influential man in France then. Perrault worked with him for more than 20 years, but even after Colbert’s death he continued to lead the academy and took an active part in ideological politics. According to a number of scientists, Perrault's collection of fairy tales was part of such a policy designed to soften morals. Instead of rough and sometimes cruel folk tales, full of all sorts of evil spirits and obscenities, the writer prepared his own lighter versions of fairy tales, which quickly became popular among the people. In France, even in those years, at the end of the 17th century, they read a lot, the so-called “Blue Library” - penny books for the people - was popular. And Perrault’s fairy tales were the most widely read, they were republished many times.

The storyteller-official not only threw out rudeness and superstition from folk tales and replaced scary witches with charming fairies (see infographic), he also introduced attractive and touching details. So, an ordinary village girl from folk tale he made her a charming cutie and gave her a beautiful red riding hood (her common folk heroine had her head uncovered). Thanks to this brilliant move, the fairy tale became one of the most popular in the world. But in addition, Perrault composed poetic moral teachings for each fairy tale - like in fables. And, in fact, the magical story about a girl and a werewolf turned into a fable about how girls should not listen to evil people, because they are like wolves and you can “get on the third course” with them. And in fables, animals act on an equal basis with people - this is the law of the genre. For Perrault, the wolf is just a symbol evil man seducing innocent girls. And in order to make the educational effect stronger and more shocking, he cut off the happy ending from the fairy tale: in Perrault’s story, the girl and her grandmother die.

It is interesting that the laws of constructing a fairy tale (and they exist, like the laws of nature), later took revenge on him. When “Little Red Riding Hood” became popular, they invented it again happy end(the girl and grandmother are saved by hunters who happen to be nearby), but the moral lesson is thrown out. It was in this form that the Brothers Grimm recorded and published it, and it is this version that seems canonical to us. Almost all publications in our country contain exactly the version of the Brothers Grimm with a good ending, although the author is listed as... Charles Perrault.

There is something attractive about this character. An image of childish beauty, naivety and kindness in a world where wolves meet...

put the final point in the book that was destined to become

the main bestseller of German-language literature. The book was called

"Children's and Household Tales", and it was from it that the world learned that

“Once upon a time there was a little, sweet girl. And whoever happened to look at her,

everyone liked her, but her grandmother loved her most and was ready for anything

give away. So one day she gave her a red velvet cap, and that’s why

that this hat suited her very well and she didn’t want to wear any other,

They called her Little Red Riding Hood..."

The first literary version of this old folk tale was published

Charles Perrault in 1697 in Paris - in the book “Tales of My Mother

Geese, or Stories and tales of bygone times with teachings."

In those days, the story was about a girl who went to visit her grandmother and

who met a wolf on the road was told throughout Europe. Actually, this

there were many stories: in northern Italy, a granddaughter brought fresh food to her grandmother

fish, in Switzerland - a head of young cheese, in the south of France - a pie and

a pot of butter; in some cases the wolf was the winner, in others -


Perrault took one of the options as a basis and dressed the nameless girl in

cap made of scarlet velvet and given the name - Little Red Riding Hood. Need to say,

that in France at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries, when social differences in

clothing were strictly regulated, such hats were worn only

aristocrats and middle class women. A simple village girl

walking around in a velvet cap of a provocative color, and even entering into

conversation with a stranger, she clearly understood a lot about herself. In the finale there is a wolf

taught a cruel lesson to all flighty young ladies: he “pounced on

Little Red Riding Hood and swallowed it.”


For small children, not without reason
(And especially girls, beauties and spoiled girls),
On the way, meeting all kinds of men,
You can’t listen to insidious speeches, -
Otherwise the wolf might eat them...

The popularity of Perrault's book was surprising, although the 69-year-old author himself,

a prominent royal official and member of the French Academy, fearing

ridicule, at first I didn’t dare to put given name on the collection,

therefore, for the first time, “Tales of Mother Goose” was published signed

The writer’s 11-year-old son, D’Armancourt.

A hundred years later it appeared again in a literary version - in German

Kassel, as narrated by the brothers Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. They presented

his version of “Little Red Riding Hood”, combining oral histories, Charles's tale

Perrault, as well as the poetic play “The Life and Death of Little Red Riding Hood”,

written in 1800 by the German romantic writer Ludwig Tieck

(it was Tick who introduced into the story a hunter saving a girl and a grandmother from

belly of a wolf).

Since the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm were published in the year of the victory over Napoleon, in 1812

year, then some saw in the wolf a French “intruder”, in

Little Red Riding Hood - suffering German people, and in the hunter - the expected

selfless liberator. And a century later, the ideologists of the Third Reich,

who declared the Brothers Grimm's "Children's and Household Tales" a sacred book,

they wrote in all seriousness that Little Red Riding Hood embodies the German people,

pursued by the wolf of Jewry.

The Grimms themselves, deeply religious people, saw in Little Red Riding Hood

a single symbol of rebirth - descent into darkness and transformation. In a hundred

years, Christian researchers who developed this idea declared the Red

The cap is the personification of human passions: vanity, self-interest and

hidden lust. In the wolf these same passions are clearly and definitely embodied.

The 20th century made Little Red Riding Hood a brand and a diagnosis. So, in the 30s

Freud's supporters declared that Little Red Riding Hood was a fully matured girl.

Mother's warnings to stay on the road and beware of crashing

bottle are warnings against casual relationships and loss

virginity. The main characters of the tale are three generations of women. Wolf,

embodying masculinity, is “ruthless and insidious

animal,” and the hunter is a conventional image of Little Red Riding Hood’s father. Generally

the story tells of the triumph of the female half of humanity over

masculine and returns the reader to the world of matriarchy.

Those who remember that “Little Red Riding Hood” is a children’s fairy tale remain wrong

too much. They timidly point out the educational aspect: the innocent child

must beware of life's dangers and obey the mother's orders.

And yet, a fairy tale must remain a fairy tale.

Inna Danilenko

red cap"(French Le Petit Chaperon Rouge; German Rotkppchen) - folk European fairy tale with a plot about a little girl who meets a wolf. Literary adaptation by Charles Perrault, later recorded by the Brothers Grimm.

Charles Perrault

Literary adaptation by Charles Perrault folk story (presumably heard from his nanny in childhood). He removed the motif of cannibalism, the cat character and her murder by a wolf, and introduced a defiant red riding hood, which the girl was wearing, and most importantly, he interpreted the fairy tale morally, introducing the motive of the girl’s violation of rituals, for which she paid, and concluded the fairy tale with a poetic morality, instructing girls to be wary of seducers. Thus, although the rough naturalistic aspects of the folk tale were significantly softened, the appeal to the issue of gender relations was emphasized. The tale was published in 1697 in Paris, in the book “Tales of Mother Goose, or Stories and tales of bygone times with teachings", better known as "Tales of Mother Goose".

Brothers Grimm

That version of the fairy tale, which has become a classic in modern children's literature, was written down a century after Perrault's death by the brothers Grimm, according to one version, from Maria Muller, who worked as a housekeeper in the house future wife Wilhelm Grimm. According to another version, from Jeanette Hassenpflug, whose mother’s side was descended from Huguenots expelled from France under Louis XIV. It is assumed that « Little Red Riding Hood» in its version it went back to Perrault.

A good one was added to the tale end: in this version, woodcutters passing by, hearing the noise, kill the wolf, cut its belly and save the grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood. According to one version, this episode was borrowed from another popular German fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats", according to another - from the play "Life and death Little Red Riding Hood» , written in 1800 by the German romantic writer Ludwig Tieck.

Perrault's moralizing on the topic of gender relations disappeared from the fairy tale, as did all sexually charged motifs. In the text of the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood violates not decency, but the will of the mother, who asks her daughter to go to her grandmother without being distracted by anything. The moral at the end is introduced as a warning to the naughty children: “Well, now I will never run away from the main road in the forest, I will no longer disobey my mother’s orders.”

Russian translations and retellings

In Russia, the fairy tale has been republished several times. The version of P. N. Polevoy is full translation version of the Brothers Grimm, but later the retelling became most widespread I. S. Turgeneva, in which the motive for violating the ban and some details of the descriptions are removed.

Illustrations of fairy tales in Russian usually depict the girl’s own cap(according to the Brothers Grimm fairy tale) instead of the cape-hood of the French original. The situation is the same in many other countries where the word "chaperone" was replaced when translated into « cap» , "hat", "cap".

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