Queen of the Xenomorphs. Game review: Queen of Aliens The effect was brilliant - absolutely believable “space infantrymen”, with no facelessness, each had individuality

Xenomorph (Latin Xenomórph from the Greek ξένος - “alien” and μορφή - “form”: “alien life form” or “alien life form”) is a fantastic alien species from the film “Alien” and its sequels. History of the image creation


The screenplay for the 1979 film Alien was originally developed by Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shusett.

The film's title was decided upon at the end of the script's development. O'Bannon immediately rejected the film's original title, Star Beast, but could not think of another title to replace it. “I was going through names and they were all terrible,” O’Bannon said in an interview, “when all of a sudden this word ‘Alien’ came out of the typewriter. “Alien” is both a noun and an adjective.” The word “Alien” later became the name of the film and, accordingly, the name of the creation itself.

The term Xenomorph (from the Greek ξενος - “alien” and μορφη - “form”) was first used in the film “Aliens”, later in director's cut"Alien 3". Widely used in games and video games of the expanded Aliens universe.

On the DVD edition of all four Alien episodes, the Latin name Internecivus raptus was indicated. In the comic book series, another Latin name was given - Linguafoeda acheronsis - in honor of the planetoid LV-426 Acheron, a gas giant satellite in the Zeta Reticulum system, where these creatures were first discovered, according to the legend of the Alien films.

Characters also call the Alien "bug", "creature", "monster", "beast", "dragon", etc.


Initially, the image of the Alien, as well as the interiors of the alien ships found by human astronauts, was created by the Swiss artist Hans Rudolf Giger, who specialized in “dark” themes. He also developed appearance alien creature for the science fiction film "Species", which in many ways is very similar to the Alien.

The Alien Queen was drawn by the director of the second film, James Cameron, together with artist Stan Winston. Winston's studio created a foam model with full hydraulic control especially for the film. It was this model that was filmed in almost all the scenes of the film that required the presence of the queen in the frame. For this work, the film received an Oscar for Best Visual Effects. It wasn't until the 2004 film Alien vs. Predator that computer simulations of the queen's running and fighting were used. In the film “Aliens,” the Aliens were portrayed by acrobats and stuntmen in disguise, imitating the gait of lizards.

Life cycle Egg

The Royal Facehugger is slightly larger, and can lay two embryos: the first - the queen, and the second - a simple alien, and then it dies.


During development, the embryo receives genetic information from the carrier that influences the further development of the xenomorph. The embryo itself has only two chromosomes, and takes the missing ones from the host. this allows you to adapt to the environment. Cases of Alien infection of people, terrestrial animals, Predators and Space Jockeys are shown. Since Aliens sense their own kind, they do not touch the hosts. The development of an ordinary embryo lasts about a day and a half, and that of a queen embryo lasts about a week. Removing the embryo is not possible. Even surgically. The fact is that once inside the host, the embryo creates something like a placenta, which connects to the host’s organs. When the embryo is removed, there is a slow loss of organ function, and as a result, the death of the carrier.

Breastbreaker A mature embryo is called a “breast”, since it is removed from the host’s body by gnawing through the chest (in humans and other vertebrates), as a result of which the host dies. The breastfish is small in size and has no limbs, but in the film “Alien 3” the breastfish differed from the adult stage only in size. Covered with light skin. The queen breastbreaker has rudiments of a collar. Interestingly, the design of the creature proposed by Giger was considered unsuccessful in this case, and the final image of the breastbreaker was created by Ridley Scott and Roger Dicken. The main activity during this period of development is searching for shelter, eating food for rapid growth and development into an adult. An adult Grudolom, having consumed a sufficient amount of food, begins to develop rapidly, sheds its “milky skin” several times as it grows, and in a few hours reaches a size of 2-3 meters. At the end of growth, the adult can be classified as one of the varieties. The shell is usually dark in color. In films, adults, apart from “hybrid” varieties, are always black. In the future, much more slowly, the growth of the creature and the formation of its appearance continues.


Soldiers and drones

They are charged with protection and hunting, expanding living space, building a hive, collecting food, feeding the queen and caring for eggs. Under normal conditions, these individuals are not capable of reproduction, but in the absence of a queen they can lay from one to three eggs. Also, in the event of the death of the uterus, an ordinary Alien may become new queen and start laying eggs like a full-fledged queen.

Externally, the drone and the soldier differ in size and head covering. Drones appear in the films "Alien", "Alien: Resurrection", "Alien vs. Predator", soldiers - in the films "Aliens" and "Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem". In comics and computer games, several castes stand out among them, differing in appearance and behavior.


The Queen or Queen is the main and largest individual in the colony. The rest obey her unquestioningly, even if it costs them their lives. Moves only on two large limbs. Her exoskeleton is so durable that standard 10mm kinetic weapons cannot penetrate it. Unlike the constantly changing soldiers, from the moment she grows up, the queen’s appearance remains practically unchanged: her head is adorned with a huge comb-like “crown”, which turns into a head cover, the presence of additional limbs on her chest, the presence of huge spikes on her back instead of small breathing tubes, but her main feature - the presence of an umbilical cord of the ovipositor. This translucent biopolymer sac filled with eggs is so huge that because of it the queen cannot move independently and is therefore in a “cradle” - a kind of hammock made of salivary threads and strips of biopolymer resin that support the queen and her ovipositor in a suspended state. However, in case of danger, the queen is able to break off the umbilical cord of the ovipositor and move independently, after which after some time she can grow a new ovipositor and fulfill her destiny.

There is also a known fact, mentioned in Ridley Scott's books, that an adult queen, having fully completed her development, has an intelligence superior to that of an ordinary human. Also, a sign of intelligence can be seen in the film “Aliens”. When Ellen Ripley first demonstrated the action of a flamethrower and then pointed the barrel at the eggs laid by the queen, the queen understood her intentions and, in order to preserve them, ordered the two soldiers who were about to attack Ripley to retreat. Another time, the queen understood the transport purpose of the elevator, and then used it.


The Runner is a four-legged form of the Alien, the result of the development of an embryo in the animal's body. It is smaller and slightly faster than ordinary individuals, spits acid, and there are no visible breathing tubes on its back. First shown in the film "Alien 3", where the carrier is a dog. In the hive, thanks to their agility and speed, runners play the role of scouts and food getters.

Ripley Clones

From the remains of the deceased Ellen Ripley, infected by the Alien, she was cloned 8 times in the film “Alien: Resurrection”. The clones combined Alien and human properties to varying degrees, and also possessed Ripley's memory and Alien instincts. The first 6 clones turned out to be non-viable or soon died. Clone No. 7 was destroyed at her own request by Clone No. 8, who was completely humanoid and outwardly indistinguishable from the real Ripley, was able to survive.

Newborn The newborn is a human-Alien hybrid from the movie Alien: Resurrection.

As a result of genetic intervention by humans to create a clone of the dead Ripley, infected by the Alien queen, the cloned queen at some point stops laying eggs and gives birth to a new creature. However, the newborn does not feel any kinship with the queen and kills her, and considers clone Ripley No. 8 to be his mother.

The newborn is very different from ordinary individuals - it is larger, covered with translucent skin, and does not have a tail. Its short skull resembles that of a human. The eyes, nose, teeth and tongue are also more likely to be human. He is quite intelligent and capable of expressing emotions through facial expressions.


Alien (from Predator - “Predator” and Alien - “Alien”) is a special type of Alien, a product of the development of an embryo in the Predator’s body. They have both the features of ordinary Aliens and some features of a Predator, for example, mandibles and dreadlocks. It was first illustrated by artist Dave Dorman in 1992. Then he became a character in books, comics and computer games. Later, in 2003, he appeared at the end of the film “Alien vs. Predator” in the form of a chestbreaker, and in the sequel “Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem” he became an adult. In the film, it has the ability to directly implant an embryo into the human body, and in quantities of up to 4-5 pieces. The Alien Predator is a kind of “shame” for the Predator family, because it is a sign of the Aliens’ victory over the Predators and therefore for the Predator who killed the Spawn it is a huge honor.


The Praetorian is an elite hive soldier. The Praetorian is many times larger and stronger than the Alien Drone and Alien Soldier, but smaller than the Queen. When the hive population grows to a significant size, the queen chooses Aliens from among her subjects to become her personal guards - the Praetorians. Having received “permission” for further development, future Praetorians must leave the hive as soon as possible, otherwise they will be torn to pieces by their own, since their bodies during the development process begin to produce pheromones that irritate other Aliens. During the molt, Praetorians live separately from the community, obtaining their own food and avoiding encounters with other xenomorphs. Most of the Praetorian candidates die, but the best are selected in this way. At the end of the molt, the Praetorian returns to the hive, becoming the queen's constant guard. The Praetorian no longer participates in the main life of the hive. Praetorians are either in the hive or in its vicinity. Praetorians only evolve from soldiers, drones, and sometimes runners. Alien predators can also become Praetorians, an example of this is the alien predator in the film “Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem”. Physiology: outwardly, a Praetorian resembles a soldier who has grown twice as tall. Such a monster has enormous strength, powerful horns and higher intelligence. However, due to their heavy armor, they cannot move along walls and ceilings. Praetorians have the right to command the rest of the Aliens, setting up ambushes and traps for opponents.

Queen Mother

The various Queen Mothers are the supreme leaders of all xenomorph species, with other Queens and Empresses subordinate to them. Each Queen Mother rules her own variety of Aliens, such as black or red. They have telepathy and empathy. They are distinguished by five spines on the edge of the crest instead of three, like ordinary queens.


The Empress appears in Aliens Online and Aliens vs. Predator 2". A particularly large and ancient queen. Even stronger and more durable. It is possible that the queens in Aliens versus Predator (2010) and Aliens: Infestation are also Empresses.


This Alien is an evolved form of the runner. He has a huge head with which he rams everything in his path. It is difficult to kill him, since the head of this Alien also plays the role of a shield. Appears in "Aliens Colonial Marines"

Alien mutant

Alien warriors mutated as a result nuclear explosion on LV-246. Completely blind. Focus on noise. The attack is a self-detonation. Appears in "Aliens Colonial Marines"


Another type of mutated Aliens. Their heads glow in the dark. They spit acid from a decent distance. Very fast. Appears in "Aliens Colonial Marines"

Underdeveloped Praetorian Essentially the same Praetorian, only not fully developed. A distinctive feature is the head like that of a warrior. Only one individual is found. Only large-caliber weapons are suitable against him. Also, serious damage can be caused by a blow from the forklift arm. Appears in "Aliens Colonial Marines"


To create a hive, one facehugger entering a populated area may be enough. Once the xenomorph reaches the adult stage in the absence of a queen, it will transform first into a Praetorian, then into a queen. Having found a suitable isolated area, usually in the warmest place, and having eaten, it will grow an ovipositor and lay its first eggs. The first facehuggers will either attack those who approach, or will leave the hive and find carriers on their own. The hatched xenomorphs, having reached the adult stage in freedom, will return to the hive, where they will feed the queen and take care of the eggs as soldiers and drones. From this moment on, the facehuggers will not have to leave the hive, since the adults themselves will deliver future carriers there. Alien Anatomy Structure

The elongated head, covered with the shell of a bone helmet, ends with a blunt forehead shield, which turns into a toothy mouth, inside which hides the inner jaw, extending about 30-40 centimeters. The chest is protected by external ribs that converge on the back, forming a segmented shell from which emerge four corrugated tubes of curved trachea - the respiratory organs. In the absence of a favorable environment, breathing and other important vital functions are transferred to another position. All the necessary substances are obtained as a result of complex biochemical processes directly in the body of the individual. The shoulders, forearms, thighs and shins are covered with protective ribbed plates. The long vertebral tail with a spear-shaped tip serves as a counterweight, helping to coordinate precise movements and quickly change directions of running, while also serving as a weapon used to inject a paralyzing neurotoxin into the body of the victim. Also in films you can see how Aliens very often use their tails as “whips” with a pointed tip, which is very effective in close-range combat.

In terms of their internal structure, Aliens are similar to insects. These creatures are facultative anaerobes. There are two types of energy supply: in the absence of oxygen, amino acids, sugar and fatty acids are fermented; in the presence of oxygen, oxidation occurs in the usual way, through the trachea. Metabolic products are excreted into the intestines, where water is absorbed, and dehydrated excretory products are excreted. Diet: Most protein compounds of animal origin that can be ingested. Accelerated metabolism promotes rapid regeneration of the entire body.

Aliens do not have a single center for the entire nervous system - their nervous system is of the nodular type. There is only a complex of sensory organs from which nerve trunks extend, which converge into a number of large nerve nodes under the most protected parts of the body by silicon-metal shields, so even if one of the nerve nodes is damaged, the Alien still remains combat-ready. The bulk of neurons are concentrated in these interconnected nodes; the largest node located in the head is an analogue of the brain. Communications in the hub nervous system are rigidly fixed, instead of synapses - direct innervation, this gives an advantage in the speed and accuracy of responses. Unlike the queen, who has a more developed intellect, the intelligence of an ordinary Alien, although superior to that of an animal, is inferior to that of a human (approximately at the level of monkeys), however, the amazing ability to adapt, highly developed instincts and the ability to mimicry give him an undeniable advantage in battle. Physiology

The circulatory system is not closed: the heart with holes sucks in the blood located between the organs and pushes it through the vessels to various parts of the body, where it is pushed out into the cracks between the organs. Lytic enzymes in the blood transform it into organic high-molecular sulfonic acid - real antifreeze, which allows the xenomorph not to be afraid of low temperatures. This substance is a unique absorbent, it is very toxic and even at low concentrations kills any infection. After the death of a creature, acidic blood fills the space between the cells, reacting with the intercellular fluid and being neutralized, partially oxidizes some tissues.

The metabolic activity of Aliens is not inhibited under almost any environmental conditions. Interstitial fluid is capable of absorbing oxygen and nitrogen from the atmosphere necessary for cell metabolism, isolating the necessary components from any gas mixtures and delivering them to tissues, and the ability to control internal pressure over a wide range helps to withstand even the vacuum of space for a long time. Accordingly, it can survive in space. It does not emit heat, since the internal body temperature is equal to the ambient temperature, as a result of which the Alien is not visible in the infrared spectrum.

The endocrine and exocrine glands produce high molecular weight blood acid, a neurotoxic paralytic poison, biopolymer resin and pheromones. The toxin introduced by the Alien into the victim’s body selectively paralyzes some functions of the cortex and brain stem, completely immobilizing the victim. However, the poison does not affect the functioning of the lungs, heart and glands, but only sharply slows it down. Poison is only used in some games. In the films, the presence of poison was hinted at only in one scene in the film Aliens, when the queen tried to hit Ripley, who was in a working robot, with her tail.

Sense organs They navigate by smell using a pheromone locator. Perceive electromagnetic radiation and use low-frequency ultrasound for navigation. It is unknown what kind of vestibular apparatus the Aliens have, but they are capable of dramatically changing their position in all three planes without losing orientation in space. Aliens easily distinguish androids from people and usually do not touch them.


Life expectancy is unknown, but some queens were many thousands of years old, for example, the Matriarch Queen in Aliens versus Predator (2010) was around 100,000 years old. The age of soldiers can also be measured in millennia. Old Aliens are distinguished by a light gray color and less strength and speed. Relationships with other species

With Predators

In the movie Alien: Resurrection and the game and comic book of the same name, Aliens were cloned by the military on the Auriga spaceship.

In the game "Aliens versus Predator", the Weyland-Yutani corporation used Aliens to create security cyborgs, the so-called Xenoborgs, and created hybrids of Aliens and Predators.

In the game Aliens versus Predator 2, the Weyland-Yutani removed Aliens using defenseless colonists and examined them.

In the comic “Aliens: Sacrifice” (Russian: Aliens: Sacrifice), people left a cloned child for the Alien every two days, and for this he did not touch them.

In the comic book Aliens: Alchemy, Aliens were the subject of a cult.

In the comic book "Green Lantern Versus Aliens" (Green Lantern vs. Aliens), Hal Jordan did not kill the Aliens, but, considering them just animals, transferred them to the planet Mogo, which brought obvious troubles for the crew of the ship, which made an emergency landing there.

Planets where Aliens were encountered Earth

In the films "Alien vs. Predator", "Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem", "Batman: Dead End"

Many thousands of years ago, Predators bred Aliens in a temple located in Antarctica and hunted them. When the situation got out of control, the temple was destroyed.

Researchers accidentally awakened Aliens in Antarctica in October 2004. The Predators found out about this, and three of them arrived at the scene. The Queen managed to free herself and mortally wounded the last of the Predators, but was drowned in the ocean. The rest of the Aliens were killed earlier.

The remains of the Predator were taken onto the ship by his relatives. On the ship, a chestnut hatched from it. The ship crashes near a small town and is overrun by Aliens. To stop them, the city is destroyed by an atomic bomb.

In bees, parthenogenesis is characteristic of an unfertilized queen, although in this case only drones emerge from the eggs. The jaws of the uterus are serrated, while those of the female workers are smooth. Female workers have a retractable tongue.

But the idea of ​​an internal retractable jaw was actually borrowed from naiads - dragonfly larvae - which have a greatly elongated lower “lip” that forms a grasping organ - a mask. When capturing prey, it is thrown forward and, when at rest, covers its head from below and/or from the sides. The goblin shark also has “retractable” jaws, slightly reminiscent of the Alien’s jaws. The jaws of moray eels work in a similar way.

The sphex wasp paralyzes the nerve centers of its victim and leaves an egg nearby. The hatched larva begins to eat the motionless insect. The parasites lay an egg in the body of a living insect, and the larva eats it from the inside. The eggs of some insects can wait a long time for favorable conditions.

Many spiders wrap their prey in a cocoon.

The eusocial makeup of colonies, immunity to acids, poikilothermia, the ability to survive in the absence of oxygen, insensitivity to pain, as well as an acute sense of smell and touch are characteristic of naked mole rats.

Rotifers Bdelloidea, through horizontal gene transfer, obtain genetic information from the organisms they feed on. This process allows them to bypass sexual fertilization.

When hunting, scorpions use a poisonous sting at the end of the “tail” if the victim is too strong to cope with “hand-to-hand.”

A mole can dig under a victim located on the surface and drag it underground.

Unlike science fiction, there are no predators in nature in which adult individuals would eat victims of the same species that serves as a host for the larvae of these predators.

June 16, 2017. The Queen also thanked the rescuers and firefighters Photo: twitter.com/. who risked their lives to save others.

Alien Queen (Mother of All Aliens) - YouTube

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Andrey Korolev, Moscow, Russia. Graduated from BSIIK in 2015. Log in. Andrey Korolev | Andrey Korolev | NEW SINGLE!.. Andrey's photos 266.

Reebok dedicated sneakers to the battle between Lieutenant Ripley and the Queen.

April 27, 2017. Reebok dedicated sneakers to the battle between Lieutenant Ripley and the Alien Queen. Go to “My. Photo: Reebok. 1/3. In the spring of 2016...

Alien Queen | AvP World Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia

Alien Queen, the largest representative of the Xenomorphs, she serves as...

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How "Aliens" was filmed. (information about the film).

“Ridley Scott made Alien in 1979 to surprise the world, to amaze people to the core, and he succeeded. He amazed me too. When I later became a director myself, I couldn’t help but think about making a continuation of this story. I wanted to make a film like this, I was so impressed by the environment, the design, the characters that Scott created. It was a breakthrough film and literally set a new standard for science fiction cinema. He raised the bar very high.” These are the words of James Cameron. A director in whose career there have been no “passable” projects. Every film he makes comes from his soul. He works on each one with inspiration. And each one turns out to be a real milestone in the history of world cinema.

Such was the epoch-making film “Aliens”. In this article we will tell you how “Aliens” was filmed. The story about alien monsters was developed partly due to the forced delay in filming the first “Terminator”; Schwarzenegger was finishing filming on “Conan the Destroyer”, which is why the crew waited nine months. It was during this pause that Cameron began working on the script for the sequel to Ridley Scott's brilliant sci-fi film Alien, which he and his wife Gale Anne Hurd (who acted as a producer) decided to make after finishing work on The Terminator. . When filming of “The Terminator” began, the script for “Aliens” was still not completed - James wrote about 90 pages. In such an unfinished form, this script came to people from the film company 20th Century Fox, and they liked it so much that the unprecedented happened: they not only gave potential consent to filming, but also agreed to wait until Cameron will finish “The Terminator” and will not complete work on the script for the new film. Moreover, the bosses of the film studio did not hide the fact that they considered the “Terminator” as a kind of “test” of Cameron as a director (“piranhas” were not seriously considered by anyone), and the fate of the “strangers” depended entirely on the success of the “Terminator” among a wide audience. It failed at the box office and “strangers” would never have seen the light of day. But the "Terminator" did not fail. It became a huge success, and James Cameron immediately received the go-ahead for filming, and three times the budget. This was a new step and a new breakthrough.

In the topic of “alien,” Cameron was attracted from the very beginning by the possibility of creating unearthly creatures. Even when he worked at Roger Corman's studio as a production designer, in particular, creating special effects for the “Galaxy of Terror” (1981) infested with alien monsters, he was most interested in the idea of ​​​​creating a new world, completely unusual and having nothing in common with the real world. This is what attracted and inspired Cameron when he filmed “strangers.” This idea will then bloom in full bloom in the “avatar”, many years later…. “I didn’t intend to make a remake, or something similar to the first film about someone else. Ridley Scott filled his picture with a very special atmosphere that I did not intend to recreate. “I decided to make a completely different kind of film: a dynamic action movie,” Cameron recalls. The central character, as in the “Terminator,” was supposed to be a “strong woman” type, which was always interesting for James, and for which she fit perfectly main character named Ripley. Actress Sigourney Weaver, who played Ripley in Scott's film, was at first quite skeptical about the intention to make a sequel, since she was very high opinion about Ridley Scott, and doubted that the second part would be worthy of the original (it came out even better). In addition, by that time Weaver was already a real superstar, unlike all the other actors.

But after reading Cameron's script, and then talking with him personally, she realized that the scale of James's personality was not inferior to Scott's one iota, and that he was truly an outstanding person and a talented director.

R. how to create a url for a picture...She very quickly agreed to filming, and it was a great success. But it was not easy for the management of the film studio to come to an agreement with Sigourney - she asked for no less than a million dollars as a fee. And she stood her ground firmly. At that time, the amount was colossal, so the management of 20th Century Fox even called Cameron and tried to convince him to “somehow do without Weaver.” To which Cameron quite expectedly replied that without Weaver there would be no film. By that time, preparations for filming had already gone far enough that the curtailment of work on the project would result in a loss of significantly more than a million. The bosses could only dial the phone number of Sigourney’s agent and, gritting their teeth, report that her terms had been accepted. But if everything was clear with Weaver, then the selection of supporting actors became a real test - they had to play American soldiers, so Cameron needed an American accent, and the general charisma of brave warriors to fully match the types.

The matter was complicated by the fact that for reasons of economy it was necessary to borrow British actors, (the filming was carried out in the old world, and the cost of living in Britain for Americans was rapidly depleting the budget) so it was necessary to recruit several artists living in England who looked and spoke as “American” as possible. Cameron and Gale Anne Hurd were watched by about three thousand people. So, for example, Mark Rolston was selected for the role of Drake - an American by birth, he lived in England from the age of eighteen. The hardest thing was to find suitable girl for the role of Newt. They looked for her everywhere: assistants visited dozens of schools, photographing thousands of children in search of the desired type. This is exactly how they found Kerry Henn (she was photographed having lunch in the school cafeteria) - a girl who had no experience acting, and which coped with its task superbly. When producers auditioned kids with “acting experience,” they discovered that their experience consisted solely of filming for television commercials, and therefore they tried to end every sentence with a big smile. Which was completely unacceptable for a girl who was suffering from severe stress alone, surrounded by monsters. Untainted by advertising cliches, Carrie gave the most convincing performance that adults have ever seen from a ten-year-old child. It is noteworthy that she never became an actress, although she had many offers. Cameron's old acquaintances, with whom he worked during the filming of a film about a cyborg from the future, came to the rescue when they could not find actors in Britain to play the central roles.

The role of the robot Bishop was played by Lance Henriksen, who starred in the first “Terminator” as detective Vukovich. Bill Paxton, who played Hudson, also came straight from the Terminator, where he played a small role as a frostbitten punk. And of course, Michael Biehn, who played Kyle Reese in legendary film, got a rather serious role of Corporal Hicks, who, along with Ripley and Newt, escaped at the end - only to die before the start of the third part... Because the actors were playing elite soldiers, they were trained for weeks on end by real U.S. Army soldiers to achieve a complete imitation of infantrymen - including teamwork skills, weapons handling and hand signals. As a result, the actors worked well together and began to feel like a real special operations team. They looked very natural in the frame. Actor Al Matthews, who played the brutal black sergeant Epon, provided great assistance in this matter - he served for several years in the US Army, and unlike other actors, he knew first-hand about the army atmosphere and could reliably recreate it. To make it even more natural, Cameron allowed the actors to customize the appearance of their characters themselves - he simply laid out a bunch of different things on a large table, and left the actors in full uniform for four or five hours to “give themselves personality.” Mark Rolston wrote “my bitch” on his weapon and hung a bunch of bones on his chest, Bill Paxton painted his armor with a skull with a dagger and his girlfriend’s name Louis. Various inscriptions also appeared on the uniforms of other characters. And the actors “finished the lockers” of their characters themselves, hanging them with posters of beauties, in the best traditions of real barracks.

The effect was brilliant - absolutely believable “space infantrymen”, with no facelessness, each had individuality.

For the first time, Cameron received almost twenty million for his project. This gave him ample opportunity to create his plans without being distracted by annoying issues of economy. Together with artists Syd Mead and Ron Cobb, the director began drawing hundreds and hundreds of sketches, which depicted in great detail all the elements that we would eventually see in the film. The Sulaco spaceship, aircraft and ground vehicles, and even the entire human colony on the surface of the ominous alien planet... the layout of the settlement, the appearance of industrial enterprises, and even entertainment establishments were thought out to the smallest detail! Much of what was invented did not make it into the film, and if the authors had squeezed all their developments into the picture, it would have been at least twice as long... According to the director's plan, the action on the planet was to take place in large rooms with numerous levels and floors. Such structures were very difficult to create inside the pavilion, and besides, they would have turned out to be too expensive, so it was decided to find some abandoned factory and shoot inside the workshops. The executive producers had to work incredibly hard to find a suitable location, and after three months of intense searching, they found a non-working power station in London, where they filmed most of the scenes. The premises were perfect: the lattice platforms with deep spans that we saw in the film are the real elements of the power plant. Cameron was delighted - all the handrails, all the steps, everything around was old, rusty, that is, exactly the way it should have looked according to his idea.

At the same time, we saved a lot of money on decorations. But there were problems, and considerable ones. Thus, the producers were forced to spend a lot of money on cleaning the premises from asbestos - an extremely hazardous material that covered literally every square centimeter of the abandoned premises with a thin layer. Getting rid of the dust took three weeks, with two hundred and fifty people working on the cleanup. Later, during filming, air samples were taken daily to ensure that the health of the participants in the filming process was not in danger. Along the way, it turned out that after cleaning the air in the improvised film set became even cleaner than in the pinewood studios pavilions! Finally, the decorators got down to business. Led by Peter Lamont, they were able to create incredibly believable and practical interiors that were also completely futuristic. We had to resort to a lot of tricks. Thus, the toilet in Ripley’s apartment was simply removed on board... a Boeing 707 airliner from British Airways. Without changes.

The decorators only finalized the corridor from which the heroine enters. The hypersleep capsules were also tricky: they all had to open at the same time, but it was too expensive to install electric motors on everything, so the creators simply installed a system of mirrors to simulate a long row of capsules, while only one had electric drives. Interior details and unsynchronized movement were inserted using combined filming, and in the end it turned out great. The same lockers were used in different rooms, decommissioned industrial ovens were inserted into the wall in the dining room, and at the head of the same hypersleep capsules the decorators installed nothing more than... helicopter engines. Which, after filming, were safely returned to where they were taken - to the British Air Force warehouse. Thanks to all these tricks, the budget was not overspent. The futuristic weapon was assembled by decorators based on Cameron's sketch from a Thompson combat machine gun with a sawed-off butt (in a lightweight version), a stripped-down pump-action shotgun and a decorative casing. The infantrymen's huge belt-mounted light machine guns were assembled from old German 7.92x57 mg42 machine guns, a "steadycam" joint for attaching a television camera to the operator's belt, and motorcycle handlebar handles. All the weapons looked simply amazingly authentic, as if they were real weapons - although, in essence, they were. For example, the German Heckler & Koch vp-17 pistol was included in the film without any changes at all thanks to its sleek futuristic shape. And what was the cost of the real flamethrower “m240 flamethrower”, which was used to burn down the lair of the alien queen!

A team of firefighters was constantly on standby, and it’s simply amazing that there were no serious accidents - inside the pavilion, with each take, a real fire was started, creating a bonfire

tens of square meters in size. ...At times there was real madness going on on the set. Inside a closed pavilion with insufficient ventilation, the actors poured fire on the scenery from real flamethrowers, they began to burn over the entire surface, the plastic emitted toxic smoke, because of which people began to suffocate right in the frame. Bill Paxton recalls: “during the filming of the take, when we were running into the transporter, with strangers on our heels, Janette (played by Vasquez) fell and grabbed her throat, wheezing: “I can’t breathe!” “I also thought: “good improvisation! “, and only then did it dawn on me that she was truly suffocating because of the acrid smoke that permeated everything around her. I realized this when my vision began to darken from lack of oxygen - I literally could not breathe, my lungs were bursting. When the firefighters extinguished the plastic, I almost lost consciousness from the smoke.” The scene turned out amazing, and none of the actors complained...

Cameron is known as a director who completely subordinates the entire filming process to the last detail, since he knows exactly what kind of picture he should get. Sometimes he is ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of a film. Filming in Britain, he additionally encountered difficulties in working with English specialists - they treated Ridley Scott with great respect, and Cameron was sometimes considered simply a “Canadian upstart” (and did not even watch “Terminator”), sincerely believing that James was only spoiling great franchise. At that time, Cameron’s name was not yet heard throughout the world. It was generally not easy with the British: Cameron was used to subordinating everything on the set to the process of creating the film, while the British were from a completely different cloth. And when James first saw how, right in the middle of the filming process, a woman entered the studio with a trolley on which there were trays with cups of tea, and everyone around them stopped working and took a break, he was shocked. He could not understand how much tradition means in England, and that there “fieflock” is sacred. It literally drove him crazy! James often had to fire people who believed that they had the right to their own view of things. So, Cameron fired cameraman Dick Bush, a Briton who worked with Ridley Scott to create commercials and had never shot a big movie before. Bush flatly refused to film scenes with poor lighting, in which almost nothing could be seen on the screen.

According to Cameron, this was supposed to create an eerie atmosphere, but Bush considered it amateurism, which he publicly stated to the director. Needless to say, he was immediately fired. He was replaced by Adrian Biddle, who prudently kept his thoughts to himself - and successfully filmed the film to the end. Although “safely” is not quite the right word, considering that as soon as the beadle began work, he... almost died due to an accident! This was one of the most dangerous moments during the filming of Aliens. The transporter on which the infantrymen moved had to drive towards the camera that stood in its way and brake at the end of the take. But the car's brakes failed, and it continued moving, crashing into the camera and slamming it into the wall. Adrian managed to jump out of the way of the huge machine, since its speed did not exceed 15 kilometers per hour, but if he had hesitated for just a second and found himself between the conveyor and the wall, he would have had no chance of surviving... Michael Bien also got into the project due to the dismissal of another actor - initially, Cameron did not cast him at all, but James Remar, for the role of Corporal Hicks, which was almost a tragedy for Bien. He really liked the script, and he was offended by Cameron for choosing another candidate - after all, Bien starred in the “Terminator” and worked well with the tyrannical director.

Michael couldn’t understand what was going on... but one fine day Cameron refused the services of Rimar - because the actor dared to object to the director in a conversation about how a capra should look and behave

l hicks. ...By the way, Remar's dismissal entailed an unscheduled reshoot of already completed and very expensive scenes... on the same day, producer Gale Anne Hurd called Bien and asked him to “urgently fly to England.” It was Friday evening. On Monday morning, the happy Bien was already rehearsing with might and main in the Hicks uniform... “Aliens”, without a doubt, was remembered by the viewer for its stunning special effects - no surprise, because the head of the team of specialists was again Cameron’s friend Stan Winston, the same one who created the unforgettable “Terminator” with him, and the one who will truly unfold in working on Doomsday a few years later. His independent studio coordinated the work of many craftsmen, who were faced with the task of doing something extraordinary, which no one had ever done before. However, this is more the rule than the exception for Stan. Scott's "alien" amazed everyone with images of monsters; Winston had to take the creation of monsters to a new level. And he did this, calling on all his skill and talent to help.

First of all, they made an alien embryo that bursts out of a human breast. In the film, Scott was like this, but they decided to change him slightly, considering him “too smooth”, unlike the creature he would later become. Cameron wanted the fetus to have "arms" (there was only a subtle hint of them in Scott's film). So they made two little aliens who starred in the scene with the boy discovered by the soldiers inside the building. One mock-up (without internal mechanisms) was used to “break through” the fake body (the boy’s real body was hidden far behind, inside the wall). Another small alien, complex and animated, was used for close-up, and here it looks even more "evil" than in the original film. The embryo had to help itself “with its hands” in trying to get out - the masters spent two weeks on this requirement of the director, but in the end the doll behaved as naturally as possible, and exactly as Cameron wanted. Cut! Then “spiders” were made that attached themselves to faces.

The most difficult thing was to remove the “spider” inside a vessel filled with water - after all, all the control cables had to be somehow brought out, and at the same time hidden so that they were not visible. We did it! A special task is to make a “spider” that the bishop dissects. For achievement realistic effect the authors simply used... real chicken and cow entrails! Outside the refrigerator, they quickly deteriorated, so we tried to remove them quickly. Naturalism is complete. By the way, the dissected “spider” from the first film was actually a sea crab. So there was no shortage of naturalness there either... The scene in which two “spiders”, slipped by a treacherous berk, attack Ripley and Newt in a locked room required a lot of tension. For the filming, they made half a dozen spiders identical in appearance, but completely different inside, of varying degrees of technical sophistication, and after editing they created an amazing feeling of living and merciless creatures.

The most complex was a model of a monster that moved all ten legs and a tail - it was controlled by six or seven puppeteers at the same time, and it was he who was in close-ups, trying to get to the face

ripley. ...The control cables running towards the legs are clearly visible. A separate problem was the scene with the running “spider”. It was incredibly difficult to make, and for this purpose they created a special “running spider” that could not do anything else. It was specially designed to simulate running. The whole scene was a brilliant mix of different types of layouts and reverse shots. The realism turned out to be amazing. In the battle scenes, the aliens were portrayed by stuntmen in rubber suits. They crawled along the walls and ceiling, ran and fell, there were about a dozen of them in total. We had to work hard on the costumes, because in addition to their believable appearance, they also had to be put on and taken off quickly enough to save shooting time, and not deteriorate when performing stunts, that is, they had to be quite wear-resistant. They are made of rubber and latex.

Several dozen alien mannequins were made, crushed by cars, shot, blown up by squibs - each mannequin was destroyed in one take, but not a single scene needed to be re-shot - everything was done so well. To create toxic smoke, they used know-how: in separate fragile containers inside the mannequin there were two types of chemicals that, when mixed, produced smoke. They mixed when the squib fired, and voila! Blood instead of acid. But all these were nothing compared to the absolutely stunning alien queen with whom Ripley so spectacularly fights at the end of the film. This fight was supposed to be the real highlight of the program, so it is not surprising that the creators of special effects spent more time and money on this one queen than on all the other strangers combined. It was a monster the likes of which world cinema had never seen; only the dinosaurs from Spielberg’s Jurassic Park could compare in scale, but this would happen only a few years later. Stan Winston: “When James first came to me and told me that he wanted to make a huge monster ten meters tall that would walk and fight with a robot, my first thought was - he's nuts. But after just a second I remembered that this was James Cameron, with whom I had worked before, and that since he was proposing to do this, it means he knew exactly how it should all look.

And I answered: of course, no problem, we will do it.” To begin with, the Swiss artist Giger, who came up with the appearance of the alien from the original film, did not come up with what the queen, Cameron's brainchild, would look like, and there was no way to turn to him for help. So the artists had to invent it, building on an already known design and bringing something new to the table. Experts puzzled over how to make such a monster, how to place people inside so that they would move its limbs - many options were tried - two people back to back, two people on each other’s shoulders, and so on, until they finally stopped in this version: two people, one after another, the front one controls the small “hands” growing from the monster’s chest, the second controls the large “hands”. The entire structure is suspended on a crane, with a large head with complex hydraulic controls on top. In America, a trial “composition” scarecrow was made from foam rubber, polypropylene, wooden sticks and garbage bags, which moved with four arms and swayed on its legs, suspended from a crane. The recording of this dummy was shown to Cameron, and he gave the go-ahead to create a full-size monster on this basis. The masters with their concept flew to England to the pinewood studio, and work began to boil. First, a full-size, detailed sculpture with all the relief was made from plaster. Then, using it, they cast the outer skin of the stuffed skeleton, limbs, and skull (about fifty components) from an elastic compound and hard plastic and painted it all.

The internal skeleton consisted of many hundreds of parts and was of enormous size - until now the craftsmen had never done anything like this.

The problem was also the extraordinary complexity of controlling the mass of hydraulic drives, which turned the creature’s head, moved its lips and jaws, extended an additional jaw from its mouth - dozens of multidirectional movements that had to be controlled simultaneously! Add to this the work of the crane operator on which the entire structure hung…. Several dozen hoses stretched from the dummy; for coordinated control, they came up with a design with car steering wheels installed in a row on a special ramp - one steering wheel controlled the head turning left and right, the other tilted it up and down, and so on. Thanks to this invention, the movements of the head were made very coordinated, as if it were really a living organism... the doll was controlled by 14-15, sometimes 16 people at the same time. It took a month to make the queen's prototype. And when she found herself on the set, many joked that this was the only actress who could afford to snap at Cameron... it was truly a terrible monster that made a colossal impression on everyone who saw him live. Stan Winston: “The queen was hanging from the crane. Her legs were controlled by a separate group of operators, her neck by a separate group, the largest number of operators were involved in controlling the head - turning its front part and facial expressions. I have never done anything more difficult than this in my entire life.

At the same time, being next to this creature on the set was simply scary. We all really hoped that the viewer would feel damned uncomfortable too.” The scene on board the Sulaco, in which the Queen pierces Bishop through her tail, was filmed using an artificial torso, which was mounted on Lance Henriksen's chest so that there was a gap of about ten centimeters between his real body and the torso. The queen's tail, made of latex and bent, was placed in this cavity. This tail was pulled out with the help of a thin wire attached to its tip, so that the viewer was given the complete illusion that this tail was hard as bone and really pierced the bishop right through. In fact, it is soft and elastic. Next, the bishop rises, suspended on cables, with the queen's tail attached to his back…. ...and then a mannequin appears in the frame, which is an exact copy of Lance from head to toe, and it has an interesting feature: its upper and lower halves are connected by a special knot, which undocks when the halves of the body are rotated 90 degrees relative to each other. The halves were pulled to the sides by cables, they turned - and the poor Bishop was torn in two, splashing around a mixture of milk and yogurt, representing the whitish “blood” of the biorobot.

In the shot where Bishop's top falls to the floor and slides, another mannequin was filmed, which also looked incredibly similar to Lance. He was thrown to the floor about forty times until he finally fell as naturally as possible. Before each take, they poured milk over him, flooding the entire set with it, so that when he fell there would be splashes in the frame. The same dummy was then moved along the floor when the bishop, according to the script, was dragged towards the hatch into outer space. Cameron initially wanted to do this with stop-motion animation, but Lance convinced him to film it with a puppet being pulled by cables attached to his wrists. Lance himself “finished” the mannequin in such a way as to achieve maximum resemblance. Then he said that it was the most terrible moment in his life - imagine seeing yourself lying on the floor and torn in half! The similarity was such that everyone around involuntarily felt creepy. The epic battle scene between the alien queen and Ripley driving a forklift robot was one of Cameron's most important ideas for the film.

The task he set for the special effects masters was extremely difficult, but he insisted that everything look exactly as in his sketches.

And, as usual, he did not agree to any compromises. The loader took more than three months to build. The question was how to make it move in the right way. Making manipulators in the style of industrial robotics was not a problem, but for the entire structure to walk around the set... how to do this, if even in scientific laboratories they have not yet made a robot that can walk like a person? And then they decided to hide a person inside! It was thanks to him that the huge loader could walk and move the way Cameron intended. The structure was made of thin plastic, disguised on the outside as thick iron, but the manipulator arms, equipped with electric drives, and the robot's legs were made of metal, and because of them the weight of the loader exceeded 200 kilograms. The stuntman had to work hard, considering that there was also a sigourney hanging on him, and he had to move with the power of his muscles, in addition to the entire structure, her 55 kilograms. As a result, this big guy set in motion a thing with a total weight of about a quarter of a ton - an almost impossible task... The legs of the man (the guy’s name was John, he’s a weightlifter) moving the robot are clearly visible.

At the same time, Sigourney did not participate in any way in the movements, and was only forced to repeat them. Sigourney and John spent many hours rehearsing the movements, trying to make them more coherent, almost identical, repeating them faster and faster. Sigourney recalled that these were the most interesting moments in her entire career. Of course, without additional support, the thing would simply fall, so it had to be supported by cables attached to the crane. At the same time, these cables partially compensated for the weight to make it easier for John to move. And yet the film crew constantly took long breaks so that John could rest and gain strength for a new grueling take... But even though manufactured in life size The queen and loader models could do so much, the filmmakers were forced to resort to miniatures! So both the monster and the yellow robot were copied down to the millimeter in the same 1:5 scale, and they were used in a number of scenes. In the wide shots that show forklifts moving loads, we actually see small models with electric drives. When the forklift lifts the queen off the ground and they fall into the opened hatch, these are miniatures. But they are made so carefully that it is not easy to guess. During one of the takes - it was a scene in which a loader falls through a hatch and flies into outer space - the model was accidentally broken.

He was supposed to fall onto a safety net stretched below, but due to someone’s negligence the net was not there. The precious robot fell to the concrete floor from a ten-meter height and was smashed to pieces. It seems incredible, but there was no need to build a new one! The craftsmen repaired the robot, reassembled it, painted it - and filming continued as if nothing had happened. The photo shows the legs of the miniature Ripley double - he was almost unharmed, protected by a powerful “safety cage”. Now this loader decorates James Cameron's office as a keepsake. When Cameron was a production designer and worked at Corman's studio, he met the Scotak brothers - Robert and Dennis, who were brilliant masters of special effects. He called them immediately after the Aliens project was approved and offered to work together on his new film. The brothers happily agreed because they always had an excellent understanding with James.

Skotaki created miniature landscapes of the alien planet, including a human settlement on its surface.

The miniatures turned out to be anything but miniature – they occupied several tens of square meters. The buildings were photographed with small lenses at three times acceleration. Rain was simulated using spray guns, so that the settling particles of water were perceived as drops in slow motion. The foggy haze was created using smoke. Not all of the miniatures were included in the frame, but they were made with the same care as the others... The Sulaco ship on which the rescue mission arrived was a little more than two meters long - a cardboard base, with parts molded from plastic on top. The body was worked on only one side - the one that was facing the viewer. On the “shadow” side, the model was completely smooth. The same craftsmen made wonderful models of the Cheyenne lander and the armored personnel carrier (APC), in exact accordance with the sketches of the artist based on the concepts of Ron Cobb.

Moreover, both the ship and the transporter were made both in life size - for filming close-ups with people, and in the form of scale models to simulate flight and movement. The models repeated large layouts down to the smallest detail - right down to the drawings on the body. Everything was reduced in size five times – including the hangars! To film the landing ship crash, another model was built, made specifically for this purpose. It was not immediately possible to film a plausible catastrophe. Special effects specialists, using a “training” model (in the photo, of the same mass and size, but stronger and without details), tried on different angles of incidence, worked out the relief and density of the surface that the device was supposed to collide with, selected the speed and degree of slowdown for shooting the most naturalistic - this ship was forced to crash into the ground at least one and a half dozen times before they settled on the optimal option. Then another model, designed for destruction and filled with explosive squibs, was sent into the ground at exactly the speed and angle that were chosen during the testing process. Four models were smashed and exploded; the best take was included in the film. Footage of the crash, sped up and then slowed down, was projected onto a screen in the background while actors in the foreground scurried for cover. Rear projection, familiar from scenes in the Terminator, worked just great here too! The apc transporter, in which space marines moved across the surface of an inhospitable planet, was converted from a douglas dc14 airfield tractor.

This is what the tractor looked like before the modification. It was a very serious machine: designed to tow Boeing 747 airliners weighing 180 tons, it was equipped with a 380-horsepower Cummins diesel engine, and weighed an incredible 75 tons together with ballast, which did not allow it to move at a speed faster than 15 kilometers per hour. The first thing the specialists in the workshop did with this monster was to remove 35 tons of lead ingots from it, at the same time making room for the Marines. Then the tractor received a completely new body based on the sketches of the same Ron Cobb. Even after lightening the structure, it weighed so much that the studio had to strengthen the entrance ramps before filming with this car, since they broke under its weight. The extreme slowness of the car forced us to speed up filming with its movement where it was needed. In fact, apc moved at walking speed almost the entire time. But to film the transporter that travels inside the corridors of the base, it was necessary to build a scale model. The 1:5 scale model is filmed in all indoor motion scenes, with the exception of the one in which Ripley crushes the alien. There was another radio-controlled model, 20 centimeters long, and this was the one filmed at the moment of leaving the landing ship (and entering it too). She is also visible in the footage of movement around the city. And all these models were made so carefully that when watching the film you always have a feeling of complete realism of what is happening!

There is no computer graphics or retouching here - everything we see was done for real...

Even in the scene where Ripley, Newt and Bishop fly above the clouds seconds before the explosion, these clouds are not graphics at all. They are actually made from cotton wool! Special effects masters simulated several types of clouds, including picturesque ones Cumulus clouds, between which the ship is flying, and then held a camera above them, filming at an accelerated pace. When played back in slow motion, the result was a flight over the clouds that could not be distinguished from reality. Even the “mushroom” of the explosion was nothing more than an illuminated ring of cotton wool that moved upward using an electric drive! “Aliens” became another success in Cameron’s career, confirming his title as a talented director; the film is unconditionally recognized as a standard in the genre of fantastic action films. But there is no doubt that the success of the film is determined not only by the director, but also by the magnificent masters of their craft, who know how to capture the imagination of even the most sophisticated viewer. It's a pity that with the arrival computer graphics Special effects specialists no longer have to be as inventive. Whatever one may say, that realism will no longer exist! Press the buttons! Save the world from boredom.

At the end of the last century, it seemed impossible to develop the theme of Aliens without the participation of Hans Rudi Giger. However, James Cameron and Stan Winston succeeded: for the sequel to Alien, they created something worse than a toothy alien - his oversized mother. In the new millennium, it seemed impossible to give collectors a smaller version of the Alien Queen that matched the original in design and proportions. However, the Californian company Sideshow succeeded. In general, everyone is happy - it’s time to open the champagne.

Queen Alien Polystone Diorama is a tasty morsel for those who are willing to spend considerable sums on dust collectors. The enormous size of the box suggests that a real Alien was packed inside. Fortunately (and for some, unfortunately), most of the internal space is occupied by foam packaging.

Even though meticulous fans of xenomorphs can easily discover dozens of inconsistencies between the queen and her on-screen prototype, this does not affect the impression of the figurine at all. Yes, the sculptors used their imagination when working on the head and legs of the toothy madam, but their creation can not be perceived as an attempt to reproduce a specific character from Aliens. Still, the design of the queen changed from film to film, and various artists endowed her with the most bizarre features. The figurine is perfectly detailed and will easily pacify the anger of critics with its meticulously reproduced chitinous armor pattern.

What makes you finally and irrevocably fall in love with Sideshow’s creation is the quality of the painting. The color of the miniature queen, although not 100 percent consistent with the original, is so well maintained tonally that it casts doubt on the artificial origin of the figurine. Having admired it enough, it’s hard to suppress the desire to shell out any money for the alien mother. Alas, everything is not so simple: the figurine was released in a limited edition of 1000 copies, of which not even a dozen made it to Russia, and even those were instantly sold out. Fans can only scour online auctions and hope that the resale price does not triple.

Result: one torn apart android and a holed through Predator serve as examples of what happens to those who plot to go against the Alien queen. So we decided not to get into trouble - out of harm’s way. In addition, any criticism of the Sideshow figurine is very conditional. This is the best miniature replica of the most impressive monster in the history of cinema. And don't argue! Otherwise Her Highness will already deign to grin.


The Xenomorph Queen is approximately four and a half meters tall. She has an extremely powerful tail, the length of which is equal to her own height. The Queen's cranial crown is somewhat flat compared to that of an adult xenomorph, and extends approximately two meters back from her head. The Queen has secondary arms (the total number of her arms is six), which are approximately three times shorter than the main ones. When the Queen is part of a functioning hive, she is suspended from the hive's ceiling in a strong, resinous "hammock". Apart from the unusual cranial crown, the Queen's most famous physical feature is the large translucent ovipositor, almost 8 meters long, extending from her body. The ovipositor, like the Queen herself, is supported by a special resinous network.

Log 2. HEAD

The Queen's head is one of the most striking aspects of her physical appearance. Although the skull itself is proportional to her body size and not much different in shape from the adults of her brood, the crown is what makes her head so unusual. This crown is believed to represent much more than just a decorative element of the physiology of the Uterus. It is believed to be the key to communication and eliciting specific behaviors in her children.

There is undoubtedly some degree of audio contact among members of the hive. However, it seems that to a greater extent communications occur through supersonic and bioelectric emissions, and to a lesser extent through biochemistry. In this case, the wide and flat surface of the Queen's crown would provide an excellent emitter/receptor. It is believed that, like other Aliens, the Queen's crown is covered in pore-like receptors and emitters that perceive a wide range of stimuli, including communication.

The surface of the Queen's crown serves as her optimal means of perceiving large amounts of audio and bioelectrical information, and she perceives much more than the average Alien due to the greater number of sensory pores that can be applied to this form of perception. The same applies to communication abilities: the larger surface of the crown allows more stimuli to be emitted over a wider radius, and therefore better detected by the brood. However, it appears that the Queen would be limited in receiving these same stimuli to the periphery of her head: compared to an adult xenomorph, her crown curves only slightly, and perhaps this indicates sensory reception limited to the primary range of perception (approximately 100° radially with each sides from the central vertical line crown, and peripheral reception - 10° on each side). It could also suggest that the Queen may have a fairly large blind area located just behind her crown and body, but since she spends most of her life immobile, this is not surprising. It is quite logical that adult Aliens, responsible for hunting and building nests, need a wider range of impulse reception - and a 360° perception range is quite justified for them. The queen is mainly static, and therefore plays a more passive role within the hive. It is unlikely that the Queen is often involved in protecting the hive, meaning that the incident between Ripley and the Queen on LV-426 is a rare example of Alien abilities.

An obvious lack of peripheral perception also indicates a lack of peripheral emission, but this is not so obvious due to the nature of the hive structure - especially with regard to supersonic communication. When the Queen emits sound, the liquid, organic and ribbed walls of the hive assist in redirecting and spreading the sound throughout the structure. This makes the hive look like a resonating chamber and allows easy communication with all members of the nest. Also, the structure of the hive may be involved in the transmission of bioelectrical impulses: since the hive is apparently made of isolated silicon resin, and silicon is a semiconductor, it is possible that bioelectrical emissions could travel along the walls of the hive from the egg compartment to the surrounding areas. It is possible that for this kind of communication to occur, the Alien must be in direct contact with the resin, and given that in the normal state the Queen is connected to the walls of the hive by the same resin network, any of her bioelectric impulses will immediately spread throughout the entire hive.

Although biochemical emissions are considered an excess in xenomorph communication, it is possible that the Queen still uses it to cause a certain kind of reaction and activity in her brood. It is believed that the maximum effective radius of influence of pheromones on an Alien is approximately three times the length of its body. Outside this radius, pheromones become more and more rarefied, as they mix with the surrounding atmosphere, and therefore lose their strength and effectiveness of influence. It is believed that the size and shape of the Queen's crown is designed so that it is able to collect pheromones even beyond the maximum effective radius, filtering them from air molecules. This allows the Queen to understand what is happening in some place remote from her, even if the distance is very great. The same, most likely, applies to the release of pheromones by the Queen. That is, the large surface of the crown allows the release of a huge amount of pheromones, which spread over a long distance and at the same time maintain their effectiveness. Moving the head can help spread pheromones, causing air to move over the Queen's spray pores and become better saturated.

It is likely that in addition to the above-mentioned sensory reception, the crown is used to detect additional stimuli - such as thermal ones. However big size crowns does not at all mean improved perception of them. Unlike pheromones (for example), which have a specific molecular ratio of chemical elements per square meter air, heat - like sound - is based on a wavelength that decays when it travels far from its source. Heat detection is limited by the proximity, size of the source, and that there is a sufficient difference between the radiated heat and the ambient temperature. As a result, thermal detection is only accurate up close - long-distance heat detection typically relies on the presence of a dedicated secondary receptor for accurate tracking. It is therefore unlikely that the Queen relies on heat receptors as a primary means of sensory input.

Another interesting feature of the crown is that in its front part it is equipped with a so-called hood, in which the Queen's head can be hidden. The Queen's need for this hood is unclear, but it may help with camouflage. During egg production, the Queen becomes relatively vulnerable as she is suspended from the ceiling of her chamber and is not ready to move. If the Queen is born first in the hive and is responsible for the initial stages of nest construction, she is left without protection from her offspring from creatures invading the hive. The immobilized Queen draws her limbs closer to her body and hides her head, so that it becomes difficult to discern where the hive resin ends and where the Queen herself begins. This form of camouflage can be effective against various intruders. When the head is pulled into the crown, it is no longer visible and at the same time well protected.


The Queen's secondary jaws are practically no different from the jaws of an adult Alien. The only real difference between them is their size: the Queen's jaws are proportionately larger. Their striking length is approximately 90 cm.


A rather interesting feature of the Queen is the presence of small arms growing directly from her chest. The length of these arms is approximately one-third the length of the creature's primary arms. Due to their extremely short length, they appear useless when you pay attention to full size Queens. that when the Queen holds the drone, she pats or strokes it and thereby incites the release of the spore necessary for fertilization. However, given the latest theories about Alien reproduction, it is unlikely that these Queen hands are used for mating.

In the recent past, two new theories regarding the Queen's secondary hands have emerged and are currently considered viable. The first again speaks of hands as a means of arousal, but now they are no longer associated with the mating process. The secondary arms are used to hold and arouse the adult Alien for trophollaxis. According to this theory, the Queen strokes the Alien, inciting him to cough up the nutritious mass. Through such nutrition, the Queen would receive the proteins and minerals she needs during those moments when she is suspended from the ceiling of her chamber and immobilized. It is believed that the tactile stimulation that the Queen conveys to her offspring is carried out through rhythmic blows to its torso and head and sequential communication signals.

The second theory says that the use of small hands for trophollaxis is secondary. Their primary goal is to care for and clean the end of the ovipositor. It is possible that during the laying period several ovipositor support structures are deliberately broken. The queen holds the ovipositor with her primary hands, and her secondary small hands clean the opening, removing clumps of fluid and dirt. Upon completion of such care of the ovipositor, the supports are restored, and the ovipositor itself again occupies the proper position for laying.

Log 5. Ovipositor, ovaries, fertilization

After the head, the most significant feature of the mature Queen is her ovipositor. Its length is 8 meters. At the abdomen, the ovipositor is narrowed. The free end is also narrow, but more muscular. At its widest point, the ovipositor is almost 1-1.5 times wider than the Queen, and weighs approximately 2.5 times more than herself. Both the Queen and her ovipositor are supported under the hive roof by the thick webs of saliva that make up the structure of the hive. On Auriga, the Queen had no support for her ovipositor and miraculously supported both herself and the ovipositor. The general consensus is that, while isolated, the Queen will fend for herself. As soon as she has a brood and the Aliens grow up, they will begin to take care of her and make all the necessary additions for both her and her growing ovipositor.

It is not known exactly how many ovaries a mature Queen has. It is believed that there are at least two, but it is possible that more. In theory, the Queen having more than two ovaries would not provide any benefit to her reproductive capacity. The rate at which she lays eggs and the length of her reproductive life would likely remain unchanged. It is also believed that, based on the Aliens' remarkably long lifespan (the Queen could live for centuries if not attacked or killed), the Queen can lay up to 365,000 eggs per century. This number is derived from information received about the infection of the Hope Hadley colony: 157& colonists, of which at least 125 were used as embryo carriers; a three-week journey from Gateway station to the colony; and the number of eggs in the Queen's compartment at the time of their destruction (±80). All this suggests that the Queen can lay 7 to 10 eggs in 24 hours.

From reports received from Auriga, it is known that the Queen will not begin producing eggs until she reaches a certain stage of maturity. Unfortunately, the exact time of her maturation is unknown, since on Auriga the nature of the Queen was deviated from the norm, unlike the Queen from LV-426. The general feeling is that the Queen does not lay eggs until she is 36-48 hours from being born from a host. Some groups of scientists talk about 72 hours of maturation for the Queen, based on biological differences between her and members of her adult brood. Regardless of this, it is believed that the first egg will be laid in the last 24 hours of her maturation process. The Queen is believed to remain unfertilized throughout the laying period and for most of her reproductive life. As with most social insects, the lack of fertilization controls the type of offspring it produces (discussed below).

Once in the ovipositor, the egg begins to slowly move through the dense amniotic fluid, which is secreted and constantly renewed by the Queen's reproductive system. When the nutritional properties of this fluid are depleted, it is absorbed through the walls of the ovipositor and destroyed. Some of it is used again, and the rest is disposed of as waste. However, the amount of liquid that goes to waste is very small. Most of it is processed in the Queen’s reproductive system and again released into the ovipositor fresh and renewed. In much the same way, old sperm is recycled in the reproductive system of male mammals.

The walls of the ovipositor are separated by vertical muscle fibers that gently push young eggs through the amniotic fluid. This serves two purposes:

∙ Movement prevents eggs from becoming stagnant.
∙ Movement directs essential nutrients, hormones, amino acids and silicates into the egg.

When the egg reaches the muscular opening at the end of the ovipositor, the tip contracts to gently hold the egg, lowers, and relaxes to allow the egg to slide to the floor of the egg compartment. However, before the egg is laid, it must be turned into the correct position, as it has a specific top and bottom. The function of turning the egg into the correct position is performed by a number of muscles preceding the end of the ovipositor.

The first theories said that one of the colonists was immediately infected with the royal embryo on the Abandoned Ship. However, even if the royal eggs were contained there, the chances of a colonist accidentally stumbling upon them are very small, given the total number of eggs on the ship.

There are two theories about where the Xenomorphs came from. The first is quite simple: they simply appeared as some insignificant organism on an unknown planet and, over the course of millions of years of evolution, turned into what they are now. That is, it is similar to the organisms of our planet. I can safely tell you that this assumption is false! Due to their nature and the way they reproduce, there is no way they could survive on any planet. They would destroy all living organisms on any planet and as a result, left without food and without a way to reproduce, they would die out! No. This assumption about their origin is wrong! But the second assumption may well be true.

Another, highly developed life form, whose technology surpasses any of our assumptions and even our imagination, created Xenomorphs as weapons! This civilization was called the Pilots. Since the Pilot race is so highly developed, it is only logical that they began to think of their superiority over every other organism in the universe, and even if they did not, their desire to create left their home planet without resources and began to need to capture a new planet with vital resources. They became a race of invaders, enslavers of worlds.

But the more they fought, the greater their losses became. And then the great minds of the Pilot race began to develop a new way to capture planets. That's how they came up with the creation of the Xenomorph. It was enough to send just a couple of Xenomorph larvae (Facehugger) to the enemy planet, and after a few Earth years (or even months) the entire planet was infected with Xenomorphs. But again, having destroyed all the living creatures of the planet, the Xenomorphs die out, and the planet remains empty.

This is the genius of the Pilots' plan. When the planet was absolutely empty and lifeless, they flew to it and built their colonies, pumping up the resources of this planet. This is the only way they could continue to live and develop. It is unknown what is happening to the Pilots now. First human race encountered the Pilot on the planet where the events of the first and second parts of the film took place. In the first part, people found the crashed Pilot cargo ship. This ship was apparently transporting their weapons - Xenomorph eggs.

Inside, people came across a representative of this great race. In a huge room, on a chair, sat the already dried corpse of a ship pilot (hence the name for the race - Pilots), who became a victim of the weapons of his race (in the film they clearly show that something burst out of the pilot’s chest). Here is the story of the Pilots and the origin of the Xenomorphs.

Aliens are social creatures with hierarchical structure. The viability of this species is based on rapid reproduction, large numbers and coordinated action. Each Alien is a soldier, warrior and fighter of the Hive, is an autonomous mobile fighter who, outside the hive, is guided by his genetic memory, capable of thinking, and highly developed instincts, the main of which is survival and self-preservation (transformed into the desire to kill, clearing living space).

The life of an individual member of the community is not taken into account, but they are capable of protecting offspring and relatives with great zeal; only the main goal is important: the survival of the species, therefore the instinct of self-preservation in the Aliens’ hive does not work.

Aliens are very specialized organisms that have a high individual “margin of safety.” Have a highly organized nervous activity and are capable of self-learning, but the accumulation of experience by each individual is not significant; basic knowledge is accumulated by the entire population as a whole, transmitting it through genetic memory. Also, Aliens are capable of thinking. Their actions are not based on instincts alone; Aliens are able to think through the situation and find the most convenient way out of the situation.

The colony (Hive) consists of the Queen, Hive warriors (Praetorians), soldiers and drones. The queen lays eggs and rules the entire colony. Reproduction method: somatic parthenogenesis (the organism develops without fertilization, from a diploid cell with a double set of chromosomes). The Praetorian is a specialized individual soldier who guards the Hive Queen.

There is no doubt that the Queen is intelligent, otherwise she could not control the hive. Further, if you look at the games, the Praetorians may turn out to be quite reasonable. Some Aliens show the beginnings of intelligence. They begin to secrete special pheromones that infuriate the Hive. The future Praetorian is forced to escape from the Hive if he wants to live.

The remaining soldiers are charged with protection and hunting, expanding the living space, building a nest, gathering food, feeding the queen and caring for the eggs.

These individuals lack reproductive function. A drone individual can lay eggs in the absence of the Queen.

The Queen is the largest individual in the colony (several times larger than an ordinary Alien).

Her external exoskeleton is so strong that standard 10mm weapons cannot penetrate it. Unlike the constantly changing soldiers, the Queen’s appearance remains virtually unchanged: her head is decorated with a huge comb-like “crown” that goes into the head cover, the presence of additional limbs on her chest, but her main feature is the presence of an umbilical cord of the ovipositor.

This translucent biopolymer sac filled with eggs is so huge that because of it the Queen cannot move independently and therefore is in a “cradle” - a kind of hammock made of salivary threads and strips of biopolymer resin that support the Queen and her ovipositor in a suspended state. However, the Queen can break the umbilical cord of the ovipositor and move independently, but after this she is no longer able to fulfill her destiny (procreation) and it is unknown how long she will be able to live after this.

However, as the plot of Aliens versus Predator (2010) showed, the queen can not only live for quite a long time, but is also capable of creating a new “womb”.

Among other things, the game shows Alien vs Predator (2010), as an ordinary drone soldier, after a certain period of time mutated into a queen. This fact can be explained by the fact that due to a long life and constant nutrition in the form of human meat, the alien soldier was able to undergo the transformation process.


The Xenomorph Nest is very difficult to describe. The living material that forms the Hive is very sensitive and in its properties resembles the web of an earthly spider. How exactly the Hive appears is unknown, but there is an assumption that Xenomorphs are capable of releasing a special biomass from their mouth, which then begins to grow and turns into the Hive. There is also an assumption that “roots” begin to grow from the Eggs laid by the Queen, which turn into Hives. If you touch Ulius, he will “shudder” all over. A person will not be able to feel this, but all Xenomorphs that come into contact with the Hive will feel it and rush to the epicenter of irritation.

Life cycle

A larva is formed in the egg over the course of 2 earthly hours. The larva is still biologically connected to the egg, and it turns out that they are one whole creature. The larva senses everything that happens around the egg thanks to different receptors. The egg feels warmth, movement, sound, temperature and transfers all this to the Larva. If a living organism approaches the egg, the Larva senses this and orders the egg to “open”. At this moment, the Larva breaks its biological connection with the egg in order to instantly strike.

The facehugger has long jointed limbs and an even longer muscular tail, designed to move, capture the future host and hold the facehugger's body near the mouth of the victim. When the facehugger discovers the future host, it leaps onto the victim's face.

It jumps on the organism and inserts (most often) a “tube” into its respiratory tract, and with its “fingers” and tail, rather roughly and unceremoniously fastens itself on the organism and wraps its tail around the victim’s neck. Through the tube, the Larva injects special chemicals into the body, which put the body into a coma. When this is achieved, the larva introduces a special “biological porridge” through the same tube, which subsequently turns into an Embryo. The facehugger is capable of keeping the host alive so that the embryo does not die.

Having laid the embryo, the facehugger dies, and the life processes of the host return to normal. During development, the embryo receives genetic information from the host that influences the further development of the xenomorph (for example, if the host was quadruped, then the hatched Alien will not be upright). If this is a queen embryo, then it takes longer to develop in the host’s body.

After maturation, the embryo is removed from the host’s body (in humanoid creatures, through the chest), and the host dies.

A hatched Alien reaches a size of 2-3 meters in a few hours, shedding its “milky skin” as it grows. The Alien's main task is to deliver food and new carriers for the queen. He also participates in the construction of the queen's nest.


The Alien is a bipedal upright individual, capable of moving quickly on four limbs, its body consists of both organic and inorganic compounds and is a synthesis of silicon-metallic and carbon structure. The outer exoskeleton consists of polarized organic silicates; silicate cells have metal in a bound state. In addition to the external exoskeleton, there is an internal bone structure.

It has been noted that not all Xenomorphs are the same. This was explained by the fact that when the Fetus takes on the best qualities of the host, this affects its physical development. If the Embryo grew in a human, then the Xenomorph grows with a tendency to walk upright and grows up with a human-like physique (these Xenomorphs can be seen in the first, second and fourth parts of the film). There were cases when the Larva jumped on an earthly dog. As a result, the Xenomorph grew with a tendency to walk on all fours, its structure strongly resembles that of a dog, and its speed exceeds that of the Xenomorph that emerged from a human.

What is the reason: the difference in the chemical structure of the carrier organism or its biological species, in size or habitat - is not known exactly.

The elongated head, covered with the shell of a bone helmet, resembles a hammer and ends with a blunt forehead shield, which turns into a toothed mouth, inside which hides a movable ribbed piston with the jaws of the inner mouth, extending about 60 centimeters.

The second mouth is a very remarkable part of the Xenomorph, but is practically meaningless. This mouth performs many of the standard functions of the human tongue. However, it is very good for cutting food. This mouth actually “rips out by the roots” everything it grabs onto. It is known that the tongue is the strongest part of the body (in humans too). But in the case of the Xenomorph, he is simply immeasurably strong.

The chest is protected by external ribs that converge on the back, forming a segmented shell from which emerge four corrugated tubes of curved trachea - the respiratory organs. The shoulders, forearms, thighs and shins are covered with protective ribbed plates.

The long vertebral tail with a spear-shaped tip serves as a counterweight, helping to coordinate precise movements and quickly change directions of running, while also serving as a weapon used to inject a paralyzing neurotoxin into the body of the victim.

In terms of their internal structure, Aliens are similar to insects. These creatures are conditional anaerobes (organisms that can tolerate the absence of oxygen).

There are two types of energy supply: bacteria live in the body that can ferment amino acids, sugars and fatty acids; in the presence of oxygen, oxidation occurs in the usual way, through the trachea. Metabolic products are excreted into the intestines, where water is absorbed, and dehydrated excretory products are excreted.

Diet: Most protein compounds of animal origin that can be ingested. Accelerated metabolism promotes rapid regeneration of the entire body.

Aliens do not have a single center for the entire nervous system - their nervous system is of the nodular type. There is only a complex of sensory organs from which nerve trunks extend, which converge into a number of large nerve nodes under the most protected parts of the body by silicon-metal shields, so even if one of the nerve nodes is damaged, the Alien still remains combat-ready. The bulk of neurons are concentrated in these interconnected nodes; the largest node located in the head is an analogue of the brain. The connections in the nodal nervous system are rigidly fixed, instead of synapses there is direct innervation, this gives an advantage in the speed and accuracy of responses.

Unlike the Queen, who has a more developed intellect, the intelligence of an ordinary Alien, although superior to that of an animal, is inferior to that of a human (approximately at the level of primates), however, the amazing ability to adapt, highly developed instincts and the ability to mimicry gives him an undeniable advantage in battle.


Aliens are creatures of the most natural evolution created for battle. They were formed in conditions in which individual individuals die very quickly, almost immediately after birth. That is why such a race was formed - with excellent fighting qualities that allowed an individual to last at least a little longer. The entire physiology of Aliens is aimed at this, including the aging mechanism. Cells, of course, have their own safety margin, but they can renew it by rejuvenating. The efficiency of this process is close to 100%. The cell itself lives for a very long time - this is necessary so that this safety margin is exhausted as slowly as possible, especially in conditions where there is not always food. Accordingly, the combination of a long process of cell life and extremely effective rejuvenation gives Aliens, in favorable conditions (that is, not in cases where they have to fight and die), an incredibly long life cycle, perhaps comparable to the geological age of the planets, that is, measured in hundreds of millions years.

However, it should be remembered that in more or less favorable conditions for reproduction, the number of aliens grows very quickly, and accordingly, food becomes less and less. Therefore, there is probably some kind of mechanism that maintains the number of Aliens at a certain level. One of these mechanisms may be the queen’s deliberate destruction of her own fighters (not personally, of course, but through other fighters). So immortality is a relative thing.


The circulatory system is not closed: the heart with holes absorbs blood (in Aliens - acid) located between the organs, and pushes it through the vessels to various parts of the body, where it is pushed into the cracks between the organs. Lytic enzymes in the blood (in this case, acids) convert it into organic high-molecular sulfonic acid - real antifreeze, which allows the xenomorph not to be afraid of low temperatures. This substance is a unique absorbent, it is very toxic and even at low concentrations kills any infection. After the death of a creature, acidic blood fills the space between the cells, reacting with the intercellular fluid and being neutralized, partially oxidizes some tissues.

Blood is a very interesting aspect of the Xenomorph. It contains strong acidic elements that have not yet been studied by man. They are so strong that they can burn through clothing, metal, concrete, steel, anything except the skeleton of the Xenomorph itself. We explained this unique feature as follows: the Pilot race created a unique defense for the Xenomorph, and during a strong firefight, when blood flies in all directions and hits neighboring Xenomorphs, it will do them nothing. Acid blood is also explained as follows: The pilots were afraid that some race would try to create their own Xenomorphs. But to do this, they need to study the Xenomorph DNA, which is contained in any part of the creature’s body and in the blood itself. But due to the dangerous level of acids in the blood, it is impossible to collect it in any container, and cutting off a part of the body is unlikely to be successful, because blood can erupt in a fountain, endangering everyone around. This blood is perfect defense mechanism in all aspects.

The metabolic activity of Aliens is not inhibited under almost any environmental conditions, except for vacuum. Interstitial fluid is capable of absorbing oxygen and nitrogen necessary for cell metabolism from the atmosphere, isolating the necessary components from any gas mixtures and delivering them to tissues, and the ability to control internal pressure over a wide range helps to withstand even the vacuum of space for a long time (its own internal pressure is equal). It does not emit heat, since the internal body temperature is equal to the ambient temperature, as a result of which it is not visible in the infrared spectrum. Accordingly, it can survive in space.

The endocrine system consists of glands that produce high molecular weight blood acid, a neurotoxic paralytic poison, biopolymer resin (for nest construction) and pheromones. The toxin introduced by the Alien into the victim’s body selectively paralyzes some functions of the cortex and brain stem, completely immobilizing the victim. However, the poison does not affect the functioning of the lungs, heart and glands, but only sharply slows it down.

Sensory organs

The entire smooth surface of the head is covered with receptors and helps the Xenomorph see and feel at once. That is why it is called the head-eye. Thanks to the oval shape of its head, the Xenomorph is able to see almost everything that happens around it.

They navigate by smell using a pheromone locator. Vision is also present (shown in the film “Alien 3”). They perceive electromagnetic radiation and use low-frequency ultrasound for navigation. It is not known what kind of vestibular apparatus aliens have, but they are capable of abruptly changing their position in all three planes without losing orientation in space (move along the ceiling, wall and floor).

Are Aliens Intelligent?

I think that we have all asked ourselves the question more than once: do strangers have intelligence? Now let's try to find out, based on known research facts real events From the movies.

Thinking is the mental process that separates instinct from premeditated action. Although the xenomorph operates from a complex pattern of instincts, it also demonstrates the ability to make decisions based on premeditation. This ability in turn is based on understanding the environment and interacting with it. The ability to think distinguishes higher forms life from the lower ones.

I found many examples where the xenomorph demonstrated its ability to think. An abbreviated list is provided below in bulletin form to better identify individual cases:

Nostromo - 2122

As recorded by Ash (the Nostromo's chief science officer), in the air intake pipes, an adult Alien was playing cat and mouse with Captain Dallas in such a manner as if he knew that he was being watched from the outside by a search device. To avoid detection, the xenomorph followed Dallas like a shadow, which eventually sent the victim into a panic and forced him to run straight into the waiting arms of the creature.

The adult Alien seemed to be waiting until Assistant Engineer Brett was isolated from the rest of the crew to attack him. It is possible, however, that this is just a coincidence, and Brett accidentally caught the eye of the creature.

When Chief Engineer Parker and Navigator Lambert were stocking up on oxygen tanks to escape the ship, with the Alien positioned between them - an effective position in which the creature could not be killed without harming another crew member. Parker was armed with a flamethrower, but any of his Alien attacks would have killed Lambert as well.

It was assumed that the presence of a xenomorph in the rescue shuttle after the destruction of the Nostromo was not accidental. Perhaps the xenomorph, to some extent, realized that he was in danger by remaining on the main ship, and therefore took refuge in the boat. However, some still believe that this is just a coincidence, and that the creature could not in any way know the purpose of the shuttle, since for this he would need very high level intelligence.

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