Katie topuria. Keti Topuria: “All my youthful dreams have come true!”

0 September 18, 2016, 20:00

Keti Topuria

Last week, Katie Topuria turned 10 years old. On this occasion, we look at how the singer’s appearance has changed over the years.

Keti Topuria (whose real name is Ketevan) was born in Tbilisi (Georgia) in the family of a civil architect and chemical engineer. Music future star She has been studying since childhood - the girl studied at a music school, and already at the age of 12 she won her first competition. After graduating from school, Topuria received a diploma in vocal teaching, and then entered the State University of Georgia at the Faculty of Psychology. But Katie did not study at the university for long - the future star abandoned her education in order to become part of music group"A-studio".

And choosing a career over study, Topuria made the right decision. In 2005, Keti was introduced to the public as the new soloist of “A” Studio,” which made her famous outside of Georgia. In the same year, the musical group released the first album in which Keti took part, “Flying Away.” Together with Katie's group released five studio albums.

Keti Topuria has always had many fans, but the singer chose businessman Lev Geykhman. The lovers got married in 2013 - before that, Lev and Katie had been dating for four years. In 2015, the couple had a daughter, Olivia.

Behind last years Katie's appearance has changed a lot. It's no secret that these changes did not happen without help plastic surgery— Topuria had rhinoplasty. The singer herself does not hide this and admits that she resorted to the help of professionals twice. True, Katie emphasizes that she decided to go under the surgeon’s knife not only and not so much for the sake of the aesthetic component, but because of medical reasons - Topuria had a deviated septum, which prevented her from breathing.

Less radical changes also occurred in the singer: Topuria managed to change her hair color several times, having been both a burning brunette and a platinum blonde, cut off her bangs, and then grew long curls again.

Nature rewarded Katie with a good figure, so when choosing clothes, Topuria could always afford a lot. To appear on the red carpet, the artist often chooses very revealing outfits with a deep neckline, and also often prefers mini-length dresses and skirts.

By the way, after the birth of her child, Katie Topuria was able to get back into shape in record time and now looks even better than before, which she never tires of demonstrating by publishing in in social networks.

Thanks to her, Katie ended up in a music school and embarked on the difficult path of a singer. The zeal was not in vain: the jury music competitions Katie was regularly awarded, and compositions from her solo albums were distributed on radio stations in her homeland.

Close collaboration with producer Nato Dumbadze brought Keti to the Kazakh team “A-Studio”.

The strong vocals amazed the band members, and together with Keti they recorded the first song “I’m Flying Away.” And for 11 years now, Katie has been on stage with “A-Studio”, collecting full houses.

Keti Topuria: photos before and after rhinoplasty

Of course, pub personal life She always demanded to look her best. But how to achieve this when genetics has taken its toll and endowed you with imperfect facial features?

Keti Topuria is sympathetic to plastic surgery and does not deny intervention plastic surgeons. In her opinion, surgery can correct a small flaw and change life for the better. The girl had a complex because of her large nose, and a deviated nasal septum interfered with a full life.

“I was breathing very poorly - my nasal septum was deviated. After the first operation, the tip of my nose dropped slightly, and I still breathed very poorly. Therefore, we also had to remove the hump. My chest and lips are normal - I’m not going to change anything else,” the singer admits.

The surgeon who performed the revision rhinoplasty is worthy of praise, because the corrected nose harmoniously fit into the singer’s unusual appearance. Photos of Katie before and after plastic surgery show that the nose correction was beneficial.

Transformed after plastic surgery, Katie Topuria tried on a new one sexy image and caused a flurry of emotions among fans.

My breasts and lips are normal – I’m not going to change anything else.

Keti Topuria lost weight: before and after

Katie decided to perfect not only her face, but also her figure. Now extravagant concert outfits emphasize the singer’s slender body and provoke questions about Katie’s weight loss.

She admits that she was not overweight, but overweight worried: stress and junk food had a bad effect on the waist and hips. It took the singer a year to bring her figure into line with her ideals. She blacklisted potatoes, hamburgers and sweets and made time for yoga and massage.

Thanks to these habits, just a couple of months after the birth of her daughter, Keti Topuria boasted of her toned body on Instagram.

Fans commented that in the photo after losing weight, Keti Topuria is worthy of admiration and imitation.

Sometimes information slips into the tabloids that Keti Topuria had breast surgery. But it is difficult to confirm or refute these reports: Katie has always been distinguished by a magnificent bust.

Now, after having a nose job and losing weight, Katie Topuria is happy with her appearance and enjoys the reflection in the mirror, but does not exclude the possibility that at a certain age she will again turn to plastic surgeons.

It so happened that interest in Russian singer Georgian origin Katie Topuria has not weakened since she began singing in the Kazakh-Russian pop group “A’Studio” in 2003. IN currently the main subject of discussion is, which the singer carefully hid for up to 7 months. As she later explained: “ Bad sign speak in advance..."

Now, under the veil of mystery, answers to everyone’s questions: when will she give birth, where, who exactly?.. Because she herself future mom does not give comments on this topic, they gossip based on the photographs she posted on her microblog on Instagram and fragmentary information received from people from her close circle. Let’s say rapper Timati once mentioned on social networks that he knew the sex of the child - a girl; Katie's friends assure that the birth will take place in late May or early June; and photographs of the singer with her husband from Beverly Hills and accompanying captions indicate that the couple is in America, from which it is not difficult to conclude that most likely happy event it will happen right there. Even more specific information has emerged: the child will be born in the elite Los Angeles medical center - the same one where different time gave birth, Alsou and many, many other celebrities from those who were not deterred by the cost: specifically childbirth - 30 thousand dollars, and a daily stay in the ward - about 3 thousand...

It must be assumed that Katie’s husband, banker Lev Geikhman, has such sums, since, as it became known, it was he who dissuaded his wife from her intention to give birth in Moscow and reoriented her to the United States, where he transported her at the end of April - to begin with, in order to celebrate the 26th my 41st birthday...

Currently to married couple Katie’s mother, Natalya, has already stepped up to support her daughter before the significant event, and subsequently help with her first-born. By the way, the newborn will be the first child only for Katevan, since Leo already has a daughter, 16-year-old Sofia, who is currently receiving education in Switzerland.

Katie Topuria with her husband. Photo: instagram.com/keti_one_official/

Novels by Katie Topuria

The relationship between Katie and Lev was kept strictly secret for a long time. As, indeed, all private life singers. At the same time, she herself disowned the title of “inaccessible girl”: “I’m afraid this does not apply to me, even though I was brought up in strictness. I’m not a recluse; when I see that a person is worthy of me, I will definitely open up to him.” But who those lucky ones were remained a mystery, and this inevitably contributed to the emergence of many rumors.

Who was not assigned to be the boyfriend of the Georgian beauty! The names of football players Dmitry Sychev and Kakha Kaladze, and Sergei Amoralov from “ Inveterate scammers", and showman Igor Vernik... But she herself categorically denied the fact of close, let alone loving, relationships with any of these men, defining the increased attention to herself noticed by others as simply signs of friendly attention. The only one about whom the artist gave a vague hint was the ex-soloist of the group “Smash!” (“Smash”) Vlad Topalov: “We just had warm feelings for each other. We talked for about a month, and even then not very closely, and broke up...” The singer indicated the difference in nature as the reason for the separation, they say, she herself is open and sociable, and her friend, although sweet, is closed in character and difficult to communicate with. And Katie did not categorize this relationship as a romance, explaining that in her understanding, a romance is when there is love and “some kind of passionate feelings.”

Katie Topuria. Photo: East News

She once told reporters that it was precisely these feelings that united her for two years with a certain young, 27-year-old businessman. As usual, the lover’s name remained mysterious (“he is not a public figure... so his last name won’t say anything”), the specific type of his activity, and even more so himself - not a single photograph, only an abstract message that “ he has some very deep Georgian roots, but he is not Georgian...” The veil of secrecy was lifted only over the story of their acquaintance. Allegedly tired after the tour, Katie was driving a car, stopped in a traffic jam, and noticed a young man standing on the sidewalk near her car with a driver, whose face seemed familiar. After greeting each other, he began asking Katie who she was and where he had seen her before. Having sorted it out, he asked for a phone number. After waiting out the flirtatious girlish game of refusal, with the help of jokes, mentions of mutual acquaintances, as well as a personal security guard who playfully blocked the artist’s path, he finally received the desired number. And he forced me to write it down. A couple of months later he sent me an SMS and then called back and invited me to meet. That's where it all started. Rewinding, we figured out that Katie saw the hero of her novel once in her life - several years ago, when they were flying on a plane together, and she asked if her fellow traveler was Georgian?..

For a long time Secular journalists were preoccupied with the question of what virtues the man to whom Katie Topuria was ready to give her heart should have, and finally, the answer was received. It turned out that on the part of a man, the artist most values ​​\u200b\u200bhaving a sense of humor, lack of rancor, trust, respect, understanding and always attention: “I must feel that the person cares about where I am, what I am doing, that he is worried about me.” And one more thing: “His actions are the determining factor... A man must have a sense of self-esteem. He must feel one hundred percent self-sufficient and self-confident.” Outsiders saw, first of all, a selfish material component in this remark, but the artist denied it: “It’s not just about financial capabilities. In fact, it is not wealth that defines a person, but his attitude towards it.”

Obviously, it was Lev Geikhman who turned out to be a man who corresponded to all these qualities, and therefore in 2011 Katie announced her intention to marry him. Moreover, she treats this event extremely responsibly: “In my understanding, a family should be created once and for a lifetime.”

Again, for a very long time nothing was known about the singer’s chosen one. It was declassified only in September 2010, after the couple got engaged. After this, Leo began to openly accompany his bride to social events, concerts and television filming. It gradually became clear that he is a Muscovite, a graduate of Moscow State University with a degree in Higher School of Business, is engaged in banking and investment business, and, according to some (unverified) information, owns several country houses and three luxury cars, and that the couple has been dating for three years. As the singer reported in various interviews: “We met in a common company of friends. But then both were not free: he had his own relationship, I had mine. Therefore, at first we communicated as friends. And a year later, it so happened that Leo broke up with his girlfriend, and my relationship also ended...” Then the lovers began to communicate closely. Lev, usually reserved in his revelations, admitted: “When I saw Katie for the first time, I immediately went crazy... She was... unreal, very beautiful.” And he also said that Katie became the first girl in his

life, who received flowers from him as a gift. And Katie made it clear for her part: “I feel a man intuitively….

According to information from the media, Katie’s chosen one is her fellow countryman of Georgian origin, but she herself stated something else: “He is a Russian Jew...”; “They write that it’s mine young man his name is Levan, and he is Georgian. And he is a Jew, and his name is Leva, Lev.” Katie considers the age difference of 12 years ideal. “It seems to me that this is how it should be,” she admitted in various publications. “If it were less, I wouldn’t even be interested in communicating... I’ve never been able to communicate with my peers.” And, citing his group as an example (and the soloist is almost the same age as “A-Studio” - only a year older than the ensemble in which she sings), he adds: “Even friendships develop better with men who are older than me...”

Wedding on a grand scale

The marriage of Katie Topuria and Lev Geykhman was divided into two stages. The first directly involved registration in the capital's registry office. This event was celebrated without noise and pomp, in a narrow circle of the closest ones, of which there were no more than a dozen people. Even the newlyweds’ outfits were distinguished by deliberate modesty: the bride in a light coat, a simple mini-dress, however, white, and spotted sneakers; the groom is wearing dark trousers, a blue cardigan and a white T-shirt. The only festive action was a pair of doves launched into the sky...

And the big wedding celebration took place a couple of days later - on September 9, 2013 and was timed to coincide with the 27th anniversary

Katie. Before this, as usual, a bachelorette party was organized: strippers were invited to the company of girlfriends for fun, and the lead singer of “A-Studio” posted a report on how they warmed up the young ladies on her Instagram.

On its main wedding ceremony the young wife already looked much more respectable: in a veil and a chic snow-white outfit with lace from Paris, and her newly-made husband matched it - in an impeccable black tuxedo. This event turned out to be truly grandiose - it was held magnificently, on a grand scale, in a prestigious concert hall elite village Barvikha and brought pleasure to five hundred guests - the most eminent people from the world of business and pop. Among which it is enough to mention: with, with Prigozhin, Meladze, Kovalchuk and Chumakov, Malikova, Alsou, Presnyakov... Guests remembered this festival with admiration for a long time...

Photo: instagram.com/keti_one_official/

The mysterious death of Katie Topuria's father

Alas, life - even of successful, accomplished and beautiful people - consists of more than just happy white streaks. The lead singer of “A-Studio” also had to go through a cruel dark period. Having met her loved one, she lost her father. He never lived to see his beloved daughter’s wedding, and Katie never learned the full truth about his death...

The media were full of reports about Andro Iraklievich Topuria: “A crowned thief in law with a rich criminal past...”; “Criminal “general...”; “I received my first conviction in 1980 - 15 years for murder and hooliganism. In 1996, he was held criminally liable for six months for causing grievous bodily harm and illegal possession of weapons...”; “Detained on April 27, 2010 in Moscow by MUR officers...”; “I purchased about 2.8 g of methadone from a drug dealer I knew”; “A criminal case has been initiated under the article “illegal acquisition and storage of narcotic drugs on an especially large scale...”; “At the trial he admitted his guilt...”; “In July, the Nikulinsky Court of Moscow sentenced the 50-year-old boss to three years in prison to be served in a general regime colony”; “On the night of September 21-22, Andro Topuria was found dead in a colony in the Mari-El Republic, where he was serving his sentence...”; “There was a severe drug addiction...”; "Coffin with a body from

Moscow was escorted to Tbilisi with all due honors - at the Moscow airport he was accompanied by an escort of 300 thieves in law; “Buried on September 29, 2010 in Saburtalo, Tbilisi...”

Information was persistently circulated (with references to sources from law enforcement agencies who wished to remain anonymous) that the cause of death was a drug overdose, which was never officially confirmed. According to another of unofficial versions, Andro was poisoned “in the zone” by members of the opposing faction. Official representatives of the FSIN gave statements of a different content: “According to the results of the autopsy, Topuria died of acute heart failure”; “The results of the forensic medical examination showed that Andro Topuria died from acute myocardial infarction... The prisoner had coronary heart disease”; “There is no talk of any drugs from which a prisoner could die”; “The version of an overdose has no basis...”

Perhaps Katie's wedding would have happened much earlier, but the tragic events associated with her father forced her to postpone happy event. The information about Andro’s detention - and she found out about this while on tour - plunged the girl into shock. The entire time the trial lasted, the daughter worried about her father, but she never appeared at the trial. She gave practically no comments about what happened and reports in the media, except for a few restrained interpretations of the situation: “I know that dad had problems with drug addiction, but I thought he was cured, dealt with it, and they remained in the past”; “His criminal past is from past years...” And she expressed her position categorically: “Of course, I will help him. He's my father..."

Katie gave the only interview on a sensitive topic concerning her father in 2011 to the men's magazine “Bear”; by the way, this publication was one of the last before the publication was closed. In it, the singer said: “I don’t understand what the truth is. They just wrote very funny that they caught a man for drugs... and he died of an overdose... Dad a long time ago

lived in Moscow, was engaged in some kind of business, and before last days I didn’t know what exactly... When he left, he said: “I went to work.” Looking at him, no one would ever say that he is involved in crime. Young, funny, sociable, without showing off. And suddenly he was imprisoned. They called me and said that they caught me for drugs. It was very strange for me, because in my entire life I had never seen him in such a state... He was supposed to serve some time and be released, but... for some reason he didn’t. This question still bothers me. After his death, it was published that he died of an overdose. My God! Why the hell are you locking people up and putting drugs or weapons in there so they can die? To be honest, my opinion is that it was a setup. I'm one hundred percent sure! Experienced drug addicts know their dose. Dad was healthy, nothing ever bothered him..."

Katie also spoke about her contacts with her father: “We had close trusting relationship, we often communicated and called each other. He was a friend to me and never scolded me. If I did something wrong, my mother got it, and I was a holy girl for him. I don’t remember him ever raising his voice at me or making a harsh remark. He called me: “Ketichka...” He did everything I asked... He was a brilliant man, incredibly kind. I don't know the second one. It was all the more painful for me to read fictitious dossiers in the newspapers that my dad was in prison for murder. It is not true! He didn't kill anyone. There was a fight in the yard, there were a lot of boys there, and during the fight someone died. Then several participants were closed, including my father. But then they released him because they proved that he was not guilty..."

Dad gave birth to talent

It is worth noting that Andro has never been an indifferent father. It was rumored that Katie became the soloist of A-Studio thanks to her dad. Or rather, his authoritative connections. It seems that the wife of one of Topuriy’s closest friends, also a crime boss from Georgia, Alika Kartsivadze, helped. Nato Dumbadze is a professional producer, and it was she who, having significant connections in the world of show business, brought a young promising singer to a happy pop path. Although Katevan herself does not see any criminal interference. “What kind of cronyism? - she was perplexed. — Nato brought “A-Studio” to Georgia several times, and when the guys were looking for a new soloist, she invited them to listen to me. Just because I remembered how I sang their song in Georgian..."

Indeed, Katevan Topuria’s talent could well have manifested itself without influential patronage. She started singing early, as a child, and did it, modestly speaking, with some success. To be convinced of this, it makes sense to turn to the origins of the biography of the current popular singer. “I sang in Georgia since childhood, then I was a soloist of the Philharmonic Society, pop singer...,” Katie later said.

The vocalist was born on September 9, 1986 in Tbilisi, where she grew up. "I late child, my mother gave birth when she was 30 years old...” In all her autobiographical documents, Katie indicated that her father, Andro Topuria, was a civil architect by profession, and her mother, Natalya Topuria, was a chemical engineer, but after the birth of her daughter, she stopped working. Among more distant relatives in the family, the presence of Italians and Poles is known, but, despite the mixing of blood, Katevan considers herself one hundred percent Georgian. “My grandfather (on my mother’s side!) has nine brothers and sisters,” Keti told reporters, “I still don’t know half of the cousins. There are also a lot of relatives on my dad’s side.” For birthdays, 120 people in the family gathered...

The first step towards musical career was made in early childhood— a music teacher who lived next door noticed the girl’s singing abilities, told her parents about it and convinced them to send their daughter to a music school. Although the future singer herself did not strive for this at all. “I wanted to become a midwife. She loved children very much and thought that I would help them be born and take care of them ... "

But already at the age of 12, Katie won the main prize of the “Sea of ​​Friendship” competition for young performers, and a couple of years later received the Grand Prix of the international song festival “Path to the Stars”. By this time, the young vocalist had already completed her studies at a music school and entered the Tbilisi Music College, upon completion of which in 2003 she received a diploma as a vocal teacher.

There is also time for falling in love - the walls of the school and the entrance were full of inscriptions: “Katie Topuria, I love you!..” And at the age of 15, Ketevan was attracted by a Georgian performer from a boy group, with whom Topuria periodically performed on the same stage. “The whole of Georgia suffered because of Zura,” she said in an interview. “And I just fell madly in love.” Him too." Parents considering young age the daughters categorically opposed, and therefore the wayward young lady began to have hysterics, she shouted: “I love him!” and threatened to leave home. The mother’s wisdom triumphed: “Mom did a smart thing: she didn’t scold him, on the contrary, she praised him, and at some point I myself realized that this was not mine. We parted…"

Unexpectedly for everyone, Katie for some reason decides to enroll in the Faculty of Psychology at the State University of Georgia, which she soon naturally quits, preferring musical projects. Moreover, successful. Among them, in addition to performances on stage, is the release of two solo albums with compositions that have gained considerable popularity in Georgia, and also several video clips.

That’s when the finger of Fate appears in the person of producer Nato Dumbadze - she offers young talent from Georgia to become a vocalist of the famous and popular Kazakh band “A-Studio”, since the former soloist, Polina Griffiths, left the band in an attempt to make solo career abroad. Such offers are not refused, and 17-year-old Katie Topuria goes to Moscow. “In Georgia, I was quite popular as a singer, and I had nowhere to grow,” she told reporters. - But in Moscow no one has ever heard of me. And I clearly decided that I would go to the capital. When I decided to leave Tbilisi, I didn’t consult anyone. Even with my mother, I just confronted her with a fact. But she supported me..."

In the capital, the wheel of Fortune began to spin rapidly. The super-hit “Flying Away” was recorded very quickly, Topuria captivates everyone with her unusual, enchanting timbre, already in 2005 she officially becomes a full-fledged soloist of the group and... feels like a fish in water in a male group. “I wouldn’t want to work in a women’s room, where there is complete envy and competition,” the singer shared her feelings, “but here... we immediately developed almost family relationships… Nobody scolds me, doesn’t lecture me, well, at most, they make fun of me... And they just carry me in their arms. I feel very well…"

So, in the work of the ensemble, which at that time had existed for almost two decades, and its new vocalist, begins new stage. Compositions performed by a bright, exotically attractive Georgian with a charming accent, having gained incredible popularity, take first place in all the charts, and her life changes radically: tours, concerts, filming on TV and in films, recording albums, videos, social events. events, fans...

Group A-Studio. Photo: East News

Experiments with the appearance of Katie Topuria

Katevan's appearance also changed radically. The weight has decreased significantly, the makeup has improved, the unaesthetically dyed hair with perihydrol has given way to perfectly styled curls, constantly changing shades. Over time, his large nose, with a noticeable hump, also underwent transformation - it became almost perfect. Katie did not hide the fact of rhinoplasty (nose correction), she openly reported about plastic surgery, or rather about two. She only stated that she decided to do this not so much for aesthetic reasons, but out of medical necessity: “My nose was broken, and I couldn’t breathe, because of this I straightened the septum. But the operation was performed incorrectly on me - the tip of my nose began to droop, but I still couldn’t breathe. I had to decide on the second one and

remove the hump...” Remaining satisfied with the final result, she also paid tribute to the purely external component: “I think that my nose now looks much more aesthetically pleasing...”

Katie likes to experiment with her appearance: sometimes she is black-haired, sometimes blonde, sometimes with long hair, then with short ones, otherwise he’ll shave his temples or get another tattoo. She already has several tattoos in her body collection: on her back there is a sun with wavy rays; on the neck - musical notes and treble clef; the foot is decorated with the saying “What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger”, translated meaning: “What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger”; The phrase “My life is my history” is embossed on the wrist: “My life is my history...”

As for the pressing problem for women related to weight, Katie has it in different years was solved differently. In her youth, the girl was much plumper and did not like herself at all: “On the screen she generally seemed like a cow, because TV, as you know, adds six kilograms...” That did not stop the young singer from wanting to enjoy her favorite dishes: khachapuri, chips, bread with sausage, fried chicken... “If a person prone to obesity allowed himself to do this, he would turn out to be an elephant,” she once remarked. It seems that, thanks to genetics, she herself does not have such a tendency (“I’m probably not in danger excess weight, my mother was very thin all the time...”; “Thanks to heredity, I have never suffered from problems with excess weight...”), and vain tour life contributed to the loss of extra pounds. And yet, with age, Katevan began to be more careful about the food system, giving preference to foods that are healthy and excluding harmful foods in the form of mayonnaise, alcohol, sweet pastries, etc. from her diet. But he still loves to eat delicious food. “I can’t help but eat,” I once admitted, “without food I lack the hormones of joy... I just adore sandwiches with red caviar, khachapuri, bread and butter, and I can’t refuse them!..” But sometimes circumstances still prevail. forced to resort to restrictions. When, for example, colleagues from the male team begin to tease them - they say that Katie has gained weight, she should lose weight!.. Then Katevan, sighing heavily, forces himself to go on the most severe diets, constantly repeating: “I hate diets!..”

The artist has approximately the same attitude towards all kinds of physical activity. And although he buys a membership to a fitness club every year, he avoids going there in every possible way, except for occasional visits. She shirks from any other sports sections (“I admit, sports are not my thing at all...”) Maybe she overdid it in childhood, when her mother forced her to go to dances, aerobics and even ballet school?.. Be that as it may, with from that distant time, sports were clearly not part of Katie Topuria’s circle of interests.

But what the singer became seriously interested in was clothing design. Katie has always been distinguished original taste; The costumes she wears on stage are mostly designer designs, designed by her, and they are always intricate, creative, eccentric, extravagant, framed by stunning accessories. And last fall, the lead singer of the group "A'Studio" finally presented the brand "Keti One", whose stylish outfits from the luxury segment: floor-length dresses, skirts, high tops, shirts of feminine silhouettes and shoes - exactly repeated stage style Topuria...

Katie Topuria. Photo: instagram.com/keti_one_official/

Now, while expecting a baby, Katie has the opportunity to reflect on model design new collection. Well, also on the awareness... of motherhood. On the eve of the significant event, Katie is preoccupied with questions regarding what kind of mother she will turn out to be, will it be right to raise her first child? She assures: “I don’t want to be a mother who abandons her child to nannies and grandmothers...” And plans to use educational methods

his mother, which consisted of skillfully balancing between the “stick” and the “carrot”, including both toughness and tenderness, severity and kindness, exactingness and permissiveness... And regarding the future, he declares: “I want to have many children, at least three - it's more fun..."

Leo supports his wife's intentions. Yes, according to Katie and on other issues, they have practically no disagreements: “We are similar in character and in views. We often guess each other’s thoughts...” Over the years life together the couple managed to avoid crises in their relationship - they had no serious quarrels or conflicts. “We fight very rarely and over complete nonsense,” admits Katevan, “and after five minutes we make up... We are both explosive people. But we move away just as quickly, and neither I nor Lev remember the reason for the quarrel, or the fact that we quarreled at all...” And Katie describes her attitude towards her husband as follows: “I feel as if I was born together with this man, grew up with him. For the first time in my life I know for sure who my soulmate is. I never imagined that this could happen before...”

Keti Topuria is talented Georgian singer, now well known not only in its homeland, but also in many CIS countries. Most of it creative activity associated with the A-Studio group. It is as the soloist of this group that our today's heroine is most widely known in recent years.

But can it be said that being part of a famous Kazakh-Russian band is the only significant success in the vocalist’s career? Of course not. After all, in life and creativity, everything develops gradually.

Early years, childhood and family of Keti Topuria

Keti (Ketevan) Topuria was born on September 9, 1986 in the capital of Georgia - the city of Tbilisi. Her mother was a chemical engineer. And his father, Andro, worked as an architect-builder. However, in the biography of the father of our today’s heroine, you can find some other remarkable episodes.

So, in particular, according to some Internet sources, Andro was closely connected with the underworld of Georgia and even appeared in Tbilisi crime boss. Some time ago, the singer's father was detained law enforcement agencies Georgian capital for drug possession and received long term. Subsequently, Andro Topuria died in prison under rather vague circumstances. However, we will not dwell in such detail on the personality of this person.

Returning to Katie herself, we also note the fact that not only Georgian, but also Italian and Polish blood flows in the artist’s veins. Despite this fact, our today's heroine has always considered herself one hundred percent Georgian. As for the love of music, according to Katie, she always had it. Also in childhood The young girl’s talent was noted by her neighbor, a professional music teacher, who first taught Keti herself for a short time, and then took the girl to Goga Sudradze’s music school. In this place, our today's heroine studied for several years, during which she was able to get good musical education, and also have a good time working on your vocals.

Such diligence, in the end, turned out to be not in vain. Already at the age of twelve, Ketevan received Grand Prize competition for young performers “Sea of ​​Friendship”, and two years later she also became the winner of the prestigious Grand Prix of the international song festival “Path to the Stars”.

These successes strengthened Katie’s desire to become a singer. After graduation music school the future soloist of A-Studio also studied in Tbilisi music school, where she subsequently received a diploma in vocal teaching.

It is very noteworthy that after this, for some time the artist also studied at State University Georgia, where she studied psychology. However, the artist never received this diploma, leaving the university due to her employment in musical projects.

Star Trek of singer Keti Topuria, A-Studio

The first years of professional singing career Katie is covered with a thick veil of secrecy. It is known that even before being invited to the A-Studio group, the artist managed to record and release two solo album, which became quite popular in her homeland. Many of her early compositions, recorded in Georgian, became real hits in Georgia. However, it is not possible to tell anything more detailed about this period in the life of our today’s heroine.

A Studio - Katie Topuria - Just like everyone else

For some time, Keti Topuria worked closely with Georgian producer Nato Dumbadze. It was she who at one time invited the young singer to try her hand at the famous Kazakh group A-Studio. At that moment, the previous soloist, Polina Griffiths, had just left the group. Therefore, other participants musical group were in search of a new soloist.

Having learned about this, our today's heroine sent several recordings of her performances and studio songs to Moscow. The selected material made a favorable impression on the A-Studio musicians. Therefore, very soon Katie was invited to Russia for a personal meeting.

From that moment on, Ketevan’s collaboration with the A-Studio project began. Very soon together with new soloist The band’s first radio hit, “I’m Flying Away,” was recorded. The composition became a full-blown hit, and also marked with its release a new stage in the group’s work.

In 2005, the album was presented to the public, also called “Flying Away.” The vast majority of vocal parts presented on this record were performed by Keti Topuria.

Wedding of Keti Topuria

From that moment on, the Georgian singer became an integral part of the entire team. Together with other musicians of the group, over the next few years the artist released three more new albums, as well as several official collections. The A-Studio group toured all over the world with concerts Largest cities CIS, and also presented the audience with a whole series of bright concert programs. Over the years, the group's compositions reached the first lines of a variety of charts.

Keti Topuria and the A-Studio group are still working on a new batch of hits today. We’ll find out very soon when we can expect new songs. In the meantime, all fans of the band can only enjoy the band’s previous hits.

Personal life, Keti Topuria today

The personal life of Keti Topuria has always been full of idle speculation and rumors. And this is not surprising, because our today’s heroine is always surrounded by crowds of fans. So, over the years, the impressive Georgian beauty was courted by football players Dmitry Sychev and Kakha Kaladze, showman Igor Vernik and singer Sergei Amoralov. However, the artist herself notes that all compliments and attentions are simply a manifestation of friendly feelings, refuting reports of affairs with people from the world of sports and show business. According to Ketevan herself, for several years she dated a certain young businessman, whose name the singer, however, refused to name. Subsequently, the secret was finally revealed. The artist’s lover turned out to be entrepreneur Lev Geykhman. In 2013, the couple tied the knot.

IN Everyday life Katie is similar to others in many ways modern girls. She loves to change something in her appearance, and also loves to sleep well. According to her, she always gets up no earlier than two o’clock in the afternoon, but goes to bed late at night. In addition, Ketevan does not like to cook. Friends often prepare food for her, but usually the singer still eats in restaurants or orders food home.

The selfie shows Katie without makeup and not in the most flattering pose for her figure. As a result, the girl even had flaws that in reality did not exist, but despite this, Topuria published the photo without hesitation.


Not all of the singer’s fans appreciated her frankness and openness, writing many unflattering comments about Topuria’s appearance, and even suggested that she remove the compromising photo:

“The skin on my face isn’t very good”

"It's better with makeup, of course..."

“The first photo that I don’t like is even surprising. It’s better to delete it.”

“Why do women look stupid when they’re around a Guf?”

"Something went wrong"

“It would be better if I didn’t exhibit it!”

We, however, believe that it would be useful to remind us from time to time: celebrities are people too, and often very far from ideal. It is the strange deification of the stars that leads to such disappointments. Surely Topuria thinks the same.


However, she is not always ready to show her real self - in another photo from vacation, where Katie shows slim figure, fans, for which they also “scold” the singer.

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