How to know if you are eating well. How to develop a singing voice; how to find out if you have a voice

Hello dear reader!

For quite some time now I have been teaching singing to precisely those people who come and say: “I don’t hit the notes at all.”» . Sometimes it turned out that a person left after one lesson, having already learned to sing.

My method of teaching singing is designed for everyone. Not only for the capable, like a music school, but also for difficult cases too. Now you can get to know her.

Audio course " Let's learn to sing clean!»

WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?: The course is most will help those who can't sing at all. About whom they say “no voice, no hearing,” or “you can’t hit the notes at all.” This is just for you!

If you're already singing, but you sing quietly, do not know how to control your breathing, and the sound does not suit you - you will be able to sing while doing the exercises of the course.

If you sing but you hit it, sometimes you don’t hit it, and you can’t always control it - you will also find solutions to these problems in the course. We will learn to sing songs, checking every note, and if you practice, you will stop being out of tune.

Exist simple methods learn to sing clean. Not to put on an operatic voice, but for yourself, with a guitar, in company. But purely, and understanding: YES, I’m doing everything right. You will forget about everything that was told to you before - you will start singing!

Why is this possible? I'll explain!

"Why THIS IS POSSIBLE? - you ask. I haven’t sung for a year (two, three, fifteen years, never at all), and then you tell me that I suddenly start drinking? Why suddenly?

...I remember how I myself studied at a music school. We had people who sang very well. And there were several boys and girls who played one note in solfeggio and categorically missed the mark. One note - all seven years. They gave up on them, said that they didn’t know how to sing and it wasn’t given to them, they gave them a C grade and let them go in peace.
The funny thing is, as I understand it now:
Their TAUGHT TO SING? No! They were told “Sing!”

So what am I talking about? Not everyone can sing, at first, yes. But it's not scary.
And the opinion that “singing is so difficult” exists because you were not taught to sing. They told you to “sing.” That's all. HOW to sing, HOW to manage his voice? HOW make sure that hit the notes? You weren't taught this. So let's finally try LEARN TO SING before you try to sing!

How can you LEARN how to sing instead of endlessly trying to sing?

The method is simple. What is pure singing? It's hitting the notes. That is, control the pitch of your voice at your own discretion.

You can fake the low now male voice, and then - imitate the child? You can, to some extent. Can you make a low sound and a high one? You can. You can not manage this is enough to sing clearly. But everyone has the makings.

In the course you will learn to control your voice - higher, lower, and how to hit exactly the right note. This is done using special exercises : uncomplicated, sometimes funny, and leading to results. And as a result, you will learn to hit the notes, which means - sing cleanly and correctly.

Hitting the notes is not all that will be in the course. I want to sing not only correctly, but also loudly. Absolutely right! I also have exercises to open my voice. To the voice began to sound louder, we'll learn relax the throat muscles and find their correct position. And the voice will sound.

It is very important to have the correct breathing while singing- You “hold” the sound, it is loud, lasts a long time, sounds confident. You will learn and develop this skill by completing the course exercises.

The course includes:

  • The book “Learning to Sing Clearly!”
  • CD with 10 audio lessons of a step-by-step course, programs, exercises for independent work for each topic of the audio lesson, notes of the songs that you will learn.

The total duration of the course in mp3 is 2 hours 43 minutes.

The course contains 10 audio lessons.

Lesson 1 - Introductory
In the first lesson we:

  • We draw up a work plan for the course
  • We work with beliefs. I can sing - I can't sing.
  • You will be surprised, but your beliefs about your own abilities can either help or hinder you. And they can interfere greatly. At a minimum, you need to calmly perform the exercises of the course, without strong faith, but also without mental resistance. Work calmly - and then you will feel the result.
  • What is a tense voice and what is a relaxed one? What do they sound like?
  • How to relax your voice. Exercises that will help you get a clear, even sounding voice.
  • 3 basic exercises for controlling voice pitch. Once you learn to change the pitch of your voice smoothly and accurately, you can move on to singing notes cleanly. This is the basic skill that no music school will teach you.

Lesson 3 – Sing one note cleanly
You will learn:

  • How, using the exercises of lesson 2, find the pitch of a single note and sing it cleanly.
  • How to determine whether you sang a note cleanly or not. Compare the sensations of pure singing and false singing. It is very important to understand when you sing correctly and when not - this is the second basic skill that needs to be given special attention.
  • 2 common mistakes beginners, as a result of which falsehood arises. How to avoid them.
  • What to do if you sang out of tune.

Practical conclusion: if you have learned to sing purely one note, then you will sing two, three, or a whole song. This is already a matter of practice.
In addition, if you learn to feel whether you are singing correctly or not, this will help you in other areas of music. For example, tuning a guitar. There, too, you need to understand whether the strings sound the same or differently.

Lesson 4 - Walking from note to note and developing vocal coordination
You will learn:

  • Once you hit one note, move your voice a short distance up and down - “walk” from note to note in small steps.
  • You will begin to master the range of your voice in which you can then sing songs.
  • Expand the range of sounds you can sing.
  • It is good to control your voice in this range by learning the exercise.

Lesson 6 - Sing wide leaps. What to do if the notes are not nearby
By completing all the tasks in this lesson, you will:

  • Learn to sing melody moves that are often found in songs - by scale, by triad, and by jumping through several notes.
  • Completely master hitting the notes. Both in neighboring sounds, and in the case when sounds are far from each other. This means that you can really sing songs, getting into all the sounds cleanly.
  • You will learn how to immediately hit a high note (sometimes there are problems with this: a low note is immediately sung cleanly, but a high note is not).

Lesson 7 - Sing loud, clear and beautiful
When you are already able to sing, hitting the notes, we will begin to work on sound quality:

  • Let's learn how to breathe correctly so that your voice sounds long and even.
  • Let's learn to sing louder using special equipment. You will feel the results of this technique as soon as you try it.
  • Let's increase the clarity and definition of the voice. In songs, it's about how well you pronounce the words and direct the sound.

Lesson 8 - Sing the first song

  • Let's learn the melody of the song "Kalinka-Malinka" and sing it clearly.
  • Let's learn a song with guitar accompaniment (if you play the guitar, you can learn the chords and play it yourself, if not, you'll sing along to the recording in the exercises).

Lesson 9 - “Hey, let's go boom!”

  • Let's learn the melody of the song "Hey, Let's Whoop!"

Lesson 10 - “There was a birch tree in the field”

  • Let's learn the melody of the song “There was a birch tree in the field.”
  • Let's learn a song with guitar accompaniment.

The general principles of learning songs that you will later want to sing on your own remain the same. And you can take one of your favorite songs and, just like in the last lessons of the course, learn it and sing it.


“...The fourth training has ended, the task has also already been partially written down. Suddenly I began to realize that I perceived any music somehow differently. Especially singing. Now it has structure, I'm starting to feel where the tone goes up and down. Where the transition is smooth, where it is abrupt. It’s like I have something to cling to, now I remember own voice. For the purity of the experiment, I took the same album “45” and again tried to sing along. Happened! Where I had previously been helplessly bassing, I suddenly realized that I could hit a note in the area of, say, the 5th fret of the 5th string. I’m not sure what exactly yet, but it’s already possible to get there. In general, it turns out to intonate entire phrases quite similarly, and repetition increases accuracy.”

Alexei, participant in the online training using the “Learning to Sing Clean” method.

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What even a completely ordinary person, without musical abilities (in particular, without hearing), will learn by studying this method for three weeks:

  • Control your voice
  • Sing cleanly, hit the notes
  • Understand exactly, are you singing correctly, or are you screwing up?
  • The voice will become deeper and more expressive, open and sound. Perhaps it will be a little lower.
  • You will learn, sing and demonstrate three songs to your friends//enemies//trees in the forest. You can either play the chords yourself or sing along to the recording on the disc. With all the pride, knowing that you sing them very well :-)

Who will benefit from the course:

  • To people without hearing or voice at all.
  • For those who already sing, but wants to sing better, and ALWAYS hit, and not every other time.
  • For those who sing with a guitar.

If you have any questions, you can contact us:
by phone: +7 499 390 39-45 (from 10:00 to 18:00 on weekdays).


Many women love to sing in the shower, but how do you know if you have a voice? It has long been proven that a person hears himself differently than the people around him. Resonance in the sinuses is to blame. People hear themselves through bone. In order for a person to find out how those around him perceive singing, you can record your voice even on the most ordinary voice recorder.

When listening to the recording for the first time, many are horrified by their voice. This happens because people cannot recognize their own timbre. An outsider will not be surprised by anything, because the voice on the recording will be familiar to him.

After listening to your singing, you can hear falseness, which was not initially felt. If a person recognizes it, it means he still has hearing. Otherwise, there is no need to be upset. Most likely, coordination of hearing and voice may be naturally developed.

In order to finally be sure whether there is a voice, you need to contact a professional musician or vocal teacher. It’s clear that their services will cost a lot of money, but what can’t you do to get started? musical career. It is not necessary to contact specialists from higher education institutions educational institutions, you can choose a teacher from a music school or college.

How to check if you have hearing and voice - expert comments

You shouldn’t give up playing music, thinking that you have no hearing or voice. They just need to be developed. We will give some recommendations on how to check whether you have hearing and voice:

  • one person plays a note on the piano, the other listens to it and remembers it. The keys will then be pressed randomly until the second person hears the desired note. If you can identify a note by its sound, it means you have hearing;
  • one person silently taps a rhythm on the table with a pencil for ten seconds. The subject then tries to reproduce this rhythm. Over time, you can complicate the musical pattern;
  • If the subject knows how to play the piano, you can conduct a musical dictation. The teacher takes turns playing single sounds. The subject tries to get his voice in unison with the sounds he hears;
  • the vocalist plays the piano, the subject tries to write down the notes he heard in a notebook. The vocalist then checks for errors.

If something doesn’t work out, experts advise not to give up. Sooner or later it will work out, the main thing is that there is a desire to develop. You just need to practice a little. Voice and hearing are inherent in humans by nature. People who have them less developed will have to put a lot of effort into improving them.

A velvety or sonorous voice, the ability to touch a nerve with the help of one’s singing is true skill. Some people have this gift by nature, others need to study long and hard to get even a little closer to the ideal. It also happens that a person has ear for music, but the vocal cords are not developed enough and the singing is not as desired. Such people will benefit from long and hard training to develop their voice. After all, the vocal cords are also muscles that can be developed and trained.

The main thing to remember when starting exercises to develop your voice is the need correct breathing. This is where you need to start training. After all, if a person breathes incorrectly, the strength of his voice will never reach the desired level. To learn how to breathe correctly, you can try walking around the room, counting your inhalations and exhalations. Inhale in the first two steps, exhale in the second. But this is only in the first days of class. Gradually you need to increase the intervals between inhalation and exhalation to ten steps. The following exercise is also useful: you need to stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, and clasp your hands and raise them up. As you bend back, inhale, and as you exhale, bend forward. When bending over, simultaneously with exhalation, pronounce various vowels: “a-a-a”, “u-u-u”, “o-o-o”, “i-i-i”, “e-e-e”. Regularly performing these simple exercises is the first step in developing a singing voice. It is advisable to perform these and subsequent exercises in front of a mirror to monitor how the diaphragm works.

For those who have set themselves the goal of how to develop a voice for singing at home, it is worth moving on to the following exercises - pronouncing syllables. It is best to use sound combinations that contain both voiced and voiceless consonants in combination with vowel sounds. For example: thpi, thpe, thpa, thpo, thpu. If it’s difficult to remember at first, you can write them in advance on a piece of paper and read them out loud. Tongue twisters also help to strengthen the vocal cords. There are a lot of them, so you can choose the ones you like the most. For example: “Beavers wander into the damp forests. Beavers are brave, but to the beavers they are kind.” It is best to find tongue twisters that contain different sounds and sound combinations. They need to be spoken at different paces: starting slowly and gradually increasing.

It is useful to read aloud various works: both poetry and prose. At the same time, you need to monitor your diction and clearly pronounce each letter, learn to place logical stress in the right places. It is better to do this by recording it on a voice recorder so that you can listen to your voice and understand what mistakes are made during the reading process. At first, you can read literature out loud for ten to fifteen minutes, but gradually increase the time to an hour or more.

Singing directly helps in developing the voice, from chanting to performing musical works. The chants can be very different: the same syllables that were spoken out loud, but sung in a different key. You should start low and end as high as possible. This way you can determine your range. Sometimes breathing through your nose helps lower your voice. A simple exercise called buzzing will also help for this purpose. You need to press your chin to your chest and simply make the sound: “zh-zh-zh.” If you perform humming every day, you can notice the results quite quickly. So, knowing these simple techniques on how to develop a voice for singing at home, you can make your voice more sonorous and stronger.

You might be singing like a rock star in the shower or in the car, but sometimes it's hard to objectively evaluate your own vocal abilities. It turns out that it’s quite possible to evaluate yourself if you learn to listen and hear correctly. Record yourself and pay attention to tone, pitch, and ability to control your voice. The good news is that almost anyone can learn to sing well. Follow simple recommendations to develop your vocal abilities.


Part 1

How to Assess Your Vocal Abilities

    Assess the overall tone and timbre of your voice. Timbre is general characteristics the sound of the voice. If you hit all the notes but the tone or timbre doesn't match the song, the performance won't sound right. in the best possible way. Pay attention to how clearly and consistently you emphasize vowel sounds, how fully you use your vocal register, and how you reproduce rhythmic nuances (adapt your voice to suit various styles performance).

    • When assessing timbre, pay attention to the softness or hardness, harshness or smoothness, strength or weakness of the voice.

    Annabeth Nowicki, private vocal teacher:“Even though some people are naturally better singers than others, it is a skill that can be developed and improved. If you really love singing, then approach it wisely and work on yourself regularly.”

    Use your range and technique daily. Some people are naturally better at controlling their voices than others, but every singer benefits from practice. Continue to learn to control your breathing, develop your voice and hearing, and find that musical style, which best suits your tone.

    • Musical talent often develops parallel to musical talent. Get to know vocal techniques and learn to use your voice as an instrument. The more you know about the different components of proper execution, the more effective your practice will be.
  1. Take vocal lessons. If you find someone who can teach you how to use your voice as an instrument, your singing will improve significantly. Choose a tutor who will not only teach you how to hit the notes correctly, but will also be able to develop your overall performance technique. A good teacher will tell you how to stand, breathe, move and read notes correctly while performing vocal parts.

    • If you have friends taking vocal lessons, ask them for recommendations. You can also rely on feedback from the choir director, local groups and ensembles.
    • Many teachers offer a trial lesson for free or at a reduced price. Take trial lessons from several teachers to choose best option. Did the teacher inspire you? Did you talk most of the class? Did you focus only on the voice or also pay attention to the technique?
  2. Learn to accept constructive criticism. If you have a wonderful singing voice, you will already know this, as well as the reverse situation. Just as a beginner guitarist has to go through an awkward stage when he is still not very good at playing the instrument and does not always hit the strings, singers should work hard to improve their voice. Such skills are not given to a person from birth, but are acquired through hard work.

    • If someone told you that you can't sing, but you have desire learn, then continue to work tirelessly on your voice. Don't listen to ill-wishers. There are people who will never learn to sing, no matter how hard they try. If this is the case, then you will already know about it.
  3. Sign up for music school or a local choir to practice singing and develop your voice. Joining a choir is a great way to improve your vocal skills. You will get to know what the choir director and other members think about your abilities, and you will have the chance to work as part of a team. Often, inexperienced performers are more comfortable singing with other people and not becoming the center of attention from critics.

    Continue to study and practice regularly to improve your technique. If you decide that you don't have natural ability, but you love to sing, then keep working. Your teacher will help you get the most out of your abilities. The joy of singing is available to everyone.

  • Musical deafness does not mean you have a bad voice, but it does limit your ability to tune your voice to a specific song or tune.
  • Likewise, having difficulty controlling your singing voice does not mean you have music deafness. Good performance depends on many factors. It's possible that you just need to work harder.
  • Find out the opinions of people you trust. Just like singing in front of friends and family, play a recording of your voice to those closest to you to get their opinions. If your friend sings well, then ask him about the technical aspects. If the listener is not familiar with vocal techniques, then find out the first reaction.

    • Choose people who will give you an honest answer and whose opinions you trust. It is better not to contact a person who will either praise or criticize you.
  • Sing in front of other people to get outside opinions. If you need constructive criticism, try singing in front of an audience. Organize a small concert for your friends and family. Speak at open mic, take part in a talent show or go to karaoke. Find appropriate place and sing.

    • Choose a suitable room. Your voice will sound better in a large room with high ceilings than in a carpeted basement.
    • When you finish singing, ask the audience to share their honest opinions. It's important to understand that some people may be sensitive to your feelings, while others will be overly critical. Take into account not just one specific opinion, but an average assessment of your abilities.
    • Another way to find out the public's opinion is to try singing at a train station or in mall. It is better to use a microphone and a small amplifier. Find out if passers-by will stop to listen to you. Be sure to obtain all necessary permissions from the owner or administration of the selected location. Performing in some locations may require special permits from local authorities.
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