How to draw a sitting dog with a pencil step by step - step-by-step description and recommendations. How to draw dogs with a simple pencil

How to draw a dog if you are not very good at drawing yet? Try to draw a dog step by step, adding new details to the drawing step by step. I'll try to convince you that it's not difficult.

How to draw a dog step by step

Let's start the lesson how to draw a dog step by step with a pencil from the set geometric shapes. Look at the picture below and try to repeat it in your own picture. It doesn't look very nice, but it will help you draw the dog correctly.

Once the base is ready (in this case, all these shapes are the base), you can add the ears and tail. Connect the paws and body with lines.

The two ovals that served as the basis for the dog’s body can be wiped off with an eraser. Next, we move on to the paws and also wipe away the extra lines with an eraser. We remove the lines on the dog's head - the line separating the ear and the dog's muzzle.

If at this stage of the lesson on how to draw a dog step by step you get the silhouette of a dog - great! Don't be upset if everything didn't turn out the way you wanted. Try to figure out where the error might be and fix it. There’s nothing wrong with mistakes—everyone makes them!

So, let's continue drawing. When the silhouette of the dog is ready, you need to work on making it smoother - erase the “fat” and rough lines with an eraser and replace them with smooth ones.

I will also delete the line dividing the head and neck, draw the nose and ears.

The dog silhouette is completely ready! Let's draw the eyes and you can draw the fur.

To draw fur, you can use short strokes. By drawing many of these strokes, you can easily imitate a dog's fur. Please note that in some places the wool needs to be darker.

How to draw a Dog

Drawing on the theme: "Dog"

Master class "Drawing a dog" with step-by-step photos.
Hilimonchik Natalya Aleksandrovna - teacher primary classes gymnasium school No. 5A in Kostanaya, Kazakhstan.
Dear colleagues, I am offering a Master Class on drawing a dog in elementary school. Children have a rich imagination, but it is difficult to draw something from an idea. Step-by-step drawing will help the children draw a dog. This way of working is very convenient for working with younger students. They can easily reproduce the drawing using the step-by-step explanation.
Goals: introducing children to the technique of drawing a dog.

1. Teach children how to draw a dog step by step. Learn to analyze, find characteristics. Learn to convey shape, structure, proportions, volume.
2. Develop visual memory, creative thinking, motor abilities, perseverance, hard work.
3. To cultivate aesthetic feelings, artistic taste, love for animals and nature.

Album, simple pencil, colored pencils or watercolors, eraser.

I’ll tell you a riddle, and you try to determine what our lesson will be devoted to:
He lay across the porch
Our shaggy-legged castle.
But both at night and during the day
Strangers will not be allowed into the house.

You guessed it right, today we will learn to draw a dog. You will draw with a simple pencil and step by step.
Introductory conversation.
There are different information about exactly when the dog was domesticated by humans, 15 or 20 thousand years ago, however, despite the controversy, experts agree that the first domesticated animal was the dog.
Dogs are known for their learning abilities, love of play, social behavior.
A long time ago there lived a dog in the forest. Alone, alone. She was bored. The dog wanted to find a friend.
A friend who would not be afraid of anyone.
A dog met a hare in the forest and said to him:
- Come on, bunny, be friends with you, live together!
“Come on,” the bunny agreed.
In the evening they found a place to stay for the night and went to bed. At night a mouse ran past them, the dog heard a rustling sound and how it jumped up and barked loudly. The hare woke up in fright, his ears shaking from fear.
- Why are you barking? - says to the dog. “When the wolf hears it, he’ll come here and eat us.”
“This is an unimportant friend,” thought the dog. - Afraid of the wolf. But the wolf is probably not afraid of anyone.” In the morning the dog said goodbye to the hare and went to look for the wolf. She met him in a remote ravine and said:
- Come on, wolf, be friends with you, live together!
- Well! - the wolf answers. - It will be more fun together.
At night they went to bed. A frog was jumping past, the dog heard it jump up and bark loudly. The wolf woke up in fright and let’s scold the dog:
- Oh, you are so, so so! The bear will hear your barking, come here and tear us apart.
“And the wolf is afraid,” thought the dog. “I’d better make friends with a bear.” She went to the bear:
– Bear-hero, let’s be friends, let’s live together!
“Okay,” says the bear. - Come to my den.
And at night the dog heard him crawling past the den, jumped up and barked. The bear got scared and scolded the dog:
- Stop doing that! A man will come and skin us.
“Gee! - the dog thinks. “And this one turned out to be cowardly.” She ran away from the bear and went to the man:
- Man, let's be friends, let's live together!
The man agreed, fed the dog, and built a warm kennel for it near his hut. At night the dog barks and guards the house. And the person doesn’t scold her for this - he says thank you. Since then, dog and man have lived together.

Let's try to draw a dog together step by step with a simple pencil. The last step is to color the drawing of the dog with colored pencils or paints.
Step-by-step job description
1.First you need to draw the basic outlines of the dog
Draw the dog on the entire sheet of paper; it will be easier for you to draw small details and a large picture always looks more impressive than a small one. First of all, we draw the torso and head, and the one that will be the dog’s head is a little smaller in diameter than the lower one.

2.The general outline of the dog appears in the picture.
Draw the joint markings for the paw and the lower parts of the three paws, since the fourth paw will not be visible. Connect the paws with lines, exactly as in my drawing, and connect the oval of the dog’s body and head. All these figures are not difficult to draw, but it is very important to position them accurately. The proportions of the dog, and the entire drawing as a whole, will depend on this in the future. Check again the exact location of these contours and move on to the next step.
In this step you only need to draw the general outline of the dog's torso, paws and head. It may not be difficult to do, but be extremely careful. This outline will determine how the entire drawing of the dog will look. You can draw this outline several times, removing inaccurate lines. Start tracing the outline from the head and further along the back to the paws.

3.Ears, nose, eyes and tail appear in the drawing of the dog.
Draw the dog's nose. Draw a small line from it and draw the winding lines of the dog’s mouth (mouth). Connect these lines with another line for the chin. I think you can draw the dog’s ears and tail yourself, without comments.

4.The drawing of the dog is nearing completion, add details
The auxiliary lines now need to be removed from the drawing. Draw in part of the fourth paw, claws and draw the outline of the dog's fur.

Physical education minute
We tried to draw.
We tried to draw.
It was hard not to get tired.
We'll rest a little
Let's start drawing again.
(The hands were stroked, shaken, kneaded.)
5.The final step of the drawing.
The last stage of any drawing is the easiest and most interesting. At this stage, the dog will already be in “full glory” in the picture. It’s not at all difficult to slightly correct the drawing, emphasizing the dog’s hair with sharp pencil strokes. Choose for yourself desired color color and color with colored pencils or watercolors.

This is the end of our lesson, you did a very good job today, I hope that you learned a lot of interesting things: you succeeded beautiful drawings, individual, peculiar. This can be seen at the exhibition of your works. Well done! Thank you!

IMPORTANT ADVICE (Sergey Mikhalkov)
You can't raise puppies
Through screaming and kicking.
Puppy raised by kicking
Will not be a loyal puppy.
You after a rough kick
Try calling the puppy!

There are many dogs in the world
And on a chain and just like that.
Service dogs - border dogs,
Ordinary yard balls,
And young timid mongrels,
Why do they like to yelp from under benches?
And those pampered lap dogs,
Whose nose is snub and whose voice is thin,
And no longer good for anything -
Stray dogs are always hungry.
Ready for a fight at any moment
Dogs are fighters and bullies.
Dogs are proud and touchy
They calmly doze on the thresholds.
And those with a sweet tooth are sycophants
They lick everything from any utensil.
Among dogs of any breed
There are handsome men and ugly men.
There are giants - these are Great Danes!
Short-legged bulldogs,
And wire-haired terriers,
Some are black, others are gray,
And it’s a shame to look at others:
It's so overgrown that you can't see it!
Everyone knows the properties of dogs:
And intelligence, and sensitivity and heroism,
Love and loyalty and deceit,
And disgusting lordship.
And complete obedience,
And this is all from upbringing!
Lazy well-fed housewife,
And the button dachshund is lazy!
The border guard is fearless - a warrior,
And the dog Ruslan deserves it!
The owner of the dog is a fist and a miser,
A burdock mongrel to match him!
No wonder the dog bites those
Who throws a stone at her in vain?
But if someone is friends with a dog,
That's why the dog serves him well!
But a faithful dog is a good friend
Depends on good hands.

PUPPY (S. Mikhalkov)
I'm off my feet today -
My puppy is missing.
I called him for two hours,
I waited for him for two hours
Didn't sit down for lessons
And I couldn’t have lunch.
This morning
Too early
The puppy jumped off the sofa,
I started walking around the rooms,
Wake everyone up.
He saw a blanket -
There was nothing left to cover.
He looked into the closet -
He turned the jug of honey over.
He tore my dad's poems,
Fell to the floor from the stairs,
I climbed into the glue with my front paw,
I barely got out
And disappeared...
Maybe it was stolen
They took me away on a rope,
They gave me a new name,
Guard the house
Maybe he's in the dense forest
Sitting under a prickly bush,
Got lost
Looking for a home
Poor guy, does he get wet in the rain?
I didn't know what to do.
Mother said:
- Let's wait.
I grieved for two hours
I didn’t pick up books,
I didn't draw anything
She just sat and waited.
All of a sudden
Some scary beast
Opens the door with his paw,
Jumping over the threshold...
Who is this?
My puppy.
What's happened,
If immediately
Didn't I recognize the puppy?
The nose is swollen, the eyes are invisible,
Cheek twisted
And, digging in like a needle,
A bee is buzzing on its tail.
Mother said: - Close the door!
A swarm of bees is flying towards us.
All wrapped up
In bed
My puppy is lying flat
And barely wobbles
Bandaged tail.
I don't run to the doctor -
I'm treating him myself.
I wish you all good luck and creative success!

Everyone prepares for the onset of the most fabulous winter celebration in their own way. Adults will learn about the character and preferences of the symbol of the New Year 2018 in order to embody all his whims in the holiday menu, outfits and home decor. Children learn to draw a symbolic animal with a pencil or paints to attract good luck to the house, have fun and brightly decorate the room with ready-made drawings. Both of them strive to please the patron next year- To the Yellow Earth Dog. So we will make our contribution to the mass pre-holiday preparations - we will select lungs for you step-by-step master classes on creation beautiful symbol for the whole next year. Look further on how to draw a dog by cells, schematically or by hand for kindergarten, school or a home collection of children's drawings.

How to easily and beautifully draw a dog (symbol of 2018) step by step with a pencil

The dog, as a symbol of the New Year 2018, is a fair, peaceful, playful and devoted animal: it is in this image that we will draw it with a pencil according to easy step by step instructions. And to make the illustration truly New Year’s, we’ll add a few festive details to the character - a Santa Claus hat with a fluffy pom-pom, snowflakes and shaped garlands for the background. It's time to learn how to easily and beautifully draw a dog (symbol of 2018) step by step with a pencil.

Necessary materials for the drawing “Dog is a symbol of the New Year 2018” step by step in pencil

  • sheet of thick landscape paper
  • soft and hard pencil
  • eraser
  • sharpener
  • black gel pen

Step-by-step master class on drawing a dog with a pencil for the New Year 2018

  1. Place the landscape sheet horizontally. In the central part, sketch out the outlines of the dog’s head and define the area of ​​the muzzle. Use light, barely noticeable lines to separate the area of ​​the eyes, mouth, etc.
  2. Schematically draw two ears on the puppy's head. Proceed with the outlines of Santa Claus's hat. This is where our character will sit. Draw light movements something like a triangle, as in the photo.
  3. At the next stage, add a small fur pompom and the same fluffy frill to the hat. Erase the extra lines with an eraser.
  4. Start detailing the dog's face. First, draw the dog’s eyes, then a small nose and a characteristic mouth. Carefully remove the stripes marking the boundaries.
  5. Using intermittent, curved strokes, create a kind of fur on the puppy's face. Draw the ears in the same way, visually marking the indentations. Then - eyebrows, mustache, neck and sternum.
  6. Complete the image of the “symbol” - fill the dog’s coat with frequent strokes. Let the dog be shaggy, with short, protruding fur. Watch the direction of the hairs so that the character does not have a careless tousled look.
  7. Start detailing the header. Use clear lines to draw all the folds on the fabric, and use zigzag lines to “ruffle” the frill and pompom at the tip.
  8. Shade all areas with shadow and lightly rub in areas exposed to direct light.
  9. Draw a straight line under the bottom of the hat—the surface of the floor. To complete beautiful drawing pencil “Dog is a symbol of the New Year 2018”, add decorative stars, snowflakes, serpentine, tinsel, Christmas decorations. Draw individual details of the black gel pen to give them greater clarity.

How to draw a dog for New Year 2018 in kindergarten

There are several ways to quickly and easily draw a dog on New Year 2018 in kindergarten. To construct the silhouette of an animal, you can use a “scheme” of geometric shapes or a sketch of a skeleton made of straight lines. Can you draw? funny dog by parts of the body, observing the proportions “by eye”. For example, starting from the head and ending with the tail. This method is most suitable for simple children's pictures. Let's use it to draw a dog for New Year 2018 in kindergarten.

Necessary materials for drawing a dog for kindergarten for the New Year 2018

  • sheet of thick landscape paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser and sharpener

Step-by-step instructions for children in kindergarten on how to draw a dog for the New Year 2018

How to draw a dog step by step with pastels or paints for children at school

At school, as in kindergarten, everyone is tirelessly preparing for New Year's holidays. Teachers and methodologists draw up a schedule festive events— exhibitions, competitions, creative evenings. The organizers are thinking through the scenario New Year's concert. Students create bright winter crafts, colorful toys for the Christmas tree, themed gifts for parents and, of course, drawings for the exhibition. At the same time, each young artist trying to capture the most amazing and atmospheric plot on the album page. We suggest you learn how to draw a dog step by step with pastels or paints for children at school to help your child win the New Year's exhibition.

Necessary materials for drawing a dog with paints or pastels at school

  • sheet of thick white paper
  • simple pencil
  • paints or pastels different shades gray
  • eraser

Step-by-step master class on how to draw a dog with paints or pastels for children at school

  1. Place a sheet of thick white paper vertically on work surface. Using several lines, determine the boundaries and dimensions of the future drawing. Try to make a rough sketch of a small Chihuahua “in your pocket” so that further work progresses faster and easier.
  2. Sketch out the outline of the dog's head. Make a traditional cross on the muzzle, which helps draw all the elements in their places. So, the eyes will be at the same level, and the eyebrows will remain symmetrical, even taking into account the tilt of the head.
  3. Draw all parts of the dog's face. Don't forget about the nose, mouth, mustache and, of course, ears. Try to darken as realistically as possible the areas under the eyes, on both sides of the mouth, and at the base of the ears.
  4. Leave highlights on the pupils, draw the mustache with careless but very thin lines. Continue shading the dog's head using a pencil or black and white pastel. If you plan to use watercolors, postpone this process until the last stage.
  5. It's time to take care of the ears and paws with claws. When painting them, do not forget to take into account the dog's shaggy appearance and the actual light/shadow areas. Recessed areas will always be darker, convex areas will always be lighter.
  6. Draw the pocket and the item of clothing itself. Since in our case the Chihuahua sits in the pocket of a jacket or coat, pay attention to the visible parts of the collar and buttons. Draw all the folds, shade the shaded depressions. If necessary, add texture to the garment using wide, sweeping movements.
  7. To determine how realistic the result is step by step drawing dogs in pastels or paints for children at school, view the original image. Some places may need to be corrected, something added or erased.

How to draw a dog by cells in 3 minutes

It happens that a child has absolutely no aptitude for fine arts. Music, sports, chess - yes! Drawing - no, and again no! This time, the symbol of the New Year 2018 - a dog - can be drawn in three minutes, according to the cells. This type of children's activity promotes the development of logic, thinking, attentiveness and imagination. It also gives an interesting result in the form of a small, funny drawing.

Help your child learn a new skill. We have collected problems for you to draw a dog in 3 minutes below. Take advantage of them and add another unusual activity to your leisure time.

How to draw a dog with a pencil step by step - the symbol of the New Year 2018 - instructions for beginning artists

If your child is early childhood shines with “drawing” talent, use the winter period as another reason to develop your innate gift. After all, there are a lot of amazing stories on winter theme. You can hone your skills visual arts on a snow-covered house, on a snowman with Santa Claus, on a Christmas tree with garlands and serpentine. Better yet, draw a dog (symbol of the New Year 2018) in pencil step by step according to the instructions for beginning artists. This lesson is unlikely to come to the attention of the average school student. junior classes, but a gifted and diligent student will cope with the task.

Necessary materials for drawing a dog with a pencil according to instructions for beginning artists

  • sheet of white landscape paper
  • sharpened hard pencil
  • soft pencil
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions for beginning artists on how to draw the symbol of the New Year 2018 with a pencil

  1. Start drawing the dog schematically. Using circles and lines, draw the proportions of the animal and the location of different parts of the body. At the first stage, it is enough to mark the head in a circle and with several movements - the line of the back, tail and two pairs of paws.
  2. Then place the dog's muzzle in a suitable rotation and angle. Try to make the illustration as realistic as possible. Draw a vertical line along the face to control symmetry, and a horizontal line to control the eye line. Mark the contours of the neck and the elongated part of the muzzle. The latter can be displayed as a regular diamond.

A dog is the most popular and beloved animal by many, especially children. But they like puppies more - small, affectionate and so stupid. How about having a pleasant and useful time with your child? Surely he will really like drawing a dog or a cute little puppy?

Watercolor dog for New Year

Before the New Year 2018, you should definitely learn how to draw a dog, because such a pet becomes a symbol of the next 12 months. When choosing a dog to draw, you should give preference to the cutest and plush one, so that there is a great desire to get a finished New Year's picture. Let's add a funny red cap with a fur insert at the base and a small bubo.

Necessary materials for drawing a dog:

  • a sheet of paper (preferably watercolor);
  • simple HB pencil and eraser;
  • watercolor;
  • tassels;
  • palette and glass of water.

Stages of drawing a New Year's dog:

1. You should start drawing any animal or cartoon character from the head. To depict a dog, as a symbol of 2018, you should draw a small oval. Let's add one triangle to it on each side. We connect the figures with an arc and get a sketch of the pet’s head.

2. Draw a semi-oval to the head to get the front part of the body. Let's add legs to it that will look like triangles. Draw part of the left paw and tail in the background.

3. Let’s add a few New Year’s attributes to the dog’s drawing. For example, we’ll put a beautiful cap with a cute bubo on the top of the head of a fluffy pet. We attach a collar with a decorative element to the neck.

4. Remove the auxiliary lines so that you can draw the dog’s face. We draw a big nose and small, but so natural eyes. We adjust the contour of the body and head so that the dog becomes fluffy and plush in appearance. We will also work on the hat so that it becomes voluminous and on the objects of the fur inserts it acquires a wavy look.

5. Use red and burgundy watercolors to paint over the areas of the hat and collar with a decorative element.

6. Now we move on to drawing the fur. Apply a yellow-brown tint watercolor paint to all areas of the animal. We give the layer time to dry and once again paint the ears, muzzle, body with legs and tail with a more saturated and dark color.

7. Use black watercolor to carefully paint the nose, and blue watercolor to paint the white areas of the cap. We will also go over the fur areas again and create a third layer of paint, where we apply dark brown shades of watercolor mixed with burgundy and red tones.

8. Finally, use black watercolor to paint over the eyes and the shadow under the dog at the base of the picture.

9. Ready watercolor drawing dogs for the New Year 2018, if desired, we modify them with black liners. For general outline you should choose 0.7 mm, but for fine hatching - 0.1 mm.

10. We get this one new year illustration, which just begs to be a postcard self made to embellish it! But such a purebred dog looks very natural, picturesque and festive here.

DIY Dalmatian drawing

A Dalmatian puppy in a festive sock is the main theme of this drawing lesson. Therefore, if you want to draw New Year's drawing, then for animal lovers you couldn’t imagine anything better! The lesson uses many shades of colored pencils. However, if such a drawing can be drawn with a minimum set. After all, it all depends on your desire and imagination!

Necessary materials:

  • colour pencils;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • paper.

Drawing steps:

01. Using simple lines we denote general shape Christmas sock. Let's draw all the bends.

2. Then we will finish the upper part of the sock, which has a fur insert. You also need to show that the sock is hanging on the fireplace or other piece of furniture. To do this, draw a circle at the top.

3. The sock will be striped. To show this, draw a few lines and draw a patch on the heel.

4. A Dalmatian puppy will be peeking out of the sock. Therefore, at this stage it is very important to correctly draw the silhouette of the animal’s head and front paws.

Then we clarify the small details. Since this is a Dalmatian, you should not forget about the spots on its short coat.

5. Using a red pencil, we begin to decorate individual fragments of the sock.

6. Let’s add volume to the New Year’s stocking with other shades of red pencils.

7. For contrast, use green colors for the sock. We use pencils to decorate the remaining fragments of the sock and the patch.

8. We will make the fur insert in the sock a soft blue color. You can follow the outline with a blue pencil.

9. Now let’s decorate the Dalmatian puppy itself. First, use a black pencil to outline the paws, head and muzzle. Then completely paint over the pupils, nose and spots with black. To add volume, we use flesh-colored and light brown pencils.

10. We clarify and check all the details in the drawing. On this step by step drawing New Year's drawing with colored pencils is completed, because we have a nice Dalmatian puppy in a New Year's stocking.

Drawing a yellow dog step by step

In anticipation of the New Year 2018, you can already learn to draw a dog. After all, she will become a symbol on whole year. Its main color is yellow.

So when choosing colored pencils, you should give preference to shades from yellow to red. Light colors are suitable for the base color of the coat, but dark ones are suitable for volume and creating a contour.

Necessary materials:

  • blank sheet of paper;
  • pencils;
  • eraser.

Drawing steps:

1. Draw the dog’s head in the form of a circle. We deform the contour from the sides.

2. Then draw the body of the 2018 symbol with a simple pencil. It will consist of a neck, chest and front legs.

3. Next, draw the dog’s back and the outline of the hind legs on the sides.

4. At the top we draw two ears in the form of triangles with rounded corners. In the middle of the head we draw a spot of disproportionate shape, which starts from the top and smoothly flows to the center to the nose.

5. Let’s add a New Year’s drawing of a dog small details on the body and head. In the middle of each ear we draw a center in the form of small triangles with rounded corners, but on the muzzle we draw the eyes, nose and mouth.

We will also draw several on the paws. vertical lines to differentiate the pads. We clarify the outline and smoothly move on to coloring the picture.

6. First, take a yellow pencil and add the color of the dog’s fur to hind legs and back, head and ears. Already with an orange pencil you can add contour and volume.

7. Use red and burgundy pencils to color the middle of the ear and additionally create volume in the yellow areas of the drawing.

8. Take a black pencil and color in the eyes, nose and mouth completely. Then we create the outline of the entire drawing.

9. Finally, take a red pencil and color the tongue. In the white areas of the design, you can add a slight tint to add a little dimension.

10. We get a finished drawing for the New Year 2018 in the form yellow dog. But from such a bright picture you can get a wonderful front part of a New Year’s greeting card.

Drawing a dog with a pencil - educational lesson with explanation

Lesson for Beginners

The New Year is just around the corner and now I want to create for myself good mood. And creativity is best suited for this. Today we will talk about how to beautifully and easily draw a dog step by step with a pencil.

Puppy "Sharik"

You should start from the very beginning light drawing. Puppy Sharik from Soviet cartoon“A Kitten Named Woof” will come to life on paper very quickly if you follow a simple scheme:

Dog “Ball” – photo 1

In the center of the sheet, from the very beginning, the outline of the head is drawn, which gradually tapers towards the bottom and is vaguely shaped like a “thick” balloon.

Dog “Ball” – photo 2

Afterwards, oval eyes with dark pupils appear, the nose resembles a triangle with smoothed corners, and at the end a smiling mouth is depicted on the muzzle.

Dog “Ball” – photo 3

From the top right side a raised ear is depicted, as if the puppy is listening to something. The second ear is placed slightly lower in a lowered position, as shown in the picture below. At the same stage, with light movements, a line is drawn on the head, which will later become a black spot of fur.

A thick but short eyebrow is also drawn above the right eye, internal corner which looks slightly upward.

Dog “Ball” – photo 5

After this you should move on to drawing the body. First, two horizontal arcuate lines are drawn - quite short, which will act as a neck.

One of them lengthens down and is rounded at the very end - this will be the front paw. You shouldn’t make it too long, since the picture still shows a puppy, not an adult dog.

Upper short line becomes horizontal, turning into the back of Sharik - at the end it is rounded (becoming a tail), goes down, where the hind leg is drawn, as shown in the figure.

Dog “Ball” – photo 6

At the penultimate stage, the second hind leg is drawn - only a small part of it is visible in the drawing, so drawing it will not be difficult at all. There is also a large brown spot on the back, which perfectly complements the design.

And finally, the most pleasant thing - the ears, and spots on the back and head are painted over with black, or brown. All the rest of the “fur” remains light, so the drawing can be considered complete.

You can draw such a dog on, which you make with your own hands.

Sitting Dog: An Easy Way to Draw

If the last time a cartoon character appeared on paper, then this lesson will show you how to draw a beautiful realistic dog with a pencil step by step and without unnecessary difficulty.

How to draw a sitting dog - photo 1

If you look at the photos below, you won’t have any difficulties:

In the drawing, the dog will be depicted sitting, so the frontal lobe of the head is initially drawn, smoothly turning into an elongated muzzle and reaching the lower part of the mouth.

Afterwards, the nose and the left eye, which looks straight ahead, are drawn with thin lines. At the same stage, the upper part of the head is slightly lengthened and the ear appears.

Now is the time to draw an arched line that will smoothly go into the front of the body. Here the front paw is drawn out with neat and smooth movements - as shown in the figure below.

When drawing the back, at the very beginning you need to draw a small tubercle, since all dogs have shoulder blades that stick out a little. Further, the back is depicted slightly arched and smoothly turns into a long tail.

At the very end, the second front paw and the hind paw, which is visible quite a bit, are completed. If desired, you can draw shadows in the drawing or make the dog colored.

Despite the fact that this drawing is not complicated and even a novice artist can handle it, the result cannot but please. Besides, this great way hone basic skills.

Puppy with kind eyes – pencil drawing

The next lesson is probably the most difficult of those presented above, because here Special attention pays attention to details. Although this option is also suitable for beginners, with due diligence and following all the advice, you will definitely be able to achieve a positive result.

So, another way to draw easily and step by step beautiful dog in pencil:

At the first stage, the contours of the eyes, nose and mouth are drawn with smooth and soft movements. You shouldn’t press the pencil and highlight the lines too much, because if you fail, you’ll have to use an eraser, and thick lines are much more difficult to erase.

Painted dog

From the nose you should draw arched lines, which will later become part of the muzzle. Also, special attention is paid to drawing highlights on the eyes and nose, as well as highlighting the nostrils and mouth.

Afterwards, a rounded forehead and the lateral line of the head emerge. From them come the ears and the “main” lines of the muzzle, connecting with the arched lines.

Now is the time to move on to drawing the puppy's chest. It is depicted using a curved line, and then the paw is drawn on the left side.

The second leg is not drawn to the very end - a horizontal stick is placed at the bottom in the middle, and then you should carefully follow the actions in the picture below.

Drawing the body

Then the puppy’s paws appear, which are located under the tummy. At the same stage, the line of the back is drawn - it should not be perfectly straight, but, on the contrary, slightly rounded.

For greater realism, the nose is painted over dark pencil, and strokes are made on the body that resemble disheveled wool.

The videos that you can watch below will also help you practice drawing and improve your skills.

As you can see, drawing a beautiful dog with a pencil step by step is quite easy. And while drawing, you shouldn’t hold back your imagination, because no one says that all drawings have to be the same - they should help a person open up and show all his imagination.

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