How to draw a new seascape. Drawing a seascape using classic watercolor technique

In this world it is quite difficult to imagine anything more romantic than a sailboat sailing alone on the waves towards the unknown. Of course, traveling by sea is romantic in itself, but a sailboat is simply the pinnacle of all romantic dreams.

We dream of sailboats with early childhood, reading Jack London, Vladislav Krapivin or Jules Verne. But sailing even on a tiny sailing yacht will definitely not leave an adult indifferent. When a large real sailboat with several masts and a full set of straight and oblique sails appears on the horizon, it is simply breathtaking.

Long before the Titanic sank to the seabed, people mostly moved on water on ordinary boards with sheets attached. Unique tradition sending sheets into the sea remains to this day, albeit as entertainment. Nevertheless, the topic is interesting, so in today's lesson you will see how to correctly draw a sailboat with a pencil. A sailboat is a watercraft that uses wind power to move. Brilliant and simply angry and cheap, but in complete calm it is extremely inconvenient.

The whole truth about life:
— A sailfish is also a fish that for a long time lived among ships and her upper fin simply mutated into a sheet.
The best way The famous way to catch seasickness is to run backwards on the deck during a storm.
— Black work force appeared when the first ships sailed to the shores of Africa. There were real problems with the wind, but the ship still had to move. Therefore, the peoples of Africa were given oars and the meaning of life.
— A sailboat usually does not float on land, but when it does, we can expect a lot of casualties among civilians.

Drawing a sailboat is easier than building or buying, but it will still look beautiful.

In this master class, we will learn together how to draw the sea in gouache with a sailboat. So, the drawing technique is gouache.

Haven't held a brush in your hands since school? It doesn't mean anything at all. Gouache drawings are a great start for beginners.

Why this particular technique?
Gouache is the optimal material to start with.
First of all, it is very affordable and can be purchased virtually at every step (compared to acrylic or oil).

Secondly, the water base of this type of paint makes it possible to easily vary the thickness of the paint, the level of its application, as well as the formation of textures on the canvas.

Thirdly, the fact that gouache is a completely non-toxic paint is very important. Thus, gouache lessons are completely safe for children and people with certain diseases and various allergic reactions.

Fourthly, this paint quite flexibly combines some of the qualities of watercolor and, in some cases, even oil paints Therefore, painting with gouache will provide an opportunity to develop practical skills in other techniques.

The thick consistency of the paint allows you to layer different layers on top of each other, while painting light areas with darker ones or vice versa. This allows you to make many changes to the image before it dries. At the same time, it is also possible to blur the paint, diluting it with more transparent layers, which makes the drawing more realistic.

It is in connection with the important advantages described above that in this lesson we will use gouache paint.

Place the paper you are going to draw on vertically and divide it roughly in half. Let the top of the sheet be a little larger. Using a large brush, start painting the sky.

Use white gouache to draw a small moon. It is necessary to outline the border with a bright yellow color. You can also add a little orange.

While the gouache is still wet, add more dark color around the edges. To do this, simply mix black and blue paint on the palette.

Draw the outer edge of the clouds.

Mix blue, white and a little black paint. Add it to the clouds so that you get a very smooth transition from the light part near the moon.

From the inside of the picture, you should draw lighter clouds, since they reflect the light of the moon. While the paint is still wet, mixing colors is fairly easy. You can take a clean brush and use it to mix two colors in which you want to get an even and smooth transition.

For the stars, first mix some bluish paint on your palette and draw a small circle. When the paint is dry, use a thin brush to make a small dot of white paint.

Then you should carefully sketch out an image of a sailboat with a pencil.

We draw the sea with gouache step by step. The sea should first be painted over with uneven, long horizontal strokes, alternating dark blue, light blue and turquoise paint. Draw in the foreground big wave blue-green paint.

Continue drawing the sea. Use bright blue paint to paint small waves near the ship itself.

Use white gouache to paint highlights on the waves. Paint the sailboat with gouache. Please note that the sails should be drawn with a very smooth transition from blue to white, from left to right.

All that remains now is to paint small wings of foam on the waves, and also apply highlights of light with a thin brush. I sprayed the foam with gouache using a hard brush. First, it is better to practice on some piece of paper.

The result is a work like this - a sailboat sailing home through a mysterious moonlit night.

Drawing waves

We have already drawn the waves in the sailboat example, but we want you to look again step by step at how they are drawn.

Only experienced artist. An artist who paints the sea is called a marine painter and paints different kinds and the state of the sea and learn this all your life. Painted pictures of the sea with paints, gouache or watercolors, and better with oil very accurately convey the entire range of shades and depth of color of the sea. The sunset on the sea looks especially beautiful in its colors. But let's start step by step draw the sea with a simple pencil.
Drawing the sea is not easy, especially with a simple pencil. Difficult to convey with a simple pencil sea ​​waves, surf. With a pencil this can only be done using the stroke technique. You will need to constantly rub the strokes with your finger or a stiff eraser.

1. First, let's highlight the main contours of the sea

To begin, highlight the horizon and the main contours of the coastline of our composition. On the shore, immediately draw the outlines of the coastal stones. Then we will separate the horizon line of the sea and draw the line of the beach and draw the sun. You can also draw the outlines of small waves around the stones.

2. “Scatter” the sea waves over the pattern

Now we need to draw the initial outlines of the waves throughout the space allocated for the sea in our drawing. Make pencil strokes over the entire surface of the sea, but you should not do too many of them, otherwise the waves will not turn out large.

3. Shade the water surface with strokes of a soft pencil

At this stage we need to draw and shade with strokes the contours of the waves near the stones. To soften pencil marks, you can rub them with your finger or a hard eraser. The shaded part of the sea can also be rubbed with a piece of paper or your finger.

4. Sand on the coastline

Now we will pay attention to the sea coastline. In our picture there is a sandy shore by the sea, but you can draw another one. Just like the surface of the sea, the sand needs to be shaded with pencil strokes, lightly rubbing them. If necessary, you can remove excess blackness in some areas of the sea, again using an eraser. After this, you can “paint” the stones, heavily shading them, and draw small clouds.

5. How to draw the sea. Clouds

At this stage we will draw not the sea, but what is above it - the sky and clouds. If necessary, in some areas of the sea you can lightly erase the strokes vertically with an eraser, this will give the sea additional highlights. But first add some small clouds free form with faint strokes to emphasize the movement of air. Draw the sun, such a “trifle” always makes any drawing more attractive and realistic.

6. Drawing the sea on a graphics tablet

Now you know how draw the sea with a simple pencil and you can try to make another drawing and color it with paints, as in this color picture of the sea, which I made especially for this lesson on a graphics tablet.

Of course, the drawing of the sea will look much more beautiful if you can draw a sailboat in the distance. In this lesson you will learn how to draw both the sea and a sailing frigate.

Wandering the seas on sailing ships, pirates made caches of looted treasures, many of which were never found. Perhaps these treasures never existed. But not only were maps used by pirates to indicate the location of a treasure island at sea, they were used primarily for navigation.

If you decide to draw a picturesque seascape, draw dolphins. These sea animals will definitely turn out beautiful if you draw them step by step. Draw the outlines of the sea and dolphins with a simple pencil, and then color the entire drawing with paints.

The turtle lives in the sea and is probably the most ancient inhabitant of the seas. Over all the years of evolution, turtles only learned to go to land to lay eggs, but did not leave the sea forever, like other animals. In this lesson we will try to draw a turtle by the sea ourselves.

A mermaid is half fish, half human, so you need to draw the mermaid not only a tail, but also fish scales on it. Required condition For a picture of a mermaid there must be a body of water, because they live in a river or on the sea.

All painting lessons which are published in ours will help you acquire drawing skills. You will learn how to draw correctly using watercolor technique. Besides, step by step drawing Using watercolors will teach you how to select colors for a painting and apply different brush strokes.

Then we will begin to create more complex paintings using canvas and oil paints.

Today we will draw seascape: sea, rocks and waves.

How to correctly depict waves so that they seem real, how to convey their shape and volume? That's what we'll work on in this painting lesson.

I chose this photo.

On it, waves roll past the rocks onto the shore near the Seychelles Islands.

Pay attention to the color of the water, we must convey not only the shape of each wave, but also show the different depths of the sea and the sun that illuminates the rocks in the distance.

Let's draw rocks and water. Be sure to leave white spaces for foam in the foreground of the picture and near the stones.

We draw rocks that rise above the water with a simple pencil; there is no need to draw them too carefully.

Let's just outline the shape of the stones and be sure to draw a wave to the left of the stones, which rises up.

We begin to color the sky. The sky in southern latitudes has a rich color, so we will need purple paint.

We work with a thick brush, making broad strokes.

While the sky is drying, let's start applying paint to the water. For the sea we will need to make several different mixtures. The water on the horizon near the rocks is the darkest; for it we put blue paint on the brush.

The closer to the foreground, the lighter the water. Therefore, near the stones we paint stripes with a mixture of blue and dark green paint.

Dilute this mixture with water, add blue color and draw waves between the stones.

Don't forget to leave the white paper near the rocks unpainted; we'll end up with white foam.

For the water in the foreground, let's prepare a new mixture. Blue paint mix with herbal green, dilute well with water and use a thick brush to paint strokes that convey the shape of the waves that roll towards the shore.

Add turquoise color to the very tops of the waves.

Always test the color of the paint on the palette, and only then paint.

Try to achieve the shade you want, although it is not as easy as it seems. Sometimes you have to wash the paint off the brush and make a new mixture.

We leave the white foam in the foreground as is. You can only draw barely noticeable lines with a thin brush and leave the paint to dry.

Let's start drawing the rocks. Prepare several different mixtures at once: from gray to orange. It is best to paint stones by immediately painting them in different tones.

Then it will be much easier to convey the natural color of rocks that are in the shade and in the sun.

We continue to work on the rocks that rise above the water. We paint on a wet base with different mixtures of paints.

Don't forget to show those places on the stones that are poorly lit by the sun. To do this, use a thin brush to paint vertical stripes with dark shades of paint.

Now that the sky has dried, you can make its color more saturated. To do this, apply another layer of paint. While the paint is wet, add a blue tint to brighten the sky.

We return to the water again and draw the waves in the foreground. Prepare a mixture of blue and green paint.

You should have a turquoise mixture on your palette, we dilute the paint with water and draw waves.

Use a thin brush to make rounded strokes, going down from the tops of the waves. Using the same mixture, heavily diluted with water, we place spots in the foreground. Then water will begin to appear through the foam.

On the wave that rises to the left above the rock, we put dots in the same color.

Let's go back to the rocks and draw vertical lines so that some stones are visually separated from others. At the very tops of the stones, with a thin brush we draw the tips of the rocks; we need to convey their shape.

On some tops there is shadow, on others the sun falls. This must be taken into account when choosing shades.

We return to the water. For more rich color we'll add another layer of paint.

Don't forget to show the depth of the sea and change the color mixtures as we did at the beginning of the lesson. The sea should look completely different on the horizon and in the foreground.

Now let's take a short break to let the paint dry.

It remains to draw the details so that our picture takes on a finished look. There is no need to rush, apply the paint gradually, allowing the first layer to dry.

We add yellow to the tops of the rocks, and shades of blue, green and turquoise to the water. Green draw stripes in the center and near the white foam. Then the waves will visually rise higher.

In this lesson we will introduce you to how to draw the sea with gouache step by step in pictures and with a description. Will be introduced step by step steps, with which you will learn to draw the sea with gouache, like this.

You can draw waves on the sea if you understand how the wave moves. First let's draw the background. Draw the horizon line just above the middle. Let's smoothly paint the sky from blue to white near the horizon. You can draw clouds or clouds as you wish.

To make the transition smoother, paint part of the sky with blue paint, part with white, and then use a wide brush to mix the paint at the border using horizontal strokes.

We will also paint the sea itself with blue and white paint. It is not necessary to apply strokes horizontally. There are waves at sea, so it is better to make strokes in different directions.

Now let's mix green paint with yellow and add a little white. Let's draw the base for the wave. In the picture below, the darker areas are wet paint, the gouache just didn’t have time to dry.

On the green stripe, use a hard brush with white paint to distribute the movement of the wave.

Please note that the left part of the wave has already fallen into the sea, next to it is the raised part of the wave. And so on. Under the fallen part of the wave we will make the shadows stronger. To do this, mix blue and purple paint.

Mix blue and white gouache on the palette and draw the next falling part of the wave. At the same time, we will strengthen the shadow under it with blue paint.

Let's outline the front wave with white gouache.

Let's draw small waves between the big ones. Let's draw shadows under the near wave with blue paint.

Now you can draw the details. Spray foam along the entire length of the wave. To do this, take a hard bristle brush and white gouache. There should not be a lot of white gouache on the brushes and it should not be liquid. It is best to smear your finger with gouache and blot the tips of the brush, and then spray it in the area of ​​the waves. It's better to practice on a separate sheet so that you can direct the splashes to specific place. You can also use a toothbrush for these purposes, but the result may not justify the result, because... the splash area can be large. But if you succeed, then that's good. Don't forget, try the splashes on a separate sheet.

Drawing nature, so different and changeable, is not easy. The article will help you draw winter, summer, and sea landscapes with a simple pencil.

Many people love to be in nature, admire it, and be charged with its energy. To ensure that positive emotions from communicating with nature last longer, you can try learning to draw landscapes – images of nature. To do this, you need to master the initial skills, and then you can diversify your drawings, because nature itself is so diverse!

How to draw a beautiful landscape with a pencil step by step for beginners?

First you need to decide what will be depicted in the landscape. You can draw:

  • seashore, river or ocean
  • ravine
  • lonely tree
  • road going into the distance
  • exotic island with palm trees
  • nature in different times of the year

This is how you can draw it pond surrounded by trees:

  1. It is best to start by separating the horizon line, this will make it easier to distribute objects in the drawing.
  2. The pond is outlined with uneven, winding lines.
  3. Around the pond, lines are marked where several trees will be located. In the pond itself, you can mark with circles what will later turn into swimming ducks.
  4. We “strengthen” the banks of the pond by painting parallel lines original.
  5. In the foreground, grass like reeds is drawn, and the trees are detailed. Let them have trunks of different widths and heights; in some places the trunks will be broken or uneven.
  6. The stage of detailing has begun: ducks are drawn, a slight swell is drawn on the water, the grass should be thicker, as well as the branches on the trees.
  7. Let the clouds be visible in the background.
  8. The last stage will be shading and shading.
Pencil pond: stage 1.

Pencil pond: stage 2.

Pencil pond: stage 3.

Pencil pond: stage 4.

Landscape in pencil: pond.

A river crossing a forest.

  1. As always, the drawing begins with defining the horizon line. Vertically according to the drawing, accordingly, you need to draw the winding lines of the river banks.
  2. According to the idea, the river will be surrounded by a forest, that is, trunks of different volumes and heights are drawn. And, before drawing the trunks, you should take into account that they are located on a hill in relation to the river.
  3. We add tree crowns so that they create a dense forest cover; we strengthen the banks of the river, shade the trunks.
  4. It is more interesting to draw a river with rapids. With the help of shading, a current appears on the river.

Landscape with a river in pencil: stage 1.

Landscape with a river in pencil: stage 2.

Landscape with a river in pencil: stage 3.

Landscape with a river in pencil.

Mountain Lake

  1. A sketch of the lake and the surrounding mountains and hills is made.
  2. Between the lines of the lake and the lines of the mountains a strip is left on which vegetation or a couple of small houses can be placed.
  3. Fuzzy outlines of vegetation and houses reflected in the water are made.
  4. With the help of denser shading, mountains and hills stand out, while on the surface of the lake the shading should be barely noticeable.

Landscape with a mountain lake: stage 1.

Landscape with a mountain lake: stage 2.

Landscape with a mountain lake: stage 3.

Landscape with a mountain lake.

Island in the ocean.

Many people dream of visiting such an island in the ocean that they saw in pictures - an immense blue water around, yellow sand on the land in the middle of it, palm trees creating shade. For now we are trying to draw such a landscape with a pencil.

  1. The horizon line will cross the sheet almost in half. In the middle we will mark the place of the island; for now it will look like a pancake or flatbread.
  2. Clouds are indicated above the island. You can draw wavy clouds.
  3. There will be palm tree trunks on the island. Palm trees can be drawn densely, or just three or five, as desired.
  4. You need to draw grass under the palm trees.
  5. Now you can go to water surface. It is better to draw it with elongated lines of different lengths.

Island in the ocean: stage 1.

Island in the ocean: stage 2.

Island in the ocean: stage 3.

Island in the ocean.

Lonely sailboat at sunset

It’s not difficult to draw the surface of the sea and the setting sun, and a sailboat too, and the landscape will turn out beautiful.

  1. The horizon line is drawn first of all; the contours of the sailboat are indicated on it, because it is sailing somewhere in the distance.
  2. The sailboat looks like a triangle, but it is better to shade the sails.
  3. The circle of the sun close to the horizon will mean that the sun is about to set.
  4. The final touch is to make the water come alive by drawing small waves.

IMPORTANT: The sailboat must be reflected in the water!

Sunset: stage 1.

Sunset: stage 2.

Sunset: stage 3.

Landscape with sunset.

VIDEO: How to draw a landscape with trees with a pencil?

How to draw a summer nature landscape with a pencil step by step?

If you want to draw a summer landscape, then those described above may well be suitable. And, as an option, you can suggest drawing a landscape with a summer house and a garden, where many people go in the summer to relax or tinker in the garden.

  1. The horizon line is indicated, above it the sun and clouds.
  2. In the foreground, on one side of the sheet, we will place the trunks of future trees, and on the other, a house.
  3. The house is drawn from two rectangles, and a roof is placed on top.
  4. From the schematically indicated elements of the drawing, you can now move on to detailing. The crowns of the trees need to be made lush, because it’s summer. On the house you can draw a pipe on the roof, a door, windows, including an attic window. At the same time, all unnecessary lines are slowly erased so that they do not distract from the main picture.
  5. A fence is drawn from the house, and grass is made under it with strokes. You can also draw simple flowers.
  6. Finally, you can draw a path to the house and some other details that will be nice to depict.

Summer landscape: stage 1.

Summer landscape: stage 2.

Summer landscape: stage 3.

Summer landscape: stage 4.

Summer landscape: stage 5.

Summer landscape: stage 6.

Summer landscape: stage 7.

Summer landscape: stage 8.

Summer landscape: stage 9.

Summer landscape.

How to draw a winter nature landscape with a pencil step by step?

The easiest way for beginners to draw is winter and snow on the hills. This can be done with smooth, uncomplicated lines.

  1. Since winter is often associated with the New Year, and New Year with Christmas trees, let there be Christmas trees against the backdrop of snow-covered hills. Moreover, drawing them is not difficult for beginners.
  2. You can draw several clouds over the hills.
  3. The detailing stage includes drawing Christmas trees and strokes on the snow, indicating its fragility and uneven surface.

Winter landscape: stage 1.

Winter landscape: stage 2.

Winter landscape: stage 3.

Winter landscape: stage 4.

Winter landscape.

VIDEO: Drawing a winter landscape with a pencil

How to paint a natural landscape with paints step by step?

It is more difficult to draw with paints than with a pencil, but nothing is impossible.

  1. Using blue watercolor paint let's draw the sky. Let's draw lines down from the sky using the same blue paint, this will be a river.
  2. Our clouds will be purple or crimson, and the hills will be yellow. Yellow It is worth drawing the foreground of the picture.
  3. An interesting combination of colors is already appearing, which can often be observed in nature. Let's diversify it by adding orange color on the banks of the river and shading the sky a little.
  4. You can draw several circles on the river, creating the effect that the water is playing. Also, with the help of additional layers of paint, you can highlight the surface yellow color in the foreground.
  5. If desired, you can add trees to the landscape using green spheres and brown trunks. In addition, trees can be made directly with fruit.

Landscape with paints: stage 1. Picture to draw: park.

VIDEO: Sea p landscape Pencil drawing

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