Gaidulyan married his beloved, who saved him from cancer. Oriental fairy tale Gaidulyan Andrey Gaidulyan personal life Diana

Andrey Gaidulyan and Diana Ochilova were married for a short time more than a year, however in Lately Some contradictions arose between them, which the couple could not sort out. The couple have not yet commented on their decision to separate, but people around the couple are already talking about it. During their relationship, they fought together against Andrei’s cancer, but even this did not save the marriage.

The star of the series “SashaTanya” Andrei Gaidulyan is divorcing his wife Diana Ochilova, although the couple just recently celebrated a chintz wedding. Two years ago, the actor was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma. Then Diana was always next to Andrei, and they were able to overcome the illness.

However, for some time now persistent rumors have appeared about the couple’s separation, and Diana only fueled them by visiting solo concert Olga Buzova last week. After this, the girl published a rather mysterious post on her Instagram page.

“Olga, thank you for the space show. Energetically charged all her people. And to be honest, I used to listen to your songs and understand that you are growing every minute, but now they are just mine state of mind», - Diana wrote.

Diana Ochilova // Photo: Instagram

Followers immediately became worried, remembering that they had not seen him for several months joint photos spouses and have not heard of them appearing together at events. Friends of the couple confirm that they are indeed going to get a divorce. Their relationship has always been difficult.

Friends claim that Andrei and Diana often quarreled and made up, took a break to save the family, but to no avail. Alienation arose between them, at some point they completely moved away and each went their own way. Now Andrey works a lot, and Diana studies and engages in self-development.

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Andrey Gaidulyan– a native of Chisinau, where he was born in 1984. Confident in his acting talent, he went to Moscow to enter drama school, but ended up at the Institute of Culture. However, he still had the opportunity to prove himself.

After graduating in 2006, Andrei worked briefly in the theater, but persistently looked for an opportunity to “get out into the public eye.” He decided that a role in a popular television series was what he needed, and simply knocked around various castings. So the young artist ended up at Univer, where he received the role of Sasha Sergeev. This was followed by a continuation - “Univer. New dorm” and the spin-off series “Sashatanya”. There were also episodic roles and voice acting for cartoons, but it was “Sasha” that made Gaidulyan famous.

Personal life

For the first time, Andrei tasted the delights of “almost family” life while still a student. His first lover was a certain Rimma, fellow student. Their relationship lasted about a year and a half, and the couple had already broken up when it turned out that Rimma was pregnant. For the sake of the child, they tried to reconnect and live together. A boy was born, who was named Fedor. But the young people did not have a family, and they still separated. Now the son lives with his mother, and the father allocates money for his maintenance and tries to communicate more often.

Some time later, having already received his “university” fame, Andrei met Diana Ochilova. He himself approached the girl, who did not immediately recognize him. As it turned out, Diana came from Uzbekistan to Moscow to study. Looking ahead, let's say that she never got anywhere, but she became an excellent nail extension specialist. Andrey and Diana began dating; the girl immediately captivated him with her thriftiness and love of cleanliness - their house, says Andrey, simply sparkled.

One day, after a romantic getaway, Diana decided to test her boyfriend’s feelings and told him that her father was demanding that she return to Tashkent - he had found his daughter a rich groom. But you can’t disobey. But instead of appealing to his beloved’s conscience and demanding that she live by her own wits, Andrei bought tickets and declared: “We’re going to meet our parents!” Of course, upon meeting, he immediately realized that Diana’s mom and dad were not at all so stern and strict, but he appreciated the joke.

The couple had been together for more than three years when Gaidulyan finally decided to propose to the girl. During a trip to Venice, he took his lady on a gondola ride, found the most crowded place in the city and asked for her hand in front of everyone. Passers-by who happened to be nearby happily supported young man applause. The wedding was planned to take place in the summer. However, the press has long called Diana the artist’s wife.

However, the sudden deterioration in Andrei’s health apparently forced him to postpone these plans. On July 20, it became known that the 31-year-old actor was hospitalized with suspected cancer. He is currently undergoing diagnostics in one of the specialized centers in Moscow. Let’s hope that his health will not fail him, and Andrei Gaidulyan will still please us, the viewers, with his appearance in his favorite TV series.

And his wife Diana Ochilova got married in 2016. Unfortunately, their marriage did not last long: in November last year the public learned about the discord in their seemingly ideal family. At the end of January, the actor, explaining that he and Diana broke up mutual consent. "We divorced. No one cheated on anyone, we just decided to break up. It happens, that's life. I'm a supporter family values, but it didn’t work out,” admitted Andrey. When asked if he had new darling, the artist then answered negatively, but just three months after the divorce - he became an actress. He told reporters that he met new love after separating from his wife.

Alexandra Veleskevich and Andrey Gaidulyan

Diana Ochilova claims that this is not true. Recently, the actor’s ex-wife found out that her husband had an affair while still married. She received the first evidence of betrayal a month after they last quarrel when the spouses were already living separately. Ochilova tried to contact Gaidulyan, but he did not want to communicate, and after a while he asked for a divorce. “On August 3, I flew away, and on September 3, a note appears on my phone that was synchronized with his phone. It was a very tender message to some girl Sasha,” Diana said in the studio of the “” program. According to the girl, she recently learned that on October 11, her husband and his new lover flew together to Chisinau, where they rented a separate room. “He ordered champagne straight to bed. And the next day he just called me and said: “Dian, well, you understand, we’re getting a divorce,” she said.

Ochilova admitted that she wanted to save her family until the last moment, but new novel husband put an end to their relationship. At the same time, Diana still has warm feelings for Andrei. “I am grateful to him for everything and I can say that he will never be a stranger to me,” Ochilova admitted with tears in her eyes.

Diana Ochilova and Andrey Gaidulyan

By the way, in a recent interview, Gaidulyan said that he experienced family problems very painfully, since for him divorce is a sin. According to the actor, he for a long time tried to save his relationship with Diana, but all efforts were in vain. After breaking up with his wife, only his friends helped him not to go on a drinking binge.

Let us recall that in 2015 Andrei Gaidulyan was diagnosed with cancer- Hodgkin's lymphoma. The actor went to Germany for treatment, underwent a course of chemotherapy and felt better at the end of the year. Diana helped the actor completely overcome the disease. Before meeting her, Andrei was in a relationship with a classmate named Rimma. The couple were together for a year and a half. During this time they had a son Fedor, however, this did not help them save their marriage.

Diana Ochilova said that the reason for her divorce from Gaidulyan was the actor’s new romance

In front of the audience, their favorite actors find a mate and happily lead a life together to the delight of their fans. Fans wonder how much effort it takes to keep the fire in a relationship during busy schedules and tours. Sometimes scandalous breaks happen, which the whole of Russia watches. Just recently there was a serious disagreement between famous actor Andrey Gaidulyan and his wife. In the article, we will look at the features of this tragedy on the part of the wife and talk about the personal life of Diana Ochilova before and after marriage.


According to the actor himself, he is quite long time tried to win Diana's heart. The oriental beauty brought a lot into his life bright colors and accompanied him during a period of difficulties and dangerous illness. The girl herself is directly connected with creative activity and is actively developing in the theatrical field. Her biography is reminiscent of the fates of all young people who came to Moscow from afar to reach heights in their careers and start new life. She did it. Let's consider all stages of development future wife Gaidulyan, before they met.

Diana is an Uzbek by nationality; she was born in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. Date of birth: January 29, 1991. Her current age is 27 full years, height 166 centimeters. There is no special information about the girl’s childhood. It is only known that her parents are wealthy and tried to surround their daughter with everything she needed. After successful completion high school, she decided to dramatically change her life and try to conquer big stage, like most dreamers at her age. She went to Moscow. In many ways, she was not going to put up with Eastern laws and traditions, according to which a woman is not obliged to work. Her main purpose was to get married, have children and create comfort in the house, and parents could independently choose a future spouse for the beauty and leave her no choice.

In the capital of Russia, the girl was disappointed. She applied to the theater institute, but was refused. The father's decent fortune was not enough to pay for his daughter's education. The oriental beauty was not going to give up and give up, she took a manicure course and began to earn extra money doing nail extensions. Later she managed to go to university contemporary art in Moscow, which her future husband graduated from in 2006.

Then followed a series of ordinary everyday life, training and work. One day she met Andrei Gaidulyan in one of the city clubs and instantly fell in love with him at first sight. Spun around whirlwind romance with breakups and heated renewals. New couple became the property of the media, all the fans of the star were proud of the happiness of the young people. Unfortunately, it did not last long; Andrei was soon diagnosed with a cancerous tumor. A difficult period began in the lovers' relationship; Diana supported and accompanied her chosen one during treatment. Remission began, but instead happy family News about the divorce appeared in the media.

Diana Ochilova and Andrey Gaidulyan: married life

Ardent love broke out between two hearts in a nightclub in the capital, then it was 2009. Andrey was already known for his roles in the popular television series “Univer” and “Sasha Tanya”. After meeting, the actor invited Diana to go on vacation to friends out of town. The girl thought that she would be taken to a luxurious mansion, but in reality it turned out to be a completely ordinary village in the Moscow region, she was warmly received in the company of Andrei. A whirlwind romance began.

Gradually the young people came together, Oriental beauty I brought the bachelor’s apartment as clean as possible and began feeding the star delicious dinners. That's how they started living together. In the initial period of the relationship, Andrei invited the girl to go on vacation to Turkey. They spent happy hours alone with each other at the resort, but upon arriving home, Diana informed him that they needed to separate. As a reason, she said that her parents had matched their daughter with a neighbor's man. According to eastern traditions she cannot be refused. So in a cunning way the girl decided to assert her position in the life of her lover. After this, an unexpected reaction followed: he bought tickets for the next flight to Tashkent and went to meet his parents.

He was greeted by polite and modern father and mother; as it turned out, Diana simply decided to test her future husband. He did not waste time and told his parents about his intentions, they approved of their daughter’s choice and gave their blessing. Dad and mom were sure that they were giving their child into safe and caring hands.

The relationship between the lovers was quite difficult; they broke up and got back together several times. According to the actor, the reason was his complex and emotional character, which is difficult to get used to. Despite this, Diana coped with all the quirks of her future husband. The hardest thing was to deal with jealousy. Andrei was accompanied everywhere by crowds of fans, whom he had to treat politely. She accompanied him to all performances and was even jealous of his partners on the set.

And now the princess’s dream came true, she was given a cherished marriage proposal. In 2015, before the planned wedding, cancer intervened in the relationship. It was urgently necessary to undergo a course of chemotherapy. Diana accompanied and never left her beloved during treatment for the disease in Germany. In the end, thanks strong love and by will they were able to overcome terrible diagnosis. This was followed by a wedding in Italy in 2016.

Started happy life for Diana. The husband gave her expensive gifts, bought her an apartment and made all sorts of surprises. The girl met many stars domestic show business. Unfortunately, the marriage did not last long; the couple separated a year after the start. family life. According to Gaidulyan, they divorced by mutual consent. Diana had difficulty surviving such a turn of fate; she could not believe that her dear person can do this to her. This was followed by numerous posts on Instagram with depressive poems and texts directed towards her ex-husband.

In the “The Stars Aligned” program, Diana shared her revelations about marriage and divorce. She had problems with excess weight; not a single diet helped restore her figure. The husband repeatedly spoke negatively in her direction, joked and commented on her eating. It also turned out that immediately after the breakup, Andrei went to the USA with new lover, but Diana suspects that the affair began during her marriage.

How Diana's life changed after the divorce

In her interview on the program “The Stars Aligned” on NTV, she stated that it is very difficult for her to go through a divorce from a star and still looks through their photographs together. The years of a long-term relationship were the best in her life, Andrei often surprised her and gave her wonderful gifts.

When she went on vacation to her parents in Tashkent, the girl met a surgeon and cosmetologist she knew, who advised her and gave her the right direction to get rid of excess weight. With his help, she began to look differently at food and alcoholic drinks, which she finally abandoned. As she assures, the main problem lies in the head. Thanks to this diet, Diana lost 16 kilograms in a short time.

Despite serious betrayal and broken heart, after losing weight, the girl was back on track theater institute and is actively working on his career. Currently, she does not have much fame on the big screens. In 2016 she starred in the film “ Last call" In the future, he plans to further explore the acting field and plans to become a blogger.

Diana Ochilova has been in front of media cameras and journalists for a long time. Fans are still discussing the specifics of the popular couple’s divorce. The girl is an example of endurance and patience; despite the strong blows of fate, she continues to develop and does not stand still.

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