Epstein fame biography personal life. Antonina Danilitskaya: biography and personal life of the daughter of a famous singer

In the life of the singer Slava, it seems that everything was decided by chance. She was accidentally noticed in a karaoke cafe, where she loved to hang out and sing. There she was noticed by a producer and offered her a job. This was only the first step towards fame and recognition.

The collaboration between the singer and the producer was quite fruitful. Slava’s hits and videos occupied the first lines of the charts, and she herself was repeatedly awarded various music awards.

After some time, the singer admitted that she was grateful to her producer for all the efforts and effort that he put into her promotion. But she also has a lot to thank her husband for, who supported her financially and believed in her as a singer.

First love

In addition to her singing career the girl dreamed from childhood that she would become the wife of a rich and wealthy man. It must be said that her dream came true, albeit not the first time. Possessing a bright appearance, many boys already liked Slava at school. Realizing this, she manipulated them to her advantage.

Since the parents devoted little time to the girl’s upbringing, including sexual education, she began to be interested in boys very early and behaved quite relaxedly with them. Now, several years later, the singer urges young people not to follow her example and choose a partner for a relationship more carefully.

As a high school student, Slava fell in love with a man who was slightly older than her. Konstantin Morozov was an aspiring restaurateur. But this business did not bring him the expected profit. In addition, the girl was unhappy with her partner. For her, her husband’s ability to earn money to support the family was not enough; she believed that he was not developing as a person.

As it were, when the girl was only 19 years old she gave birth to a daughter from Konstantin Morozov, who was named Alexandra. But this event did not help strengthen the family. The couple separated when the child was not yet one year old. As Slava explained, they simply did not agree with her husband’s character.

Despite the fact that the couple separated, they still maintain friendly relations. Konstantin takes part in raising his daughter, and she loves to visit her father.

Marry a millionaire

After breaking up with her first husband, and being left with a small child in her arms, Slava had to think about how to feed herself and the child. To support her family, the girl got a job in a casino. But everything changed after meeting a man who became not only her husband, but also her sponsor. It was Anatoly Danilitsky.

Danilitsky is a fairly influential figure and businessman. For some time, after graduating from MGIMO, he held posts in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After working in the Ministry he held the post general director CJSC National Reserve Corporation. At the time of his acquaintance with Slava, he had already become a co-owner of the Aeroflot company.

Anatoly met the singer quite simply. After working day he went to a restaurant to have dinner. There was an attractive girl sitting at one of the tables. The man wanted to get to know her and to start dating, he treated her to wine. They started talking and exchanged phone numbers goodbye.

A few days after the first meeting, Anatoly called Slava and they met again. Their meetings were not hindered by the fact that the businessman was married and raised two children, and also by the fact that Anatoly was 56 years old, and Slava was exactly twice as young.

Their relationship developed very quickly. Soon the businessman realized that he was in love with the girl. To be with her, he even decided to divorce.

Interesting notes:

After the divorce, Slava and Anatoly began to live together. Future husband Slava contributed in every possible way to the development singing career wife and invested a lot of money in development. But Slava is not at all embarrassed by this circumstance. She is very grateful to her husband that with his support she was able to achieve success and become popular.

I want to get married

Anatoly and Slava have lived together for about 10 years. But during this time they never officially became husband and wife. At first they didn’t think about formalizing their relationship, but after it became known that the couple would have a child, Anatoly proposed to the girl. Slava refused to become his wife.

But Anatoly was persistent. He repeated his offer several times, but was refused each time. Slava explained that it wasn’t that she didn’t love Anatoly, she simply did not consider it necessary to put a stamp in her passport, since it would not change the relationship between the spouses. But some time passed and the woman changed her mind about marriage.

One fine day she decided to take a brave step and proposed to Anatoly herself. But this time, the man refused such an offer. Therefore, the couple still lives in a civil marriage.

But this does not bother the couple at all. They value and love each other and their children. Slava admits that thanks to her husband, she found herself in a fairy tale that she had dreamed about for so long, and which came true.

Glory - Russian singer and an actress whose popularity was brought by the hits “The Fellow Traveler”, “Loneliness”, “Tell Me, Mom”, etc.

Childhood and youth

Slava (this is the stage name of Anastasia Vladimirovna Slanevskaya) was born on May 15, 1980 in Moscow. The singer’s father is a driver, and her mother is an economist. The girl became acquainted with the world of music thanks to her grandmother, who at one time sang in Pyatnitsky’s choir.

In addition to music and singing karaoke, Anastasia was interested in sports, for example, playing volleyball. But with Nastya’s studies there were serious problems, since the girl with early years suffers from dyslexia.

I still have nightmares about studying. I thought I was stupid and that everyone was laughing at me.

After graduating from school, Slava began studying to become a psychologist - it was during those years that they helped her understand her diagnosis and explained how to live with it.


While still a student, Slava got a job as a singer in a karaoke club. In 2002, she was noticed at the club by director Sergei Kalvarsky, who at one time collaborated with Leonid Agutin, Alla Pugacheva, Mikhail Shufutinsky and Philip Kirkorov. Kalvarsky invited Slava to work together, to which the girl agreed without hesitation.

Slava’s debut song “Love or Hate” became a hit, and the video clip was nominated in a number of categories for the MTV RMA Award. Over the next few years, the singer managed to perform at several music festivals, appear on the covers of famous magazines, release the album “Fellow Traveler” and several videos, collaborate with Viktor Drobysh, and appear as herself in the acclaimed youth series “Club”.

In 2005, Slava participated in the selection for the Eurovision Song Contest among Russian performers, presenting the song “I wanna be the one", however, she lost the victory to Natalya Podolskaya.

In 2007, the girl was approved for main role into the film “Paragraph 78” based on the fantastic story by Andrei Lazarchuk. Slava appeared in the guise of a fighter in a special forces group who had to carry out an important mission at a secret missile base.

Slava - Into the Sky (soundtrack to the film "Paragraph 78")

To film the film, the singer had to shave her head. In addition to Slava, Mikhail Khleborodov’s film starred Gosha Kutsenko, Grigory Siyatvinda, Mikhail Efremov and Vladimir Vdovichenkov. In the same year, a sequel to the film was released, the soundtrack to which was performed by Slava herself.

In 2006, Slava presented her second album, “Cool,” the compositions of which turned out to be more diverse in genres than the previous ones. The artist presented her third album, the collection “The Best,” in the fall of 2007. Soon Slava recorded her debut album “Eclipse” in England with tracks on English language, and in the fall of 2008 she released a joint song with the popular British singer Craig David.

Craig David ft Slava - Never Too Late

Two years later, Slava presented the composition “Loneliness” and starred in the film “Russian Hollywood: The Diamond Arm 2,” which received low ratings from critics and viewers. In 2013, the singer released her fourth album, “Loneliness,” which included joint compositions with Stas Piekha, Grigory Leps and Craig David.

In 2014, Slava was nominated in a number of categories for the RU.TV Award. IN next year Slava released her fifth album “Frankly”, received the “Golden Gramophone” award for the album’s title hit and starred in Eduard Oganesyan’s comedy “Double Trouble”. In 2016, the girl appeared in the TV series “The Svetoforov Family”, was recognized as “Singer of the Year” and received an award in the “Best” category concert show"at the Fashion People Awards.

Personal life of Slava

The singer’s first husband was businessman Konstantin Morozov, from whom Slava gave birth to a daughter, Alexandra. However, in the end the marriage broke up. “We just didn’t get along,” the singer later admitted.

Slava - popular pop singer and actress, creative career which began with serendipity and it turned out to be successful. Later, the singer received more than once music awards“Golden Gramophone”, “Song of the Year” and “Chanson of the Year”.

Childhood and youth

Singer Slava (real name Anastasia Slanevskaya) was born under the zodiac sign Taurus on May 15, 1980 in Moscow. In her family, all the women are creative people: her grandmother sang in Pyatnitsky’s choir, her mother and aunt performed songs. Only my father was far from creativity. He worked as a driver, but there were also people of art in his family - artists.

Nastya has been involved in music since childhood. This did not stop her from playing volleyball in school years. Slanevskaya decided to make a career in modeling business. At 19 years old future star started working in modeling agency. Six months later I became disillusioned with this profession and left. The girl explained her decision by conflicts with other models and stereotypes modern society, where modeling is considered questionable. And going to castings, constantly limiting oneself in food and communication was tiring, and receiving pennies for work was not particularly pleasant.

Today, the singer does not exhaust herself with diets; her weight is 58 kg with a height of 177 cm. In her youth, Slava also managed to work as a dancer and croupier in a casino.

Luck was waiting for the girl elsewhere and, as often happens, it came unexpectedly. Slava loved to go to karaoke clubs. In the spring of 2002, Sergei Kalvarsky came into the establishment where the girl was singing. The director, who collaborated with and, offered cooperation to the unknown performer. So, by a happy accident, it began musical biography a popular singer in the future.


First working together with Kalvarsky there was a video “I Love and I Hate”. The composition burst onto the airwaves of leading radio stations and music channels, instantly became a hit and rose to the top of the charts.

Slava - "Love it or hate it"

In the period from 2002 to 2004, Slava did the impossible for an aspiring singer: she gave hundreds of concerts in different parts of Russia, performed at dozens of festivals, her photographs graced the covers of fashion magazines. In the fall of 2004, Slava’s debut album “Fellow Traveler” was released. The songs “Fellow Traveler” and “Fire and Water” broke all popularity ratings.

In 2005, the singer wanted to represent Russia at Eurovision with the song “I wanna be the one”, but did not make it through the selection, losing to .

Slava - "Fellow Traveler"

On May 15, 2006, Slava gave herself a birthday present - she presented her second album, “Cool.” It includes songs of different genres from big amount musical stylizations. She released this disc under the Slava Music label. The songs “White Road”, “Cool” and others were played on all radio stations in the country.

The following fall, Slava released the album “The Best”. The singer says that he divided her work into “before” and “after.” Soon the star recorded an album in English in London, and in 2010 presented a new hit, “Loneliness.” Three years later, the presentation of her fourth album “Loneliness” took place. According to established tradition, it took place in May.

Slava - "Loneliness is a bastard"

This disc includes compositions performed in a duet with, and others popular singers. The video for the song from this album, “Tell Me, Mom,” was shot by the famous scandalous director. In the fall of 2013, Slava performed the song “First Love - Last Love” with.

Slava and Stas Piekha - “Me and You”

In 2015, the artist presented new album"Frankly." It included the compositions “Monolyub”, “My Ripe”, performed in a duet with Irina Allegrova “First Love - Last Love”, “Christmas Night”, which Slava sang together with. Filming of the music video for the song “My Ripe” took place in Portugal.

Irina Allegrova & Slava - “First love is last love”

The singer was awarded many prestigious awards, among them the “Golden Gramophone”, an award from Muz-TV, diplomas of the “Song of the Year” laureate. In 2016, the singer received the Fashion People Awards in two categories: “Best Concert Show” and “Singer of the Year.”

Slava - "Tell Me Mom"

In the same year, she presented a new composition “Red” and a music video for this song. In it, the singer moved away from the usual image of a sensual and passionate woman. The video turned out to be militant, and a flamethrower was even used during filming.

Slava - "Red"

Today Slava’s discography includes four studio albums, one collection and dozens music videos to your own compositions.

Personal life

Slava had common-law husband Konstantin Morozov, but this relationship ended in a break. She believes that a person must constantly develop and grow. Her partner was engaged in business, but Slava did not see personal growth - at some point her husband stopped surprising the singer. From this man, Slava gave birth to a daughter, Alexandra, in January 1999. After breaking up with Konstantin personal life The singer quickly improved.

Now the singer lives with a millionaire, former general director of the National Reserve Corporation Anatoly Danilitsky, who is 28 years older than her. They met in a restaurant when Slava was just starting her singing career. Anatoly was married and raised two children - Polina and Anna, who later graduated from MGIMO.

Slava does not hide the fact that Danilitsky contributed to her popularity. At first they dated, but soon the man divorced his wife. The lovers began to live together, the relationship was not registered. In December 2011, the celebrity gave birth to a daughter, Antonina. During pregnancy, Anatoly proposed to Slava, but the wedding never took place.

In addition to his artistic career, Slava is thinking about the hotel business. In this activity, in her opinion, she can succeed, since in time musical career traveled to many cities and countries, where I stayed in hotels of various levels of service.

In 2016, the artist suffered from the flu, after which she suffered a complication in the form of inflammation of the middle ear. The disease could lead to complete loss of hearing, but doctors were able to provide the singer with qualified assistance. A year later, she suffered a new misfortune - a broken arm. But because of this, Slava did not cancel solo concerts, and also did not postpone the recording of new videos for the songs “Winter Will Sweep” and “One Day You.” Now the singer’s health is not in danger.

Fame now

In 2017, Slava delighted fans with the new track “One Hundred Lakes and Five Seas,” and soon the music video to the song. Both compositions belong to the new, as yet untitled album that the singer is working on. In January 2017, the artist performed at Krasnaya Polyana in Sochi at the III Grigory Leps Festival “Christmas on Rosa Khutor”. In an interview, she admitted to reporters that she really loves the city of Sochi.

Slava - "One Hundred Lakes and Five Seas"

In February, the singer attracted the attention of the press with a scandal. Slava disrupted a planned interview for the TV show “Party Zone” on the Muz-TV channel. The TV presenter of the project claims that the celebrity was drunk, spoke to journalists using obscene language, and then completely kicked out the correspondents.

Slava shared her own version of what was happening. According to her, the artist was tired after the performance and asked to reschedule the interview, but received an inadequate reaction. Fans sided with the singer, supporting her online.

Slava - “America the homewrecker” (Three chords)

In March 2017, the singer gave solo concert in Riga in support of the album “Frankly”, which attracted a full audience.

In May, Slava found herself at the center of a new scandal. The artist recorded a video message to fans, in which she said that she was receiving physical threats. Slava did not reveal who was threatening the singer, but hinted that it was famous woman, whom she herself admires, and the incident occurred at the RU TV award ceremony.

Fans suggest that with the help of this video the singer is trying to protect herself and her family. Slava excitedly talked about the conflict that occurred with the unnamed performer and looked scared, so fans did not doubt the authenticity of the video and supported the singer whenever possible.

A couple of hours later, the artist deleted the video message. In the fall of the same year, she began the “Frankly” tour of Russian cities. Slava's concerts took place in St. Petersburg, Ussuriysk, Nefteyugansk, Vladimir, Blagoveshchensk and other cities.

Slava - "Fraer" (Chanson of the Year 2018)

Now the singer is on a creative rise. Since the beginning of 2018, she has recorded five new tracks, including “Your Kiss”, “My Boy”, “Bride”, “Faithful”, “Once Upon a Time You”. At the “Chanson of the Year” award ceremony, the celebrity performed the musical composition “Fraer”, and in the summer she delighted the residents and guests of the capital of Azerbaijan with the song “The Body Wants Love”. The performance took place as part of anniversary evening, which was included in the program music festival"Heat".


  • 2004 – “Fellow Traveler”
  • 2006 – “Cool”
  • 2013 – “Loneliness”
  • 2015 – “Frankly”

Anastasia Slanevskaya, better known under the pseudonym Slava, is today considered one of the most beautiful and talented pop singers in our country. Her successes in both film and television are obvious. Therefore, the biography of the singer Slava interests many of her fans. And even people who are indifferent to the music of the “light” genre should get acquainted with the life story of this strong woman, which is a bit like the fairy tale of Cinderella.

Biography of Anastasia Slanevskaya (until 2004)

Singer Slava was born in 1980 in Moscow. Her maternal grandmother sang in the famous Pyatnitsky choir in her youth, and her mother and aunt took part in amateur performances, performing Beatles songs. As for Anastasia’s father, Vladimir Slanevsky, he has nothing to do with art, and on this moment he has another family.

Slava’s main hobby in childhood was sports, more precisely volleyball. After graduating from school, the girl spent a long time looking for her place in life: she tried to study as a psychologist, and then as a linguist and tourism manager, worked as an administrator in a casino and tried to achieve success in the field of interior design. At the same time, Slava did not stop singing, mostly in karaoke clubs.

Lucky case

In 2002, fate, in the person of TV director Sergei Kalvarsky, gave the girl a huge gift. The fact is that one evening he went to a karaoke club, where he heard Anastasia singing. It impressed Kalvarsky so much that he invited her to work. Soon Oleg Chelyshev joined them as a producer.

The first joint creation of Kalvarsky and Slava was the video for the song “I Love and Hate,” which was nominated for Russian prize MTV RMA2004. In the fall of the same year, the singer’s first debut album, called “Fellow Traveler,” was released. For his main hit, written by Viktor Drobysh, director Mikhail Khleborodov shot a video clip in the road-movie style, which immediately became super popular. 2005 was also a successful year for Slava, marked by her performance at the semi-finals of the Eurovision Song Contest.

Film debut

The further biography of the singer Slava should also be of interest to fans of her work as a film actress. Anastasia’s debut in this capacity took place in 2007, when the first part of the science fiction action film “Paragraph 78” was released. Moreover, Slava was the only woman on film set, playing one of the members of a team consisting of professional soldiers. Her partners were Gosha Kutsenko, Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Anatoly Bely, and to create the image of the brave girl Lisa, Anastasia even shaved her head, parting with her chic curls. While working on the film, Slava performed not only as an actress, but also as a singer, performing the hit “Into the Sky.” By the way, the new image only contributed to the growth of Anastasia’s popularity, and her photographic portraits adorned the covers of LOVE, XXL, SYNC and even the issue of the famous PENTHOUSE, dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the Russian-language version of this publication.

Second and third albums

Further creative biography singer Slava was no less successful. In particular, in 2006, she presented her second album to music lovers, which was promoted by her own production center “Slava Music”. “Cool” was initially conceived as a more diverse genre than the previous collection, and it contained many stylizations of rock, trance and even break. Famous Western musicians took part in the recording of the album, and the songs were created by famous Russian composers and poets. The album had resounding success, and such compositions as “Stole a Smile”, “Cool” and “White Road” more than once occupied the top lines in famous charts. Slava released another album in the fall of 2007. He received title The Best. After its release, the singer announced her intention to start new stage of your career.

Album “Loneliness”

The biography of the singer Slava as a singer and actress developed successfully in subsequent years. So, in 2013, her fourth album, “Loneliness,” was released, and it included duets with such famous performers as: Grigory Leps, Stas Piekha, Craig David and Mitya Fomin. Five new remixes were also presented to fans of Slava’s work. A few months later, the girl released a new hit in a duet with Irina Allegrova, the video for which was recognized as one of best works of such kind recent years. Slava - singer, biography, whose children and husband are constantly in the spotlight yellow press, today is experiencing a creative upsurge and is trying himself in the most different areas. In particular, she recently took part in the “Dancing with the Stars” project.

Singer Slava: biography, personal life

Anastasia Slanevskaya became a mother very early, at the age of 18. Therefore her eldest daughter— Alexandra Morozova is already 16. Almost nothing is known about her father. The only thing that Slava decided to talk about in one of her interviews was that after the birth of the baby, the young family had to live in her mother’s house, which constantly became a reason for scandals. As a result, Alexandra’s father left Anastasia and her daughter, and after some time she herself left native home having decided to start independent life. Only a few years later, Slava, a singer, appeared on the pop stage.

Biography: husband, family life

Officially, Anastasia Slanevskaya is considered unmarried. However, everyone knows her relationship with businessman Anatoly Daniletsky. They could well be called a civil marriage, if not for the fact that the “husband” has been married for a long time and has two adult daughters. Despite this, in 2011, Slava and Alexander Daniletsky had a daughter, Antonina Slanevskaya, in whose upbringing the businessman takes an active part. Moreover, he has great relationship and with the singer’s eldest daughter. Thus, when the singer Slava is discussed, her biography, family and relationship with Daniletsky cause a lot of gossip among those who like to gossip about the stars. Be that as it may, Anastasia Slanevskaya looks happy, and no one can dispute the fact that she is an accomplished singer and an irresistible woman.

Now you know who the singer Slava is, whose biography, personal life and work are of constant interest to her fans.

We would like to dedicate today’s article to a wonderful woman, a beautiful and purposeful singer Slava. Her real name is Anastasia Slanevskaya.

The actress has incredible charisma and attractive appearance. She amazes with her vocals. Slava has its own recognizable style. She can do a lot. Thanks to her perseverance, determination, hard work and self-confidence, she was able to achieve incredible success in a creative career. Slava performs songs, appears in videos and films, and is a former athlete and fashion model. She can rightfully be called a bright representative of Russian show business.

The heroine of our article today is simply a magnificent woman. Many of her fans are interested in everything related to their idol, as well as her height, weight, and age. How old is Slava (singer) – publicly available information. The singer does not hide her date of birth. This year she turned 38 years old. But it’s worth saying that Slava looks much younger than his age.

Outwardly, the artist is very attractive. Her height is just over 177 centimeters, and she weighs about 58 kilograms. As a public person, Slava carefully monitors his figure. She leads active image, does fitness, and also tries to eat right.

Fame Zodiac Sign refers to the hardworking, creative, artistic Taurus. And the Year of the Monkey, in which she was born, added brightness, sociability and perkiness to her character.

Family and career help her keep herself in good shape.

Your life and creative path singer Slava started in the capital of Russia. She was born in Moscow in mid-May in 1977. Her family was ordinary and unremarkable. At that time, Nastya’s father worked as a driver, and her mother held the position of an economist. Slava has a sister who currently devotes her life to creativity.

Anastasia's father left the family early, but continued to provide for his daughters. Slava was raised by his mother and grandmother. The latter tried to develop in her Creative skills, vocal abilities, since she herself previously sang in the Pyatnitsky choir.

Slava did not do very well at school. Problems with academic performance have been linked to dyslexia. But still, Nastya was an active and very adventurous child. She liked sports and singing more. The girl played volleyball very well. Her love for vocals grew when she sang karaoke for the first time. Afterwards, Slava could sing her favorite songs for hours, thereby developing her singing talent.

At nineteen, Anastasia decided to try herself in the modeling business. She was on a diet and attended various castings. She once starred in a video for Vladimir Presnyakov. But later Slava realized that she didn’t want to be a fashion model all her life.

His successful career Fame owes to a happy accident. One day, together with her sister, she sang in one of the karaoke clubs. The famous director Sergei Kalvarsky was relaxing in the same establishment at the same time. He noticed the girls and their talent and offered cooperation. For Anastasia it became turning point. Slava almost immediately won the respect of the public, and after the release of the first video, her popularity completely increased.

Thus began the creative career of Anastasia Slanevskaya, known in show business as Slava. Over the years of her work, she became a laureate of the Golden Gramophone several times, her songs occupied the top of prestigious charts, and the number of her fans was constantly growing.

If we talk about the singer’s personal life, it is not replete with much variety. It is known that she was married twice. Currently in a civil relationship with one of richest people Russia. The artist has two daughters from different marriages.

Thus, the biography and personal life of Slava (singer) are rich bright events. There were also difficulties along the way, which the artist dealt with thanks to her stubbornness, perseverance and determination. Anastasia Slanevskaya took place as in creative life and in family relationships. She managed to achieve career growth, has become caring wife and mother. Slava has a huge number of fans who are looking forward to her new works.

Family and children of Slava (singer)

The heroine of our article was born into an ordinary, unremarkable family. Her parents did not work in the creative field. The future singer was raised by her mother and grandmother. The father left the family when Slava was still little. The girl's singing talent was developed thanks to her grandmother.

Now Slava’s family and children (singer) are the most important and important part in her life for the artist. She always put family relationships above all. It is known that Anastasia Slavenskaya was married twice. She met her first husband in her youth and soon got married to him. In their marriage, a girl was born - the artist’s first child.

Now Slava is in a civil relationship. The couple is in no hurry to put a stamp on their passport, as they do not consider this to be the most important thing. Born into their union common child, a girl who became the second daughter for the artist.

The singer and her family live in complete harmony and happiness. Their calm and measured life seems ideal. In order not to cause trouble, the performer does not publicly display information about her family and relatives. She especially doesn't talk much about her daughters.

For the first time, a famous pop singer became a mother at the very end of the nineties. Slava’s daughter (singer) Alexandra Morozova became her first child. The baby was born on a January day. Then Anastasia Slanevskaya was in her first marriage. Her ex-husband and Sasha’s father – Konstantin Morozov. Six months after the birth of their daughter, Nastya and Kostya decided to separate. After the divorce, the father continued to provide for his daughter Alexandra

The artist gave birth to her first child when she was very young. At that time she was only seventeen years old. However, their relationship is now more like sisterhood. They often share their secrets with each other and support them in difficult times.

From childhood, Alexandra was distinguished by her excellent artistic talents. She studied well at an elite metropolitan school and also attended theater Club. After finishing school, she entered Theatre Institute. Future work with her participation is expected.

It is also known that Alexandra now has a young man - Dmitry. The girl herself is not a fan of public companies. She prefers home gatherings. She also enjoys reading and knitting.

The famous artist became a mother again relatively recently. This happened at the end of 2011, when the singer was already in her second marriage. Slava's daughter (singer) - Antonina Slanevskaya in the winter season - December 24. Tonya loves her older sister Alexandra very much. She trusts her with the most important children's secrets. Alexandra calls her cute little sister- Toshka.

Now the girl is six years old. She attends a private kindergarten. Tonya is a smiling, cheerful child. In addition to her parents, her grandmother is also raising her. At her age, Tonya draws beautifully, and she also practices dancing and singing. It must be said that neither Slava nor her husband spare any expense for the development of their daughter. And even though it’s too early to talk about the baby’s future, who she will become and what path she will choose. In any case, you can be sure that her parents will support the baby in all her endeavors.

It is known that our heroine was married twice. Sincerely fell in love with Slava at the age of fifteen. Then her chosen one was already 25 years old. At that time he was a novice businessman.

To be honest, Konstantin did not know about Anastasia’s age until some time ago. The girl looked a little older at that time. When Slava’s ex-husband (singer), Konstantin Morozov, found out that the girl was not yet eighteen, he decided to break up with her.

But Slava was so stubborn and persistent that the guy could not resist and their relationship continued. Soon the future singer became pregnant. The question arose: to give birth or not? By the way, Konstantin was against the birth of a child, but Slava stood her ground and still left the pregnancy. Parents insisted on an official marriage.

When Anastasia Slanevskaya gave birth, the relationship with Kostya became even worse, and later completely disappeared. Domestic problems often provoked scandals in the family. The couple lost interest in each other. Literally six months later, the young people broke up. And yet, Slava does not consider their marriage a mistake, because thanks to this relationship, her first daughter Alexandra appeared.

It is known that Konstantin regularly paid alimony, provided for his daughter and often visited her. Fame, like a wise mother, never opposed communication between them.

Slava’s second chosen one and real common-law husband (singer) is Anatoly Danilitsky, a businessman. Previously, he held the position of General Director of the financial and industrial holding National Reserve Corporation. He is one of the richest people in Russia.

Just like her first husband, he is almost thirty years older than Slava. But such an age difference did not become an obstacle to their harmonious relationship.

Anastasia and Anatoly met at the beginning of the 2000s at one of the singer’s concert performances. A spark of love immediately flared up between them. Soon the couple began dating in secret. No one knew about their romantic relationship. After some time, Anatoly decides to leave his family and two children and throw in his lot with Slava. Naturally, she was only in favor. Anatoly did not forget about his first children, and continued to provide for them, often visiting them.

In 2011, Anastasia Slanevskaya and Anatoly Danilitsky had a common child - a girl, whom they decided to name Antonina. For Slava she became the second daughter, and for her husband Tonya became the third child.

Some time after the birth of their daughter, information appeared in the media that Slava and Anatoly were planning to officially register their relationship. But so far this has not happened. Let us note that Slava and her family live happily and in complete harmony.

It is worth noting that the figure of the heroine of this article is quite attractive. Slava has never been shy about starring in candid photo shoots, show off your beautiful forms. The fact is that in her youth the girl had little experience in the modeling business. She worked as a fashion model for some time and starred in extravagant videos, the purpose of which was to arouse interest among the male part of the population.

Photos of the singer Slava in Maxim magazine, as well as in other men's publications, appeared more than once. At the same time, participating in candid photo sessions, where the singer even appears naked, the artist feels at ease and at ease. She does not consider such pictures shameful or shameful. Her body is beautiful and why not show it to others.

Also on her social networks, Slava often posts photos from her vacation, where she is in a swimsuit. Many praise and even envy her figure, and some even express dissatisfaction with such photographs, considering them shameful. Slava tries not to pay any attention to this, because she has her own point of view on this.

The heroine of this article is quite famous person. Therefore, it is not surprising that Instagram and Wikipedia Slava (singer) are quite popular queries on the Internet. You can find them easily.

Presented on Wikipedia detailed information about the life and work of the artist. Here you can get acquainted with her biography in detail and find out how her creative career developed. There is also data about family life. Wikipedia also provides the singer’s discography and projects with Slava’s participation. It is worth noting that all information is reliable and is in the public domain.

Anastasia Slanevskaya is an active user social networks. So, she has her own page on Instagram. Here she often publishes photos and material from her Everyday life, family holidays and creative life, including concert performances.

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