The ex-lover of Andrei Chuev gave him a scandal in front of his wife. Has Andrey Chuev already managed to cheat on his young wife? Andrey Chuev photo with his young wife: a stormy life before meeting his young lover

Model Elina Kovalskaya announced that she is expecting a child from the “House-2” star Andrei Chuev, who recently legalized his relationship with 19-year-old Victoria Morozova. Young people became the heroes of the “Actually” program. Chuev denies Kovalskaya's accusations. Former member TV set believes that Elina slandered him.

“She's not pregnant. How can you trust her? She came to one person, then switched to another,” Chuev is perplexed.

According to the model, Andrei introduced her to his grandmother. “I even gave her IVs,” recalls Kovalskaya, to which Chueva reacted very emotionally. “It’s the rut!” – the man commented. He described his relationship with Elina as a casual and fleeting connection. However, Kovalskaya doesn’t think so. Andrei’s wedding, which the young woman found out about on social networks, became a real surprise for her. Elina also expressed doubts about the sincerity of the TV star’s feelings towards his young wife.

“The girl is 19 years old. I don’t believe in this feeling and I can’t look at them. I’m sure she bewitched him,” says the model.

Previously, Kovalskaya claimed that the father of her child could be Gleb Zhemchugov. In addition, Elina turned to television people for help in order to return the money that another television star, Ilya Yabbarov, borrowed from her. Chuev’s friend Alexandra Gozias attacked Kovalskaya with accusations.

Gleb Zhemchugov was dragged into a scandal with an illegitimate child

"You lung girl behavior. This is the attitude towards you that you allowed. When you say that Vika is in it for the money, I think about the reasons for your behavior. (...) You decided to settle down with Andrey, because he is promising, and live like a queen,” she said.

Polygraph examiner Sabina Pantus noted that both heroes - Andrei and Elina - have their own shortcomings. The expert emphasized that Chuev admits his shortcomings, while his ex-lover, on the contrary, tries to seem better than he really is.

Andrei Chuev's wife Victoria Morozova also appeared in the broadcast studio. According to the girl, Elina threatens her. “He writes nasty things, says he wants to destroy our family. I've already changed my phone number. To be honest, it’s scary to walk down the street alone. I would like to understand what she wants and bring it to clean water. “I deleted her messages,” shared the chosen one of the TV star. Elina, in turn, accused Victoria of lying.

“This is a lie. She wrote that she would pour acid on Vika. I also tried to contact her,” Chuev confirmed his wife’s words.

At some point, Kovalskaya could not withstand the pressure of the experts and the intensity of passions that reigned in the studio, and went backstage. The model again joined the discussion only in the company of her mother Marina Ryltsova. She stated that she thinks Andrey unworthy person. “My daughter is pregnant. I feel sorry for Victoria. The same thing awaits her. Chuev is a scoundrel and a scoundrel. I was sure that they serious relationship with Elina,” Ryltsova said.

At the end of the program, Kovalskaya burst into tears. She stated that she had deceived the public. "I'm not pregnant. I really love this man. I'm just a fool. Once again I was wrong,” said Elina, promising that she would leave Andrey alone. In turn, Chuev asked Kovalskaya for forgiveness. The angry model left the filming of the program, having previously doused her ex-lover with water.

Businessman and ex-participant of “DOM-2” Andrei Chuev is used to women obeying him in everything. In turn, he tries to work hard so that his current wife, 20-year-old Victoria Morozova, does not need anything. However, recently something happened between them serious conflict. According to Chuev’s wife, he cheated on her with Karina Pronina. The girl also previously took part in the reality show “DOM-2”.

Victoria Morozova appeared in the studio with a black eye. She accused her husband of being unfaithful to her, and during a domestic quarrel he beat her. In the cafe that Chuev owns, the camera filmed him together with Pronina. He allegedly molested her and touched the girl.

“A couple of weeks ago I got a job as an administrator at Andrey’s cafe. Immediately the cafe waitresses started telling me that he was cheating on me. One day he brought a girl to a cafe. After which I went to the security and asked to watch the video from the CCTV cameras. There he hugged and kissed the girl,” said Chuev’s wife.

That same evening Vika tried to talk to her husband. According to her, he shouted and insulted her, and then hit her in the face. The man himself denies that Vika was injured during that quarrel. There is a visible bruise under the girl's right eye.

“There was a quarrel, then I kicked her out of the house. And I will kick out anyone and everyone who in my house allows themselves to yell at me and raise their hand,” Chuev said.

Victoria walked half the night and cried, but then her husband allowed her to return to one of the houses that belong to them. Andrei emphasized that he is satisfied that his wife performs all the duties of a housekeeper. According to experts, it is normal for an ex-participant in a TV show to raise his hand against a woman: he once beat his ex-wife.

But Andrei Chuev also had complaints against his wife: in his absence, she corresponded with young guys. The 38-year-old businessman is worried about this. “If you want to hang out with young people, I told you before the wedding: “Go hang out!” - Andrey said.

According to the ex-participant of “DOM-2”, Vika and her mother owe him a lot, since he helped her with finances. He recalls that before she met him, the girl worked almost 10 hours on her feet.

Karina Pronina, Chuev’s alleged mistress, told the details of their relationship. According to her, they met three months ago, and the man even visited her at home.

“She came to our cafe. She sold the insulation,” Chuev said.

Karina has her own version: Andrei’s wife tolerates his behavior and beatings because she is not from Moscow and she needed to somehow “get hooked” in the capital.

The program's experts found out that Karina and Andrey really know each other, but they do not have any romantic or intimate relationships. Presumably, Chuevu was plotting his ex-girlfriend Elina. However, it turned out that she was not involved in this.

At the end of the program, Andrei admitted: he slapped his wife when he found out that Vika was communicating with young guys. The bruise probably could have been caused by this blow.

“I didn't hit her. I agree, I have a heavy hand. But Vika realized that she was not interested in me, she needed young people. So I slapped him in the face,” said the ex-participant of the TV show.

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Biography, life story of Andrey Chuev

Andrey Chuev is a TV personality, participant in the show “Dom-2”.

Before the project

IN hometown Chuev was studying entrepreneurial activity– he had his own point on the market. He sold shoes.

"House 2"

In February 2008, Chuev was sent to film set"House-2". Andrey showed himself on the project as a rather tough person. At first, he openly made fun of young ambitious participants (for example, Nastya Glushchenko), constantly repeated with bravado that he did not care about anyone, and was cynical in his statements. On the other hand, in his face creative team"Doma-2" found another one talented actor and showman: Chuev took on the role of an independent leader, began to participate in stage productions... Girls began to fall in love with Andrei: even a DVD was released, the name of which speaks for itself: “Ten Women of Andrei Chuev.”

But Andrei did not reciprocate anyone and did not try to build a relationship (with the exception of , who refused him). And then a girl came to him, with whom he had been dating for several years: he would make peace, then break up. The lovers reunited in front of all the participants, and then moved into a VIP house. So Chuev, from a full-fledged creative unit of the project, became an exemplary boyfriend. Unexpectedly for everyone, Andrei announced that he wanted to propose to Lera. And did. The wedding was supposed to take place in one of the Moscow registry offices. During the ceremony, Lera decided to raise a question that was very concerning to her: will they leave the project after the wedding or not? Ambitions came to the fore and Andrei refused to leave “Dom-2”: he saw himself in this show. Hearing his answer, Lera burst into tears and ran away from the registry office - from the moment she got into the limousine and left, no one saw her again at the project. This episode became one of the most discussed episodes: many were sure that the quarrel between Chuev and Lera was staged, and their relationship was an acting game.


Since Lera left, Chuev had to come to terms with the role of a bachelor, and he again became the most eligible bachelor project. True, he didn’t like anyone enough to start communicating closely. After several harsh refusals to his fans, he once again tried to improve relations with Lera (this time outside the perimeter). After they finally decided to break up, Andrei became interested in the new girl. As he shared with the guys, this is the second girl he “feels.” And “feeling” your soul mate is the most important thing for Chuev important criterion in a relationship. At first unapproachable and restrained, she finally reciprocated his feelings. She and Andrey had already gone on a cruise around Europe, in a fit of emotion they signed for the ship and came back. In their couple came new round relationship, and plans appeared to meet my parents.

But Europe, unfortunately, did not benefit state of mind Andrey Chuev - he was haunted by depression and breakdowns. Then came a period of apathy when he simply did not want to get out of bed. Happy pranks and the clownery in the “House” decreased. stayed close all the time. As a result, Andrei decided to talk to the guys and gathered a place of execution for this. What did he want to say?

There can be any number of versions here. It is quite possible that he wanted to say exactly what he said. That he scrupulously counts the money and milks the project, and he, Andrey, disinterestedly plays the audience... Or simpler: everyone around is idiots, and I am D'Artagnan, misunderstood by anyone... Or with this nuance: I am D'Artagnan, misunderstood by no one, and above all by the organizers of the show, who gave me the opportunity to broadcast on the radio, but my talents are going to waste, and in general, no one needs me...

Andrey also didn’t have a particularly successful start in the “Superman Doma-2” competition, which also didn’t help him Have a good mood... In contrast, whose performance paired with was the funniest and collected the most votes in the audience SMS voting. As you can see, there is plenty to choose from...

Let's dwell on the following version: Chuev wanted to say that he was ready to leave if everyone voted against him. It was all-in. He only recalled his words: "I'm ready to leave at any moment". And he wanted an open but legitimate fight. But... But the conversation spontaneously escalated into a quarrel with, and then into a fight. Andrey and I immediately left for home. The next day, when Andrei returned, he apologized for his harshness and intemperance. But his soul became noticeably lighter, like every person who has been tormented for a long time by an unmade decision, but suddenly everything inside fell into place... "I love you", - he said in front of the forehead with only his lips... she nodded. She was always reliable and calm.

I listened to Chuev... But the rules of the project are the same for everyone - the one who started a fight must leave. The presenter was just about to ask a question... she took the microphone and said: "Of course we're leaving together". Nobody doubted this.

On the bridge behind the gate, Andrei sat him behind his back, and so they left. They built love, for them the game is over. No one shouted after them "We are happy!". On the other side of the slammed gate, he was crying, covering his face with his hood.

Mass entertainer, animator, actor of small forms and a broad soul Andrei Chuev came to the project for the third time. This time not for a relationship, but in order to take control of the Dom-2 cafe. And what about love? And he has already found love in the face of a dark-haired girl with a simple Russian name Tatyana. And not only did he find it, but he also brought it with him to the project, so that one day he could appear to her in the form of an angel and give her a thousand roses and wedding ring in addition. Andrei threatened to turn the life of his chosen one into a fairy tale. The lovers moved to America, and soon Andrei and Tatyana had a daughter, Lisa.

On May 19, 2015, Chuev once again returned to the project. Andrey stated that he - free man, who came to the perimeter in search of true love. It is noteworthy that there was no official confirmation of Andrei and Tatyana’s divorce.


After Andrey and Tatyana left the project, for a long time nothing was heard about the charismatic boy from Stary Oskol. Then rumors began to appear in the press that Chuev was seriously ill. As it turned out, the rumors were true - Andrei had a severe intervertebral hernia. Fortunately, after several operations and long period After rehabilitation, Andrei was able to return to normal life.

Photos by Andrey Chuev


He himself believes that he has soared high...
He doesn’t even think about how painful it will be to fall, you idiot...

2017-04-11 16:25:56

Max Stoyalov

When he was on the project back in 2008-2009, he was on my VK list of friends.

2017-02-15 21:38:58

Rita (Stary Oskol)

Andrey Chuev is a sick man. I read about his criminal record, apparently he was severely abused while he was in prison? I think that he was bullied at school too, the boy is clearly overweight, complexes are rushing ahead of him. He needs to be treated

In direct talk show air“In fact,” the star of the scandalous television series said that Alexander Chuev may not be his father, since the men are dissimilar in appearance. In addition, now a relative is demanding from his son financial assistance.

Andrey Chuev renounced his own father/Photo: frame from the broadcast

This is not the first time that a participant in “House-2” has become a guest on Dmitry Shepelev’s talk show “Actually.” This time Andrei Chuev decided to sort things out with his father. IN live the man stated that Alexander Chuev may not be his relative. To prove his point, the star of the scandalous TV show cited external differences and also revealed details of his childhood. It turned out that Chuev’s father repeatedly raised his hand against his mother, suffered from alcoholism and regularly clashed with his son.

The older Andrei became, the more difficult it was for him to restrain his aggression. When he was 13 years old, the guy could not stand it and responded symmetrically to the attacks of his relative.

Son Andrei Chuev rarely communicates with his father Alexander / Photo: frame from the program

“I dragged him into the shower. He fell and broke the glass. I pressed my foot on his neck and said that if he didn’t leave, I would beat him until he crawled out. After that, he packed up and left,” Chuev recalled.

Now the relationship between father and son continues to remain tense. Alexander Chuev demands financial help from his son. The man admitted that he came to the program to earn money, and Andrei, due to grievances and traumas left over from childhood, refuses to help him. But Chuev Jr. has a great relationship with his grandmother Olga Petrovna, who was with him throughout his childhood.

“I take care of his mother, in the boarding house I pay 68 thousand a month, she is like a queen, she has a personal psychologist, massage therapists, plus eight thousand for goodies. Total is about 77 thousand a month for your beloved grandmother. After the stroke, I took her to a boarding house, where I gave six and a half thousand rubles a day to get her back on her feet. It cost me 200 thousand, but I would give any money I needed!” said Andrey. Olga Petrovna also appeared in the studio. She confirmed that Chuev is a wonderful grandson who helps and supports her in everything. The woman’s son, alas, does not pay as much attention to her as her grandson.

Olga Chueva said that her grandson Andrei Chuev helps and supports her in everything/Photo: frame from the broadcast

At the end of the broadcast, Dmitry Shepelev announced the results of the DNA test. It turned out that Alexander Chuev is indeed Andrei’s father, but even after learning the truth, the “House-2” participant refused to accept his relative. “Thank you, father, for making me strong,” was all the man said.

Dmitry Shepelev, who usually takes a neutral position, this time supported the participant in the scandalous TV show. “I didn’t think that Chuev could evoke sympathy. Today’s program changed my point of view,” the host ended the broadcast with these words.

Biography of Andrey Chuev

Andrey Chuev born June 2, 1980 in Stary Oskol, Belgorod region. After graduating from school, I decided to realize myself as a businessman. I started by selling shoes at the local market. However, Andrei also dreamed of becoming a showman.

Andrey Chuev on the Dom-2 project

A little later, Chuev pleased his fans with his major victory in business: he was accepted as one of the founders construction company Kantemir Group and offered to take the position of commercial director. Andrey agreed to take the post. In addition, he had new lover- 19 year old Ukrainian Victoria Morozova, with whom he officially registered a relationship on December 6, 2017, posting it on social networks to confirm his status married man marriage certificate.

A few days later, a scandal broke out around Chuev and his young wife - family idyll newlywed couple violated Andrey's ex-lover - Elina Kovalskaya, who stated that he left her pregnant for Victoria. On December 19, 2017, in the studio of the provocative show “Actually,” presenter Dmitry Shepelev and experts found out the falsity of the words of Elina, who, as she admitted, was stunned by the news about the marriage of an ex-participant in the TV show.

Kovalskaya claimed that Andrei saw only his future wife, and now he suddenly abandoned not only her, but also the expected child, which she allegedly found out about in October, when she showed the first signs of pregnancy. However, Chuev assured that he never had serious intentions regarding Kovalskaya. In his opinion, the girl simply made up her own interesting situation, thus trying to blackmail him. Morozova added that she completely trusts her husband, but she received threats from Elina, which is why the girl had to change her phone number and delete all accounts on social networks. According to Victoria, Kovalskaya stated that she would douse her with sulfuric acid. The show's experts, in turn, rendered a verdict in favor of Chuev, since a lie detector showed that his ex-girlfriend made up the pregnancy.

By the way, Chuev, being in a relationship with Vika, more than once hinted about his readiness to become a father. And he's understanding small child their friends, Chuev and Morozova realized that they were ripe to expand their family.

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