What residents should not do in a listed building. The most secret office building, USA

Belorusskaya metro station

To the register of objects cultural heritage of regional significance included the Belorusskaya, Kievskaya and Komsomolskaya stations. By the end of the year, all stations on the Circle Line will receive this status.

Three Moscow metro stations: Belorusskaya, Kievskaya and Komsomolskaya were included in a single State Register cultural heritage sites of regional significance. By the end of this year, all stations on the Circle Line will receive this status.

The order of inclusion of Circle Line stations in the register was chosen by Muscovites themselves with the help of a project last summer. Then more than 266 thousand people took part in the voting.

“Many stations of the Moscow Metro have already been included in the register of cultural heritage sites, but until recently the stations of the Circle Line were not included in this list. Each is a unique architectural monument, and placing them under state protection is a matter of time. Since doing this simultaneously with all stations on the line short term impossible, Muscovites were asked to choose for themselves which of them would be included in the register first,” said the head of . — Participants in the voting of the “Active Citizen” project chose three stations - “Kievskaya”, “Komsomolskaya” and “Belorusskaya”, which go to five metropolitan stations: Kievsky, Yaroslavsky, Kazansky, Leningradsky and Belorussky. Often this is where guests of our city begin to get acquainted with Moscow. Famous architects, sculptors and artists worked on their design; each one tells about culture and life Soviet people, has exceptional decoration and is an important landmark on the map of our city. Today, we, together with the townspeople, bear the responsibility for preserving this heritage.”

All three stations chosen by Muscovites were built in the 1950s. For example, 40 projects were submitted for the competition to create the Kievskaya station, among which the team of authors from Kyiv, led by Professor Evgeniy Katonin, won. The station was founded at a depth of 53 meters. The main topic Its design was the 300th anniversary of the reunification of Russia and Ukraine. The end wall of the station is decorated with stucco strands of floral ornaments, along which is a line from the Soviet anthem. The station was opened in 1954.

And the Komsomolskaya station was built according to the design of the architect Alexei Shchusev in 1952. In its interior you can see bas-reliefs by sculptor Georgy Motovilov “Music Lesson”, “Harvest”, “For Peace” and “Geography Lesson”. The platform is located at a depth of 37 meters, the vault is supported by two rows of columns with arches. The main design motif is military paraphernalia, orders, palm leaves and oak branches. After the launch of the station, Shchusev was awarded the Stalin Prize.

The project of the ground pavilion and underground platform of the Belorusskaya station belonged to the architects Ivan Taranov and Nadezhda Bykova. Its depth is more than 42 meters. The theme of the station's design was the economy and culture of the people of Belarus. Belorusskaya was also opened for passengers in 1952 and the architects were awarded the Stalin Prize.

Another 12 (out of 207) metro stations are objects of cultural heritage of regional significance. Among them are “Avtozavodskaya” (1943), “Baumanskaya” (1944), “Partizanskaya” (1944), “Red Gate” (1935), “Kropotkinskaya” (1935), “Mayakovskaya” (1938), “Novokuznetskaya” (1943 ), “Paveletskaya” (1943), “Semyonovskaya” (1944), “Chistye Prudy” (1935), “Electrozavodskaya” (1944), as well as the “University” station (1959).

This status can be given to a building historical territory or a work of art. They must be of historical, archaeological, artistic, scientific or architectural value. Objects of cultural heritage cannot be changed, their historical appearance cannot be damaged. And any work related to them is carried out only after agreement with the capital’s Department of Cultural Heritage.

At the end of last year, a monument to the era of constructivism was added to the register of such objects - an apartment building of the Sakharotrest cooperative. In the 30s of the last century, foreign specialists invited to the Soviet Union for development sugar production. The building is still residential. In addition, one of the oldest tram parks in the capital, in the design of which the famous architect Vladimir Shukhov took part, is a monument and example of Russian industrial architecture. The former tram depot is located on Lesnaya Street; the buildings will be restored in April 2019.


Architectural monuments are an invaluable asset of world culture. Witnessing bygone eras, they represent examples of works of art. This is what distinguishes them from cultural heritage monuments. The latter include, for example, the house in which Vasily Shukshin was born and lived, or, for example, Rasul Gamzatov. These houses are a historical and cultural treasure. This is undeniable. But they are in no way architectural monuments.

At the same time, architectural monuments are not only majestic buildings, on the construction of which masters of architecture worked. These can be streets, squares and even entire neighborhoods. Architectural monuments include buildings in which fragments have been at least partially preserved decoration, a unique layout, characteristic of a particular era.

Architectural monuments are entire ensembles of buildings, complexes of structures that embody achievements in the field visual arts, architecture of the time when they were erected. These can be buildings that convey elements of religious architecture, as well as monumental, decorative and applied creativity. Moreover, these structures can be civil, religious, military, industrial. They can perform completely different functions. Belonging to the category of monuments makes them unique and artistic, which manifested themselves during construction and their further maintenance.

Palmyra was considered the richest city of late antiquity. It is located in Syria between the Euphrates and Damascus. King Tukrisha is considered the founder of the city. At that time, Palmyra was called nothing less than the bride of the desert. The city amazed with its beauty and the grandeur of its buildings, which were considered examples of ancient Roman architecture.

Not a very large part of cities can be considered architectural monuments. The most a shining example This is the city of Palmyra in the Syrian Arab Republic. The age of the city is approaching 4,000 years. Throughout its centuries, the city has experienced many invasions, accompanied by destruction. In the 7th century, Palmyra was captured by the Arabs. They destroyed all the temples and turned the city into a fortress.

In 1089, this fortress, powerful at that time, was destroyed as a result of a strong earthquake. The city, known before this sad date for its greatness, turned into a small village near the temple of the god Bel. A new revival of Palmyra began. Although the city was constantly robbed, it was revived again and again.

Only in the 18th century did Palmyra begin to be of interest to the scientific community. And in the 20th century, constant protection of the city territory was organized. Archaeologists, who came here from many countries, began the restoration of Palmyra. As a result of restoration work on a wide scale, many relics were revived. UNESCO has recognized all buildings and structures of Palmyra as monuments. World Heritage.

After the liberation of Palmyra from terrorists in the spring of 2016, experts witnessed that only 20 percent of the structures, which are considered unique, were completely destroyed. Terrorists destroyed mainly churches. The remaining buildings and structures, which are valuable primarily as architectural monuments, remained untouched or partially destroyed.

The next capture of Palmyra became more dramatic. Militants of the criminal group ISIS, considered outlaw in Russia, began destroying the famous ancient amphitheater, where the orchestra gave a concert in May last year Mariinsky Theater, conducted by Valery Gergiev. Terrorists destroy other architectural monuments and execute people.

The capital is rich in architectural monuments Russian state. Dating back to 1147, Moscow has always attracted the attention of architects, artists, and artists from different countries peace. They built, decorated buildings, and made entire complexes unique.

Many of them were lost forever due to numerous fires, wars of conquest, political reforms, when unique structures were demolished and replaced by bulky buildings, characterized by bad taste and unsightly appearance. Some of Moscow's architectural monuments have been preserved only in chronicles.

By serendipity In the capital of Russia, many ancient buildings are alive and continue to amaze with their beauty and incredible mixture of style trends. Most of them are examples of Russian architecture. One of unique monuments architecture - Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

This monument has a dramatic fate. Its construction was the gratitude of the Russian people to the Almighty for help in the war with Napoleon. First, the building was laid according to the one approved by Alexander I, who won the big competition to the project of the then famous architect A.L. Vitberg. This happened in the October days of 1817. It soon turns out that the soil under the future building is weak due to small rivers flowing underneath it.

Alexander I dies. Nicholas I, who replaced him, stops construction. This takes place in 1826. After 6 years, the autocrat approves the project proposed by the architect K.A. Ton. In the first half of April 1839, the second solemn ceremony on the Temple tab. And only 43 and a half years later there was a celebration of its opening. The construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior took place under the patronage of four autocrats: Alexander I, Nicholas I, Alexander II and Alexander III. The gates were made according to the samples presented by Count F. Tolstoy.

If measured by historical standards, the Temple lived a very short life. First, in 1918, it was completely deprived state support according to the decree, which stated the separation of the state from the church and the church from the school. This was the beginning of the persecution of the church, which subsequently took on a gigantic scale. And it came black date Cathedral of Christ the Savior - December 5, 1931.

The temple, which primarily personifies the memory of the glory of Russian soldiers, was destroyed in a barbaric manner. But in the hearts ordinary people this memory lived on, just as the dream of reviving the Temple over time never died. The movement to revive it arose on the eve of the 90s. And this movement resonated in the hearts of people throughout the country.

At the origins of this movement were composers V.P. Mokrousov and G.V. Sviridov, writers V.G. Rasputin, V.P. Krupin and V.A. Soloukhin. The Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church blessed the restoration of the structure and addressed the country's leadership with a corresponding message. The request included a proposal to restore the building of the future cathedral on the spot where it originally stood. In August 1996, Patriarch Alexy II consecrated the main throne. This happened in the Church of the Transfiguration. Soon services began here. Russian Academy arts in an incredibly short time revived the design of the Temple. Many masters of painting and sculptors showed their skills. It is believed that this work has no analogues.

Shortly before the year 2000, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was consecrated by Patriarch Alexy II, who served a prayer service on this occasion. Today it is the tallest Orthodox churches Cathedral. It is an outstanding architectural monument that embodies the spirit of two centuries.

The Temple of the Sun God, which is located in the state of Orissa (India), on the shores of the Bay of Bengal, is called a miracle of architecture. Although the bay has receded over time, and the shore from the temple is 3 kilometers away. Everything here is under the exaltation of the Sun. Even the location was not chosen by chance. After all, Konarak translated into Russian means territory sunlight.

Archaeologists, together with historians, were able to establish that the beginning of the construction of the Temple dates back to 1243. It was built on the orders of Raja Narasimhadeva, who ruled Orissa at that time. It took the builders and architects of that time only 18 years to erect such a wonderful structure. During this time, walls were erected, a 60-meter tower was built, and carvings were made that decorated the halls from the inside.

The temple is mysterious. For example, it is still not known why in this religious institution great place are occupied by drawings depicting carnal pleasures. Some researchers see religious motives in these drawings. From the drawings, scientists are trying to understand the basis of the religious cult of the people.

Although the chronicles say that no particular difficulties arose during the construction of the Temple, of course there were some. The transport of building materials from quarries by sea alone was worth it. Every detail in the design of the halls was thought out and executed with special grace.

Three types of stones were used to build the sanctuary. The color of the stones was supposed to shimmer under the rays, glowing various shades. “Black Pagoda” is what this architectural monument is sometimes called. It really looks like a pagoda from the outside. And if you look before sunrise, standing between the first rays and the Temple, it appears black.

Researchers associate the flourishing of the Surya Temple in Konarak with the last decades of the 13th century. Rituals were held there for two centuries. Then, for some still unknown reasons, decline began. Perhaps it was partially devastated and caused some destruction by the conquerors, others rely on natural disasters. Although the monument has survived to this day. He, according to historians, is one big mystery. Surya Temple in Konarak is on the UNESCO list. This is true greatest monument architecture and history.

According to myths, merchants from Venice stole the relics of the Apostle Mark from the Egyptian city of Alexandria in 828. The Muslim guards did not suspect that the merchants were carrying the stolen remains of the apostle in containers with pork meat. First, the relics were placed in the chapel of the Doge's Palace. This building was built on a quick fix and was considered temporary. Subsequently, a cathedral was built solely for the purpose of preserving the relics of St. Mark. It was built in three years - from 829 to 832. Soon it burned down. In 976 the building was restored. But even later, over the centuries, its arrangement did not stop.

Merchants from the East imported capitals, columns, friezes, and other works of art to Venice specifically to decorate the basilica. The brickwork gradually disappeared under the marble cladding. On top of it appeared drawings made by masters of painting long before the appearance of the cathedral itself.

“Golden Altar”, as the altar of the Palais d is called? Oro, on the creation of which jewelers from Byzantium worked from the 10th to the 12th centuries, was decorated precious stones, the total number of which reached two thousand. In 1797, Napoleon stole some of the stones. But most of the jewelry is still under reliable protection.

All this gradually transformed the cathedral. But the outwardly unique structure remained as it was. No additions or additions were made. Long time the building was the Doge's chapel. Only in early XIX century, it received the status of the city's Cathedral. A museum was opened here.

Currently, St. Mark's Cathedral is recognized as an example of Byzantine architecture. It is located next to the Grand Canal. The treasury contains relics, masterpieces of world art, rare icons, and various relics. Since 1987, the basilica has been protected by UNESCO.

There are many architectural monuments in the world. Among them the most significant Ancient theater d? Orange in the French Republic, Grand Theatre in the capital of Russia, the Acropolis of Athens in Greece and many, many others. Humanity is faced with the task of preserving architectural monuments, making sure that, having stood for centuries and millennia, they continue their lives and help solve the mysteries of the past, teach new generations to see beauty, enjoy it, in order to increase it in their future lives.

While people involved in construction and design celebrate their professional holiday - World Architecture Day, we will present the most interesting and unusual works of modern architects and their predecessors.

Habitat 67 Quarters, Montreal

The unique residential complex was built in 1967 for the Expo exhibition. 354 houses joined to each other are located not in random order, and so that all apartments receive maximum sunlight. The style of this object - brutalism, by the way, became popular in the USSR.

Friedensreich Hundertwasser projects

It is very difficult to choose just one work by this iconic architect, because they are all amazing in their own way. His “fairytale” style does not fall under any of the classical concepts - the great Austrian designed “good” and even “kind” houses. Here, for example, is an ordinary residential building, which everyone simply calls the Hundertwasser house. It is not surprising that the author of such architecture always wore different socks.

Ideal Palace, France

The unremarkable town of Hautrives was made famous by the local postman at the beginning of the 20th century. Ferdinand Cheval spent 33 years building his own palace from scrap materials - stones that he collected during work. Ferdinand had absolutely no understanding of the canons of architecture and used all the styles that he could see. Therefore, in the “Ideal Palace”, as the author himself called it, there are elements from the Ancient to Gaudi.

Lotus Temple, India

In 1986, one of the most unusual in the world was built in New Delhi. The giant marble lotus leaves look like they are about to bloom. They even created almost natural conditions for the flower - the temple, like a real lotus, rises out of the water. Although it is a religious building, there are no icons, frescoes or paintings inside: these attributes are not important in the Baha'i teachings.

Cologne Cathedral, Germany

A canonical example of Gothic, known far beyond the “architectural circles”. Of course, we will not describe the numerous details of the huge building. Let's limit ourselves to one fact: in 1880, when the next stage of construction was completed, the cathedral became the tallest building on the planet for four years - 157 meters. But even today, surrounded by low-rise buildings in the center of Cologne, the cathedral still looks impressive.

Burj Khalifa, UAE

IN last decades the title of the tallest building in the world was literally a challenge banner: then Taipei, then Kuala Lumpur. Of course, the Emirates could not pass up such a competition and decided to set their own record. Along the way, “” won in more than ten nominations, for example, as the owner of the fastest elevator and the highest nightclub (on the 144th floor).)

Temple of the Dancing God, India

The famous Indian temple of Brihadeshvara, which recently celebrated its millennium, is dedicated to Shiva. In total, there are 250 statues of this god inside the temple, and they all depict different poses of magical dance. Previously, the temple was also a fortress, therefore, in addition to elegant statues, there are also serious defensive structures. The ditches and walls guard the legendary wealth that pilgrims have brought to Shiva for centuries.

Bird's Nest Stadium, Beijing

The Olympic Games are an excellent chance for architects to make their dreams come true: the authorities do not skimp on bold and expensive projects. From the 2008 Olympics they got a stadium for 80,000 people with a completely unusual shape. Although it is not even the shape that is remarkable, but the construction of giant iron beams - the airy translucent structure can withstand an eight-magnitude earthquake.

Chrysler Building, New York

One of the best examples of Art Deco and the tallest skyscraper in the mid-20th century was built by order of the Chrysler automobile company. It became the tallest thanks to the irreconcilable rivalry of two architects: the author of this building in last moment before the completion of construction, he agreed to install a 40-meter spire, thereby overtaking the new Trump Building. And the unusual arches on the facades of the upper floors imitate car rims.

Capsule house, Japan

The combination of Japanese minimalism and love for new technologies gave the world a unique project - a capsule residential building. All modules (apartments and offices) in this building are completely replaceable and are attached to the metal base with just four bolts. Despite the visual flimsiness of such a system, there have been no accidents since its construction in 1974.

Ring houses, China

Unusual round fortress houses appeared a long time ago, but they stopped building only in the 1960s. Before this, housing was built on the principle of a closed system in many areas. The lack of land and the ability to defend together pushed people to settle in communes in several such houses. And the microclimate inside protected from heat and cold.

Southernmost Orthodox Church

This building is not distinguished by its design or size, but solely by the location where it is located. Not far from the Russian Antarctic station Bellingshausen, the wooden Church of the Holy Trinity was consecrated in 2004. And the logs for the church probably traveled the longest route in the history of construction materials logistics: Altai Mountains-Kaliningrad-Antarctica.

The most secret office building, USA

The most inaccessible office building in the world is also the largest. This is the famous Pentagon - the building of the Ministry of Defense. The huge pentagonal building has 28 km of corridors, and the area of ​​all five floors is 604,000 sq.m. This giant was built in the 1940s, so a small incident arose: there are twice as many toilets in the building as necessary - separately for blacks, separately for whites. True, by the end of construction the old rules were canceled and they didn’t even have time to hang signs.

Pool in the sky, Singapore

Three towers of the Marina Hotel high-rise Bay Sands in support truly unique architectural structure- a huge platform shaped like a ship. On the “deck” there is a living garden and a giant swimming pool. By the way, the entire hotel design is officially approved by Feng Shui experts.

City on the Rock, Sri Lanka

The real fortress city was built by ancient architects on the steep 300-meter cliff of Sigiriya. King Kasapa I ordered his residence to be built at such a height for protection, but he did not forget about comfort. Covered terraces, benches for relaxation, trees and even an artificial pond made Sigiriya a luxury retreat. In addition to the official historical monuments, the tradition so beloved by our compatriots is also interesting: starting from the 7th century, guests of the palace left inscriptions on the rocks like “Vasya was here, 879,” only in verse.

January 22, 2014

In historical centers major cities many buildings have the status of architectural monuments. At the same time, there are quite a lot of people who want to purchase apartments in such buildings, and the real estate market offers a large number of housing offers located in buildings with a similar status.

For reference: architectural monuments are buildings and structures that have historical, architectural, cultural or other values. These objects are under state protection. Their demolition, reconstruction and work that entails a change in appearance or quality characteristics are not allowed.

In a residential building, an architectural monument, there are both a large number of positive aspects and certain difficulties.

Advantages of purchasing an apartment in an architectural monument:

  • The house will be under state protection, and all actions related to its damage will be suppressed and punished. This to some extent ensures a fairly high safety of real estate investments.
  • Most of the work to maintain the appearance of the building is carried out without attracting funds from the owners, that is, the costs of maintaining common property for the owner of an apartment in a similar building are usually lower than for the owner of an apartment in a standard building.
  • Homes that are architectural monuments are often located in attractive locations, have high investment rates and stable price growth. Buying real estate in a building that is an architectural monument is an excellent investment, regardless of the condition of the house.

Naturally, buying an apartment in a building of this type also involves certain inconveniences. For some they are insignificant, but for others they may seem significant. In practice, everything possible problems can be solved, but require time and money.

Problems of buying an apartment in an architectural monument:

  • The main requirements for the owner are to maintain appearance building and its structure and technical characteristics. This means that, for example, it will not be possible to simply replace windows with more modern ones: it will be necessary to approve the replacement and provide the permitting organization with a project that will demonstrate that the new windows will not change the appearance of the house. In addition to the time and cost of approvals, you will have to add the costs of manufacturing windows to an individual, often quite complex order.
  • Redevelopment of an apartment in an architectural monument is very difficult, and if it is associated with damage to load-bearing structures, it is simply impossible.
  • Regarding architectural monuments, any actions related to changes appearance buildings: installation of window grilles, air conditioners, transceiver antennas, and much more that can cause certain inconvenience to the apartment owner.
  • Communication solutions (plumbing, sewerage, electrical wiring) often show wear and tear characteristic of the age of the building. Their replacement and modernization will also entail the issuance of many permits.

In buildings that are architectural monuments, this phenomenon is quite common today, and buying an apartment in a building of this type is not difficult. Whether or not to purchase such real estate is the buyer’s choice: on the one hand, he has the opportunity to make a profitable investment and live in the historical places of his city, with the whole atmosphere of the building and apartment in particular, on the other hand, there are a large number of restrictions.

It is notable not only because it is the capital of our Motherland. It preserves many monuments of the country's cultural heritage. Already from the 15th century, Moscow architecture became an exponent of national culture. Architecture is considered the “mother of all arts”, since it not only reflects the stages of their development, but also is the basis for the preservation of frescoes, wood carvings, painting and sculpture. The monuments absorbed many features of ancient Russian architecture and the creativity of foreign architects. The most famous of them have global significance, since they are historical sites and the result of the creativity of great architects. Architectural monuments of the world reflect the features cultural development different countries and main historical events. Therefore, they are protected and restored to preserve a unique heritage for future generations.

Architectural monuments of Moscow

The list of cultural heritage sites preserved in the capital is very long. The historical center of the city is especially rich in them, but many palace and park ensembles, monasteries and entire streets in different areas of Moscow are also its attractions. What objects can be classified as architectural monuments:

Individual buildings and structures that are remarkable in some way. For example, the mansion of Arseny Pashkov, the Bolshoi Theater or the city hall building.

Palace and park ensembles and architectural complexes, for example, the Kuskovo estate, the Kremlin in Izmailovo, Poklonnaya Gora or Tsaritsyno Park.

Historical city centers. In the capital, this is the world famous ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin.

Squares, blocks and streets. These are Red and Manezhnaya Square, Arbat and Garden Ring, Vorobyovy Gory and Chistoprudny Boulevard.

Monasteries and temples, of which there are many preserved in Moscow. The most famous of them are St. Basil's Cathedral, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Novodevichy Convent.

Architectural objects having civil, industrial or military significance, for example, the Moscow Metro, VDNKh or the GUM building.

Features of Moscow development

The oldest building in the city - the Moscow Kremlin - was founded in the 12th century on Borovitsky Hill, at the mouth of the Neglinnaya River.

And its shape therefore repeated the outlines of this peninsula. The turbulent situation of that time required construction high walls and ramparts. Therefore, as the city expanded, new fortifications were created. This is how such architectural monuments of Moscow as the Kitai-Gorod Wall arose, and in place of other walls the Boulevard and Garden Rings appeared. Until the 18th century, most of the capital's buildings were wooden, and in recent centuries almost all of them were replaced with stone ones. In addition, a feature of the city's development was intersecting radial highways. The appearance of the capital changed greatly with the arrival Soviet power. Plans to modernize the city and create broadband highways required the destruction of many architectural monuments. Only a few of them were subsequently restored. And many high-rise buildings were built, and modern blocks of monotonous buildings appeared.

Styles in ancient architecture of Moscow

1. Wooden architecture.

All buildings in the first centuries of the city's existence were made of logs. The most famous of them were the Church of St. Nicholas, the Temple of Danila the Stylite and the Moscow Kremlin itself. But not a single ancient wooden building in the city has survived.

2. Stone architecture of the 14th - 18th centuries.

The first stone building was the Assumption Cathedral on the territory of the Kremlin, which has not survived to this day. During the reign of Ivan Kalita, they begin to rebuild the walls of the Kremlin. And by the 16th century, the main architectural ensemble of Moscow acquired almost modern look: white stone walls, the Annunciation and Archangel Cathedrals, as well as the Chamber of Facets were created.

3. Classicism in the architecture of Moscow of the 18th-19th centuries.

After the fire, most of the city's buildings were rebuilt. Many Italian architects took part in this, and classicism began to dominate in construction. The most famous monuments architecture of the city of Moscow of this time - the Pashkov house, the Ostankino estate and the building of the Bolshoi Theater.

Architecture styles of Moscow 19-20 centuries

1. Moscow modern. Buildings in this style began to be created from the end of the 19th century. These include the Medyntsev mansion, the Pavlovs' estate, the Yaroslavl station, the Metropol Hotel and many others.

2. Architecture of Moscow during the years of Soviet power differed in scope. New areas grew at great speed. The most famous buildings of that time - seven Stalinist high-rise buildings.

3. Modern architecture Moscow represented by office buildings, business and cultural centers, built in the style of postmodernism and eclecticism. This is, for example, shopping mall"Nautilus" or "White Swan" restaurant.

Ancient architectural monuments of Moscow

1. Kremlin- this is the most famous and ancient cultural heritage site of the capital. He experienced a lot, witnessed prosperity and decline, revolutions and wars. On its territory there are many cathedrals and buildings, which are also architectural monuments: the Assumption Cathedral, the Arsenal and Senate building, the Ivan the Great Bell Tower and the famous Spasskaya Tower with its chimes. This ensemble belongs to and is mentioned in any source where architectural monuments of the world are considered.

2. Gostiny Dvor was also created back in the 15th century and was rebuilt many times. Now it bears little resemblance to an architectural monument, but is still a famous landmark of Moscow.

3. Red Square throughout the world it is a symbol of Russia.

This architectural ensemble is the most visited place in Moscow. Of the surviving ancient buildings, the Kazan and Intercession Cathedrals, as well as the Resurrection Gate, are known.

The most famous monasteries and churches in Moscow

The entire cultural and spiritual life of the country is connected to the capital. Many of its monasteries and churches are known throughout Russia, some of them have been preserved from the first centuries of the city’s existence. We can say that these are monuments of Russian architecture, dear to the heart every resident of the country.

Which of them are the most famous?

The Novodevichy Convent, which, in addition to being active, has the status of the State Historical Museum.

Donskoy Monastery is notable for its many beautiful churches and picturesque towers.

Danilov Monastery is one of the most ancient not only in Moscow, but also in Russia.

Very picturesque with a bright orange bell tower and tiled inserts.

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior is known for being restored in the 90s of the 20th century after complete destruction.

St. Basil's Cathedral is one of the most famous attractions in Moscow. This is the name of the Intercession Cathedral, located on Red Square. With its bright painted domes and rich decoration, it attracts many tourists.

The accelerated development of the city and the expansion of highways in the 30-70s of the 20th century led to the destruction of more than 400 monuments of world significance. Among them are such famous buildings as the Church of the Assumption on Pokrovka and the Armory Chamber. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior was blown up, which, however, was subsequently restored. But many unique buildings were lost, for example, the house of the poet Khomyakov or the Lopukhins’ house. The historical center of the capital has changed greatly, in particular, many buildings on Manezhnaya Street and Bolshaya Yakimanka Street have been demolished.

What is remarkable about modern Moscow?

Many people call the modern development of the city tasteless. But along with faceless high-rise buildings, you can also find quite original buildings:

The “egg” house on Mashkova Street is interesting;

The Pullman business center on Myasnitskaya amazes with its interesting combination of glass and concrete;

The residential complex "Embassy House" is interesting with its semicircular shape and diagonal windows;

Business center "Kitezh" in the shape of a multi-deck liner.

Modern Moscow amazes with its mixture of styles in architecture. Now it is mainly hi-tech, constructivism and modernism. It is these buildings made of glass and concrete that stand out on the city streets. But the ancient architectural monuments of Moscow are not forgotten and attract tourists from all over the world.

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