Biography. Daughter of Viktor Saltykov: “Father didn’t know that I was going to the “New Star Factory” Anya moon star factory whose daughter

" The audience met 16 project participants, among whom there were young singers who needed no introduction. For example, 21-year-old Anya Moon decided to compete for victory in the “New Star Factory”. True, Moon is the girl’s pseudonym. Anya – youngest daughter of a retro star Viktor Saltykov.

Last few years Anya Moon lived in London. According to the girl, people often tell her that she is completely unsuited to life in real world, always has his head in the clouds. Anya believes very much in the power of consciousness and in the fact that a person attracts to himself what he is. He has been singing since childhood, simply because he cannot help but sing. Writes songs to tell his story. He believes that the most important thing for an artist is to have his own unique style. By the way, in the first reporting concert"New Star Factory" Anya Moon sang in a duet with a singer who, without a doubt, has unique style. Saltykov’s daughter appeared on stage with Anna Sedokova, and together the two beauties performed the composition “Universe”.

Anya Moon with her father Viktor Saltykov

Anna is the daughter of Viktor Saltykov, born in the artist’s second marriage. As you know, Victor’s first wife was singer Irina Saltykova, with whom a daughter, Alisa, appeared in the union in 1987. Saltykov's second wife was Irina Metlina, who gave him two children: daughter Anna (born in 1995) and son Svyatoslav (born in 2008).

Let us recall that the project “New Star Factory”, of which Viktor Saltykov’s daughter Anna became a participant, began with grand concert. Young singers sang with already recognized stars. The presenter of the project, Ksenia Sobchak, admitted from the stage that, while watching the filming, she herself began to think about whether she should take up vocals. “Today I was so inspired by the incredible atmosphere that reigned on the set that I even turned to Viktor Yakovlevich (music producer of the New Star Factory Viktor Drobysh. - Note ed.) with a proposal to write a song for me...” said the presenter. However, most likely, Sobchak about his singing career joked, as well as about the dress in which she led the concert dedicated to the opening of the “Factory”. Ksenia came to mind comparing the bright red outfit with sparkling sequins to a firefighter beetle.

After filming the first reporting concert, 16 participants of the “New Star Factory” moved into the “star house” - a 2-story mansion near Moscow with an area of ​​1500 square meters, under the roof of which they will have to spend 16 weeks in a row, 120 days under the sights of 42 cameras 24 hours a day. They can expect: vocal classes, choreography, acting, dancing, fitness, work with stylists and makeup artists, master classes with stars, work in a recording studio - everything a young aspiring artist needs to know.

Anya Moon and Anna Sedokova at the first reporting concert of the show “New Star Factory”

Anya Moon and Anna Sedokova. Show "New Star Factory"

October 16, 2017

Last Saturday, October 14, the sixth reporting concert of the “New Star Factory” was held on the MUZ-TV channel. Details of the event - in the material on the website


As always, Ksenia Sobchak acted as the presenter. But the composition of the jury has changed: together with vocal teacher Vladimir Korobka, founder of the ballet “Todes” Alla Dukhova and music producer Norwegian singer and Eurovision 2009 winner Alexander Rybak came to evaluate young talents with Viktor Drobysh.

The report was opened by the group “A’Studio” and manufacturer Andrei Beletsky with the song “I’m Flying Away”. Katie Topuria chose a blue and white outfit for her performance, which Ksenia Sobchak spoke about very ambiguously. “You literally want to put your hands in this dress,” the TV presenter joked.

The atmosphere on the set suddenly changed when Sobchak announced that she would not come to the next number rapper Guf and participant of the “New Star Factory” Nikita Kuznetsov may be left without a performance. The manufacturer tried to hide his excitement, and Sobchak invited Topuria to stay on stage and support Nikita. Katie, who agreed, had to learn to rap - the artist and the manufacturer performed the song “Bai” as a duet. Nikita Kuznetsov was not at a loss and fully revealed himself in the performance, despite the fact that his partner was literally changed on stage. According to Sobchak, it was more difficult for the singer than for the manufacturer, but Keti coped with the task perfectly.

The concert was continued by Emma M and Lolita Voloshina with the rock composition “Rockets”. The girls not only “sung together”, but also looked similar with a daring short hair. Emma gave parting words to the manufacturer, wishing Lolita not to lose her originality and always remain herself. Voloshina was sincerely glad that she was able to perform with the star almost on an equal footing.

The girls on stage were replaced by violinist Alexander Rybak and member of the “New Star Factory” Zena with the touching composition “Kitty”. The aspiring singer performed in a “cat” costume with ears, short skirt and black leggings. They accompanied the ballet soloist Alla Dukhova's number "Todes", who danced around a huge violin. Rybak noted that Zena approached the number with humor and it was in her performance that the song sounded the way it needed to.

The concert was continued by Kan and Daniil Ruvinsky, who tried on the image of a young man of the 80s, with the song “Angel” - the number resembled a live broadcast from a fitness club. Kan noted that Daniil coped with the number and everything turned out great for the manufacturer. Danya himself joked about his image, saying that he looks like a fan most popular pop group 80s “Modern Talking”.

Danya Danilevsky, the curliest member of the “New Star Factory”, sang the lyrical composition “Romance” on the same stage with the group “Pizza”. Danilevsky’s charming hair peeked out from under his hooligan cap, and the ballet “Todes” depicted either subway passengers or passers-by under umbrellas on the street.

Then Zhenya Trofimov performed the song “High-rise buildings” together with “5sta Family”, and Elman Zeynalov and Natan lit up the hall with the composition “Hypnotise” - however, at the beginning of the performance it was not men who hypnotized the audience, but half-naked dancers. Zeynalov’s fans pleasantly surprised him with a poster “Elman, we are proud of you,” and the jury members noted that after the performance the manufacturer really had something to be proud of.

Valery Meladze and Ulyana Sinetskaya performed “There is no more attraction.” After the number, Ksenia Sobchak asked Valery to honestly evaluate the manufacturer, noting that “Meladze slept with everyone beautiful girls national stage" The artist did not succumb to provocation and praised Ulyana. The participant herself admitted that she doesn’t dream of a group “ VIA Gra”, but about cooperation with the mentor of the “New Star Factory” Viktor Drobysh.

Nominee Guzel Khasanova looked almost unrecognizable as the long-haired beauty as she performed the song “Find Me,” the lyrics of which were written by her brother. The number turned out to be very personal for Khasanova in every sense of the word. TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak thanked the contestant’s brother for the song, completely touching Khasanova, and producer Viktor Drobysh gave his ward a standing ovation.

Then Anya Moon took the stage: the nominee performed right on a huge handset with the song “Imitation of Vibrations”. After the performance, Anya said that she did not hope for support from the audience, but was waiting for saving “stars” from other manufacturers in the vote after the concert.

Rada Boguslavskaya, the third nominee, performed the composition own composition called "Crystals". On stage, the participant was literally carried in her arms, and at the end of the performance, the girl practically undressed and remained on stage in only a light silk peignoir. Spectators immediately noticed the inscriptions on Rada’s body. The girl admitted that she asked all the participants of the “New Star Factory” and the “Todes” ballet to sign themselves. “Every person leaves a mark on our soul,” the manufacturer emphasized.

After the speeches of the nominees, the concert turned into a dramatic confrontation. The distribution of votes began, in which the audience saved Ulyana Sinetskaya, and the manufacturers decided to leave Guzel Khasanova on the project. Not without another provocation: Ksenia Sobchak suggested that Guzel give her “stars” so that Anya Moon could stay and thank all the spectators and factory owners from the stage for their support. Both participants of the “New Star Factory” showed nobility, but only one of them - Guzel Khasanova - remained on the project and will delight viewers on the MUZ-TV channel.

Participants of the New Star Factory

", daughter of a 90s star Viktor Saltykov.

Anna Moon (Saltykova). Biography

Anna Saltykova was born on September 2, 1995 in Moscow. Anya's father - famous singer Victor Saltykov, mother - linguist with excellent knowledge of French and English,Irina Metlina. Anya has a younger brother Svyatoslav. For a long time the girl lived in London and studied at the University of the Arts London.

On September 2, 2017, the premiere of the show “New Star Factory” took place on the MUZ-TV channel. Among the 16 participants in the project was Anya Moon. Daughter popular musician Viktor Saltykov decided to take a pseudonym so that she would not be accused of using a big name. But as soon as TV viewers learned that the pretty blonde was a relative of the singer, they immediately began to accuse her of getting into the show thanks to her father’s connections. However, Victor denied all the haters’ speculations and stated that Anya was taken to “ New Factory stars" without his patronage.

“I’ll tell you a secret, she wanted to retreat - to escape from the last round. But I convinced him that he would make a huge mistake. People, of course, will not believe that the girl got caught on her own. How are we? If you are someone's child, then you were pushed through. But I didn’t know about her intentions until the third stage of the qualifying round, honestly!” - Viktor Saltykov shared.

Despite Viktor Saltykov’s fears, Anya Moon still sang a duet with him in the show “New Star Factory”. The number when father and daughter sing the song “The Leaves Have Flew Away”, according to fans of the project, turned out to be very touching and at the same time powerful.


One of the participants in the “New Star Factory” was the 22-year-old daughter of Viktor Saltykov, Anna Moon. The girl who long time lived in London and studied at a prestigious British university, she decided to try her hand at a television project. Anna chose to use a pseudonym, hiding her relationship with the famous performer. “StarHit” found out from the aspiring performer why she sent an application for casting and how her loved ones feel about her activities.

— Anya, why did you decide to go to the “New Star Factory” project?

— I got to the casting completely by accident. A friend who saw mine wrote to me music video, and asked: “Listen, there’s a casting for the “New Star Factory” on MUZ-TV, would you like to go?” Then I had just flown home from England and didn’t know what I would do next. I thought: “Well, this means this is a sign of fate, I’ll go and try myself, why not.” And she went. And it passed. To be honest, I didn't expect it. I went there in complete “relaxation”. You know, people daydream, dream, prepare, but I went without thinking much about it... Somewhere on a subconscious level, I had an inner confidence that I would get in, although I was not very worried about the results of the casting. Although I am very glad that I ended up here... I went with a clear goal that I was going not just to sing a duet with the stars, but to show my creativity.

— How did you feel during the casting?

“I was only worried at the moment when I was already inside and going on stage. Before the first note, something always changes inside me, and I can’t calm myself down, but then everything returns to normal. I wasn’t worried anymore, although the atmosphere, of course, contributed to this: everyone was worried, discussing what song to sing... Then I immediately met some of the guys who ended up with me on the project. We met Elman and Marta in the corridor, and Guzel too. She was very worried. I tried to calm her down: “Why are you worrying? Do not worry". This is the only phrase I told her. I continue to communicate with the guys, we managed to become friends thanks to rehearsals and training camps that were held even before the first reporting concert... By the way, Vova was also with me at the casting. As soon as I saw him, I thought: “He’ll pass anyway.” He was so funny, I didn’t even hear him sing, but his image and character... I thought he was very interesting and charismatic.

—Aren’t you afraid to live under the gun of cameras, when the whole country is watching you?

— As a child, I was a fan of “Star Factory” and watched all the episodes. Of course, I wanted to try myself in the project! According to my calculations, I was supposed to become a participant in the seventeenth season, but, unfortunately, the program was closed. After the “New Star Factory” was launched, I can say that my dream has come true. In fact, when you watch a program on TV, you don't think it's that difficult. You think: “Well, what, they are settled in a house, they are fed and watered, everything is fine.” In fact, this is really very difficult - morally and psychologically, because you live with strangers and you are not given time to relax.

Svetlana Moroz 06.09.2018 14 views

Biography of Anya Moon

Anya Moon (Saltykova) – Russian singer, participant in the show “New Star Factory” by Viktor Drobysh.

Anya Moon's childhood and youth

Anya Saltykova was born on September 2, 1995 in Moscow, in the family of performer Viktor Saltykov and his second wife, linguist Irina Metlina. Anya has a brother Svyatoslav, who is 13 years younger than the girl.
Anya Moon is the daughter of Viktor Saltykov. The girl grew up in a creative atmosphere - as a child, Anya attended theater studio, where she studied music and acting. However, the studio classes did not inspire Anya too much, but she always liked singing on stage.

At some point, Anya, perhaps wanting to follow her own path and gain independence from big name father, decided to connect her life with fashion and entered the London University of the Arts. However, soon the girl hated studying at a fashionable university. “I didn’t have enough time to just pick up a guitar. Only then did I realize how much I missed what I did before.” As a result, Anya gave up fashion and entered a music university. Her parents approved of her choice. Viktor Saltykov, who never understood Anya’s passion for fashion, was especially pleased with his daughter’s step, but did not dare to go against the girl’s wishes.
Anya Moon loved to sing since childhood. Anya lived in England for a total of four years. According to the girl, for the first 2.5 years she felt complete euphoria from what was happening, but then she really missed Russia. But her studies allowed her to learn English perfectly and compose her own songs in this language.

Creativity of Anya Moon

The girl began introducing viewers to her work back in 2015, through blogs on her YouTube channel and Instagram page. Mostly the girl talked about her life in London and trips abroad, but sometimes she posted cover versions famous songs, accompanying himself on the guitar.

Many of her covers eventually ended up in the popular community on YouTube “Best covers” - it was from there that Internet users learned about Anya.

By that time, the girl was already performing under the pseudonym Moon. Later, Anya said that the idea for the nickname came to her in a dream.

In the fall of 2015, Anna took part in vocal competition“My Chance” won many hearts of fans of good music.

Anya Moon at the Star Factory

In mid-2017, Ani’s friend told the girl about the casting for vocal show"New Star Factory" By serendipity, Moon had just arrived from England and did not yet understand what she was going to do next. As a child, Anya was a fan of “Factory”, so there was no doubt about whether to go or go to the casting. “New Star Factory”. Anya Moon and Viktor Saltykov - The leaves have flown away Anya recalls that she hardly prepared for the audition - she was subconsciously sure that she would pass the selection. As a result, Moon became one of the participants in the project, which started on September 2, 2017 on the MUZ-TV channel. Anya Moon - Tabu. New Factory StarsOn the first At the reporting concert, the girl had a number with her father. The Saltykovs performed lyrical song"The leaves have flown away." In the following weeks, Anya was lucky enough to perform with such famous performers, How " Ivanushki International", Emin, Denis Klyaver and Anna Sedokova. On October 14, Anya Moon, who was nominated for the second time, left the show: the audience saved Rada Boguslavskaya, and the participants saved Guzel Khasanova.

Personal life of Anya Moon

In London, Anya had a young man named Josh. How their relationship developed after Anya returned to her homeland is unknown.
Anya Moon and Nikita Kuznetsov are not dating. On the project, many viewers and the manufacturers themselves noticed that there is some sympathy between Anya and participant Nikita Kuznetsov. At the same time, many thought that Moon was flirting with Nikita for the sake of ratings. However, Nikita and Anya denied that there was anything between them. It is very difficult for me to find like-minded people, because I have a specific taste - so, you know, sophisticated, “alternative”. Anya has a tattoo in the form of the letter “M”.

Anya Moon now

After dropping out of the show, the girl continues to actively perform - the very next day after leaving last broadcast“Factory” Moon performed at the party “Party Zone MUZ-TV” at the VEGAS shopping center.
Anya Moon dropped out of the “New Star Factory” project. A few days later, Anya appeared in the show “Very Karaochen”, the host of which, singer Stas Kostyushkin, carries famous artists on a musical car, and they sing and share details personal life. Together with Moon, the singer Oceana made a musical trip. “Very Karaochen.” Oceana and Anya Moon

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