Arguments from the literature on the topic of education. Literary arguments

⁠arguments for the essay

IN modern world when the term is average human life, thanks to scientific and technological progress, has increased to 70-80 years; on average, a person is given 15-20 years to study. These are years at school and at an institute or college, and for many, postgraduate education. It is difficult to argue that it is necessary to study: without this, the development of either the individual himself or society is impossible. Turning again to folk wisdom, we will only quote the words: “Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.” These words contain the experience of many generations. In fact, the learning process continues continuously throughout a person’s life, and only a very narrow-minded person can claim the opposite.

In the story by L.N. Tolstoy "Filipok" a little boy is trying to get to school, he really wants to study with his older brother. Neither his mother’s ban nor his angry dogs, nor the initial severity of the teacher. His desire to learn stronger than fear, and this is precisely what touches the teacher, who allows Filip to stay and asks the child’s mother to let him go to school with his brother.
At all opposite attitude to education we see in the comedy of D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth". Mitrofanushka’s words “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married” have long become popular and characterize a categorical reluctance to learn something new. The comedy hero is stupid and ignorant. Thus, Mitrofanushkin’s definition of one door as an adjective cannot but cause laughter, since it is attached to the jamb, and the one that lies on the floor and the janitor cannot nail it down, as a noun. Fonvizin’s comedy also raises another important issue related to education and enlightenment in general. It was voiced by Starodum in one of his conversations with Pravdin: “Enlightenment elevates one virtuous soul.” What can be understood as what education can change in better side only a person endowed positive qualities who will be able to apply his knowledge for the benefit of humanity, and he can only turn a boor and an egoist into an erudite boor and an egoist.

The antipode of Morozki is Pavel Mechik. In the novel he is an "anti-hero". This is a young boy who joined the detachment only out of curiosity. But he immediately became disillusioned with the ideas, for the sake of which he “ceased” being a city intellectual. But Mechik hid this from everyone. The people who surrounded Paul brought him a lot of disappointment, because they turned out to be incompatible with the “ideal” heroes that their ardent young imagination created them. is still weak, since in the subsequent narrative he betrays the members of the detachment. Mechik was put on patrol by Levinson, the head of the detachment, but Pavel considered this to be wrong and, without fulfilling his duty, disappeared into the forest, which led to the death of the detachment. “...The sword, having already driven quite far, looked back: Morozka was riding behind him. Then the squad and Morozka disappeared around the bend... He dozed off. He didn't understand why he was sent ahead. He raised his head, and the sleepy state instantly left him, replaced by a feeling of incomparable animal horror: there were Cossacks on the road...”

Mechik disappeared and only saved his own life, putting the lives of the squad members at stake. Fadeev focuses his attention not on the battles themselves, but on the time between us, when there comes a moment of respite, rest. These seemingly “peaceful” episodes are full of internal tension and conflict: be it the case of killing fish, confiscating pork from a Korean, or waiting for the result of the Metelitsa reconnaissance. This construction consists deep meaning narratives: moral, ideological and political problems and their philosophical understanding are important. The characters' train of thought, their behavior, their internal vacillation in relation to everything that happens around them - this is what Fadeev called “the selection of human material.”

In this regard, the image of Morozka, one of the heroes of the novel, is interesting. Actually, his presence at the center of the work is explained by the fact that he is an example of a new person undergoing a “remake.” The author spoke about him in his speech: “Morozka is a man with a difficult past... He could steal, he could swear rudely, he could lie, he could drink. All these traits of his character are undoubtedly his huge shortcomings. But in difficult, decisive moments of the struggle, he did what was necessary for the revolution, overcoming his weaknesses. The process of his participation in the revolutionary struggle was the process of forming his personality...”

Speaking about the selection of “human material”, the writer had in mind not only those who turned out to be necessary for the revolution. People “unsuitable” for building a new society are mercilessly discarded. Such a hero in the novel is Mechik. It is no coincidence that this man social background belongs to the intelligentsia and consciously joins the partisan detachment, driven by the idea of ​​the revolution as a great romantic event. Mechik’s belonging to a different class, despite his conscious desire to fight for the revolution, immediately alienates those around him. “To tell the truth, Morozka didn’t like the rescued one at first sight. Morozka did not like clean people. In his life experience, these were fickle, worthless people who could not be trusted.” This is the first certification that Mechik receives. Morozka’s doubts are consonant with the words of V. Mayakovsky: “An intellectual does not like risk, / He is as red as a radish.” Revolutionary ethics is built on a strictly rational approach to the world and man. The author of the novel himself said: “Mechik, the other “hero” of the novel, is very “moral” from the point of view of the Ten Commandments... but these qualities remain external to him, they cover up his internal egoism, lack of dedication to the cause of the working class, his purely petty individualism " There is a direct contrast here between the morality of the Ten Commandments and devotion to the working class cause. The author, preaching the triumph of the revolutionary idea, does not notice that the combination of this idea with life turns into violence against life, cruelty. For him, the professed idea is not utopian, and therefore any cruelty is justified.

Main character brilliant novel F.M. Dostoevsky, “Crime and Punishment” Rodion Raskolnikov asks the question: is it permissible to commit a small evil for the sake of a great good, does a noble goal justify a criminal means? The author portrays him as a magnanimous dreamer, a humanist, eager to make all humanity happy, who comes to the realization of his own powerlessness in the face of world evil and in despair decides to “transgress” the moral law - to kill out of love for humanity, to commit evil for the sake of good. However to a normal person, which, undoubtedly, is the hero of the novel, is alien to bloodshed and murder. To understand this, Raskolnikov had to go through all the circles of moral hell and visit hard labor. Only at the end of the novel do we see that the hero realizes the absurdity of his crazy idea and finds peace of mind.

In contrast to the doubting and rushing Raskolnikov, Dostoevsky paints in his novel the image of Svidrigailov, a man who does not think about the means of achieving his goals. Sinking into the abyss of depravity, losing faith, Svidrigailov commits suicide, thereby showing the dead end of Raskolnikov's theory.

Based on real story novel American writer T. Dreiser's "American Tragedy" tells the story of the fate of an ambitious young manClyde Griffiths, who dreams of breaking out of the confines of his environment, quickly and persistently walking up the steps of his career, upward to the world of money and luxury. Having seduced an honest girl and being confident in his love for her, the hero soon realizes that this connection is the main obstacle on the way to high society. A classic is formed love triangle, the third “corner” of which is a girl from high society, who opens for Clyde all sorts of exits to material benefits. Unable to resist such a temptation, the young man carefully considers the possibility of getting rid of his first love, which interferes not only with his ambitious plans, but also simply interferes with living for his own pleasure. This is how a crime is committed - thoughtful, seriously prepared and cowardly. After the girl's death, the police trace Clyde and accuse him of premeditated murder. The jury sentences him to death and Clyde spends the rest of his life in prison." In the end, he confesses and admits his guilt. He is executed in the electric chair.

Good, kind, talented person Ilya Oblomov was unable to overcome himself, his laziness and promiscuity, and did not reveal his best traits. The absence of a high goal in life leads to moral death. Even love could not save Oblomov.

In his late novel The Razor's Edge, W.S. Maughamdraws life path young American Larry, who spent half his life reading books, and the other half in travel, work, search and self-improvement. His image stands out clearly against the background of young people of his circle, wasting their lives and extraordinary abilities on the fulfillment of fleeting whims, on entertainment, on a carefree existence in luxury and idleness. Larry chose his own path and, not paying attention to the misunderstanding and reproach of loved ones, sought the meaning of life in hardships, wanderings and wanderings around the world. He gave himself completely spirituality to achieve enlightenment of the mind, purification of the spirit, to discover the meaning of the universe.

The main character of the novel of the same name by the American writer Jack London, Martin Eden, is a working guy, a sailor, coming from the lower classes, about 21 years old, and meets Ruth Morse, a girl from a wealthy bourgeois family. Ruth begins to teach semi-literate Martin correct pronunciation English words and awakens his interest in literature. Martin learns that magazines pay decent fees to the authors who publish in them, and firmly decides to make a career as a writer, earn money and become worthy of his new acquaintance, with whom he has fallen in love. Martin is putting together a self-improvement program, working on his language and pronunciation, and reading a lot of books. Iron health and unbending will move him towards his goal. In the end, after going through a long and thorny path, after numerous refusals and disappointments, he becomes famous writer. (Then he becomes disillusioned with literature, his beloved, people in general and life, loses interest in everything and commits suicide. This is just in case. An argument in favor of the fact that fulfilling a dream does not always bring happiness)

If a shark stops moving its fins, it will sink to the bottom like a stone; a bird, if it stops flapping its wings, will fall to the ground. Likewise, a person, if his aspirations, desires, goals fade away, will collapse to the bottom of life, he will be sucked into the thick quagmire of gray everyday life. A river that stops flowing turns into a stinking swamp. Likewise, a person who stops searching, thinking, striving, loses the “beautiful impulses of his soul”, gradually degrades, his life becomes aimless, miserable vegetation.

I. Bunin in the story “The Gentleman from San Francisco” showed the fate of a man who served false values. Wealth was his god, and this god he worshiped. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that true happiness passed the man by: he died without ever knowing what life was.

Romance of the famous English writer W. S. Maugham's "The Burden of Human Passions" touches on one of the most important and burning questions for every person - is there meaning in life, and if so, what is it? The main character of the work, Philip Carey, painfully searches for the answer to this question: in books, in art, in love, in the judgments of friends. One of them, the cynic and materialist Cronshaw, advises him to look at Persian carpets and refuses further explanation. Only years later, having lost almost all his illusions and hopes for the future, Philip understands what he meant and admits that “life has no meaning, and human existence is purposeless. Knowing that nothing makes sense and nothing matters, a person can still find satisfaction in choosing the various threads that he weaves into the endless fabric of life. There is one pattern - the simplest and most beautiful: a person is born, matures, gets married, gives birth to children, works for a piece of bread and dies; but there are other, more intricate and amazing patterns, where there is no place for happiness or the desire for success - perhaps some kind of alarming beauty is hidden in them.”

School time is the most wonderful time. But after completing the training, no one can escape. It sounds quite scary, but if you prepare for it for more than one last night, then it will seem easy, simple and even interesting.

The most difficult part of the exam, according to students, is creative work, since it requires arguments for an essay from classical literature. During the exam, the atmosphere is heavy, thoughts instantly fly out of your head. It is for this reason that it is necessary to become familiar with the main clichés and learn the arguments for the most common topics.

If the above conditions are met, then there will be no problems with writing at all.

The relationship between nature and man

Let's consider the arguments for an essay on the topic "The relationship between man and the world around us" or "People's attitude towards nature as a mother." The topic may sound different, but the meaning is the same.

For this topic, good examples would be the following works:

  • "The Tale of Igor's Campaign." If you remember, throughout the entire duration of the action nature helped the heroes, gave signs, and warned of danger. In general, she was endowed with human qualities and tried with all her might to protect her from danger.
  • The work of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov “The Steppe”. This work is about a nine-year-old boy, Yegorushka, who was in love with the steppe, revived it in his thoughts, rejoiced and yearned with it.
  • "War and Peace" is a novel written by greatest author L.N. Tolstoy. Here we can find two examples at once. Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky.
  • The arguments for writing on this topic are numerous; let us cite one more work - “The Fish Tsar” (Astafiev). This is a story about a poacher whose meeting with one of the fish radically changes his worldview.

Family and family relationships

Topics of this kind are very common; now we will present the arguments for the essay. If it is necessary to highlight the role of childhood, then the best example would be the work “War and Peace”. Let's remember how Petya Rostov showed all his best features, purchased in home. Shortly before his death, he expressed both kindness and a desire to help towards his comrades.

Another good example- This " Last bow" Katerina Petrovna put the best and most valuable feelings and traits into her beloved grandson.

If the topic sounds different, for example, “The role of the family in the formation of personality,” then the following arguments are suitable for the essay:

  • "War and Peace". Comparison of the Rostov and Kuragin children.
  • "Iron and ice cream." Rita's illness and sister's cruelty.

If it is necessary to highlight the role of the mother:

  • “Tales of Italy,” where the author clearly and accurately expressed his position on the role of the mother. A mother is everything; she gives everything that is best and most valuable.
  • "The Young Guard", where there is a digression dedicated to the mother.
  • “Participating in all living things...” - the author appeals to his readers with a request to take care of their mothers.


Arguments for an essay in Russian, dedicated to teachers and their role in our lives, can be found among the following works:

  • "Ballroom pianist".
  • “French Lessons”, where an incredible teacher taught not only within her subject, but also taught valuable moral qualities.
  • The well-known “Little Prince”, here the teacher is the Fox, who taught The Little Prince see good qualities in people.

Personal traits

Arguments for an essay on the Russian language for the exam can be selected on absolutely any topic. The subject of this section is no exception. The most scary examples heartlessness is given in the works “Jumping into the Coffin” and “Telegram”. Yu. Mamleev described a picture where relatives buried a sick old woman alive in order to relieve themselves of the burden of caring for her, and Paustovsky tells the story of Nastya, who forgot about her loving and only mother.

A striking example of meanness is given in “ The captain's daughter", the personification was Shvabrin, who spoke badly about Masha, who rejected him, and dealt a vile blow to Grinev in the back during a duel.

The power of a word

In A. S. Pushkin’s work “Dubrovsky,” Masha, who loved the main character so much, could not break her oath and leave with her beloved. Or the work of the same author “Eugene Onegin”, in which Tatyana Larina was an image of fidelity and sincerity, showed her strong character. She was able to reject the feelings of her beloved Onegin and remained faithful to her husband.


Arguments for an essay on Russian Unified State Exam There are numerous answers to this problem:

  • If we highlight music specifically, then “Dome Cathedral” is a good and shining example. Here the author (V. Astafiev) is convinced that only music can save a person from decay.
  • “The Old Cook”, where K. Paustovsky narrated a story about a blind cook, whom music helped him return to the past and remember beautiful paintings nature.
  • Two works by L.N. Tolstoy at once - “Albert” and “War and Peace”. First about talented musician, who had a special gift: to warm the souls of listeners with his music, they felt something indescribable. In the second work, the object of influence on a person is Natasha Rostova, who amazed everyone with her singing.
  • The role of reading and literature in our lives is reflected in the works of R. Bradbury “Fahrenheit 451” and “Memoirs”. The first says that you can see little in life, but know a lot, because we get ninety-nine percent of our knowledge from books. In the second, the hero admits that he received his education not in college or university, but in the library.

    A. S. Pushkin."Eugene Onegin". A person sometimes passes by without noticing his happiness. When the feeling of love arises in him, it becomes too late. This happened with Evgeny Onegin. At first he rejected the love of a village girl. Having met her a few years later, he realized that he was in love. Unfortunately, their happiness is impossible.

    M. Yu Lermontov."Hero of our time". True love Pechorin to Vera. His frivolous attitude towards Mary and Bela.

    And S. Turgenev."Fathers and Sons". Evgeny Bazarov denied everything, including love. But life forced him to experience this true feeling for Anna Odintsova. The stern nihilist could not resist the intelligence and charm of this woman.

    And A. Goncharov."Oblomov." Lyubov Oblomov Olga Ilyinskaya. Olga's desire to pull Ilya out of a state of indifference and laziness. Oblomov tried to find the purpose of life in love. However, the lovers' efforts were in vain.

    A. N. Ostrovsky. It is impossible to live without love. Proof of this is, for example, the deep drama that Katerina experienced, main character plays by A. N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”.

    I.A. Goncharov. "Oblomov". The great power of love is a theme of many writers. Often a person is able to change even his life for the sake of his loved one. However, this is not always possible. For example, Ilya Ilyich, the hero of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov", for the sake of love, abandoned many of his habits. Olga, having experienced disappointment, leaves Oblomov. The mutually enriching development of their relationship did not work out, because the desire to vegetate “creeping from one day to another” turned out to be stronger for Ilya.

    L.N. Tolstoy. Love is a great feeling. It can change a person's life. But it can bring a lot of hope and disappointment. However, this condition can also transform a person. Such life situations were described by the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace". For example, Prince Bolkonsky, after life’s hardships, was convinced that he would never experience happiness or joy again. However, a meeting with Natasha Rostova changed his view of the world. Love is a great power.

    A. Kuprin. Sometimes it seems that poetry and the magical beauty of love are disappearing from our lives, that people’s feelings are diminishing. The story of A. Kuprin still amazes readers with faith in love “ Garnet bracelet" It can be called a moving hymn of love. Such stories help to maintain the belief that the world is beautiful, and that people sometimes have access to the inaccessible.

    I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". The influence of friendship on the formation of personality is a serious topic that worried I. A. Goncharov. The heroes of his novel, peers and friends, I. I. Oblomov and A. I. Stolts, are shown almost according to the same scheme: childhood, environment, education. But Stolz tried to change his friend’s sleepy life. His attempts were unsuccessful. After Oblomov’s death, Andrei took his son Ilya into his family. This is what true friends do.

    I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". In friendship there is mutual influence. Relationships can be fragile if people are unwilling to help each other. This is shown in the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". The apathetic, difficult-to-rise nature of Ilya Ilyich and the young energy of Andrei Stolts - all this spoke of the impossibility of friendship between these people. However, Andrei made every effort to encourage Oblomov to do some kind of activity. True, Ilya Ilyich could not adequately respond to his friend’s concern. But Stolz’s desires and attempts deserve respect.

    I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Friendship is not always strong, especially if it is based on the subordination of one person to another. A similar situation was described by Turgenev in the novel “Fathers and Sons.” Arkady Kirsanov was at first an ardent supporter of Bazarov's nihilistic views and considered himself his friend. However, he quickly lost his conviction and went over to the side of the older generation. Bazarov, according to Arkady, was left alone. This happened because the friendship was not equal.

    N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba” (about friendship, camaraderie). It is said in N. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba” that “there is no holier bond than comradeship.”

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