Alice from House 2 on Love Island. Alisa Ogorodova latest news, rumors, gossip

Participant name: Alisa Ogorodova

Age (birthday): 18.03.1994

City: Tashkent

Education: REU im. G. V. Plekhanova

Job: student at Plekhanovo University

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Alisa Ogorodova is the real pride of Uzbekistan; at the age of 22, the girl received the title of Master of Sports in tennis. She repeatedly competed for the honor of the country in various sports competitions.

Thanks to regular training, Alisa is in excellent shape; at the competition in 2015, where they chose “ The best figure CIS" she took first place. Her parents and relatives actively support her endeavors and rejoice at her achievements.

Alisa came to the project with the desire to experience something new, to taste different emotions., set new goals for yourself and, perhaps, find your love.

It’s interesting, but before coming to the casting, the girl had never watched the show “House 2” and was not interested in the stories of its participants. Being in the Seychelles, the atmosphere of the project and the previous adventures of bachelors are a real mystery for this participant.

Once on the island, Alice became interested in the first bachelor, the young man charmed her even at the casting stage - the girl watched several episodes, read his profile and realized that she would start with him.

On a date with Ivan, Alice received a bouquet of roses, which she was extremely surprised by - finding such flowers in the Seychelles is not easy.

However, having declared themselves a couple, Alice and Ivan very quickly had a fight.

The girl even announced the breakup, being jealous of Ivan, who won a date with a bachelor.

Barzikov himself just smiled; he was sure that Alice said all this while in an excited mood.

The project participants are also confident that everything will work out for the young people, so all the girls have so far switched to the second bachelor -.

Alice's behavior leaves participants and fans in two minds- some consider her the wisest and most restrained girl on the project, while others call her angry and hateful.

Ogorodova is indeed harsh in her statements and quite demanding, but, most likely, this is how her character, tempered by sports, is expressed. Alice asks a lot from those around her, but she herself is ready to sacrifice and give.

Alice's appearance also became a cause of controversy - she looks like Megan Fox and. Ogorodova herself does not comment on the comparison, modestly perceiving it as a compliment.

Competitors see Ogorodova as a serious rival, she was already nominated to become a maid of the project.

It is quite possible that very soon Alisa will be left with nothing, but while she is in the fight and the Tashkent champion is remembered for her usual championship - she managed to be in the first couple on the project and in the first breakup.

We will find out what other titles await the “Best Figure of the CIS” in further episodes of the show “House 2: Island of Love”.

Alice came to the new suitors and began an affair with. They constantly fought over other girls and broke up. Oleg left her for, but constantly returned.

Before the project was closed, the guys were a couple and went to Moscow together.

Photo by Alisa Ogorodova

Alisa sometimes acts as a model and shares these photos. She posts photos from everyday life on Instagram.

Alisa Ogorodova is the real pride of Uzbekistan; at the age of 22, the girl received the title of Master of Sports in tennis. She repeatedly competed for the honor of the country in various sports competitions.

Thanks to regular training, Alisa is in excellent shape; at the competition in 2015, where the “Best Figure of the CIS” was chosen, she took first place. Her parents and relatives actively support her endeavors and rejoice at her achievements.

Alice came to the project with the desire to experience something new, taste different emotions, set new goals for herself and, perhaps, find her love.

It’s interesting, but before coming to the casting, the girl had never watched the show “” and was not interested in the stories of its participants. Being in the Seychelles, the atmosphere of the project and the previous adventures of bachelors are a real mystery for this participant.

Once on the island, Alice became interested in the first bachelor, the young man charmed her even at the casting stage - the girl watched several episodes, read his profile and realized that she would start with him.

On a date with Ivan, Alice received a bouquet of roses, which she was extremely surprised by - finding such flowers in the Seychelles is not easy.

However, having declared themselves a couple, Alice and Ivan very quickly had a fight.

The girl even announced the breakup, being jealous of Ivan and Lisa, who won a date with a bachelor.

Barzikov himself just smiled; he was sure that Alice said all this while in an excited mood.

The project participants are also confident that everything will work out for the young people, so all the girls have so far switched to the second bachelor -.

Alice's behavior causes two opinions among participants and fans - some consider her the wisest and most restrained girl on the project, while others call her angry and hateful.

Ogorodova is indeed harsh in her statements and quite demanding, but, most likely, this is how her character, tempered by sports, is expressed. Alice asks a lot from those around her, but she herself is ready to sacrifice and give.

Alice's appearance also became a cause of controversy - she looks like both. Ogorodova herself does not comment on the comparison, modestly perceiving it as a compliment.

The competitors see Ogorodova as a serious rival; she has already been nominated to become a servant of the project.

It is quite possible that very soon Alisa will be left with nothing, but while she is in the fight and the Tashkent champion is remembered for her usual championship - she managed to be in the first couple on the project and in the first breakup.

We will find out what other titles await the “Best Figure of the CIS” in further episodes of the show “House 2: Island of Love”.

Alisa came to the new suitors and started an affair with Oleg Burkhanov. They constantly fought over other girls and broke up. Oleg left her for Yulia Teplova, but constantly returned.

Before the project was closed, the guys were a couple and went to Moscow together.

Alisa sometimes acts as a model and shares these photos. She posts photos from everyday life on Instagram.

Account: alisaogorodova

Occupation: participant in the television project “House 2”

Alisa Ogorodova appears on Instagram as a user with a friendly character and an open heart. The girl went through many obstacles on the way to her happiness.

Photo by Alisa Ogorodova on Instagram

Instagram account of Alisa Ogorodova

Alisa Ogorodova's Instagram account shows everything bright moments life on Love Island. In the second season of the project, this pretty brunette returned only for the sake of her beloved Oleg Burkhanov. Alisa actively shares her impressions with her subscribers, recently showing a photo from a masquerade ball that Oleg arranged for her. The couple spends a lot of time together, enjoying their vacation. They take part in photo shoots as part of the “House 2” project. The girl told her fans on Instagram that her mother was against returning to the project. Fortunately, Oleg was able to convince her and promised to take care of her. The guy pleases his beloved with chic bouquets.

Alisa Ogorodova's Instagram is often updated with photos and videos from close friend Mexico. The girls have warm, friendly relationships, despite all the gossip. Alice, like any girl, loves to take care of her appearance. Shows subscribers new beach looks. Recommends viewing various videos with an instructive meaning. She is actively involved in sports, she has ideal figure. On her Instagram page, she sincerely talks about her joyful and sad moments. She has to fight for her happiness with ill-wishers who strive to do some nasty things.

Biography of Alisa Ogorodova

The biography of Alisa Ogorodova originates in Uzbekistan, in the city of Tashkent, where she was born and for a long time lived. Alice is studying modeling business In addition, he has been interested in sports since childhood.

At this time, Ogorodova’s biography was replenished with successes on television.

Not all reality show beauties conflict, plot and compete with each other for the attention of guys. Many managed to find true, devoted friends on the project, communication with whom continues in everyday life.

Marina Afrikantova and Maria Kokhno, Alisa Ogorodova and Marina Mexico, Alisa Litinskaya and Mary Kuleshova
Photo: Instagram

Is there no such thing as female friendship? It’s really not easy for girls to build relationships with each other. Representatives of the fairer sex are sometimes overly emotional, expressive, and do not know how to be the first to shut their mouths. All this interferes with friendship. And what if we're talking about about reality shows, where participants have to compete with each other for the attention of young people, it’s difficult to find like-minded women here. But the heroines of our selection managed to make friends despite everything. the site talks about the stars of the “DOM-2” project, who proved by their example that ladies know how to be friends, and how!


The host of “DOM-2” Ksenia Borodina values ​​​​her relationships with her friends on the project. Especially close connection she and Daria Pynzar. Young women have wonderful families and children. They attend each other’s family celebrations and often post pictures online, indicating that Daria, Ksenia and their significant other communicate quite often and with great pleasure.

Ksenia Borodina and Daria Pynzar
​Photo: Instagram

In January, together with their husbands, they spent several unforgettable days in Rome. These holidays coincided with Dasha Pynzar's birthday. Congratulating her, Ksenia Borodina published a touching post on the microblog.

“My Dashulya, happy birthday, my beauty. I love you for your kindness, devotion, and you are the most positive person. Your family is great example for many, always stay together with Seryozha and give birth to more such good children. Let’s travel more together, we’re good at it,” wrote the presenter of “DOM-2”.

Several years ago, Ksenia Borodina and her friends, mainly from among former members show and employees, decided to create their own community and called it “laundress”. Daria Pynzar is also included in it.

Ksenia Borodina and her friends recently celebrated three years of their community
​Photo: Instagram

A company of close friends periodically gathers at bachelorette parties, where, as they jokingly say, they “wash their bones.” This community recently turned three years old, and all those who are part of it are bound by sincere friendship. The girls go to the theater together, celebrate children's birthdays and get together on various pleasant occasions. True, “cleaning of the ranks” occurs here from time to time. At one time, Alena Vodonaeva, Ekaterina Zhuzha, Margarita Marceau and Olga Gazhienko left the “laundress”. Ksenia Borodina explains this by saying that she is tired of people who use their friendship with her for selfish purposes, and she says goodbye to her pseudo-girlfriends without any regret, surrounding herself only with those in whom she does not doubt.


The friendship between Alisa Litinskaya and Mary Kuleshova on the project began with mutual hostility. Mary constantly hurt Alice, and one day she decided to beat her. The outcome of the protracted conflict was unexpected - the girls became friends.

Alisa Litinskaya and Mary Kuleshova
​Photo: Instagram

“I have an amazing friend, she’s a little crazy, just like me! That’s why many people tell us: “You two can’t hang out together, and the two of you can’t go on reconnaissance missions either - you’ll hang out,” brunette Kuleshova told about her relationship with the blonde Litinskaya. On the project, the girls were friends against Maya Dontsova, and once provoked a fight with her, for which they were immediately expelled from “HOUSE-2”. After an enchanting departure, the beauties went on vacation to Dubai, where they had an equally enchanting time. Alice and Mary maintain their relationship to this day, despite the fact that they are now separated by distance - Litinskaya travels a lot around Europe, and Kuleshova remains in Moscow.

Just the other day, answering questions from subscribers who were concerned that their friends had not published photos together for a long time, Alisa Litinskaya assured them that she and Mary still treat each other tenderly.

“Of course we are friends! We're just living in different countries, cities and we don’t see each other as often as we would like! She told Mary to get a visa and come to me in Europe. It's great to have friends you don't see for months, but they are still the best. I love people whose communication with them does not change,” said the ex-participant of “DOM-2”.


Marina Afrikantova began to be friends with Maria Kokhno almost from the first days of her stay on the project. The girls communicated closely, which Marina’s lover Roman Kapakly did not like very much. The young man even tried to end their friendship by giving his girlfriend an ultimatum, but Afrikantova did not agree to choose and maintained a warm relationship with Masha.

Masha Kokhno and Marina Afrikantova
​Photo: Instagram

Fans of “DOM-2” who followed the developments on the television set remember how close violinist Masha took Marina Afrikantova’s problems to her heart. Once Marina complained that the team was putting pressure on her and demanding that she finally get into a relationship. Masha was so upset by the unfair accusations against her friend that she burst into tears almost out loud. Now Kokhno has been outside the perimeter for several months, but this does not prevent the girls from seeing each other and communicating. It’s interesting that Afrikantov and Kokhno post joint photos on Instagram with the hashtag #flowersoftheproject. The girls treat each other with tenderness.

Marina and Masha post their pictures under the hashtag #flowersproject
​Photo: Instagram

Here's how Marina once spoke about Masha:

“I want to tell you about my little flower, Maria Kokhno. I love her so much! Despite the fact that Masha is no longer on the project, we communicate with her every day via SMS and see each other every weekend, go to a cafe and have fun! We live in neighboring houses in the same area. I am glad that I have a friend like Masha, my outlet, my support. In a word, my little flower.”


Anastasia Lisova and Alexandra Gozias went through a difficult path from friendship to hatred and back. Now they are best friends again, and a few years ago they good relations were torn apart, it seemed, forever.

Alexandra Gozias and Anastasia Lisova
​Photo: Instagram

Alexandra Gozias appeared in the Seychelles to seduce Evgeniy Kuzin, and it was at that moment that she began her long journey on the television set, becoming one of the highest-rated participants in the show. However, in the tropics, Sasha had to be the shadow of Anastasia Lisova, who at that time was shining and building a vibrant relationship with Nikita Kuznetsov. Gozias was considered Lisova’s only friend, who always supported her, but the relationship between the two girls deteriorated when Alexandra suddenly found out about the secret correspondence that Nastya had been conducting with her ex-husband. Gozias declared to the whole country that she considers Lisova a fallen woman, regrets that she called her a friend and from now on believes all those terrible rumors that have always circulated about Anastasia. From that moment on, the paths of the two ex-participants of “DOM-2” diverged. But in those days when Lisova was preparing to become a mother, she forgave Gozias, who threw mud at her. The girls met, talked without cameras and finally realized that they still wanted to continue being friends. “Over time, everything falls into place,” Anastasia wrote on the microblog, publishing a joint photo with Alexandra.

“We met Nastya on the project, and immediately found mutual language. I understood that friendship with her would hurt me, since no one loved Nastya on the island. But pissing in my pants is not for me, and in general, it didn’t matter who said what. We were friends and supported each other. The participants constantly set up intrigues for us and, like jackals, waited for our weakness! But the girls, according to the horoscope, are twins - strong-willed. And we coped with everything. When I left for Polyana, Nastya remained on the island, and then they managed to quarrel between us, putting pressure on my jealousy.

We haven't talked for a long time! And finally, we met and told each other everything, I realized: there was no betrayal. I'm sorry that I lost a lot of time without communicating with her. But that’s behind us,” Alexandra Gozias spoke about reconciliation.


While participating in the reality show, Tatyana Okhulkova tried to build a relationship with Yegor Kholyavin, Diana Ignatyuk - with Valera Blumenkrants. But what they really did well was making friends with each other.

Tatyana Okhulkova and Diana Ignatyuk
​Photo: Instagram

Everyone remembers not only the intimate conversations of the girlfriends, but also their hot night dances in the Seychelles, and even a passionate kiss, because of which the beauties were suspected of gay. Instead of building love with guys, Okhulkova and Ignatyuk spent a lot of time alone, far away, without cameras, justifying their absence from film set the need to “keep secret.” Tanya left the project for Diana when the team decided to kick out Ignatyuk. The friends rented an apartment together and even announced the opening of a store. But then the friends had a serious quarrel, separated and did not communicate for a long time. And now they are back together and are still strong friends.

Tatiana and Diana surprised with a change in image
​Photo: Instagram

Not so long ago, girls experimented with their appearance. Brunette Tanya became blonde, and fair Diana dyed her hair dark color. True, since that moment the girls have not posted pictures together on microblogs.


Marina Mexico and Alisa Ogorodova became very close friends on Love Island. The girls were offended that few people believed in their sincere friendship then, although in fact they were always there for each other. Girls often confessed their sincere sympathy and claimed that they were the most shining example the existence of true female friendship and support.

Marina Mexico and Alisa Ogorodova
​Photo: Instagram

“My beloved partridge, but you say that female friendship does not exist. From the first days of the Love Island project, we both realized that we were for one thing. We never quarreled, we supported each other. The only one on the project whom I single out,” Marina Mexico said about her friend Alice.

Alisa and Marina thank the project for their meeting
​Photo: Instagram

“I want to convey to all the envious people who still can’t wait for us to have a fight, and to answer the always asked question, whether we communicate or not, I answer! You can’t wait for the day when we quarrel or stop communicating! I’ll tell you more, our friendship is becoming stronger and stronger every day, I love you, my shrimp,” this is Alisa Ogorodova’s confession to Marina.

Marina and Alisa have repeatedly said that they are grateful to the project for bringing them together one day. On reality shows, they were often tested, they tried to provoke and push heads together, but this could not destroy their friendship. The beauties are sure that their relationship will live forever. The girls remained best friends after the project, often communicate, celebrate birthdays together and continue to admire each other’s sincerity and fairness.


Once on Love Island, Ella Sukhanova and Kristina Deryabina became quite close and became best friends. The girls behaved very noisily, brightly and boldly at the project. Fans of the reality show dubbed them “witches.”

Kristina Deryabina and Ella Sukhanova
​Photo: Instagram

The friends provoked other participants, started fights, and once Anastasia Lisova got a lot of trouble from them. Kristina Deryabina helped her friend get even with her ill-wisher - Lisova periodically played dirty tricks on Sukhanova, considering her her rival.

However, the sword of Damocles also hung over the relationship between Ella and Christina. First, Deryabina had her eye on Sukhanova’s lover Igor Tregubenko, then she published a post on the Internet that she considered Olga Zhemchugova to be her best friend. Then it seemed that the friendship of the two participants in the project was put to rest forever. But no. Ella and Christina successfully overcame the crisis and still communicate to this day. Deryabina was one of the main guests at the wedding of Ella Sukhanova and Igor Tregubenko. Later, Christina supported Ella during the difficult period of separation from her husband.

Kristina Deryabina at Ella Sukhanova's wedding
​Photo: Instagram

In the microblogs of girls, joint photographs appear with enviable regularity. “No, Kristina Deryabina and I are not friends, we met by chance and chatted for several hours,” Sukhanova captioned a photo published in early March. And at the end of January, a post appeared on Deryabina’s microblog with declarations of love from Sukhanova on the occasion of her 30th birthday.

"Congratulations on your wonderful age and I want to say, as a person who is 28 for now, don’t be upset, because life is just beginning. You and I still have to visit a bunch of countries, discuss men over a glass of wine and conquer the whole world. I love you endlessly, happy birthday,” wrote Christina.

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