The mystery of the death of Kurt Cobain: who could have saved the leader of the legendary rock band Nirvana. Youth and Death: The Short But Colorful Life of Kurt Cobain

Kurt Donald Cobain - vocalist, guitarist, songwriter and leader of the famous American rock band"Nirvana"

Kurt Cobain's death in 1994, when Nirvana was at the height of its popularity, shocked the public. Even today, debates around this tragic event do not subside: was it suicide “at the right moment” in order to forever remain at the peak of fame, or did someone specially “order” the leader of Nirvana. We will probably never know what the actual cause of Kurt Cobain's death was.

Nothing even foreshadowed the tragic death of the young (he was only 27 years old) musician: neither the events that happened to him at that moment, nor the emotional conversations, nor his behavior. That is why the most incredible rumors and assumptions are still swirling around his unexpected and shocking death.

Official cause of death of Kurt Cobain

On 04/08/1994, security system installer Gary Smith arrived at the listed address in Seattle. He rang the doorbell several times, but no one opened it for him. The electrician was about to leave, but he saw a car standing near the garage. He decided that the owners were somewhere in the house. Gary went up to the greenhouse and saw through the glass doors a body lying on the floor and a pool of blood. He decided that a murder had been committed and reported to the police.

A gun was found at the crime scene and from this it was concluded that the cause of Kurt Cobain's death was suicide. By official version, the leader of Nirvana committed suicide by shooting himself in the forehead with a gun. It was also established that the vocalist shot himself three days earlier, i.e. 5th of April.

Many believe that the investigation into the death of the Nirvana leader was superficial. And a few months later, new facts surfaced that cast doubt on the fact that it was suicide.

Cause of death of Kurt Cobain according to private investigator Thomas Grant

Detective Grant was hired by Cobain's wife Courtney Love even before the celebrity's death. She instructed Thomas to keep an eye on her husband. The detective put forward his version of how and why Kurt Cobain died. The cause of death, according to Grant's investigation, was shocking. The private investigator questioned and criticized the official version and the investigation as a whole. According to him, the police did not take into account at all the fact that traces of numerous injections were found on the body of the deceased musician, and in the blood - morphine and the drug "Diazepam" in an amount exceeding the lethal dose for humans by more than three times. In the condition Cobain was in, it was impossible to take a gun and shoot, since death would have occurred instantly.

Another mystery is the complete absence of any fingerprints on the gun Cobain allegedly fired from or on the pen he used to write his suicide note. As for the note itself, not everything is smooth here either. The part of the text that talks about Kurt’s attitude towards the stage, the band, music, his disappointment with it all and his desire to quit, is written in the same hand. And the one where Cobain says that he is going to die and says goodbye to his wife and daughter was clearly added by someone else.

Kurt Cobain's death was the work of his wife Courtney Love

There is also such a version. The fact is that immediately after the musician’s death, Courtney’s father publicly accused his daughter of murdering her husband. And the testimony of the widow herself was contradictory from the very beginning. In addition, thanks to the efforts of Courtney Love, public consciousness There was an opinion that Kurt Cobain was a depressive and suicidal person.

And in 1996, Eldon Hawk admitted to the press that she had previously been ready to pay him a large sum for the murder of Kurt Cobain. Eldon Hawk was even tested on a lie detector. And the most interesting thing is that the device revealed that the percentage of lies is only 1 in 1000. This version is made even more plausible by the fact that after some time Hawk died in an accident...

To this day, the death of the famous grunge musician and immortal leader of Nirvana is shrouded in a mystery that has never been solved by anyone. It is likely that someone knew that this terrible tragedy would happen, but still chooses to remain silent.

Police in Seattle, Washington, have released text contained in a previously unknown letter from the musician, which he wrote just hours before his death. This note from the lead singer of the cult group was found in his wallet immediately after Kurt Cobain committed suicide in 1994.

20 years later law enforcement agencies Washington state still decided to present the contents of Cobain's suicide note to the general public. She was added to the materials of the case of the musician’s death, which is still not closed. For a long time, the police kept secret the text that was written by the musician before his death. She believes the handwriting on the note is very similar to Kurt Cobain's, but exactly when it was written remains unclear.

Summary of Kurt Cobain's suicide note

The singer's suicide note begins with the wedding vows that the bride and groom traditionally make to each other on the day of the ceremony. But then Kurt Cobain describes his marriage to Courtney Love in profanity. He in particular accused his wife of not thinking twice about spending the money he earned on drugs and “fornication.” What exactly Kurt meant by the last word, he did not explain. Quote from the note:

Are you, Kurt Cobain, ready to accept Courtney Michelle Love as your legal wife... Even if this bitch with acne is ready to spend all your money on drugs and fornication?

A fragment of the singer’s letter, which he wrote before his death

The text of Cobain's new suicide note is radically different from his first message, which was made public earlier. In a previous note, it was written that the musician “feels guilty before his fans and loved ones,” and also admits his feelings for Courtney Love and asks for her forgiveness. The singer's representatives have not yet commented on the second note from the Nirvana lead singer.

Kurt Cobain's death came as a shock to his fans

The Case of Kurt Cobain's Death

Recall that musician Kurt Cobain was found dead at his home on April 8, 1994, three days after his death. According to the official version, he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. Despite the fact that the case of the death of the Nirvana lead singer has not yet been closed. One of the detectives working for Courtney Love suggested that the singer’s wife herself could have ordered the crime. However, for now this opinion remains only a version that has not found evidence.

His wife Courtney Love was also among the suspects in the case of the musician's death.

Even after his death, Kurt Cobain earned a sensational amount: his music brought $800 million to copyright holders.

Kurt with his best friend, 1994

On Friday, April 8, 1994, at 8:45 a.m., a police officer on duty, frantic from the unusual heat for Seattle, recorded phone call from a certain Gary Smith. He said in a not entirely sober voice that in house No. 171, owned by married couple Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain, the bloody corpse of a man lies. The squad that arrived 11 minutes later found the applicant (a full-time electrician checking the alarm system) and the body at the scene.

It was not easy to identify the deceased, since he: a) lay in a stuffy closed room for at least three days and b) imagine what remains of the head of a man who shot himself in the mouth with a large-caliber Remington Model 11 rifle.

No traces of disorder were found, but on the table lay several sheets of paper covered in red ink, presumably a suicide message. Cobain was identified by sneakers and fingerprints, first by carefully stating that Nirvana's scheduled performance at the Lollapalooza festival was in doubt. However, within a few days the sad news spread around the world: Kurt was no more. Grunge Is Dead.

May there always be a mother

From Cobain's diaries

Kurt Donald Cobain was born on February 20, 1967 in Hockweim, Washington. His father had exactly the same name; he was German by birth and worked as an auto mechanic.

Mother, Wendy O'Connor, was of Irish blood and, unlike her husband, had higher education, which did not stop her from working as a teacher in kindergarten, then a waitress in a bar. Kurt was six months old when the family (numerous uncles and aunts also lived with them constantly) moved to the town of Aberdeen, a hundred kilometers from Seattle, famous for its giant trailer park and a fantastic number of different-sized brothels for truckers.

Relationships in the family were complicated: Cobain Sr. was known as an eccentric and a mumbler, he loved to pawn his high German collar, and he spent his unspent money on a collection of weapons of all kinds - from hunting shotguns to battle axes. It is not surprising that the passion for killer toys was passed on to his son. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Mom, on the contrary, was a powerful woman with a hot temper and often in anger beat her husband and his relatives, but not her son. The boy grew up sickly and shy and had obvious artistic inclinations: already at the age of two he painted wallpaper and sang along at rehearsals with Uncle Chuck and Aunt Mary, who amused drivers and their girlfriends in local taverns. These same relatives gave him his first records - the Beatles' "Let It Be" and the collection "The Best of Country".

According to his mother, Kurt could play “Mr. Bojangles" and drum on his uncle's "Neu Jude" kit. He also constantly re-read Tolstoy and Salinger, wrote poems, dedicating them, as you might guess, to his mother. Although the blond angel with huge blue eyes was literally carried in the arms of the entire large family, he gravitated exclusively towards his mother and always took her side in quarrels. Wendy, in turn, encouraged him to study music, buying him records and cassettes, and for his fourteenth birthday she gave him an amplifier with speakers and a guitar.

One day, Wendy, during her husband’s next binge, collected his entire weapons collection and drowned it in the river. The next day, Kurt and his friends went “fishing”, caught dad’s almost complete arsenal and, after washing and cleaning it, took it to a local flea market. The proceeds went to purchase equipment. Cobain, who constantly complained that the sound was not loud and powerful enough, could now have a blast.

Meanwhile, his mother divorced his father and left, taking the children, and Uncle Chuck committed suicide. Both of these circumstances hit Kurt’s fragile soul hard, he fell into a terrible depression (later this would become his main occupation) and, despite his strong attachment to Wendy, he actually left home, moving in with a new friend and fellow rock and roll artist. Chris Novoselic. Kurt was 18 years old.

Congratulations on Novoselic

Chris was the son of emigrants from Croatia, was two meters tall and had a girlfriend, Shelley. He played the bass guitar, could blow out a case of Miller in an evening, and completely shared Kurt's punk habits. And he gradually became a constant headache for the Aberdeen police.

Subject to frequent mood swings and torn by a million youthful torments, an artist by nature and a rescue sailor by temporary profession, he destroyed the apartments of friends and casual acquaintances, fought with truckers in eateries and even once wrote “God Is Gay” on the wall in the police station with his own blood. ! (“God is gay!”).

Then, already during the time of Nirvana, he did this more than once and even wore a T-shirt with such an inscription. Kurt and Chris also played in numerous semi-professional teams that had only one thing in common - grunge.

Grunge is a very relative concept. In English it seems to be just “dirt”, but not the kind of dirt that is in punk, without vomiting and syphilitic ulcers. This is a hymn to hatred and disappointment, the apotheosis of political and spiritual vacuum, an encyclopedia of personal experiences and an endless ode to neuroses. Furious and detached at the same time, a hybrid of McCartney and Ozzy, grunge, in fact, did not bring anything new to music, but is legitimately considered an independent musical style.

After the posturing and tinsel of the early 80s, the rockers finally looked inside themselves, and what they saw turned out to be one big bad thing. Simple guys in wrinkled checkered shirts and cheap sneakers tore guitar strings and their own souls and played as if tomorrow they would be wearing a wooden peacoat. However, they also died en masse.

The founding fathers of grunge are considered to be Mudhoney, Mother Love Bone and Green River (all former punks and hard rockers), and the capital is Seattle. Why him? Most likely, because in the eternal antagonism of the show capitals - New York and Los Angeles - this city (American Sverdlovsk) stood aside and gave birth to its own individual superstars like Jimi Hendrix.

Kurt decided to name his group Nirvana (the third member was drummer Aaron Bookhart) while undergoing a rehabilitation course in one of the special hospitals: he had been friends with hard drugs for a long time. “I wanted the name to be sonorous and beautiful, but controversial in terms of interpretation,” Cobain recalled. It was 1988.

Reach Nirvana

Lyrics of Nirvana's biggest hit "Smells like teen spirit". Cobain's autograph

A certain John Endino unexpectedly took on a strange psychedelic-destructive project. former captain Navy and member of the interesting pre-grange band Skin Yard. He worked as a sound producer and, for a purely nominal fee and beer, recorded a dozen Nirvana songs. By that time, Bookhart had been replaced by Chad Channing, and Kurt, sitting in the apartment of the lonely Novoselic (Shelley ran away, unable to bear her friend’s rock and roll lifestyle), wrote a song a day. In 1989, the debut album “Bleach” was released, for which Cobain wrote several now classic grunge hits - “About a Girl”, “Mr. Mustache", "Blew". The record was a local success, much more so in England than in America, which was experiencing a grunge boom. The group received $70,000 in royalties, which almost destroyed it in the bud: Kurt was so carried away by the expansion of consciousness that he was in a coma twice, and the police established constant surveillance over him.

In the recording of the trio’s second, most successful and most beloved album, “Nevermind” (1991), Dave Grohl played the drums, as did Kurt, half-German, half-Irish, but much more experienced professionally: at the age of 21, he had already traveled half the world in part of the Washington hardcore team Scream. From this record, or rather, from the single “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and its video, genuine nirvana-mania began.

The release of this particular record marked a complete change in the guidelines in pop music: “Nevermind” kicked Michael Jackson’s gigantic opus “Dangerous” off the first line of the Billboard chart. At that moment, the era of alternative rock began, the decline of which we are still experiencing. Nirvana's live concerts were turning into radical manifestos of a new style; the frenzy, drive and aggression of the musicians flowed like a river. It was a rare amplifier that survived until the end of the performance, and playing a solo while standing on his head was a common thing for Cobain. In one of his interviews he said:

« Nirvana in my understanding means freedom from pain, suffering, outside world. This is an immersion in a fairy tale by playing the guitar »

In the same year, the first meeting of the shaggy-haired storyteller, who had become hyper-popular, and a plump girl named Courtney Love took place.

Kurt and Courtney

She was born in 1966 in Eugene, Oregon. Her mother was a real hippie and changed partners more often than socks and underwear. At the age of three, Courtney attended Woodstock, and her girlish face is featured on the album “Aohotohoa” by the acid rock classics Grateful Dead. Finding yourself in a completely at a young age in England, she made a living sports dancing, striptease, women's boxing and hanging out with aging new wavers. Her partners and “teachers” were Ian McCulloch (Echo & The Bunnymen) and Julian Cope (Teardrops Explodes), whom she now remembers with poorly concealed disgust. Returning to America, the girl made her mark in the music (she was a vocalist in the early lineup of Faith No More) and film fields (Straight to Hell, Sid and Nancy) and eventually formed the feminist quartet Hole, with which she achieved success. Cobain and Love met in Los Angeles at a Butthole Surfers concert. A stately young lady with a beautiful figure and obvious artistic abilities, Courtney literally smitten Kurt. He almost pushed away her then boyfriend, Smashing Pumkins leader Bill Corgan, with his fists and with amazing speed married the wayward girl. This happened on the cheerful island of Waikiki in Hawaii, where all formalities can be completed in fifteen minutes.

In 1992, the crazy couple had a daughter, Frances Bean - a completely healthy child, despite the reluctance of the rocker mother to give up some habits even during pregnancy. Kurt made a vow to his wife to stop using a syringe and held on almost until his death.

Kurt and Courtney with daughter Frances Bean at the MTV Video Music Awards, September 2, 1993

Grunge finale

Relations in the group became increasingly strained. Courtney, like Yoko Ono for the Beatles, was a bone of contention, Kurt began to serious problems with his lungs and stomach, which he suppressed with the strongest dubious drugs, and his teammates, who were up in arms against him, increasingly looked the other way. And Cobain himself, after the release of the group’s last album, “In Utero,” either announced the suspension of Nirvana’s activities and the creation of a project with Mark Arm from Mudhoney, or hinted at a desire to leave the game. Back in 1992, Cobain wrote in his diary:

« I feel that people want me dead, otherwise it’s been a while since the geniuses of rock died »

On March 3, 1994, in Rome, he makes his first suicide attempt by eating 50 Rohypnol tablets and generously washing them down with champagne. He even wrote a suicide note, which has not survived. Then he was pumped out, but already on March 6, in Seattle, Cobain went into a heroin stupor for a month. In moments of withdrawal, the musician writes chaotic and tearful letters to his mother and buys weapons with manic zeal. He already has a Tauras pistol and a Beretta assault rifle, supposedly to protect his daughter, but he buys a large-caliber Remington 11 rifle, the same one.

In their last days, according to producer Steve Albini, he was practically insane: on edge, with burning eyes, terribly thin and absolutely unable to work or communicate with people who were trying to reason with him. Two days before Cobain's death, Courtney was arrested for drug possession and forgery (she was found to have a fake prescription). Already sitting in the cell, Courtney tried to direct the detectives' activities in a different direction - to find her husband, whom she had not seen for almost a week.

The news of Kurt's death found her in the hospital, and, having escaped from there, she immediately discovered a number of inconsistencies in the official version of suicide. There are traces of the presence of a stranger in the room (someone else's sleeping bag, cigarettes in the ashtray), and the fact that it was locked from the outside, and the testimony of random witnesses who saw two figures in the window opening. And Novoselic added fuel to the fire by saying that Cobain was killed by “certain forces of evil.”

The investigation into Kurt's murder was not officially conducted; the detectives hired by Courtney received refusals from the police department “due to insufficient evidence.” Naturally, most fans believe that Kurt is alive to this day and enjoying the peace of heaven somewhere in Tahiti in the company of Elvis Presley and Bob Marley.

After life

Nirvana's influence on 90s rock music is comparable to Black Sabbath's influence on heavy metal. At the same time, the revolutionary nature of their legacy is not even in how effectively they managed to mix the guitar dirt and heaviness of Ozzy and Co., punk ethics and teenage self-criticism. Before them, The Melvins and Mudhoney did this no less successfully. The thing is that they managed to pour the resulting mixture into easy-to-use molds of a classic three-minute pop song, that is, to plant their musical ideas on riffs and hooks that caress the rocker’s ears. And, of course, the image of the frontman: Cobain achieved incredible success in combining the most exciting features of Pete Townshend, Neil Young and Sid Vicious. The cheerful idiocy of “hairy metal”, the hip-hop recycled material of MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice, the euphoria of acid rock of the late 80s are deep in the past - for the first time in twenty years, sincerity and originality of self-expression have again come to the fore. Without Nirvana, there wouldn't have been a real heyday of grunge in the 90s, just as there wouldn't have been Bush, Radiohead, Oasis, Linkin Park, The White Stripes and thousands of others.

On Friday, April 8, 1994, at 8:45 a.m. local time, the Seattle Police Department received a telephone call. The caller identified himself as Gary Smith and stated that in house number 171, which belonged to the musicians Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, he found the bloody corpse of a man.

A squad of law enforcement officers who arrived at the scene 11 minutes later actually discovered the applicant and the body of the deceased, dressed in jeans, a hoodie and sneakers. You don’t have to be an expert in forensic medicine to imagine the picture that opened up to the eyes of the police: a man shot himself in the mouth from a model 11 Remington large-caliber rifle... After an initial inspection of the scene, the death of the victim was registered as a result of suicide - there were no signs of violence no actions were detected.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, radio stations in the northwestern United States filled the airwaves with NIRVANA songs. Fans began to flock to Cobain's house. A couple of hours later, traffic on Lake Washington Boulevard was paralyzed by at least five thousand fans who came to say goodbye to their idol. By nightfall the crowd had not dispersed, and thousands of candles were lit in the darkness. The vigil accompanied by a soundtrack of NIRVANA songs continued until the morning. At 2 p.m., American news agencies broadcast details of the event throughout the country and to Europe. The first interview was with Chris Novoselic. He ended this interview with the words: “At this time, you cannot think badly of Kurt. Let his soul be free. The statement that it was drugs that caused Cobain’s death is incorrect. Heroin was only a small part of his life. Kurt was eliminated by the “mystical forces of rock.” Rock stars of this kind are doomed. Their death is predetermined by fate."
MTV news also noted that Cobain's death automatically ends the band's career.
“I was shocked when the suicide happened,” producer Steve Albini said in an interview, “but I wasn’t surprised that Kurt was capable of such a thing. I think everyone who contemplates their existence thinks about suicide. They say it’s a way out for the faint-hearted.” , because you have to deal with your problems strictly and disciplined. But some people decide to change the situation, and one of the ways to change it is to leave. Maybe many people who had a life as difficult as Kurt's would not have ended it. Well, I think it's a sign of resilience, but that doesn't mean what Kurt did was unjustified." What events preceded the tragic ending? During a tour of Europe, in Rome, Kurt Cobain was admitted to a clinic, where he was brought out of a drug-alcohol coma for 36 hours. This time he was saved by doctors, who restored the vital functions of the body, but were unable to restore his peace of mind. The conclusion was clear - a suicide attempt using the painkiller Roinpol, which Kurt washed down with a certain amount of champagne. In the room where the musician tried to solve all the problems in one fell swoop, a suicide note was even discovered, which was not advertised in the interests of the case. Two last concert

For two weeks after returning, Kurt kept himself under control. True, he told Love that he no longer wanted to work with NIRVANA and it would be much more interesting for him to perform with Michael Stipe (R.E.M. vocalist). It was then that he began to “arm himself,” although there was already a Tauras revolver and a Beretta assault rifle in the house. He "broke out" abruptly.

NIRVANA no longer actually existed. Kurt was physically unable to rehearse, much less perform on stage. In the end, he sent Novoselic away, which immediately became known to the cunning journalists of the Los Angeles Times. The organizer of the US tour "Lollapalooza" (summer 1994), Perry Farrell, made a statement that the famous trio, announced along with the SMASHING PUMPKINS as headliners, "apparently will not be ready to work out their bill." Kurt's mother Wendy O'Connor, who saw her son six days before the tragedy, tried to reason with her child, suggesting that further music lessons "would not lead to good things." “I was sure that everything would turn out THIS way,” she told reporters, “but I was not able to fix anything. He told me that people want him dead, that such an outcome is quite logical. It’s just fate, nothing else, as "a continuation of the history of rock and roll." Courtney Love in this

troubled period
Courtney left Seattle on March 25 and moved to Los Angeles, staying at the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills and leaving her two-year-old daughter Frances Bean in the care of nanny Jackie Franny. The reason for leaving was not the disagreements that arose with her husband. It’s just that Courtney’s group was going to release their album on a Los Angeles company.

Periodically, she called Kurt and persuaded him to go to the Exodus Recovery Center hospital in the city of Marino Del to undergo a rehabilitation course. On March 28, Cobain finally succumbed to persuasion and promised to go and see what this hospital was like.

Kurt stayed in the hospital for only two days, constantly maintaining contact with his wife. His last call was the strangest.

According to the official version, which was based on forensic evidence, Kurt Cobain showed up at his home on Lake Washington on April 5, pumped up with heroin and sleeping pills. Only a third of the dose of these drugs contained in his blood could lead to ordinary person to death. There was deathly silence in the huge empty house. Never before had the house looked so ominous. So Kurt turned on the TV and then headed to the second floor of the garage extension, next to the house where his daughter's nanny usually lived. Selecting a pen with red ink, he wrote his last message

wife, daughter, colleagues and fans, sealed the letter in an envelope, then took a gun and shot himself in the head. Thus, his corpse lay there for almost three days, until electrician Gary Smith raised the alarm on April 8.

During these three days, many people were looking for Cobain. Private detectives, friends who were involved by Courtney Love, and police officers who were contacted by Kurt's mother Wendy O Connor, who learned that her son had acquired a gun. The police visited the house on Lake Washington several times and searched for Cobain in hot spots, but to no avail. It was like he sank into the water. There were rumors that on April 5, Kurt was contacted by a representative of the company, who did not identify himself, who convinced him to go to a local rehabilitation center.
But the musician allegedly refused to do this. According to other sources, Cobain was seen in company with drug dealers. However, these rumors were not confirmed. The facts are as follows. On the evening of April 7, Courtney Love called the hotel administrator and asked for medical assistance due to a severe allergic reaction to a seemingly ordinary medicine. An ambulance took her to the clinic, but as a result the police became interested in the patient. After the discovery of a drug, a syringe and a prescription book, which was determined to be someone else's property, Courtney was arrested by Beverly Hills police, but was released on $10,000 bail. Love later stated that this drug was prescribed to her by her doctor, who forgot his book in her hotel room. It is possible that Courtney did not have a simple nervous breakdown, but that she somehow learned (even telepathically) about the death of her husband.. I suspected that Kurt would do THIS to himself, but it seemed to me that his life would end when he was at least forty years old." During the interview, Courtney was dressed in jeans and socks from her late husband, and carried a clump of unwashed clothes in her pocket as a talisman. hair cut from Cobain's head. Later, during the vigil, reading fragments from Cobain's dying message in a fallen voice, she gave vent to her feelings and shouted: “You bastard, you bastard!”

While fans mourned the death of the “star”, consoling themselves by listening to the MTV Unplugget In Ney York album, Cobain’s “case” took a completely unexpected turn in Seattle. The preliminary stage of the investigation into the circumstances of the death of the singer and composer was completed and published in the music press. These results were shocking: it is quite possible that Kurt Cobain did not shoot himself, but was shot. This conclusion was reached by private investigator Tom Grant, who was hired by Courtney Love on April 3, that is, five days before Cobain's death. What prompted Love to take such a step? Fear for your life? But in the interview, Courtney repeatedly emphasized that Kurt “had kind heart and he knew how to love so well." Fear for the life of his daughter? Excluded. The same Courtney stated that, according to her husband, he plans to live until he is 120 years old, and that the only force keeping him in this world is his child. Fear for his own life Kurt? Most likely. But what does a private detective have to do with it? It’s not “outside” people who should watch the dying person, but at least his relatives. And one more thing if Tom Grant has been relentlessly watching Kurt since his discharge from the hospital. -Angeles rehabilitation center, why did he allow the tragedy to happen?

Grant dealt with the circumstances of the celebrity’s death for a total of eight months. “I immediately realized that this was a murder,” the detective said in an interview with the Star newspaper. “Kurt was in a drug-induced trance. In such a state, a person is not aware of his actions and does not understand what is happening. I am sure that someone staged a suicide and Kurt pressed the trigger of the rifle with his finger. The suicide note found at the scene was half fake. I spent a long time studying this sheet of paper, written by Kurt with a pen with red ink, and discovered that the last two lines, in which he actually said goodbye to life, were added by another person. This was confirmed by the examination. Kurt valued death more than life. This was not a secret, and someone skillfully took advantage of the knowledge of this secret.”

To complete the picture, Cobain’s last message addressed to Bodda, the musician’s “alter ego,” should be given in its entirety:

I speak the language of an experienced simple person who would clearly prefer to be a sluggish, infantile complainer. This note will be fairly easy to understand. All the warnings of the punk rock crash course over the years, since I became familiar with, so to speak, the ethic of independence and acceptance of your community, turned out to be really true. It's been many years since I've felt nervous when listening to music, or when making music, both at concerts and while composing. I can’t put into words how ashamed I am about all this. For example, when we're backstage and the lights come on and this crazy roar of the crowd starts, it doesn't move me the way it did with Freddie Mercury, who seemed to enjoy enjoying the love and adoration of the crowd, which I'm very surprised and envious of. I can't stand the thought of Francis becoming the same miserable, self-destructive rocker that I have become. I’m doing well, very well, and I’m grateful, but from the age of seven I began to hate all people. Only because they think it’s so easy to live and feel compassion. Compassion! Only because I love and pity people too much do I get something in return. I thank you all from the depths of my burning, writhing stomach, for your letters and support in last years. I'm too weird, a moody kid! I no longer have passion and therefore, remember, it is better to burn out instantly than to fade away slowly. Peace, love, compassion. Kurt Cobain.
Frances and Courtney, I will be at your altar.
Please move on Courtney
in the name of Frances,
for the sake of her life, which will be much happier without me.

Apart from the last lines, everything else was actually written by Kurt. But it was a LETTER in which he said that he was leaving show business, not life. He wrote a similar letter back in Rome and, naturally, those who needed the singer’s death already knew about it. Tom Grand also questioned all the conclusions of the police and the experimental group. In his opinion, the investigation into the circumstances of the case was not professional. Even potential witnesses were not interviewed. But the most amazing fact is that two days before the tragedy, at least two people already knew that Kurt Cobain WOULD be killed. They knew, but were silent. Tom Grant met with them, but he is keeping the names of these people secret for now. Again, they committed a crime by not preventing the murder, but no one is going to hold them accountable under the law.

There is one more detail. The body was found in a room, the door to which was propped up from the inside with a stool. In the other two rooms, opening onto the balcony, the chairs were placed in the middle, and the rooms were not locked. Therefore, someone was clearly in Cobain's company, calmly preparing the murder scene.

I doubted Kurt, who was in a semi-conscious state, was busy arranging chairs and looking for a room where it would be more convenient to “carry out the sentence.” It is also alarming that an unknown person tried several times to use Cobain’s credit card, which Courtney Love canceled as soon as she learned that her husband had escaped from the clinic. According to Courtney, she did this in order to determine where to look for Kurt. They tried to use the credit card on the days when, according to the medical examination, Cobain was already dead. And in general, what could be more surprising than the fact that no one knew about the whereabouts of one of the most famous rock musicians in America for almost a week? Or rather, someone knew for sure, but to this day they prefer to remain silent.

It is more likely that the management of Gold Mountain Entertainment is interested in eliminating Cobain. It was no longer a secret to anyone that Kurt wanted to “get out of the game.” So, finally, it was decided to make big money on his death. Indeed, in England alone, NIRVANA's last two records were bought up and ended up in the Top 30. But Kurt Cobain's albums sold in huge quantities even without such a "precedent". In total, 15 million copies of the disc were sold worldwide. Could Kurt, as a leader of American youth, pose a danger to the secret services? Unlikely. Cobain's lyrics did not pose a social threat. So who needs the death of Kurt, who would have taken his own life anyway? The answer is perhaps simple. He was killed by those who gave birth to him. Seattle today center music industry USA, no less than Los Angeles, New York or Cleveland. The city needed a new Idol and God, because for the new generation Jimi Hendrix (who is buried in Seattle's Greenwood Memorial Park) means little. Kurt was the only candidate for the role of the Martyr, which they rushed to MAKE him.

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Kurt Cobain: childhood, Nirvana, personal life and death

Kurt Donald Cobain (1967–1994) – one of the most famous musicians of the 20th century, founder, vocalist and guitarist legendary rock band Nirvana


The boy was born on February 20, 1967 in the small town of Aberdeen. His father was a mechanic. He repaired cars. The mother periodically changed her occupation, working as both a teacher and a waitress. In general, it was the most ordinary, unremarkable family.

However, this could not be said about the boy’s immediate relatives. His uncle (mother's brother) performed in The group Beachcombers. My aunt was a talented touring guitarist. But greatest success his great-uncle achieved it. In his time he was a famous tenor.

Thanks to such an environment, the boy’s abilities did not go unnoticed. He was not yet three years old when he already enjoyed listening to music and performing songs by The Beatles. For a long time this British group remained his favorite. Later he discovered many others that are legendary in our time.

Kurt grew up as a sociable and inquisitive boy. But everything changed when my parents divorced. He was only 9 years old, and his usual, established life had already collapsed.

At first the boy stayed with his mother, but then decided to live with his father. However, the latter’s new wife did not find a common language with him, so Kurt again changed his place of residence and began to wander around among relatives.

The suicide of his beloved uncle was an even greater blow for Cobain than the breakup of his own family. Many believe that it significantly influenced the fate of the musician himself.

After graduating from school, Kurt for a long time rushed around in search of his corner and work until he found himself behind bars for drinking alcohol and illegally entering private territory.

The Birth of Nirvana

The first group created by Cobain in 1985 was called Fecal Matter. It lasted less than a year, but became an important step on the ladder to fame. It was Fecal Matter's recordings that attracted the attention of like-minded people to Kurt, who together with him founded new group and gave it the beautiful name Nirvana.

Already the first single, released in 1988, made it clear that future stars had appeared in the world. The album Bleach was a huge success, the number of fans of the group began to increase exponentially.

The second album, entitled Nevermind, was released in 1991. It was he who allowed the group to enter the world stage. People started talking about Nirvana on all continents, and the group’s compositions topped the most prestigious charts. Kurt Cobain himself became an idol of an entire generation, who heard their own thoughts and ideas in his songs.

In 1993, Nirvana released their last studio album In Utero. With this collection, the team wanted to show that their music is not intended for the masses, and world fame, which is more typical of pop culture, is not of interest to musicians. However, despite all plans, the album still went down in history.

Personal life

Despite the image created on stage, Cobain turned out to be loving husband and father. His acquaintance with Courtney Love led to the musicians' quick marriage. Most Cobain fans never accepted Courtney. For them, she forever remained the woman who ruined the life of their idol, and then became the reason for his departure.

In 1992, Kurt and Courtney had a daughter. Her parents gave her the name Frances Bean. Kurt loved his wife and doted on his little daughter. Most likely, their family would have lived happily ever after if not for drugs. And not the addiction of both parents to them.

According to Courtney herself, she repeatedly tried to fight her husband’s addiction. However, many people close to them claim that she herself was far from white and not at all fluffy.

In March 1994, Kurt agreed to undergo another course of treatment for addiction, but his desire quickly dried up. On March 30, he went to a rehabilitation clinic, and two days later he ran away


April 8, 1994 became a dark day for all fans of the artist. Kurt Cobain was found dead in his home's greenhouse. According to the official version, he died from a gunshot to the head. He shot himself, as evidenced by the discovered suicide note.

To this day, the musician’s fans claim that he could not commit suicide. However, nothing can be proven.

Kurt Cobain was cremated and his ashes were scattered over the river in his hometown.

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