Time of Troubles definition. Troubles (time of troubles)

Period Russian history from the autumn of 1598 to 1618 is called the Time of Troubles. Over the course of these years, the country was torn apart by civil war, and its neighbors - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Sweden - tore away lands on its western and northwestern borders from Russia. Russian statehood found itself on the brink of its existence; during the years of unrest, it practically collapsed. Impostors appeared, several kings and governments existed simultaneously, supported by various parts of the country, and the central government essentially disappeared.

The causes of the unrest were the aggravation of social, class, dynastic and international relations at the end of the reign of Ivan IV and under his successors.

· Dynastic crisis - in 1591, Tsarevich Dmitry, the last of the Rurikovichs, dies in Uglich.

· The election of a new tsar at the Zemsky Sobor - Godunov’s accession to the throne of the Moscow tsars seemed to many to be illegal, the consequence was the emergence of rumors that Boris Godunov killed Dmitry, or Tsarevich Dmitry was alive and would soon begin the fight.

· Growing discontent among the country's peasant population - the abolition of St. George's Day in 1593, the introduction of lesson years in 1597 - the period for searching for fugitive peasants.

· Famine of 1601-1603. => increase in the number of robbers, economic disorganization (people blame the tsar, punishment for the murder of Dmitry).

· Oprichnina.

· Intervention of foreign states (Poland, Sweden, England, etc. regarding land issues, territory, etc.) - intervention.

Stages of the Troubles:

Stage 1.1598-1606

Boris Godunov on the throne. The establishment of the patriarchate, the change in the nature of internal and foreign policy(development of southern lands, Siberia, return of western lands, truce with Poland). An economic struggle is taking place and the political struggle is intensifying.

1603 – announcement of False Dmitry 1 in Poland, support by the Poles.

1604-1605 - the death of Boris Godunov, his son Fyodor Borisovich becomes king. False Dmitry solemnly enters Moscow and is crowned king.

1605 – reforms of False Dmitry 1:

Tax reduction;

Cancellation of taxes for 10 years in the poorest lands.

1606 – False Dmitry was exposed and killed (Vasily Shuisky). The boyars and Vasily Shuisky did not want to expose Grigory Otrepyev, because they wanted to blackmail him. Grigory is the servant of Fyodor Nikitich, who later becomes the patriarch (Filaret), and his son Mikhail Romanov becomes the tsar.

Stage 2.1606-1610.

By the decision of Red Square, Vasily Shuisky (a very deceitful person) becomes king, took an oath in front of his subjects to resolve all matters with the boyars (he signed a letter of the cross - a promise not to violate the rights of the boyars). Shuisky was not liked by the people: he was not of blood, he had an unpleasant appearance. At this time, about 30 impostors are announced, and one of them - False Dmitry 2 - rules from Tushino, and dual power arises in Russia.

Shuisky summons Swedish troops to overthrow False Dmitry 2 – intervention.

1606-1607 – Bolotnikov's uprising (peasant war against the government).

1609 – Poland sends troops to take Russian lands, they rob the population, riots intensify.

1610 - Poles in the capital. Boyars (with the support of Poland) overthrow Vasily Shuisky (into a monastery). False Dmitry 2 was killed, boyar rule begins ( seven-boyars).

Stage 3.1611-1613.

A large territory of Russia is occupied, the Tsar is absent.

1611 – The First Militia was formed under the leadership of Procopius Lyapunov. Pozharsky's detachment broke through to Moscow, but a fire started. The detachment is defeated, Pozharsky is wounded. The Poles hid in Kitay-Gorod and the Kremlin. The militia became a camp near Moscow. The Council of the Whole Earth - a provisional government - was created. Discord between the leaders, Lyapunov was killed, his supporters left the camp, the militia does not pose a threat, and the leader has no power.

Autumn 1611- on the initiative of Minin, the Second Militia was formed. The Council of the Whole Earth was created - the second provisional government. Zarutsky is against it, sends a detachment to prevent Nizhny Novgorod residents from entering Yaroslavl, and sends a murderer to Porazhsky. The plan fails, Zarutsky leaves for the southern lands of the country, capturing Marina Mnishek and her son. The Second Militia annexes the counties, collects a tax for the maintenance of the Second Militia, and representatives of the counties are part of the Council of the Whole Land. In August 1612, the militia approached the capital, Trubetskoy joined Pozharsky.

1613– Zemsky Sobor in January. Candidates for the throne: Polish prince Vladislav, Swedish king Karl Philip, son of False Dmitry 2, M. F. Romanov. In February, a new Tsar, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov (son of Patriarch Filaret), was elected.

Stage 4. 1613-1618.

Dealing with Zarutsky, restoring order in the north.

1617 - End of the war with Sweden - Stolbovo Treaty, according to which the Swedes return Novgorod, but a number of fortresses due to Sweden's withdrawal, Russia lost access to the sea.

1617 - Vladislav’s speech to Moscow, in the fall of 1618 in Moscow. Pozharsky threw them back.

1618 – Deulin truce for 14.5 years. Smolensk, Chernigov, Novgorod-Severskaya lands went to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and Vladislav did not give up his claim to the Russian throne.


· large territorial losses for Rus'. Smolensk was lost for many decades; Western and significant parts of eastern Karelia are captured by the Swedes. Not having come to terms with national and religious oppression, almost the entire Orthodox population, both Russians and Karelians, will leave these territories. Rus' has lost access to the Gulf of Finland. The Swedes left Novgorod only in 1617; only a few hundred inhabitants remained in the completely devastated city.

· Russia still defended its independence.

· Time of Troubles led to deep economic decline. In a number of areas by the 20-40s of the 17th century, the population was below the level of the 16th century.

· Total number dead equal to one third of the population.

· The emergence of a new royal dynasty. They had to solve three main problems - restoring the unity of the territories, the state mechanism and the economy.

The events of the early 17th century in Russia were called the Time of Troubles. This was a period of decentralization of the state, when there were frequent changes of rulers, popular uprisings, and a very difficult economic situation developed. Foreign states interfered in Russia's internal affairs. It was a severe political and socio-economic crisis that brought the country to the brink of destruction of state principles and actual collapse. According to a number of historians, the Troubles were the first civil war in the history of Russia.

There are several options for periodizing the Time of Troubles:

1598 -1618 – from the beginning of the dynastic crisis associated with the end of the Rurik dynasty, until the conclusion of the Deulin truce with Poland.

1604-1605 – 1613 – from the moment of the appearance of False Dmitry II until the election of Mikhail Romanov.

1603 – 1618 – from the destabilization of the situation due to famine to the conclusion of a truce with Poland.

Causes of the Time of Troubles:

1. - political- a dynastic crisis associated with the end of the Rurik dynasty and the insufficient authority of Boris Godunov.

2. – economic- the most difficult economic situation associated with the famine of 1601 - 1603, a sharp increase in prices for bread, food and discontent of the broad masses. The government of Boris Godunov failed to cope with the situation.

3. – social– growing dissatisfaction with the policies pursued by different segments of the population ( peasants- dissatisfied with further enslavement, 1581 - “reserved summers” were introduced, when the transition of peasants on St. George’s Day was temporarily prohibited, 1597 - a decree on “prescribed summers” appeared, establishing a five-year period for the search for fugitive peasants + difficult economic situation; Cossacks- dissatisfied with the attack on their rights + they were joined by runaway peasants from the central regions of the country ; know, boyars- dissatisfied with the reduction of their tribal rights; service nobility- dissatisfied with the fact that the government cannot stop the flight of serfs; Posad population– increase in taxes).

All these reasons acted together and led to destabilization of the situation in the country.

Main events of the Time of Troubles:

In 1584, after the death of Ivan the Terrible, his son began to rule Fyodor Ivanovich (1584 – 1598). Son Ivan was killed in 1581, Tsarevich Dmitry was too young, and in 1591 he died in Uglich. Fyodor Ivanovich was weak ruler, a quiet and God-fearing man, was more interested in prayer and conversation with monks, loved church singing and the ringing of bells. A regency council was created under him to lead the country. In fact, the country was ruled by Boris Godunov, the brother of the Tsar’s wife. After death there were no heirs left male line, the Rurik dynasty was interrupted.

In 1598, at the Zemsky Sobor, he was elected ruler Boris Godunov (1598 – 1605). He was strong personality, reformer:

2. -takes care of strengthening the borders - fortresses are built in the south, east, Smolensk - in the west.

3. – strengthens serfdom,

4. – sent nobles to study abroad, invited foreign specialists.

5. – carried out a “township building” - a census of the population of township settlements, the return of those who left for privately owned lands. This was to ensure the fulfillment of government duties and the payment of taxes.

6. – upon taking office, he released prisoners from prison and forgave arrears of taxes and duties.

All the good undertakings of Boris Godunov were destroyed by the terrible famine of 1601-1603. For three years in a row, crop failure recurred - it rained in the summer, and then there were early frosts. Hundreds of thousands of people died, many fled to the cities, the boyars drove out extra people. Popular unrest covered vast areas. In 1603, the Cotton uprising occurred, which swept the southwestern districts of the country, where there were many fugitive peasants. Smashing the noble estates, the army moved towards Moscow. With great difficulty it was defeated, the leader was captured and executed. Boris Godunov tried to fight hunger - he organized construction works, distributed money and bread, but this was not enough. The king's authority declines. Against this background, rumors appear about the legitimate king - False Dmitry I.

He pretended to be the miraculously saved son of Ivan the Terrible, Tsarevich Dmitry. Impostor's name - Grigory Otrepiev. He was a Galich nobleman who became a monk at the Chudov Monastery in Moscow and then fled to Lithuania. With the support of Poland, he begins to move towards Moscow.

Many people place their bets on the “legitimate king” in pursuit of their goals:

- Poland- weakening of Russia, acquisition of lands and establishment of Catholicism.

- Moscow boyars– sought power and the overthrow of Boris Godunov.

- people(peasants, Cossacks, townspeople) - they saw in him a legitimate king, kind, fair, capable of delivering from hardships and oppressors.

In August 1604, the army of False Dmitry I with a detachment of 4 thousand people set out from Lvov towards Moscow. Several cities go over to his side, the army is replenished with Cossacks, its numbers are growing. In January 1605, the impostor's army was defeated by the royal army under the leadership of Mstislavsky near Dobrynichi. False Dmitry flees to Putivl, but in April 1605 Boris Godunov unexpectedly dies, and the path to the royal throne was open.

False Dmitry I (1605 -1606) did not remain on the Russian throne for long. In June 1605, Moscow swore allegiance to the impostor. But hopes for a kind and just king were not justified. He objectively could not fulfill his promises to everyone. The Poles behave in Moscow as if in a conquered city. The marriage to Marina Mniszech also caused discontent. On the night of May 17, 1606, as a result of a conspiracy led by the Shuisky brothers, False Dmitry I was killed.

The Zemsky Sobor elects the new king Vasily Shuisky (1606 – 1610). Upon ascending the throne, he swore an oath (“kissing record”) not to judge the boyars without the participation of the Boyar Duma, not to take away their estates, not to listen to false denunciations. Historians consider this an attempt to limit the power of the king.

Vasily Shuisky solved two main problems:

1. – fought against the uprising of Ivan Bolotnikov.

2. - fought with False Dmitry II - a new impostor who appeared in the summer of 1607 and pretended to be the miraculously saved False Dmitry I. His identity has not been established, there are only assumptions. Under his banners were detachments of Poles, Cossacks, nobles, and the remnants of Bolotnikov’s troops. From the territory of Poland he heads to Moscow. He failed to take the city, and he camped in Tushino, for which he received the nickname “Tushino thief.” He is recognized by Marina Mnishek (for 3 thousand gold rubles and income from 14 Russian cities after accession to Moscow). In fact, a dual power is emerging - part of the country is controlled by the troops of False Dmitry II, part by the troops of Vasily Shuisky. For 16 months (from September 1608 to January 1610) the Trinity-Sergius Monastery was defended.

Vasily Shuisky turns to the Swedish king for help to fight False Dmitry II. In 1609, an agreement was concluded in Vyborg, according to which Russia renounced its claims to the Baltic coast and gave Sweden the city of Korela and its district. Sweden sent a 7,000-strong detachment led by Delagardi. Together with Skopin-Shuisky, they liberated significant territories occupied by False Dmitry II. The impostor fled to Kaluga, where he was killed in 1610.

In 1609, Poland began open intervention. The reason is an invitation from Sweden, with which Poland is at war. The troops of Stefan Batory besieged Smolensk, which held out for 20 months.

Vasily Shuisky was overthrown from the throne in 1610 and tonsured a monk. Power was in the hands of seven boyars led by Mstislavsky. This board was called “Seven Boyars” (1610 – 1613). They invited the Polish prince Vladislav to the throne. Negotiations about this were ongoing. Polish troops entered Moscow. The Swedes are also beginning to intervene.

Thus, the country finds itself on the brink of disaster: in the west - the Poles, in the northwest - the Swedes, in the south - the remnants of the troops of Bolotnikov and False Dmitry II, there is no strong government, Moscow is occupied by the Poles.

In this difficult situation The people, tired of the unrest, are rising up to fight for the preservation of the state. Calling letters from Patriarch Hermogenes and Ryazan governor Prokopiy Lyapunov to organize a people's militia are circulating around the cities.

There were two people's militias:

1. - the first zemstvo militia - Ryazan - led by Prokopiy Lyapunov. Nobles, Cossacks from the southern districts, and townspeople took part in it. A government body was created - the “Council of the Whole Earth”. In the spring and summer of 1611, the militia besieged Moscow, but did not achieve success. Collapsed due to internal contradictions. Lyapunov was killed.

2. - second zemstvo militia - Nizhny Novgorod - led by the townsman Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky.formed from detachments sent by many cities. In the spring of 1612 it moved towards Yaroslavl. Here its final formation took place. In July, the militia moved to Moscow and liberated it from the Poles. Hetman Khodkevich's detachment was unable to break through to the aid of the Polish garrison entrenched in the Kremlin, and it surrendered in October 1612. The capital was completely liberated.

In January 1613, a Zemsky Sobor was held (700 representatives from the nobility, boyars, clergy, 50 cities, archers and Cossacks), which decided the issue of electing a new tsar. There were many contenders - the Polish prince Vladislav, the son of the Swedish king Karl Philip, Ivan - the son of False Dmitry II and Marina Mnishek, representatives of noble boyar families. The choice fell on Mikhail Romanov- 16 years old, nephew of the first wife of Ivan the Terrible, behind him is the strong figure of his father Fyodor Nikitich Romanov, Patriarch Filaret. Russia has a new ruling dynasty. Now the main task is to eliminate the consequences of the Time of Troubles and return the lost lands.

A deep crisis that has captured all areas of life Russian society at the beginning of the 17th century, spilled over into bloody conflicts and the struggle for independence.


1. The most severe crisis in the country, which is connected with the reign of Ivan the Terrible.
2. Lost Western lands (Ivan - city, pit, Karelian).
3. Other states, Sweden, Poland, and England, actively intervene on land issues.
4. Social disagreements among different strata of society are intensifying (between the tsarist government and the boyars, boyars and nobles, feudal lords and peasants, feudal lords and the church).
5. Crisis in the dynasty.
6. Fyodor, the son of Ivan the Terrible, takes over the throne after the death of his father.
7. In Uglich, in 1591, Dmitry dies under unknown circumstances, younger son Ivan the Terrible.
8. In 1598, Fedor dies, the dynasty of the house of Kalita is ended.

The main stages of the turmoil:

1598 – 1605. The decisive figure of that time was Boris Godunov. He was famous as a cruel politician. At the beginning of the 17th century, three years of famine killed hundreds of thousands of people. Historians claim that about one third of the Russian population died at this time. For the first time, the state came to the aid of those in need. Boris Godunov gave orders to issue bread and cash benefits and to limit bread prices. These measures did not produce any results. There were massive uprisings across the country.

A man appears, a fugitive monk Grigory Otrepiev, who introduces himself as the rescued Tsarevich Dmitry. Received in history the name False Dmitry 1. He organized a detachment in Poland, and in 1604 crossed the border with Russia. The common people saw in him a liberator from serfdom. In 1605, Boris Godunov dies. In 1606, False Dmitry was killed.

The second stage 1606 - 1610. Tsar Vasily Shuisky, nominated by the boyars, comes to power. Ivan Bolotnikov rebelled against him. Excitement united various social groups(Cossacks, peasants, serfs, nobles), winning victories in Tula, Kaluga, Yelets, Kashira. When moving towards Moscow they were defeated and retreated to Tula. In October 1607, the rebellion was suppressed. Shuisky brutally dealt with the leader and together with him executed 6 thousand rebels.

In July 1607, another adventurer False Dmitry 2 appears. He gathers a detachment that approaches the village of Tushino. The confrontation between the “Tushinsky thief” and Vasily Shuisky lasted for two years. With the help of the Swedish king, the king managed to cope with the impostor. False Dmitry 2 was killed in Kaluga by his own accomplice.

In the summer of 1610, the Swedes attacked Moscow and defeated the tsar’s army. The people openly expressed dissatisfaction with the authorities and overthrew Shuisky from the throne. The seven-boyar system was established. Moscow was occupied by the Poles. The country was threatened with loss of independence.

Third stage. 1611-1613. Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Hermogenes made an appeal to the people, urging them to liberate Moscow. The first movement, led by Prokopiy Lyapunov, fell apart and the leader was killed. The second was headed by the zemstvo elder Minin and Prince Pozharsky, who in August 1612 approached captured Moscow. The Polish invaders found themselves without food. In October, Russia was liberated.


The country suffered great losses. More than one-third of the population died during the Troubles.
- Russia was in a position of economic catastrophe.
- Large losses of territory (Chernigov land, Smolensk, Novgorod-Seversk, Baltic states).
- A new Romanov dynasty has come to power.

Romanov Dynasty:

In January 1613, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was elected by the Zemsky Sobor. He was 16 years old then. He and his famous descendants had the honor of solving 3 important problems for Russia:
- restoration of territories.
- restoration of state power.
- economic recovery.

After the death of the last Rurikovich Russian kingdom on long years plunged into Troubles. In 1598 – 1613, the country was rocked by internal political conflicts, foreign invasions and mass popular uprisings. Due to the lack of a legitimate procedure for the transfer of power, during the Time of Troubles, five kings were replaced on the throne, not related to each other by family ties. Political instability led to a weakening of the state apparatus and aggravated the economic problems that had existed since the oprichnina.

Although in general the Time of Troubles was a difficult stage in Russian history, positive trends were also observed during this period. For example, opposition to the interventionists led to the unification of different classes of the Moscow kingdom and accelerated the formation of national consciousness. Important changes also occurred in the minds of the monarch. The Romanov dynasty, which came to power at the end of the Time of Troubles, although it remained autocratic, ruled its subjects without allowing the degree of arbitrariness that was inherent in Ivan the Terrible and his immediate successors.

Result of the oprichnina

Other reasons

Undermining the unity of the country

Crop failures 1601-1603, economic crisis.

Increased influx of peasant population to the southern regions.

The absence of social forces capable of repelling the illegal claims of impostors.

Religious consciousness perceived the disaster as God's wrath.

Patriotic centralization policies were carried out using despotic methods.

The position of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, fanning the conflict.

The presence of interests of all segments of the population that were previously ignored.

Society is ripe for real political struggle.

Conflict between the Godunov government and the Cossacks.

A deep crisis of the ruling class, disorganization and fragmentation.

Conflict between the center and the outskirts.

Exacerbation of dynastic relations.

Cholera epidemic.

The complicated land issue, the formation of the serfdom system.

Chronicle of the Time of Troubles and stages

Died under mysterious circumstances Dmitry (son of Ivan IV)

The reign of Boris Godunov.

1600, autumn

The Romanovs, accused of plotting to assassinate the Tsar, were sent into exile.

1603, summer

An impostor appeared in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, posing as the miraculously escaped Tsarevich Dmitry (Grigory Otrepyev).

Invasion of False Dmitry I with the Polish army into the Seversky lands.

Uprising in Moscow, accession of False Dmitry I.

Uprising in Moscow against False Dmitry and the Poles, murder of False Dmitry I.

The reign of Vasily Shuisky.

Uprising led by I. Bolotnikov.

False Dmitry II (“Tushinsky Court”)

Beginning of the Polish-Lithuanian intervention; siege of Smolensk.

Agreement on the calling of Prince Vladislav to the Russian throne; the entry of Polish troops into Moscow; subordination of the boyar government to the interventionists.

Formation of the first militia

Uprising in Moscow against the interventionists

Formation of the second militia led by K. Minin and Prince D. M. Pozharsky in Nizhny Novgorod.

Defeat of Hetman Khodkevich's troops near Moscow; union of two militias

Capitulation of the Polish-Lithuanian garrison in Moscow.

Zemsky Sobor

Results of the Time of Troubles (Time of Troubles)

Gave impetus to the reforms of the 17th century (modernization explosion)

Confusion and cruelty

The authorities began to manage society in a new way, taking into account the demands of the classes.

Decline of agriculture.

The unification of the nobility and the growth of political activity.

Loss of territories

For the first time, society acted on its own. It took 4 unsuccessful attempts found a new dynasty: False Dmitry I, False Dmitry II, Shuisky, Vladislav.

Economic devastation, disruption of trade and crafts.

Russia defended its national independence and its self-awareness strengthened.

The idea of ​​unity was formed on a conservative basis.

The reasons for the country's recovery from the crisis of the Time of Troubles:

  • The degree of maturity has increased, and the level of society's awareness of its goals has increased.
  • IN political struggle wide sections of the population joined.

The Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century was one of the most difficult and tragic periods in Russian history, which had a fateful impact on the fate of our state. The name itself - “Troubles”, “Time of Troubles” very accurately reflects the atmosphere of that time. The name, by the way, has a folk etymology. Causes:

1. A severe systemic crisis of the Moscow state, largely associated with the reign of Ivan the Terrible. Conflicting domestic and foreign policies led to the destruction of many economic structures. Weakened key institutions and led to loss of life.

2. Important western lands were lost (Yama, Ivan-Gorod, Karela)

3. Social conflicts within the Moscow state sharply intensified, which covered all societies (tsarist power and boyar aristocracy, boyars and nobles, feudal lords and peasantry, church and secular feudal lords, patrimonial aristocracy and service aristocracy, etc.)

4. Intervention of foreign states (Poland, Sweden, England, etc. regarding land issues, territory, etc.)

5. Dynastic crisis:

1584. After the death of Ivan the Terrible, the throne was taken by his son Fedor.

1591. Under mysterious circumstances, the youngest son of the formidable, Dmitry, died in Uglich.

1598. Fyodor dies, the dynasty of the house of Kalita is ended.


1. 1598-1605. The key figure is Boris Godunov. By decision of the Zemsky Sobor, he was elected to the royal throne in 1598. He was known as a cruel politician, was a guardsman, and had an extraordinary mind. With his active participation, the patriarchate was established in Moscow in 1598. He dramatically changed the nature of the state's domestic and foreign policy (development of the southern outskirts, development of Siberia, return of western lands, truce with Poland). Consequently, there is a rise in the economy and an intensification of the political struggle. In 1601-1603, the harvest failed, famine and food riots began. During this period, the first False Dmitry appeared on the territory of Poland, received the support of the Polish gentry and entered Russian land in 1604. In April 1605, Godunov died unexpectedly. In June, False Dmitry I entered Moscow. 11 months later, in 1606, he was killed as a result of a conspiracy.

2. 1606-1610. This stage is associated with Vasily Shuisky, the first “boyar tsar”. He ascended the throne immediately after the death of False Dmitry 1 by decision of Red Square, giving a cross-kissing record about his good attitude towards the boyars. On the throne he faced many problems (Bolotnikov's uprising, LD2, Polish troops, the collapse of the SU, famine). Shuisky managed to solve only part of the problems. In 1610, Polish troops defeated Shuisky's troops and he was overthrown from the throne and the regime of the seven-boyars was established; the boyars wanted to invite the Polish prince Vladislav to the throne, guaranteeing the inviolability of the faith and the boyars, and also for him to change his faith. The church protested this, and there was no answer from Poland.

3. 1611-1613. Patriarch Hermogenes in 1611 initiated the creation of a zemstvo militia near Ryazan. In March it besieged Moscow and failed due to internal divisions. The second was created in the fall, in Novgorod. It was headed by K. Minin and D. Pozharsky. The money raised was not sufficient to support the militia, but not small. The militia called themselves free people, headed by the zemstvo council and temporary orders. On October 26, 1612, the militia managed to take the Moscow Kremlin. By decision of the boyar duma, it was dissolved.


1. The total number of deaths is equal to one third of the population.

2. Economic catastrophe, the financial system and transport communications have been destroyed, vast territories have been taken out of agricultural circulation.

3. Territorial losses (Chernigov land, Smolensk land, Novgorod-Seversk land, Baltic territories).

4. Weakening of domestic merchants and entrepreneurs and strengthening of foreign merchants.

5. The emergence of a new royal dynasty On February 7, 1613, the Zemsky Sobor elected 16-year-old Mikhail Romanov. The first representatives of the dynasty (M. F. Romanov - 1613-1645, A. M. Romanov - 1645-1676, F. A. Romanov - 1676-1682). They had to solve 3 main problems - restoring the unity of the territories, restoring the state mechanism and economy.

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