Performance by eight-year-old Victoria Starova. How does a child offended by Posner and Litvinova live at the “Minute of Fame”

The performance of eight-year-old Victoria Starikova caused a public outcry. Viewers of the program were outraged by the harsh judging of the girl’s performance.

Judges of the program Renata Litvinova, Vladimir Pozner and Sergei Yursky have repeatedly stated that they are against children in the program. Sergei Svetlakov, on the contrary, tried to protect the young performer. “We were immediately told that the girl herself wanted to go on stage. But the song shows great talent this child. At 8 years old, she may be more mature than all of us,” Svetlakov said.


Victoria decided to perform Zemfira’s song “Live in your head.” The jury members felt that such a composition was not suitable for a first-grader who did not understand what she was singing about. Renata Litvinova was surprised that Victoria, having chosen this song for the competition, did not know Zemfira’s other works. “I internally protest against this. This is some kind of illegal move. Excuse me, you good girl"- said Litvinova.

On the show, the judges' opinions were divided: two for, two against. When the actor Yursky pressed the red button, the girl had already started crying, but no one thought to calm her down. Vladimir Pozner also spoke sharply about the performance: “I am against children on stage. This is more parental vanity - parents want their children to come out so they can brag about them. An eight-year-old sings a song that was not written by an eight-year-old.”

When asked by Renata Litvinova whether she understood the meaning of the song, Victoria replied: “This is a song about the fact that if you love a person, you shouldn’t offend him.” Later, in an interview with, Victoria admitted: “We chose this song for the project because we wanted to make a pleasant surprise for Renata Muratovna."

Images from the program “Minute of Fame”

Renata Litvinova explained her position to “The girl is so small, only eight years old. I think there is something wrong with this matter. This is, rather, the influence of the parents, indeed their pride, some kind of under-fulfillment. I know that if children don't move on, it becomes such a terrible trauma! They can't come to their senses. I wouldn’t let them into competitions like this, no matter what talented person neither was... Circus shows are another matter. They start very early, because, as they say, “and when, if not at this age”... Or gymnasts who have to be very thin to fly. But no, I’m against it. There will be more life ahead. There is no need to inflict moral trauma on children. Still, I think it’s better not to start before age 12. Well, in my opinion."

Victoria Starikova came to Moscow from Nizhny Tagil to take part in the “Minute of Fame” competition. The girl sang Zemfira’s song “Live in your head.” The schoolgirl's performance was judged by Sergei Yursky, Vladimir Pozner, Sergei Svetlakov and Renata Litvinova. Knowing Zemfira closely, Litvinova criticized the girl’s performance. The actress emphasized that Victoria chose a “too mature” song, the meaning of which she did not understand. Vladimir Pozner sided with Litvinova and suggested that the parents could simply promote themselves at the expense of their daughter. Writes about this TV channel "360".

Despite the criticism, the girl advanced to the next round of the competition, where she and her mother sang Sergei Trofimov’s song “Motherland.” But the jury members were again dissatisfied with the performance of the young singer. Mom Anna Starikova said that her daughter is very worried about what happened. In particular, she does not understand why the parents were attacked.

Viewers' opinions on this situation were divided: some stood up for the young singer and called the decision of Litvinova and Posner unfair. Others joined in the criticism of Starikova.

After Victoria took part in the show, she was awarded the “Person of the Year” award in the category “Children who glorified the city” in Nizhny Tagil. Now the girl studies in two schools: regular and music. She combines studying with performing. So, last summer the schoolgirl took third place in international festival"Generation NEXT 2017".

The real scandal happened on the program “Minute of Glory,” which is shown on Channel One. One of the participants, 8-year-old Victoria Starikova, played the piano and sang Zemfira’s song “Live in Your Head.” She never expected that after the performance she would be hit with a barrage of negativity from the jury.

The little girl was accused of not understanding what she was singing and that her parents were vain people. Victoria could not hold back her tears when she heard sheer negativity about her performance. And jury member Renata Litvinova, who starred in the singer’s video, said that this should not happen on stage. No one even tried to calm the girl down.

Ultimately, the child was forced to toss a coin to determine whether it would stay or not. By the will of this coin, the girl still remained on the project, however, after going on stage she burst into tears and said that she wanted the judges to choose her, and not the soulless coin.

Now the entire Internet is discussing the story of Vika Starikova. Netizens sided with the child and accused the jury members of callousness.

Her first reaction was, of course, strong. You saw that she was roaring? But she is a fighter by nature. And a perfectionist. Her zodiac sign is Leo. She always wants everything to work out for her. It is not my desire for her to perform, but hers. This was our first time on stage. There had never been such colossal rejections in her life. It was her first time performing at a competition, and even with such a serious jury. That's why she had this reaction. And she later explained to me why she started crying. When the judge presses the button, the people in the studio say “oo-oo-oo” - and that’s the noise that scared her.

She did not understand that in this way the audience reacted to the assessment and showed their disapproval of the actions of the judges. She thought that this hum related to her personally. We got to the hotel, and I finally allowed her to eat ice cream. She couldn’t do this for a week so that her throat wouldn’t hurt. Then we went with her to the pool, she relaxed and calmed down. I asked her immediately after the performance: “Vika, are we going to the next tour? It will be the same there." She said, "I don't know, maybe not." But the next day she woke up with a calm soul. We went to the airport. She says: “No, mom. We'll go anyway. I liked the feeling of being on stage.” I say: “But they will tell you no again.” In general, it was her decision again.

  • This year, the jury of the “Minute of Fame” competition included actress Renata Litvinova, TV presenter Vladimir Pozner, showman Sergei Svetlakov and actor Sergei Yursky.
  • The winner of the show receives a large cash prize.

Eight-year-old Victoria Starikova became a real star of the “Minute of Fame” show after she was strictly assessed by the jury of the television project. and she burst into tears. Reporters interviewed the girl, who admitted that she did not want to be photographed with Renata Litvinova.

Victoria Starikova said that after that performance she felt good. She was supported by friends and relatives. The girl explained her tears with her desire to advance to the next round. “The most offensive sound was the sound of “uuuuu” from the audience at the moment when the judges pressed the red button. I thought that they were honking at me and began to cry. But then they explained to me that this was their way of showing their indignation at the jury’s decision,” Starikova explained.


Vika added that she was also upset because she had to flip a coin (according to the rules of the show). “Because it’s somehow not real,” the girl noted. However, she treats Renata Litvinova with respect, as a person who is simply older than her. “I was raised this way,” Vika said.

Although Starikova doesn’t consider Renata Litvinova an evil woman after this whole scandalous story, she tries not to intersect with her again. “I ran past her dressing room on tiptoe and didn’t want to take a photo with her!” – quotes the girl.

Let us note that earlier in an interview, Renata Litvinova commented on the scandal that occurred after the release of “Minute of Fame” with Vika’s participation. The woman is sure that the vanity and ambitions of her parents are to blame. "The girl is so small, only eight years old. I think there is something wrong with this matter. It is, rather, the influence of the parents, indeed their pride, some kind of under-completion. I know that if children do not move on, it becomes such a terrible injury! They can’t come to their senses. I wouldn’t let them into such competitions, no matter how talented the person is,” said the actress.

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