Dancer without a leg Evgeny Smirnov believes that Renata Litvinova should be fired from the show “Minute of Fame”. Fans of the show “Minute of Fame” are up in arms against Renata Litvinova Minute of Fame with a dancing guy without a leg

On the show "Moment of glory" a new scandal broke out. Members of the jury sharply criticized the performance of a dancer without a leg Evgenia Smirnova. Vladimir Pozner stated that the disabled participant, by going on stage without a prosthesis, was trying to arouse the pity of the judges, and not to impress them with his performance. A Renata Litvinova called the man an “amputee” and advised him to “fasten his prosthesis.” “I know that it is difficult for an amputee to live in our country. This is probably main reason, according to which you should be in the project. Maybe you should fasten a second one? She might not be so obviously absent, right? So as not to exploit this topic,” the actress noted.

The management of Channel One responded to the public outcry surrounding incorrect statements by jury members and fired an employee of the directorate of music and entertainment programs, preparing the show for broadcast. However, TV viewers considered this decision unfair. According to many fans of the program, it was worth firing those members of the jury who allowed themselves to speak incorrectly about Evgeniy, and not the ordinary employee who aired this number.

The dancer himself without a leg expressed his point of view on this matter, saying that it would be worth removing Litvinova from the show, who allowed herself to make rather contemptuous comments about him. “I don’t think it was necessary to fire the employee. Yes, it was unpleasant that this was shown throughout the country, but nevertheless Litvinova told me this. And if it caused such a stir, then why is she still sitting there? I believe that she should not be there,” the portal quotes Evgeniy.

In addition, Posner commented on the current situation. According to him, he does not regret a single word he said during Smirnov’s speech. “Everything that was said was said in the very in a general sense. Integrating people with disabilities into society is a completely different matter. This public transport, adapted for wheelchair users, these are ramps, these are large elevators in apartment buildings, these are appropriate public toilets, this is the attraction of children with Down syndrome in regular schools, these are ramps on every city corner without exception. The question is not at all about participation in overwhelming competitions. Let's not be hypocrites: people with physical disabilities cannot compete on equal terms with those who do not have these problems when we're talking about exactly about physical strength, agility, speed. They can sing, draw, play musical instruments, and much more, but where physical effort is required (sports, dancing), they are obviously weaker,” said Vladimir.

An episode from the March issue of “Minutes of Fame”, in which the jury has mixed opinions about the Sochi dancer’s performance Evgenia Smirnova, is still listed in the “Recommended” section on the official website of Channel One. And this despite the fact that more than three days have passed since its airing, and the channel does not suffer from a lack of content. But it was this episode that attracted enormous attention from television viewers to the program, and it does not matter that the reason was a scandal. Degree of emotions in in social networks all these days it has been off the charts, new comments continue to appear.

On March 9, the media reported that the management of Channel One nevertheless responded to criticism from television viewers by firing the producer who was watching ready material before airing and apparently did not consider it necessary to use editing.

Judges Renata Litvinova And Vladimir Pozner, which social media users oppose, remain in place. And Evgeny Smirnov with his dance partner Alena Shcheneva preparing for his next performance in the “Minute of Fame”.

How did it start?

This is not the first time Evgeny Smirnov has appeared in television projects. There were “Dancing” on TNT, where he also danced on one leg, and a broadcast on “Let Them Talk,” where the artist sincerely answered painful questions about the driver who crippled him. And nowhere did his physical characteristics become the subject of discussion, as happened in “Minute of Fame”.

Everything started as usual. First to take the floor Sergey Svetlakov, who has known Smirnov since his time as a member of the “Dancing” jury.

“This is a case where they don’t press for pity,” he said. - When a person continues to live life to the fullest and prove to everyone else, the weaker ones, how to do it.”

However, Vladimir Pozner immediately doubted this opinion, noting that since he had become bad for the audience, he would continue to speak in the same spirit:

“I absolutely admire you!.. But there are forbidden techniques when a person comes out, like you, without a leg, and it’s impossible to say no. This is some kind of feat, a person overcomes something that few can overcome.”

But the most clumsy attempt at judging were the words of Renata Litvinova, who, although she let the dancer pass further, managed to call him an “amputee”, reproached him for exploiting the topic of disability and suggested that he should fasten a prosthesis so that “his leg would not be so obviously missing”, and also tried to criticize the development barrier-free environment in Russia.

Sergey Svetlakovi Sergey Yursky They tried to soften what was said, but a “sediment” remained with both the dancer and the audience.

Instead of squabbles - congratulations on March 8

“I don’t exploit this topic. I walked through life as a dancer, I danced freely, and some additional elements - this will be the reception. Now I dance the way I live,” said Evgeny Smirnov before going backstage.

And this answer of his is perhaps the only reaction to what happened. On Smirnov’s page on social networks there are dozens of comments from fans and not a single one of his own.

“Is it just me, or do your fans react to criticism more aggressively than you?” - one of the users wrote with surprise.

Vladimir Pozner: “Let's not be hypocrites”

What about the judges? After the scandal, Renata Litvinova turned off the comment function on Instagram - now there is only a blank field under her posts. Interestingly, a week ago she published joint photo with Vladimir Pozner in the TV show studio, accompanied by the caption: “In the game, the initiative is the one who is ready to commit suicide (grandmaster’s rule).” Is this the principle that the actress and director are guided by during the filming of “A Minute of Fame”?

Posted by Renata (@renatalitvinovaofficiall) Feb 28, 2017 at 3:23 PST

Vladimir Pozner, on the contrary, decided to dot all the i’s and published an excerpt from the interview on his Instagram:

“The reaction you are asking about (condemnation, indignation) was quite expected for me. He treated her with understanding, but nothing more. It didn’t hurt me either emotionally or intellectually... If a disabled person is able to win due to his skill, the flag is in his hands! But to participate with the secret hope that his physical (or other) problems will help him win, that is, they will be taken into account by the jury - no, I’m against it... Let’s not be hypocrites: people with physical disabilities cannot compete on equal terms with those who do not have these problems, when it comes specifically to physical strength, agility, and speed. They can sing, draw, play musical instruments, and much more, but where physical effort is required - sports, dancing - they are obviously weaker.”

The TV presenter does not close comments, and users began to leave opinions not only about his words, but also about the statements of Renata Litvinova.

“If not now, then in a year you will be ashamed of your words about Zhenya,” they emphatically politely write to Posner on Instagram.

About Renata it is much harsher: she is advised to “fasten her brain to her head.”

However, Vladimir Pozner has many supporters who thank him for his “adequacy, which has become worth its weight in gold.”

And only Sergei Svetlakov can boast of dozens of grateful comments that users posted under his photo from the filming of a TV show three weeks ago - there was simply nothing fresh on his page.

“Thank you very much for your humanity. You - only person in this jury,” this is one of the most emotional responses.

Does the jury misunderstand their task?

It must be said that the incident with Evgeny Smirnov in the anniversary season of “Minute of Fame” is far from the first, it just became “ the last straw” after several similar episodes of abusive treatment of show participants. Among them is the story of an 8-year-old singer Victoria Starikova, who was brought to tears by the jury's comments. Some of the speakers were criticized for their lack of ability (and without particularly choosing expressions), some for their costume, and young gymnast Alena Pisyach- even for lack of insurance, which was the essence of her number.

In the end, not only television viewers, but also those who know show business from the inside joined in the discussion of the TV show. So, Elena Letuchaya on her Instagram she called what was happening on air “the poverty of souls.”

“And then we wonder why in our country people with disabilities are they not considered people?! Yes, because on the First they are called amputees, humiliated, and this is the norm, and it is proudly shown to the whole country!” - she thinks.

TV viewers themselves believe that some jury members misunderstand their task on the show.

“Not everyone came to the program for the money, many understand themselves that their number does not deserve first place, people come simply for the self-realization of the soul,” writes on the page of the First Channel “VKontakte” Violetta Leman. “So why does the jury translate everything into something material? Is there really no shame?”

“They ruined this program, I stopped watching. Uninteresting, boring. Such boring jury, except for Svetlakov. And now they’ve turned the program into something similar to an American show,” echoes Anna Melekhova, referring to the rudeness in treatment of participants typical of overseas programs.

“We need some sincere people on the jury, so that they not only show their intelligence, but also feel something,” says a user under the nickname "Space of the World".

The discussion on the Channel One page between critics of the jury and its defenders at some point turns into something more, because the conversation is not only about personalities, but about the approach to the TV show as a whole.

“And why do the organizers of the program provoke such situations? For a scandalous rating? If only the conditions for participation in the program would be changed, there would be no problems! No, we will cultivate such cynicism and abomination!” - summarizes Elena Kunets.

Will the creators of “Minute of Fame” listen to the wishes of their audience? We’ll see in next issues show. Although, judging by the statements of Vladimir Pozner, the jury remains unconvinced. Is there really only one way left for TV viewers to convey their point of view - not to watch the program?

There is active discussion on social networks latest issue show “Minute of Glory” on Channel One. The subject of discussion was the performance of Alena Shcheneva and Evgeny Smirnov, a breakdancer who lost his leg as a result of an accident, and the reaction of the jury members to their dance number. Renata Litvinova asked the guy to fasten his leg so as not to “exploit this topic.”

Scandal at the “Minute of Fame”: Renata Litvinova asked a disabled person to fasten his leg

Screenshot from YouTube

On March 4, Alena Shcheneva and Evgeny Smirnov, a couple from Krasnodar, performed a duet at the “Minute of Glory”, who danced to the song “Together” by Nargiz and Maxim Fadeev.

Evgeny Smirnov is a professional dancer; in 2012 he lost his leg, and at the “Minute of Fame” he performed without a prosthesis. The absence of one limb or prosthesis did not prevent Evgeniy from performing complex dance elements— partner support and low break. The audience celebrated the couple's performance with loud applause.

One of the jury members, journalist Vladimir Pozner, said that this act is an art and a feat. “I absolutely admire you, but it seems to me that there are forbidden techniques. When a person comes out without a leg like you, it is impossible to say no. There is no defense against this - well, I just don’t have the strength.” At the same time, the journalist added that he was “offended” when such techniques are used in art, and voted against the dance duo’s participation in the show. Another jury member, actor Sergei Yursky, also liked the number, but unlike Vladimir Pozner, he voted for Alena and Evgeniy’s further participation in the talent show.

Renata Litvinova also spoke about the significance of the issue: “I know that in our country, of course, it is difficult to be an amputee.” She noted that in Russia the minimum is done for “such people” - and this is the main reason why Smirnov and Shcheneva should remain in the project. But then Litvinova continued Vladimir Posner’s idea that in this way the contestants manipulate the jury, and asked the disabled person to fasten his leg: “But about the prohibited moments, of course... Or maybe you should fasten this second one, it may not be so obviously missing?”

This is not the first appearance on television for Evgeny Smirnov. In 2015, he participated in the show “Dancing” on TNT. Then he also danced without a prosthesis.

The breakdancer believes it is important to draw attention to the problems of people with disabilities and show them that they are full members of society. Smirnov promotes the idea of ​​including people with disabilities in society. He created a charity dance school for children with disabilities in Krasnodar.

Here is the beautiful Renata Litvinova - a style icon. Here is the wonderful Posner - an icon of himself. Litvinova finds it unpleasant to look at an “amputee” (quote) on the dance floor, because it is not very stylish, not very aesthetically pleasing. Posner is unpleasant that a man without a leg came out to fight for his “minute of glory” with a clear advantage - counting on mercy.

Posner stands for the purity of the genre, he is always “above the fray”, he is always “independent”. True, for some reason he forgets about this in his own program. He doesn't like the sight of a one-legged man dancing either.

For some reason, at that moment I thought about many thousands of other “amputees”. They know what country they live in, right? I don’t mean medicine, I don’t mean the state. Neighbors, passers-by on the streets, passengers on trams.

They, too, like Litvinova and Posner, are unpleasant to see these “amputees” around them. They need to give way. They need to be let ahead, sometimes transferred across the road. Go to the store for them. Help get dressed or undressed. They just need to smile - that is, do things that are unnatural for many Russians.

Renata Litvinova and Vladimir Pozner at the “Minute of Fame” show. Photo

I imagined all these people without legs, without arms... And not everyone finds the strength, let alone dance, to just go out into the street. Society instills in them shame for what happened to them. Not their fault. Litvinova is brought up with shame. Posner fosters shame. And even those few who tried to ignore this silent condemnation for “amputation”, who tried to fight for themselves in their country against all odds, after watching this “show”... well, they’ll just pour 100 grams. And then again.

What is there to fight for, if even the people on TV—these spiritual, sophisticated icons of style and themselves—can humiliate and shame you all over the country for “amputation.”

A few years ago I made a film about sports ballroom dancing. And I had a heroine well over 60. Her wrinkles and heavy makeup did not look very aesthetically pleasing. But dancing saved her life. They brought her back to life. The day before, her only daughter died. And she was able to survive this grief only thanks to the parquet. She married her partner and together they opened an evening fashion store. She always shone on the floor. And in their category “grand seniors” they were invariably the first.

And Litvinova and Posner are just b****. Completely cynical bl***s. And I'm almost certainly sure it's not because they actually mean what they say. They knew it would be a mega show. Mega scandal. I don't believe in improvisation.

They had seen this performance before, they were prepared. The entire team of the show - at least the editor and main director, knew where the so-called “stress point” would be. All this is calculated in advance. And it is planned. You know all these reactions that are made - open mouths, raised eyebrows, those “go nuts,” huh? This is all a product of the direction. And this, too, is a product of the direction. It would be better if they oohed and ahhed with delight.

But for ordinary viewers, everything looks as if this is a sincere emotion. I congratulate Channel One. The show was a success. Now everyone is talking about it.

After the recording, everyone left, satisfied with themselves. Everyone played their part to make sure the show was watched. The amputee was simply rubbed against the parquet floor. And then someone will tell me that if it weren’t for Putin, Ernst and the whole channel would have made completely different content... Putin - all of you, everyone who is involved in this abomination. Everyone who is not ashamed of it.

Stories of talented people with disabilities

13.03.2017, 08:03

The Internet is in full swing: fans of the show “Minute of Fame” cannot forgive Renata Litvinova for her cruel treatment of one of the program participants, dancer Evgeny Smirnov... The guy dances in defiance of fate. After the accident, he, the Russian breakdancing champion, had his leg amputated above the knee. But Zhenya found the strength to start dancing again, even on one leg, and soon became a participant in the popular program “Dancing” on TNT, and then he was noticed music producer Maxim Fadeev invited me to star in the video. Inspired by his success, the young man went to the “Minute of Fame”, performed beautifully and heard from Renata Litvinova the advice to “fasten your leg”, since, in her opinion, you should not present yourself to the audience as an amputee...

How it all began

Artist and artistic director of the Theater of Nations Evgeny Mironov is one of the trustees of the Life in Motion foundation. And he knows the whole history of its creation.

“It all started with Sasha Shulchev, a boy from a boarding school,” said Mironov. “He was born without legs, and his parents abandoned him. We learned about him when Sasha was already 15 years old. A grown guy, a personality... And we tried to help. We collected money. And the world-famous surgeon performed the operation so that Sasha could use prosthetics. Together we went through everything that happens in such cases - pain, failure of the first steps, falls... But all this was worth going through. Sasha got to his feet. And we all realized that we had witnessed a miracle. And we arranged it ourselves - without any magic, with our own participation. And then there was a holiday, a celebration. And Sasha invited one of the founders of the foundation, Natasha Shaginyan, to dance... So our “I Want to Walk” program began with Sasha’s story, which became one of the most important in our foundation. “I want to walk” is a dream to get on my feet, to make my first independent steps, enter adult life. And dreams come true if there are caring adults next to these guys... Now, for the fourth year, on the stage of the Theater of Nations we are holding a charity concert “Life in Motion” - with the support of the Artist Foundation and its annual event “Artists for Children”. This is a special event. They go on stage famous artists and guys who are just revealing their resources. It is here that anyone can understand that the possibilities of each of us are limitless.

Of course, Zhenya will not be allowed to fall into despondency by his friends, fans, colleagues in the dance group and other artists - those of them who help children with disabilities founded the “Life in Motion” foundation and developed a direction that they called: “ I want to walk." At the concert organized by this foundation, Zhenya was the highlight of the program - the audience gave him a standing ovation. As well as other participants, who showed by their example that everything is possible if you have a dream and people who believe in you.

I want to walk!

Evgeny Mironov, Anatoly Bely, Yulia Peresild, Irina Pegova told the stories of the foundation’s wards whose dreams have already come true. All of them are extraordinary. A film can be made about every boy or girl... Yes, there will be a place for both grief and despair, but the ending of this film is happy. After all, everyone realized their biggest dream: they stood on their feet and took their first steps. Why did he get back on his feet? I got on my bike, roller skated, and started playing football!..

Polina is waiting for summer to learn how to ride a bike.

“I’m 15 years old, I’ve long set a goal for myself to become an illustrator,” shared Polina, a concert participant. — I dream of moving to St. Petersburg and entering an art university. And I would also like everyone in this world to be happy. Yes, I also want to ride a bike. I had a prosthesis, but one with which this dream could not be realized... And now I had an operation in America, they installed a new prosthesis. And dad immediately promised that he would buy me a bicycle - now I’ll definitely be able to ride! We all have bicycles at home, and now I will have one too. And we will ride together! I am glad that today I was at the “Life in Motion” concert. It’s charitable, maybe we’ll help someone else... And here I also met amazing guys - Danya Pluzhnikov from the show “The Voice. Children”, with Hero from “Blue Bird”. They are cool!

Running to school

The foundation also helped a boy from a distant Chechen village get back on his feet, who didn’t even go to school because it was far away and there was no way to transport him. And all this time he dreamed of being close to his friends: “My name is Rahman, I’m ten years old. I really wanted to walk around on my own, play hide and seek and tag with other children, and play football. And I dreamed of learning to roller skate..."

Yulia Peresild talked with the concert participants behind the scenes.

And all this came true thanks to the help of the Life in Motion Foundation. Rahman underwent a complex operation in America and after that a light and comfortable prosthesis was designed.

- And we also have a little boy Prosha, he is only five years old,” added Evgeny Mironov. — He couldn’t be at our concert because he has a schedule, he’s already sleeping at that time. He always dreamed of a red motorcycle, and now he has one. And after the operation, he can walk and even run independently. Mom already taught him! Of course, our foundation cannot solve all problems, but we can draw the attention of the people of our country to the fact that such a problem exists. And we can say: we need to try to do something for families where there are such problems. It happens that one of the neighbors has such a problem, and they are embarrassed to talk about it, ask for help... So, we urge: do not be shy! Ask for help, come on our stage. All these guys - the most talented people! We are proud of each of them. Thanks to them, I realized: if God created a physical limitation, he gives enormous inner wealth!


On charity concert famous stars and children who had long dreamed of going on stage performed big stage. And here they are on it! The audience has already fallen in love with singers Daniil Pluzhnikov, Gera Aristova, and dancer Evgeny Smirnov. Zhenya is from Krasnodar, he lost his leg in car accident. At the concert, Zhenya performed with the famous dance group from Tomsk "Yudi". Not long ago, the artists took part in the legendary foreign show “Britain's Got Talent” and even became finalists, declaring themselves to the whole world! And Evgeniy was not lost in the star team; he performed unimaginable tricks on one leg and dance moves to the applause of the audience. He himself does not think that he is doing anything heroic. After all, even before the accident he was a famous dancer - the champion of Russia in breakdancing. Yes, there was a possibility that after a tragic incident his life would change radically and he would become a person who was deprived of his favorite activity... The guy tried to dance with a prosthesis, but it was so heavy that it was impossible to maintain balance while dancing... And then he went out on stage on one leg. And he started dancing! And not at all to evoke pity, but to show: dreams come true if there are people who believe in you.

Behind the scenes

After the concert, the participants were ordered pizza. And while they ate the treat together, journalists from the Stolitsa news agency asked them about their immediate plans and what the stage gave them.

Daniil Pluzhnikov, winner of the TV show “The Voice. Children":

— Such concerts are a great good deed. After all, they provide an opportunity to help those who need it. For some this may be a reminder. After all, people may simply not know that it’s hard and bad for someone right now. And when people with disabilities come on stage, it is also an example of the fact that even children have fortitude, and they have something to learn...

Gera Aristova, Blue Bird finalist:

“And for me, such concerts are another step towards my dream. And I dream of singing in Bolshoi Theater. And I also want to help people with disabilities so that their dreams come true. I study a lot, I learn to sing professionally. I have a teacher who prepared me for the Blue Bird competition - Natalya Dmitrievna Trikhleb. She is strict, and that's very good. You can’t babysit with us children—nothing good will come of it. But she believes in me, and this is the most important thing!

Musician Alexey Romanov stayed a little away from the singers. He came to the concert in Kazan. Alyosha did the impossible: having a special structure of his hands, he independently learned to play the piano...

“The concert is excellent,” said Alyosha. — I played my favorite piece Italian composer Ludovico Einaudi. In general, I have many favorite works, including large-scale ones - six pages, for example. I can play without stopping for seven minutes. Now I’m learning a complex Tatar composition - I live in Kazan. I am studying in music school. But I didn’t get there right away. At first I tried to learn to play the piano myself, since I had a passion for the instrument since childhood. I just pressed the keys, then I began to select melodies by ear, then my friends began to help, who had already learned something at music school. None of them said: “Why do you need this, it’s impossible!” Everyone wanted to help me. One complex composition was taken apart in such a way that I could even perform with an orchestra. Well, when I already knew how to do something, the music school had to give in and take me for training. You could say she was the last one to give up! (Laughs.) And now I'm trying really hard. There are, of course, mistakes - where would we be without them... But I’m happy that I’m doing what I love...

At parting, the artists of the “Life in Motion” concert exchanged addresses and phone numbers, joked and laughed. They agreed to report news to each other. And meet, definitely meet.

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