Military aircraft Su 34. Russian Aviation

The Su-34 is a Russian-made fighter-bomber designed to attack enemy ground targets with aviation weapons in conditions of active counteraction by air defense systems. The aircraft's effectiveness is achieved through the use of innovative electronic warfare equipment, unique combat qualities, and the ability to engage air targets regardless of the time of day or weather conditions. The Russian military calls this fighter a “duckling”, and when it comes to its combat characteristics, a “hell duckling”.

According to its tactical and technical parameters, the Su-34 aircraft belongs to the “4++” generation. When performing combat missions, it does not need to be accompanied by cover fighters, thanks to its high combat qualities, which allow it to independently conduct maneuverable air combat with almost any existing military aircraft in the world.

History of the aircraft

The Su-34 aircraft was created to replace the Su-24 front-line bomber, which performed well in a number of armed conflicts, but is outdated. During the development process, it was taken into account that the potential enemy has a large number of 4th generation vehicles in its arsenal. The fighter was designed based on the experience of combat operation of all Russian military aircraft existing at that time, as well as foreign experience use of aviation forces in local conflicts.

Development of the vehicle began in June 1986. The project was codenamed "T-10V" or "Su-27IB" (fighter-bomber). As can be understood from the last name, the Su-27 fighter project served as the basis for the new aircraft. The first prototype of the T-10B first flew on April 13, 1990. The aircraft was first presented to the general public under the name SU-32F only in 1995, as part of the international air show in Le Bourget (France).

Later, two prototypes and one test prototype were produced. After a series of tests, seven pre-production aircraft were released, one of which was modified to the characteristics of a production aircraft.

The fighter-bomber was put into production in April 2005 at the Novosibirsk Aviation Plant. The first production aircraft took to the skies on October 12, 2006 at the airfield named after. Chkalova. Evgeniy Rudakas and Rustem Asadullin were assigned to pilot the new car. State tests began on October 30 of the same year, and took place in parallel with the production of the first models.

In 2008, the manufacturing plant signed a 5-year contract for the supply of 32 aircraft to the Russian Air Force, and in 2012 - an 8-year contract for the supply of another 92 aircraft. In March 2014, the Su-34 was adopted by the Russian Federation. By 2020, the new fighter should completely replace its predecessor, the Su-24 model.

Fighter-bomber design

The Su-34 is designed to carry out bombing attacks in the operational and tactical rear of the enemy, regardless of the time of day and weather conditions, including at low altitudes. In addition, he can adequately conduct air combat and destroy enemy aircraft.

The aircraft is built using the “longitudinal triplane” aerodynamic design, which allows for increased maneuverability compared to models made according to the conventional design. In addition, compared to the Su-27 fighter, the Su-34 has an increased bomb load and fuel capacity. The front part has a flattened shape, which is why the plane was called a “duckling”. It is equipped with a two-seater cabin, in which measures have been taken to improve the level of comfort for crew members during long flights.

Power point

The aircraft is equipped with a pair of AL-31F-M1 TRDDF engines. Each of them has 13,300 kgf of thrust, which allows the car to accelerate to a speed of 1900 km/h. Since the fighter is constantly being modernized, its design allows for the replacement of engines with new ones, the AL-41F model. Such engines provide up to 14,500 kgf of thrust and allow flights in supercruise mode. Thanks to this mode, the aircraft receives a lot of advantages, in particular, the issue of high fuel consumption during afterburner flight is resolved.

Forward looking radar

The aircraft is equipped with the Sh-141 radar station, which allows it to effectively detect ground and air targets. The detection range of this system ranges from 75 to 250 kilometers and depends on the size of the target. At the same time, the radar can track up to 10 targets and fire at up to 4. It is also capable of assisting the guidance of air-to-air missiles equipped with their own radars by “target illumination.” For close combat missiles equipped with an infrared homing head, the radar provides the first initial coordinates goals. The system also provides the ability to fly at extremely low altitude and automatically follow the terrain.

Rear-view radar

Between the motors, in a special container, there is a rear-view radar. It monitors fighter attacks in the rear hemisphere and, as a countermeasure, offers a mode of firing RVV-AE air-to-air missiles at the attacking aircraft. Thus, a pilot intending to attack a pursuing aircraft does not have to waste precious time maneuvering.

Since rear-view radar with the ability to launch missiles is a unique technology that has not yet been used even on advanced Western fighters, and even promising NATO bombers, many experts are debating the reality of its existence and the effectiveness of its use. Lively discussions are caused by the lack of free access to official data about it.

Outboard exploration equipment

To use the Su-34 aircraft as a reconnaissance aircraft, it is possible to install suspended equipment on it, namely the UCR (universal reconnaissance container) “Sych”. Depending on the type of reconnaissance, it can be carried out in three versions: radar, radio engineering and optical.

Reflective area

During aircraft development Special attention attention was paid to reducing its effective dispersion area. For this purpose, composite materials were used, which, due to the radio-absorbing coating, can reduce the level of reflection of radar waves. In addition, during the design of the aerodynamic design of the hull, aerodynamic strokes were excluded, and the geometry of the airframe was calculated in a special way. As a result, according to representatives of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, when flying at low altitude, the degree of radar visibility of the aircraft is at the level of cruise missiles, despite the fact that the size of the Su-34 is, naturally, several times larger.

Electronic warfare and air defense suppression

To be able to counter enemy radar if detected, the aircraft has electronic warfare equipment. This complex makes it possible to reduce the probability of hitting a fighter by approximately thirty times using radar-guided systems. From the point of view of electronic warfare (electronic warfare), the fighter is equipped at the same level as specialized machines. At the rate Western experts, the power of its electronic warfare system is similar in level to the systems of the EA-18G and EF-111A aircraft.

To fire at enemy air defense radar systems, the vehicle is armed with Kh-15P, Kh-58 and Kh-31P missiles with a range of 120-160 km, as well as Kh-31PD missiles with a range of 180-250 km. An excellent proof of the practical effectiveness of the Su-34 electronic warfare is the fact that during one of the conflicts in Georgia it was used as an electronic warfare fighter.

Aircraft guidance aids

To effectively use weapons, the Su-34 is equipped with a sighting system that allows it to search for and destroy enemy targets using radar. The complex includes the Platon system, designed to guide Kh-29 type missiles, as well as KAB-500-L and KAB-1500-L guided bombs. Kh-29T missiles and KAB-500Kr bombs do not require further guidance. Having received the initial coordinates of the target, they are aimed at it using a TV camera installed in the homing head.

The sighting system, used for destruction by conventional means (unguided bombs and missiles), provides high accuracy indicators, which have been repeatedly noted by experts, including NATO representatives, based on the experience of using the Su-34 in Syria. The important fact is that bombing with unguided rockets is much cheaper. The stocks of such weapons remaining in Russia from the USSR allow for significant savings. This is extremely important, given that the cost of the Su-34 is more than a billion rubles.

The characteristics of the fighter allow the use of NATO missiles and bombs using the Damocles module, produced at the Ural Optical-Mechanical Plant under license from the Thales Group. The development of this module was a necessary measure during the execution of a contract for the supply of Su-30 fighters to Malaysia.

To increase the level of protection for the crew and the survivability of the aircraft as a whole, the outer casing of the cabin is made of an armored titanium shell. During its development, the experience of combat use of Su-25 fighters was taken into account. The Su-34 received much thicker armor (17 mm), which is capable of stopping projectiles with a caliber of up to 12.7 mm. The total mass of the armor is 1480 kilograms, which is one and a half times more than that of the mentioned predecessor. In addition to its thickness, the Su-34's protection is notable for the fact that it is made entirely of titanium alloy, without the use of steel or aluminum plates.

The Su-34 cockpit is equipped with a pair of ejection seats model K-36DM, allowing ejection at any height, including from the ground. On workplace pilots enter through the lower hatch equipped with steps.

Crew life support

To ensure efficient and comfortable operation of the crew during long-range flights (with additional fuel tanks, the aircraft is capable of covering a distance of up to 7 thousand kilometers), the fighter is equipped with systems that increase comfort.

Among these it is worth noting:

  1. Dry toilet.
  2. Folding bed.
  3. A sealed housing and an oxygen system that allow you to rise to altitudes of up to 10 thousand km without the use of oxygen masks.
  4. Cabin heating and air conditioning.
  5. Kitchen compartment with microwave and thermoses.
  6. Free space that allows you to straighten up full height.
  7. Electric massage built into the chair.
  8. Projection of the dashboard onto the glass, allowing you to monitor the performance of the machine while away from the workplace.

Tools for working with an unprepared airfield

The Su-34 aircraft is equipped with an auxiliary gas turbine engine model TA14-130-35, which allows autonomous starting of the main engine without using ground means launch. This feature allows the vehicle to take off from any airfield and significantly expands its range of action.

Fire extinguishing system

To increase the level of survivability of the fighter and the safety of its pilots, it is equipped with automatic fire extinguishing equipment and means for duplicating all main systems. Fuel tanks are protected from fire and explosion by filling them with polyurethane foam. The essence of the technology is the effect of “encapsulation” of fuel, which prevents the formation of a flammable steam-air mixture in the event of damage to the fuel tank.


Finally, let’s look at the main tactical and technical characteristics of the Su-34:

  1. Dimensions: length - 23.3 m, height - 6.09 m, wingspan - 14.7 m.
  2. Chassis base - 6.63 m.
  3. Weight: normal - 39 tons, maximum - 45 tons.
  4. Fuel capacity - 12.1 tons.
  5. Maximum engine thrust: without afterburner -8250 kgf, with afterburner - 13500 kgf.
  6. Maximum overload - 7 G.
  7. Maximum speed: at altitude - 2200 km/h, at the ground - 1400 km/h.
  8. The practical ceiling is 17 km.

Combat use

In August 2008, two Russian Su-34s underwent a baptism of fire in South Ossetia. The fighters were used for electronic warfare against Georgian air defenses and to cover strike aircraft.

Since the end of September 2015, 6 Su-34 fighters have been used in military operations in Syria. Near settlements Raqqa and Madan-Jadid, from an altitude of about 5 km, planes carried out the first strikes on terrorist targets.

In the spring of 2016, Su-34 military aircraft were used in the Vologda region in a rather unusual way - to throw bombs at ice jams.

People are intensely puzzled by the question of where the Su-34 aircraft has a sleeping place and where its toilet is. Especially alternatively gifted comrades post photos of the toilet tank from the Su-27, joking that this is the toilet.

However, the comrades are wrong. Surprisingly for them, the Su-34, with its side-by-side cabin layout, made it possible to carve out some space for additional crew comfort. The plane has not only a toilet and a sleeping bag, but even a microwave for heating food, and an autonomous electricity generator. So, let's go in order.

Unlike all other vehicles based on the Sukhoi T-10, the T-10V (Su-34) aircraft does not have a lifting cockpit hood. The glass above the pilot's seats can only be shot out in an emergency with pyro-charges for ejection. But how then do pilots get on the plane, you ask? Very simple - they have an entrance from below, through the hatch for the front landing gear. This is the entrance:

This is the view from the outside, but here is the view from the cabin itself:

As you can see, there is quite a long compartment for the landing gear. When the chassis is retracted, the berth unfolds in it.

The aircraft also includes a compact dry closet and a pair of the notorious Su-27 sanitary tanks. Pilots usually go to the sanitary facilities for minor needs, but to the dry closet if they have a big urge. In its normal state, the dry closet is folded and stored in a rack.

In the same compartment there is a microwave for heating food. Nearby there is a flight ration, emergency supplies and a first aid kit.

But the autonomous power generator is not located there, but in the tail. Right here:

The generator on the Su-34 is gas turbine and runs on the same jet fuel as the aircraft itself.

In general, the idea of ​​carrying a generator with you seems crazy - but only at first glance. The fact is that from the point of view of the aircraft’s layout, the main problems were associated with the further increase in the volume and weight of the equipment. According to preliminary estimates, the mass of the avionics in the installation should have been about 4100 kg, compared to 2500 kg on the Su-27. To accommodate such a “side,” the additional volumes in the behind-the-cockpit compartment, resulting from an increase in the dimensions of the cabin, were by no means superfluous. However, the placement of a large amount of equipment in the cockpit compartment and a huge radar antenna in the nose led to forward alignment; they tried to combat this by installing a rear-view radar in the tail and increasing the volume of fuel “filled” in the rear group of tanks - but this was not enough. In the end, for the necessary alignment, the plane received a long “member” at the rear, into which not only the rear radar antenna was stuffed, but also the heaviest equipment. And this is where it turned out that an autonomous generator is perfect for the role of a balancing load.

The generator looks like this:

This is the so-called “auxiliary power unit” TA14-130-35, it is built on the basis of an economical 105-kilowatt gas turbine, from which not only electricity is taken to power the aircraft’s onboard systems, but also heat to heat the cabin. A 105-kilowatt turbine without a generator weighs only 62 kg and can operate normally up to an altitude of 10 kilometers, which makes it possible to use the APU during most of the aircraft’s flight to save fuel. By the way, the production is Russian, Stupin’s Aerosila.

The use of an autonomous generator allows pilots to be on duty at unequipped airfields, being warm in the aircraft cabin and with powered on-board equipment, ready for quick engine start and accelerated takeoff.

By the way, almost the same generator is used on the Yak-130 aircraft - it has exactly the same turbine, but the electric generator used is smaller and lighter. The military really liked the idea of ​​having an autonomous on-board power supply and cabin air conditioning, and the designers liked the opportunity to not depend on the operating modes of the main engines for cabin pressurization.

It was declared that the chosen crew arrangement would reduce the volume of the cabin and ensure personal communication between crew members during the flight. In addition, the total number of devices on the instrument board was reduced and it became possible to organize a retractable middle console, which reduced the number of redundant systems. The entrance to the cockpit from below protects the cockpit from precipitation (snow, rain) when loading pilots onto the plane - which, by the way, is pretty much a problem on machines with a classic layout with a sliding or folding canopy.

The air conditioning system provides the crew with the opportunity to stay in the cabin during rest at altitudes of up to 13 km without an oxygen mask.

The cockpit of the Su-34 is quite strange, asymmetrical:

As you can see, both pilots can fly the plane, but only the left one has a pilot sight. The right one is the operator of weapons and guidance systems.

However, the final version of the cockpit is like this:

As you can see, the cockpit has been lowered by eliminating many analog instruments.

And yes - unlike other T-10 series aircraft, the Su-34 is quite heavily armored. For example, the bottom of the center section and cockpit are made of titanium armor plates. I won’t say anything about this, I’ll just give you the official photo:

Enough for the smart one.

I'll show you another one at the same time funny picture from our overseas friends, illustrating the big problems that arose with the advent of the Su-34 for their vaunted F-22:

Yes, yes - we are talking about the fact that jammers from the Su-34 tightly clog the target designation transmission channel on the F-22. We have already discussed a collision with the radar on the F-22 - it turned out that from a wide angle in front, the open AFAR radar matrix makes the F-22 a perfectly visible target on the radars of Russian vehicles. The Pindos came up with an attack scheme where the F-22 radars are closed, and they receive target designation (coordinates of enemy aircraft) from the AWACS flying radar via a digital datalink. So, high-power jamming transmitters on the Su-34 clog the datalink at significant distances, and the F-22 goes blind. Even relaying data from an additional aircraft located at a different angle does not help.

In fact, these transmitters were not even created to counter the F-22s themselves, but to disrupt the radio channel of medium- and long-range air-to-air missiles, which are guided according to data from aircraft radar. But it so happened that they also clog the channel of the F-22 itself.

Of course, an aircraft with working jammers has excellent direction finding and can be attacked by missiles aimed at the source of the radio signal. But, firstly, it flies separately from a group of fighters, and secondly, you still need to figure out how to take such missiles with you, and they will become completely useless when the Su-34 turns off its transmitters, seeing approaching missiles on the radar.

And here's another interesting picture:

The gray tree with a crooked nose is either a KAB-1500, or even a KAB-3000 (guided aerial bomb for 1.5 and 3 tons, respectively), but above it the gray door is the Platan system in a folded state. “Platan” is a laser-optical guidance system for guided weapons, which optically captures a target and illuminates it with a laser to guide, for example, a bomb like this.

The Su-34 is the only aircraft in the Russian Armed Forces with such a permanently installed system. For the Su-30 and Yak-130, the Platan is used as a hanging container.

According to test results, the Platan system on the Su-34 provided bombing accuracy comparable and even higher than Western systems with guidance based on GPS coordinates. “In terms of bombing accuracy, the characteristics are approximately five times higher than the standard,” the developers rejoiced. At the same time, as you might guess, the system allows you to aim bombs at moving targets (for example, ships), which systems with GPS do not provide.

The flight range, for a moment, reaches 4500 km. That is, the aircraft, created as if to replace the Su-24 tactical bomber, fit a little into ecological niche"Eurostrategists".

The Su-34 is a bomber aircraft that was designed by the Sukhoi design bureau. The development of this device began in the 80s of the last century. Experienced R.G. was appointed chief designer of the project. Martirosov, but it should also be noted the designer M.P. Simonov, who made considerable efforts to create this aircraft.

As for the Su-34 aircraft project, the design bureau designated this aircraft as the T-10B. The basis of this device was intended to be based on the Su-27UB aircraft. According to the initial project, it was planned to modernize a large number of systems of the Su-27 type aircraft, which would ultimately lead to the emergence of a new modification.

A brief history of the appearance and testing of the Su-34 aircraft

Design new car called Su-34 was completed in early 1990. After the development was completed, the production of a prototype began. The new car was created by reworking training aircraft Su-27UB. It was equipped with all the equipment and parts of the structure that the designers had thought of. This work was carried out at the Sukhoi aircraft plant, workers replaced the nose, engine nacelles and air intakes.

The converted aircraft first flew in the spring of 1991. The Su-39 fighter-bomber was fully ready in the winter of 1993. A year later, this machine was presented to the public in Paris at an air exhibition. The plans of the manufacturers clearly show the idea of ​​selling it on world markets, since at international exhibitions it has an English abbreviation. Some vehicles are painted in nautical colors, which allows them to be used over water areas and placed on aircraft carriers.

Features of the Su-34

When designing the Su-39, all the experience of aircraft design at the Sukhoi Design Bureau was taken into account, which made it possible to achieve such high results. The cockpit is made as a monolithic armored capsule. In addition to the cabin, all vital systems and assemblies are equipped with armor, which increases the survivability of the vehicle. The entire armor of the aircraft weighs almost 1.5 tons. To increase survivability, the aircraft is equipped with active protection systems, which are the same as those in the Su-27 aircraft.

To more effectively carry out combat missions, all processes are carried out by the pilot and his assistant navigator. The cockpit is quite comfortable and spacious, you can even stand upright in it. In addition, the aircraft is equipped with a toilet and a special cabinet for heating food. The cockpit is capable of maintaining a normal microclimate, which allows flights at an altitude of 10 kilometers without the use of oxygen masks. All these systems contribute to better performance of the aircraft’s pilots even during long flights, which can reach 10 hours.

The Su-34 aircraft was created to destroy both ground and water bodies enemy. In addition, it is capable of hitting moving targets even of small size. As for air targets, the aircraft has the ability to destroy air targets at any time of the day or night under any meteorological conditions.

The development and improvement program for the Su-34 aircraft is the most promising, since the aircraft has excellent flight and tactical characteristics.

Design features of the Su-34 bomber

This machine is designed as a longitudinal triplane, which has an integral layout. The wings of the device are connected to the body of the machine using an integrated circuit. They have a trapezoidal shape, and their leading edge is arrow-shaped. The tail section of the aircraft is almost the same as in the previous version.

The cabin has seats for the pilot and navigator, it is completely sealed and armored. The cabin is heated and air conditioned. For better interaction between pilots, their seats are located nearby. The pilot's seat is on the left, and the navigator sits with right side on board. To get into the cockpit, pilots climb through a niche for the front landing gear along a special folding ladder.

The aircraft's landing gear is made of a trolley type, and the wheels are arranged in tandem, which improves the quality of takeoff from airfields that are poorly prepared. The front landing gear is steerable and equipped with two wheels. All landing gear struts are retracted into niches during flight. The rear pillars of the car are equipped with brake systems.

The aircraft's power plant consists of two turbojet engines, which are equipped with two afterburners. AL-31 type engines, which are installed on the Su-34 aircraft, develop power up to 14,000 kgf.

The fuel system in this aircraft is represented by three tanks in the middle of the fuselage: one in the middle of the center section, and two more tanks are located in the wing consoles. The fuel pumps in the fuel system supply fuel to the engines, regardless of the vehicle's position in the air. On hauls, you can install additional drop tanks, which, if necessary, can be dropped during the flight. As for the fuel system and the length of the flights, it should be noted that the aircraft is equipped with an in-flight refueling system. Refueling can be carried out from similar aircraft such as Su-34 or from tankers such as Il-78.

The aircraft is equipped the latest system integral navigation, which allows you to maintain communication with the satellite. For easier control, the machine has a multi-channel CDS system. It is capable of independently analyzing overloads and angles of attack, and also controls the PGO and at the same time effectively dampens all vibrations. The safety system is so good that it can automatically prevent collisions with other objects or the ground.

To solve all combat missions, the aircraft is equipped with the latest generation avionics system; it is almost completely automatic. All information systems located on board are arranged in an autonomous version.

Su-34 characteristics:

Modification Su-34
Wingspan, m 14.70
Aircraft length, m 22.00
Aircraft height 5.93
Take-off weight, kg
normal 39000
maximum 44360
engine's type 2 TRDF AL-35 (AL-31F)
Unforced thrust, kgf 2 x 14000
Maximum speed, km/h
at an altitude of 11000 m 1900 (M=1.6)
at sea level 1400
Practical range, km 4500
Combat radius, km 600 -1130
Practical ceiling, m 17000
Max. operational overload 7
Crew, people 2
Weapons: one 30 mm GSh-301 cannon (180 rounds)
Combat load - 8000 kg (normal - 4000 kg) on ​​12 hardpoints:
8 air-to-air missiles R-73;
6 air-to-air missiles R-27RE or E;
8 air-to-air missiles R-77 (RVV-AE);
6 air-to-surface missiles X-29T/L, X-25ML, S-25LD
6 air-to-radar missiles X-31P or air-to-ship X-31A;
1 multi-purpose missile launcher Alpha;
3 air-to-surface missiles X-59M;
3 adjustable aerial bombs KAB-1500L/TK;
6 adjustable aerial bombs KAB-500KR/L;
3 bombs of 1500 kg caliber, 16 bombs of 500 kg caliber, 36 bombs of 250 kg caliber, 48 bombs of 100 kg caliber, 8 KMGU containers, 120 S-8 missiles (in 6 B-8M1 blocks), 30 S-13 missiles (in 6 B-13L blocks) or 6 S-25 missiles.

The development of the bomber (at first classified as a fighter-bomber) Su-27IB, which had the factory code T-10B, began in the early 1980s. under the general leadership of M.P. Simonov. R.G. Martirosov was appointed chief designer of the aircraft.

Initially, work on the T-10B went in the direction of modifying the two-seater Su-27UB aircraft, into the virtually unchanged airframe design of which it was supposed to incorporate new electronic equipment and weapons. However, later it was decided to place the crew nearby, which promised to increase the effectiveness of combat use and flight safety. In addition, this arrangement made it possible to get rid of duplication of a number of devices. The ergonomics of the cockpit were also improved, making it possible to carry out longer flights.

The next step was the use of a wing with a new influx, on which the front horizontal tail was located. It was decided to abandon the adjustable air intake, which was determined by the specifics of the combat use of the attack aircraft.

By 1990, the design of the new machine was largely completed and soon at the pilot production of the machine-building plant named after. P.O. Sukhoi began work on transforming one of the serial combat training aircraft Su-27UB into a prototype of the T-10V-1 fighter-bomber (later known as the Su-34-1). At the Novosibirsk Aviation Plant named after. V.P. Chkalov produced a new nose section of the aircraft, which was installed on a modernized “Sparky” airframe. The air intakes and engine nacelles were also replaced.

The first flight of the converted aircraft took place on April 13, 1991 at the airfield of the LII named after. M.M.Gromova. The car was piloted by Honored Test Pilot A. Ivanov.

Simultaneously with the testing of the first prototype aircraft at the Novosibirsk plant named after. V.P. Chkalov began preparations for serial production of the fighter-bomber, which received another name - Su-34. At the end of 1993, the assembly of the first pre-production aircraft was completed, and on December 18, the Su-34 with tail number “43”, piloted by test pilots I.V. Votintsev and A.I. Gaivoronsky, took off for the first time. On March 3, 1994, he made a non-stop flight from Novosibirsk to the Moscow region, to the airfield in Zhukovsky. In the summer of 1994, this machine was publicly demonstrated for the first time at the International Aerospace Show in Paris. It was renamed again and appeared before the Parisians as the Su-32FN (FN - Fighter Navy, i.e. naval fighter). The English-language abbreviation in the name of the aircraft testified to the desire of its creators to promote the bomber on the world arms market (after repainting in new, “naval” colors, the aircraft also received a new tactical number “45”).

The creators of the Su-34 took into account the experience of combat use of aviation at low altitudes. The cockpit of this aircraft is made (for the first time in world practice on aircraft of this class) in the form of an armored titanium capsule. Other vital structural elements, in particular the consumable fuel tank and engines, received similar protection. The total mass of structural protection elements was 1480 kg. All this, combined with the protective equipment already implemented on the Su-27 aircraft, provided the Su-34 with a high degree of survivability in low-altitude flight over an area saturated with air defense systems.

Another element that increases combat survivability is the presence of a second control for the navigator-operator. Long flights on the Su-34 have become much more comfortable. Crew members were able to stand up to their full height in the cabin, which allows them to restore the functionality of stiff muscles; a toilet and a cabinet for heating food were added to the cabin. The air system at an altitude of up to 10,000 m maintains pressure in the cabin corresponding to an altitude of 2,400 m, thanks to which the crew flies without oxygen masks. There is a powerful air conditioning system. All this ensures high performance of pilots in long flights lasting up to 10 hours, further increasing the combat potential of the Su-34.

The Su-34 is designed to destroy ground (surface), including small, mobile and stationary objects in the enemy’s tactical and operational depth, as well as air targets, day and night, in simple and adverse weather conditions.

Currently, the Su-34 is considered one of the highest priority programs of the Russian Air Force. According to a number of experts, the level of avionics of this machine allows it to be classified as a fifth-generation combat aircraft.

The aircraft has significant potential further development. Currently, in addition to the bomber modification, work is underway to create new variants of the Su-34, in particular a reconnaissance aircraft and an electronic warfare aircraft. In the future, after the Rybinsk plant has mastered serial production of a new generation turbofan engine - AL-41F - with a maximum thrust of about 20,000 kgf, equipped with a thrust vector control system, which is expected in 2005; This engine is planned to be installed on the Su-34.

Design Features

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Glider The Su-34 is designed according to the “integral longitudinal triplane” design and has a clearly defined integral layout. The wing, integrally coupled with the fuselage, is trapezoidal and has a sweep along the leading edge of 42°. The PGO is made all-rotating. The stabilizer is differentially deflectable. Compared to the Su-27, the shape of the cantilever parts of the wing and tail unit has been preserved virtually unchanged, but the wing flaps have been extended to the elliptical cross-section of the forward fuselage. The nose has been extended to accommodate the installation of a radar antenna. The nose cone of the aircraft has a flattened shape with developed side bulges and pointed edges. A radar with a small antenna is located inside the radome. It has no ventral ridges.

Cabin double, closed, sealed. Made in the form of a welded titanium armor capsule with a wall thickness of up to 17 mm. The glazing is also armored. The cabin is equipped with a heating and air conditioning system. The crew's workstations are located side by side, one next to the other, “shoulder to shoulder,” which significantly reduces their fatigue and improves interaction. On the left is the pilot, on the right is the navigator and operator. Entry is through the nose landing gear via a folding ladder. Crew members are seated in K-36DM ejection seats with improved ergonomics. Ejection is possible in all modes (including parking and taxiing). The cabin is spacious and comfortable. On a long flight, you can sleep in the aisle between the seats or stand upright behind the seats. There is a bathroom and a microwave oven for hot meals for the crew. Chassis: The aircraft uses a new bogie chassis with a tandem arrangement of wheels on the main supports, providing the aircraft with good cross-country ability on poorly prepared airfields (and, consequently, combat “survivability” in conditions when major runways are disabled, as happened, for example, in Iraq in 1991, and aviation will have to be dispersed to field airfields). The front landing gear of the semi-link type is reinforced and equipped with two wheels. The main supports are retracted in the direction of flight into the center section niches with the bogies turning. At the tail fuselage, between the engines there is a compartment with electronic equipment, which forced the designers to move the brake parachute container from the tail cone to the top of the fuselage, making it retractable, “keyboard” type.

Powerplant and fuel system

The aircraft's power plant includes two AL-31F bypass turbojet engines with afterburners or modifications thereof. On production Su-34 aircraft, more powerful and economical modifications of the AL-31F can be used, known in print under the names AL-31FM and AL-35F and having a thrust, according to various sources, from 12800 to 14000 kgf (125.6 and 137.3 kN, respectively). There is an APU. The fuel system includes: three tanks in the fuselage, one in the center section and two in the wing consoles (according to other sources, four tanks of increased volume (three in the fuselage and center section and one in the wing consoles); pumps for pumping and transferring fuel; fuel gauge -flow metering equipment. Possible installation of drop-drop fuel tanks with a capacity of 3000 liters. refueling system in flight using the “hose-cone” method (fuel can be received from the Il-78 and Il-78M “tankers”, the Su-34 aircraft of the same type, as well as the Su-24M bomber, equipped with an UPAZ suspension unit). The retractable fuel intake rod is located in the left fuselage bulge in the head of the fuselage in front of the cockpit. There are two night refueling lights.

Onboard equipment and systems

Flight and navigation complex includes an inertial navigation system integrated with a satellite navigation system receiver, as well as radio navigation equipment. To control the aircraft, a digital multi-channel control system is used. The system automatically monitors the current values ​​of the angle of attack and overload, and automatically controls the position of the anti-aircraft gun, ensuring damping of aircraft oscillations in the pitch plane. The active safety system implemented on the bomber automatically prevents it from entering unacceptable flight conditions and colliding with the ground during low-altitude flight. There is a mode for bringing to the horizon and recovering from a spin. The system, made using elements of artificial intelligence, automatically monitors the physical condition and actions of pilots, the operation of on-board systems and the remaining fuel, and also ensures automatic return to the airfield and landing approach. The aircraft is equipped avionics complex, providing the solution to combat missions in the entire range of operating conditions with high degree automation. The structure of the complex is separate-integral. All information systems are configured as autonomous equipment, which includes computing units based on a high-power Argon digital computer, as well as a number of specially programmable processors. All units are controlled by a central computer system, which fully coordinates work, data exchange and provides intelligent assistance to the aircraft crew in solving combat missions. Modular design of the entire complex, duplication software and equipment, as well as the simultaneous operation of all information systems do possible solution combat mission in case of partial failure and even failure of some information systems. The modular design allows you to easily change the composition of the complex by introducing new information systems if necessary. Installed on board an aircraft multi-mode radar with a phased array antenna allows you to detect small ground targets, while simultaneously tracking several air targets “on the fly.” The detection range of air targets is 200-250 km. The bomber is also equipped Rearview radar, which not only warns the crew of an enemy attack, but also provides control of air-to-air missiles in the rear hemisphere. The aircraft's capabilities to detect and attack small targets are enhanced through the use of two-channel television and thermal imaging system, combined with a laser rangefinder-target designator. Channels can work both together and separately depending on weather conditions and time of day.
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Central Computing Control System includes a navigator-operator's workstation, a central computer and a multiplex data bus. At the navigator-operator's workplace there are two multifunctional color CRT indicators with a liquid crystal panel. The processed information is displayed on the displays: from the systems - alphanumeric, from the computer - in the form of symbols. Indicators allow you to mix images in the “big picture” mode, when simultaneous information from different systems is displayed on one screen. The on-board digital computer uses “artificial intelligence” and “artificial security” systems. For the naval version of the aircraft (its export modification is known as the Su-32FN), a complex of radio-electronic equipment was used, modernized to solve additional tasks and provide reconnaissance, surveillance of the sea surface, search for submarines, mine detection and combat against enemy surface ships. When fighting against submarines (submarines), the avionics complex can search for targets upon receiving preliminary target designation from other means, including space ones. All search and targeting operations are carried out automatically. The intelligent crew assistance system ensures the continuity of the combat mission without operator intervention, and also allows for the implementation of several options for solving it. The main means of detecting submarines on board the Su-32FN aircraft are radar in combination with radio sonobuoys (RSAB), as well as a magnetic anomaly sensor located in the tail boom. The aircraft is capable of carrying up to 72 RGABs, which include several passive direction finders operating in a wide frequency range, active RGABs and means of explosive wave generation.


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Built-in cannon GSh-301 (30 mm, 1800 rounds per minute, ammunition - 180 rounds). 12 external hardpoints (under the fuselage, engine nacelles and wing consoles) can accommodate up to 8000 kg of various weapons. The complex of high-precision strike weapons ensures the destruction of ground (surface) targets at a range of up to 250 km. It includes tactical cruise missiles Kh-59M with television command guidance (up to three missiles), air-to-surface missiles of the Kh-29, Kh-25M and S-25L types (up to six units), anti-ship missiles of four types with a range actions 250, 180 and 70 km, anti-radar high-speed missiles of the X-31 type (up to six), up to three adjustable aerial bombs of 1500 kg caliber or up to six 500 kg caliber, up to four torpedoes. A container with 70 radio-acoustic buoys can be suspended under the fuselage. "Non-intelligent" weapons for destroying ground targets are similar to the armament of the Su-27 aircraft and include up to six units with S-8 (120 missiles) or S-13 (30 missiles), as well as up to six S-25 missiles, up to seven small-sized containers KMGU cargo, up to 16 FAB-500, up to 22 FAB-250 or up to 34 FAB-100. The air-to-air missile armament is generally similar to that of other aircraft of the Su-27 family. It includes up to eight medium-range missiles with active radar homing RVV-AE, up to six medium-range missiles of the R-27 type or short-range missiles with the R-73 TGS. At the end parts of the wing two containers with an electronic warfare system can be placed. Three PTBs of 3000 liters each are suspended under the wing and fuselage.


Wing span 14.05 m; aircraft length (with PVD) 23.34 m; aircraft height 6.36 m.

Weights and loads, kg

Normal take-off 42000, maximum take-off 44360, fuel in internal tanks 12100, fuel including PTB 19300, combat load on external hardpoints: normal 4000, maximum 8000.

Flight characteristics

Maximum speed - 1900 km/h (M=1.8); maximum speed near the ground - 1400 km/h; practical ceiling - 14000 m; combat radius (at a speed of 900 km/h): at low altitude without PTB - 600 km, at low altitude with PTB - 1130 km; ferry range with PTB - 4500 km; practical range - 4000 km; practical range with one in-flight refueling - 7000 km; take-off length - 1260 m; run length - 1100 m (with a braking parachute - 950 m); maximum operational overload - 7.


  • Su-34- a book from the Polygon aviation series.


  • Ilyin V. “Front-line bomber Su-34.” "Bulletin of Aviation and Cosmonautics", 1999, No. 3.
  • Ilyin V., Levin M. “Su-34. Frontline bomber." "Bombers". - M.: Victoria, AST, 1997.
  • Kotlobovsky A. “Su-34”. "Post-war attack aircraft." "Archive-Press", Kyiv, 1997.
  • Mikheev A., Fomin A. “Su-34”. “Polygon Aviation Series”, M.: Favorite Book, 1995.
  • "Encyclopedia of the Arms of Cyril and Methodius."


  • Oleg "Alec" Lazinkov (Scanning)

News about Su-32/34

  • Combat tests of the new SU-27 IB strike fighter aircraft, which has no analogues in the world, are being completed in Chechnya. ITAR-TASS, 01/22/2000

The newest best military aircraft of the Russian Air Force and the world photos, pictures, videos about the value of a fighter aircraft as a combat weapon capable of ensuring “superiority in the air” was recognized by the military circles of all states by the spring of 1916. This required the creation of a special combat aircraft superior to all others in speed, maneuverability, altitude and the use of offensive small arms. In November 1915, Nieuport II Webe biplanes arrived at the front. This was the first aircraft built in France that was intended for air combat.

The most modern domestic military aircraft in Russia and the world owe their appearance to the popularization and development of aviation in Russia, which was facilitated by the flights of Russian pilots M. Efimov, N. Popov, G. Alekhnovich, A. Shiukov, B. Rossiysky, S. Utochkin. The first domestic cars of designers J. Gakkel, I. Sikorsky, D. Grigorovich, V. Slesarev, I. Steglau began to appear. In 1913, the Russian Knight heavy aircraft made its first flight. But one cannot help but recall the first creator of the aircraft in the world - Captain 1st Rank Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky.

Soviet military aircraft of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War sought to hit enemy troops, their communications and other targets in the rear with air strikes, which led to the creation of bomber aircraft capable of carrying a large bomb load over considerable distances. The variety of combat missions to bomb enemy forces in the tactical and operational depth of the fronts led to the understanding of the fact that their implementation must be commensurate with the tactical and technical capabilities of a particular aircraft. Therefore, the design teams had to resolve the issue of specialization of bomber aircraft, which led to the emergence of several classes of these machines.

Types and classification, latest models of military aircraft in Russia and the world. It was obvious that it would take time to create a specialized fighter aircraft, so the first step in this direction was an attempt to arm existing aircraft with small offensive weapons. Mobile machine gun mounts, which began to be equipped with aircraft, required excessive efforts from pilots, since controlling the machine in maneuverable combat and simultaneously firing from unstable weapons reduced the effectiveness of shooting. The use of a two-seater aircraft as a fighter, where one of the crew members served as a gunner, also created certain problems, because the increase in weight and drag of the machine led to a decrease in its flight qualities.

What types of planes are there? In our years, aviation has made a big qualitative leap, expressed in a significant increase in flight speed. This was facilitated by progress in the field of aerodynamics, the creation of new, more powerful engines, structural materials, and electronic equipment. computerization of calculation methods, etc. Supersonic speeds have become the main flight modes of fighter aircraft. However, the race for speed also had its negative sides - the takeoff and landing characteristics and maneuverability of the aircraft sharply deteriorated. During these years, the level of aircraft construction reached such a level that it became possible to begin creating aircraft with variable sweep wings.

For Russian combat aircraft, in order to further increase the flight speeds of jet fighters exceeding the speed of sound, it was necessary to increase their power supply, increase the specific characteristics of turbojet engines, and also improve the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft. For this purpose, engines with an axial compressor were developed, which had smaller frontal dimensions, higher efficiency and better weight characteristics. To significantly increase thrust, and therefore flight speed, afterburners were introduced into the engine design. Improving the aerodynamic shapes of aircraft consisted of using wings and tails with large angles sweep (in transition to thin delta wings), as well as supersonic air intakes.

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