Malakhov's departure from the first channel is like meat leaving a kebab. Andrei Malakhov revealed the true reasons for leaving Channel One How Assange made new enemies

0 21 August 2017, 02:45

Leaving Channel One - for Russian media It's been a week now. While everyone was discussing the unexpected career decision of the TV presenter and his maternity leave, and some were replaced by others, Malakhov himself remained silent and only. Finally, he decided to dot all the i’s and gave a big and frank interview publication "Kommersant", in which he spoke about the reasons for leaving, the birth of a long-awaited child and new job.

Malakhov confirmed that he will now work on the VGTRK channel "Russia 1" - in the program "Andrey Malakhov. Live", in which he will be both a presenter and a producer. According to the journalist, he had long dreamed of his own TV show, because he had long outgrown “Let Them Talk” and “Tonight”:

Although you have become a popular TV presenter, you still work with the same people who treat you like the son of the regiment. This is a situation where your colleagues came much later, but already have their own projects. And you still have the same old status. You are expected to be the “talk-to-the-ear” presenter, but you already have something to talk about with your viewers. It's like in family life: at first there was love, then it grew into a habit, and at some point it was a marriage of convenience,

- Malakhov said.

I want to grow, to become a producer, a person who makes decisions, including determining what my program should be about. The TV season ended, I decided that I needed to close this door and try myself in a new capacity in new place,

- the TV presenter emphasized. with producer Natalya Nikonova, who once came up with “Let Them Talk” and this year returned to Channel One after a long break, Malakhov did not expand, significantly noting that “you have to be consistent in love and dislike.”

Malakhov noted that he warned the channel’s management in advance that he was going to leave, but at First they didn’t believe him for a long time. Resignation letter and letter to CEO channel, the TV presenter wrote to Konstantin Ernst on the first day of his vacation. With Ernst, by the way, Malakhov had serious conversation, in which they discussed "the future of television and what the new season might hold."

This conversation was superimposed on the fact that I was due to have a baby in November, and I said that I needed to devote at least a day a week to what I was talking about for a long time dreamed. But this whole story is not a conflict with the channel’s management. I have deep respect for Konstantin Lvovich. Moreover, he understands what a blessing it is to become a father and that there is life beyond the daily struggle for ratings,

Let us remind you that Andrei Malakhov’s departure from Channel One became known at the end of July. It soon became clear that the star's wife, Natalya Shkuleva, and TV presenter was planning to take maternity leave. There was conflicting information about Malakhov’s career future, but after footage of the program “Let Them Talk” with Dmitry Borisov appeared on the network, it became clear that this future would definitely not be connected with Channel One.

My relationship with Channel One and my new job are unrelated things. I left the First because it was time

- says Malakhov, new show which we will see on air very soon.

Source "Kommersant"

Instagram photo

The TV programs “Let Them Talk” on the First and “Live Broadcast” on “Russia 1” are complete analogues in terms of content and irreconcilable competitors. However, experts believe that no matter which channel Malakhov resumes work on, he will not lose an ounce of popularity among housewives and other lovers of other people’s “dirty laundry” and “chewing gum for the eyes.”

On July 31, news appeared in the media field that 45-year-old TV presenter Andrei Malakhov was leaving Channel One, where he had been working since 1992, and moving to the Russia 1 channel. There is no official confirmation of the “transfer” yet - but even rumors about it have already become “news number one” for many. If we transfer “Malakhov’s transfer” to the world of sports, then it could be compared with the transfer of Lionel Messi from the Catalan “Barcelona” to Real Madrid. The fans of the club he left would never, under any circumstances, forgive their idol for such a step. And they would take revenge on him for his betrayal until the end of his sports career.

Malakhov is a purely Russian phenomenon of a TV presenter. He doesn’t have much charisma and is sometimes not good at hitting balls on air, but at the same time he is wildly popular among housewives and fans of “dark” films.

But TV viewers (fortunately for Malakhov) do not have such predilections. Most of us, in principle, don’t care on which channel the sleek and pumped-up TV idol will erase “ dirty laundry“the next celebrity or unhappy family - to the whole country, with pleasure and savoring the most shameless details. And most importantly - with sincere curiosity and sympathy on your face. Malakhov’s TV bag includes programs like “The Big Wash,” “Five Evenings” and, of course, “Let Them Talk.” The format is “couldn’t be more yellow,” this TV presenter has been “washing the bones” of everyone for years, professionally delving into other people’s “dirty laundry.” As a result, he acquired the status of a symbol of “yellowness” and glamor, became a household name, a kind of professional “stamp.”

Users of social networks have already called the rumors “Malakhov’s transfer” the main news, which you need to know to carry on the conversation at grandma's family dinner." In the story with the presenter, none of the television critics denies that he is the main on-air television star today. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to find a Western “analogue” for it. Oprah Winfrey? Alas, Malakhov was not close to her in terms of ability to talk to people about painful issues. Larry King? God forbid! Compared to Malakhov, the elderly, bespectacled King looks like a clean man who has never in his life gotten his hands dirty with someone else’s “dirty laundry.” Some fans of Malakhov tried to compare him with American Stephen Colbert from the top Late Night Show. But this comparison looks like a bad joke - the neat Malakhov does not have even a hundredth of Colbert’s humor and resourcefulness (to see this, watch one of the latest episodes of Colbert’s show).

Thus, Malakhov is a purely Russian phenomenon of a TV presenter. He doesn’t have much charisma and is sometimes not good at hitting balls on air, but at the same time he is wildly popular among housewives and fans of “dark” films. Experts note that Malakhov’s success depends 90 percent on the work of his television team. There are really resourceful guys working there! Only they can, in a couple of days, bring together in one studio an ex-husband and wife who have vehemently hated each other for years, or a rapist, his victim and her parents.

Malakhov’s success depends 90% on the work of his television team. There are really resourceful guys working there! Only they can, in a couple of days, bring together in one studio an ex-husband and wife who have passionately hated each other for years, or a rapist, his victim and her parents

Malakhov sometimes can only push his guests harder. And in the end, “strike a spark” that will make millions of fans of “chernukha” not only tightly cling to the screen, but also call their neighbor with the words: “Mish, look what’s going on with Malakhov!” Sometimes it all looks incredibly disgusting and vulgar, but this is how TV ratings are done today.

Against this background, Malakhov’s own statements look funny. From them it is easy to understand that he sees himself in the role of the “All-Russian Batman”, who barely has time to do dozens of good deeds and help all those who suffer. “In the current conditions, when acute political and social journalism does not exist in Russia, our program is extremely popular. She shows the real real life people - without propaganda and “Potemkin villages”. We have an honest “picture”, and in 99% of cases there are several points of view on the same story,” Malakhov boasts.

“Every day I have new cases, people, stories. We constantly save someone, call someone, arrange someone somewhere... Then people say: “Oh, thank you very much!” But by that time, some events are crowding out others. They thank you, and you are already thinking about the fact that some other person is not admitted to the hospital or evicted from home. And you have to call the governor and ask: “What’s going on?” I treat my heroes like my distant relatives. You may not communicate with them every day, but if anything happens, you will always respond. What gives me strength is that someone manages to regain faith in themselves, someone manages to find a family, someone manages to survive. And here the complicity of people watching the program is extremely important,” the TV presenter philosophizes. Agree, against this background, even the annual “Direct Line” of the president looks like only weak attempts at charity...

The most sensible version seems to be that “Malakhov’s transfer” is just a PR campaign designed to maintain the audience’s interest in him in order to further inflate the ratings of “Let Them Talk” in the fall.

The possible departure of Andrei Malakhov from Channel One instantly gave rise to a wild number of unimaginable rumors - such is the nature of the media environment. There was talk that he was “squeezed out” from the main channel of the country by Dmitry Shepelev, ex-husband the late Zhanna Friske. He allegedly decided to return to the channel and... took over Malakhov’s studio. TV experts say that this version does not stand up to criticism, because Malakhov and Shepelev are figures of different scales, and “how can Moska survive the Elephant from somewhere”?

The version that the “star” presenter quarreled with the leadership of the First also looks strange. His television experience is too great, and Malakhov is too important for the channel, and for his sake the bosses of the First are ready to fulfill almost any of his wishes. However, some believe that now Malakhov is trying to get “special” conditions for himself and his team from the leadership of the First.

Rumors that Malakhov could take the place of Boris Korchevnikov, the host of the “Live Broadcast” program on Rossiya 1, also look crazy. According to experts, “Live Broadcast” is only a weak copy of “Let Them Talk,” and Malakhov is unlikely to risk “lowering the bar.” Against this background, the most sensible version seems to be that “Malakhov’s transfer” is just a PR campaign designed to maintain the audience’s interest in him in order to further inflate the ratings of “Let Them Talk” in the fall. In any case, TV experts are sure that the truth about whether Malakhov is leaving somewhere or not will become clear in the coming days. Otherwise, the nerves of hundreds of thousands of housewives may not be able to stand it - and they will simply start a riot.

Alexander Nevzorov, television journalist, publicist

To be honest, I am not ready to discuss the details of Malakhov’s transition from channel to channel due to the fact that I have good personal relations with Andrey. I haven’t been seriously involved in television for quite some time now, and intra-television intrigues are of little interest to me. In any case, on our television there should be such “chewing gum for the eyes” as the “Let Them Talk” program. There is a huge contingent of people in the country that needs to be entertained every night - and the ruder and stupider, the better. But I personally try not to go deep into research into this rudeness, stupidity and nonsense.

Could the “transfer of Malakhov” to “Russia 1” turn out to be a PR campaign designed to maintain audience interest in Malakhov during the summer lull? Quite possible. After all, for the PR companies of our “stars” there are no prohibited techniques at all - just as for Malakhov, there are practically no prohibited topics. Our public morals allows Russian celebrities to promote themselves in any way possible way- even climb naked onto the spire of the Mikhailovsky Castle, even report about switching to another channel, moving to another planet, or about appointing yourself dictator of Uganda.

Any non-standard step is possible in our information field, as long as it works. In the media world of the Russian Federation today there are no forbidden techniques. So trying to blame media figures for regularly resorting to information fraud is pointless. This is, in fact, one of their responsibilities.

Passions never cease to boil around the name of the popular TV presenter Andrei Malakhov. After information about his departure from Channel One appeared more than a week ago, he became one of the most talked about people in Russia. There are rumors in television circles that the 45-year-old presenter has already written a letter of resignation. Now Malakhov is on a yacht with friends in Italy, but he has already decided how his television career will develop in the future.

In light of recent events and discussions about who the popular presenter will pass the baton to, or rather the microphone from the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program, everyone wanted to get their “minute of fame.” Presenter and songwriter Katya Gordon decided to dedicate poetry to Malakhov, and bloggers sing odes to him on the YouTube video hosting site.

Rumor has it that the administration of the First decided to increase its popularity, as well as to attract attention to the program “Let Them Talk,” the shine of which has faded a little. So, yesterday, the launch program of the new season of the scandalous and “painful” show was supposed to be aired. The first theme should have been the symbolic words: “Farewell, Andrey!” But the program was canceled because Malakhov himself refused to appear in the studio and return from vacation, which, by the way, will end for him today or tomorrow.

The showman himself remained silent for a long time and did not give any comments about his departure from the channel. But he still spoke. The presenter admitted that he was on a yacht with friends, and also that he had already made his decision. The truth is, which one keeps the intrigue. Apparently, he had been planning to leave the channel for a long time, but wanted to decide this after his vacation. Among the channels for which he can go to work is “Russia 1,” but the press service of the media group, which includes this channel, did not confirm this information.

The Let Them Talk program will truly change its face. Instead of Andrei Nikolaevich, it will be hosted by 31-year-old Dmitry Borisov, who previously hosted “Evening News” and “Vremya”. He has already been confirmed in this position. Borisov did not comment for a long time and did not admit that he would lead scandalous talk show, but now the issue has already been resolved.

Of course, it will not be difficult for him to present a current program, since politics is also added to it, he already has enough journalistic experience. Besides him, the role of host of “Let Them Talk” was attributed to another showman - Dmitry Shepelev, the widower of the late singer Zhanna Friske. But the latter denied these rumors and said that he already has his own program, which he will continue to host.

The reasons for Malakhov’s departure from the Ostankino studio have also become overgrown not just with rumors, but with real legends. Previously, the reason was cited as a conflict between the presenter and the creators of the program, in particular, producer Natalya Nikonova. She wanted to change the format of the show and place more emphasis on the political situation, which the journalist did not like. Another version says that Andrei Nikolaevich had a conflict with the channel’s management. Perhaps he wanted to be the author and presenter of new projects, but he was not allowed to film them at the First studio. The general director of the channel, Konstantin Ernst, did not comment on this matter.

The most interesting version was that Malakhov’s wife, publisher Natalya Shkuleva, was expecting a child, so the TV presenter asked for “maternity” leave, but he was not given it on the channel and was asked to choose between the profession of a TV presenter and a baby sitter. Then, offended, he decided to write a letter of resignation.

On Channel One they were even surprised by such information, since no one there knew about interesting position presenter's wife. The news about this was only spread yesterday by resources belonging to the presenter’s father-in-law, Viktor Shkulev. But does it have anything to do with the dismissal of channel star Malakhov? Most likely no. Women usually go on maternity leave, not men.

Unless his wife’s pregnancy became an indirect reason for the showman’s departure from previous work. In connection with the future addition to the family, Malakhov could decide to “earn extra money” and agree to host some well-paid show on another channel. But then why the fuss? This is probably additional PR that benefits both parties. Firstly, to the First, who will release today or tomorrow new release“Let them talk,” secondly, to the presenter, attention to whom began to grow “like mushrooms after rain.”

However, not everyone is worried about the fate of Malakhov and now not his show. Many users are already tired of him with his departure and transition. Some say that he remained at the level of his previous show " Big Wash" and continues to wash the "dirty laundry" of everyday human life. That’s why they don’t want to see Malakhov himself or his project on air anymore.

Comedian and showman Maxim Galkin did not remain on the sidelines of discussing the departure of his colleague. In his characteristic ironic form, he recorded a video message to Malakhov and to those who are discussing his departure from Ostankino. The video can be viewed on the Diva’s husband’s Instagram page.

In shorts and a T-shirt, with a garden shovel in his hands, Maxim Galkin in a humorous manner invites host Malakhov to quickly make a choice in order to put an end to the constant news, speculation and rumors about his scandal with the TV channel. He said that this situation is already “sick and tired” and let Malakhov stop intriguing everyone, because if they paid more money– then let him switch to another channel. At the end of the video, Galkin said that in three years his colleague could return back to First.

A similar situation happened with the comedian himself. He switched to work from Channel One to Rossiya 1, which was called a “failure,” but the showman himself upset his ill-wishers and boasted that he built an entire castle for his “failure,” in the garden of which he now grows flowers. Looks like this isn't the end yet.

Andrei Malakhov commented on his possible departure from Channel One. According to him, he “already made his decision”

Andrei Malakhov (Photo: Anton Belitsky / Global Look Press)

TV presenter Andrei Malakhov commented on his possible departure from Channel One. The presenter's commentary is posted in in social networks « Life Show"(former publication and on the website

“I’m now on a yacht with friends, and I’ve already made a decision,” the TV presenter told the publication. At the same time, Malakhov refused to clarify exactly what decision he made.

Sources on the TV channel and those close to the presenter told RBC that Malakhov had a conflict with the producer of the show “Let Them Talk.” Other presenters are already being tried to replace Malakhov in “Let Them Talk,” and his new place of work could be the VGTRK television channel (“Russia 1”), RBC’s interlocutors reported.

“The channel returned to the program the producer who worked there nine years ago, hoping that she would help raise the dropped ratings programs. But Malakhov no longer worked well with her and demanded the return of his previous colleague. Since the channel did not make concessions for a long time, the presenter began to declare that otherwise he would leave the channel, hence the rumors,” said RBC’s interlocutor.

According to the BBC Russian Service, the conflict between Andrei Malakhov and the management of Channel One began after the return of producer Natalya Nikonova to Channel One, who decided to add to “Let Them Talk” before presidential elections, and Malakhov opposed this idea.

Later, the radio station “Moscow Speaks”, citing an informed source, reported that “Channel One” is considering two “to replace Malakhov,” but their names were not mentioned. RIA Novosti, citing an informed source, reported on August 7 that Malakhov, however The agency's interlocutor did not specify whether it was signed or not.

The presenter himself had not previously commented on the situation.

There is also alternative version about the reasons for Malakhov’s departure from Channel One. Interlocutors of the glossy magazine Elle claimed that probable cause Malakhov’s departure from Channel One was due to the fact that his wife Natalya Shkuleva was pregnant, and the producer of the program asked him to choose between maternity leave and work. The TV presenter considered this choice “unacceptable,” the publication’s interlocutors reported.

However, a source from RBC on “Pervoy” told RBC that the editors of the “Let Them Talk” program are talking about Malakhov’s supposed maternity leave. “No one has seen or heard any statements from him on this matter,” explained RBC’s interlocutor.

The press service of VGTRK RBC reports Malakhov’s departure from Channel One. RBC's interlocutor said that the management of the television company is on vacation, “so this physically cannot happen in this moment».

“Andrey Malakhov is the most important brick in the foundation of Channel One: his talk show under different names has been at the top of the ratings of the country’s most popular programs for decades. The presenter grew up on Channel One: when the channel was still called ORT, he came here as a beardless intern from the journalism department Moscow State University,” wrote the presenter’s colleagues from Komsomolskaya Pravda.


Other colleagues of Malakhov considered it possible to comment (albeit on condition of anonymity) about his departure to competitors. “They started talking in our crowd at the end of last week. Allegedly, Malakhov did not work well with the new producer Natalya Nikonova, who is actively promoting Dmitry Shepelev and his new show “Actually,” said the former editor of “Let Them Talk.”

“Yes, Andrei will not go anywhere. It is possible that he himself started the rumor about his departure in order to put pressure on Ernst: he is bargaining,” another interlocutor is sure.

“The real reason for Malakhov’s departure to VGTRK is that for several years he asked Ernst to allow him to produce his programs himself. But Konstantin Lvovich sent him...” a third source shared information.

As they wrote, the news of Andrei Malakhov’s transfer from Channel One to VGTRK became the most big news television off-season. VGTRK did not confirm the information about the presenter’s transfer to them, but did not deny it either. “Our entire management is on vacation, so this physically cannot happen at the moment,” the company’s press service disowned the question.

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