Thomas Theodore Merlin born in 1782. Unusual collection of the Merlin Museum (10 photos)

"Fairies" from the collection of cryptids by Thomas Merlin

Thomas Merlyn's collection of cryptoids was found in 1960 in London during renovations to an orphanage building. Workers were sorting through a pile of abandoned rubbish and discovered a walled-up basement containing filled wooden boxes with the remains of fantastic creatures.

British newspapers immediately suggested that this find belonged to Thomas Merlin, who throughout his life collected mysterious and enigmatic animals, unconfirmed and unrefuted by modern science.

Thomas Merlyn was born in 1782 into a family of British aristocrats. His mother died during childbirth and raising the child fell on the shoulders of his father, Edward, who was a retired military man. Having sufficient financial resources Edward decided to go on a trip with his son to collect a collection of rare plants and artifacts.

The death of his father greatly shocked Tamas and made him a hermit, whose main hobby was only searching for and collecting rare plants, animals, artifacts and ancient manuscripts. To replenish his collection, he traveled a lot, visited the most remote corners of the earth and met many interesting people.

In 1899, Thomas Merlin decided to organize an exhibition of his collection of cryptoids in several small towns in the United States. However, the townspeople were not interested in the mysterious animals, and the tour was cancelled.

"The Forest Child" from the collection of cryptids by Thomas Merlin

During this tour, contemporaries noticed unusual fact: At 117 years old, Thomas Merlin looked 40 years old and did not age at all! In this regard, they began to consider him a sorcerer and stopped communicating. Soon after this, Thomas Merlin's collection of cryptoids and the owner himself mysteriously disappeared.

However, in 1942, a man who looked to be about forty years old showed up in London, presented documents in the name of Thomas Merlin and proved ownership of one of the houses in this city. After that he handed over the house orphanage with the condition that the building will never be sold. Moreover, according to the document presented, Merlin was already 160 years old at that time!

In 2005, a book was published in England, the authors of which claimed that Thomas Merlin's collection of cryptoids was just a fake , completed unknown artists and sculptors. However, there are no traces of processing on the bones of the mysterious exhibits, and their location and connection with each other does not contradict physical laws.

In the 1960s in London, while clearing a site for the construction of a new residential area, an old, long-abandoned mansion that previously belonged to a certain Thomas Theodore Merlin was sent for demolition.

In the basement of the house, builders discovered several thousand small wooden boxes that were tightly sealed. Imagine their surprise when inside they began to find the corpses of strange mythical creatures that, it seemed, should only live in fairy tales.

Lord and Professor Thomas Theodore Merlin.

Sir Merlin was born into an aristocratic London family in 1782. His mother died during childbirth and the boy was left to be raised by his father Edward. His father was a military general, but soon after the birth of his son he retired and began to become seriously interested in esoteric natural history. Good investments in profitable commercial companies allowed him to travel around the world in search of various artifacts and unknown species of animals and plants.

They traveled together for many years until Edward passed away. Thomas took the death of his father very hard. Seeking solace in his work, he became practically a hermit, collecting at home an impressive library and specimens of unseen creatures. However, he found the strength to return to scientific world. During his long career, Thomas Merlin traveled all over the world many times. Earth, he was friends and corresponded with many famous scientists of that time. And, of course, he continued to collect his collection.

Once in 1899, he even made an attempt to show it to the world, going on tour overseas to America with a small part of his impressive collection. But the local conservative public reacted sharply negatively to the creatures that Merlin showed them. The tour had to be canceled before he could reach California. Surprisingly, even at his advanced age, Sir Merlin retained an amazing physical fitness. He rarely looked older than 40 years old. It even got to the point that some began to accuse him of occult practices that supposedly gave him eternal life.

These doubts were only strengthened in the spring of 1942, when someone posing as Thomas Merlin presented the ownership papers for the house and stated that he wished to transfer ownership of it to the Tunbridge Children's Home on the condition that the house would never be sold and the basement would never be opened. People who followed the work of Thomas Merlin naturally assumed that he had been dead for a long time, since in 1942 he would have been over 160 years old. But this man quickly disappeared and it was no longer possible to find him. Orphanage kept their promises, they never opened the mansion's basement. But in the 1960s they had to move out, and the house was demolished. Only after destroying it almost to the ground did the builders manage to find Merlin’s secret collection. And what was there is simply amazing.


Newborn dragon Draco Magnus

Homo Vampyrus

Complete skeleton of Draco Alatus

Homomimus Aquaticus, or Icthyosapien - a distant ancestor of jumping fish,

which evolved into some kind of mermaid

Draco Alatus

Homo Vampyrus (Vampire) Homo Lupus (Lycanthrope)

Homo Lupus (Lycanthrope Cub)

Devil child

Adult male lycanthrope

Homomimus Dentata (Tooth Fairy)

Homunculi (Goblin)

Homunculi (Dwarf)


Succubi (Succubus)

Lepus temperamentalus (Horned hare)

Sea monsters

Ceratopsid Dinosaur

Draco Fluminis

Mummified Vampire Child

Lycanthrope head

Important addition.

In order to avoid all sorts of misunderstandings, it is still necessary to make a separate clarification (although this is already obvious) that this entire collection is just a set of interesting miniatures created by artists that are in no way connected with reality. And the story about Sir Thomas Merlyn is nothing more than beautiful legend. In our pragmatic everyday world, sometimes you want a little secrets and riddles. Take it easy.

A few days ago in London, builders began demolishing old mansion, which previously belonged to a gentleman named Thomas Theodore Merlin(Thomas Theodore Merlin). As soon as this house is demolished, they plan to build a new modern residential quarter in its place. But when the workers went down to the basement of the mansion, they found there creepy collection many skeletons unknown creatures . Experts have already recognized it as the strangest and most unusual private collection V modern history London.

A collection of creepy monsters was found in the basement of a house in London.

Thomas Theodore Merlin was born into an aristocratic family in London in 1782. He later became a highly respected scientist - naturalist, zoologist and archaeologist. Hidden in his dusty basement were several thousand small wooden boxes, each tightly closed. When they began to open the boxes, they found in them the remains of some bodies that, it seemed, could exist only in the darkest fairy tales.

During Merlin's lifetime main passion was the study of esoteric natural history. He constantly traveled to the most unusual and strange corners of the world in search of mystical artifacts and plants. Perhaps the result of these trips was this monster collection in the basement of his house.

In 1960, an amazing discovery was made in London. While renovating the orphanage building, the builders came across a walled-up basement filled with wooden boxes containing the remains of some fantastic creatures. British journalists suggested that this was the famous collection of cryptids that belonged to Thomas Merlyn. The scientist devoted his whole life to mysterious and enigmatic animals, the existence of which modern science So far it can neither confirm nor deny.

Without material evidence

For centuries, researchers have been trying to prove the materiality of living beings known only from eyewitness testimony. The most vivid examples- Bigfoot or Loch Ness monster. There is plenty of evidence of encounters with them - and at the same time there are no compelling arguments for their presence in the real world.

Animals whose existence is assumed, but not scientifically proven, are called cryptids (from the ancient Greek kryptos - “secret”, “hidden”). The science of them is called cryptozoology and is based on the thesis that many biological species on our planet are still waiting to be discovered.

Cryptozoologists are confident that there are dozens, maybe even hundreds of unknown animals that live in hard-to-reach areas. So far, they are known only from local legends and eyewitness accounts. But just recently, before mid-19th centuries, such now famous animals as the gorilla or the giant panda were considered mythical creatures that cannot be met in real life.

Monsters of the underwater world

The most likely habitats for cryptids are the depths of lakes and seas. Scientists say that now only 3% of the underwater world has been studied, so it is this that promises the greatest number of new discoveries.

Since ancient times, there have been legends among sailors about giant ocean monsters that can drag you to the bottom. big ship. Such an animal is called a kraken; evidence of encounters with it has been known since the 12th century. Some describe it as looking like a crab, others like an octopus or squid.

Such monsters can be found not only in sea water. In three interconnected lakes located in American state Oklahoma, a huge freshwater octopus has been repeatedly spotted attacking swimmers. By the way, indirect evidence of its existence can be the fact that the mortality rate among swimmers in these lakes is much higher than in other places.

Giant fish can also be found in the depths of the water. In 1924, in the sea near the city of Margita ( South Africa) many residents watched as a huge fish, covered with sparse hair, fought with two killer whales. This cryptid was named "tran-ko", but he did not appear again.

Many animals living in underwater world, due to lack of knowledge, cannot be classified. For example, the Loch Ness monster is considered by some to be a preserved dinosaur, by others as a warm-blooded animal, and most simply find it difficult to answer what zoological species this creature represents.

Of course, skeptics express doubts that such cryptids really exist. But remember that before mid-18th century centuries, a huge sea animal, which was later called “Steller’s cow” (in honor of the naturalist Georg Steller, who first scientifically described this zoological species), was known only from the stories of individual sailors.

Are pterodactyls still alive?

Other types of cryptids include unusual flying animals. For example, on the islands of Papua New, a creature called a ropen and resembling a pterodactyl was repeatedly spotted. Airplane pilots met it in the air; according to their testimony, the wingspan of the ropen is approaching 10 meters, its beak resembles the mouth of a crocodile, and there is a crest on its head.

In the jungle, according to testimony local residents, live huge bats called akhuls, with a wingspan of more than three meters. They are covered with short hair and are nocturnal, feeding on fish that they catch in rivers. Traveler-naturalist Ernest Bartels, who saw them in 1925 and 1927, wrote about encounters with these animals.

Eyewitnesses from Latin America talk about winged creatures that look like huge bats or pterosaurs. In Indian legends, such an animal is called “Camazotz” - bat with a human head. Some researchers have met similar creatures and believe that they are unknown species a vampire bat whose head actually looks like a human's.

Still a monkey or already a man?

Many cryptids resemble giant apes. In the area of ​​the middle reaches of the Tana River, according to legend, there lives a creature called “code-done”. It walks on four legs and resembles a large baboon. These animals steal sheep in villages, which is why residents periodically scare them away with the beating of drums.

IN North America eyewitnesses met a creature called “bigfoot” (from the English bigfoot - “ big foot") - due to the fact that it leaves huge traces. According to stories, his height reaches three meters, his weight reaches 200 kilograms, he has a small forehead and highly developed brow ridges.

IN Latin America lives a cryptid called "mapinguari". He also looks like a large monkey and can walk on two legs. There are known cases when these animals were killed, but their bodies were so fetid that hunters rushed to bury them as quickly as possible.

This group also includes the Yeti, or Bigfoot, a hypothetical humanoid creature covered with fur and living in high mountains and Nepal.

Little "alpine dragon"

One of the most famous cryptids is the so-called Tatzelwurm (from german words tatze - “paw” and wurm - “worm”). Researchers consider it to be a type of dragon, a reptile native to the Alpine region.

Written evidence of encounters with the Tatzelwurm has been known since the end of the 15th century. True, the testimony largely contradicts each other. The length of the animal is 0.5-4 meters, the skin can be smooth, warty or lamellar, the number of paws ranges from two to six, and there may be a crest on the back.

In 1850, the remains of one of the killed animals were displayed in a small church in, but were later destroyed. In 1914, on the territory of the modern one, one of the animals was allegedly caught by a serviceman - they then made a stuffed animal from the Tatzelwur, which mysteriously disappeared.

Photographs and presented remains of Tatzelwurms often turned out to be a joke or a deliberate fraud. So, in 1939, Munich newspapers reported the capture of this creature on the streets of the city, but later it turned out that fans of sensations passed off a large American lizard that escaped from the zoo as a Tat-tzelwurm. In 1934, a Swiss photographer sent a clear photograph of a Tatzelwurm to newspapers - but it later turned out to be a photo of a ceramic figurine. In Europe it has already become good tradition every April 1st to report some “sensational” news about Tatzelwurms, which ultimately turns into a joke.

At the same time, even venerable scientists do not deny the possibility that this animal could be real existing variety lizard, which will eventually be identified and classified.

Mysterious collection

But let's return to the collection of Thomas Merlin. This Englishman was born in 1782. He traveled all his life, collecting artifacts, and became the owner of a unique collection of incredible cryptid exhibits. In 1899, he made an attempt to demonstrate his collection to spectators in several small towns, but the Americans showed no interest in the mysterious skeletons, and Merlin had to cancel the tour.

Another surprising thing is that during this trip Thomas Merlin was already 117 years old! At the same time, according to the recollections of his contemporaries, he did not age at all and looked forty years old.

Ultimately, such strange properties of the body led to the fact that the scientist was considered an evil sorcerer; no one wanted to communicate with him. And Thomas Merlin mysteriously disappeared - along with his collection.

His next public appearance occurred in 1942 in London. The forty-year-old man presented original documents in the name of Thomas Merlin and proved ownership of one of the houses in the capital - after which he transferred it to an orphanage with the condition that the building would never be put up for sale.

According to documents, Merlin's age at that time was 160 years. Journalists became interested in this phenomenon, but the scientist disappeared again.

The house was never really sold and stood unchanged until 1960, when the building underwent a major renovation, during which a basement with a collection of cryptids was discovered.

Some remains were mummified, others were represented by skeletons or individual bones. The boxes also contained ancient manuscripts and accompanying scientific notes.

In 2006, a book was published, the authors of which claimed that artifacts from the collection of Thomas Merlin were a grandiose hoax made by unknown artists and sculptors. But many of the exhibits give the impression of being authentic - there are no traces of processing on the mysterious bones, their location and connection with each other does not contradict physiological laws.

Several years ago, the International Union of Cryptozoologists was created, which unites more than 800 scientists from 20 countries. These people are sure: mysterious mythical animals exist. And this means that new discoveries await us, which for the time being seem incredible.

The famous traveler Thor Heyerdahl wrote in his book “Journey to Kon-Tiki” that in 1947 members of the expedition saw a mysterious sea animal that surfaced and again sank into the depths.

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