Download the betting table soft catch up. Strategy of catching up in bets

The essence of the catch-up strategy is that after a loss, the next bet must be increased enough to win back the lost funds, as well as make a profit. The strategy is based on the progressive principle of determining the size of bets. The longer the streak of failures, the larger the next bet. This, of course, is a drawback of the strategy, since the risk of bankruptcy is constantly increasing, but this is the main advantage - a player can lose several bets in a row, but then win one, compensating for losses and receiving income.

We tell you in detail what dogon is

For some bettors, the catch-up strategy is effective, but for others it is ineffective. Let's look at its features and rules of use for winning the game.

Classic catch-up or Martingale system

A simple strategy that came from a casino. The bottom line: the game is played at odds of 2, and in case of loss, the amount of the next bet is doubled. Let's explain with an example:

1. Deportivo plays against Sevilla at home. We bet $20 on the visiting team winning in 2.6. The match ends in a draw and the bet does not go through.

2. We are looking for another event. With a coefficient of 2.3, TM 2.5 looks great in the Dnepr-Zarya match. Double the previous bet and bet $40. The match ends with a score of 2:2, so the money is lost again.

3. The third event is the victory of Real Madrid with a handicap of -1.5 against Ajax in 2.15. We're already betting $80. The Spanish team defeats the Dutch with a score of 3:0. The bet passes, the winnings are $172.

For three bets, $140 was spent (20 + 40 + 80). Net profit is $32.

After winning, we return to the initial bet amount ($20).

Soft catch-up

To reduce risks, you can choose events with odds up to 2. The amount of each subsequent bet depends on the outcome of the previous bet. In this case, each cycle should end in positive territory.

Using a soft catch strategy, you need to perform some calculations to determine the optimal bet amount:

S = (W + Sn)/(K-1), where:

K - coefficient;

Sn is the amount lost since the start of catch-up;

W is the desired winning amount.

For example, we choose Chelsea’s victory over Aston Villa, for which the bookmaker gives odds of 1.8. Since the start of the game, $45 has been lost on catch-up. The desired winning amount is $70. We make the calculation:

S = (70 + 45) / (1.8 - 1) = $143.75

Thus, we bet this amount, and if Chelsea wins, the winnings will be $70. If the London team does not win, we calculate the amount of the next bet.

Soft catch-up is clearly more reliable than classic. Since bets are placed on more low odds, due to which fewer iterations (catching up with doubling bets) will have to be made. Although we won’t hide the fact that you can end up on a bad streak even with low odds.

Types of Dogon

There are one-time and long dogon. The first type involves a series of bets of a certain duration. Perfect for him football matches. For example, a team with the code name “A” plays 5 matches without a draw. However, after some analysis and studying statistics, we come to the conclusion that in the next match the probability of a draw is very high. The odds for this outcome are approximately 2.8. Let's start catching up with the amount of 20 euros. In case of a draw, the bet wins and the one-time catch-up takes place. If the meeting ends with the victory of one of the teams, we look for another event to continue catching up.

The essence of the long chase is that the player does not finish the iteration after the first win, but continues until the allotted distance is completed. For example, a bettor can bet on the draw results of football club “A” not until the first win, but until the end of the championship or league. The long chase strategy is used mainly by bettors with many years of experience. And most professional players prefer the combined use of one-time and long dogon, which helps increase their income.

Double catch up

A safe strategy is to double catch. Its principle is that the player alternates selected sports outcomes after each winning bet. For example, at first you can bet on the total less, and after winning, start playing on the total more. Further in the same order.

The strategy has two advantages:

1) quantity winning bets increases;

2) makes it possible to take into account the current form of the team at the time of the bet.

Statistics show that the same results (for example, the total is higher) are more often repeated in several matches than alternated with opposite outcomes. Naturally, the use of a strategy does not completely eliminate the risk of loss, but significantly reduces it.

What events should I use to play catch-up?

For the Dogon the best way draws and totals in football are suitable. The main advantage of these events is considered high coefficient s, which accordingly bring high profits.

The optimal catch-up is the one that requires no more than 3-4 iterations. Therefore, to catch up with a specific outcome, it is necessary to choose the team that most often plays with such an outcome. To do this, the bettor must study the statistical data of the season (ideally, several previous ones).

However, playing on draws and totals in football has disadvantages, the most important of which is the low frequency of matches. Therefore, to complete four iterations, you need to wait about a month. Therefore, you will have to wait a long time for the bank to be replenished. You can speed up the process by playing long catch-ups, placing bets on several teams at the same time.

Among experienced catch-up players, the most popular are the overseas leagues of basketball, football, hockey and baseball, in which each club plays 2-3 matches a week. Consequently, bettors have room to “roam around.”

By using simultaneous catch-up, for example, 6-7 events, it is possible to reach good level monthly income. Great option For catch-up games in overseas leagues, victories of outsider teams are counted. The fact is that participants in such competitions often put on a show, and they achieve sensational victories more often than in top European championships. When catching up at NHL matches, draws are optimal, playing on the same principle as with football.

Which bookmakers are suitable for the catch-up method?

To apply the catch-up strategy, you need to choose the most reputable bookmakers offering large limits and high odds. These parameters are the most important for catching up. The indicators of the coefficients determine how many interactions the player will make until he wins. The higher they are, the less financial risks. Having a large limit will prevent the player from catching up early. That is, if the bet exceeds the bookmaker’s limit, the player will not be able to place a bet and continue playing.

Is this strategy effective?

The strategy is effective in that it allows you to develop a game scheme that, over the long term, will allow you to regularly win money and replenish the bank.

The main problem in catching up is the difficulty of determining the initial rate. All bookmakers have a limit on bets. This means that if the bettor does not have time to “catch up” with the sporting event before the bet indicator is higher than the maximum allowable, the catch-up will be a failure.

For example, a bettor started with a bet of $20 and lost 5 events in a row, and on the sixth time he needs to bet $640. Not every player has that amount of money. But even the most experienced bettors sometimes fail to complete 10-12 events in a row. Thus, an important condition When playing catch-up, it involves calculating the bank for a large number of doublings (iterations) and correctly determining the initial bet.

Despite all the advantages of the catch-up strategy, the player is required not only to look for suitable events and odds, but also not to neglect the analysis and viewing of statistics. You should not expect that any bet will be successful and you will be able to get into the “plus”. You can wait five, six or even more than ten matches until you win. This attitude is tantamount to bankruptcy. You must be responsible when choosing each bet! This is the secret of success!

Catch-up and flat are two extremes, a compromise between which seems impossible. However, one of the players proposed a system that, in theory, should combine these two financial strategies.

The author even created a program for calculating bets when playing according to the soft catch-up strategy, but somehow it so happened that he became an “arber” and the strategy further development did not receive it, moreover, it was not even seriously tested. We paid attention to it after this strategy showed very impressive results in trial testing,

Here I would like to note that there is now confusion on the Internet - on many sites, a banal description of a standard catch-up with a fixed profit appears as a “soft catch-up”. Indeed, this is exactly the formula that is applied, but the strategy itself is strikingly different from all the classic progressive game systems.

Strategy concept

We described all the disadvantages of using the classic one and said that it is very advisable to play either or according to a strategy, which at least will not allow you to quickly lose. The advantages of these systems are known - the progressive system gives an almost guaranteed profit, but there is a risk of rapid bankruptcy, while the flat system will protect you from bankruptcy, but will bring profit only if the bettor successfully “beats the line”. How to combine the advantages of these systems and at the same time get rid of their disadvantages?

The idea is simple - there is no need to try to recoup the entire lost amount at once, since this increases the risk of bankruptcy; you need to break it into parts and “catch up” with each part separately. And the greater the amount already lost, the more large quantity its “parts” need to be divided. Thus, we get rid of a sharp increase in the size of the rate - the main drawback of classical progressive systems, reducing the risk of bankruptcy. At the same time, in each “step” we include a specific profit, which we will receive when we “close” the soft catch-up cycle.

Step-by-step instruction

The strategy is quite complex and requires a certain amount of calculations. So let's break it down into separate “steps”. (for those who are not interested in the calculation process itself, there is a link at the end of the article where you can download the original file from the author of the strategy).

A very important clarification - you need to bet on those events that, in your opinion, will win. Random selection of bets is not suitable here.

First, let's introduce two concepts:

    loss bank - the amount lost in all iterations that we will win back. It will increase with losses and decrease with wins.

    The counter is a variable that shows the difference between the number of won and lost bets.

    We place a bet on an event. If the bet wins, the process ends; if it loses, go to step 2.

  1. Using the catch-up formula with a fixed amount of profit, we calculate the required size of the next bet. We remind you of the formula just in case: S = (W + Sp / St) / (K – 1)
    W - expected winning amount
    Sp - loss bank
    St – counter of lost bets (at this step it is equal to 1)
    K is the coefficient for the event.
  2. If the bet wins, the cycle is completed, the counter is reset to zero and we move on to step 1. If not, move on to the next step.

    Add 1 to the counter and calculate the bet size using the formula from step 2.

    If the bet wins, we subtract 1 from the counter, if it loses, we add 1, and accordingly, using the formula, we determine the size of the next bet.

    We repeat step 5 until the counter becomes equal to 0 or until we “go into plus”.

The use of an additional variable (counter) allows you to slow down the growth of the size of bets, while in fact this is no longer catching up in the classical sense of the term, but a completely new financial strategy, which allows you to determine the size of the next bet depending on the previously lost amount and odds.


Let's look at an example to make it more clear. So (for simplicity of calculations) we assume that we are betting on equally probable events (50% of bets win) with a coefficient of 2. Let’s assume that the starting bet is 10 units, the bank is 1000 and, accordingly, the expected winnings (W) are also 10 units.

1st step - bet 10, loss - Sp =10, counter 1, bank 990.

Step 2 - bet (10+10/1)/(2-1)=20 - loss, Sp = 30, counter equals 2, bank 970

Step 3 - bet (10+30/2)/(2-1)=25. If you lose Sp = 55, counter 3, bank 945

Step 4 - bet (10+55/3)/(2-1) = 28, win, Sp = 27, counter 2, bank 973

If we win, we subtract the winning amount from the loss bank Sp and reduce the counter by 1, i.e. if we win at step 4, then we will reduce Sp by 28 (the amount of profit from the bet), it will become equal to 27 and we will get a bank of 973, and the counter will be equal to 2.

Step 5 - bet (10+27/2)/(2-1) = 23, win, Sp = 4, counter 1, bank 996

Step 6 - bet (10+4/1)/(2-1)= 14, win, counter = 0, bank will be 1010 units.

Advantages, disadvantages and features of the “soft catch-up” strategy

It is known that when playing with a coefficient of 2 and a 50% chance, a flat would give us a zero result, but in the same strategy we made a profit. At the same time, the growth in the size of bets was not so critically fast. Moreover, 50% guessing is also enough for a game with odds of 1.5, for example, and with odds of 2.1 sometimes 40% guessing is enough.

But, unlike the classic catch-up, one win is not enough for us to “recapture everything and earn money,” and getting into a long losing streak, although it will not lead to quick bankruptcy, will force for a long time play with fairly large (relative to the bank) bets. Those. in essence, this strategy is not a “catch-up” strategy, therefore it cannot be applied to “random” events in the hope of luck

In addition, the formula that is used in soft catching up reacts to the odds - with a low odds and a high probability of winning, the bet will be higher, with a high odds - less.

From our point of view, such a strategy has completely right for life and we plan to actively test it in the next gaming season.


If you don’t want to bother with calculations yourself (and this strategy involves a fairly large number of them), then we can offer you to download ready-made files that implement this strategy:

  • — a table in Excel in which the starting bank, odds for events and the result are manually set (0 for a loss and 1 for a win), the amount of each bet is calculated by itself. They didn’t really bother with the design, they did it “for ourselves”, since we weren’t very happy with it...
  • from the author of the strategy. It was implemented “more beautifully”, but the “fragmentation” of the losing bank was implemented somewhat differently, which I didn’t like.

The catch-up strategy has improved options: soft, double, which can generate profit, as well as an online calculator for calculating sports bets using the catch-up system.

The essence of the strategy

This gaming strategy was used in casinos, but has also taken root in betting on sporting events. It is not difficult to understand the essence of the “catch-up” betting system. In casinos, it is most widespread in betting on red/black, but in sports they bet on a wide variety of events.

To successfully apply this strategy, the player must have:

  1. Solid bank.
  2. Iron endurance.

A little later you will understand why this is needed. If at least 1 point is missing, then the “catch-up” betting system is not for you, and perhaps .

Strategy rules

How to bet using the “catch up” betting system?

  • It is better to choose odds greater than 2.0 for bets.
  • If you lose, each subsequent bet must be doubled.

Let's look at it with an example.

Initial data: Deposit - 10000r. First bet - 100r. Coefficient - 2

2.0 100 Losing-100
2.0 200 Losing-300
2.0 400 Losing-700
2.0 800 Losing-1500
2.0 1600 Losing-3100
2.0 3200 Winning+100

As you can see from the table, the sixth bet has already played. Starting from 100 rubles, at the end of the cycle we had to place a bet of 3200 rubles, and the total cash turnover reached 6100 rubles.

At the same time, the bank would only be enough for 7 bets. In case of a series of 7 failures, the balance would be 10000-6300=3700r, which would not be enough for the 8th bet, since according to the rules of the strategy it should have been 6400 rubles.

Players who have been betting for several days often choose one of the teams and catch up with “draws”. Why bet on a draw? Yes, because the odds for draws often exceed 3.0, and sometimes 4.0, which, accordingly, gives excess profit.

We must not forget that the “catch-up” betting system is almost always a long journey that requires serious financial investments. Of course, you may get lucky and make a profit after the first or second bet, but often this does not happen.

Calculator for calculating the catch-up strategy

For convenience, you can use this online calculator to calculate catch-up. How to use it is described below.

« Desired final net profit“- here you enter the amount you want to win in the end.

« Already lost money" - the amount that you lost during the cycle (after 1 iteration it is calculated automatically).

« Coefficient"—the odds of the event on which you are going to bet.

Catch-up options

The use of catch-up is not limited to betting on a draw or on the victory of any team; below I will show examples of bets on best options according to the catch-up system.

Strategy goal scored in between catching up on football

For this system, it is better to choose one or more “scoring” teams.

Let's take the Euro 2016 match as an example: Italy – Ireland.

As you can see from the screenshot, if you guess the time period in which the goal was scored, you can make a profit of 3 or even 4 times the amount.

Let's take a closer look at what if we used catch-up in practice:

Let's assume that the initial pot is 10,000 rubles.

  1. bet on a goal from 1-15 minutes 100 rubles, odds 4.3. The bet loses.
  2. Bet on a goal from 16-30 min 200 rubles with odds 3.38. The score is still 0:0.
  3. bet on goal from 31-45 min 400 rubles coefficient 3.14. Lost again.
  4. bet on goal from 46-60 min 800 rubles coefficient 3.05. Failure.
  5. bet on goal from 61-75 min 1600 rubles coefficient 3.0. Defeat again. Current balance: 10000-(100-200-400-800-1600) = 6900r
  6. bet we continue to stick to the strategy and double the bet. Please note that the coefficient has become significantly smaller, but it will be enough for us to win back losses and remain in a significant plus. We put 3200 rubles at a coefficient of 2.45.

Luck smiles on us, and the Irish players score a goal in the 85th minute of the game.

The net winnings were 3200 * 2.45 = 7840 rubles. 7840 – 3200 (our rate) = 4640 + 6900 = 11540 rubles. Net profit amounted to 1,540 rubles.

As you may have noticed, the match took place between the “grassroots” teams and our bet played in the final 15 minutes.

It is better to avoid teams that play defensively. Otherwise, you will have to “catch up” with them in the second, and possibly in the third match. Perfect the right decision, will focus on teams that love and know how to attack and score a large number of goals, such as Barcelona or Real Madrid.

Football strategy, even-odd with catch-up

The bookmaker offers to bet that the match will end in total even number goals (for example, 1:1, 2:2 or 3:1), or odd (1:2, 0:1, 4:1). Usually bookmakers set equal odds for odd-even odds, which vary between 1.9-2.0.

If you take advantage of catch-up, your chances of success will rapidly increase. You just need to find football club, which would have a series, for example, of several “odds” and bet on “evens,” doubling the bet if you lose.

At first glance, playing with this strategy is not particularly difficult, but who knows how long the “odd” series of one of the teams could drag on. Purely theoretically, someday your bet will win, unless you run out of money or the bookmaker “cuts” the limit.

But sometimes unpleasant incidents happen. Personally, I saw with my own eyes how one team played a series of seventeen (!!!) “even” matches in a row. Therefore, before you start betting, carefully analyze everything and weigh the pros and cons.

Double catch-up strategy (double catch-up)

“Double catch-up” or, as it is also called “double-dogon” or “dogon on totals”, differs from the usual one in that it involves betting alternating the outcome of an event with the diametrically opposite one. Let's look at everything point by point.

  1. Suppose you notice that one of the teams played a series of several matches with “total over” (TB, TB, TB, TB, TB). This means your bet is “total under”.
  2. You are lucky and the very first bet brings you a profit (TB, TB, TB, TB, TB, TM). If the bet were to lose, you would have to double your bet until the result you want plays out.
  3. Now you should use the second part of the strategy, betting on “total over” (TB, TB, TB, TB, TB, TM, TB) and also double the bet amount until you win.

What's the catch, you ask? Everything is extremely simple. The author of the double catch-up strategy noted that the series TB, TM, TB, TM are quite rare, but the series TM, TM, TM, TB, TB, TB occur with enviable consistency.

It should be noted that to successfully use this strategy, the player needs an iron will and the ability to not be afraid to bet big money. After all, no matter how funny it sounds, most clients of bookmakers simply do not know how to wait for their chance. In addition, not everyone has a solid bank that would be enough for 12-15 bets, since, unlike the usual “catch-up”, using a double one significantly increases the risk of running into an unfavorable series.

Soft catch-up

“Soft catch-up” is considered a more reliable strategy than the classic one. The beauty of it is that you can “catch up” with the desired event with odds less than 2. However, the monetary amount of the bet will have to be significantly increased.

The “soft catch-up” is calculated using the following formula:

Example: you decide to place a bet with odds of 1.65. Before this, you have already made several unsuccessful bets and total amount the loss was 450 rubles, while you plan to win 600 rubles. Now let's calculate the bet amount using the formula:

S = (600+450) / (1.65-1) = 1610 rubles.

(Use my calculator above to automatically calculate your bet amount)

If you bet this amount and the bet wins, the net winnings will be 600 rubles. And if you are unlucky again, you can easily calculate the amount of the next bet.

Using the “soft catch-up” strategy, you can play with almost any odds, which significantly increases your chances of winning.

In this article I described the option of using it based on flat, thereby moving away from main problem soft catch-up: rapidly increasing bet amounts.

Strategy for catching up by quarters in basketball

According to statistics, one of the four quarters of the fight between the favorite and the underdog ends in the victory of the latter. That is why, by increasing the bet amount, you can easily catch the desired outcome. If the favorite wins in all four segments of the match, then it is necessary to continue to “catch up” with him in the next match until the bitter end.

Usually the odds for outsiders are quite high. They often exceed 2.0. If the odds are smaller, then you need to calculate the bet amount using the formula from the previous paragraph.

Remember that a series of failures can completely deprive you of your money, so sober calculation and careful analysis will be your main allies.

Catch-up strategy in tennis

Everyone knows that a tennis match consists of sets, which consist of games. The judges value each winning draw at fifteen points. To successfully win a set, you need to score 15, then 30 and 40 points; after the next win, points are not added, and the tennis player (tennis player) is awarded the win in the set.

Bets using this strategy must be made live. As a bet, we will take the score during the match 15:15.

Why do we take this account as a basis? Yes, because, according to statistics, it is most often found in tennis. Typically, the odds for this event vary around 2.0.

If you follow this sport and have maximum information about the players who take to the court, you can easily predict the result you need. This strategy is especially suitable for fights in which athletes of equal strength meet.

As observations show, in women's tennis the score 15:15 is much more common than in men's tennis.

Catch-up strategy in hockey

We will consider the catch-up strategy “for a draw in the period.”

As you know, a hockey match consists of three periods, each of which can end in a draw. For such an outcome, bookmakers usually give very high odds, with which you can cover not only losses during the cycle, but also make a good profit.

For such a bet it is necessary to choose teams that are not highly productive. Even if none of the periods ends in a draw, you should continue to catch up with the team in the next match.

Bottom line. Is it possible to win using the “catch up” betting system?

It seems that nothing is easier than playing this strategy. You just need to double the pot and wait for the bet to win. However, this is not the case.

As can be seen from the examples at the beginning of the article, starting from 100 rubles, our fifth bet was 1600 rubles. 7 the rate would be 6400 rubles. Moreover, the total turnover would already be 12,700 rubles, so a bank of 10,000 rubles would clearly not be enough, even if the amount of your first bet is only 100 rubles.

A significant disadvantage of this strategy is that it is necessary to increase the bet amount all the time. This way you can quickly reach the limit maximum bet and the bookmaker simply will not allow you to complete the cycle by cutting the limits.

We suggest you try comparatively new strategy, which, just like catching up to a draw, is 100% reliable. The truth is that it also requires a fairly large supply of money. In particular, $200 will be quite sufficient capital for you.

This strategy is based on playing on odds that exceed the value of 2. However, we advise you to choose those that exceed two by only a few tenths, but do not tend to 3. After all, if the quotes differ by more than 2.5, then we can already talk about the clear status of the favorite of one of the teams and the outsider status of its opponent. We will play matches where we will try to guess a risky minus for the favorite and a positive handicap “with a reserve” for his opponent. True, in some cases the total or the number of games in the match will do. The most important thing is not to bet on events that are not typical for all sports. Thus, we take risks, and unjustifiably.

Strategy conditions

If you seriously expect to earn a normal bank in a day, then you need to sit down to “work” in the morning, because the series can drag on until late at night. Experienced players They can, of course, continue to “live”, but for this they need to react especially quickly to any changes in the line and apply all their analytical knowledge to a particular event.

Let's consider the simplest betting option. For example, our balance is $200, and using the example of catching up on double responses, we can now consider in detail how to “make” them into a more substantial jackpot.

It is very important to pause between your bets. Thus, the match on which the first bet is placed must necessarily end before the start of the next one. Football is suitable in this regard. After all, hockey, basketball or even tennis are more unpredictable in terms of the duration of their matches. True, tennis is also dangerous because matches there can be interrupted suddenly due to bad weather or a player’s injury. In this case, full-fledged traffic will be hopelessly disrupted, because very often matches are played out the next day, without even returning the money you bet on them. Even despite this, there are still enough sports suitable for us. But it is football that is most popular, so let’s focus on it.

Example: We are playing the Women's World Cup, which started on June 17 at 00:00 at night. First match between Switzerland and Cameroon. Cameroonian girls were initially considered outsiders. But by a small margin. Before the match they were given odds of 2.3. Having bet 1 dollar, we have net profit, as the Cameroonians won the match 2:1! We immediately get a profit of 1.3 dollars.

The match ends a few minutes before two in the morning. With our bet already settled at the bookmaker's office, there are only a few minutes left before the start of the US Cup match between New York and Atlanta. Here the handicap (+1) to Atlanta fits the odds that suit us - we take it. But this time we lose, and the bet goes to the casino. Remains +0.3 dollars net due to the first bet.

Due to the fact that we just lost, we double the bet, as they do in all catch-up games. Our time is now half past five in the morning and we are playing a match again from America. This time Real Salt Lake and Seattle are rivals. The second ones with "X" go for 2.35 and we risk this bet, loading 2 dollars. But the hosts win 2:1 - a disappointing loss...

As a result, it’s 7 am, and we’ve had a pointless night and wasted hours of time. In addition, the balance is negative. But let’s not fall into despair - the World Youth Championship match between Brazil and Senegal is about to begin, where the former are the clear favorites. The handicap is -1.5 in their favor for 2.3. Our bet doubles again and this time is $4. The result is a confident entry and the match score is 5:0!

As a result, it turns out that we invested 8 dollars, but raised 6.5, which is 81% of the original amount.

Dogon is one of the most famous strategies that came to the world of bookmakers from casinos.

The meaning of catching up: in case of loss, we increase the size of the next bet, and in case of winning, we make a profit and start a new cycle.

Hundreds of strategies based on this principle have been published on the Internet, but none of them work in such a way that you can “sit down and go.” Judging by the reviews, any attempts to catch up with some event over a long distance lead to the bank being drained. Let's understand all the nuances and subtleties of playing this strategy.

Formula for calculating bet size

S = (X + Y) / (K – 1)

  • S - bet amount;
  • X - potential gain;
  • Y - the sum of all losses;
  • K - coefficient.

Example of a game of catching up

Let's look at the catch-up game using the above formula using an example. The size of our bank is 10,000 rubles, and the size of the initial bet and the desired winnings will be 100 rubles each. We are not going to use any additional strategies and will simply bet on events that we think are very likely:

  1. Dynamo - Zenit // Zenit handicap (−1.5) odds 2.10 // bet 100 ₽ // lost;
    Next bet size = (100 + 100) / (2.25 − 1) = 160 ₽
  2. Ufa - Amkar // both will score odds 2.15 // bet 160 ₽ // lost;
    Next bet size = (100 + 160 + 100) / (2.50 – 1) = 240 ₽
  3. Rostov - Rubin // TB (2.5) odds 2.50 // bet 240 rubles // won;
    On the third step, we won and gained 100 rubles.
    The cycle is over, you can start over.

Bookmaker limits

The most ridiculous situation that can arise is that you will receive a message that the bet size exceeds the limit for this event.

It is necessary to clarify in advance what restrictions the bookmaker sets and understand how they change: depending on the type of sport, the popularity of the championship/match, the start date of the event and the depth of the list.

Understand what determines market liquidity. Keep in mind that the bookmaker can limit the limits individually, and at the most inopportune moment.

Strategists catch up in live

Most often, limits are limited for bets in LIVE mode, although during the match the maximums are already low, and it is difficult to find interesting odds for the desired event. Bookmakers really don’t like successful live players and hinder them in every possible way much more often than pre-match fans.

In live, unpleasant situations may arise, for example, the bookmaker will stop accepting bets on the desired event or completely remove it from the line.

Catch up on bets at high odds

There is an opinion that catching up only works at high odds and this is partly true. The fact is that low odds include a O higher margin and they are less profitable, and often even unprofitable.

Since catch-up directly depends on the probability of the events used, the odds should be no less than average. Recommended minimum 1.80

Soft catch-up

There is a soft catch-up. It was invented to find a compromise between catching up and stability.

The idea of ​​the strategy is to break the pot not into one big catch-up, but into several small ones. If earlier the bank was enough, roughly for 8 steps, and after losing on the 8th step there was no money left in the account, then with a soft catch-up we stop at the 4th step and we are still in the game.

Soft catch-up does not cover maximum amount events, he is aimed at making a profit from short catch-ups that cover the lost ones. For an example of soft catch-up, see.

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