Types of sports bets: single, express, system. Types of sports bets: single, express, system Financial strategy 2 of 6

the site shares one of the most interesting betting strategies, in which it is virtually impossible to lose. You just need to have restraint and strictly follow the rules that the so-called scheme "2-6". Already from the name you can understand that with this strategy it is necessary to guess only two events out of six, and then the total win is guaranteed. Of course, there are series when even six matches don’t take place, but, you see, given the numerous sports forecasts and expert advice, such a “black streak” is unlikely.

First of all, the total bank must initially be divided into two parts, either in half, or in a ratio of 45/55. This is in order to conduct two schemes in parallel and have the opportunity to win back in the event of a complete defeat in one scheme. We choose the starting amount based on our capabilities. For the first time, to test this strategy, you can try a smaller amount, and then, having understood how simple and profitable everything works, you can increase your investment.

So let's begin. Let's say from 100 rubles and choose a coefficient of 2.0. If we come across an event where the odds are 1.90, then subtract one and divide 10 by the resulting 0.90. The result is 111. With odds of 1.90, the bet amount will be 111. In the case of odds equal to 2.0, the bet is 100 rubles. The second bet will be 200 rubles, and using a similar scheme we are looking for an event with a coefficient close to two. We take TB2.5 for 1.85. Then subtract one from 1.85 and divide 200 by 0.85. As a result, the amount of the second bet at odds of 1.85 will be equal to 235 rubles.

If our first bet went through and the second did not go through, then the amount of the third bet will be 400 rubles, but we will need to include the lost 35 rubles from the second bet into it. That is, the amount of the third bet will be 435 rubles. In the future, we take the base amount of 600 rubles with the necessary additions. Then there are 800 and 1200. The scheme must be completed when two bets are passed in a row and do not forget that there is parallel line, which follows the same pattern. You can divide the total deposit into three or four parts, as you wish. But the strategy for choosing amounts and coefficients should remain unchanged.

This strategy can be used in any sport. This is no longer an important moment; it is imperative to correctly distribute the invested funds and strictly follow the system. After just five sessions, you will notice profit that can reach 40%. The income will already be recorded when approximately half of the bets are won. However, in any case, you still need to periodically turn to the services free forecasts for sports, which is provided by numerous sites, including Betwins.ru, specializing in

It is quite popular on the Internet and I am sure that many have paid attention to it or at least delved into the essence a little. Its name " Strategy 2-6 ".
Strategy 2 6 is a “fusion” of flat and catch-up. The main advantage: you will remain in the black even with strong “swings” (winning with varying degrees of success). The task is to correctly predict and win 2 bets out of 6 possible. The initial deposit can be anything. It is important for you that the full series of 6 games does not exceed 45% of the pot (otherwise you are at great risk).

I found a table for this strategy on the internet, I’ll try to explain how to bet on it, because many have a negative attitude towards this strategy.

Let’s say the initial bank is 3000 rubles. (We enter our own starting bank)

For example, we want to bet 110 rubles at odds of 1.75.
Let's look at the table:

We need to bet 146 rubles to stay in the black.
Let's say our bet didn't work. We are looking for the next bet, we found that our bet odds will be 1.65
Next, look at our table:

This means that our bet should be 394 rubles in order to beat off the previous bet and remain in the black.
Our bet worked:

We returned our bet and remained in the black by 110 rubles.
Next, we look for another bet, let’s say we found an odds rate of 1.70
Look at the table

Our rate should be 628 rubles.
The bet is successful, the series is completed

As a result, we have 550 rubles for the first episode. 18% increase per bank, final bank 3550

Here's what I pay attention to when playing strategy:

  1. What % did I receive plus/minus for this day.
  2. How many days did it take me to double my bankroll? (in heresy, the bank was increased 4 times during the week using this strategy)
  3. Keeping track of how many series I lost/won and in what sport.

Don't panic when this happens. Sustainable profits will cover losses if you follow the strategy. If you are skeptical, try this strategy on a test bank for a month, at the same bets that you would bet according to your scheme without deviations, strictly according to the strategy. As the month comes to an end, I am sure you will be pleased with the result. There is a wonderful phrase: " If you always do what you did, you will always have what you have". You will see that your money is growing steadily, you will understand all the profitability, with the right approach in sports betting.

Frequently asked questions about strategy
Q) How does strategy 2-6 work?

A) Its principle is simple and ingenious, let’s say your goal is to win the following amounts out of 6 games: 110-220-440-660-880-1320. First, you bet 2 games so that the final net win is in the first game (110), in the second game (220), wait for the results and then, if you win the game (110), but the game with (220) does not work, you Bet another game with the goal of winning clean (440).

Q) What to do if you lost both first 2 games?

A) Your goal is always to win 2 games in one series of 6 bets, so you make 2 more bets with the goal of winning the net amounts that you originally intended, for example, 440 and 660

Q) What to do if all 5 bets are lost, should I bet the 6th?

A) In this case, you cannot bet 6th, since our goal is 2 wins out of 6, the risk is too high, it is better to start again and win back the lost series with another series.

- start 5-6 thousand

I chose the following algorithm:

110 rubles, 220 rubles, 440 rubles, 660 rubles, 880 rubles, 1320 rubles = 3630 rubles/per series

PPS: There is no goal to prove anything to anyone. But maybe someone learned something new for themselves.

Not all bettors believe that the 2 6 strategy is successful. Despite this, the system has a number of significant advantages. Let's take a closer look at what the 2 6 bet strategy means.

The essence of the strategy

This scheme resembles a system for managing a bankroll. The whole essence of the game is contained in the name of the strategy: to make a profit you need to correctly predict 2 events out of 6. Will the best option Before starting testing the “2-6” strategy, divide the bankroll into 2 parts – 55% and 45%. In case of failure, this will provide an opportunity to recoup. The pot amount can also be divided into another number of parts for bets in several series.

If the forecast is lost, then the size of the next bet should be multiplied by the number from this line: 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12. In the 2 6 strategy, the table of multipliers can be adjusted to suit you, but the general proportions must be maintained.

Now let's figure out what strategy 2 out of 6 to bet on. You should place a bet on an odds ratio of at least 2.0. Otherwise last bid must be calculated separately. The cycle starts again when there are 2 winning bets.

Strategy in practice

Strategy 2 6 examples will allow you to study the system in more detail.

Let the bankroll be $200. The initial bet amount is $2.

1 forecast. We bet 2 dollars on the match between Udinese and Chievo in P1 with odds of 2.1.

The bet loses. Bank: -2 dollars.

2 forecast. We bet 4 dollars on the match Chievo - Lazio in P2 with odds of 2.02.

The bet wins. Bank: +2.08 dollars.

3 forecast. We bet $8 on the Verona – Fiorentina match on X with odds of 3.65.

We are losing. Bank: -$5.92.

4 forecast. We bet $12 on the SPAL – Cagliari match in P1 with odds of 2.44.

Losing again. Bank: -$17.92.

5 forecast. We predict P2 for the amount of 16 in the match Udinese - Torino with a confidentiality of 2.28.

The bet wins. Bank: +$14.56.

We won two bets, which means the cycle is over. There will be a gain when guessing an average of 33% of the forecasts. When a better masters one session, he can begin to conduct several of them in parallel.

If out of 6 predictions only one wins, then the player needs to close the session. In any case, the losses here are minimal.

Strategy 2 of 6 calculator is suitable for automatic calculations of the next bet. Similar functionality is available on the Internet.

For successful game According to the “2 out of 6” system, it is necessary to control the following data:

  • The time it takes to double your bankroll.
  • Type of sport and number of series lost.
  • Win percentage level for 1 day.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the system is that you only need to win a third of the predictions to make a profit. No other strategy can boast of such low cross-country ability.

The downside is that there is no guarantee that the bettor will be able to guess 2 out of 6 results. The risks are reduced by a fixed winnings.


System betting involves successfully predicting a third of the outcomes, which will not be difficult even for beginners. It is important that the betting strategy 2 6 multiplier table is followed and the pot must be divided into several parts. A better can place bets on several directions at the same time.

I decided to describe for you the strategy by which I have been playing American sports and a few others (football, tennis, but the main sports of course are NHL and baseball) for 6 and a half years now.

I tried, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask, I will be happy to answer and help;)

P.S. I apologize for the spelling, Swede:P

GUIDE, System 2-6, American species sports + mathematics.

Here I will try to explain to you the principle of the strategy that will bring you victory against both favorites and outsiders.
First, let me describe a typical season for a typical player.

The beginning of the season always doesn’t start the way we would like, you raise money at the beginning, lower it in the middle and call it at the end, discipline is out of the question with this betting regime. You spend a lot of time sorting out a bunch of bets, and in the end you only make a small profit for the entire season, have you looked back? Have you looked at which bank you started the season with and which one you ended with?

This is the typical player who can't even double his pot in a season, and if you divide your winnings by the hours spent reviewing matches, you will be extremely disappointed with the result. where is the key to this problem?

Understand 2-6 Algorithm!

The key is a system that is closely linked to your bank to maximize profits, minimize risks and keep you winning even during cold betting periods.
I do not claim that I invented this system, however, I do claim that I have mastered the method and made tens of thousands of dollars by adhering to its principles.
The goal is to win two games as quickly as possible and within 6 series. You can be in profit in most series by winning only 2 out of 6 bets! This system should be used by anyone with a Bank Account of less than $20,000 to build exactly this amount.
When you reach this amount, 20,000 (any currency), you can change the rules to suit you.
Once you've won two games in a series, close it and start a new one.
After you are more or less accustomed to playing according to the strategy, you can no longer lead 1 series, but 2,3,5 under different kinds sports, 1 episode for hockey, another for baseball, etc. , but the main thing is that in one series there are only 2 bets (not played)!

Here's the Plan!:

1a, 2a, 4a, 6a, 8a, 12a.

In practice, in dollars it will look like this: (This may be another currency, the main thing is the numbers)

11ue, 22ue, 44ue, 66ue, 88ue, 132ue

As an example, now that you understand the structure of the game strategy, you can easily adjust your bank to this strategy and see how much you need to successfully play 2-5 series a day. I'll show you some examples:

*5.50ue, 11ue, 22ue, 33ue, 44ue, 66ue = 181.50/per series
*11ue, 22ue, 44ue, 66ue, 88ue, 132ue = 353/per series
*110ue, 220ue, 440ue, 660ue, 880ue, 1320ue = 3630/per series
*1100ue, 2200ue, 4400ue, 6600ue, 8800ue, 13200ue = 36300/per series
(it was this scheme that was used in last days at baseball)

It is very important that the full series of 6 games DOES NOT EXCEED 45%from your common bank.
This is important because with this approach you will take less risk.
You will have hot moments in the game using this strategy, but there will also be cool/calm series, the most important thing is not to stop and always finish the entire series.
When you make the first and second bet in the series a1 and a2, pay attention that the winnings (net) are always equal to the amount described above, for example a1 11ue a2 22ue.
I will show you how to behave in defeat and become profitable. (Attention: American odds)


  • Match 1: Tigers win -110 Bet: 12.10е Possible winning: 11.00е, Lost!
  • Match 2: Rockies win +105 Bet: 20.95е Possible winning: 22.00е, Win!
  • Match 3: Angels win -150 Bet: 67.65е Possible winning: 45.10е, Win!
(Hint: You need to win 44 in the 3rd match, but we bet a little more to compensate for the 1.10 lost in the first match. 44 + 1.10 = 45.10)

Let's put everything in place:

Two wins and the “profit” is $56.10 with a result of 2 wins 1 loss, imagine that you would play “flat” on these 3 bets of 20 for each, the player playing flat would be happy with a win of 20, but think about 56, Is 10th not better than 20th?
Let's check another example in the case where there are 2 wins and 2 losses:


  • Match 1: Giants win +120 Bet: 9.17е Possible winnings: 11е. Losing!
  • Match 2: Angels win -130 Bet: 28.6е Possible winnings: 22е. Losing!
  • Match 3: Mets win +110 Bet: 46е Possible win: 50.6е (an additional addition to the bet 44+2=46 from the last loss, since we tried to win exactly 22) Winning!
  • Match 4: Nationals win -140 Bet: 92.4 Possible winnings: 66 Win!
Now let’s calculate, the total winnings were $83.6 after 2 wins and 2 losses.
But let's look at the losing result:


  • Match 1: Winner rangers +130 Bet: 8.46е Possible win: 11е Loss!
  • Match 2: Yankees win +110 Bet: 20е Possible win: 22е Loss!
  • Match 3: Victory orioles -120 Bet: 52.8е Possible winning: 44е Win!
  • Match 4: Rays win -110 Bet: 72.60е Possible winning: 66е Loss!
  • Match 5: Phillies win -120 Bet: 113.52ue Possible winnings: 94.6 (with addition from previous matches) Loss!
  • Match 6: Tigers win -130 Bet: 196.20е Possible winnings: 150.92е (With additions from previous matches) Winning!
Total: Lost: 214.58ue, Won: 194.92ue, Total loss in the series: 20.06ue
Imagine your defeat if you played “flat” or some other strategy, you would have a huge minus.
The system will give you small wins or small losses if you only guess 33%!!! from all of your matches.
Try testing several series using this strategy and you will be pleasantly surprised. (remember 33% must be your guessing of matches for the system to work)
There are several combinations that even reduce your losses by half if you have less than 33% guessing matches, this is 2-5, play 5 matches and not 6, after playing 2 matches out of 5 or 6 if you play with a strategy of 2-6 the series closes and begins new, if you lose all 5 games in a series or win only 1 and lose the 5th or 6th, the series is still closed. (Remember, the system will work, please you and make a profit only if you are knowledgeable in any sport and have played more than 33% of 100% of all matches you have chosen)
An ordinary player will be happy to double his bank during the season, but if you apply the same bets on this strategy, you can double your bank in 2 weeks, or maybe sooner! Now you may ask, what happens when the first two games a1 and a2 go in, how much can this increase the profit?

Episode #4 "hot cakes"

  • Match 1: Red Sox win -115 Bet: 1265е Possible winnings: 1100е Winning!
  • Match 2: Cardinals win -147 Bet: 3235е Possible winnings: 2200е Winning!
Winning in series: 3300ue


  • Match 1: Padres win +170 Bet: 647ue Possible winnings: 1100 Loss!
  • Match 2: Victory Tigers -105 Bet: 2310ue Possible winnings: 2200 Winning!
  • Match 3: Rockies win +100 Bet: 4400е Possible winnings: 4400 Winning!
Winning in series: 5500ue

Note that two wins in the series, your profit is 8800. Compare him to a normal flat player who would receive (on this scale) a profit of 2000 for each win.
His profit will be 6000, good day, but I get 2800 extra.
The difference of 2800 may be enough to pay for housing, public utilities and auto loans for most people.
This system took me from a few hundred dollars to over 20 thousand, and then I switched to another algorithm.

Now you ask, how can I apply this to baseball or other sports? It's simple! If you have 4 bets per day, divide them into 2 series and wait for the results.

Finally let me sum it all up:

If your Bank is less than $20 thousand (yeah, rubles or other currency), this is the method used to increase constantly and this algorithm is best suited for such a Bank.

Here's what I pay attention to when playing strategy:

  1. What % did I receive plus/minus for this day.
  2. How many days did it take me to double my bankroll? (in heresy, the bank was increased 4 times during the week using this strategy)
  3. Keeping track of how many series I lost/won and in what sport.

Don't panic when this happens. Sustainable profits will cover losses if you follow the strategy.
If you are skeptical, try this strategy on a test bank for a month at the same bets that you would bet according to your scheme without deviations, strictly according to the strategy.
As the month comes to an end, I am sure you will be pleased with the result. There is a wonderful phrase, “If you always do what you did, you will always have what you have.” You will see that your money is growing steadily, you will understand all the profitability, with the right approach, in sports betting.
Ask questions, I will be happy to answer you and help you understand the principle, I have almost 6 years of experience with this strategy and believe me, I am very satisfied.

A small Guide to this strategy:

Q) What is the essence of strategy 2-6?

A) This strategy gives you the opportunity during “swings” (with winnings with varying success) to always remain in the positive territory of the bank.

Q) Is it more profitable than other strategies, flat, martingale and others?

A) When playing flat, if you are a player whose bet entry level is no higher than 55%, you will slowly but surely lower your bank to the bottom, 2-6 completely removes this, since you only need to win 2 games out of 6 to come out with a huge plus. For martingale you need a very large bank or knowledge of your bets on more than 62% of the entry to be in the black. Therefore, the 2-6 strategy gives you solid ground under your feet when raising your bank.

Q) How does strategy 2-6 work?

A) Its principle is simple and ingenious, let’s say your goal is to win the following amounts out of 6 games: 110-220-440-660-880-1320, first you bet 2 games so that the final net win is in the first game (110) in the second game (220), wait for the results and then if your game (110) works, but the game with (220) doesn’t work, you bet another game with the goal of winning clean (440).

Q) what to do if you lost both first 2 games?

A) your goal is always to win 2 games in one series of 6 bets, so you make 2 more bets with the goal of winning the net amounts that you originally intended, for example 440 and 660.

Q) What should I do if I won the first bet with a clear 110, and the second I had to bet 240, instead of 220, since the odds were less than two and she lost?

A) You need to place the 3rd bet so that you win 440+20 net (which you had to add to the second losing bet), thereby “catching up” with the loss and making a decent profit.

Q) What bank should I have to freely play according to strategy 2-6?

A) The bank can be almost any, the main thing here is what “layout” you choose, for example (11-22-44-66-88-132) is very suitable for those whose bank is less than 500.

Q) Can I create my own layout for strategy 2-6?

A) Of course you can! But you must keep in mind the main thing: one full series should never exceed 45% of your total bank.

Q) If there are returns on the first two or on one bet, do we repeat or take the next 2 at once?

A) When returning, we only take the new rate again.

Q) And if the odds are greater than or equal to 2 but you still lose, it turns out that you don’t need to add anything to the next bets?

A) No, if you bet the amount that you need to win according to the “layout” or, conversely, is less than this amount, you do not need to add or increase your bet in the next ones.

Q) Is it possible to play more than 1 episode per day?

A) Of course you can, if you have, say, 10 bets on tennis, you divide this number by two and you get 5 series of 2 games each.

C) Is it necessary to create a separate bank for different types sports playing strategy 2-6?

O) not necessary, but from my own experience I will say that it is better to do one type in one series sports, and the bank may be common to all series.

Q) What to do if all 5 bets are lost, should I bet 6th?

A) In this case, you cannot bet 6th, since our goal is 2 wins out of 6, the risk is too high, it is better to start over and win back the lost series with another series.

A) This is calculated using the formula “bet amount = required winnings/(odds-1)”

If you want to add more questions to which you either found the answer yourself or are looking for, write in the comments, II'll answer !

Experienced bettors from time to time face a problem: it seems that they have already thoroughly studied a particular championship, you know the key players and their influence on the team’s play, you are always up to date latest news from the camp of clubs, but the passability on the distance still does not exceed 50-55%.

Accordingly, even if you manage to make a profit at the end of the season, it is so insignificant compared to the time spent on analyzing matches that it becomes sad.

Financial strategy 2 out of 6 helps bettors who are unable to make a profit when playing flat, regularly make money at a distance.

Advantages of strategy 2-6

Strategy 2 out of 6 is financial, that is, which matches to choose for betting, the bettor decides independently. The strategy adjusts the size of bets to maximize profits over the course. This 2-6 strategy is most popular in betting on the NHL and Major League Baseball.

The essence of the strategy

1. A game bank is allocated for working on the strategy. In our case, we will work with an amount of 50,000 RUB.

2. The size of the first bet is 1% of the bank. With each new rate its size increases in the following sequence:

  • 1st rate: 1% of the bank
  • 2nd rate: 2% of the bank
  • 3rd rate: 4% of the bank
  • 4th rate: 6% of the bank
  • 5th rate: 8% of the bank
  • 6th rate: 12% of the bank

3. The strategy game will consist of a series of 2 to 6 bets. The goal of each series is to win 2 bets. After the goal is achieved (and this can happen either after 2 bets or after 6), the series begins again, i.e. at a rate of 1% from the bank.


1. Helps to make a profit for those who, playing flat, mark time or gradually lose the bank. And this is the situation for most bettors, whose passability at a distance is about 50%.

For example, when playing flat at odds of 1.90, if 2 out of 4 bets come in, you will go into the red. Playing according to the 2 out of 6 strategy, such passability guarantees a profit: +6% of the bank (if 3 and 4 bets come in), or +2.2% of the bank (if 2 and 4 come in), or +0.3% of the bank (if 1 and 4).

2. Unlike the classic catch-up, the 2 out of 6 strategy is not so aggressive and therefore does not lead to a quick drain of the bank. Even if all 6 bets in a series are lost, you will only lose a third of the game bank. Moreover, winnings from previous successful series will cover one unsuccessful one.

How the 2-6 system works

For strategy bets, outcomes with odds of around 2.0 are suitable. Initially, this system was used for the NHL and Major League Baseball. Using the example of playoff matches in the NHL, let's look at the financial strategy 2-6.

Let's start episode 1.

  • Bid No. 1. 500 RUB. "Vegas" - " Los Angeles» P1 with coefficient. 2.10. Loss: -500 RUB.
  • Bet No. 2. 1000 RUB. “Boston” – “Toronto” L1 with odds. 2.05. Winning: +1050 RUB.
  • Bid No. 3. 2000 RUB. “Nashville” – “Colorado” L1 with odds. 1.95. Winning: +1900 RUB.

We are closing this series, since 2 bets have been won. Profit: 2950 RUB.

For comparison: if we bet flat 2000 RUB, then after 1 loss and 2 wins the profit would be 2000 RUB. That is, the profit on the 2-6 system is almost 50% higher.

Let's start episode 2.

  • Bid No. 1. 500 RUB. “Tampa” – “New Jersey” X2 with cf. 1.86. Loss: -500 RUB.
  • Bet No. 2. 1000 RUB. “Minnesota” – “Winnipeg” L2 with cf. 2.15. Loss: -1000 RUB.
  • Bid No. 3. 2000 RUB. “Washington” – “Columbus” TB 5.5 with odds. 2.05. Winning: +2100 RUB.
  • Bid No. 4. 3000 RUB. “Los Angeles” – “Vegas” X2 with odds. 1.80. Winning: +2400 RUB.

This series is also closed as there are 2 wins. Profit: +3000 RUB. With flat bets of 2000 RUB and such results, we would have gone into the minus by 300 RUB - the difference when playing is obvious.

Let's start episode 3.

  • Bid No. 1. 500 RUB. “San Jose” – “Anaheim” P2 with cf. 2.25. Loss: -500 RUB.
  • Bet No. 2. 1000 RUB. “Colorado” – “Nashville” P2 with cf. 2.0. Winning: +1000 RUB.
  • Bid No. 3. 2000 RUB. “Toronto” – “Boston” TB 5.5 with odds. 1.82. Loss: -2000 RUB.
  • Bid No. 4. 3000 RUB. “Columbus” – “Washington” L1 with cf. 2.30. Loss: -3000 RUB.
  • Bid No. 5. 4000 RUB. “Philadelphia” – “Pittsburgh” L2 with cf. 2.05. Winning: +4200 RUB.
  • The series was closed with a loss of -300 RUB. However, in the case of playing flat with an equal bet of 2000 RUB, we would have gone into a much larger minus: -1900 RUB.

1. The series closes not only in “plus”, but also in “minus”. However, at a distance this system still much more profitable than flat.

2. The 2-6 strategy is best suited for those who understand a specific championship and predict the outcomes themselves with a pass rate of 50%. Such passability when playing flat does not give profit, however, when playing according to the 2-6 scheme, the bettor will make money.

3. There will come a time when all the bets in the series will be lost, this is normal and you should be prepared for this. The advantage of the 2-6 system is that even in this case, not the entire bank is lost, but part of it. And a stable profit according to the strategy will allow you to quickly recapture the lost part of the bank.

4. With experience, you can run 2-3 series in parallel in various championships and sports, which will increase your profits.

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