Semyon Slepakov biography personal life wife children. Semyon Slepakov: personal life

Slepakov Semyon Sergeevich (b. 1979) - Russian screenwriter and producer of humorous films television shows and TV series, author of numerous YouTube hits, master of witty words, comedian and showman, author and performer own songs. He gained initial popularity as the captain of the KVN team “Pyatigorsk Team”, then as ideological inspirer sitcom “Our Russia” and main screenwriter of the youth series “Interns” and “Univer”. He is a member of the author’s group of special projects on Channel One and is a permanent resident of “ Comedy Club».

Birth and family

Semyon was born on August 23, 1979 in the city of Pyatigorsk into an intelligent family. His father, Sergei Semyonovich Slepakov, Doctor of Economics, has the academic title of professor. Mother, Marina Borisovna Slepakova, candidate of philological sciences.

Perhaps Semyon would also have made an excellent scientist or philologist, but there were ancestors in his family who had direct relation to humor and comedy. Genetics is still not the last thing; talents are passed on from generation to generation. Semyon’s second cousin, Yakov Aronovich Kostyukovsky, was a famous Soviet playwright who wrote scripts for the most famous comedies of that time - “The Diamond Arm”, “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik”, “ Caucasian captive, or Shurik’s New Adventures”, “Incorrigible Liar”, “We sit well!”.

During his life, Slepakov managed to communicate with a talented relative several times; it was very interesting, because Yakov Aronovich, even at an advanced age, retained an amazing sense of humor and sharpness of mind. Whether such heredity affected Semyon or whether nature itself decided to bestow him with talent - one can only guess, but the child showed an excellent sense of humor from a very early age.

School years

Semyon studied at Pyatigorsk school No. 6, in the humanities class. Among the classmates, girls mostly predominated; there were only seven boys. Slepakov never missed an opportunity to perform some trick, to tease the teachers, to make fun of someone, especially the excellent students.

He was not particularly diligent at school, however, Semyon had straight “excellent” marks in his secondary education certificate. Senya (as Slepakov’s classmates called him) was one of those students who, perhaps, did not listen carefully to the lesson, looking into the teacher’s mouth, but always gave interesting answers, sometimes even in poetic form. Teachers really enjoy working with these children. Most of his free time from classes Semyon hung out in the yard with friends or played football, so much of the school curriculum passed him by. But in high school, he pulled himself together and studied straight A's.

At the age of seven, the parents sent their son to music school and forced to learn to play the piano. But the child didn’t like the lessons; he couldn’t stand the instrument. IN adolescence Semyon began to master the guitar and play his favorite tunes - Stevie Wonder, The Beatles, Simon, Led Zeppelin, Elton John, " Rolling Stones", Garfunkel. He was introduced to this kind of music by his dad, who often listened to the records in the house. famous performers. He also sang songs by Okudzhava and Vysotsky to his son.

In general, as Slepakov himself says, his father gave him the right things in life Musical direction. Semyon remembers well how the whole family watched the New Year's edition of “Song-88”, and to one of the compositions the legs of a nine-year-old child began to dance of their own accord. Dad then said: “This is a bad song.” The son tried to argue, saying that the melody was catchy and he liked it. Then the father explained that there were stupid words and music, and for Semyon he made out the entire composition literally on his fingers. In general, from childhood, dad instilled in the child a special view of many things, read him the necessary books.

Along with music, there was also humor in Semyon’s life. He loved watching KVN on TV, and in middle school he began playing it at school. The guy grew up reckless, he was not interested in romantic relationships for a long time, it was more fun to run around in the yard with the boys. Therefore, his amorous affairs did not work out very well, but Slepakov had no equal in holding cultural events.

student life

After graduating from school, Semyon continued his studies in Pyatigorsk state university, and at two faculties at once - economics and linguistics, where he studied French in depth. He studied well and graduated from the institution with two honors diplomas.

Slepakov’s institute friends recall that their entire student life was one big funny story. Semyon always amused his fellow students with various tales, some of which he learned from someone, and some of which he came up with on the fly himself. All their youth get-togethers took place in the dorm room of the “Nut Grove” dispensary. Of course, they did not take preventive treatment there, but drank, talked to girls, sang with a guitar, and wrote jokes. This was the dawn of their KVN youth.

When they went to KVN festivals, they were often asked questions: “Pyatigorsk, you are really a team from outer space and your scenarios are absurd. Tell the truth, write everything while stoned?” Slepakov joked: “We are writing after the kumar tea on straw, which the girls prepare in the dorm.”

And the girls in their institute KVN team appeared quite often, and they really liked Semyon. One of them, named Natasha, wanted to start a romantic relationship with Slepakov so much that one day she came to a rehearsal with a huge Napoleon cake, baked with her own hands in terrible hostel conditions. She made an inscription on top of the cream: “I don’t know you at all, but I fucking love you.” This act greatly impressed Semyon, but he did not meet with Natasha for long, as, indeed, with all his other passions.


After graduating from the university, my mother, who at that time worked there as a deputy dean, insisted that Semyon continue to study science. He successfully defended his dissertation and received the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. Even more than economics, Slepakov was fascinated by the French language, which he speaks excellently. Semyon even visited one of the French provinces and completed a month-long internship there. In the future I definitely planned to work in this country. He got a job in graduate school and began preparing to defend his dissertation in linguistics, but KVN ruined all his plans.

The team that Slepakov put together while still studying at the university began to show good results by 2000, step by step approaching Major League. They won the Central Slobozhan League in 2000 and became finalists in the Ukrainian League in 2002.

Having entered the Major League of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club, the team “Pyatigorsk Team” immediately won its audience. There were no such teams then, and probably not now either. Each of their performances was unusual and original, they were always very funny. KVN fans adored the Pyatigorsk guys.

In 2003, at the KVN summer music festival “Pyatigorsk Team” in Jurmala, they received the “Small KiViN in Light” award. And already in December of the same year they received silver in the final of the Major League, losing to the most popular team at that time from Sochi, “Burnt by the Sun”.

For six years, Slepakov was the permanent captain of the team, and under his leadership, the Pyatigorsk Team became the Champion of the KVN Major League in 2004.

For two years in a row (2004, 2005) the team won KiViN gold - the main award music festival in Jurmala. In 2006, the Pyatigorsk Team won the KVN Summer Cup. In 2016, an anniversary game was dedicated to the 55th anniversary of KVN, in which the team from Pyatigorsk won the “For Resourcefulness” Cup.


In 2005, Semyon's closest friend famous showman and comedian Garik Martirosyan invited him to move from Pyatigorsk to Moscow. Already next year 2006 television channel TNT they launched the project “Our Russia” in the format of a sketch show. At the same time, Slepakov became part of the author’s group of special projects of Channel One, becoming one of the authors of such shows:

  • “Spring with Ivan Urgant”;
  • « New Year on the first".

Semyon truly felt famous after the television broadcast on Channel One. At first there was euphoria. After all, before that, we had to go through a lot during the times of KVN - the poor, useless provincial members of the club of cheerful and resourceful people traveled on terrible trains, ate anything at random, lived for ten people in terrible hotel rooms. And now they were paid money, and a lot of it at that. At first it was all about fun, buzz, drinks, casinos. As Slepakov says: “What else can you do if you are young and have a lot of money?”

Now Semyon has a spacious office, which in its design style is somewhat reminiscent of the office of the main villain John Milton from The Devil's Advocate. Subdued lighting, designer leather upholstery, expensive redwood furniture. Only Slepakov’s office is located not in a Manhattan penthouse, but near Petrovsky Park in the attic of the Moscow Comedy Club Production mansion.

But, according to Semyon, neither this large office, nor a comfortable lifestyle, nor a whole army of fans changed anything in his life. He, as before, watches the people, listens to their conversations, studies what worries people. Job creative personality The whole point is that you need to constantly touch life, spy, eavesdrop, look around.

On television, Semyon produces and writes scripts for many humorous series and projects:

  • "Univer";
  • "SashaTanya";
  • “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny";
  • "Interns";
  • "HB";
  • "Concerned, or Love is Evil."

Slepakov's songs are especially popular. True, the bard's cheerful clumsiness at first glance does not fit with the gloomy appearance of the performer, because Semyon is gloomy and bearded on stage. But underneath this appearance there actually lies a fountain of ideas and a subtle sense of humor. In 2005, the first album with his songs was released. Since 2010, Semyon has presented all his new songs in the Comedy Club show, of which he is a resident. In 2012, Slepakov’s second music album was released.

Parents creative activity Semyon is supported. Previously, in their intelligent family it was forbidden to say obscene words, and now the mother calmly listens to her son’s songs, and nothing - she perceives it normally. Even the old grandmother Esfir Iosifovna attended her grandson’s performance and was delighted. Only the father can honestly express his opinion. And Slepakov jokingly calls his grandmother and mother his fan club; they are always happy with what Semyon does. Therefore, he doesn’t really listen to their opinion, since there is zero objectivity there.

Personal life

Semyon is of the firm opinion that his personal life cannot be made public, so he does not share the secrets of family happiness with journalists.

When Semyon and Karina decided to get married, only those people they wanted to see at their celebration were notified about the upcoming celebration. The wedding took place in Italy in the fall of 2012; it is this golden time that Semyon’s wife loves most. The newlyweds made every effort to prevent photographs from their wedding from becoming available to the press and social networks.

When fans saw Semyon’s wife for the first time, they unanimously noted the girl’s beauty and charm. Compared to the two-meter tall Slepakov, Karina seems childishly miniature and fragile. She is a brown-haired woman with very beautiful bluish-gray eyes. Karina is a lawyer by training, but now she helps Semyon in his work. She is absolutely indifferent to fame, so she always refuses interviews.

The fact of marriage had a great influence on Semyon. According to him, he is now doing less creative work, as he is in a hurry to go home to his wife.

Interests, hobbies

Semyon collects guitars, but so far he doesn’t have many. He just for a long time I could only dream of different guitars, and when the opportunity to buy them arose, I couldn’t resist and bought several at once, thereby giving birth to my collection.

Since in school years playing guitar and football, Semyon had no time to thoroughly become acquainted with the works of Russian classics, but now he would really like to catch up. I would like to read more books (Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy) and watch classic films. Therefore, his main dream is to take a year off and read and watch movies. The only question is when it will be possible to implement it.

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva


They started dating in 2010, but so discreetly that the press did not suspect anything. They started talking about the couple in the fall of 2012, when the stars played a quiet wedding, and Utyasheva stopped hiding her pregnancy. With the birth of their son Robert, their lives changed dramatically: the former athlete changed from skimpy minis to floor-length dresses, and the showman discovered the romantic in himself and constantly confesses his love to his wife in social networks. In May of this year, Laysan gave her husband a daughter, Sofia.

Before the start of the novel, Garik and Christina had known each other for a long time, however of great importance never attached any importance to their communication. At the end of 2012, a heated correspondence began between them on social networks, and the stars decided to meet offline. They quickly confessed their love to each other, but one serious circumstance stood in the way - Garik was still officially married to Yulia Leshchenko. True, he assured Christina that only a stamp in his passport connected him with his wife.


The stars managed to remain secret for a year, but with Christina's pregnancy the truth came out. This caused a scandal: Yulia claimed that she had been betrayed and filed a lawsuit against her ex, hoping for a generous reward; Meanwhile, Garik and Christina informed everyone that they had managed to sign. Leshchenko won according to the law: the abandoned wife received two-thirds of her husband’s property and also asked that Garik’s second marriage be declared invalid. But Asmus and Kharlamov managed to defend their happiness: the celebrities are still together and raising their daughter Anastasia.

Garik Martirosyan and Zhanna Levina


Garik and Zhanna met in 1997 in Sochi, where a student at Stavropol University came for the holidays, and Kaveen player Martirosyan played at the Sochi festival with the “New Armenians” team. For several months, Zhanna made appointments with Garik in his native Stavropol, until the artist decided to propose marriage to the girl and move to the capital. In 2004, the couple had a daughter, Jasmine, and five years later, a son, Daniel.

Alexander Revva and Angelica

My future wife the comedian from the Comedy Club impressed with the limousine! Revva saw Angelika on the dance floor of a nightclub, and when he noticed that the girl and her friend were getting ready to leave, he ran out into the street and made an agreement with the limousine driver, who happened to be nearby. Revva and his friend gave the girls a ride. It is from this day - more precisely, night - that the spouses count down their relationship and celebrate the anniversary of their acquaintance every year. In 2007, Alexander and Angelica got married, and then their daughter Alice was born. Two years ago, a second girl appeared in the family - Amelie.

Semyon Slepakov and Karina

Semyon and Karina got married three years ago in Italy, but the newlyweds did not tell reporters the details of the wedding or the history of their relationship. It is known that Karina Slepakova is a lawyer, she is younger than her famous husband and, which is not surprising given Slepakov’s height, is noticeably shorter.

Timur Rodriguez and Anna Devochkina

“Our meeting is the case when a man, having met a woman, understands: that’s it, it’s time for me... to delete the phones of my exes! I have never met such an integral, serious person before,” Timur said in an interview with Hello! Rodriguez proposed to his beloved on the top of Mount Etna in Sicily. By the way, the comedian got married in the same year with his colleague Alexander Revva - in 2007. The family has two boys: six-year-old Miguel and four-year-old Daniel.

Vadim Galygin and Olga Vainilovich

Galygin’s wife is a 29-year-old singer and model from Belarus, the comedian’s homeland. Olga became the second wife of the artist, who has a daughter, Taisiya, from his first marriage. The second wife gave birth to an heir, Vadim Galygin Jr. The artist was present at the birth and does not understand men who are afraid to be near their wife at this moment.

The most unusual Comedy participant Club - 33-year-old comedian Sergeich from Ufa. Since childhood, the artist has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, which, however, did not interfere young man show his talent as a comedian (while still studying at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Kutergin began playing in KVN) and improve his personal life: two years ago, Sergei married a girl from his hometown.


Sorokin met his fate almost 20 years ago... in the park! Natalya lives with her children - schoolgirl Polina and four-year-old Arseny - in her native Tambov.

Alexander Nezlobin and Alina

Nezlobin's wife, 26-year-old Alina, is from St. Petersburg. Two years ago Alina gave birth to a daughter, Linda. To protect his beloved from the attention of the paparazzi, the comedian arranged for his wife to give birth in Miami.

Demis Karibidis and Pelageya

Demis is a real artist. Despite the fact that the comedian hides the details of his personal life, he proposed to his beloved on stage in front of a full hall: in 2013 at the Comedy Club festival in Jurmala. In May of this year, the couple became parents for the first time! On the eve of Victory Day, their daughter Sofia was born.

Mikhail Galustyan and Victoria

The real personification of the Russian comedy genre in spoken and song roles today is Semyon Sergeevich Slepakov. The brutality of appearance was superimposed on the intelligent nature in this case and the result was a masterpiece.

Brief biography of Semyon Slepakov

Three “C” for friends and close fans was born in the hot August of 1979 in the legendary Pyatigorsk. The professor's family and the child's musical talent directed him along the path of mastering the piano, and then the guitar. The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Okudzhava and Vysotsky formed in the boy a real taste for musical creativity, the results of which today are his comic works.

Comedy talent, endowed by inheritance and developed by a correct orientation towards everything humorous, was first realized in school KVN, which he himself organized, and then at the Pyatigorsk Linguistic University. It is noteworthy that he graduated from the university with two majors (economist and linguist) and with two honors diplomas. The young talent, in his quest to conquer the granite of science, deeply studied the French language and even received a Ph.D. in economics. But, as often happens with talented people, becoming a leading Russian economist and a great speaker of the language of Hugo, Balzac and Dumas prevented him (in in a good way, of course) His Grace - KVN.

Since 2000, for six years in a row, Semyon has remained the captain of the Pyatigorsk National Team, and in 2004 he even became the champion of the KVN Major League with his team. The conquest of the capital was just around the corner. And so a group of like-minded people, organized by showman Garik Martirosyan, forms an elite conglomerate of performers.

The "Comedy Club" project with such well-known comedians as Pavel Volya, Garik Kharlamov and other stars of the domestic humorous genre was crowned with great success and recognition of his talent by an entire army of fans. This happened in 2005. And then there were successful projects: “Our Russia”, “Sashatanya”, “Interns”, “HB” and others, where he acted as a screenwriter.

Fans especially loved his song compositions. Among the most famous are such as “The ass is growing”, “Liver”, “I can’t drink”, “Gazprom”, “Seal up your hollow”, “Every Friday I feel like shit”. But not only Semyon’s solo songs were loved by the audience. His duets with Grigory Leps and Marina Kravets are well known - popular Russian artists and singers.

Currently, the song “Appeal to the People,” written for Dmitry Medvedev’s visit to Crimea in 2016, has reached its peak of popularity on YouTube. This single practically crowns a whole series of video clips associated with the humorous image of a government official.

Slepakov today has two released albums. But the famous humorist-songwriter is going to successfully overcome this milestone very soon. There is no task that his talent cannot do.

Personal life of a comedian

The popular Jew tries to keep his personal life hidden from prying eyes. Therefore, the facts about his family are the most modest. He married his girlfriend Karina in 2012, who works in law. The wedding took place in Italy, which, of course, is romantic, but more like hiding from society. Slepakov’s wife is not a public figure; she diligently does not give interviews to the press and avoids loud statements.

" Instead of the boring closed press conference for journalists and bloggers, TNT decided to organize a presentation of the series both offline and online. The unusual format is due to the fact that the film will not be shown on TV - all 12 episodes will be available only to subscribers of the new OTT platform TNT-PREMIER.

The new project was presented by its creators in the person of director Pyotr Buslov and producer Semyon Slepakov, as well as cast series: Alexander Robak, Olesya Sudzilovskaya, Sergei Burunov, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Anna Ukolova, Gosha Kutsenko, Marina Alexandrova, Yana Koshkina and Albina Tikhonova. The leading actor, Pavel Derevyanko, was unable to attend the screening due to filming in St. Petersburg, but he got in touch via Skype.

Semyon Slepakov, Pyotr Buslov and Svetlana Khodchenkova

Olesya Sudzilovskaya

Marina Alexandrova

Alexander Robak

Sergey Burunov

Yana Koshkina

Albina Tikhonova

Gosha Kutsenko

"Today we have a very happy event- interactive premiere of our series “House Arrest”. This is a unique event because TV series usually don’t have premieres. It just so happens that we have it. I want to congratulate the cast, our producers and everyone film crew. We were really looking forward to this day, and finally it has come,” Buslov opened the evening.

Oksana Akinshina, Yulia Topolnitskaya, Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov and others. The life partners of the creators of the comedy series did not stand aside either. So, Semyon Slepakov happily posed for photographers with his wife Karina, and Peter Buslov was accompanied by his wife Evgenia. True, the director spent most of the evening in the company of Akinshina. By the way, in 2011, the director and actress were credited with having an affair, but the stars themselves claim that there is purely business relationship. Moreover, Oksana is close friend Peter's wife.

Pyotr Buslov and Oksana Akinshina

Pyotr Buslov (in the first row) and his wife Evgenia (in the second row)

It is worth noting that Semyon Slepakov keeps his personal life behind seven locks. In interviews, the producer prefers to talk not about family matters, but about his projects. It is known that Semyon and Karina got married on September 12, 2012. The Comedy Club scriptwriter once fell in love with her at first sight. The celebration took place in Italy in the strictest secrecy. Not a single photograph was leaked to the press. The only thing that is known is that he wanted a girl who had nothing to do with show business as his wife. Actually, Karina meets this requirement: she works as a lawyer.

Semyon Slepakov with his wife Karina

Oksana Akinshina

Pyotr Buslov and Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov

Let us add that the series “House Arrest” tells the story of the mayor of a small provincial town ( Pavel Derevyanko), who is caught taking a bribe. The mayor, of course, must be punished to the fullest extent of the law. As a preventive measure, he was assigned house arrest at his place of registration. It would seem that there is nothing difficult about not leaving a luxurious mansion, equipped with everything you need. But the catch is that the official is registered in the communal apartment in which he was born and raised. Thus, at one time he wanted to appear more modest to voters. The unlucky mayor finds himself in a real hell of a communal apartment, where the hierarchy is built completely differently from what he is used to. He is no longer in charge and is forced to play by the rules of the local inhabitants.

Pavel Derevyanko and Svetlana Khodchenkova in the series “House Arrest”

Marina Alexandrova in the series “House Arrest”

Gosha Kutsenko in the series “House Arrest”

Childhood and family of Semyon Slepakov

The boy was born in southern Pyatigorsk into a family of professors. His parents enrolled him in a music school. He didn't like to play the piano. Already in high school, everything changed a little, when Semyon picked up a guitar and began to learn to play. His father set him in the right direction, putting his son on the Beatles, Vysotsky, the Rolling Stones, and Okudzhava.

The boy always liked watching KVN on TV. At school, the kids created their own team and started playing. He started composing songs while still in school. These were kind and good works.

Semyon's sense of humor may be hereditary. It is known that his second cousin is a screenwriter of many famous domestic comedies, including comedies by Leonid Gaidai.

The school once staged the play “The Canterville Ghost.” Main role played in theater club Semyon. He walked around the stage in a white sheet.

According to Slepakov, school program passed by him, because as a schoolboy, everything free time he spent time in the yard with the guys or played football. After school, the young man entered the Pyatigorsk Linguistic University and studied in two faculties at once. At the end of the university, he received two honors diplomas - in economics and French.

Semyon's grandfather was a prominent economist. It was he who insisted that his grandson defend his Ph.D. And Slepakov defended himself, becoming a candidate of economic sciences.

He really enjoyed learning and speaking French. The month-long practice took place in France, in the province of Auvergne. At that time, he even wanted to stay in this country to work, got a job in graduate school there, and planned to write a dissertation. But soon KVN appeared in his life.

Semyon Slepakov in KVN

After university, getting a job in Pyatigorsk was not an easy task, and Semyon decided to take up KVN, especially since he always really liked it. Also in student years he started playing, and by the end of university the team was already in the Major League.

He was the captain of the Pyatigorsk Team for six years, starting in 2000. In 2004, the team became a leader in the Major League.

Semyon Slepakov's move to Moscow

Garik Martirosyan suggested that Semyon move to Moscow from his native Pyatigorsk. Garik is his friend and a very important person for him, with whom Slepakov always consults. Martirosyan suggested that Semyon create a conglomerate of authors and monopolize authorship in KVN. This conglomerate included Garik and Semyon, as well as Sergei Ershov, Javid Kurbanov and Sergei Svetlakov.

KVN Team of Pyatigorsk - Father and son decorate the Christmas tree. Semyon Slepakov

All the guys moved to Moscow. It was a rather unstable time, but they had money to live on, since at that time they gave a lot of concerts. There was nothing to do in Pyatigorsk, so Slepakov willingly agreed to move.

Semyon Slepakov at the Comedy Club

Everything changed a lot when the guys started working on the creation of the Comedy Club project. This was six months after Slepakov moved. The work was interesting and enjoyable. Was created by friends new format on TV. The first broadcast took place in 2005. The format changes from season to season as it becomes outdated and the program requires updates.

Slepakov took part in the creation of many popular comedy shows, which were and are broadcast on television. Another notable project that was loved by the audience was “Our Russia”. Several seasons have already been released, where some of the characters change from time to time.

Semyon was one of the producers and screenwriters of the comedy film “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny,” he also produced “Univer,” “Interns” and other youth television series.

Since 2010, he has been a resident of the Comedy Club. At the same time, Semyon came up with “Laughter without Rules,” which is a completely new format.

Songs of Semyon Slepakov

Slepakov goes on stage with his songs. He writes about what is relevant for today. His most famous songs are “The Ass is Growing”, “Liver”, “Gazprom”, “Every Friday I Feel Like Shit”, etc. Every time he gets excited before going on stage. Semyon's greatest fear is that he will forget the text. If the performance is not very funny, he always blames only himself.

Semyon has two of his own music album, one of them was released in 2005, and the second (non-commercial) was released in 2012.

Semyon Slepakov: Every Friday I feel like shit

One of Slepakov’s latest projects is the show “HB”. In this case, he is both the author and the producer.

At the Niki ceremony, Semyon performed a song about Russian cinema. Yuli Gusman asked him to write and perform such a song. It was very exciting to perform, since in the hall there were many, as Semyon put it, “bisons” and “mastodons” of Russian cinema.

Personal life of Semyon Slepakov

Semyon recently got married. His wife is a non-public person and has no plans to change anything. The girl does not give interviews. According to friends, from the very first meeting the young people fell in love with each other. Semyon always said that he was looking for a girl who was far from show business. His wife's name is Karina, she is a lawyer by profession. The wedding took place in Italy in the fall of 2012.

Slepakov began collecting a collection of guitars. Today he already has eight instruments. According to him, he always wanted to have different guitars, when the opportunity arose, he immediately purchased several.

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