Scenario play accordion in the village. Folklore entertainment script "play the accordion"


Our grandparents

Glorious Vyatka master!

Didn't know how to live without doing anything

Not a minute, not half a day!

Lace was woven in Kukarka,

The bodies were woven in Gontbe,

Even a bathhouse on a cart

They could have made it too!

Well, if it touches the dance,

Then everyone, beware

Seen dancing, as if in a fairy tale,

The whole character is fiery!

Who composed ditties for us,

Who actually composed them?

Now go and find out

Where was he and how did he live?

So live, ditty, whatever,

With a guitar and a string,

We need, friends, however,

Sing more than one ditty!

Come out into the circle more boldly,

So that there is a huge circle,

Come out in Russian dance,

Leading your friends!

Songs don't seem to get old,

We recognize songs everywhere!

So let's all the people

Let's sing about "Korobushka"!

This is how we always do things

It's been like this since ancient times,

We invite all people

Let's have a fun round dance!

Ah, accordion, a miracle shake!

Thumbs up and thumbs down.

Where there is an accordion, there is dancing,

What is life without dancing?

The spectator will approach the stage,

Come out, artists!

We are starting a competition

The best harmonica players!

(There is a harmonica competition going on.)

I believe in Rus' and that Rus' will get stronger,

Is it possible to abort the flight?

If songs are sung to the accordion,

So the bird will flap its wings!

Storms and blizzards will not break us,

No matter how scared or stranded!

This is why we started singing here today,

So that you can sing with us!

Our songs are amazing

Cheerful and beautiful

Our dances are fire,

Just touch it, just touch it!

Here the accordions began to play,

The accordion players came out

We won't sing quietly

It will be heard everywhere!

The guest is happy - that means everything is in order,

I couldn't wish for greater happiness!

And now folk riddles

We invite you to guess.


Although not a cunning tool,

But it will cheer you up at the moment,

A little familiar to you,

Our Vyatka (accordion)

There are four in each line,

You won't find more fun in the world,

Put your ears on top of your heads

Here's a riddle about (ditties)

A belt hangs on the shoulder,

And under my arm is an instrument,

Our village artist,

This guy (harmonica player)

The presenter thanks everyone who took part in the competition of harmonica players and ditty players, rewarding them with souvenirs and prizes.

(Text at the end of the block).

Who invented it in Rus'

These round dances?

Go around half the world,

There is nothing more beautiful in the world!

Who wove this pattern? –

That is the soul of the people,

Who decorated the canvas? –

Russian nature.

This is my lace

Sunny Russia,

Wonderful songs have been woven

In threads of gold!

The host and the ensemble “Zavalinka” lead all guests to the auditorium to a concert-meeting.


(The melody of the song “Zavalinka” sounds. The presenter exits).


Traveled a lot around the world,

But today I will say, without hiding,

There is no sweeter land in the world,

What is my dear side!

Forest and field, path near the house,

Our songs have a magical motive!

I am proud of my fellow countrymen.

That they live next door to me

For people who are beautiful in deeds,

Sing, accordion, sing, accordion!

Texts for announcing numbers.

The harmonica player takes the harmonica,

He leads the music quietly,

Slowly, little by little,

People are gathering.

Although the melodies are not tricky,

And they captivate everyone at once,

And to a local artist

It's not a sin to envy!

He doesn't need anything:

Neither praise nor blame,

He doesn't need awards

He plays from the heart!

So that the joy does not subside,

So that the ditties give laughter,

We invite a harmonica player,

We haven't forgotten about this!

The sun caressed our songs,

And the magic hand of rain

I tied the lines with a thread,

I multiplied words bit by bit!

Flying by, fast wind

The accordion woke up its frets,

We wove the patterns of our songs -

Springs as bright as the sky!

A song floats in a round dance,

Round and round and round and round,

It is no coincidence that people say,

How cheerfully they sing in Vyatka!

You play, play, accordion -

Golden planks!

Harmonist, take it quickly

Sounding little Talyanochka!

Today they will convince you that

That our accordion is alive,

Not metropolitan artists,

Among the people are harmonica players,

The guys are dashing,

According to registration - Vyatka!

We declare to you, girlfriends,

Although you are clever in choruses,

But the first ditties,

Made by men!

Our talent is rightfully appreciated,

Make sure now

We'll sing on this stage

Well, no worse than you!

Oh, ditty, oh, ditty - talk!

Oh, accordion, oh, accordion - overkill!

Without an accordion, our Rus' -

Take away the sadness quickly

In three drags!

And we have a lot of songs;

About winter and frost,

About spring, and about summer,

Listen to this one!

The evening will cast stars from its basket,

He will come out of the plank gates,

The accordion will play cheerfully,

He will immediately invite everyone to the meeting!

And in the land that they call Vyatka

Our people are not a year, but many years,

There are no songs without an accordion,

And there is no dancing without an accordion!

0 love suffers on a moonlit night,

Instantly engulfed in a dance of fire,

Accept the ringing warbler

Vyatka Talyanochka, accordion!

Ah, accordion, accordion, accordion,

Cheerful basses,

And ditties without an accordion

It can’t be in Rus'!

Where, in what places was you born?

From what lands did you come?

Did you make it up, did you dream it,

And what was it like then...

Who is first in the day or in the evening

He sang it to the beat of the drums,

Whether at an evening meeting,

Among friends or among girlfriends!

And the joke ditty lives on,

Calls to dance in a circle,

Listen for a minute,

How the Vyatka people sing them!

He saved us more than once

Fast Russian dance

It’s not in vain that people say:

The dance is still in fashion today!

Because at this hour he

It will sound for you now!

We sang to you as best we could,

They danced as best they could,

The guests will dance themselves,

If you're not tired!

Invitation to dinner:

It’s not for nothing that Russia is called hospitable Rus',

And everyone has known this for a long time!

That's how it's always been with us.

So also from great-grandfathers and grandfathers

It happened until our glorious days,

We invite you to a dinner party

The closest, sincere friends!

The house will be a wonderful full cup

For anyone who comes to us!

Our sensitivity and attention

Long-awaited, dear guests!

Characters:Presenter. Brownie. Club. Harmonist.

Scenario of the humorous program “Gatherings at the Club”

A drawn-out Russian chant sounds. Enters the stage Club.

Club. Oh-ho-ho! Yes, oh-ho-ho! Our business is not easy!

The soundtrack is mixed. He comes out to meet Klubovoy to the Russian dance. Brownie.

Brownie. Hello, neighbor! Why are you all sighing?

The soundtrack ends.

Club And Brownie sit down on a bench that stands on the side of the stage.

Club. May they not give me, Klubovoy, peace. There is nowhere for me to calmly lay my head.

Brownie. So you live in such a loud place, but you’re still waiting for some kind of peace!

Club. Did I really choose a place for myself? That's how life turned out. I used to be a Brownie too. Everything is somehow calmer for me.

Brownie. What about retraining?

Club. You know, it’s not my will. We cannot break away from our familiar place. The house was demolished and the club was built. That means he was a Brownie, but became a Clubboy.

Brownie. Again, then, fun is afoot in your home?

Club. It's getting started.

Brownie. But I love coming to you on holidays. Funny!

Club. Fun is good in moderation, and I have it almost every day.

Brownie. What kind of holiday is expected today?

Club. Harmonists will come from all the volosts, singers and ditties.

Behind the bench where they sit Brownie And Club, appears Harmonist. He starts strumming.

Brownie. Eh, I love the ditty! (Starts singing.)

I would sing and dance myself,

Yes, I have become old.

I'd rather sit and sit

I'll look at people.

Club(picks up).

old grandfather sitting on a bench

He sits and blows his nose.

And people are looking at this

Yes, everyone is surprised.

Harmonist, quietly strumming, leaves the stage.

Brownie. What are you singing here?

Club. He sang what he could!

Brownie(gets fired up). Did you call me names?

Club. If he didn’t call it, that means he didn’t call you!

Brownie. Always you Club, you'll get out!

Club. You know, Brownie, what did I think?

Brownie. Well, what are you thinking?

Club. Here they are going to amuse people with ditties, but they don’t know anything about ditties.

Brownie. But it really is. The ditty became a ditty before our eyes. After all, you and I have been living in this world for a long time.

Club. That's for sure. So I thought, let the guests sing and play instruments. And we...

Brownie. And we?..

Club. And in between times we’ll tell you about the ditty.

Brownie. Let's tell you!

Club And Brownie remain on stage. A Russian tune sounds and appears on stage. Presenter.

Presenter. Good afternoon, our dear guests! Relatives and visiting citizens! We are starting our holiday dedicated to folk art! Here the accordion player pleases the heart, and the ditty cheers the soul. And our holiday is opened by a representative of the administration.

Sounds greeting speech.

Presenter. How are we passing the evening now? Sitting by the TV. How was it before? And before it was like this: I collected a bunch of guys and girls for a party. In the summer outside the outskirts, and in the winter in the house of some young widow. And the fun began... The fun begins now for us too. Welcome guests...


Brownie. How is this possible? The holiday started, but we weren’t introduced to the people?

Club. Have you forgotten? We are invisible!

Brownie. How can we tell people about the ditty if we are invisible?

Club. We are the ones who are invisible to the artists, but

people see us!

Brownie. How can this be?

Club. But anything can happen in the world! You are better

tell me, do you remember when the first ditty

ever heard?

Brownie. Not that much time has passed!

In the middle of the 19th century.

Club. In the middle of the 19th century? And now what

Brownie. And now XXI is already underway!

Club. Yes, relatively recently. And after all, the ditties were called differently.

Brownie. But I remember that it’s different.

Club. And I more titles I remember!

Brownie. No, me!

Club. Here I am!

Brownie. But we bet on click!

Club. And we bet!

Brownie. I'll give you that crack!

Club. I'll ask you this! Whoever stops first is the loser! Deal?

Brownie(hits Klubovoy on the hands). Deal!

Club. Let's go!

It sounds like a perky Russian tune.

Against its background there is a roll call.

Club. Matanya!

Brownie. Chorus!

Club. Sentence!

Brownie. Jokes!

Club. Misrepresentation!

Brownie. Sbirushka!

Club. Nabirushka!

Brownie. Bust!

Club. Shorty!

Brownie. Gain!

Club. Chatterbox!

Brownie. Hoot!

Club. Bologovka!

Brownie. Ihohoshka!

Club. Skomoroshina!

The soundtrack ends.

Brownie(thought about it). Yes!

Club(rejoiced). Yeah! Thinking about it? So, I lost!

Brownie. Lost nothing!

Club. Then speak up!

Brownie. But I’ll tell you!.. Now I’ll tell you!.. Or I won’t tell...

Club. I count to three. Once! Two! Three! All!

Lost! Bring your forehead here!

Brownie(reluctantly exposing his forehead). Well, give me yours

Club gives a click to Domovoy.

Brownie. Oh oh oh! How painful! (To Klubovoy.) I don’t want to celebrate with you! You're fighting!

Club. I'm not fighting! I only restore justice!

Brownie. Oh oh oh! (Rubs his forehead and runs away. Club runs after him.)

Appears on stage Presenter.

Presenter. There is probably no person who does not know ditties, who does not remember at least a dozen of these sometimes mischievous or sad songs. Whether he is a city dweller or a rural resident. And our holiday continues with a ditty.

Presenter leaves the stage. Ditties are performed.

After the number they appear on stage again Club And Brownie. Club trying to make peace with Domov.

Club. Well, Brownie, well, don’t be so offended by me! Well, it’s not my fault that my hand is heavy!

Brownie(indignant). Ah, it's not his fault! You could have held your hand, why give it free rein?

Club. OK then! Give me a crack too, but just make peace!

Brownie. I won't give you any slaps! Because I Brownie, and not some Voinova!

Club And Brownie sit down on a bench.

Club. Voinova is not Voinova, but do you remember the ditties they sang when they were drafted into the army?

Brownie. And they took me away for fifteen to twenty years in tsarist times. Consider, your entire young life was spent in military penal servitude.

Club. And sometimes the father replaced his married conscript son with a brother whose turn to serve had not yet come. And how the falcon complained about his parents!

Brownie. How did you complain?

Club. Yes, that's it...

Appears on stage Harmonist, starts playing.

Club(sings). Dear parents,

Why did they offend me?

Big brother saved

They took me to be a soldier.

Brownie(picks up).

They took me away to become a soldier,

Like a bride from the gate.

I sang a soldier's song

All the people cried.

Harmonist interrupts the melody.

Club. And the ditties contain the whole history of our side!

Brownie. So you and I would have told the whole story to our children in schools long ago using little ditties.

Club. Not all of it! But only with mid-19th century.

Brownie. For example, revolution and Civil War.

Harmonist plays along.

Brownie(sings). Young officer

Little white hands,

You go to the Caucasus,

Still intact.

Club(quickly starts dancing, singing).

Ah, apple, it’s green on the side!

We don't need a tsar, we need Lenin!

Club starts dancing uncontrollably.

Brownie barely calms him down.

Harmonist interrupts the melody.

Brownie. Stop dancing! We need to clear the stage! So that our artists can perform on stage!

Club(to the Harmonist). Well, play “Apple” a little more!

Harmonist“Apple” starts playing. Club And Brownie, dancing, leave the stage. Appears on stage Presenter.

Presenter. “What is a song without a button accordion...” And even though modern songs do without a button accordion, and the cheerful accordion does not gather boys and girls for a walk, not a single wedding, not a single anniversary is complete without an accordion player. And a good accordion player is now worth his weight in gold. So, meet the harmonica player!

Presenter leaves the stage. An amateur performance number is being performed. After the number they appear on stage Club And Brownie.

Brownie(to Klubovoy). Well, did you dance?

Club. Give me free rein - I will dance forever!

Brownie. Then you groan, they say, you’re tired of the holidays! Then you dance - you can’t stop!

Club. What did you want? Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain!

Brownie. But I want to ask you a question!

Club. And if you want, ask and don’t be tormented!

Brownie. That's what it is main topic in ditties?

Club. Yes, it seems that all the topics are important, vital ones.

Brownie. But no! Among all the main topics, there is one most important one, which cannot be avoided at all.

Club. Oh, that's what you're talking about!

Brownie. Don't bother me here! Not about this, not about that! And name the most important topic!

Club. Call it yourself!

Brownie. I’ll name it because I know! And the main theme is love!

Club. Eka! For me this topic is not the main one!

Brownie. Home for everyone!

Club. And for you it’s also not important!

Brownie. How do you know if it's the main one or not the main one?

Club. And then! We were together with you! Whoa!

Brownie(sighs). What kind of fate is this - a villain! We live a long time, but still without love!

Club. All that remains is to call each other!

Appears on stage Harmonist,

starts to play.

Club(sings). The rye is tall, thick,

Hurry up and start making ears!
I love you, lady
And don't be arrogant.

Brownie(ties a scarf on his head, sings).

Don't walk wide open, my dear,
Don't lure me in
Don't show the white guy your shirt -
I love you anyway.

Harmonist And Club with Domovoy leave the stage, Club And Brownie depict a couple in love. Appears on stage Presenter.

Presenter. Of course, not a single holiday, either before or now, has been or is complete without songs about love. And I invite you to the stage vocal group.

Presenter leaves the stage. An amateur performance number is being performed.

On stage again Presenter.

Presenter. For you, our dear viewers, he sings...

Scenario of the humorous program “Gatherings at the Club.” Part 2

Presenter leaves the stage. An amateur performance number is being performed. appear on stage Club And Brownie.

Club. And dance to “Eletsky”! Dance, dance, play!

Brownie. And suffer under “suffering”! Suffer, suffer, cry!

Club. And here's what Brownie, but let’s better eat “Semyonovna”!

Brownie. Come on and let's get excited!

Appears on stage Harmonist,

starts playing “Semyonovna”.


Eh, mountain, mountain, mountainous mountain,

And on that mountain the grass is wavy!


The wavy grass bends to the ground,

And my good friend meets someone else.


Don't stand on the ice, don't whistle!

Lost love, don't look for it!


I stood on the ice and will continue to stand,
I lost my love and will look for it!

Harmonist interrupts the melody.

Brownie. Club, you know, now the presenter will announce the Stulovs, who will perform “Semyonovna.”

Club. And what do we need a presenter, we ourselves will announce! So, meet the Stulovs!

Brownie. “Semyonovna!”

Harmonist, Brownie And Club leave the stage. Ditties are performed. Enters the stage Presenter.

Presenter. I don't understand anything! In my opinion, some unexpected things happen at our holiday. Well, no one announced the previous number. But the performance went well even without an announcement. Or did someone announce it? Or has folk art acquired such power that it doesn’t even require an announcement?.. I got carried away and took you, our dear guests, away from the holiday. And our holiday continues. And the children's folklore group continues...

Presenter leaves the stage. Amateur performance number. appear on stage Club And Brownie.

Club. It’s great that we announced the number!

Brownie. Yes, they were playing a prank!

Club. They didn’t play pranks, but showed initiative!

Brownie. The man is confused!

Club. And you seemed ashamed, it was your idea!

Brownie. My idea, but I don't like it!

Club. Do you know who is next number?

Brownie(interested). Who?

Club. Yes, our famous accordion player!

Brownie. Harmonist?

Appears on stage Harmonist, starts playing.

Club(sings). Play, half accordion,

Play, little bayanochka,
Play, gray eyes,
A funny look.

Brownie(sings). I'll take a two-row accordion,

I'll go do a squat dance,

The chickens will run away

All from Kolkhoz Street.

Harmonist interrupts the melody and leaves the stage.

Club. On stage there is an accordion player from the village...

Brownie. Well, why did you announce it again?

Club. Let's wash away! And the number has been announced!

Club And Brownie leave the stage. A harmonica player performs. Appears on stage Presenter.

Presenter. Who is hosting the concert? I don’t understand anything at all! But I'm announcing the next issue...

Presenter leaves the stage. An amateur performance number is being performed. Appears on stage Presenter.

Presenter. The heels clicked

Skirts sparkled

Kameshkovsky dancers

They dance without hesitation.

There is a choreographic ensemble on stage...

Presenter leaves the stage. A dance is being performed. appear on stage Club with an accordion in his hands, followed by Brownie.

Brownie(to Klubovoy). Where did you get the accordion?

Club. Borrowed it for a while!

Brownie. You didn’t borrow it, you stole it! I just think, from whom?

Club. I told you I borrowed it!

Brownie. But for some reason our accordion player is neither heard nor seen. He's probably looking for his accordion.

Club(not really listening to Domovoy’s words). Maybe!

Brownie. So I let it slip!

Club. Did he let something slip?

Brownie. So I took the accordion from our accordion player. Uh-uh! Not ashamed? And he should play along with our next participants! And you took the accordion! Did you want to show off?

Club. Yes, I will return, I will return the accordion! Announce the next issue!

Brownie. I announce! Meet our ditties!

Club And Brownie leave the stage.

Ditties are performed.

Appears on stage Presenter.

Presenter(goes on stage). I'll have to watch for the secret co-hosts of the holiday. I'll hide here...

Presenter hides behind the first curtain. appear on stage Club And Brownie.

Club(to Domovoy). Shall we announce the next issue?

Brownie. Did you manage to see in the script who to call next?

Club. I did not succeed!

Appears on stage Presenter.

Presenter. So who is announcing the artists here?

without a Leader!

Club And Brownie(they huddle together in fear). Oh! Oh oh oh!

Club(came to his senses, to the Presenter). Can you see us?

Presenter. I see it very well. I thought the kids were playing around. And my old people are having fun.

Brownie(a little offended). Well, we are still strong guys, not old men.

Presenter. I don’t know whether you are strong or not, but that’s for sure that you are hooligans! The whole holiday was almost ruined.

Brownie. Yes, at first we wanted to be invisible, to sit quietly, to observe everything from the side.

Club. And then we somehow got carried away and lost all caution.

Presenter. Not good!

Club. But we are the most direct relation We have it for your holiday.

Presenter. How is this possible?

Club. So, after all, you have a holiday of folk art - and we are the most folk.

Brownie. Without us, a fairy tale with a saying is rarely told.

Presenter. Well, then tell us, who are you?

Brownie. I - Brownie.

Club. And I - Club.

Presenter. I know Domovoy, but this is the first time I’ve heard about Klubovoy.

Club. And I come from fresh folk art.

Presenter. Well, since it’s fresh, it means you’ll have more strength than we do. Announce the next issue!

Club. On stage there is a harmonica player and ditty singer...

Everyone leaves the stage. An amateur performance number is being performed. On the stage Presenter.

Presenter. There is no holiday without a ringing song. So our holiday continues...

Presenter leaves. An amateur performance number is being performed. On the stage Brownie And Club.

Brownie. And again we rock on stage!

Club. We present you new numbers!

Brownie. We invite new lovers of folk art to the stage!

Club. And without any doubt or fear we announce our number!

Club And Brownie leave the stage. An amateur performance number is being performed. On the stage Presenter, Club And Brownie.

Presenter. And our holiday ends.

Brownie. How does it end? So fast? We didn't even have time to enjoy our role as presenters!

Presenter. Nothing, but they managed to make some noise and amuse the people.

Brownie. So to speak, they added some zest to the holiday.

Presenter. And the holiday ends. And I invite all participants in the performance to the stage!

There is a song about Russia. All participants in the performance take the stage.

Presenter. Thanks to all the participants of the holiday. And may these gifts and loud applause from the audience remain in memory of this meeting.

Brownie(sucking up). Will there be any gifts for us?

Club. Want very much.

Presenter. Of course, there will be gifts for you too.

Russian folk tunes are played. Members of a children's folklore group delivering gifts.

Presenter. Goodbye!

Brownie. See you again!

Club. All the best!

ABOUT SU SO "Shuya Complex Center SON", orphanage-boarding school for mentally retarded children.

Entertainment script

"Play the accordion"

(for older children preschool age)

Prepared by: speech therapist Bugrova Alexandra Alexandrovna


Entertainment scenario “Play the accordion”

Two buffoons come out (to a cheerful Russian-folk melody)

2 buffoon:

We are not simple guys - mischievous buffoons.

In the old days, among princes, we were received as friends,

They poured a glass full and seated him at the prince's table.


We played domras and pipes

We had fun, sang songs,

Honest people danced and sang,

It was like a hive of bees was buzzing.


We did not come to you alone

And they brought friends to you,

We will sing songs and play

(Both buffoons):

Glorify Mother Russia.

The narrator comes out:

Today we have a truly unusual holiday. We will talk about our most beloved folk musical instrument. Have you already met folk instruments and saw how rich and varied folk art. Any music has its own composer, but folk music does not have a composer. People in the old days composed a song. they passed it on from mouth to mouth, added something, and thus it has survived to this day. That’s why this kind of music has an honorary name – Russian. folk song, Russian folk dance. And the science of folk art called folklore.

Now the buffoons will tell you a riddle, and you will tell main character our holiday.

1 buffoon : “He gets fat, then loses weight, and screams throughout the whole house.” What is this?(Harmonic)

An accordion player comes out and plays something funny. Everyone greets him with applause.

Storyteller : Well done! That's right, it's an accordion or popularly an accordion.

Why does this riddle say that the accordion sometimes gets thinner and sometimes gets fatter?(Because when they play the harmonica, it either stretches - it gets fat, or contracts - it loses weight). Let's remember the song “I play the harmonica in full view of passers-by. Unfortunately, birthdays only come once a year.”(perform a song) What instrument did Crocodile Gena play? Of course, on the accordion - on the accordion!

2 buffoon: Now I’ll tell you another riddle. What is it about?

“Her whole soul is wide open, and even though there are buttons, it’s not a shirt,
It’s not a turkey, but it’s puffed up, and it’s not a bird, but it’s filled with water.”

Storyteller: Right! This is also an accordion.The riddle talks about the buttons on the accordion. What kind of buttons does the accordion have? Do not know? And I’ll tell you now...

The accordion is a very interesting musical instrument. It is not a string instrument, nor a percussion instrument, nor a wind instrument. He keyboard-pneumatic. Why "key" ? Because it has keys - buttons. The musician presses the buttons and a sound is heard. (the accordionist accompanies the presenter's speech with a demonstration ) Right hand the musician plays the melody and accompanies with his left hand. A keyboard with buttons or accordion keys on the sides, and between them there is a chamber into which air is pumped. Air is pumped to the sound bars of the harmonica, and it sounds. That is why the tool is"pneumatic" , Invisibility-air works in it.

Antoshka runs in to the tune of the song “Antoshka” from the cartoon of the same name.

Antoshka: Hello guys! Do you recognize me? That's right, I'm Antoshka! I came to your party because I really love to sing and dance. You’re having so much fun here, can I stay with you?

Storyteller: Of course, Antoshka, stay with us. Really, guys?

I suggest you all do it together famous song about you “Antoshka, Antoshka...” (during the performance of the song, children's accordions and wooden spoons are given to the children)

For centuries there was no holiday in Rus' without singing and dancing to the accordion, and in the countryside even now not a single one can do without it. happy event. And the best instruments among accordions were always considered to be those from Tula. And there are also Saratov, Vologda and, of course, Shuya accordions. When an accordion sounds, people are interested in it at any time, in any place.The sounds of an accordion influence people's thoughts and feelings. Listening to the accordion, all people become kinder to each other, it carries a charge of joy and good memories.


Guys, what would it be like to have such a spiritual holiday without Russian folk ditties!...

2 buffoon:

Hey, you are Red, Well done! Ladies-Madams!

Sing some ditties

1 buffoon:

Sing quickly to please your guests!

Children performing ditties come out.


1 Harmonist, harmonica player, I'm your girlfriend.

Play the harmonica, and I’ll sing ditties.

2 Harmonist, harmonica player, polka dot shirt.

Play, don't be lazy, for dogs and cats.

3 They say accordion is not in fashion, electronics are in fashion,

But the Russian harmonica still lives among the people.

4 I was called to dance, and the circle was small.

The accordion player sits and plays like a scarlet flower.

5 Accordion player, accordion player, ladle from the kitchen,

You wouldn't be with us if it weren't for the accordion!

6 I didn’t want to dance, I stood and was embarrassed,

When the accordion started playing, I couldn’t resist.

7 I’ll give up, I’ll give up everything, I’ll give up, I’ll forget,
Oh, I'm tired of the accordion, I'll stomp my heel.

8 You, accordion-talker, my faithful friend,

I will be with you everywhere, everywhere, I will be a great accordionist!


In the old days, not a single event was complete without an accordion, either in the village, or in the countryside, or in the city. They played to the Russian accordion and played weddings, harvested crops and, of course, played. So today we will also play, dance and sing. Want to?

1 Buffoon:

Songs, games, round dances,
Will not go out of fashion

2 Buffoon:

Get ready kids
It's time to play.


1. “A goat was walking through the forest...”

2. "Lark"
Children stand in a circle and sing:

A lark sang in the sky,

The bell rang.

Frolic in silence

I hid the song in the grass.

The “lark” (leading child) with a bell moves inside the circle. At the end of the song he stops and places the bell on the floor between the two children. These children turn their backs to each other. Everyone says:

“Whoever finds the song will be happy whole year

The two run around the circle, moving in opposite directions. Whoever grabs the bell first becomes the Lark. The game repeats itself.

3. Game "Pillar"

Participants choose a “Pillar” boy. They dance around him, sing a song and dress him up.

I walk around the pillar

I walk around the oak tree.

What will I give the pillar,

What should we reward the young man with?

Girl: -I’ll give the pillar a wreath!

(handkerchief, beads, skirt, apron...) The song and round dance are repeated each time, the girls take turns dressing up the “column”.

Leading : -What a column we have, like a lady!

Come on, column, dance “Lady” for us, and we will help!

The “column” is dancing, everyone is clapping their hands.

4. "Mousetrap"

Everyone stands in a circle holding hands - this is a mousetrap. Several mouse people. They are outside the circle. Holding hands and raising them up, they walk in a circle saying the words:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

They gnawed everything, ate everything!

Beware, you rascals,

We'll get to you!

Let's slam the mousetrap

And we'll catch you right away!

As the text is spoken, the mice run in and out of the circle. With pronunciation last word“And we’ll catch you right away!”, they lower their hands and squat down. Those who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught and stand in a circle. Other mice are selected.

5. "Carousel".

Barely, barely
The carousels are spinning
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush,
Stop the carousel
One, two, one, two,
The game is over!

1 buffoon:

The hour of farewell is coming,
Our speech will be short.
We say to you: “Goodbye!
Until pleasant, new meetings!”

2 buffoon:

The holiday is over here,
Who played, well done!

The buffoons present sweet prizes to the children and say goodbye to the participants.

Under Russian folk music The presenter, dressed in Russian folk costume, enters the hall.

Presenter: All the people are already gathered!

Hello, dear guests!

We've been waiting for the meeting for a long time, we have a reason

Gather all of you in this hall today!

Under the river n. m. children enter

Child 1: From all doors, from all gates

Come quickly, hurry up people!

Child 2: A lot of interesting things await you!

Lots of songs, games, jokes and funny jokes!

Child 3: The cricket sat on the pole, the cockroach sat in the corner

They sat down and sang a song.

Children perform r. n. n. "Long Crane"

Child: Look at the people,

Someone is coming here for us!

Children together: “Yes, this is Grandfather Sysoy! »

IN music hall Grandfather Sysoy enters

The game “Grandfather Sysoy” is played - 2 rubles.

Child: Let's play another game!

Children: Which one?

Child: Yes in “Dudarya”

The child says the rhyme: “Three bulls stood in the barn

Chewed sweet hay

And they said: “One, two, three -

In this regard, you are a “Dudar”!

The game "Dudar" is played.

The children sit down.

(Two girls are sitting on a bench to the side, busy with needlework. One is knitting, the other is embroidering, and they say aside to the playing children).

1 girl: Quirk and slacker

They have a holiday on Monday too!

2nd girl: Now it’s goulash, tomorrow it’s goul -

You're shirtless too!

Boy (addresses the grumblers): Shark, why are you sewing on the spot?

Girl 2: And I’ll still flog you, Father.

A girl from among the playing children calls these 2 girls: Come sing songs with us.

Another girl: If you’ve done your job, go for a walk!

Shark: Okay! Where you sing, life is fun!

All girls perform r. n. p. “Mother had 12 daughters.”

Child: A thousand games on our holiday

We play, joke and dance

Don't yawn when playing games

Show courage and dexterity!

Child: Shadow - shadow, shadow

Quickly braid the fence

Game "Weave"

The boy runs out and says:

“While you were playing here, I saw such miracles.

Miracle - miracle - miracles, a fox stands on a stump,

He waves his wand, and the bunnies dance!

2nd boy comes out: Is this a miracle?

I know even more wonderful things!

There is a stump in the swamp, he is too lazy to move

My neck doesn't move, but I want to laugh.

Boy 3 comes out: Is this a miracle?

I've seen even more wonderful things!

Knocking - strumming along the street - Foma rides a chicken

Timoshka is riding a cat along a crooked path.

Boy 4 comes out: Is this a miracle? I've heard even stranger things

We sailed along the river in the morning

Two rams in a shuttle

Black with a fishing rod, white with a pipe

The black one ate fish white song sang

Presenter: Outside the village

We're having fun

The children came from the fair

And they brought spoons for everyone.

Child: Our spoons are familiar to everyone,

Spoons don't sit at home.

Spoons are walking around the world

And they glorify their masters.

Children perform r. n. "Workshop"

Boy 1: We’ll take spoons

And let’s quickly go dancing!

Boy 2: Make way, honest people

No dust path,

Good fellows are coming

Walk a little!

Boys performing the Spoon Dance

Presenter: Well, the guys are naughty,

Run out into the courtyards

Get ready to play

And the fun continues!

The child says the counting rhyme: One, two, three, four, five

The boys came out to play

And choose a driver

It was the boy Rodion

Let him get out of the circle!

Game “We can run fast” (boys play)

The girls come out.

Girl: Tara - tara

The girls are coming from the yard

Sing songs and lead round dances

Make everyone around happy!

Girls perform “Round dance with handkerchiefs”

To the side, a girl rocks a cradle with a baby.

Girl: Bye - bye, bye - bye

You, little dog, don't bark,

Whitepaw didn't whine,

Don't wake up our Tanya.

Girls: Katya! Come play with us.

Girl: My little sister doesn’t sleep.

Girls: Let us help you rock her to sleep.

All the girls sing "Lullaby"

All the girls say "Shhh"

And they go out into the middle of the hall.

One girl counts: One, two, three, four, five

We're going to play again

Let's get into a friendly round dance

The game is waiting for us, girls.

Game "Apple Tree"

After the game the boys come out.

Boy: Girls, let's play together.

Girl 1: We’re fine without you!

Boy: Nasty!

Girl 1: And you? And you?

Sergey, you are a sparrow!

I rode a horse

I flew into a birch tree

Left without bast shoes.

Girl 2: Earring - karezhka,

Straw leg

Himself about an inch

Head off the pot!

Girl 3: Well, stop quarreling!

Game "Owl"

Girl: Now let's sit down, let's sit

Let's take a look at the boys.

Girls perform the song “Taratorki”

Girl: We were outside the outskirts

And who did we see

Vasenka - young man

Get up, Vasily, cheer up

Bow to whomever you want.

Dance "Vasya Vasilek"

Presenter: The Russian proverb says: “There is time for business, an hour for fun!” "

Our hour has come to an end.

Now the moment of farewell has come

Our speech will be short

We say to you “Goodbye! »

Until happy, new meetings.

Children leave the hall to the music.


Time: 15.00 h.

Sound engineer: ,

Assistance in carrying out: ,


The curtain is closed. A phonogram sounds - birds singing, a nightingale trilling.

After 20 seconds, the soundtrack “HARMONY TO THE BEGINNING” begins to play, and the curtain slowly rises. On the stage, the presenter sits on a chair with an accordion in his hands and pretends to play the instrument. After 40 seconds, he stops the game, but the music does not stop. (Viewers can see that this was just a picture of playing an instrument.)

Along with the tunes, the presenter reads a poem:

Play, accordion!
Play with excitement
About the vastness of the steppes and the silence of the forests,
About the free, native land
About the glory of grandfathers and fathers.
Play, accordion!
To be heard
You in the area and wilderness,
So that people come out to your voice
Dance and sing with all your heart!!!



Musical background “Harmony tunes”. (Always turns on at the moment the presenter comes out and announces the numbers)

Good afternoon, dear fellow villagers and residents of the Agapovsky district! Good afternoon, Dear friends!

If this were true, if it were true that I play musical instruments, I would be happy! In the meantime, I have to be content with what I can only portray!

But the people who will take part in our event today are real, recognized masters of their craft, connoisseurs of beauty, lovers of music and playing on one of the most wonderful musical instruments- Harmony!

Welcome to the regional competition of harmonica, button accordion, tag and accordion players “Play, accordion, darling - 2014”!

FANFARE. Pause for applause.

A month ago we announced a competition for playing the accordion, accordion, accordion and tatyanka. And it’s gratifying that so many people responded to our call and will play and sing today!

Dear friends! Today you will hear the best of the best! They came and came to look at others and show themselves. Well, since this is, after all, a competition, and we will need to determine the best of the best, then the jury will help us with this!

And I am pleased to present the composition of today's jury:

The track “Jury Presentation” plays.

- – Head of the Department of Culture of the Agapovsky Municipal District

- Musalyamov Faramraz Abdullovich - Director of the Agapov School of Arts

- – teacher at Agapov School of Arts


Traveled a lot around the world,
But today I will say, without hiding,
There is no sweeter land in the world,
What is my dear side!
Everything is so painfully close, familiar,
The voice of the wind, the whispering of the willows,
Forest and field, path near the house,
Our songs have a magical motive!
I am proud of my fellow countrymen.
That they live next door to me
For people who are beautiful in deeds,
Sing, accordion, sing, accordion!

Texts for announcing numbers.

The harmonica player takes the harmonica,
He leads the music quietly,
Slowly, little by little,
People are gathering.
Although the melodies are not tricky,
And they captivate everyone at once,
And to a local artist
It's not a sin to envy!
He doesn't need anything:
Neither praise nor blame,
He doesn't need awards
He plays from the heart!

So that the joy does not subside,
So that the ditties give laughter,
We invite a harmonica player,
We haven't forgotten about this!

You play, play, accordion -
Golden planks!
Harmonist, take it quickly
Sounding little Talyanochka!

Oh, ditty, oh, ditty - talk!
Oh, accordion, oh, accordion - overkill!
Without an accordion, our Rus' -
A song without a voice!
Take away the sadness quickly
In three drags!


Kind people! Our holiday is coming to an end, but the fun and prowess of performing the harmonica does not diminish, just as the people's talent does not diminish. Original craftsmanship does not age, does not become a thing of the past. It lives and decorates our lives. Just as streams feed rivers, so the Russian accordion will be a living spring to feed our character.

Thank you to everyone for participating, thank you to everyone who watched us, rated us and enjoyed it!

And now a 15-minute break is announced. The jury retires to the deliberation room to reach a consensus.


VED: Dear friends! The exciting moment of our competition has arrived. It is my pleasure to hand over the microphone to the members of our esteemed jury.


Award ceremony. /TUSH for awards/

The harmonica competition “Play, Harmony, Darling” is over! I express my deep gratitude to everyone who took part! I ask those who did not win a prize not to be upset, because, as everyone knows, the main thing is not victory, but participation!

May you all be healthy and happy, play the accordion, accordion, and other instruments, and may everything be fine with you!! Until we meet again, dear friends, all the best to you!

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