A collection of Russian epics with a brief introductory article. Russian epics

Fairy tale epic Similarities: 1. Both fairy tales and epics exist in oral form. 2.Both genres have existed since ancient times. Differences: 1. Fairy tale - prosaic, artistic fantastic story magical or everyday character. 2. The main feature is fiction. 3.Fairy tales were “told.” 1. Description of the exploits of heroes. 2. Captures historical reality in general terms. 3. The epics “told” - they sang or spoke, accompanied by the gusli.

Tonic verse The first stress is on the first syllable from the beginning. The last stress is on the third syllable from the end. As ILYA galloped off his good horse, he fell to Mother’s damp earth. How the damp earth mother knocks, And under the same as the eastern side.

Construction Beginning, development of action, climax, denouement. Chorus Ending (not related to the content) Height, height in heaven, Ay now to him, and after that Depth, depth - okiyan - sea, And now they sing Sadka and glory Wide expanse throughout the whole earth, Deep are the pools of the Dnieper...

Gouges are a loop in a clamp that fastens the shaft to the arc. Bulatny – made of damask steel, hard, elastic, with a patterned steel surface. Saffiano is a thin and soft goat or sheep leather, specially tanned and dyed in bright color. Solovy - about the color of horses, yellowish (in combination with a light tail and a light mane).

Collectors of epics He opened for us priceless treasures of the spiritual life of the people. 4 volumes (165 epics) of “Songs collected by Rybnikov” were published. Rybnikov Nikolaevich Pavel

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Epics - Russian folk tales epic songs about the exploits of heroes. The basis of the plot of the epic is some heroic event, or a remarkable episode of Russian history (hence popular name epics - “old man”, “old woman”, implying that the action in question took place in the past). Epics are usually written in tonic verse with two to four stresses. The term “epics” was first introduced by Ivan Sakharov in the collection “Songs of the Russian People” in 1839; he proposed it based on the expression “according to epics” in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” which meant “according to the facts.”

Historicism At the center of many Russian epics is the figure of the Kyiv prince Vladimir, who can be identified with Vladimir II Monomakh (prince 1113-1125). Ilya Muromets is mentioned in the 13th century in the Norwegian "Saga of Thidrek" and the German poem "Ortnit", and in 1594 the German traveler Erich Lassota saw his tomb in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. Alyosha Popovich served with the Rostov princes, then moved to Kyiv and died in the battle on the Kalka River. The Novgorod Chronicle tells how Stavr Godinovich incurred the wrath of Vladimir Monomakh and was drowned for robbing two citizens of Novgorod; another version of the same chronicle says that he was exiled. Danube Ivanovich is often mentioned in the chronicles of the 13th century as one of the servants of Prince Vladimir Vasilkovich, and Sukhman Dolmantyevich (Odikhmantyevich) was identified with the Pskov prince Domant (Dovmont).

For a long time, epics were not written down until famous scientists Pavel Nikolaevich Rybnikov (1832-1885) and Alexander Fedorovich Hilferding (1831-1872) became interested in them. More than 200 epic texts were included in the four-volume “Songs collected by P. N. Rybnikov.” A.F. Hilferding published 318 epics. Hilferding, Alexander Fedorovich

The images of Russian heroes and knights are widely reflected in the works of famous artists, for example, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Vrubel - the decorative panel “Bogatyr”, or Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov - “Bogatyrs” (a painting that he painted for almost twenty years). Mikhail Vrubel. Bogatyr. 1898.

Victor Vasnetsov. Bogatyrs on horseback. 1896.

Epics are divided into works of the pre-Christian and Christian periods. The pre-Christian cycle includes tales about Svyatogor, Mikita Selyaninovich, Volga, which belong to the so-called “ wandering stories", rooted in the commonality of religious and cult elements of pre-Christian Europe. The Baptism of Rus' and the era of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir became the core of an extensive Christian epic cycle, which is based on reliable historical events and personalities. Andrey Ryabushkin. A feast of heroes at the affectionate Prince Vladimir. 1888.

The group of heroes associated with Prince Vladimir and the city of Kiev is divided into senior and junior. Victor Vasnetsov. Knight at a crossroads. 1878.

Only Svyatogor, Volga Svyatoslavich and Mikula Selyaninovich are considered senior heroes; adds Samson, Sukhan and then Polkan, Kolyvan Ivanovich, Ivan Kolyvanovich, Samson Ivanovich, Samson Samoilovich and Molofer or Malafey; Don Ivanovich and Danube Ivanovich are also added. Bogatyrs personify various natural phenomena: older heroes - formidable phenomena, hostile to people, occurring during winter; so, for example, in the image of Svyatogor the gigantic clouds that cover the entire sky are personified; younger heroes are also natural phenomena, but beneficial for humans, occurring in the summer; the walking Kaliki are wandering clouds shedding rain; Initially, both of them were represented as deities, but some were their elder generation, titans, destroyers, and others were protectors of people.

"Svyatogor". 1942 Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich

"Samson" - the central fountain of the Peterhof palace and park ensemble

Younger heroes Younger heroes are divided into native and visiting; the latter include: Solovey Budimirovich, Churilo Plenkovich, Duke Stepanovich and others. Some scientists divide the heroes into types belonging to the pre-Tatar, Tatar and post-Tatar era, or Moscow: to the first group they include Dobrynya Nikitich, Ivan Danilovich and Alyosha Popovich; to the second: the heroes at the outpost, Idolishche, Ilya Muromets, Vasily Ignatievich and the heroes who “transferred”; to the third: Mikulu Selyaninovich, Khoten Bludovich, Churil Plenkovich, Dyuk Stepanovich, Danil Lovchenin, forty caliks with a calico, Solovy Budimirovich. In addition, the heroes are divided into only Vladimir himself, Dobrynya, as well as Volga Svyatoslavich, Stavr Godinovich, Ivan Danilovich, Churil Plenkovich and partly Ivan Godinovich.

Andrey Ryabushkin. Mikula Selyaninovich. 1895.

Andrey Ryabushkin. Volga Vseslavevich. 1895.

Ivan Bilibin. Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber

Andrey Ryabushkin. Alesha Popovich. 1895.

Victor Vasnetsov. Fight between Dobrynya Nikitich and the seven-headed Serpent Gorynych. 1913-1918

Andrey Ryabushkin. Sadko, a rich Novgorod guest. 1895.

The presentation was prepared by a teacher of Russian language and literature at the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20 named after A.A. Khmelevsky” in Kursk Olga Nikolaevna Maltseva Thank you!

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Homework for this lesson

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Lesson topic: Genre originality and poetics of epics

The purpose of the lesson is to consider the epic from a scientific point of view, to find out its distinctive features.

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The main questions we are looking for answers to:

What is folk epic? what is an epic? By what signs can one distinguish the epic from other works? How did epics arise and were performed? What groups are epics divided into? What epic cycles are known? What do the epic stories tell about? What are the features of the epic composition? What is the uniqueness of epic images? which means of expression used in epics?

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Epic Tales

In different parts of the Earth, people in ancient times composed solemn chants telling about the great deeds of extraordinary people. The Karelians called these songs runes, the Yakuts - olonkho, the Buryats - uliger, the inhabitants Ancient Rus'- antiquities, or epics. Folklore scholars use the term “folk epic” for such songs. Väinämöinen playing the kantele

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Works folk epic performed melodiously, recitatively, in compliance with a special rhythm, accompanied by strings musical instruments. The melodies of epics are solemn and majestic. V. Vasnetsov “Guslars”

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The folk epic is characterized by:

1) wide coverage of events in space and time; 2) patriotic orientation; 3) the heroic content of the plot: often this is a battle of a national hero (hero) with enemies; 4) attitude towards the events depicted as reliable, reflecting historical memory people.

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Epic (old)

“folklore epic song about a heroic event or a remarkable episode of ancient Russian history” (T. Zueva) “Russian folk epic songs about heroes” (Dictionary of the Russian language in 4 volumes) “epic songs composed by the people in Ancient Rus', reflecting historical reality, mainly XI – XVI centuries.” (Brief Literary Encyclopedia) “a genre of Russian folk epic, song-legends about heroes, folk heroes and historical events Ancient Rus'" (A. Kvyatkovsky) "a genre of Russian folklore, a heroic-patriotic song about heroes and historical events" (V. Korovina)

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Epic song, folk, epic (tells about significant events) tells about actions folk heroes- heroes reflects the historical events of Ancient Rus', mainly - XI - XVI centuries.

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The epics most likely arose in Kievan Rus, expressing the mature self-awareness of the Russian people. However, the question of the origin of the epics in science still remains controversial. There are various classifications of the Russian epic epic.

V. Vasnetsov “Bayan”

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Assignment: After reading the textbook article “On the collection, performance, meaning of epics” (P.14 -16), find out into what groups the folklorist scientist V.P. Anikin divides epics. What is the principle behind this classification? Write down your answer.

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Epics (according to V. Anikin):

the most ancient (pre-Kiev) - about the Volkh, Danube, Potyk; Kyiv - about Dobrynya, Sukhman, Danil Lovchanin, Churil, Solovy Budimirovich; Vladimir-Suzdal - about Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich; Galician-Volyn - about Duke; Pskov-Novgorod - about Volga and Mikul, Sadko, Vasily Buslaev; Chernigov - about Ivan the guest's son; Bryansk - about Prince Roman and the Livik brothers... The classification is based on cyclization by location and characters.

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HomeworkThe main cycles of epics

Fill out the diagram based on the textbook materials, P.15 ................... ................... ... ............... Kiev Novgorod

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The main cycles of epics

main characters - Sadko, Vasily Buslaev; are affected social topics, which is due to the uniqueness of life in commercial Novgorod; historical circumstances and everyday details are characteristic of Novgorod: the life of the merchants, the influence of the Church, trips to other countries. the action takes place in or near Kyiv; in the center of the story is Prince Vladimir; the main theme is the protection of the Russian land from nomads; historical circumstances and life are characteristic of Kievan Rus; the main heroes are Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich Kyiv Novgorod

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What do epics talk about?

About fighting monsters; about the fight against foreign enemies; about meeting and saving relatives; about matchmaking and the hero’s struggle for the bride; about competitions between heroes... G. Travnikov “Bylina”

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The originality of epic images

Epic Kyiv is a symbol of the unity and state independence of the Russian land. Kyiv

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Epic Prince Vladimir, thanks fiction, combined, by the similarity of name, the features of two historical rulers of Rus': Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (reigned from 980 to 1015) and Vladimir Monomakh reigned from 1113 to 1125). Prince Vladimir in the epic is the image of a benevolent ruler. N. Karzin “Feast at Prince Vladimir” prince

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Defender native land, an extraordinary man physical strength and military valor, bearer moral values of his people. The hero sees the meaning of life in serving his homeland.

Y. Arsenyuk “Bogatyrskaya Outpost” hero

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Svyatogor Possesses, the earth bends under his weight, there is too much strength in him, for which the hero cannot be carried by Mother Earth, and he dies. A. Ryabushkin “Svyatogor”

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Volga Svyatoslavich (Volkh Vseslavich)

The son of the princess and the Serpent Gorynych, who inherited from his father the ability to transform into animals and birds, which he uses only for good purposes, for example, to find out the secrets of the enemies of the Russian land. Growing up as a child “by leaps and bounds,” he strove to become wise, and from the age of 12 he led a military squad. I. Bilibin “Volga”

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Mikula Selyaninovich

This hero is not a warrior, but a plowman. In the old way - oratay. Mother Earth loves him and helps him, so the peasant Mikula can put both Svyatogor and Volga to shame. Mikula personifies the forces of the people: today he works peacefully on the arable land, and tomorrow, if enemies come to the Russian land, he will take up the sword. E. Kibrik “Mikula Selyaninovich” I. Bilibin “Volga and Mikula”

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Valiant Warrior, who can also sing and play the harp well; knows no equal in the game of chess. Dobrynya is a snake fighter, the personification of politeness and graceful nobility. S. Moskvitin “Dobrynya Nikitich”

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Ilya Muromets

Born in the city of Murom, in the village of Karacharovo. Having glorified himself with military exploits, defeating the Nightingale the Robber and the Foul Idol, Ilya becomes the first hero of Prince Vladimir, he is recognized as the main one by other Russian heroes. Represents calm and self-confident strength. E. Kibrik “Ilya Muromets”

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According to researchers, the prototype of the people's beloved hero was a historical figure - a strongman nicknamed Chobotok, originally from Murom, who became a monk at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and canonized. His incorruptible relics are kept in the Near Caves of the Lavra.

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Thanks to modern scientific methods, a reconstruction of Ilya’s appearance was carried out. Its results confirmed many information about the hero of epics: he had a heroic physique, high growth and until the age of 33 he could not move due to spinal paralysis.

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Alesha Popovich

The son of a priest from the city of Rostov during the heroic service surprises not so much with his strength as with his daring, resourcefulness, and cunning. A quick-witted mind sometimes helps this mischievous mockingbird more than a treasure sword. K. Vasiliev “Alyosha Popovich and the beautiful maiden”

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V. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”

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Historical prototype The hero was the Novgorod merchant Sadko Sytinets. The epic Sadko is a merchant, a traveler, who can play the harp remarkably well. K. Vasiliev “Sadko and the Lord of the Sea”

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Holy Russian heroes

Sukhman Bova-Korolich Vasily Buslaev Yan Usmar Nastasya Mikulichna

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Imaging Tools

Artistic exaggeration: His good horse and heroic horse began to jump from mountain to mountain, began to jump from hill to hill, small rivers, and lakes between his legs. hyperbole V. Vasnetsov “Heroic Leap”

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One phenomenon or concept is clarified through comparison with another: the hero rides out on his horse “like a falcon,” “like a white gyrfalcon,” the horse under him “like a fierce beast,” the spear in his hands “like a candle burning.” comparison B. Olshansky “Alyosha Popovich and Elena Krasa” (fragment)

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Features of poetic language

Traditional, universal artistic definitions for folklore: GOOD fellow, TRASH maiden, ANT grass, WHITE STONE chambers... permanent epithet V. Vasnetsov “Bayan” (sketch)

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Repetition of words: tautological (“black-black”, “many-many”); synonymous (“villain-robber”, “fight-rattle”) Palilogy, or pick-up (repetition last words previous verse) repetitions of B. Olshansky “From the Dark Depth of Ages”

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Stylistic framing, not related to the plot, creates a general mood: How high is the height of heaven, How deep is the depth of the Akyan-sea, How wide is the expanse throughout the whole earth, How deep are the waters of Neprovsky... the chorus of M. Shrilev “Skomorokhs”

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The first obligatory part of the plot (tells about the birth of the hero, his acquisition of strength; it talks about the place of action, about where the hero leaves from): In the glorious great Novograd A, Buslay lived until he was ninety years old... the beginning of M. Shrilev’s “Morning of Novgorod” Great"

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traditional formulas, almost without changes, passing from one epic to another: And then the Nightingale whistles like a nightingale, He screams, the villain-robber, like an animal... And Alyoshenka roared like an animal, Alyosha hissed like -snake... commonplaces

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What epic cycles are known? What do the stories of the epics tell? What are the features of the epic composition? What is unique about epic images? What means of expression are used in epics?

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Library of Russian folklore: Epics. – M., 1988. Solovyov V.M. Russian culture from ancient times to the present day. - M., 2004 Zueva T.V. Russian folklore: dictionary-reference book. - M., 2002 http://www.travnikov.ru/el-skaz.html http:// allday.ru/index.php?newsid=145868 http://ricolor.org/europe/ukraina/mp/muromets/ http://www.pravoslavie.ru/put/sv/muromec.htmhttp://commons.wikimedia .org/wiki/File:Iliya_muromets_reconstruction01.jpg http://www.artlib.ru/index.php?id=11&idp=0&fp=2&uid=3224&idg=0&user_serie=0 http://biography.sgu.ru/works1.php ?id=8

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We present to your attention a small experimental illustrated dictionary. It may be very incomplete, but it is your own. Explanations are given to several hundred words and concepts related to iconography to varying degrees. The articles are very short, but still, it is better to know a little about everything than a lot about nothing.Who is the dictionary intended for? This dictionary can be classified as popular, and therefore, it is designed for the most wide circle readers.What is included in the dictionary. Dictionary entries cover many topics: technology of icon painting and mural painting, information on iconography and architecture, terms related to worship, historical, biographical, art historical concepts, some outdated words etc.How to use a dictionary. The dictionary is built on the principle notebook: on the right you see signed labels of pages with dictionary entries; by selecting one of them, you can open a sheet with words starting with the selected letters. Here is a list of dictionary pages:A-B|C-G|D-E|G-Z|I-K|L-M|N-O|P-R|S-T|U-F|H-C|CH-SH|SH- Y|E-Z|0-9, A-Z, abbreviations|spelling, spelling|list of articles|literatureThe titles of articles are in most cases given in the singular, for example: “CANON”, not “CANON”. After the title of the article, possible synonyms or spellings are given, separated by commas, for example: “AURPIGMENT, auripigment, auripigment, uripigment... yellow, rauschgelb, razhgil.” Data on accentology may be given in square brackets, the stressed vowel is conventionally shown in red, for example: [apse] A brief etymological reference is given for some terms in parentheses, for example: “ CHLAMYS (lat. chlamidis - cloak)" Dates are given in two styles - “old” ( Julian calendar) and “new” (Gregorian), for example: “4 (17) September.” The dictionary's reference system is built on the basis of hyperlinks. Clicking on an article word that is a link takes you to the corresponding dictionary entry, for example: “ eight-pointed halo» Whenever possible, I tried to include illustrations in the articles, but to save space and loading time, the sizes of the pictures are quite small. To view the picture in more detail, simply click on it. Some specific links are indicated by icons: - links to books and texts - to images (icons, monumental painting etc.) - on architectural structures- on pages and sites on the InternetIf, after the dictionary entry, you see this icon:, then by clicking on it you can find out more detailed information about a word or concept (in any form). You can also look at the list of all Dictionary articles (there, among other things, you can see the current number of dictionary entries) and the list of words that have not yet been described. There is no place and time yet for a page about spelling ( correct pronunciation words). A list of sources used is given on the last page of the dictionary.You can find out about the compilers of the dictionary on the “about the authors” page.Are you interested in its form and content? Maybe you have additions or comments? Please report any errors or inaccuracies you find to NesuSvet.

Drawings by P. Sokolov-Skal
State Publishing House fiction, 1955

In honor of the holiday - Children's Book Day - I would like to present a book of Russian epics with illustrations by Sokolov-Skal. I looked through several books to choose something. We came across "Epics" with illustrations by Pavel Petrovich Sokolov-Skal. Yeah! Corypheus socialist realism, master battle painting, author of “The Storm of the Winter”, “The Death of the Division Chief (Shchors)”, “Chapaev”, “Stalin on the Tsaritsyn Front” and so on and so forth. Twice Laureate Stalin Prize. He was also featured in a children's book. “Epics” and “The Little Humpbacked Horse” were published with his illustrations.

There are no such mastodons in the community. But the graphics deserve to be published. Contemporary artists And recognized classics There are a lot of children's illustrations, but similar works are rare. These illustrations remind me most of Korovin in " Malachite box", it may be interesting to compare them with the works of Reiner. Next are all the graphic sheets, there are 23 of them in the book.

So, twice the Stalin Prize winner, who me in childhood... but more on that at the end, look first.

"Volga says these words:
"God's help, oratayushko!"
Yell, plow, and become peasants"

"He took the bipod with one hand,
He pulled the bipod off the land,
He shook out the land from the Omeshians,
Threw the bipod behind the willow bush.."

"And then Volkh, he was shrewd,
With all the good squad
To the glorious kingdom of the Indians
I immediately went on a hike with them."

"I'm pouring a glass of honey,
They bring it to Ilya Muromets..."

"And they went to the Northern Mountains,
And we drove down the road to the great tomb,
The signature on that coffin reads:
"Who is destined to lie in a coffin,
He'll fall into it."

"Oh, you old Cossack,
Old Cossack Ilya Muromets!
Don’t let Nightingale go to your will again!”

"I killed three Tatars in the field,
Three dogs, riders,
And he rescued his own sister from them,
Young Marfa Petrovich"

"And he pierced the ears at the head of Tugarin Zmeevich,
And he tied the horse to goodness,
And he brought it to Kyiv to the princely court,
Left him in the middle of the prince's courtyard."

"She went into the cherry tree, into the nut tree,
In your own good, in your green garden"

"Duke came to the cathedral church,
The cross is laid out as written,
Bowing leads in a learned manner."

“Ileika’s heroic heart became angry,
Mighty shoulders diverged"

"From the glorious city from Kyiv,
For three miles per measured
There was a great outpost:
First, there stood the old Cossack Ilya Muromets,
Secondly, Dobrynyushka Nikitinich,
Thirdly, Mikhailo Potyk is the son of Ivanovich.
Yes, there were seven Gryadovich brothers..."

"And Mikhaily jumped on his good horse,
And he went under the wicked army,
And he began to chop from one edge"

"Who would go to Kyiv-grad,
He carried a letter to Prince Vladimir,
To give the capital Kyiv city
Without a fight, without a great fight,
Without much bloodshed?

"And Prince Vladimir enters the deep cellars,
And the old Cossack Ilya Muromets sits,
Sits at an oak table
And reads the book of the Gospel."

"He cut off her violent head at the shoulders,
Severed and chopped up a woman's body
And scattered the pieces across the open field
To be devoured by gray wolves"

“I don’t want to play goosebumps anymore.
Shall I take my harp with me into the blue sea?"

"How Sadko began to play guselki yarovchaty,
How the king of the sea began to dance in the blue sea."

So, twice winner of the Stalin Prize, which baffled me as a child. As I already wrote, I publish my own books. Why do they have such crazy facial expressions and crazy eyes? Then, later, as a teenager, I read “The Viking Campaign” (and “Bylina” is still a junior school age- Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, heroes. True, you’ll break your tongue with these epics, but they’re kind of fairy tales) and I learned the word “berserker.” The Berserker is a Viking who dedicated himself to the god Odin and became enraged before battle. Was different in battle great strength, quick reaction, insensitivity to pain, insanity. That’s when I decided that half of the illustrations were berserkers, and not only the Vikings had them. This is the perception of Soviet book graphics.

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