“Safronkov will complicate his position in the diplomatic corps. “Don’t you dare insult Russia”: what is known about diplomat Vladimir Safronkov

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Biography, life story of Vladimir Karpovich Safronkov

Vladimir Karpovich Safronkov is a representative of the Russian diplomatic department.


Vladimir Safronkov (Safrankov) was born into a family that had nothing to do with the diplomatic department. The father of the future diplomat, born on March 29, 1964, visited the dungeons of the NKVD back in the ominous 1937. The security officers accused him of crimes committed in the economic sphere. In those days, one could even be shot for such acts, but Safrankov Sr. managed to get free. Before his imprisonment, Karp Iosifovich held the position of director of the veterinary institute, which he had to vacate after his release. His troubles did not end there: the former prisoner was expelled from the ranks communist party. Realizing that these facts from his biography could harm his loved ones, Karp Iosifovich decided to change his last name and became Safronkov.


The precautionary measures taken by Karp Safrankov had their effect. His son not only successfully entered MGIMO, but also successfully graduated from this prestigious university. During his training, Safronkov Jr. mastered several foreign languages, which helped him in the future.

My labor activity The graduate began working at the Russian diplomatic mission in Tunisia. At the embassy, ​​among other duties, he was responsible for maintaining proper relations with the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Subsequently, Vladimir Safronkov was transferred to Moscow. At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he was primarily involved in clerical work. However, routine activities did not interfere further development his career.

In 2001, Vladimir Safronkov received a new appointment - to the Russian office at the UN, where he oversaw relations with the countries of the Middle East.


He returned to Moscow as deputy director of the department.

At the beginning of 2015, Vladimir Safronkov began serving as Russia’s vice representative to the UN. The leadership of the Russian Foreign Ministry took into account that the diplomat had sufficient experience in relations with Middle Eastern states. At the same time, in addition to such countries, he was assigned to establish contacts with the Balkan states, Afghanistan, Iran and the DPRK.

Reply to British diplomat

On April 12, a regular meeting of the UN Security Council took place. The issue of resolving the armed conflict in Syria was on the agenda. Among the speakers was the representative of Great Britain Matthew Rycroft. The British diplomat told those present that Russia has always supported Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, and is currently not going to abandon this practice. Kremlin politicians, he said, have lost the trust of the rulers of all countries of the world. Foreign Ministry employee from Foggy Albion made a speech through which, as he believed, he crushed the Moscow leadership to smithereens. However, this was not the case.

Vladimir Safronov gave a speech in response. The representative of the Russian side responded to the Englishman in a rather harsh style. So tough that even some Russian media found in his speech phrases more suitable to the expressions of the so-called gopniks.

Foreign diplomats, as well as accredited journalists, were dismayed by this. But the Kremlin reacted condescendingly to the attack by the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Moreover, they believed that Safronkov gave an adequate answer.

Video by Safronkov Vladimir Karpovich

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MOSCOW, April 13 – RIA Novosti. The Kremlin recognized the harsh speech of Russia's Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Vladimir Safronkov in the Security Council as acceptable and justified. According to presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, there was nothing offensive in the diplomat’s words.

"Don't you dare insult Russia!"

Expert on UN Security Council meeting on Syria: the West has reasons to “look away”The Western draft resolution on Syria was blocked by Russia “completely logically.” This opinion was expressed by Middle East expert Dmitry Egorchenkov on Sputnik radio.

An emotional dialogue took place in the UN Security Council the day before, during the discussion of the Western draft resolution on Syria. The document was dedicated to an incident involving chemical weapons in Idlib province and contained accusations against Damascus.

During a Security Council meeting, UK Permanent Representative Matthew Rycroft said that Russia “abuses the right of veto, supports the regime (Syrian authorities - ed.) and the use of chemical weapons.” According to the Briton, Moscow has “lost confidence.”

In response, Safronkov accused the Western diplomat of trying to hamper the efforts of UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura and bring “confrontationalism and hostility” to the work of the Security Council.

“You were scared, you lost sleep that we would cooperate with the United States. You are afraid of this. You are doing everything to ensure that this interaction is undermined... Look at me, don’t look away, why are you looking away?” - Safronkov turned to Rycroft.

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The Russian diplomat also accused London of serving "the interests of armed groups, many of which are massacring Christians and other minorities in the Middle East."

“We are already completely confused about your anti-regime ideas,” Safronkov noted.

“You spoke today, Mr. Rycroft, not according to the agenda of the meeting, insulted Syria, Iran, Turkey, and other states. Mr. Chairman, please follow the order of the meeting, if some are irresponsible, insulting, using slang, regarding their place in the Security Council UN. Don't you dare insult Russia anymore!" - he added.

Matthew Rycroft is known for his strong anti-Russian stance. He has repeatedly accused Moscow of exacerbating the situation in Ukraine and Syria.

He takes an even more intransigent position towards Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Thus, on April 7, a diplomat called him “a vile dictator who believes that he can use gas against his citizens.” However, the British did not provide any evidence of Damascus’ involvement in the chemical attacks.

Published 04/14/17 11:15

However, the Kremlin approved the emotional speech of Russia's Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Vladimir Safronkov at the UN Security Council.

The Kremlin recognized the harsh speech of Russia's Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Vladimir Safronkov in the Security Council as acceptable and justified. According to the president's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, there was nothing offensive in the diplomat's words, RIA Novosti reports.

“Nothing offensive was said,” the official recalled. He added that the topics of discussion in the UN Security Council are “really, very sensitive”, “often they concern the essence and future of international relations.”

“The manifestation of softness is fraught with very disastrous consequences in the future, therefore intkkihs It’s better to defend the interests of our Motherland today, and, if necessary, quite harshly,” Peskov explained.

The Russian Foreign Ministry explained Safronkov’s speech at the UN meeting by saying that the meeting diplomats needed to send a serious emotional signal from Russia.

In another way, “it is simply impossible to bring those who sit at the same table with us in the hall of the Security Council or the OPCW Executive Council out of the state of such political zombification,” noted Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov.

He called the criticism of Safronkov’s speech strange, since Western countries practice insulting Russia from year to year.

“Can you imagine a situation where we would continue the conversation in the genre that, Your Excellency, filled with complete respect and reverence for you, we would ask you to devote a few minutes of your precious time so that you listen to our position. What will be the effect? " - said Ryabkov.

“Because to these excellencies, if we use our sayings, everything is like a pea against the wall, even a stake on their head amuses them, these excellencies. There is also another proverb about eyes and dew,” RIA Novosti quotes the deputy foreign minister as saying.

Meanwhile, advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Zoryan Shkiryak called the Russian diplomat a “fucking bastard” and a “disgusting imperial schmuck” for his speech at the UN.

“The representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, Safronkov, is a fucking asshole, a disgusting imperial schmuck! The inadequate president of Mordor is the same barbaric racist diplomacy. Damn savages. No comment,” he wrote on his page in Facebook.

First Vice-Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Irina Gerashchenko, in turn, stated that Russia “instead of Churkin delegated a fool to the UN.”

According to the representative of the Maidan of Foreign Affairs Foundation, diplomat Oleg Belokolos, Vladimir Safronkov will be remembered for his speech in the same way as Nikita Khrushchev was remembered earlier.

“What we saw went beyond protocol and ordinary human communication. Safronkov got personal and spoke boorishly. The UN saw different things. Nikita Khrushchev at one time knocked his shoe on the table and called the representative of Indonesia an American lackey. This was all included in history of the organization and showed the level cultural development Khrushchev. I think that Safronkov will also go down in UN history forever, like Khrushchev with the shoe,” he said in an interview with GORDON.

Let us note that after Deputy Safronkov’s speech at the UN Security Council Western media feared for the health of British permanent representative Matthew Rycroft.

Thus, BuzzFeed wrote that after such an “aggressive” submission of the application, the Russian diplomat should have damaged the British permanent representative’s kneecaps.

How the emotional dialogue in the UN Security Council took place the day before, during the discussion of the Western draft resolution on Syria. The document was dedicated to the incident with the use of chemical weapons in the province of Idlib and contained accusations against Damascus.

During a Security Council meeting, UK Permanent Representative Matthew Rycroft said that Russia “abuses the right of veto, supports the regime (Syrian authorities - ed.) and the use of chemical weapons.” According to the Briton, Moscow has “lost confidence.”

In response, Safronkov accused the Western diplomat of trying to hamper the efforts of UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura and bring “confrontationalism and hostility” to the work of the Security Council.

“You were scared, you lost sleep that we would cooperate with the United States. You are afraid of this. You are doing everything to ensure that this interaction is undermined... Look at me, don’t look away, why are you looking away?” - Safronkov turned to Rycroft.

The Russian diplomat also accused London of serving "the interests of armed groups, many of which are massacring Christians and other minorities in the Middle East."

Russian diplomat Vladimir Safronkov, who responded harshly to his British colleague during a meeting of the UN Security Council, is already being called a worthy successor to Vitaly Churkin on social networks. "DP" tells what is known about the diplomat and his manner of communicating with Western colleagues.

At a meeting of the UN Security Council on April 12, 2017, a draft resolution condemning the chemical attack in Syria was discussed, which Russia vetoed. During the discussions, British Plenipotentiary Matthew Rycroft accused Russia of abusing the right of veto, supporting the presidential regime, and also said that trust in Russia had been lost due to the actions of the Syrian leader it supported.

The Russian diplomat emotionally responded to the attack of his British colleague, turning to him on a first-name basis and urging him to “not take his eyes off” and “don’t dare insult Russia.”

“And the whole point is - and many people in the UN already know about this - that you were scared, you lost sleep, that we will cooperate with the United States. You are afraid of this! You are doing everything to ensure that this interaction is undermined. That is why... Look at me! Don’t look away! Why are you looking away? That’s why you didn’t specifically listen to Mistura’s speech today,” Safronkov said.

In addition, he accused his Western colleague of having anti-regime ideas, noting that regime change is more important to him than the opinion of the majority of UN members.

Vladimir Safronkov’s speech has already gone viral on social networks, and a number of Russian and Russian people have already written about how he responded to Rycroft. foreign media. It is interesting that from the transcript that appeared on the website, the diplomat’s harshest statements were removed, and the address to Rycroft from “you” was changed to “you.”

"DP" tells what is known about Vladimir Safronkov and his manner of communicating with Western colleagues.

Second class successor

IN in social networks Vladimir Safronkov has already been named worthy successor Churkina. Although officially, after the death of the latter, Pyotr Ilyichev, who previously held the position of first deputy, became the acting permanent representative of Russia to the United Nations. And since February 2014, Vladimir Safronkov has served as Russia’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN for Political Affairs. Safronkov's diplomatic rank is envoy extraordinary and plenipotentiary, 2nd class.

In February 2017, it was Safronkov who informed several media outlets, including the Associated Press and Reuters, about the death of Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin. He also gave a speech during the farewell ceremony in New York at the Russian Permanent Mission, located on 67th Street in Manhattan.

Supporter of regimes

The manner of communication with foreign colleagues, which so pleased users of social networks, is obviously, in principle, characteristic of Vladimir Safronkov. The diplomat has more than once quite emotionally thrown around colorful expressions at meetings of the UN Security Council. “You must first see the beam in your own eye,” he said almost theatrically during a discussion of the Serbian issue.

About anti-regime sentiments Western countries At the meeting on April 12, Safronkov also spoke not for the first time. On November 22, 2016, when the situation in the Middle East was on the agenda of the UN Security Council meeting, he also recalled plans to lift the regime in other countries and called for a stop.

“I must tell you that such bitterness shows that, apparently, your plans are not working, something is not working out, you cannot remove another regime, you cannot destroy another country in the Middle East. But it’s never too late to stop. Doors for cooperation continue to remain open,” the diplomat said.

At the same time, at the November meeting, Safronkov also entered into a discussion with the British representative Matthew Rycroft. The latter spoke about Russia's role in the supply of humanitarian aid to Syria and called on the country to "convince the Syrian regime to allow the United Nations to fulfill its task and deliver aid to Aleppo." Vladimir Safronkov did not ignore his colleague’s remark, although at that time he commented on it much more restrainedly than on April 12.

“There is no need to persuade us to help the United Nations. These are dishonest statements made by Permanent Representative Rycroft. It is dishonest to persuade Russia to help the United Nations. What is this?” - Safronkov addressed his British colleague at the same meeting of the UN Security Council.

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