The winner of the last battle of psychics, season 17 finale. Swami dasha

On December 24, 2016, the country was waiting for the last final episode of the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics.” Everyone froze in anticipation to see who the winner was, everyone hoped for the victory of their favorite favorite. Four participants made it to the finals: Daria Voskoboeva, Nadezhda Shevchenko, Marilyn Kerro, and Swami Dashi. The winner of the 17th battle of psychics will soon be determined.

Battle of psychics season 17 finale – photos and names of the finalists of the last part of the show

4th place

Daria Voskoboevabattle witch, mother of two children, Daria was 36 years old at the time of her participation in the battle. She declares that on the show she put blocks to other participants and took away other people’s skills and abilities, but as they say, in war all means are fair.

At the finals, participants from previous battles came to support Daria: Natalya Banteeva, Tatyana Larina. While addressing the audience, Daria held magical ritual, but unfortunately for her, this did not help, the battle witch took an honorable fourth place with a score of 61,235 people.

3rd place

Nadezhda Eduardovna Shevchenko– a hereditary multifaceted witch, divorced, has a son, 52 years old at the time of participation in the battle. Claims that he sees and knows how to communicate with the souls of the dead. She inherited the gift from her grandmother. At battle competitions she often turned to “dead souls” who helped her pass the test.

The audience fell in love with Nadezhda for her sense of humor and straightforwardness. According to Nadezhda Eduardovna, the main thing for her is helping people, not winning, but at the finals the witch was excited and, like the rest of the participants, was looking forward to the voting results. 76,266 people voted for Nadezhda, this is the third result.

2nd place

Marilyn Cerro- fashion model, calls herself a witch, born September 18, 1988 in Estonia. Marilyn's participation in season 17 caused indignation and indignation among many participants; the witch returned for the third time for the hand. For the first time, Mary participated in 2013 and took second place, losing to Alexander Sheps, for the second time in the “Battle of Psychics” Marilyn returned in the 16th season, but this time she took second place, the victory went to Victoria Raidos, this did not stop the Estonian witch and she returned for season 17. When she first participated, Mary did not speak Russian and used the services of a translator; having learned the language, she returned with renewed vigor.

At the finale, Marilyn said that season 17 was the easiest mentally. For herself, Mary concluded that victory in battle is not important, what is important for her is victory “over herself.” For the third time, Marilyn Kerro took second place, with 488,532 people voting for her.

Winner of the battle of psychics of season 17 - 1st place

The winner of the 17th season of the show “Battle of Psychics” on TNT was Swami Dashi– (real name and surname Pyotr Smirnov). Swami Dashi is a master of eastern practices, a yogi, who lived in India for almost 20 years, where he studied the culture of working with the body, Osho’s aum meditation, and spiritual practices, as a result of which he completely changed his worldview. Dashi conducts his own seminars, lectures and trainings in various cities of Russia and the world.

At the show, people watched with bated breath as he went through the tests and what techniques he used: bell, tambourine, whistle, rapid circling and breathing meditations. Swami Dashi became the most mysterious and secretive participant in the battle; according to him, he deliberately hides his life from outsiders, he is approximately 50 years old, has three children and a wife.

From the very beginning of the project, he declared himself as a strong participant, justifying this in the final and taking first place. At the end of the TV show, Swami Dashi said that at the beginning of the project, he was inexperienced and unsure, but at the end of the show he gained enormous, irreplaceable experience.

There are a huge number of tattoos on the man’s body, mostly images of animals; Swami Dasha’s totem animal is the wolf. Dashi always came to the tests in ordinary jeans and a hat, and even at the finals he did not change his taste.

Photo by Swami Dasha

During the announcement of the results, Dashi stood with eyes closed and only when he heard that he became the winner of the “Battle of Psychics -17” he smiled and thanked his guardian angel and family. 720,761 people voted for him, the total number of votes was 1,346,000.

The voting results show a huge gap in votes, which confirms great love spectators to Swami Dashi.

It's done! Today the final of the 17th season of the project took place. Four of the country's strongest clairvoyants last time appeared before the audience as rivals. Demonologist Anton Grechishnikov, witch-hermit, empath Anna Efremova and priestess of the death cult Heldis. Which of them became the strongest psychic 2017?

Participants from different seasons, members of the jury, as well as STB stars and fans of clairvoyants came to the award ceremony for the winner. They all supported their favorites. However, according to the rules of the project, there can be only one winner. According to the results of the audience voting, the strongest clairvoyant of the 17th season became!

« I want to thank my daughters... They were always with me: they supported me, called me every day and truly believed in me. I have no one except them. I love them very much» , – Olga commented without holding back her emotions.

Even the most embarrassed in her presence desirable men. She doesn’t mince words when she wants to get to the bottom of the truth, and she doesn’t spare herself when she wants to help those in need.

Like the most sexy member season became a hermit? After what did you end relationships with men? Why does a clairvoyant, compassionate towards the grief of others, consider herself a murderer of her own mother? And what price did the winner of season 17 pay for her own gift? Watch the shocking confession of Olga Yankovskaya:

Video: The winner of the “Battle of Psychics”-17 has been determined

Who won the Battle of Psychics Season 17? The final of the project took place on December 24, 2017, read who won the Battle of Psychics Season 17

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18/12/2016 - 13:42

Battle of Psychics Season 17: who won, voting results, photos, videos. The 17th season of the country's most mystical show has come to an end. The audience vote for the title lasted until yesterday evening the best psychic. After a short counting of votes, the long-awaited award ceremony took place. Viewers will see the ceremony next Saturday, December 24, on the TNT channel, but the name of the winner is already known. This was the mystic Swami Dashi.

Battle of Psychics Season 17: who won, voting results, photos, videos. The last tests that the psychics had to go through turned out to be one of the most difficult and emotional this season. Not every psychic could cope with them. And this could significantly affect the voting results. However, the main struggle is for Grand Prize unfolded between the mystic Swami Dashi and the witch Marilyn Kerro.

Dashi continues to receive congratulations from numerous fans. Many of his fans continue to post photos and videos from the scene online. Marilyn is again in second place. Eyewitnesses say that she was not very upset. Most likely, Mary was already prepared for such a development of events. After the final tests of season 17, Mary openly stated that she would be glad to take second place, and did not rule out the possibility of coming to the “Battle” again.

Battle of Psychics Season 17: who won, voting results, photos, videos. Not only their relatives and fans came to support the psychics, but also participants from previous seasons of “Battle.” Her lover, the winner of season 14, Alexander Sheps, came to support Marilyn. Many did not expect to see him here, because in Lately There was discord in the couple. However, judging by their behavior at the ceremony, everything is fine with them.

Who won the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. The most exciting and mystical show country, all 16 issues continued to shock and intrigue fans of the paranormal and supernatural. The audience could not even imagine such a turn of events and were looking forward to the grand finale. The show's favorites have been visible since the very first episode, but main question who the winner would be remained a mystery. And now the whole country has learned big name the winner who will receive the most important prize of the season.

Who won the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. Throughout the season in social network There were a lot of guesses that made the situation even more tense. So Merlin Kerro published a photo with a blue hand in her hands, and also transparently hinted at second place for herself. But only now, Marat Basharov officially announced the name of the winner. And of course, as many spectators expected, the victory went to Swami Dashi, who never made a mistake and helped many people. It seems that the esotericist does not see the bad, but pays attention to the good.

But Merlin Kerro, as she predicted for herself, received second place, which once again proved her talents. Let us remember that Merlin said back in episode 16 that she would get 2nd place. She also promised to return to the show again. Let us remind you that the red-haired Lithuanian has already taken part in the project 4 times and again, half a step away from victory, did not receive first place.

Who won the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. The victory went to the best magician and esotericist, who from the very beginning became the favorite of the project. Please note that the ceremony has not yet been shown on TV. She will appear on the channel only on December 24, 2016, and until then you can watch pictures and videos on the Internet.

Leader of the 17th Battle of Darius Voskoboev.

At the beginning of the season, big bets were made on Voskoboeva. It was rumored that with a 90% probability this girl would win. Daria Voskoboeva passed the “Trunk” test three times. The first time she had no difficulty finding the person in the trunk. Safronov did not believe in such a quick result and, for the purity of the experiment, suggested repeating the search.

Daria Voskoboeva

On the second attempt, Daria got lost and opened the trunk of the owner of the car, whose item was given to her. The owner of the car himself was hiding in another place. Then Voskoboeva asked for revenge and a third attempt.

The presenter agreed to give the witch another chance, but with a condition. Daria and Safronov made a bet. If a girl doesn't find a person in the trunk, she leaves the show. If she finds it, then Sergei Safronov must fulfill any of her wishes. Safronov lost.

Swami Dashi and the dance of Sufi dervishes.

Latest on film set Swami Dashi came out. With the help of the dance of Sufi dervishes, he plunged into a trance. Then the man fell to his knees in front of the car in which there was a person. By at will he re-tested. Both times were successful.

Swami Dashi

Nadezhda Shevchenko and her crying candles.

Nadezhda Shevchenko did not find the person in the trunk, but was able to surprise everyone both at this test and at Mister X.

To search for the person in the trunk, she used candles that made strange sounds. With the help of candles, she told about the owners of the cars, which touched the observers.

Nadezhda Shevchenko

On “Mr. X,” Nadezhda Shevchenko made Nastasya Samburskaya worry with her visions. She talked about the actress’s family, which Samburskaya had not talked about before.

Marilyn Cerro

Rumors about Marilyn Kerro's participation in season 17 have been confirmed. For the third time, the witch returns to win the project. An army of fans are preparing their phones to send SMS for her, so that it doesn’t work out like in the previous season. Then the fans were too lazy to vote and Kerro ended up in second place. They won't allow this to happen again. The fact that the Estonian will be in the final is certain.

Marilyn Cerro

Gypsy Violetta Polyakova.

The gypsy Violetta Polyakova cannot be written off. The girl coped well with the tasks and was liked by viewers. She did not cause such delight as the first three psychics, but the Battle has just begun and perhaps everything will change.

Who do you think is worthy of victory in the 17th Battle of Psychics? Suggest your options in the comments.

Fans of the “Battle of Psychics” have finally waited for the release of season 17. Its first episode aired on TNT on September 3. The candidates for participation in the project were strong and bright. Traditional tests helped put everything in its place in the first episode: a screen, a trunk and Mr. X. Many shocking and self-confident, but, alas, not possessing psychic abilities, applicants for participation in the show were eliminated. And those who entered the legendary hall truly surprised the guests and skeptics. It's time to start thinking, guessing and arguing, who will win the “Battle of Psychics” of season 17? To make some hypotheses, we turned to fans of psychic battles who are discussing the show on a special forum.

Participants of the 17th season “Battle of Psychics”: photos and list of names

The first broadcast has ended, and the list of participants in the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics” has been finalized. Each of them is confident in their strength and is ready to prove that they are worthy of a place in the top three finalists. Names and photos of participants in the “Battle of Psychics” (season 17):

  1. Violetta Polyakova (St. Petersburg) was the first to appear at the test in the hangar and immediately won her place in the battle. Her gift was revealed at the age of 6 after 14 clinical deaths. The psychic calls herself a key witch and uses her own rituals.

  2. Daria Voskoboeva (photo 2) is another St. Petersburg witch who amazed skeptics. Before the selection tests among psychics, it turned out that she was part of the well-known coven of Northern Witches. Its founder is Natalya Banteeva, and one of the participants, Tatyana Larina, took 2nd place in season 15. Daria calls herself a battle witch with the power to steal abilities from other participants. Owns Eastern practices, a medium, knows how to set up defense and attack. Many fans of the show name her in their predictions regarding who will win season 17 of the “Battle of Psychics.”

  3. Nadezhda Shevchenko is a witch from St. Petersburg who greatly impressed Mr. X. According to the witch, she got the gift of clairvoyance from her grandmother. At the age of 12 she experienced clinical death. The psychic calls herself a multifaceted witch, because she works with different forces. He turns to the souls of the dead for help, calling them “dead shadows.”

  4. Ivan Vlasov (St. Petersburg) is the first technomage in the battle. During the tests, the psychic appeared with a small microprocessor talisman. He stated that he was ready to challenge traditional magic schools and esoteric directions.

  5. Maria Gan is another young member of the St. Petersburg coven of Northern Witches. She calls herself a dreamer, sees the future through dreams and even knows how to influence it. The psychic is good at fortune telling with Tarot cards. Has excellent potential and charisma to win in audience voting Season 17 of “Battle of Psychics.”

  6. Olga Dombrovskaya (Fairy) is a parapsychologist from London, a psychic who came specifically to participate in the show. A practicing healer, he calls himself a Master of Occult Sciences.

  7. Elena Davydova is a clairvoyant from Ivanovo. She claims that Boris Yeltsin himself turned to her for advice. A psychic has the gift of healing people. IN personal interview She stated that she was far from both black and white magic.

  8. Denis Vysotsky is an esotericist from St. Petersburg. The psychic introduces himself as a member of the mystical order of the Templars. “Mr. X” performed well in the test. It is quite possible that he will win the 17th battle. In any case, he is guaranteed access to the semi-finals and finals with a high degree of probability.

  9. Lyubomir Bogoyavlensky is a magician from Kyiv. Calls himself a priest of the cult of the spirit of fire. The personality of the psychic is shrouded in rumors: he is also known under the name Lucifer Besoyavlensky, is engaged in writing, is interested in occult philosophy, bioenergy, and works with Tarot cards.

  10. Margarita Bakhtiyarova from Krasnodar calls herself a hereditary witch, works with the living and the dead, and practices necromagic.

  11. Elias Nikitis (Anton Mamon) is an esotericist from Moscow, a psychic who presents himself as a gatekeeper. He is engaged in extrasensory perception, spiritualism, and tells fortunes using Tarot cards.

  12. Swami Dashi (Moscow) is the most mysterious participant in the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics”, who is also predicted to be the winner now. Hides his real name, says very little about himself. It is known that he lived in India for 20 years, studying meditative techniques, working with physical and astral body. Psychic student famous mystic Osho was presented as a Sufi and a dervish. He demonstrated on the set falling into a trance state, which helped him cope perfectly with the test of finding a person in the trunk.

Predictions and projections: who will win the 17th season of the show “Battle of Psychics”

Of course, it is difficult for us to compete with supersensing magicians and make a 100% prediction of who will win the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” but we are able to give a forecast from experts and fans of all “Battles.” So, who is least likely to reach the final stage of the psychic battle? Margarita Bakhtiyarova, who did not surprise the audience in any way, was in the first row for elimination. As past seasons have shown, hereditary witches either reveal themselves immediately (like Ilona Novoselova and Elena Golunova) or quickly leave.

Psychics Olga Dombrovskaya and Elena Davydova are unlikely to reach the halfway point of the project. Their types are similar to Polina Podolskaya, Vera Sertakova and Tatyana Ikaeva, who did not stay long in different seasons. Of the male cast, among those who win the final of the show “Battle of Psychics” (season 17), viewers are unlikely to see Ivan Vlasov or Elias Nikitis. These young people have not yet demonstrated outstanding extrasensory abilities. Best Chances Of the men, Denis Vysotsky, who is very similar to Arseniy Karadzh and Vlad Kadoni, participants in past seasons of psychic battles. Although Elisas came with the type of Julia Wang, being creative personality and a photographer, while losing against the background of stronger participants in the 17th season.

The “dark horses” that are difficult to predict for now are Lyubomir Bogoyavlensky and Maria Gan. The priest, although he looks somewhat comical, can suddenly show himself, like Mikhail Filonenko, or not show himself at all, like Konstantin Yampolsky. Maria is very reminiscent of Nicole Kuznetsova and has a high chance of reaching at least the middle of this season. The main fight for a place in the final and victory will take place between the other contenders for the “Hand”.

Discussions of the “Battle of Psychics”: who will win in season 17 according to forum participants

On the forums for discussing season 17, fans of the “Battle of Psychics” are already making bets on who will win. Many are sure that Daria Voskoboeva, who has secured the support of the coven, will definitely be among the top three. Although there are those who doubt her abilities. Swami Dashi, who studied with Osho like Vit Mano (finalist of season 13), is predicted to be her main rival.

After the first broadcast, many are betting on Violetta Polyakova and Nadezhda Shevchenko. Gypsy psychics very often showed good results in the battle, remember at least Aza Petrenko or the Lyulyakov sisters from past seasons. Nadezhda works with the souls of the dead, which vaguely resembles the winner last season– Victoria Rydos. It was about who would win out of these four psychics that sparked the debate on the forums dedicated to discussing the 17th season of “Battle.”

Where to watch the latest episode of season 17 “Battle of Psychics” online for free

All episodes of the 17th season “Battle of Psychics” (from the first to the last) can be watched on the official TNT website online for free. Stay tuned for new episodes: the battle is unfolding in earnest.

Test your psychic abilities! Write in the comments who will win in season 17

Try to make your own forecast and test your intuition. Maybe you already know who will be among the three finalists? Leave your comments and opinions about who will win the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics”.

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