How and when to correctly perform magical rituals and ceremonies. Conspiracies and rituals for weight loss - the most effective magical rituals at home

In the modern world, money plays a decisive role. That's why it’s so important to increase them, attract cash flow to become a self-sufficient, independent and successful person. Enough for this perform some magical rituals from time to time and work hard.

Conditions for the correct conduct of a magical ritual

For that so that money magic has power, and was aimed at attracting cash flow, and not vice versa, it is necessary to follow the basic rules before carrying out this ritual concerning money:

  1. R The ritual is held at dawn or dusk, during the waxing phase of the moon, always on an empty stomach
  2. You need to wash and comb your hair, for women - cover their heads with a white scarf
  3. You should turn to face east, you need to read the plot while applying the sign of the cross (for those who don’t know, then a prayer gesture when a cross is reproduced with a movement of the hand)
  4. Follow the ritual completely, from start to finish., any change in execution, sequence, text, attributes may lead to no result
  5. Learn the text of the conspiracy by heart

Proper preparation for the ritual

No less important is proper preparation for the money ritual. The room in which it is carried out must be clean and, preferably, empty. Remove all unnecessary items. Prepare in advance all the things you will need during the spell process. You must be alone in the room, there should be no strangers nearby.

Say the text loudly and clearly, do not hesitate to speak emotionally, with feeling, take your time. remember, that before the conspiracy, you must read the prayer “Our Father”. It is she who gives you access to God and allows you to ask him for help, and the ritual is the request itself. Therefore, if you are an atheist, you should not even try to resort to White magic, including money ritual.

Favorable time for money rituals

The most successful months for carrying out a money ritual are May, October or November. Luck will not smile on you in March, April, June, July, August and December. The remaining months are considered neutral; you can try to perform the ritual during this time, but success will not be guaranteed. Choose the time depending on the phase of the moon. The 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 12th and 13th days of the full moon are considered good days. remember, that the waxing moon phase is ideal for luring money and other creative endeavors, and decreasing - to complete things, as well as remove damage and the evil eye.

Ritual to attract money

Let's look at an example of one of the rituals for attracting money. It is best done at the end of May when the ground is dry. If it rained before, the ritual should be postponed. Choose a place where the ground is dense, sand or stone surfaces are not suitable. On the fifth day of the new moon at dawn, go to a pre-selected place, dig a small hole, put a 5-kopeck coin there with the coat of arms facing up and say the phrase “ Dear Pyatak, don’t share it further, stay in your wallet quickly.»

Having returned home, in some place where no one but you will go, put a clay pot. Every day at exactly noon, throw one coin into it for a week, starting with 1 kopeck, as follows: 1 day - 1 kopeck, 2 day - 2 kopecks, 3 day - 5 kopecks, 4 day - 10 kopecks, 5 day - 50 kopecks, 6th day - 1 ruble, 7th day - 2 rubles. It is important not to miss a single day.

On the 8th day, again at exactly noon, cover the table with a snow-white tablecloth. Place your clay pot with coins in the center of the table. Take a church candle and light it with matches from a brand new box. Place the candle on the table nearby, take the pot, shake it, saying: “God, give me a golden river and silver shores at all times. Amen". After these words, you need to extinguish the candle, without blowing on it.(with your hand, a drop of water, whatever you can).

On day 9, go to Church and use all the money from the pot to buy a candle. Place it together with the candle in front of which you performed the ceremony, for the health of your envious people. Donate to the Church, give as much as you can. And, returning home, at the nearest intersection toss a coin with words: “Paid everything in full.” It is very important not to tell anyone about the ritual performed, otherwise it will not work.

TO As you can see, this ritual to attract money is quite simple to carry out, the main thing is to do everything in the correct sequence and desire wealth with all your heart.

1. Think again about what you are taking on and how it might turn out. If you’re not sure that you need it, don’t do anything so that you don’t end up biting your elbows later.

2. Before you begin, put strong protections on yourself and carefully prepare for the ritual itself. Everything must be carried out exactly as described (if you are confident in the correctness and authenticity of the ritual)! If a replacement is possible, this will be stated. If you do not have the opportunity to use some item described in the ritual, it is better to choose another ritual.

3. Do everything alone, unless you need another person for the ceremony. Banish all extraneous thoughts. You should only think about what you want. It’s better not to think, but just to know. (Doubt is collapse).

4. Reading all white magic conspiracies requires preliminary reading of the basic prayers “Creed”, “Our Father”, “Hail to the Virgin Mary”, “Jesus Prayer”, you need to memorize these prayers. For spell rituals, the forces of one or all elements of the universe can be called upon: Fire, earth, Water, Air, and also a prayer can be said - an appeal to the angel of a given day of the week.

5. Conspiracies are read - in the morning at dawn, facing east, unless otherwise stated, in the afternoon or at sunset.

6. Draining from a mistress or other lapel rituals should be performed at sunset - facing west, towards the setting sun, when the patroness of the offended and abandoned - the evening dawn - comes into force. At this moment, such conspiracies receive much greater power, a stronger magical effect.

7. In the middle of the day, you should perform all kinds of strengthening rituals aimed at getting rid of quarrels and conflicts between loving people, and strengthening existing feelings. Such prayers and incantations should also be said while facing the sun, at the moment when it is high in the sky, i.e. exactly at noon. Black rituals are performed after sunset, facing west. Such a love spell (including payoffs) must be completed before dawn the next day, or better yet, immediately after the ritual.

8. Conspiracies must be read in a sober state in a whisper, unless the preface to the conspiracy says otherwise (sometimes some conspiracies are read silently to oneself, or very loudly out loud, in a chant). Whispers are spoken in a low voice into the patient's ear, which at the same time must be lightly stroked clockwise with your palm. The patient does not need to hear all the words, but here are the key ones: “Go away the pain,” “Disappear,” “Get lost,” “So be it,” “Truly,” “Amen,” etc. - certainly.

9. If there are no special instructions, then conspiracies should be read for women on women's days - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, for men - on men's days Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

10. Before the conspiracy, you cannot eat for three hours, you can only drink clean water. All actions related to magic are performed only on an empty stomach. Because a full stomach dulls the senses necessary to take effect, makes the magician weaker, and therefore reduces the likelihood of a successful result. (Sometimes the post is specified)

11. All words of incantations, spells, etc. must be repeated exactly as written. It is better to learn conspiracies by heart (reading from a sheet of paper written in your own hand is allowed). If you make a mistake when reading the text, it is better to start reading the plot from the very beginning. Or postpone it for another lesson day.

12. Most conspiracies are universal, that is, you can read them for both men and women, changing the words “servant of God (name)” to “servant of God (name).” If a person is baptized with a different name, then the spell reads exactly that name, and not the one written in the passport. Sometimes a worldly name is used.

13. Each conspiracy is read at least three times, and as a rule, at least three days in a row. Until you are strong in magic, read the plot 3, 6, 9, 12, 21, 27, 40 times. In order not to lose count, after each reading, put aside one coin or match, you can sort out the rosary. This does not mean anything magically, but it will help to carry out the ritual correctly. When you see what works well, you can reduce the number of times to three. (There are recommendations to calculate the time so that Saturday does not fall on these days, probably because among our ancestors, “Sobotka” Saturday had a meaning as a free day, free for Mother Earth).

14. No cosmetics on the face are allowed. Your clothes should be plain (or better yet, carry out the rituals in a long shirt of unbleached linen). The main requirement for clothing is its simplicity and the absence of unnecessary details. It is advisable that clothing completely cover the arms and legs (to the toes for women, to the knees for men). Although now both women and men are allowed to wear trousers, the clothes of a person who decides to resort to love spells should not have belts, ties or metal fasteners. Everything is done barefoot; take off not only your shoes or slippers, but also your stockings. There should be no jewelry on the hands or ears. In general, remove any jewelry. You need to let your hair down and not comb it in the morning. A man must have his head uncovered.

15. No bright, catchy designs are allowed on clothing. Black clothing is suitable for performing black rituals. The white color symbolizes the purity of not only a person, but also his intentions, and also personifies all the forces of light. If you are performing a white love spell, then you should perform it in white clothes.

16. If you appeal to the spirits of the deceased, the windows should be closed.

17. If you call your loved one over, open the windows.

18. Rituals aimed at forgetting the past (or aimed at making another person forget the past) must be done at sunrise (or before sunrise). And if your goal is to influence your future, conspiracies should be read at sunset.

19. If you speak against yourself, then before that you need to fast for three days. You can’t eat fast food: meat, milk, eggs. You can eat fish - but only if these days do not fall on Wednesday and Friday. The one who is being spoken to must also keep a fast.

20. Rituals and spells must be done while absolutely healthy. You cannot work during your period. Pregnant women should not read conspiracies (except for those conspiracies with which a mother treats her child or puts a talisman on him). The fact is that the child at this time is still very weak, so he easily takes on all the maternal negativity, and if, after reading this or that conspiracy, you receive a backlash, in this case, with a hundred percent probability, your child will suffer from it. You should remember that an unborn child is very vulnerable and can be seriously harmed by things that an adult may not even notice.

21. Be sure to put up “protection” when performing any ritual. The best methods of protection are: cut off a small strand of hair from your head after performing the ritual and burn it on a church candle; before performing the ritual, go outside, hug the tree that grows closest to your door, and after the ritual, pierce the ring finger on your left hand with a steel pin, return to the same tree and squeeze seven drops of blood under its roots; immediately after performing the ritual, go for a minor poop and pour it into the snow behind the house (this protection only works in winter, when there is snow). Be sure to read the “Our Father” nine times after each ritual.

22. Never tell anyone about what you did and what you achieved with it.

23. Seal any conspiracy with the words “key, lock, tongue”, “key in the sky, castle in the sea”, etc. There are also generic ones.

24. It is mandatory to have several icons in the house: Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Kazan Mother of God, saints in whose honor all family members are named or baptized, St. Panteleimon (healer), St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov, Spiridonius of Trimifunt (helps with all matters , associated with the house), all saints.

25. There should always be red, yellow and brown church candles, holy water, and silver objects in the house.

26. Have a lunar calendar at hand, because some spells need to be done on certain lunar days.

27. Conspiracies cannot be read on Sunday - this is the time for prayer. I do not read conspiracies on Easter and on the twelfth church holidays: Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Exaltation of the Cross, Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple, Nativity of Christ, Epiphany, Presentation, Annunciation, Transfiguration, Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Palm Sunday, Ascension, Trinity. Also, conspiracies are not read during Holy Week, on Forgiveness Sunday. Except for those conspiracies and rituals that are done only on these days.

28. If you make a conspiracy to someone, then be sure to take something from him in payment.

29. After they have made a spell for you, go to church and give generous alms to the poor. If money is short, it is better to give one person, but a lot, than a penny to everyone. Give some amount to the candle box. (Unless otherwise stated).

Almost every person in his life sometimes thinks about correcting his destiny with magical intervention, but not everyone knows when and how to carry out conspiracies and rituals for money, love, purification and other magical actions. The success of the ritual depends on many factors that every novice magician should know about.

During the ritual, you must be determined to succeed.

How to behave during the ceremony

During the ritual, you must be determined to succeed. There must be an understanding in your head of what and why you are doing. There must be a specific goal towards which you will move with the help of magic. You must believe in what you are doing. If there is no faith, there will be no result. You should not perform rituals to see if they work; magic can have a bad effect on your health or financial and social situation.

  1. Be serious, don't be distracted by extraneous factors, don't laugh. Remember that everything you do is extremely serious.
  2. During any ritual, you should be as relaxed as possible and not tense with heavy thoughts. You can use meditation to relax. Experienced magicians can put their thoughts in order without using any meditation or visualizing their relaxation.
  3. You can try one of the relaxation methods used by novice magicians. A good, effective way to relax.
  4. To do this, you will need to sit in the position that is most comfortable for you. It is advisable to “ground yourself”, recharge yourself with the energy of the earth, by sitting on it.
  5. If you are performing the ritual in winter and there is no opportunity to sit on the ground, you can sit on the floor at home, laying a rug or towel under you.
  6. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a standing position.

Around you in your mind there should be nothing but a luminous ball of energy that flies around you in a spiral, absorbing all the negative energy and bad thoughts.

Sit in this position and imagine a ball until you are sure that all the negativity from you has gone into the ball.

Conditions for successfully performing the ritual

For the ritual to be successful, certain conditions specified in the description of the ritual must be met. If there are no certain conditions, then you need to adhere to the general requirements, tested by time and our ancestors.

Venue of the ceremony

There should be no one except you in the place where you will perform the ritual. Some people say that it is okay to have pets around you, but this is not true.

  • During the ritual, you need maximum concentration, and people and animals can interfere with you and redirect your attention from the ritual to them. The consequences of this may not be particularly pleasant if you have practiced Black Magic; if White, then the ritual may simply not work.
  • It is advisable to carry out all rituals in nature, away from people. If it is not possible to carry out the ceremony in nature, you can do it at home, but among trees and herbs it will be much more effective.
  • Windows should be tightly closed and curtained if the description of the ritual says that it needs to be done differently, or if rituals are being performed to attract money or a ritual that attracts success.
  • The window in the window should be slightly open, but the windows should be curtained, if this action is described in the ritual, or if a ritual is being performed for a love spell, for expelling negative energy, when cleaning the house and when carrying out any negative action that should not linger in your home .
  • Before starting the ritual, it is worth performing rituals for protection.

Your home must have church candles, Thursday salt and silver. Also icons of all saints, holy water. If one of the saints is mentioned during the ritual, a candle must be lit in front of his icon. If the conspiracy mentions dark forces, then the icons should be removed from the venue, or covered with a scarf.

You during the ceremony

Your thoughts must be pure, you must be focused on the ritual. For greater concentration, you can use ancient meditation methods. To do this you need:

  • Sit in the lotus position, preferably the correct one, but if it doesn’t work out for you, then it will work out the way it works out for you. The main thing is effort. Close your eyes. Sit with your eyes closed for a minute if you think a minute is enough. Hear your breath, focus on each inhalation and exhalation.
  • As you inhale, mentally say “inhale,” and as you exhale, “exhale.”
  • Sit like this for at least seven minutes a day. For better results, and so that in the future you do not need to meditate for relaxation and concentration, Buddhists advise doing this meditation every day.
  • Rituals have been performed naked and barefoot since ancient times. There should be no clothing, underwear, or jewelry on the human body. It was allowed to leave a cross, because it was not a decoration. Rituals that were performed naked were often performed in communion with nature, in a forest or wooded area, near lakes or streams.
  • Nowadays, it will be difficult to completely isolate yourself in nature, and even to such an extent that you can be there naked, so naked rituals are carried out at home when no one is there.
  • In the modern interpretation of rituals, it is allowed to wear clothes if there is no possibility or special desire to be naked. Clothes should be made from natural materials, plain. The clothes are the simplest, a skirt and a T-shirt, a simple dress. Not bright colors, clothes should be either gray or muted passive colors.
  • There should be no makeup on your face, your hair should be loose, and it is advisable not to comb your hair in the morning.
  • It is also allowed to leave jewelry if they are used as talismans or contain natural minerals. If you still decide to leave the jewelry, then when performing Black Magic rituals, it is recommended to leave jewelry with agate and a silver frame. During White Magic rituals, silver and moonstone must be present in the jewelry.
  • You cannot tell anyone that you are performing, have performed, or are planning to perform a ritual. During the ritual, do not be distracted and do not talk to anyone. You cannot perform rituals if you are on your period.

At least three days before the magical ritual, you should not eat meat and dairy products, and you should not drink alcohol. Experienced magicians do not drink at all, and not just three days before the ritual.

During the ritual, your thoughts must be clear, you must be concentrated on the ritual

Magic paraphernalia

In addition to the icons of all Saints, holy water, Thursday salt and church candles, there should be candles of various colors in the house. Each candle of a certain color has its own properties, inherent only to a candle of each color. If you don't have the opportunity to buy candles of different colors, you can take white ones and decorate them with wax crayons.


The red candle symbolizes passion and desire. A red candle is used for love spells, attracting love and success in creativity.


A white candle symbolizes protection and purity and is used for any purpose.


A black candle is used to get rid of negative emotions, to induce damage or cool down.


A green candle symbolizes growth, success, and monetary gain. Green candles are most often used in wealth rituals.


The blue candle symbolizes freedom from fear. Used to calm down. Blue candles can also strengthen a subtle connection with the other world.


A brown candle is used in household rituals and symbolizes home comfort.


The pink candle is used in romantic rituals, for love and friendship.


An orange candle will become an indispensable assistant in rituals for a successful business.


The purple candle symbolizes approaching God. It is used exclusively in rituals belonging to White magic, despite such a dark color.


  • You should know the conspiracies by heart, pronounce all the words correctly and consciously. It is allowed to change words in conspiracies only to synonyms, so as not to violate the meaning of the conspiracy.
  • The spell can be written on a piece of paper, but only handwritten text gives the spell the necessary magical concentration. Also, the entries must be completed without errors.
  • The wealth plot is written on a blank, unlined sheet of paper with a pen with green ink. The colors of writing spells are of great importance in magical rituals.

When to perform rituals

On what days are magical rituals performed? Practicing magicians will tell you when to perform rites and when to perform rituals. They basically claim any day except Sunday. You can turn to a magician for help so that he can show you when it is best to do the ritual you have chosen. It is only important to choose the appropriate lunar cycle for the ritual being performed.

The moon affects the human body depending on its phase

  1. Rituals for women are best performed on women's days, for men - on men's days. Women's days are Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Men's days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
  2. Rituals to attract money are done on Thursday.
  3. During dawn, sunset, midnight, and noon, the effect of rituals intensifies. Dawn, sunset, noon or midnight are not just one minute. You still have plus or minus half an hour left.
  4. Rituals for positive actions (ritual for money, success, wealth, love) are done on the waxing moon, when it is still light. Rituals for cleansing, spoiling, discord and similar magical actions that have fading properties are carried out at night on the waning moon.
  5. It is also impossible to perform magical rituals during the Twelfth Holidays.

You cannot interrupt a ceremony that will take more than one day. If you tried to perform a ritual, but something went wrong (you were distracted, you forgot the words of the spell, there are not enough paraphernalia), you cannot perform another ritual on the same day, it is better to wait until a new day comes.

During the ritual

  1. Don't bend your fingers. If you need to read the plot several times, it is better to count the number in your mind. If you are afraid of losing your way, use matches or counting sticks.
  2. If you think that someone is standing behind you, do not turn around under any circumstances, but do not be afraid.
  3. You need to sit facing west, unless a different position is indicated in the provisions for the ritual.

After performing a magical ritual

  1. After performing the ritual, all remnants of magical paraphernalia must be burned or thrown away, unless otherwise indicated in the description of the ritual.
  2. Candles should not be extinguished by breathing; use a bottle cap or extinguish the flame with your fingers. To avoid getting burned, extinguish the flame with your fingers using a sideways movement.
  3. Items that you used during the ritual should not be used in everyday life. If this is a kitchen utensil that you cannot do without, it is recommended that you bless it before further use.
  4. If the ritual requires the candle to burn out to the end, and the remains of it need to be thrown away, then sprinkle salt on the candlestick.
  5. After performing rituals for damage or similar dark magical actions, you must observe a bloodless fast for at least three days. If the fast is not observed, there is a risk that the damage will affect you.

Do not tell anyone that you performed a magical ritual. If anyone asks, simply say that you can recommend it, that it is effective, if it really helped you. The ritual performed must remain secret between you and the one from whom you asked for help.

Magical rites and rituals require effort and time. If it seems to you that you have not achieved the desired result, you can perform another same or similar ritual, only in the next lunar cycle. Some particularly strong rituals can be repeated no more than once a year.

Novice magicians, due to ignorance and inexperience, make many mistakes, most of which are associated with the wrong choice of time for the ritual, clothing, and the necessary tools. The right choice of time for magic is very important for a novice magician. The strength of the spell and what it will be aimed at will depend on this. Even in the old days, the time for the spell was written in magic books. The location of the ritual also greatly influences the result. The choice of place and time will depend on the goal.

What time of day to perform rituals

If you are removing a spell, for example, damage, conspiracy, evil eye, then the morning is better. This is the best time for auspicious deeds. Also suitable are midday, birthdays, major religious holidays, days after a lunar and solar eclipse. They are well used to treat celibacy, attract good luck and money.

However, extreme caution must be taken with religious holidays. For example, if a magician has undergone baptism, he is absolutely forbidden to practice on Christian holidays. Moreover, the direction of this practice towards good or evil does not matter in the slightest. This is due to the fact that from the point of view of Christianity, magic is evil by definition, no matter what it is and what purposes it is aimed at. At the moment of baptism, the magician is stamped with this religious law, which subsequently affects him throughout his life. Thus, a baptized magician finds himself disarmed at the time of Christian holidays. On the contrary, the unbaptized can take advantage of all the powerful energy of these days.

Black magicians use the night time, from sunset to dawn. The purpose of warlocks: psychic attacks, conspiracies, curses on people, love spells.

For the spell to be successful, cast it at twelve o'clock. This time is a kind of watershed between days. Midnight is the best time, especially when the clock is striking.

What day is the ritual performed?

It also matters on what day the ritual is performed.

Monday: Suitable for future-oriented spells.

Tuesday: an effective day to return a lover or prodigal husband.

Wednesday: day to receive money, protect home and family from the evil eye.

Thursday: Best for revealing secrets and conspiracies.

Friday: not a day for fortune telling.

Saturday: day for personal protection. The spell of your amulets and talismans will be especially effective.

For warlocks, Saturday is also a great day to attack. This is due to the fact that Saturday, from the point of view of cabalism, is given to the angels of retribution. Moreover, it is Saturday, and not Sunday, as is commonly believed, that is the seventh day of the week among the Jews. In fact, it is the rule of the vengeful angels that explains the ban on work on the Sabbath - so as not to do evil. So, if the purpose of the ritual is retribution and destruction, it is difficult to find a more suitable day of the week.

Sunday: not a good day for spells and rituals. It's better to go to church and thank God for all the good things in life.

But again...

Sunday is the day of the sun and the first day of the week from the point of view of the Jewish science of angels. And this, in turn, makes this day very convenient for spells that give wealth, power, position and honor in society. Since Michael, the angel of fire, rules on this day, spells associated with this element promise to be very productive. And since fire has a very thin line between the good it bestows and the destruction it brings, the day can be used both to create good and to cause evil.

The role of clothing in the success of rituals

Clothes for a magician are not the least important. While casting the spell, he must be dressed in linen clothing. There should be nothing on it except talismans and amulets. The magician must be in a good mood, nothing should bother him. Then everything will work out in the best possible way. If you have any doubts or pain, it is better to postpone the ceremony.

When choosing clothes, it is important to remember three basic rules:

  1. Fit to ritual and place.
  2. Naturalness.
  3. convenience for the magician himself.

It is important to remember that many rituals require very specific attire, not to mention the fact that it would be stupid and absurd to dress in a black robe covered with symbols of evil and call on the help of angels. Or, on the contrary, putting on all the possible attributes of goodness - trying to perform a destructive ritual.

The second important aspect.

Any magic is contact with nature or, at least, with one or another of its forces. And, therefore, the fewer barriers there are between the magician and his environment, the more successful the operation will be. That is why there are rituals that require complete nudity. In any case, the less synthetic clothing you wear (rubber boots, leatherette, etc.), the better.

Well, and finally, if the magician is uncomfortable in his clothes, he simply will not be able to concentrate his attention on the ritual he is performing.

Things needed for a ritual that promises good are bought without haggling. It's even better to try to overpay. The purchase is made in the morning. The best days to buy: mother's birthday, your date of birth, days divisible by seven.

Would you like to become rich and successful? “A funny question asked by a strange author!” - you will think. Who in our time is not eager to throw money left and right? Of course everyone wants it! But, unfortunately, not everyone is lucky in this sense. To some, the “green pieces of paper” simply stick, and they hardly make any corresponding efforts, unlike the rest, who, due to their diligence, swiftness, efficiency, and thirst for knowledge, regularly watch how money “floats” by, defiantly jumping into a colleague’s pocket for work. “Well, why is there such injustice?” - you ask. The answer is simple. Perhaps you have a “money-less curse” that simply does not allow you to get rich and enjoy a measured life, or maybe you handle money inappropriately, throwing unnecessary coins into the trash can or crumpling them and putting bills in your pocket... So what? what to do in this case? Of course, turn to magic, don’t sit idly by and watch how riches “fly” past you into your neighbor’s pocket. Before casting various spells and performing rituals for money, familiarize yourself with some necessary rules that relate to handling cash.

What to do if you have a financial shortage?

  1. Borrow money only for the new month, and repay the debts for the bad month.
  2. Do not borrow money in the evening or at night, otherwise they will never be found.
  3. Do not lend on Sunday, otherwise there is a possibility that the cash simply will not be returned.
  4. Don't borrow money and don't pay it back on Monday.
  5. If you borrow on Tuesday, you won't be in debt for the rest of your life.
  6. Give money only with your right hand, and take it with your left.
  7. When the dog in the house has whelped, and the cat has lambed, give the fluffy to the neighbors, and at the same time say: “They give you a treat, but we get more money.”
  8. Never refuse change at a store or market.
  9. If you have a lot of change lying around in your wallet, give it to the poor on Sunday.
  10. Do not keep crumpled bills in your pocket.
  11. Never throw away small change, rather give it to the poor.
  12. The statement that a broom standing with the sweeping side up brings wealth is actually wrong.
  13. Do not store empty bottles and cans in the house.
  14. Don't leave your wallet empty, put at least some banknote in there.
  15. Start sweeping the floors at the threshold.
  16. Do not pass money from hand to hand, place it on the surface.
  17. Practice self-hypnosis, never become poor, act as if you are a rich person.

OK it's all over Now! Now let's look at how money magic can contribute to success in business and enrichment. Read and apply in life.

The holiday of Ivan Kupala will help you become rich

This ritual is powerful. In order to carry it out, you should buy chicken, preferably domestic. Next, you need to wrap it in a headscarf and tie it in a knot. A prerequisite is that the scarf must be yours. So, place the tied chicken in boiling water and say the following words:

  • “Whoever tastes this chicken will give me happiness, luck, wealth and strength.”

Stay away from the stove until the bird is cooked. Everyone probably knows how long it will cook, so there shouldn’t be any particular difficulties here. Once it is fully cooked, turn off the stove and leave the chicken to simmer until the morning, without removing it from the pan. And in the morning, take it out, take it to the church and give it to the nuns or beggars. Remember that until you hand over the chicken, you cannot eat, drink, or talk. After the magical ritual for good luck is completed, 3 days after that you cannot lend it to anyone.

How will aspen help?

In autumn, when the leaves begin to fall from the trees, go into the forest and find an aspen there that still has many leaves left. Go up to her, hug the tree and, closing your eyes, read the following plot:

  • “Just as the words are true that Judas hanged himself on an aspen tree and as many leaves fall at my feet, so may I also have a lot of money and it’s true. Amen".

Stay like this for a few more seconds, mentally imagining how your “money” dream comes true.

How to attract money on the eve of the wedding?

White magic will help with this, the conspiracies and rituals of which were valued by our ancestors. Newlyweds on the eve of their wedding should read the following spell:

  • “Money, money, flow like a river,
    Always be in the pocket of the servant of God (name of the bride) and servant of God (name of the groom),
    So that they have them until the end of their days
    And they lived in abundance all their lives.
    To my word, the key and the lock. Amen".

How to lure money using bird feathers?

In order not to remain in complete poverty all your life, never throw away feathers after plucking a chicken, goose, turkey or any other bird; as has long been known, they can bring wealth. To do this, collect them in a rag, take them out into the field and, shaking them out, say the following words:

  • “How many feathers, so much money. Just as this bird will never grow feathers, so I will never be poor. Amen".

How to get money through alms?

When you give alms, say: “Let the hand of the giver not fail.” If you want to always have money, never refuse to give to the poor, otherwise you will never see wealth.

How to set up a business?

In order for the buyer to purchase your product, before going to the store or market, read the following plot:

  • “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The church is anchored by beliefs, the earth is anchored by heaven, teeth are anchored by gums, winters converge with springs, customers with my goods. To my words the key and the lock. Amen".

If you are a waiter and want to get more tips, wait until the full moon occurs (money rituals at this time are considered very effective). Buy a new white handkerchief, which must be peeking out of your pocket while you work. Say these words over him:

  • “God's Pleasures! Apply your concerns and supplications to me, God's Servant (name). So that everyone who stays next to me rewards me with generous mercy. Put gold and silver on my hand, Lord. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

If your loved ones waste money

In this case, money magic advises performing the ritual with the help of a guard dog. To do this, prepare food and speak it with these words:

  • “Just as a dog protects and guards his master’s property, so you, servant of God, be careful with money. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

After that, give the spender something to eat, and give what’s left to the guard dog.

How to attract good luck?

White magic, the spells and rituals of which are carried out with the help of a chicken egg, was considered by our ancestors to be very strong and effective for attracting wealth and good luck. To do this, take the first egg laid on Easter, break it in a clay bowl and say:

  • “Be the egg in me, and luck is on me. Amen".

Then drink it immediately - and good luck will not leave you for a whole year.

Attracting money and good luck: ritual with 13 coins

This ritual will especially help those who have “money damage”. To carry it out, you should take 13 kopecks, place them in a handkerchief and tie them in a knot. This bundle must be taken to the forest and left at the intersection of four paths. After this, you should immediately leave the forest, without looking back, without talking to anyone along the way. The following plot should be read above the knot:

  • “My poverty, my poverty,
    Get off my ridge
    Get off me, go for the change.
    Who will take my pennies?
    He will take it from my ridge.
    Damn, damn, come and take my pennies,
    Free me from poverty.

Conspiracy for the new month

New moon rituals for money are also considered very effective. To carry out one of them, you should purchase a scarf, then go outside and start waving it for the new month. At the same time say:

  • "Elisha and Moses are prophets,
    There the young moon is growing,
    Brings glory to God
    Let me, the servant of God (name),
    Profit grows and brings prosperity. Amen".

For grain

Money rituals are also often performed when feeding poultry or wild birds. To do this, scatter grain (or anything you can feed the birds with) and say:

  • “How many birds will peck,
    The Lord will give me so much good.

    Now and forever. Amen".

Soon you will notice how life changes.

How to gain wealth? White magic will help

The money spell is cast on Krasnaya Gorka (the first Sunday after Easter). To do this, purchase any icon in the church, wash your face with the water you first washed it with. And at this time say:

  • “7 temples have 7 pillars, in one of the temples there is God help. God grant there is a true word. Posted by God Help Solomon. Whoever touches, God forbid, washes himself with these phrases after the holy icon, a rich destiny will be revealed to him, and treasures will be laid bare. Gold and silver will be imprinted on the servant of God (name). It is true now, it will always be true, God’s servant (name) will not be forgotten by God forever and ever. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

In no case and under no circumstances tell anyone about the ritual performed, otherwise you may frighten away the money.

How to remove the spell of poverty?

Money magic is considered very strong if one of the main attributes of the ceremony is a church candle. To implement one of them you will need: a personalized icon, money and three candles bought in the church. Wait until 3am and light them. Place your right hand on banknotes, your left hand on your icon. Read the plot:

  • “Hello, dark night,
    I am your adopted daughter.
    The garden is my wallet.
    No one will take my fruits.
    Who took my wealth
    Who took my luck
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
    I gave it back through the candles.
    I took the shovel on Monday
    The land was plowed on Tuesday,
    I bought grain on Wednesday
    I planted the grain on Thursday
    Watered on Friday
    I collected grain on Saturday
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    There are so many grains in the field, and how many can’t you count them?
    And how can you not eat them all at once?
    So there would be many and many
    Money in my wallet.
    Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Say the spell in a low voice. At this time, look only in front of you, do not be distracted by anything. After reading, extinguish all the candles and place them in your wallet along with the money, hide it away from prying eyes. The candles must stay in the wallet for at least three days. After this period, twist them together, light them and let them burn out until the end. Open the window and place the burning candles so that the smoke goes towards the sky.

What to do if you urgently need a large amount of money?

There are also money rituals that are performed when a large sum is urgently needed. One of them is this: buy five candles in the church, light them with a match and read the spell:

  • “Jesus the Savior, support and hope, the Most Holy Theotokos, support of Jesus, walked across the sky, carrying many bags of money, the bags tore, the money fell. I, (name), walked along the ground, picked up all the money and took it home to myself, lit candles and distributed it to my loved ones. Candles, burn out, money is coming to my house! Forever and ever. Amen".

After reading, wait until all the candles burn out completely; the remaining wax should be collected and molded into a cake, which should be placed in the wallet. This will be your valuable one should appear very soon.

If you need money spells and rituals to receive a specific amount, you can try the following option. Buy a green candle and write your name and amount on it. After this, grease the candle with vegetable oil and sprinkle it with basil powder, then light it and say the following words:

  • “Money grows, it comes and finds its way into my pocket.”

It is more advisable to carry out these rituals during the full moon, then the result will be immediate.

How to attract money in the New Year?

In order to not be aware of failures all year and always be in abundance, read a few recommendations and tips that will help you not think about poverty and celebrate the coming New Year appropriately.

So let's get started!

  1. During the chiming clock, take a gold coin and hold it in your hand.
  2. To ensure prosperity in the New Year, write yourself a greeting card with wishes on December 31, then send it to yourself by mail.
  3. Don't celebrate the holiday with an empty wallet and pockets.
  4. Dress up in something bright and beautiful, and place unusually decorated dishes on the table.
  5. Just before the New Year, open the door and sweep out all the trash. This is necessary so that all problems from your home go away.
  6. Place a bag of coins in the refrigerator on New Year's Eve and keep them there for at least 12 days.
  7. Don't take out the trash or clean up on January 1st to avoid financial problems in the New Year.

Features of rituals for money

All money rituals require strict adherence to all necessary recommendations. Otherwise, the expected result may not be achieved.

  1. Do not tell anyone that you have ever performed rituals for money in your life.
  2. If the main attribute when performing a monetary ceremony is a candle, it is more advisable to purchase a church candle, and it is better to light it with a match.
  3. It is very important to be completely alone during the ritual so that you can concentrate properly and not be distracted by strangers.
  4. Treat the rituals with special care and concentration, never rush in this case.
  5. and on the advice of our ancestors, they are considered the most effective. This is explained by the fact that it is the sacraments performed at this time that will bring prosperity.
  6. The best days of the week for performing money rituals are Wednesday and Thursday.

Remember that magic for money will only work if you truly believe in it. Therefore, when performing a ritual or reading a conspiracy, wish yourself with all your heart wealth and good luck in business. Don’t carry out several different rituals at once, this will make no sense, and what’s more, money will simply turn away from you. Remember, money requires accuracy and careful handling.

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