Singer L’One: biography, personal life, photo. Wives of famous Russian rappers What l one sings

In the tenth grade he gets on the radio, and after graduating from school he becomes a student at the Yakutsk State University, where he studied at the Faculty of Philology for two years. Levan’s promotion in the media space began with participation in the university’s KVN team. Quite soon, the young man becomes the host of the Yakutsk KVN student league, remaining in this status for three years.

By the age of twenty, Gorozia was already successfully working as the host of two radio programs and one television program in Yakutia. His biography includes the radio stations "Mix - Master", "Dynamite FM - Yakutsk", "Lena - Radio", as well as the TV channels "Muz - TV - Yakutsk" and "Master TV", the site writes. For some time he even worked as director of the creative department of a media holding, which included two radio stations and two television channels.

During this period, the future singer writes and accumulates material for his first solo album. Using contacts on radio and television, Levan even held a presentation of it in Yakutsk in 2005. Seeing their son's passion for music, the parents did not understand why he needed it; they believed that it did not bring money. They didn’t even imagine that their son would be able to achieve anything in this.

Creativity L'One

L’One in Moscow, first steps

For an ambitious young man this is not enough; he dreams of more. While working in Yakutsk on the radio, he learned that Russia’s first hip-hop and R&B radio station, Radio Next, had opened in Moscow, and listened to it via the Internet. In 2005, together with his friend Igor Pustelnik (Nel - Russian rap artist and beatmaker, member of the group “Marselle” together with L’One, member of the association “Phlatline”), he takes the first and most difficult step on the path to fame.

Under the pretext of going to Moscow to study as a journalist, he quits his studies and work in Yakutsk and moves to the capital with the goal of working at Radio Next. Arriving in the capital, the friends realized that they were practically in nowhere, in a strange city, where no one needed them.

But a little time will pass, and Levan will write:
Through the Arbat to the Embankment, to the Moscow River - this is my home, this is your home.
And when you make circles around Sadovoy - this is my home, this is your home.
Where the sidewalks draw a pattern - this is my home, this is your home.
And my tears are not a shame - this is my home, this is your home.

Together with Igor, they rented a one-room apartment for two. It was not easy, there were no relatives or friends nearby. However, the step was taken, and Levan decided for himself that now he was standing at the beginning of a road that should lead him somewhere.

At that time, there was no goal to engage in music globally, but at the same time, friends did not abandon their goals and desires related to it. Required whole year to get a job at Radio Next. This became the first starting point for further progress. At the same time, Levan nevertheless entered the Moscow Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting (GITR) at the Faculty of Journalism.

During his studies, he was greatly helped by the work experience acquired in the media of Yakutia. Much was already known, and by the end of the second year, studying became boring, and my passion for music did not leave me. Having passed the exams, he goes on academic leave. Now is the time to fully devote yourself to creativity. So the second attempt to get higher education in Moscow turned out to be as unsuccessful as the first one in Yakutsk. In an interview, L’One said: “The funny thing is that later I went to my institute with master classes on the topic “The difference between an indie artist and an artist on a label.”

For the first year, he and Igor composed music simply “on the table.” Then, through visiting clubs and music parties, making acquaintances, little by little everything started to take off. It was very difficult, sometimes they simply did not have money to eat, and ordinary buckwheat porridge with ketchup was not often a delicacy. This situation forced me to somehow earn a living. Levan was forced to work part-time at a creative agency, where he wrote scripts for holidays and corporate events. Additionally, he worked as a presenter at parties and clubs.

In 2005, the artist’s biography will survive crucial moment! L'One and Nel create the group "Marselle". It consists of: Levan, who mainly writes the lyrics, and Igor, who puts the beat on them. The guys showed their demo recordings to everyone they could. Including on the radio where Levan worked, but they said that this is not it, this will not work here. He tells: “In such a situation, resistance comes with oneself. It’s very difficult not to give up, give up and start doing something else that immediately brings you money or gives you some results. This struggle with oneself is the most important thing for creative person. And the point is not to be recognized at this stage, but simply to move on towards your goals. And if you have a desire to achieve something, then you must walk, climb, crawl, get acquainted, communicate, talk.”

In the end, one day he brought the song “Moscow” to the radio, thanks to which the public learned about the group “Marselle”. For thirty weeks this song was at the forefront of the Radio Next chart. Life changed dramatically.

The group got its name in honor French city Marcel, which was famous for its rap scene. In 2007, the group “Marselle” entered into a contract with the famous German label “Phlatline”, which lasted until March 31, 2011. The group released their first mixtape entitled “I am the Russian dream vol.1” in 2007.

Levan and Igor’s first popularity came during their participation in the TV show “Battle for Respect” on MUZ TV. In 2008, in the first season of the show, L’One lost in the semi-finals to its label partner, rapper (Alexander Stepanov). In the second season, the group “Marselle” was represented by Nel, who reached the final and won.

"Marselle" becomes recognizable. In 2008, together with Basta, Sasha Legend, Teona Dolnikova, Dza-Dze (Yakut rapper) and Khapa (Alexander Malets), they recorded and released the studio album “Mars” with the famous single “Moscow”, which was included in the film by Timur Bekmakbetov in 2011 "Phantom".

The album is released on the Monolith Records label with the support of Phlatline. The album contains nineteen tracks. Critics wrote about this work: “They coped with the task. They have a hit that made the right noise. There is a beatmaker who brought all the beats under one common sound. And there are the right lyrics, which also create the right atmosphere. One feature worth noting is the language of the guys. It contains so many anglicisms and borrowings from American slang that this gives additional points for the perception of the final product as not being too Russian. After all, all these “micro”, “gun”, “bro”, “play”, “blunt”, “man” are scattered everywhere.

In honor of the fifth anniversary of the Phlatline label, the compilation Phlatline in da building was released in 2009. The disc also featured new works by “Marselle”. In support, a video for the song “In Your House” was also shot.

During the period of active work of the group, the following videos were also shot:

  • “He Was”, “Moscow” - 2008;
  • “She”, “In Your House”, “Twist the Blunt” - 2009;
  • “Everything I need”, “Moscow” - 2011.

In January 2012, the group "Marselle" temporarily stopped creative activity. As Levan said: “We just took a creative break. We have slightly different approaches to work. I am a person who needs to do as much as possible to avoid depression. Igor lives in a different rhythm.” Judging by this statement, the reason for the suspension of the group’s work was the different approach to the work of its members.

How did L’One get on “Black Star”? The singer notes that he did not have a goal in itself to meet Timati, it somehow developed on its own. He does not hide the fact that at the beginning, like many musicians, he was skeptical about this label. But time moved forward, views changed, and the moment came when something needed to be changed in his career. And so, in May 2012, L’One was offered to continue his work on the Black Star Inc label and he agreed. On this occasion, Timati said: “In general, the segment of the material that L’One creates is not filled. We signed a contract with this artist because I see potential in him and the music he makes. His rap is interesting and I see the future in it.”

L’One believes that it is very difficult for any artist to achieve success alone, the site writes. There should always be a team of people who will work for the success of the artist, for an overall positive result. Now at the label many decisions are made together, but in the creative component the final decision remains with him, because he is the one who feels his audience and the music that he wants to present to people. Moreover, he came to the label not as a beginner artist, but already with some experience. Therefore, by combining the contents of his creative baggage with the ideas and proposals of the label, the output is now a high-quality product.

To the question “kuraj-bambey” - what is better and what is the difference: to be a free artist or to be on a label? L'One replied: “To be a free artist on a label. This is the most wonderful feeling that is happening to me right now. Everything has its pros and cons, and if you try to combine them, you get exactly my story.”

L'One's style of music is melodic and accessible pop-rap in the spirit of Kanye West, Kid Cudi and Drake. Moreover, over time, it constantly changes from album to album, as the artist constantly experiments and develops.

L’One was one of the participants in the writing and performance of the track “Come on, goodbye,” which was recorded in 2012 during the conflict that occurred between Timati and Philip Kirkorov based on the results of the MUZ TV award. Timati believed that the prizes were awarded unfairly. A scandalous correspondence began between them on Twitter. At Timati’s call, many rappers immediately connected at this time, including L’One. They wrote each of their own verses and put everything together. This is how the track arose against that pop music layer in Russia, which is already in the throat and whose preacher Kirkorov is.

L’One notes that there are already many good artists in the country who are long overdue to appear on the big stage. However, the old television and radio formats, which have become obsolete, do not give them this. With this track, rappers wanted to break into the long-established pop culture of making money from not very good music.

But it’s hard to imagine that if you turn on, for example, the first television channel, you won’t see or hear Philip Kirkorov. L’One doesn’t entirely agree with this, because generations grow up and change. And if you look at the central channels, there is still quite a lot of pop music there, but they have already begun to take young artists with their videos. There are every opportunity to show other music, the main thing is to make a quality product.

In April 2013, the debut studio album was released during the period of work on the Black Star Inc. label. called "Sputnik". The album is very motivational, it is for those people who set certain goals for themselves, believe in their strengths and dreams.

L'One started working on it immediately after joining the label. The album contains fourteen tracks, including six guest tracks. The guests were: Timati (“The Future is Somewhere Near”), Pavel Murashov (“Your Day Has Come”), Chest (“Salute to Heaven”), Christina Si (“Bonnie and Clyde”), Ms. Sounday (“Time”), Tina Smith (“Love and Hate”).

The album includes singles:

  • "Monday" is the first official single, released on October 3, 2012;
  • "Love and Hate" - released on February 4, 2012 and produced by beatmaker 4eu3;
  • “Everyone is dancing with their elbows” - the release of this song in the trap genre took place on February 13, 2013, simultaneously with the video directed by Rustam Romanov. The track very quickly became a hit and then reached cult status. According to L'One, this is actually a remix of his song that no one will ever hear, and the phrase “everywhere I am, everyone is dancing with their elbows” is simply taken out of its context.

Levan came up with the idea for this song after his concert in Krasnodar. During the performance, he heard out of the corner of his ear the phrase “let’s dance with our elbows” from the guys working on stage, which they shouted into the audience, getting the crowd going. At that time, the style of “trap” music in Russia was gaining momentum, and he came up with the idea of ​​combining what he heard with such music. The singer invited his DJ, with whom he goes on tour (DJ Butch), to make a remix and this is the result.

The version of the song that is being listened to now is its seventh version. During the work, a lot changed, from the drums to some line, until the desired version was achieved. The text used to contain obscenities, the song was quite dirty and unformatted. While working on it, Levan’s team joked and laughed a lot - what if they heard it, for example, in a minibus. People go to work, and here - “everyone is dancing with their elbows”! So they modified it, and now the song is played and listened to everywhere.

Why, in fact, do they “dance with their elbows”? - this question was asked to the singer during his tour in Voronezh. He replied: “Because everyone dances with their elbows!” If you look at it this way, Yeltsin danced with his elbows, LeBron James danced with his elbows, Afonya even danced in this movement - everyone dances with his elbows! Traps and elbows are the same thing. This is the most important movement in trap."

  • The premiere of the video “The Future is Somewhere Near” took place on April 26, 2013, and it was first performed by L’One and Timati on February 14 of the same year on the “Big Love Show” from “Love Radio”;
  • “I’ll be young” is the fifth single, released on September 5, 2013 with a video clip directed by Vladimir Shklyarevsky.

A week after its release, the album took fourth place in the iTunes Store rating, and at the end of 2013 it became sixty-seventh on the bestseller list. During this period, L’One tours the country and promotes the album “Sputnik”, because people want to listen to it and sing it with him. L'One said at the time: “Twenty concerts a month is not the limit.”

At the same time, he is a little skeptical about how the album is being received in the country. In his opinion, Russia is still a little not ready for such music, because it is fundamentally different from all the Russian rap that exists now. In this contrast, L'One suggests, he will likely have both fans and haters. Despite the fact that, judging by social networks he likes the album, he is sure that there will be people who will say: “Ugh, what is this?” There are also quite a few, and perhaps even more than admirers. But the artist is sure that the more fans come to his concerts, the higher Sputnik will fly.

L’One and the album “Lonely Universe”

The album “Lonely Universe” was released in 2014 and consists of eleven tracks, four of which were recorded with guests on the album:

  • "Ocean" - feat. Fidel;
  • “I Remember” - feat. Timati;
  • "Music. Happiness. Love" - ​​feat. Rita Dakota;
  • "Pirates" - feat. Naadya.

The album is designed for large tours. Choruses - bridges - hooks, instrumentals that will make even the slowest ones jump, lines that the audience will shout in chorus - it's all there. And so it happened, with the album the artist goes on a tour called “That’s it! Or nothing!" in twenty-nine cities of Russia. The first performance took place in his hometown Yakutsk, and the final one in the Moscow club “Ray Just Arena”.

One of the reviews for the album (Nikolai Redkin for “Flow”) said: “I like Leva’s breadth of outlook. In America, some ASAP Ferg easily adds his verses to the songs of the group HAIM - here he processed the song of the singer Naadi in a similar way, it turned out cool. There are good songs “Ocean” and “Adrenaline” - without any discounts on “sound great live”, just good, according to Hamburg standards. It was quite effective to remind about the group “Marselle”, and from the reaction to the joint track of L’One and Nel, it is clear that many missed their tandem.”

In September 2015, the EP “Avtolyubitel” was released, consisting of six songs. In it, one of them (“Airplane mode”) is a fit with Pavel Murashov, the rest are performed by L’One. The tracks are written in the style of nostalgic jazz rap. The music, as experts noted, is not similar to what he released before. The idea of ​​creating a mini-album appeared as a result of the correlation of pre-existing musical material.

The artist told The Flow about this work: “Everyone thinks that I have brought back the old sound, but in fact it is how it was in my songs. I never get hung up on a certain format: today I’m doing 808s and Mr. Heisenberg, and tomorrow I’m doing something in the style of Jimi Hendrix.”

At the end of September 2016, the final part of the space trilogy was released in the form of the third studio album “Gravity”. The album turned out to be varied and complete. On this record, L'One sounds the most convincing of his entire career.

On the eve of the release of this work, the artist said this about it: “There is a lot of love on the album. Love for family, for women, for music. main reason, according to which main character, having worked through this whole cosmic story, tries to return to Earth - this is love. This is the general line of the entire album. There will be no motivation as such. I've already talked about this for two albums. It will be present, but minimally. There will be almost no trap, global rock, which I suffered from in previous records.”

Recording took place mainly in Amsterdam. The artist went there in search of inspiration along with his team, guest performers and producers. A complete disconnection from the everyday hustle and bustle was required; this is impossible to do in Moscow. And what could be better than creating in the capital of Holland on the ocean shore.

The rented apartment was converted into a studio, where work was in full swing from morning to night. The principles of the album's formation correspond to the standards of Kanye West. It shows a combination of “conscious” hip-hop in the spirit of Talib Quelli (“Fire and Water”) and jazz rap (“Cheryemukha”), and then suddenly L’One raps on a beat in the spirit of Just Blaze (“Rocket”).

The album consists of seventeen tracks. It's more musical than the previous ones, with many instruments recorded live. The hooks are almost always performed by guest artists:

  • Basta, Vladi – “Rocket” (beat by American producer);
  • Christmas tree - “Chance”;
  • Monatik – “Dream”;
  • Pavel Murashov - “My Way”;
  • Kristina Si – “Bird cherry”;
  • Nel, Paanda – “Brother for brother”;
  • Group “Moral Code” - “Night Caprice”;
  • Jasmine – “Road”, “The Martian”.

Regarding Jasmine, in an interview for “The Flow” L’One and Basta said:

  • L’One: “Everyone thinks that I have a song on my album with the Russian singer Jasmine. Her real name is Jasmine Karimova. She has a lot of mixed blood. She lived in Australia, lived in London. Now lives in Amsterdam. She is eighteen years old. Just a space man. Absolute pure energy rushes out of her. Now she is writing an album in Los Angeles with top musicians who have worked with Adele and Shakira. It is not connected in any way with Russia or with Black Star. She sings in English, and I, the bastard, made her sing with an accent in Russian.”
  • Basta: “Leva came to visit and played me a song he recorded with one girl. I swear, neither I, nor anyone else, have ever heard such vocals." This album has the best L'One beats he's ever laid out, it's got the best sound, it's where he managed to capture the right 'vibe' he's been chasing lately.

Clips and films
In 2012:

  • “Monday” on the track of the same name from the album “Sputnik”. Filmed in September by director Rustam Romanov, and the premiere was made on the video channel “Black Star TV” on November 12, 2012;
  • “Give me your word”, “#Everything will be” and “Ae Ae” (TVA album).

In 2013:

  • “Everyone is dancing with their elbows” and “I’ll be young” from the album “Sputnik”;
  • “Cosmic Love” (TVA album).

In 2014:

  • "Ocean" from the album "Lonely Universe";
  • “Take Your Own” and “Mr. Heisenberg” (TVA album).

In 2015:

  • “All or Nothing” from the album “Lonely Universe”;
  • “I bless you for the rave” (TVA album).

In 2016:

  • “From the very bottom” from the mini-album “From the very bottom”;
  • “Dream” from the album “Gravity”;
  • “Yakutian”, “Grandchildren won’t understand”, “Hey, bro!” and “Tiger” (TVA album).

Russian professional basketball player Timofey Mozgov and European and world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Laysan Utyasheva. How were they persuaded to do this? Levan has known Timofey for a very long time. He himself is a former basketball player, he knows a lot of people from the world of basketball, he constantly maintains contact with them, including Timofey.

I have known Laysan not so long ago, but from the first conversation with her I realized that they were on the same wavelength. And when Levan invited these people to take part in the filming of the video, they happily agreed. They liked the idea of ​​the video, because many athletes are very close to the slogan - “All or nothing!”

In May 2016, L’One presented its new video for Natalia Trapeznikova’s famous song “Yakutyanochka”. Performed by him together with singer Varvara Vizbor, the song sounded completely new. The video was filmed in Yakutia in the area of ​​Us Khatyn in April. The text about love for a Yakut girl was supplemented by the singer’s friend Nel. The “Yakutyanochka” video was already the second one filmed by L’One in Yakutia. The first was the work “From the Bottoms,” in which the artist talks about the very beginning of his biographical journey into music.

L'One as an actor, director

First released musical film, the first short film for the EP “Avtolyubitel,” where he directed and plays himself. In the future, he plans to release some kind of arthouse every six months.

L’One was able to try his acting skills in 2011 in the promotional video “Pregnant” (episodic role) and in the film “CHOP” (second season, fifteenth episode) performing the song “Everyone is dancing with their elbows.”

L’One about its ideals in creativity

In an interview for GQ magazine, the artist named three “pillars” on which his work is based. This:

  • Talib Kweli is a rapper from America, known for the Black Star group (American hip-hop duo) in collaboration with MC Mos Def;
  • Kanye West is an American rapper and producer. Repeatedly named by critics as one of the greatest artists of the twenty-first century. He took part in creating hits for such artists as Ludacris, Jay-Z, Alicia Keys, Talib Kweli;
  • Jay-Z is a rapper from the United States, known for having thirteen albums at the top of the Billboard 200, which is a record among all solo performers and took second place in history after “ The Beatles" with their nineteen albums.

L’One’s attitude towards Russian and rap

How does L’One feel about what they say, there is no rap in Russia? The musician answered this question from Taisiya Zhuravleva “Postscript”: “You invited a rapper for an interview, people go to concerts, there are two rap concerts in one city, many rappers travel around the country, many gather huge audiences of listeners. To say that there is no Russian rap is some kind of self-irony; Russian rap exists and it has a very large number of admirers. And the task of artists in this direction is to make it even more popular, so that not only rappers listen. Then he will become even more popular.”

He has always had a bias towards the West, but L’One wants to make his music closer to Russian realities. How does Russian rap differ from foreign rap? In his opinion, this is that a Russian rapper, unlike an American rapper, is ashamed to make money. There, somehow everything is geared towards this. This is probably neither good nor bad. There it is a global industry, which is supported by TV channels, radio stations, specialized magazines and websites, specialized journalists, and so on. Russian rap is a certain segment of music aimed at a very small audience, despite the fact that the audience is expanding and becoming larger and larger. There it is an industry, but in our country it is regarded by society more as a hobby.

L'One on what a modern young gentleman should listen to

The artist says that it is definitely difficult to say what this playlist should be, especially since everything is developing so rapidly. However, in his opinion, this list should include:

  • "Niggas in Paris" - Kanye West and Jay-Z;
  • British rock band Coldplay;
  • Russian group “Tesla Boy” – Dream Machine;
  • French "M83" - Midnight City.

Sometimes L’One is reproached for changing its audience since the time of “The Battle for Respect”, and they ask the question of what made them reconsider their views on creativity? To this the singer replies: “The word “creativity” means “to create.” This means that you cannot remain unchanged all the time.

If a listener has heard one particular song or album, then in his understanding the artist should continue to write and perform only similar things? Just as, for example, an artist who previously painted flowers now began to paint houses, his admirers have a question and indignation - why did the changes happen, why are there houses now, because there were flowers?!

L'One is a man who experiments throughout his life. To understand his position on this issue, he breaks down his own creativity into stages, explaining:

  • They were one of the first with the group “Marselle” to start making some kind of intelligent music - hip-hop and rap that were absolutely not tied to underground romance. In general, we decided to contribute something of our own;
  • after that, the artist decided that with his creativity he would give listeners some incentive to be better, some motivation for everyone who heard his songs. Later I decided that you need to create creativity with which you can make all five to seven thousand people who came to the concert fly with you in euphoria from the stage;
  • now he has released the EP “Avtolyubitel”, returning to a more jazzy sound with a different meaning.

He wanted it that way. And when a creator begins to follow the lead of his audience or society, he ceases to be a creator and becomes an opportunist. L’One is not going to be such a person. He wants to wake up one day in the morning with the understanding that he wants to write, for example, a rock song, without thinking about the fact that after that, someone will say - why do we need this? Give us a rap!

The Creator is a free artist, so L’One is convinced that one cannot help but change, one must Create!

L’One about dedication at concerts

Once upon a time three concerts a week was not enough for him, then he began to give twenty concerts a month and said that this was not the limit. What about fatigue and quality of performance? To this the singer replied: “Of course, when I throw out energy into the crowd, there is a certain devastation after the concert. But, if you do what you love and it gives you pleasure, then in any case you will find the strength to continue doing it. Therefore, even when at the third concert in a week my voice is already broken, I still find strength in myself and push myself to the maximum. For example, I don’t want people to write from some city - today Lyova arrived and was kind of gloomy, sad and not shaking. This is not my style, I go on stage and I am with the people. This is the most important feature in my concerts. I never pump alone, I always pump with my people.”

Together with him, his touring team – director Ulyana, sound engineer Seryoga and DJ Butch – overcomes this rhythm. He is almost like an independent artist now. Those people who come to the concert notice this. He has a separate block of his program, for about twenty minutes, when he goes to Levan and works with the public. Butch is practically the only DJ who works with a microphone. He is a DJ MC, he warms up the crowd, prepares them for what will happen on stage.

L’One about competitors for Black Star artists

L’One considers Basta, the group “Casta”, whose members do not relax for a long time and are constantly developing, as worthy rivals, Nel is an intelligent hippie of Russian rap. Among the young and little-known, this is ATL, making nihilistic rap, dirty horror-core. This, as the artist says, is new, interesting and even scary.

L'One shares the secret of success for beginners

“There is no ideal formula. Hard work, perseverance and a little bit of talent. That’s it,” he says.

Other interests of L'One

L'One and "Swag"

“Swag is good that it appeared in Russia,” says L’One in one of his interviews (“swag” is a word that expresses coolness in any of its manifestations, as well as respect and unquestioned authority). Thanks to this word, many young boys and girls began to dress even better. From their examples, from photographs on the Internet, others learn to look correct and beautiful. Levan believes that there is nothing wrong with a person being beautifully dressed. This is much better than wearing shoes with white socks and rolled up sweatpants or something similar.

Some are indignant that these are Americanisms that penetrate Russian speech and influence Russian life. No, that's cool! After all, if you can come from Yakutsk to New York, you will have a snapback on your head, and a passer-by will come up to you and say - swag, then you will immediately understand what he is talking about and what he means. For him, the meaning of this word is not pathos, not coolness, it is a feature, self-realization. This could be anything from your pair of sneakers to your behavior. Your behavior can also be swag. L'One is positive about this.

Wikipedia won't tell you about this! Since 2014, it has its own showcase of RBT content - melodies that replace the usual waiting tones in phones.

L’One is also trying himself as a business coach. In Moscow, Krasnodar and Rostov he visited institutes and universities and conducted master classes. There he told, based on his life moments, how to move and act in various situations when developing his business. I’m ready to continue doing this if there are invitations and a small audience ready to listen to him.

L’One about talent and hard work

L'One does not consider himself a talented person, rather a hard worker. This hard work forces him to get up every day and make music, go to the studio, improve himself, do exercises every day at nine o’clock in the morning - all this contributes to creative growth. If you want to achieve your goals, improve yourself, force yourself to work even when you give up, just remember that it won’t get better, and then you will regret it in the end. If you want yours much more than your parents, friends or anyone else, then you will succeed. At least he tries to act on these principles and says: “Do sports, drink less and smoke easier”!

L'One and motivation

“The most important motivation lies somewhere inside every creative person”- he thinks. You can be motivated by a variety of things, for example, your friends, comments on your VKontakte wall. But you shouldn’t pay attention to all this, but rather feed yourself from within with some thoughts that make you move. Materialization of thoughts works to some extent. If you constantly think about the goal you are going towards, it will certainly force you to do some things to improve yourself and your actions. No matter what you need to go and move forward.

The artist’s biography includes many motivating songs. To some extent, he writes them for himself, to cheer himself up more. But they somehow turn out on their own. It’s not like before writing a song he set himself a task: today I’ll write a track on this problem so that everyone will think about it, and tomorrow I’ll write a different one.

L’One once devoted about ten years to this sport. He is a candidate master of sports in basketball. Took part in competitions, the team went to zones Far East, won the international Children of Asia games. This is his favorite sport.

In those days, training was not without problems. One of them is the lack of quality sneakers. He started with Converse (converse sneakers), then others appeared, better ones. However, on a subconscious level, even now he still has a passion for purchasing such sports shoes, a pair a week.

His favorite NBA team over the years has been the Los Angeles Lakers, whom he has been a fan of since the days of the wizard Magic Johnson. He doesn’t particularly single out anyone from Russian clubs; rather, he supports those where his friends play. For example, in Nizhny Novgorod Dmitry Khvostov plays, so he supports him, and through him the team.

To the question - if not music, then what? The singer answered unequivocally: “Then – sports or something related to it, despite the fact that I used to be a professional basketball player and “thanks to” an injury I got into music.”

L’One believes that the essence of the game of basketball is the desire to constantly and persistently move forward to achieve results, to win. The time when he was engaged in it also influenced him in this sense, educating and strengthening his character. He has many friends in Moscow and throughout Russia associated with this sport.

He continues to love basketball, goes out to play on the court or in the gym, and tries to do it more often. Although, with his constant moving and being busy on tour, working in the studio and everything else related to music, he is not able to devote much time to basketball. He enjoys watching the NBA Championship at five o'clock in the morning (due to the time difference with America) and cheers for his favorite club.

Not long ago I decided to develop my favorite game in Russia. Now basketball as a sport, unfortunately, is not even among the top five most popular. He organized a charity match with the participation of an NBA star, a star match in Gorky Park, where Levan himself played. He plans to restore basketball courts in several cities and hold master classes.

Besides basketball, L’One also loves others game types sports, for example football. His five favorite football players look like this: Zinedine Zidane, Lionel Messi, his uncle, who was involved in the Georgian youth football team, Ronaldo (“Nibbler”), Ronaldinho.

Express survey for L’One
  • favorite movie – “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”;
  • favorite dish – mamalyga;
  • what he spends his money on most often is not sneakers;
  • who is Timati a friend for him;
  • Do you use cosmetics - no;
  • who is more: fans or fans - fans;
  • MoT is laying, and L’One? – ChoSeli;
  • how many times do you do pull-ups – ten;
  • Can you shave your beard for a bet? I do it every January;
  • Seryoga or Syava (Vyacheslav Khakhalkin, Russian rapper) – Syava ;
  • Wu-Tang (one of the first US hardcore hip-hop groups) or Rick Ross - Rick Ross
  • the last gift you gave your wife was a bag;
  • you think you're cool - absolutely.

About gifts. The last gift his wife gave him was a helicopter flight under own management with an instructor! She was with him, sat all the time, trembled and heroically endured, watching the process and waiting for it to finally end.

When he is at the airport or train station waiting for a flight, the first thing he does is look for a smoking room, and then a place where he can sleep. During the tours, I realized that the most unattainable goal is to get enough sleep. There is nothing more pleasant than sleep, so as soon as possible - sleep, sleep, sleep!

While traveling, he plays FIFA for Barcelona on his iPad, listens to music, and plays his most hated game, which is called “The Most Difficult Game.”

Joke from L'One

To the serious question from the “Elite Bath Salon” - where are the best songs to come up with, asked in an interview with Levan through “kuraj-bambey”, the artist replied: “According to logic, I should apparently answer - on the toilet! But no, friends, the best songs are invented on the plane.”

L’One on the influence of the Internet on youth

The Internet, according to L’One, greatly disempowers young people. Not all, but part of it loses the measure of what is permitted, and the framework of virtual reality is directly transferred to life. For example, it’s unpleasant when suddenly L’One becomes a “bro” for a fifteen-year-old boy, or when he’s walking with his wife and little son, and someone comes up and unceremoniously grabs him by the shoulders, and so on. This is not right, people should just respect each other and everyone's privacy.

Singer for the free distribution of music via the Internet. Everything has changed so fundamentally that there is no point in preventing it. It makes sense to support and leave the choice to the listener. He can check out and buy his music or come to his concert.

L'One and fashion

Despite music and sports, he was brought into “fashion”. He is the owner of his own clothing line, Cosmokot. His collections can be bought in Black Star Wear stores in Moscow, Krasnodar, Yakutsk and other cities of Russia.

A sneaker fanatic, he has over 250 pairs and continues to buy them. Favorite model: Air Jordan XI “Space Jam”. Despite the fact that all rappers prefer black clothing, L'One prefers everything white, including the cars he currently owns or previously owned.

Separately about the tuxedo. For the “GQ” video, in these clothes, not only L’One, but all its participants look simply “atas!” When asked by a correspondent from Prime ONE magazine about the musician’s attitude to this style, he replies that a tuxedo for him is not casual style. It's comfortable, but it's not everyday wear. This is a suit more for going out, for some global events. You can wear just a suit or a three-piece suit once a week or more often, depending on the occasion.

L’One is a follower of his own style, which he comes up with every morning when he opens his wardrobe. As a person who previously played sports, he likes a looser style of clothing. But, of course, he is very pleased to sometimes put on a tuxedo and feel a little stricter.

L’One about what a modern man should look like

To this question from GQ magazine, the singer answered that these are clothes combined with a suit and sneakers. At first he was simply shocked when he saw this in London, but then L’One realized how cool it was! As a rule, these are Nike sneakers. “I think a modern man, a resident of a metropolis, should not deny himself anything and should look the way his heart desires. It can be a mixture of sports style and casual, it can be classic suit and sports, it can be all black. Earth, it seems to me, has turned into one big cosmopolis, where frames and boundaries are erased"- says L̕ One.

L'One's take on celebrity and fame

While L’One does not consider himself a celebrity, he says that when 25-30 thousand people come to his concert, then it will be possible to say that he is really famous. At a meeting with students of Moscow University “Synergy”, when asked what it means to be a successful person, he answered: “To be successful is to already be invited to this meeting.”

Many people say that after becoming a Black Star artist, everyone immediately puts a crown on their head, catches the star, and then their cars in the garage, their planes at the airport, and so on. Levan stops this enumeration and says that he has already had a similar opportunity more than once. But there were always older people nearby and they gave me a timely slap on the head. And being raised in a Georgian family does not allow him to behave inappropriately.

Yes, “Black Star” is a status, but not everyone who gets here wears this crown or feels much higher than everyone else. And what they say is the inevitable opinion of haters.

For young people striving for recognition, L’One answers that now in order to become famous it is not necessary to initial stage be in the center. In the age of the Internet, you can sparkle while in the outback. Then, you will probably still have to move to Moscow. Although now there are groups that remain, for example, in Chelyabinsk or Orenburg and are quite well known. But, in general, to achieve the highest level of recognition, you still need to be in Moscow.

L’One himself would like to get an autograph and take a photo with Mike Jordan, Kanye West.

L’One’s personal life is the most interesting part of his biography

He met his wife Anya in the first year of the Humanities Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting at a student parade, and after a couple of weeks he won her away from the guy she was dating.

In September 2013, in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals, they had a son, who was named Misha. It was that moment in life that brought the new father to tears. The couple chose this name because all the Mikhails that Levan met on his life’s path were strong, very good and cheerful. He hopes his son will be like this when he grows up.

The singer spent nine months carefully preparing with his wife for the birth of their first child. I read a lot of all kinds of literature on caring for babies and raising children. This, they believe, prepared the young family for any situation with a child.

“Being a father is an amazing feeling,” says L’One. Due to constant touring and being busy at the studio, he would like to see his family more often, so that his wife and son do not feel deprived of his attention. But when he is at home with his family, he completely switches to her and let the whole world wait. He jokes that his wife is like the wife of a Decembrist, she waited and believed that he would succeed. After all, she appeared in Levan’s life when he had nothing yet. L’One says about Ana: “She's a great mother, a great friend and lover, and she knows perfectly well that if I disappear somewhere until the morning, it means I'm in the studio. We know each other like crazy.”

Nowadays, many young girls are into rap. As a rule, they are quite free and relaxed. Are they making any indecent proposals to Levan? To this question from the HipHopHit TV correspondent, he answered: “It happens, of course. But the thing is that I have a favorite, so I try to translate it into the genre of flirting, like, OK! Yes, but nothing more." Apparently the wife is jealous, as L’One believes, and says that she does not give her any global reasons for jealousy.">

Faithful wife, best friend, keeper of the hearth of 1/2 group Marselle - wife of Levan aka L`One Anya

How did you meet Levan?
In the first year of the institute on September 1st. We went to the cinema with our classmates and met there. We haven't been apart since then.

How long have you been together?

His most romantic move?

Oh, there were a lot of them. I was always glad that his idea of ​​romance did not end with giving unnecessary teddy bears (of course, there were those too) and flowers.

Once on my birthday, Leva practically stole me from the house, took me out into the street, and there was a limousine in which the two of us rode around all night. Sang serenades under the window. There were more romantic actions, but this is too intimate))

What is your joint hobby?

We are terrible TV series fans. We can watch it for days until we finish the series.
We love sports. Levan is an ardent football fan. I just love watching football players)) I especially like the Italians, Brazil, and the Portuguese, too))
Due to the frantic pace of life, we are extremely addicted to sleep.

Do you help him with his work?
More likely no than yes. He works in a great team that understands everything much better than me. My main help is probably a delicious dinner after a hard day, a warm bed and everything that helps me forget about work. Well, support is a given.

What new things have your relationships taught you?

Patience, mutual respect. It is most important.

Who remembers all the dates: you or him?

We both remember, but as often happens on the day itself, the memory disappears somewhere and then our gadgets enter the battle, or who will look at the calendar faster.

Anya is not only the wife and muse of one of the best Russian rappers, the mother of five-year-old Misha and ten-month-old Sofiko, but also a successful businesswoman. She has her own clothing brand, Inspiration Moscow, an important part of whose work is helping charitable foundations. Anya spoke about helping others, family happiness and the principles of the wife of a Russian rapper in exclusive interview PEOPLETALK.

What were you doing before meeting Levan?

I was 17, I was at school and didn’t dream of anything special - I was an ordinary teenager.

How did you two meet?

On the first of September in the first year at the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. M.A. Lithuanian in Moscow at a student party in honor of the first day of study. I was dating another guy then, Levan took me away from this boy and said: “That’s it, now you’re mine.” We've been living like this ever since.

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How has L’One changed since you met?

Well, at least he matured, became a father twice, but for me he is still the same.

What kind of father is he?

Amazing, the best father for his children! Attentive, sensitive, strict, reasonable, best dad I don't know.

Sweatshirt, Chipoodl; trousers, Uniqlo; sneakers, Poblenou

If Levan is left alone with the children, will he cope?

Well, with two, probably no, with one, yes. I haven’t taken that risk or tried it yet ( Laughs).

Are you strict parents?

I hope that there is a golden mean, I never wanted to be very strict and do not want to, but there must be boundaries, children must feel authority, but I hope that our children will not need strictness.

Do you have any rules in raising children that you adhere to?

Respect for elders, moral principles, attention to others, kindness, responsiveness, the desire to love the world despite the fact that it is shit.

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Does Misha know his father's songs by heart?

How does he react to his dad on stage?

He's delighted, he's a devoted fan, he shouted the loudest at last concert at Crocus.

How has your life changed with the birth of your daughter?

Cool, I'm sleeping less, the house is louder, but that's great!

Who is it more difficult with your daughter or son?

With both, when there are two of them. One by one, this is a resort.

When everyone is home, how do you spend your day?

We watch TV, lie on the couch, eat, play games. At home, calmly.

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At your husband's concert, are you usually backstage or in the audience?

In the hall. I was backstage once when I took Misha to a concert, I like to be in the hall, all the energy is there, you feel everything, backstage it’s not like that. I definitely need to scream, jump, sing.

Are you your husband's biggest fan?

No, I'm after Mishani!

What is your husband's favorite song? Maybe one of those dedicated to you?

It will be immodest, but almost all of them are dedicated to me. ( Laughs.) But I love all the songs, it’s hard to say which one.

Is it difficult to be the wife of a popular rapper?

It’s not difficult for me, because I don’t perceive him as a popular rapper, he’s just successful in his profession that he chose, and I’m proud of him. There are just everyday difficulties. We can’t go to some places for a walk, even though we live next to Gorky Park, we can’t walk there at certain hours, because it will be uncomfortable for us, but in general it’s very normal.

Misha. Sweatshirt, GIVENCHY; trousers, Il Gufo; boots, Fendy. (DANIELONLINE.RU) Anna. Sweatshirt, Chipoodl; trousers, Uniqlo; sneakers, Poblenou

What's the most romantic thing your husband has ever done?

We have a lot of our own romantic moments, he is generally a romantic friend, so it’s difficult for me to single out. For 13 years there have been a lot of different things, he is a very attentive husband and man, we always have surprises, from the last one - he gave me a surprise trip to Amsterdam for my birthday, I flew with my friends to a concert.

(From the editor: For the shoot, which took place on February 14, Levan brought his son Misha and two bouquets for Anya!)

How do you see your life in 10 years?

Sipping champagne. The children have grown up, I can afford to eat slowly. I dream that all my family and friends will be healthy and happy.

I plan to develop my company, increase sales, expand the line, and also increase the number of orphanages that we help. Now, after four years of working with specific children, we know what everyone needs. And we know that through our activities we can help them fulfill their dreams and desires. I hope I have enough strength and team to ensure that there are more children whom we can help.

Misha. Sweatshirt, Dolce sports trousers, GIVENCHY.(DANIELONLINE.RU) Anna. Sweater, Free Age.

How does Inspiration Moscow work?

We have been doing charity events for the last two years, although there was a break due to my pregnancy. We organize charity days, sporting events, directing funds from training to help orphanage and the nursing department of the hospital we support. On April 7 in St. Petersburg at the LOFT PROJECT FLOORS (Ligovsky Prospekt, 74) there will be big event“Inspiration from St. Petersburg. Inspiration St. Petersburg", sports training and publictalk with interesting personalities, all this will be combined with a market where, in addition to ours, there will also be St. Petersburg brands. And then we plan to do everything in Moscow.

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Levan Gorozia was born on October 9, 1985 in the city of Krasnoyarsk. His father is Georgian, his mother is Russian. They graduated from the same university together in Krasnoyarsk, then their father held senior positions in forestry, and their mother worked as an accountant.

According to the artist himself, his father was very strict with him as a child, trying to instill Georgian values, and his mother always supported and treated his hobbies with understanding. Although his dad participated in theatrical productions, perhaps these genes were passed on to Levan. During his son’s youth, his family moved to the city of Yakutsk, where the future rapper began to actively play basketball, becoming a player on the local team. However, his sports career was not destined to take place and Levan left the sport after a knee injury, which he received during one of the games.

The future artist began to show interest in hip-hop culture quite early. In one of his interviews, he admitted that he began writing rap lyrics at the age of 13, and with the advent of the Internet, he began to master programs for creating music.

His journey into the media industry began with student team KVN, in which he initially acted as a participant, and quite soon became its host. By the age of 20, the artist hosted 2 programs on Yakut radio channels, wrote scripts for corporate events and even hosted a television program. Despite the fact that in its activities L’One has achieved great success- he decided to try his hand at Moscow, since the confines of the city’s small media sphere had already begun to squeeze him.

Under the pretext that he was going to Moscow to enroll in the Faculty of Journalism, but in fact setting out to develop his creativity, L"One, together with his friend Igor Pustelnik, moved to the capital, where the two of them began renting an apartment.

Levan Gorozia still enrolled in the journalism department, but after two years of full-time study, he transferred to part-time study in order to concentrate on his creativity. After the state exams, the artist went to study leave. After numerous attempts to get a job in Moscow, L "One received a position as a presenter at the Next radio station - the only channel at that time that did not neglect songs in the Rap genre. Salaries, to a young performer there wasn’t enough, so he simultaneously worked at a creative agency, writing scripts for corporate events.

The artist began his path to rap music, as noted above, in his youth. Together with his friend Nel, he founded the group Marcelle. Levan was mainly involved in writing lyrics, and his comrade was busy putting beats on them.

In 2007, the group signed a contract with the representative office of a large German music label “Phlatline”. At the same time, the group’s first mixtape was released: “I’am the Russian dream vol.1”. The first wave of popularity came after both musicians participated in the TV show “Battle for Respect,” which aired on the Muz-TV channel. There, L "One lost in the semi-finals to his groupmate Nel, who later became a finalist in the second season of the program. However, the group began to be recognized.

In 2008, the album “Mars” was released with their most famous single “Moscow”, which stayed at the top of the charts for many weeks. Such artists as Sasha Legend, Basta, Teona Dolnikova and others took part in the recording of the album.

The group announced the termination of cooperation with the Phlatline label on March 31, 2011, and a year later L’One announced on its Twitter page that the group had broken up due to creative differences.

Since 2014, the rapper has been the owner of the RBT content store - a showcase of melodies that replace the usual waiting tone.

In 2011, L "One signed a contract with the BlackStar label, under which he was released solo album"Satellite". The single “Everyone is dancing with their elbows” from the album quickly became an all-Russian hit and the first song in the “trap” genre to achieve cult status in Russia.

The BlackStar channel posted a video for this song on YouTube on February 13, 2013, which received a total of more than 10 million views. A week after its release, the album “Sputnik” took fourth place in the iTunes Store rating.

L’One actively collaborates with other musicians of the label: Timati, Dzhigan, Mot, etc.

In October 2013, L’One, together with Timati and Sergei Mazaev, wrote a promotional song for GQ magazine, in which many celebrities starred in the video: Alexander Revva, Garik Martirosyan, Denis Matsuev, Fyodor Bondarchuk and others.

The solo album “Lonely Universe” was released on October 6, 2015, the track list of which included the song of the group “Marselle” - “Mars” for the first time after the breakup.


Zodiac sign:

Eastern horoscope:

Place of Birth:

rapper, singer

76 kg

176 cm

Biography of L'One

L’One (or Levan Gorozia) is a popular rap artist, founder of the group “Marselle” and a former artist of the “Phlatline” label, who in 2012 became a member of the group and the label “BlackStar inc” of the same name.

Childhood L'One

Levan Gorozia was born on October 9, 1985. in the city of Krasnoyarsk. His father is Georgian, his mother is Russian. They graduated from the same university together in Krasnoyarsk, then their father held senior positions in forestry, and their mother worked as an accountant.

Levan Gorozia or rapper L`One

According to the artist himself, his father was very strict with him as a child, trying to instill Georgian values, and his mother always supported and treated his hobbies with understanding. Although his dad participated in theatrical productions in his youth, perhaps these genes were passed on to Levan.

During his son’s youth, his family moved to the city of Yakutsk, where the future rapper began to actively play basketball, becoming a player on the local team. However, his sports career was not destined to take place and Levan left the sport after a knee injury, which he received during one of the games.

Levan Gorozia in childhood

The future artist began to show interest in hip-hop culture quite early. In one of his interviews, he admitted that he began writing rap lyrics at the age of 13, and with the advent of the Internet, he began to master programs for creating music.

The beginning of L'One's career

His path to the media industry began with the KVN student team, in which he first acted as a participant, and quite soon became its leader.

Levan Gorozia (L`One) started with KVN and radio programs

By the age of 20, the artist hosted 2 programs on Yakut radio channels, wrote scripts for corporate events and even hosted a television program. Despite the fact that L’One achieved great success in its activities, it decided to try its hand in Moscow, since the confines of the city’s small media sphere had already begun to squeeze it.

Study and move to Moscow L’One

Under the pretext that he was going to Moscow to study journalism, but in fact setting out to develop his creativity, L’One, together with his friend Igor Pustelnik (Nel), moved to the capital, where the two of them began renting an apartment.

“My father hoped that I would become a lawyer, and my mother supported my journalistic inclinations,” the rapper admits.

Tattoos of rapper L`One

Levan Gorozia still enrolled in the journalism department, but after two years of full-time study, he transferred to part-time study in order to concentrate on his creativity. After the state exams, the artist went on study leave.

After numerous attempts to get a job in Moscow, L’One received a position as a presenter at the radio station “Next” - the only channel at that time that did not neglect songs in the “Rap” genre.

“I took advantage of my official position, bringing songs to the radio with the words: “Look at this!” The music director said: “Well done!” - and put them aside." — said L’One in one of his interviews.

The salary was not enough for the young performer, so he simultaneously worked in a creative agency, writing scripts for corporate events.

L'One's musical career

The artist began his path to rap music, as noted above, in his youth. Together with his friend Nel, he founded the group Marcelle. Levan was mainly involved in writing lyrics, and his comrade was busy putting beats on them.

Levan Gorozia in the group Marselle

In 2007 the group signed a contract with the representative office of a large German music label “Phlatline”. At the same time, the group’s first mixtape was released: “I’am the Russian dream vol.1”.

The first wave of popularity came after both musicians participated in the TV show “Battle for Respect,” which aired on the Muz-TV channel. There, L’One lost in the semifinals to his groupmate Nel, who later became a finalist in the second season of the program.

However, the group began to be recognized. In 2008, the album “Mars” was released with their most famous single “Moscow”, which stayed at the top of the charts for many weeks. Such artists as Sasha Legend, Basta, Teona Dolnikova and others took part in the recording of the album.

L'One - Everyone Dances with their Elbows

On March 31, 2011, the group announced the termination of cooperation with the Phlatline label, and a year later L’One announced on its Twitter page that the group had broken up due to creative differences.

Personal life of L'One

Levan (L’One) is married to Anna Gorozia, whom he met while still a journalism student in 2004. After 5 years, the couple officially legalized their relationship.

The artist has a brother Vitaly, who is 5 years younger than him. He is an active participant in KVN and accompanies Levan on tour: he conducts the introductory part of the concert before L’One performances.

Family Levan Gorozia (L`One)

Since 2014, the rapper has been the owner of the RBT content store - a showcase of melodies that replace the usual waiting tone.

L'One now

On May 18, 2011, L’One signed a contract with the BlackStar label, under which his solo album “Sputnik” was released. The single “Everyone is dancing with their elbows” from the album quickly became an all-Russian hit and the first song in the “trap” genre to achieve cult status in Russia.

L’ONE – Tour “All or Nothing!” (Episode 1. Yakutsk)

On February 13, 2013, the BlackStar channel posted a video for this song on YouTube, which collected a total of more than 10 million views. A week after its release, the album “Sputnik” took fourth place in the iTunes Store rating.

L’One actively collaborates with other musicians of the label: Timati, Dzhigan, Mot, etc.

Timati and L`One

In October 2013, L’One, together with Timati and Sergei Mazaev, wrote a promotional song for GQ magazine, in which many celebrities starred in the video: Alexander Revva, Garik Martirosyan, Denis Matsuev, Fyodor Bondarchuk and others.

L’ONE - “Ocean”: a film about the filming of the video

On October 6, 2015, his solo album “Lonely Universe” was released, the track list of which included the song of the group “Marselle” - “Mars” for the first time after the breakup.

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