Channel One abandoned “While everyone is at home” due to the scandal with orphans. RBC: Channel One will close the program “While everyone is at home” after the scandal with orphans Why did they close the program for now?

The program “While Everyone is Home” will no longer air on Channel One. Timur Kizyakov together with film crew resigned from the TV channel.

Channel One will no longer air the show “While Everyone is Home” with host Timur Kizyakov.

Channel One terminated the contract with the company that was producing the program. Since the program does not belong to “Pervy” and was created by the production company, it will no longer be broadcast on it.

TV presenter Timur Kizyakov explained the reasons for leaving Channel One: together with the project “While everyone is at home,” he quit for at will back in May, after the scandal with video passports of orphans.

Kizyakov insists that the producer of the program, Dom LLC, at the beginning of June, on its own initiative, sent Channel One an official notice that it would no longer create a program for them: “We did this because unacceptable methods work of the channel management." Kizyakov refused to disclose the essence of his claims. “We know nothing about the fact that the channel allegedly decided not to work with us anymore in April,” he told reporters.

However, according to Kizyakov, the severance of relations with “First” for the “Dom” company is not directly related to the scandal around video passports: “Although we were extremely unpleasant that the channel did not protect us in this situation.”

Earlier, the media reported that the decision to terminate the contract with the Dom company, which produced the While Everyone Is Home program, was made about a month ago. Allegedly, this happened as a result of an internal audit, which was organized by the TV channel after the publication in the media of information that presenters Timur and Elena Kizyakov received money from several sources at once for the production of so-called “video passports” of orphans (they were shown in the section “You have there will be a child"). They talked about children from orphanages who needed adoptive parents.

It turned out that the company received money for this section from the TV channel (for outsourcing the production of the program), from the state (for the production of “video passports”) and from sponsors (for example, from one of the well-known manufacturers of ceramic tiles).

According to the United state register legal entities, 49.5 percent of Dom LLC belongs to Kizyakov and his long-time business partner Alexander Mitroshenkov, and another 1% belongs to the head of the company Nina Podkolzina.

The fact that companies that belong to the creators of the “While everyone is at home” program received funding from the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation and at the same time from regional authorities in the amount of about 110 million rubles for the creation of videos about orphans, Vedomosti reported at the end of last year.

According to procurement documents studied by the newspaper, the production of one such “video passport” costs 100 thousand rubles.

Channel One representative Larisa Krymova then noted that they were not aware that the company producing the program was filming “video passports” with money received from the state.

According to the publication, Channel One paid approximately one and a half million rubles for one episode of the program “While Everyone is Home.” The “You’re Having a Baby” section also had a separate sponsor - the same tile manufacturer, and the creators of the program also received part of this money.

Channel One suffers only losses - after Andrei Malakhov and Alexander Oleshko, Timur Kizyakov left the channel.

Eminence grise

They say the sword is raised over such old-timers as “What? Where? When?" and “Test purchase”, and above those that have become familiar for last years projects - “Let's get married”, “ Fashionable verdict", "First Studio". None of the authors of these programs confirmed the information about the closure to Sobesednik. At the same time, concern about their own fate is clearly heard in their comments. Now everyone at First feels that a big cleanup is underway.

“Interlocutor” writes the third issue in a row about the new “broom” - producer Natalya Nikonova, who organized this whole thing. Judging by the scope of her activities, Nikonova can be compared with Tatyana Mitkova, who in her golden years on NTV was given the definition of “ eminence grise" - for the ability to weave behind-the-scenes intrigues and in the right way influence management decisions.

People who know Nikonova closely told Interlocutor that she was clearing the space. And they say her goal is to build such a vertical in which there will be almost no people left under her command (someone, for example Maslyakov, is still too tough for her) who are able to communicate directly with Ernst.

“While everyone is at home” temporarily homeless

Just a month ago, no one could have imagined that “Let Them Talk” would have a new presenter. But Nikonova proved: no one is irreplaceable. Malakhova will most likely appear in “Tonight”, having decided to close “Alone with Everyone.”

The holy place will not remain empty even after the departure of the “While Everyone is Home” program, especially since now on “First” there is an analogue on Sundays right in front of it - with Yuri Nikolaev. The departure of Timur Kizyakov, who drank tea and bagels while visiting the stars for 25 years in a row, became known only last week. But the notice of termination of cooperation, according to the presenter, was sent to the channel back in May. At the same time, Nikolaev also launched its guest project - apparently not by chance...

The departure of “While Everyone is Home” is mistakenly associated with an old scandal, when a number of media outlets accused Timur Kizyakov of fraud in receiving money from the state to produce video passports for orphans. These videos were shown as part of the “You’re Having a Child” section: the presenter’s wife, Elena Kizyakova, traveled to orphanages across the country and prepared half-hour stories about each child. Only a fragment was aired, but the material was posted in full on the Videopassport website - for these purposes, companies owned by the Kizyakovs received budget funds (approximately 100,000 rubles per video).

“Kizyakov makes money from orphans” is, of course, a loud headline. But deceitful. Timur himself calls the accusations just a convenient excuse that “First” used to get rid of the program with history. Charitable foundations that also deal with adoption issues do not consider accusations of fraud to be justified.

– We are grateful to the “While Everyone is Home” program for raising the topic of adoption at such high level, showed that orphans in orphanages can and should be filmed,” says Ekaterina Lebedeva, head of the program for creating video profiles of orphans at the “Change One Life” charity foundation. – I would like the topic of orphans not to be abandoned as a result of what is happening with the program.

And then there's politics

Why is Kizyakov leaving? In a conversation with Sobesednik, Timur refused to explain what he meant by “unacceptable methods of work of the channel management with producers.” According to our information, “First”, having learned about the “additional financing” of the program through government contracts, decided to take advantage of the situation and offered Kizyakov half the amount for the program.

- This is very effective tool squeezing out programs,” a television producer shared with us, who asked not to be named, since he himself collaborates with “First”. - So at one time the channel got rid of the “One to One” program, as a result of which the project moved to “Russia 1”, and Ernst began to produce tracing paper on his own - “Exactly”. And with “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” figured it out. TV producer Sergei Kordo, who dispersed this locomotive, was removed from further creation of the show and handed over on a platter to the Red Square company, owned by Ernst’s wife.

In an interview with the Dozhd TV channel, Kizyakov dropped the phrase that “the reasons for his departure are similar to those that guided Andrei Malakhov.” And he was asked to switch to deputies, governors and show them as exemplary cute family men?

“I don’t think it’s a problem for the viewer to press not the first, but the second button on the remote control,” Kizyakov cheers, hinting at a possible appearance on the Russia 1 channel. On August 30, the presenter will turn 50 years old, and a new job will probably be the best gift for him.

However, as we learned, Kizyakov’s prospects are not very bright. The Supreme Council (Timur joined it last year) is going to expel him from its membership. Is it really for refusing to court the party in power?

The average Russian TV viewer, turning on the TV on Sunday morning, will no longer see a positive person, drinking tea visiting the stars.

According to the source, this decision is related to the results of an audit, during which it became clear how the program was financed.

The program that sent the country “crazy”

“While everyone is at home” - real symbol era. The first episode aired on November 8, 1992, during the period of traumatic shock from the collapse of the USSR. There was very little positivity on TV at that time, and Sunday gatherings with tea became a real outlet for viewers, and presenter Timur Kizyakov quickly became a star no less than those to whom he came.

For the poor of the 1990s, the column “Crazy Hands” was a godsend, in which inventor Andrey Bakhmetyev together with Kizyakov they created simple crafts from scrap materials. The most popular of them were, of course, plastic bottles, from which, it seems, Bakhmetyev was ready to assemble anything, even a space station.

In 1996 and 2006, “While Everyone is Home” won the TEFI Award in the “Best Educational Program” category.

Over a quarter of a century of existence, the program has become so recognizable that, perhaps, there have been no major humorous projects where they did not joke about it, from parodies in “Big Difference” to hurricane numbers in “Comedy Club”.

“While everyone is at home” spoiled the “children's question”?

TV critics frowned, believing that the format of the program was outdated, just as Timur Kizyakov himself was outdated after 25 years of continuous tea drinking.

And yet, at first glance, nothing foreshadowed the current turn of events.

However, back in December 2016, at a seminar-meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets Head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva drew the attention of the regions to the dishonest work of foundations for placing children in families. Vasilyeva also mentioned the “While everyone is at home” program, in which since 2006 there has been a section “You will have a child”, which helps in the adoption of children left without parental care. The program prepared so-called child video passports, and the minister noted that filming video passports of orphans for adoption funds was a big problem. According to Vasilyeva, it is precisely because of such funds that there is a high return of children in the regions.

At the same time, information surfaced that the column “You will have a child” allegedly receives additional funding from the funds that Minister Vasilyeva spoke about.

Timur Kizyakov: Channel One’s methods are unacceptable to us

Sources at Channel One claim that the decision to terminate cooperation with Timur Kizyakov was made back in the spring. A new show aims to fill the “hole” in the Sunday broadcast schedule Yuri Nikolaev"Honestly".

In turn, Timur Kizyakov, in an interview with RBC, confirmed the termination of cooperation with Channel One, but at the same time stated that this was done on the initiative of the team creating “While Everyone is Home.”

The television company Dom, which produces the program, sent an official letter about the termination of cooperation to Channel One on May 28.

Earlier it also became known that Alexandra Oleshko was also in the new season on Channel One. Malakhov goes to maternity leave, oh, and he moved to NTV.

On Channel One, the exodus of TV presenters who have worked there for almost decades continues.

On Tuesday, news came that the television company would no longer buy the program “While Everyone Is Home.”

This is due to the scandal that began last year. The charitable part of Kizyakov’s program - the section “You will have a child” - was accused by critics of additional funding.

Channel One then expressed bewilderment about this.

“We are buying the “While everyone is at home” program from the “Dom” company (formerly “TMK” and “While everyone is at home”). Since we are not involved in the creation of the project, we do not know the details of the authors’ relationship with government organizations, including financial ones. We have always considered charitable projects important matter, and, of course, the section about orphans was welcomed by the channel. The information you provide is news to us. We’ll sort it out,” the website quoted the response of the television company’s press service in December 2016.

“Happy work with and for children in the most different projects, films and television programs has been accompanying me for a long time. "You are super! Dancing" is a unique NTV project that you want to be involved in! For many years, being the host of popular television shows various formats, I always tried to become a protector, support, comrade and friend for the participants. Especially for children,” NTV.Ru website quotes Oleshko. — As a child, I myself, dreaming of becoming an artist, studied in a variety of studios and clubs, including dancing. And for some time he was part of the children’s group of the legendary dance ensemble “ZHOK”. Therefore, I know firsthand how important kind word and support. I want our young dancers to open up and show everything they are capable of. Each of them is super!”

At the end of last year, Kizyakov told Vedomosti that over the course of 10 years, he, his wife Elena Kizyakova and the “While Everyone is Home” film crew created about 3,000 video passports of children; the video broadcast on “First” was a small transformed version of the video passport. These videos were shot using funds won at the tender and payments from the TV channel and sponsors: “State financing of our work has never been a secret, no one hid it,” but Kizyakov himself did not earn anything from this. The cost of one video is 100,000 rubles, he said. He assured that he does not declare the real cost of the video at tenders, since 100,000 rubles. and so it looks like a frightening amount: “And we will not be able to justify unforeseen expenses according to the estimate if the children we came to rent get sick.” You can’t skimp on the quality of videos, he’s sure.

Tenders for the creation of video passports about orphans were won by four companies, the founders of which were Kizyakov, his wife and Mitroshenkov: Videopassport LLC, Children's Videopassport LLC, NPO Charitable Foundation Videopassport and Dom LLC. Most of the purchases of videos about orphans regional authorities in 2011–2014 produced by a single supplier - companies associated with “While everyone is at home.” Officials justified this purchase by the fact that the company had registered the trademark “video passport” and an Internet search did not find alternative providers of this service. The creators of “While Everyone is Home” sued charities that tried to use this term. Vedomosti discovered two such claims, one was withdrawn, and in the second the owner of the trademark received compensation of 20,000 rubles. It is illegal to declare only one trademark in tender documentation - officials must indicate alternatives, says Nikolai Voznesensky, head of the Goltsblat antimonopoly service: “But challenging the results of the tender will be problematic. Only a company that submitted an application to participate in the tender, but it was rejected, can sue.”

State funding for video passports became known after a meeting at the Ministry of Education and Science in December last year, where, as TASS correspondent Tatyana Vinogradova and the newspaper wrote, TVNZ", ministry employee Evgeny Silyanov said that Kizyakov receives money from the budget to create videos about orphans and is suing others charitable foundations, if they try to use the term “video passport”. A ministry representative did not answer questions from Vedomosti yesterday.

Mitroshenkov did not answer calls from Vedomosti. A representative of Channel One declined to comment.

Kizyakov confirmed to Vedomosti that he will no longer produce a program for Channel One. He insists that the producer of the program, Dom LLC, at the beginning of June, on its own initiative, sent Channel One an official notice that it would no longer create a program for them: “We did this because of the unacceptable working methods of the channel’s management.” Kizyakov refused to disclose the essence of his claims. “We know nothing about the fact that the channel allegedly decided not to work with us anymore in April,” he emphasizes.

Kizyakov also insists that the severance of relations with “First” for the “Dom” company is not directly related to the scandal around video passports: “Although we were extremely unpleasant that the channel did not protect us in this situation.”

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