Timur Kizyakov called the methods of the management of Channel One unacceptable. “Channel One” abandoned “While everyone is at home” because of the scandal with orphans. What is happening with the program while everyone is at home

Today this news was officially confirmed by the TV channel. The TV channel terminated the contract with the production company of “While Everyone is Home” after a scandal involving the financing of the filming of videos about orphans.

Since the program does not belong to the TV channel and was created by the production company, “While Everyone is Home” will no longer be broadcast on Channel One. The decision to terminate the contract was made about a month ago.

According to an RBC source, the termination of the contract with Dom LLC occurred as a result of an internal audit organized by the TV channel after the funds mass media there were reports that the hosts of “While Everyone is Home,” Timur and Elena Kizyakov, took money from several sources at once to produce so-called video passports of orphans, which were shown in the section “You will have a child”


The section “You will have a child” talked about children from orphanages who need adoptive parents. “The channel began checking as soon as the first publications appeared in the media. As a result, the information about the fraud was confirmed, and the decision was made to close the program,” explained RBC’s interlocutor. " main reason- damaged reputation of the program. And everyone was waiting for some action from Channel One,” the interlocutor added.

According to an RBC source, it turned out that the company received money for this section from the TV channel (for outsourcing the production of the program), the state (for the production of the so-called video passports for children) and from sponsors (for example, from the manufacturer ceramic tiles Kerama Marazzi). According to RBC’s interlocutor on Channel One, the production of the “While Everyone is Home” program was carried out by Dom LLC, registered in Moscow in November 2015. According to the United state register legal entities(Unified State Register of Legal Entities), 49.5% of the LLC belongs to Timur Kizyakov, the same share belongs to his long-time business partner Alexander Mitroshenkov, another 1% belongs to the head of the company Nina Podkolzina.

The fact that companies that belong to the creators of the “While everyone is at home” program received funding in the amount of about 110 million rubles. for the creation of videos about orphans from the Ministry of Education and Science and at the same time from regional authorities, the Vedomosti newspaper reported at the end of December 2016. According to procurement documents studied by Vedomosti, the production of one such video passport costs 100 thousand rubles.


Channel One representative Larisa Krymova then told the publication that the TV channel was not aware that the company producing the program was filming video passports with money received from the state. She also said then that the channel intends to look into whether this violates the terms of the contract. According to the newspaper, Channel One pays about 1.5 million rubles for one episode of the program “While Everyone is Home.” The “You're Having a Baby” section also has a separate sponsor - the tile manufacturer Kerama Marazzi, and the creators of the show also receive part of this money. For the column “You will have a child,” Alexander Mitroshenkov, Timur Kizyakov and Elena Kizyakova received the Russian government award in the field of mass media in 2015.

The permanent presenter of the program, Timur Kizyakov, first assured that he knew nothing that the contract had been terminated, then he stated that the producers of the program themselves decided to stop collaborating with Channel One. He said this in a commentary to the radio station “Moscow Speaks”.

The main reason is that we do not accept the methods of the management of Channel One that are currently being practiced there,” said Kizyakov. What methods exactly? we're talking about, dont clear.

According to Kizyakov, in December 2016, after publications were published about the situation with video passports of orphans (then it turned out that Kizyakov received money from the budget for them), Channel One simply stepped aside.

Now I believe that Channel One is trying to save face when programs with a long-standing reputation are leaving,” the presenter said.


According to Kizyakov, the decision to terminate cooperation with Channel One in the Dom company (half owned by Kizyakov) was made in May 2017. At the same time, the Vedomosti newspaper writes that the decision to terminate the contract was made in April. According to Vedomosti, one of the reasons for this was the decline in the program’s ratings. “The scandal with video passports of orphans became the final point for the channel,” the newspaper reported, citing a source on Channel One.

Kizyakov does not consider the claims to be justified. According to him, “While everyone is at home” is a “bone in the throat” for competitors who also make videos about orphans. However, he did not specify which programs he was talking about.

As long as we exist, we have someone to compare with. Look closely at these programs through the eyes of a potential adoptive parent - what information will give you a reason to travel across the country to see your child? - says Kizyakov.

He emphasized that thanks to the “You will have a child” section in “While everyone is at home,” 2.5 thousand children from orphanages left for families. “And when 20-30 thousand videos are filmed, and five children are arranged, the effectiveness is zero,” he believes, calling competitors’ content “props” and “appearance.”

Kizyakov said that all funding for the production of video passports came from government agencies - the Ministry of Education and Science or regional authorities.


In order for a child to be seen, a certain amount of information, a certain amount of professional work is needed,” he explained.

At the same time, Kizyakov claims that the sponsor of the column - the tile manufacturer - had nothing to do with the videos, and the sponsor's gift goes to the children's institution where the child - the hero of the column - lives. Kizyakov included the costs of the journalists' trip to the orphanage in the program production estimate - it was assumed that Channel One would pay for this.

I’m interested in how the channel will comment on the fact that the presenters are leaving one by one. We will not make excuses, but will continue to do what we were doing. The program may die, but it cannot die, said Kizyakov. He added that he was considering the possibility of concluding a contract with another TV channel and continuing to show “While everyone is at home.”


The press service of Channel One did not comment on the information about Kizyakov’s departure.

  • The program “While Everyone is Home” has been broadcast on Channel One since 1992 on Sundays. The TV presenter visited celebrities and talked with their families.
  • According to TV meter Mediascope (formerly TNS), the program “While everyone is at home” remained in Lately in the second half of the rating “100 most popular programs among Russians over the age of 4 years.” The ratings for the releases “While Everyone is Home” in the spring did not exceed 3%.

Authors and presenters of popular TV programs continue to leave Channel One. Most of them say that they do not find mutual understanding with management. TV presenters switch to other federal channels, competing with the first button. “360” talks about the latest and possible changes on the First.

RIA Novosti / Alexander Kryazhev

On Tuesday, August 15, it became known that Timur Kizyakov was added to the list of presenters who left Channel One. Earlier it was reported about the departure of Andrei Malakhov and Alexander Oleshko.

The reasons for Kizyakov’s dismissal are not officially reported, but it is believed that this is due to charitable activities TV presenter and his wife Elena. In December 2016, a scandal erupted related to the “You’re Having a Baby” column, which was published as part of the “While Everyone is Home” program. It showed video passports of orphans with the goal of finding new parents for them. The media received information that for the production of stories about orphans, Kizyakov took money immediately from Channel One, and from the state, and from sponsors. The TV channel conducted its own investigation, which was followed by the dismissal of the presenter.

The TV presenter himself says that he was slandered and that everything was in order with the financial statements of his television company “Dom”, which produced video passports, and cooperation with the federal television channel was broken on his own initiative. The corresponding letter was sent to the channel on May 27.

We do not accept the methods of the management of Channel One that are currently being practiced there

According to him, when attacks on the program began, the channel’s management simply ignored the situation and did not stand up for Kizyakov’s team. He says that a number of companies that have begun to accuse him of embezzling money simply see him as a competitor, “because they see it as a business.”

RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

Vedomosti wrote at the end of last year that Kizyakov’s company for the production of video passports for orphans received 110 million rubles from the Ministry of Education and Science and at the same time from regional authorities.

“When a sponsor is present in a program, the absolute majority of sponsorship advertising goes to the channel. Some small part remains for the development program, and that’s all. And what the sponsor gives as a gift, and here a certificate for 100 thousand rubles was given, goes directly to the children’s institution where the child was shown,” explained Kizyakov.

The program “While Everyone is Home” has been broadcast on Channel One on Sundays since 1992. In it famous people They talked about themselves and their family at breakfast. Now the authors of the TV show are thinking about what to do in this situation.

A week ago, on August 9, it became known that showman Alexander Oleshko was also leaving Channel One. IN different time he hosted a number of entertainment programs, including the humorous parody show “Big Difference”, “One to One”, “Minute of Fame”, “Exactly the Same”.

"Being freelance artist, accepted an offer that he couldn’t refuse! Wherever and whoever you are with, the main task remains to give the viewer joy, peace of mind and good mood“Oleshko wrote on his Instagram. Now the TV presenter can be seen in the show “You are Super!” Dancing”, which will air on NTV.

RIA Novosti / Vladimir Astapkovich

Rumors about the departure of Showman Andrei Malakhov in social networks back at the end of July. Later the information was confirmed. Competent sources claimed that Malakhov was leaving due to the fact that he could not work well with the new producer of “Let Them Talk” Natalya Nikonova. She returned to the channel not long ago and, according to one version, insisted that the popular talk show have more socio-political topics. Malakhov was categorically against this approach.

The TV presenter, according to some, decided to leave to host the “Live Broadcast” program on the Rossiya 1 TV channel. Along with him, the main part of the team that was involved in the production of “Let Them Talk” left. Malakhov himself wrote in the Vedomosti newspaper that the reason for his dismissal was precisely a conflict with management.

It has already been leaked to the media that Andrei Malakhov met with the team of the new project that he will lead and discussed the creation of the program. It is reported that the first program will be released at the end of August.

The series of dismissals of Channel One presenters may well continue. The website M24.ru previously said that TV presenter Elena Malysheva and Leonid Yakubovich could quit. True, in a conversation with “360” they did not confirm this information.

“Nothing happens on the channel and everything is great. But everyone has their own problems. Some programs are closed, some are changed. Some people are simply unhappy. We're not going anywhere. Until we are closed, we will work,” Leonid Yakubovich’s representative Anatoly denied the information.

Among the potential new hosts of “Let Them Talk” is the outrageous actor Nikita Dzhigurda. He told “360” that this was discussed, but he accuses the TV channel of slandering himself and his family, so he did not agree. Moreover, Dzhigurda connects the dismissal of Andrei Malakhov precisely with the fact that he once in his program accused the actor of forging the will of his rich girlfriend.

RIA Novosti / Maxim Bogodvid

“The transfer of Malakhov is connected with our statements to the police, the court and with the scandal provoked by the “Let Them Talk” program. The management of Channel One, in order to relieve themselves of responsibility and report that measures had been taken, started this game with Malakhov’s departure. My dream is for [Konstantin] Ernst to be fired from his position. I am convinced that few people want to tolerate the immoral methods that Channel One rebroadcast and with which dissenting journalists leave,” says the artist.

In a conversation with 360, other top presenters of Channel One said that they have no complaints against the management yet. “I cannot comment on the situation with the departure of the presenters, because I do not work there. Channel One simply buys my show, and I don’t plan to break off relations with them. I have no complaints about Channel One,” said journalist Vladimir Pozner.

Another old-timer of the channel, TV presenter and traveler Dmitry Krylov, agrees with him, who says that he has no complaints about his management. “And it would not be very correct for me to comment on the situation with the departure of the presenters, since I work on Channel One,” Krylov said.

The television program “While Everyone Is Home” will no longer air on Channel One, RBC has learned. The TV channel terminated the contract with the production company of “While Everyone is Home” after a scandal involving the financing of filming videos about orphans.

“Channel One” terminated the contract with the company that was producing the program “While everyone is at home.” This was reported to RBC by a source familiar with the channel’s work with third-party content producers. Since the program does not belong to the TV channel and was created by the production company, Channel One’s “While Everyone is Home” will no longer be broadcast.

Information about termination of the contract with the manufacturers of one of the oldest programs Channel One was also confirmed by another RBC source. "It is a fact. And the decision to terminate the contract with the company [Dom, which produced the program While Everyone Is Home] was made not today, but about a month ago,” a source at Channel One, close to the management, told RBC.

According to the source, the termination of the contract with Dom LLC occurred as a result of an internal audit organized by the TV channel after reports appeared in the media that the hosts of “While Everyone is Home” Timur and Elena Kizyakov took money from several sources at once for production of so-called video passports of orphans, which were shown in the section “You will have a child.”

The section “You will have a child” talked about children from orphanages who need adoptive parents. “The channel began checking as soon as the first publications appeared in the media. As a result, the information about the fraud was confirmed, and the decision was made to close the program,” explained RBC’s interlocutor. “The main reason is the damaged reputation of the program. And everyone was waiting for some action from Channel One,” the interlocutor added.

According to an RBC source, it turned out that the company received money for this section from the TV channel (for outsourcing the production of the program), the state (for the production of the so-called video passports of children) and from sponsors (for example, from the manufacturer of ceramic tiles Kerama Marazzi).

According to RBC’s interlocutor on Channel One, the production of the “While Everyone is Home” program was carried out by Dom LLC, registered in Moscow in November 2015. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), 49.5% of the LLC belongs to Timur Kizyakov, the same share belongs to his long-time business partner Alexander Mitroshenkov, and another 1% belongs to the head of the company Nina Podkolzina.

The press service of Channel One has not yet commented on RBC information about the termination of the contract with the company producing the program “So far, everyone is at home.” RBC sent an official request to Channel One.

TV presenter of the “While Everyone is Home” program Timur Kizyakov told RBC that he was not aware of the termination of the contract. “I don’t have such information, I’m away,” he said in a conversation with RBC.

Co-owner of the Dom company, Alexander Mitroshenkov, told RBC that he could not comment on anything, since he “does not have any information.” “This is the first time I’ve heard about this from you,” Mitroshenkov added, answering RBC’s question about Channel One’s termination of the contract with the Dom company for the production of the program “While Everyone Is Home.”

Financing of filming video passports

The fact that companies that belong to the creators of the “While everyone is at home” program received funding in the amount of about 110 million rubles. to create videos about orphans from the Ministry of Education and Science and at the same time from regional authorities, the Vedomosti newspaper reported at the end of December 2016. According to procurement documents studied by Vedomosti, the production of one such video passport costs 100 thousand rubles.

According to RBC, in June 2017, the Ministry of Education and Science signed a contract for 10 million rubles with Dom LLC. to develop at least 100 new videos about children in need of adoption. According to the contract, the duration of the video should be 30 minutes, including eight minutes with the participation of the child himself. The contract also provides for the production and publication on the federal television channel of at least six videos, each with a running time of at least 6 minutes. This part of the contract must be completed by October 3, 2017.

Channel One representative Larisa Krymova then told the publication that the TV channel was not aware that the company producing the program was filming video passports with money received from the state. She also said then that the channel intends to look into whether this violates the terms of the contract.

According to the newspaper, Channel One pays about 1.5 million rubles for one episode of the program “While Everyone is Home.” The “You’re Having a Baby” section also has a separate sponsor - the tile manufacturer Kerama Marazzi, and the creators of the show also receive part of this money.

For the column “You will have a child,” Alexander Mitroshenkov, Timur Kizyakov and Elena Kizyakova received the Russian government award in the field of mass media in 2015.

According to Mediascope, “While Everyone is Home” is among the 100 most popular programs among Russians over the age of four.

In addition to Dom LLC, according to SPARK-Interfax, Timur Kizyakov, together with Elena Kizyakova and Alexander Mitroshenkov, is the founder charitable foundation“Videopassport”, LLC “Videopassport child”, and LLC “Videopassport-Tula”. In addition, together with Alexander Mitroshenkov, he is a co-owner of Poka Vse Doma LLC.

It was these companies, as Vedomosti previously wrote, that in 2011-2014 won government tenders to create video passports about orphans and received government contracts for their production. At the same time, the creators of “While Everyone is Home” sued charities that tried to use the term “video passport”. As of December 2016, Vedomosti was able to discover two such claims - one was withdrawn, and in the second the owner of the trademark received compensation in the amount of 20 thousand rubles.

"While everyone is at home"

The program “While Everyone is Home” has been on the air since November 1992. As part of the program, its author and presenter Timur Kizyakov comes to visit families famous artists, writers, musicians and athletes. In addition, the program had several permanent sections. The “Crazy Hands” column was published in 1992-2010, but was closed due to the departure of the presenter Andrei Bakhmetyev. The section “My Beast” tells about the heroes’ pets.

Since September 2006, the section “You will have a child” was broadcast, which talked about children from orphanages who need adoptive parents. It was hosted by the wife of the main presenter of the program, Elena Kizyakova.

In December 2016, it became known that companies that belong to the creators of the program “While Everyone is Home” have received about 110 million rubles from tenders of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as regional authorities, since 2011. to create videos about orphans. Kizyakov himself told Vedomosti that since 2006, together with his wife and the “While Everyone is Home” film crew, they have created about 3 thousand such videos.

The producer of the program is the structures of the Transcontinental Media Company of Alexander Mitroshenkov, Dom LLC, registered in Moscow in November 2015. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), 49.50% of the LLC belongs to Timur Kizyakov, the same share belongs to his long-time business partner Alexander Mitroshenkov, and another 1% belongs to the head of the company Nina Podkolzina.

The program is a three-time winner of the TEFI television award. In July 2017, it was included several times in the Mediascope ranking of the 100 most popular programs among Russians over four years of age, ranking 39-56 in it.

With the participation of: Philip Aleksenko

The permanent presenter of perhaps the most soulful program on our TV, “While Everyone is Home,” will soon exchange “fifty dollars”

The permanent presenter of perhaps the most heartwarming program on our TV, “While Everyone is Home,” Timur KIZYAKOV, will very soon exchange “fifty dollars.” As always, he will spend his anniversary with his family - wife Elena, daughters Lena and Valya and son Timur. Well, we decided to remember the most bright moments from their lives.

Timur and Elena have been together for 20 years. We met at Ostankino, where Kizyakov At that time, he had already been working on his brainchild for five years - the “While Everyone is Home” program. Lena worked as an editor on another project and was also married.

For Timur it was love at first sight, obsession! - Comrade Kizyakova told us Ruslan Smolin. “I couldn’t eat or sleep and talked incessantly about this beauty. But several thousand people visit Ostankino every day, so the chances of meeting the mysterious stranger again were scanty. We tried to explain this to him and persuaded him not to kill himself like that - you never know how many girls walk the corridors of the television center! But, apparently, Lena and Timur were destined to be together. A few days later, Kizyakov again met a stranger at the Ostankino technical entrance - where he had never looked before that moment. And, naturally, he did not believe his luck.

From the very first moment I knew that we would have a family,” the TV presenter recalled that day. “Everything was at stake for me then.” Literally a few days after we met, while leaving on a business trip, I gave Lena the keys to my apartment and burned all the spare airfields: I called everyone with whom I had at least some hint of a relationship and said that we no longer communicate.

The TV presenter's country house is equipped with everything necessary for year-round living. Photo by Ruslan VORONOY ()

Elena immediately filed for divorce and within a few months became Kizyakov’s wife, and in next year gave him a daughter, whom the couple, without thinking twice, also named Lena. By the way, the Kizyakovs’ five-year-old son is called Timur - according to an already established tradition. And the middle Valyusha inherited her name from her grandmother.

Kizyakov admitted more than once that by marrying Elena, he found not only the love of his life, but also a faithful work partner. The wife became right hand Timur on the project “While everyone is at home” and hosts his column “You will have a child” there. In it, Elena talks about orphans and tries to help each child orphanage find a new family.

It would seem that the project is kind and charitable, but even here it was not without a scandal. Six months ago, the head of the department of state policy in the field of protection of children’s rights of the Ministry of Education and Science Evgeniy Silyanov said that for each such children’s video profile, the Kizyakovs receive a hefty sum. The figures were sky-high: almost 10 million rubles in a year alone! And not only that, Timur and his wife registered copyrights for such video passports of orphans, which gave them the opportunity to sue anyone who, in the same way as they, would try to place the orphanage children into a family.

The Kizyakovs themselves commented on this situation with restraint: they say that they did not appropriate other people’s money and spent all allocated funds exclusively for their intended purpose. Be that as it may, over the 11-year history of this charity project new house really gained an incredible number of babies.

During this time Timur and Elena also managed to acquire a luxurious family nest in the near Moscow region. In this three-story cottage with a cozy barbecue gazebo and a spacious bathhouse with a pond, Kizyakov will one of these days host a celebration in honor of his 50th anniversary.

MOSCOW, August 15. /TASS/. TV presenter Timur Kizyakov, together with the project “While everyone is at home,” left Channel One for at will back in May, after a scandal with video passports of orphans for whom adoptive parents were sought under the program. Kizyakov himself reported this to TASS on Tuesday.

Earlier, information appeared in the media that the program would no longer be broadcast on Channel One. On the channel's website, its last release is dated June 4, 2017. The permanent host of the program since 1992 has been Timur Kizyakov. His wife Elena hosted the column “You will have a child.”

"On May 27 or 28, Channel One received official letter from the television company "Dom", producer of the program "While everyone is at home", with a stamp, signature, with outgoing and incoming numbers, stating that we are stopping the production of the program "While everyone is at home" for Channel One. The main reason is that the methods of the management of Channel One have become unacceptable to us,” he said.

According to Kizyakov, the program did not feel support and protection from Channel One in the situation with video passports. The TV presenter emphasized that it is unfair to accuse the program of inflated costs (100 thousand rubles for a video passport), since film crew prepares a 40-minute high-quality film about each child according to a special scenario; trips to the regions also require travel expenses. It is incorrect to compare this product with short videos about children that some foundations involved in adoption prepare, Kizyakov believes. When asked about future fate Kizyakov did not respond to the project.

“It’s reassuring that 2.5 thousand children are in families,” he concluded.

Kizyakov also did not rule out the possibility of going to court. “Now we will see if this crosses the line into something completely abnormal, if there is a basis, then it is quite possible,” he said, without specifying against whom legal action is possible.

The press service of Channel One did not comment on the situation around Kizyakov and the program “While everyone is at home.”

One of the television companies that works with Channel One, TASS, reported that an internal investigation of Channel One was initiated against Kizyakov in April after publications in in social networks about video passports for orphans and courts for the right to the sole use of this term. "The decision to prepare new program(instead of “While everyone is at home” - TASS note) was decided back in April,” the source said.

About video passports

In 2014, the Ministry of Education and Science implemented a pilot project in the Moscow, Astrakhan and Pskov regions to create and post on the Internet videos about children left without parental care. Such videos contain stories and reviews about children from their friends, educators, educators, teachers and other specialists.

At the end of 2016, the head of the department of state policy in the field of protection of children's rights of the Ministry of Education and Science, Yevgeny Silyanov, said that the only executor of the state contract for issuing video passports for orphans for three years was the company of TV presenter Timur Kizyakov, who invented the information retrieval system "Videopassport". According to a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2014 the organization made 150 videos about orphans, in 2015 - 100, in 2016 - also 100 videos, and the cost of one video passport was 100 thousand rubles.

These figures and the fact that the company was suing other organizations that also created video passports for orphans sparked discussion on social networks and in the media.

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