Basic indicators and methods for calculating gross regional product. Indicators of the effectiveness of interbudgetary relations in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

GRP is calculated by territorial authorities state statistics according to a unified methodology developed in Federal service state statistics of the Russian Federation.

State statistics bodies compile input-output tables according to uniform methodological principles. Basic input-output tables, being integral part SNA is an integrated system of macroeconomic indicators that comprehensively characterize the structure of the economy in a detailed breakdown of types economic activity and products. By complementing the complete sequence of accounts, these tables allow you to provide more detailed analysis the process of production and use of goods and services, as well as the formation and use of income created in the production process.

The main indicators of input-output tables are:

Release of goods and services;

Intermediate consumption;

Gross value added;

GRP can be calculated using the following three methods:



End use (Table 1).

Table 1 ? Methods for calculating GRP

The method of calculating GRP based on the production account is called production. It shows how the aggregate supply of goods and services is formed at the average intensity of use of production factors.

The production method is intended to analyze the structure of production in the region, study the efficiency of economic sectors and the efficiency of production factors, identify the relative level economic development region. Analysis of the contribution of industries to the creation of the region's GRP is characterized by their share in the amount of gross value added (GVA).

According to the end-use method, GRP is determined as the sum of the following components:

Expenditures on final consumption of goods and services;

Gross accumulation;

Net exports of goods and services.

Expenditures on final consumption of goods and services include expenditures of households, expenditures of government agencies and expenditures non-profit organizations for goods and services for individual and collective consumption.

Household final consumption expenditure includes:

Expenses for the purchase of consumer goods and services;

Consumption of goods and services received in kind as payment for labor, and so on;

Consumption of goods and services produced by households for their own final consumption.

Final consumption expenditures of government agencies and non-profit organizations are determined as follows: running costs for the maintenance of these institutions minus income to these institutions from the sale of goods and services at market prices, plus the cost of consumer goods and services purchased by these institutions from market producers for transfer to households free of charge or at prices of no economic significance, plus reimbursement of expenses to households for the purchase of goods and services at the expense state funds social insurance. Budgetary organizations of health care, social security, etc. represent goods and services for individual consumption that are used by households to satisfy personal needs. Services for collective consumption are services of budgetary management and defense organizations.

Gross capital formation is understood as the acquisition, minus disposal, by residents of goods and services produced and provided in the current period, but not consumed in it. Gross formation includes gross formation of fixed capital, changes in inventories of material working capital and pure acquisition of values.

Gross fixed capital formation is defined as acquisitions of assets less disposals of new and existing fixed assets. Asset acquisitions include purchases, barter, capital use, and capital improvements. The disposal of assets is shown as a negative acquisition. Changes in inventories are changes in the value of inventories, work in progress, finished goods, and goods for resale. The change in the value of inventories of material working capital should be determined as the difference between receipts of products into inventories and withdrawals from them, while the products should be valued at market prices valid at the time of receipt or withdrawal, respectively. However, in practice it is difficult to obtain information about all receipts and withdrawals of products during the reporting period, so the change in inventories is usually calculated as the difference between the value of inventories at the end and the beginning of the period according to the financial statements of enterprises. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the influence of changes in the cost of products as a result of changes in prices while they are in inventory.

Pure acquisition of valuables. Valuables are items that are acquired not for production or consumer purposes, but for preserving value, i.e. items whose value increases over time: precious metals and stones (except for monetary gold, as well as gold and stones intended for industrial use), jewelry, antiques, collections, etc.

Export and import of goods and services - export-import transactions of a given country with all countries. Exports and imports represent the value of goods exported from or imported into the country.

When determined by the distribution method, GRP includes the following types of primary income:

Payment of employees;

Net taxes on production and imports;

Gross profit and gross mixed income.

Compensation of employees is the sum of all remuneration in cash or in kind paid by employers to an employee in exchange for work performed during the reporting period.

Net taxes on production and imports are defined as the difference between taxes on production and imports and subsidies on production and imports. Production and import taxes are mandatory payments levied by governments on businesses in connection with the production and import of goods and services or the use of factors of production. This includes taxes such as: VAT, excise taxes, sales taxes, turnover taxes, individual species services, profits of fiscal monopolies, taxes on imports, exports, customs duties, taxes on land, means of production and labor.

Production and import subsidies are ongoing, non-repayable, non-refundable payments that the government makes to businesses in connection with the production, sale or import of goods and services.

Gross profit and gross mixed income - profit and income represent that part of the added value that remains with producers after deducting expenses associated with the payment of employees and net taxes on production and imports. In this case, the profit (loss) received from production is measured before taking into account income from property. For unincorporated businesses owned by households, this type of income contains basic remuneration for work, which cannot be separated from the income of the owner or entrepreneur, in this case gross profit called mixed income.

After considering three methods for calculating GRP and identifying the main indicators that make up GRP, we can make an assumption about their influence on the nominal volume of GRP. These indicators are indicators that form GRP. However, a significant impact on the growth of GRP volume is exerted not only by these data that form it, but also external factors: investment activity, fixed assets in the economy, production efficiency.

Most general idea trends in the economic development of a country can be obtained based on an analysis of the growth rate of the physical volume of GDP, the analogue of which at the regional level is the growth rate of the physical volume of GRP. GRP physical volume index? a relative indicator characterizing the change in the volume of GRP in the current period, estimated in prices of the base period.

Where? GRP of the current period in basic prices (real volume of GRP);

GRP of the base period in base prices.

The GRP deflator index assesses the degree of inflation for the entire totality of goods produced and consumed in the state; it takes into account not only changes in prices of goods consumer consumption, but also the prices of goods used in public interests, investment, exported and imported goods and services.

GRP deflator index? the ratio of GRP in current prices to the volume of GRP in constant prices of the previous year.

It is customary to calculate the index using the Paasche formula, that is, by weighing the products of the reporting year.

statistical gross regional product

Where? GRP of the current period in current prices (nominal

volume of GRP).

Revaluation of GRP indicators into comparable prices is carried out by statistical authorities using the direct deflation method by dividing the GRP of the current period by the price index, that is:

A pure industry is a collection of manufactured units producing predominantly homogeneous products.

The GRP physical volume index is a relative indicator characterizing the change in the volume of gross regional product in the current period, estimated in prices of the base period. This index shows how much the physical volume of GRP has increased (i.e., excluding the influence of prices).

=, where (2)

∑ p1q0 - GRP in the current period;

∑ p1q0 - GRP in the base period.

GRP deflator index is the ratio of GRP calculated in actual prices to the volume of GRP calculated in constant prices of the base period. Characterizes the average change in prices in the economy over a certain period.

Final consumption consists of final consumption expenditures of households, government expenditures on individual goods and services and collective services, and final consumption expenditures of non-profit organizations serving households.

Expenditures on final consumption of households include household expenses on the purchase of consumer goods and services in all trade organizations, in markets and through unorganized trade, organizations of consumer and housing and communal services, passenger transport, communications, hotels, cultural institutions, health care, education etc., as well as the cost of goods and services consumed in kind, produced for one’s own final use, received as wages or humanitarian aid.

Government expenditures on individual goods and services consist of general government expenditures on consumer goods and services intended for individual consumption. Such expenses are financed from the state budget and extra-budgetary funds from funds received from the collection of taxes and from other state revenues. These expenses include the expenses of organizations providing free (for the population) services in the field of education, health care, and culture.

Government expenditures on collective services. This indicator differs from the previous one in that it takes into account services provided at the expense of the state budget by organizations that satisfy the needs not of individual households, but of society as a whole. This figure includes defense spending, total public administration, as well as expenses for non-market science, services of organizations serving agriculture and others.

Final consumption expenditures of non-profit organizations serving households - expenses public organizations (political parties, religious organizations, trade unions, public associations), in relation to which it is conventionally considered that they provide only individual goods and services. This also includes the cost of non-market services provided by independent socio-cultural divisions of corporations and quasi-corporations to their employees.

To analyze changes in the gross regional product for a certain period (primarily a year), the rate of real GRP is calculated. In this case, the rate of real GRP in relation to the previous period (year) is calculated in comparable prices of the previous period (year).

Real GRP = (4)

No less important are indicators of the level of income of the population:

1) Average per capita cash income is calculated by dividing total amount cash income per existing population.

) Disposable cash income - cash income minus mandatory payments and contributions.

) Real cash income is cash income of the current period, adjusted for the consumer price index. The indicator for the Russian Federation as a whole has been calculated since 1992, for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - since 1994.

) The average monthly nominal accrued wages of workers in the economy is determined by dividing the accrued fund wages per average annual number of employees.

) Social benefits received by workers from state and non-state extra-budgetary funds are not included in the wage fund and average monthly wage.

An important indicator is the index of industrial production in general view it is calculated as follows:

Qt/Q0 x100, where (5)

and Q0 - respectively, the physical volume of output of goods for period t and for the base period.

Indicators reflecting efficiency interbudgetary relations in the region can be roughly divided according to two criteria:

1) Criteria for regional independence;

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The economic status of each subject of the Russian Federation makes it relevant to apply the most different instruments to assess economic well-being, financial balance and competitive conditions not only in the domestic but also in the world market. These tools are extremely necessary for the implementation of effective federal policy, which is aimed at eliminating interregional imbalances and strengthening the integrity of the economy and politics. The independence of the regions leads to the actualization of regional policy and to the significance of such an indicator as the regional gross product.

Information support using GRP

Prosperity becomes a call to develop regional management decisions With modern approaches to information support and economic feasibility. The optimal basis for performance analysis market economy The system of national accounts, or SNA, is a complex type. At the regional level, the SNA appears in the SRS format (system of regional accounts). The central position in the SNA belongs to gross domestic product, or GDP. The regional analogue of GDP in the SNA is the regional gross product, or RGP. This indicator shows the level of economic development and is a unique reflection of the results of economic activity of each of the economic entities within the region. GRP is used as the basis for the formation of regional accounts.

Why is GRP calculated?

On the territory of Russia there are about 89 administrative-territorial entities, localized in different time zones, differing geographical location and the level of economic and social development. GDP reflects only the general situation in the country, not allowing one to clearly see how things are in different parts of the country, which eliminates the possibility of making objective decisions. The state is interested in data that can comprehensively characterize the situation in each individual corner of the country.

The differentiation of which is the regional gross product allows us to develop an appropriate economic policy and evaluate the effectiveness decisions made not at the country level, but at the regional level. With the help of GRP dynamics, in combination with cost and natural indicators, it is possible to establish the direction and intensity economic processes, which can serve as a strong impetus for development at the interregional level. GRP plays big role in calculating macroeconomic indicators and in reforming interregional relations. The indicator serves as a guideline in the process of distributing funds from the “Fund for Financial Support of Subjects of the Russian Federation”.

So what is GRP?

Regional gross product is, in fact, a generalized characterizing the level of economic development of the region. It reflects and characterizes the process of production of goods and services. The volume of GRP indicates the value of all goods and services produced in all economic sectors in a particular region. At the first stages of introducing the indicator into economic analysis data were published taking into account market prices. The assessment of GRP in the format of basic prices differs significantly from the assessment in market prices by exactly the amount of net taxes on products. Subsidies are not taken into account. GRP in the dominant workshops reflects the amount of added value in basic prices with a focus on a specific type of economic activity.

GRP structure, or what it includes

Gross regional product is calculated taking into account the basic price, which is calculated per unit of goods or services. Taxes are not taken into account, but product subsidies are taken into account. Gross is calculated in each individual segment of economic activity as the difference between the output of goods or services and their intermediate consumption. The total price for the production of goods and services within one region is the volume of products produced. The release includes goods and services already sold at market value. The average value is used for calculation. is taken into account in gross output, but only at cost. Intermediate consumption includes the value of goods and services that are fully used in production during the reporting period. Fixed capital does not play a role in calculating intermediate consumption. Expenses for the final use of GRP include expenses for households, for government agencies, for collective services. By assessing the volume of gross regional product and its structure, it is possible to determine the sources of financing for final consumption.

Calculation options

In conditions modern economy It is common to use several options for calculating GRP. The production method of calculating the indicator is used at the production stage. It is, in essence, the sum of gross value added, which is generated by each resident institutional unit in the economic territory of the region. Gross regional product, the calculation of which is based on the difference between the output of goods and services and their intermediate consumption, is formed on the basis of prices for goods and services that are fully consumed in production, and is carried out at the level of industries and sectors of the regional economy. GRP can also be calculated on the basis of current market prices by comparing them.

Difference between GDP and GRP

The gross regional product, which is calculated for each region, has significant differences from GDP. The difference between the indicators is the amount of added value. This may include:

  • Non-market collective services government agencies: defense, management.
  • Non-market services that are financed from the budget, but information about them is not available at the regional level.
  • Services of financial institutions whose activities almost always extend beyond one region.
  • Services related to foreign trade, data on which are collected at the Federal level.

Gross product: features of the indicator

The difference between GDP and GRP indicators is formed by the cost of paying taxes in connection with imports and exports. This value is very problematic to calculate due to its specificity and uneven integration between individual regions. Gross regional product by region is calculated over 28 months. The SAC technique allows you to get faster results. The government uses many mechanisms to monitor the dynamics and growth of the indicator. An interesting fact is that in total all GRP indicators do not correspond to GDP, which is determined by the specifics of the calculations and the exclusion of additional costs.

Based on what data is GRP calculated?

The multifaceted structure of the gross regional product determines the use of a large number of sources simultaneously to calculate parameter values. Thus, in the CIS countries, experts take into account enterprise registers and reports on the production and sale of goods and services, reports on production costs. Sample surveys and special reporting at the regional level are taken into account. The calculation is carried out based on employment reports and on the basis of surveys of each individual segment of the economy, based on a survey of household budgets. Significant sources of information are data from tax authorities and banking statistics, reports from public organizations and data on the implementation of different types budget.

GRP in Russian practice

The gross regional product for the regions of Russia fully characterizes the level of development of the region and is compared with macro-level indicators. It plays the role of a territorial factor in the development of social and economic processes. The calculation of the value is based on the methodological principles of the SNA, the development of which was carried out within the framework of the FSGS. Publication of results after their preliminary approval is also carried out at the FSGS level.

Forecasting of gross regional product is carried out on the basis of data collected from all residents of the regional economy. These can be corporations, quasi-corporations and households whose center of economic interest is located directly in the region in question. For the first time, the calculation and analysis of gross regional product was carried out in 1991 for 21 regions. Since 1993, all regional territorial authorities have taken part in the calculations. Since 1995, the assessment and calculation of GRP has been prerequisite implementation of the Federal Program. Only in 1997 did the assessment of the dynamics of the indicator begin. It provides reasons for implementing the correct economic policy in the sphere of production and industry, which account for 60 to 80 percent of the total GRP in almost all regions.

Currently, there is no unified practice of adequate valuation of natural resources and environmental and economic damage from economic activity humanity. However, there is an indicator that allows one to assess the level of environmental and economic development of the region. In this case we're talking about on the indicator of environmental intensity, which allows us to assess the efficiency of the use of natural resources in the entire chain of the reproduction process, from the primary use of resources and products obtained on their basis, to the final stage of the technological process associated with the transformation of the natural environment.

In the context of the actualization of problems of greening industry, the calculation of this indicator will allow us to assess the level of regional environmental management in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Until recently, industrial greening was predominantly carried out extensively (by cleaning up emissions and discharges), rather than by preventing them. However, in last years in the republic there is a tendency to improve environmental and economic indicators, which we visually presented by calculating the values ​​of the “environmental intensity” indicator (Table 1). For this purpose, the author adopted the existing calculation methodology as a basis. Based on the above formula, an improved calculation model was proposed, taking into account more wide range environmental problems and subsequently assessed as an index of “green” GRP.

Thus, the following formula was obtained for calculating the “green” GRP index:

Z – index of “green” GRP;

A is the volume of air pollutants;

B - volume of polluted Wastewater;

C is the volume of waste generation;

GRP – gross regional product.

The results obtained for calculating the “green” gross regional product index of the Republic of Bashkortostan are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Dynamics of the “green” GRP index of the Republic of Bashkortostan for 2010 – 2013

Thus, the above calculations showed that in the period from 2010 to 2013. There is a tendency for a significant decrease in the “green” GRP index. It is known that the lower the value of the indicator under study (natural intensity), the more efficiently the economy of a region or industry operates. Based on the data in the table, we see that every year there is an increase in GRP, but at the same time, the volume of substances polluting the environment is significantly reduced. In our opinion, such a downward trend has become the reason for the stabilization of the “green” GRP index, which allows us to judge the reduction in the values ​​of the environmental intensity indicator. Also, the decrease in the indicator occurred, possibly due to a decrease in the volume of extraction of mineral resources. To confirm the above, we present indicators of specific pollution and environmental intensity of the economy, the obtained values ​​of which allow us to conclude that the anthropogenic load on natural objects has decreased.

Table 2 - Dynamics of indicators of specific pollution and environmental intensity of the economy of the Republic of Bashkortostan for the period 2010-2013

2010 2011 2012 2013
Water used, thousand
Land used, thousand hectares. 14294,7 14294,7 14294,7 14294,7
Volume of solid minerals produced, thousand tons 4357,4 4360,2 4565,4 4650,4
Oil production volume, million tons 14,1 14,4 15,1 15,4
GRP, thousand rubles
Water capacity 0,00104 0,00088 0,00073 0,00071
Earth capacity 0,000019 0,000015 0,000012 0,000012
Specific gravity mining of solid minerals 0,0000057 0,0000046 0,0000039 0,0000040
Share of oil production 0,000018 0,000015 0,000013 0,000013

Thus, based on the author’s calculations, it has been revealed that in the Republic of Bashkortostan there is a tendency for the values ​​of the “green” GRP index to decrease, which allows us to judge the decrease in the anthropogenic load on the natural objects of the republic, which is also clearly visible based on the above presented values ​​of specific pollution and the environmental intensity of the economy of the Republic Bashkortostan.

Ratings of sustainable development of the Volga regions have been developed federal district, based on various calculation methods. The results of the first rating were obtained based on the improved “green GRP” index. The second rating was based on the “adjusted net savings” index, which made it possible to compare the data obtained when ranking regions according to the degree of industrial impact on the natural environment.

Undoubtedly ecological problems are available in all regions of the Volga Federal District, however, territories are distinguished by the level of these problems characteristic of a particular territory. The differences lie in the fact that the regions of the Volga Federal District are characterized by very high differentiation in terms of their level of development, associated with their industry specialization, largely determined historical background and features of industrial development in Soviet years. In this regard, we consider it important to assess the level of regional environmental management as the main component environmental safety region. Compiling an environmental and economic rating will allow us to identify potential leaders in the sustainable development of the Volga Federal District - to use the best regional practices.

The rating is based on the previously presented “green” GRP index (formula 1). Based on the available data, the studied indicator was calculated. As a result, we obtained the following data presented in Table 3.

Based on the data obtained, the regions of the Volga Federal District were ranked according to the efficiency of using natural resources. The results obtained are shown in Figure 1.

In first place in the environmental and economic rating was Chuvash Republic which, apparently, is justified by the fact that this region has relatively low volumes of pollution and GRP values. Accordingly, the industrial productivity of the region is minimal, which determines the low volumes of natural resource use.

The result of the Republic of Tatarstan, which took second place in the ranking, is interesting. Despite the high GRP indicators, as well as the volume of pollutants, the “green” GRP index was 0.00000030, which indicates the efficient use of the region’s natural resources with minimal externalities.

According to the rating data on the availability of conditions for rational environmental management, it is most applicable for the Nizhny Novgorod and Samara regions, which occupy third and fifth places in the rating, respectively. We make this conclusion due to the high indicators of the volume of GRP and average values ​​of the volume of pollution environment.

High places in the ranking for Udmurt Republic, Kirov, Saratov, Penza regions and for the republics of Mari El and Mordovia are due to relatively low values ​​of GRP indicators, which entails the use of a small amount of resources.

It should be noted that 13th place in the ranking was taken by the Republic of Bashkortostan with a value of 0.0000040. Of course, in comparison with other regions of the Volga Federal District, the Republic of Belarus does not fully effectively use the existing opportunities due to natural and geographical features. However, the development of the republic is directed along the path of sustainable development, since the value of the “green” GRP index in 2010 alone was equal to 0.000063. Thus, the improvement in the conditions of regional environmental management in the period from 2010-2013 amounted to 37%.

In last place in the ranking according to the “green” GRP index is the Orenburg region, where the worst conditions for regional environmental management have developed, which threatens the environmental safety of both the region itself and the border areas. The region has developed serious problem on the volume of waste generation, which requires an urgent decision, which must certainly be taken into account by the regional authorities.

When developing the second index, the world experience in assessing sustainable development was analyzed, and the optimal indicator, from the authors’ point of view, was chosen as the basis for the calculation - the “adjusted net savings” index, which is the result of correction of gross domestic savings. The “adjusted net savings” index is one of the most developed indicators of sustainable development that characterize the social and environmental “quality” of economic growth, i.e. economic growth while ensuring social development and environmental conservation.

natural and human capital s are the basis of national wealth, based on the assessment of which regions are compared in terms of sustainability of environmental development.

So, here is the formula for calculating the above indicator applicable to the regions of the Russian Federation:

SCHN = VN – ID – IPR – UZOS + RChK + ZOS + PA, where (2)

NSN - adjusted net savings;

ВН – gross fixed capital formation;

ID – investments in fixed capital for the type of activity “Mining”;

IPR – depletion of natural resources;

UZOS – damage from environmental pollution;

RCHK – budget expenditures for the development of human capital;

EEP – environmental protection costs;

PAs – assessment of specially protected natural areas.

Calculation of all components of the SCN indicator will allow us to calculate the environmental-economic index, which is determined by the formula below:

ISCHN = SCHN/GRP 100%, where (3)

ISNI - index of adjusted net savings (environmental-economic index);

NSN – adjusted net savings;

GRP is gross regional product.

As a result of the calculations, the following results of the “adjusted net savings” index for the regions of the Volga Federal District were obtained.

Based on the data obtained from the table above, we obtained the following rating results for the regions of the Volga Federal District, which are presented in Figure 2.

According to the results of the rating, the Republic of Mordovia took first place. However, the leading position for this region is very conditional, since the main sector of material production is agriculture. Due to the poor development of the economic activity “mining,” there are no statistical data necessary for calculation. That is, the environmental-economic index of 52% should be considered conditional, since in the most general form the value of national wealth is not reduced by the volume of extracted resources.

In this case, the most full picture for this region displays the previous ranking, in which the Republic of Mordovia took tenth place.

The Chuvash Republic is in second place; it is worth noting that in the previous ranking this territory was in first place. The “adjusted net savings” index was 44.7%. The republic is characterized by low volume harmful emissions into the atmosphere and ranks 3rd among all regions of the Volga Federal District in terms of absolute damage from environmental pollution.

Location of the following regions: Penza region, Ulyanovsk region, Kirov region, Republic of Mari El, Nizhny Novgorod region in third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh places due to insignificant volumes of depletion of natural resources, which, however, is determined by the absence of significant reserves of mineral raw materials in the regions. At the same time, the absolute value of adjusted net savings is at a low level, which is due to the low level of economic development and the low volume of GRP in the region.

Note that during the compilation of the rating it was noted that the higher the level of GRP, the lower the position the region occupies. Let us take as an example the Republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, which are located in 8th and 9th places, respectively. These are one of the few regions that have a fairly high level of economic development. The Republic of Tatarstan is among the leaders in terms of the ratio of gross fixed capital formation to GRP. The Republic of Bashkortostan is characterized by relatively high costs for the development of human capital, as well as the presence of protected areas. In these territories, damage from economic activity associated with the depletion of natural resources and environmental pollution is fully compensated by investments in human capital, the presence of protected areas and other activities.

Samara Region And Perm region, whose index of “adjusted net savings” is 31.9% and 30.8% are located in 10th and 12th places, respectively. In these areas there is quite a high level of damage from environmental pollution. In addition, forest reserves are declining in the region, leading to a decrease in natural capital. These losses, coupled with the low volume of gross savings, are the main factors that determined the low value of the environmental-economic index.

Last in the ranking (as in the previous one), the Orenburg region ranks 14th in the environmental and economic index. The index of “adjusted net savings” amounted to 21.8% of GRP. The main indicator that has had a negative impact on the region’s index position is the significant depletion of natural resources, which significantly reduces gross fixed capital formation, i.e. Natural resources are withdrawn without further reproduction, which reduces natural capital. However, this is typical for almost all subjects of the Russian Federation with a low value of the environmental-economic index.

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