The usual topic is Zhanna Badoeva biography. Biography of Zhanna Badoeva: through thorns - to fame, love and recognition

Many people are interested in learning about the personal lives of stars. And Zhanna Badoeva is no exception. Zhanna's last name before marriage was Dolgopolskaya. She was born on the eighteenth of March one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six in Lithuania.

First marriage

Jeanne's first marriage occurred when she was nineteen years old. Her husband was a wealthy man, a successful businessman - Igor Kucharenko. The age difference was fifteen years. At that time, Igor was already divorced and had a daughter.

For Zhanna, he became not only a husband, but also a friend, and to some extent a father. Soon after her marriage, Zhanna gave birth to a son, they named him Boris. A little more time will pass and their marriage will fall apart. And the reason for the divorce was that Badoeva’s husband gave her a choice: college or housework.

Badoeva was categorical, and she was no longer satisfied with sitting within four walls. She chose the institute. Her husband, as promised, decided to leave the family. Zhanna shed many tears over this, because she did not expect such an act from Igor. But somehow I had to move on with my life. At that time, she still had an infant and could not work yet, so her parents came to the rescue.

Seven years later, Zhanna met her classmate Alan Badoev. At that time, he had already become a music video director and director. Later, their common daughter Lolita was born. Badoev got along well with Zhanna’s first son, Boris, and considered him family too, so they never quarreled over the children.

Nine years later, they announced their divorce to the public. TV viewers were shocked by this news. Because their union seemed the happiest in the world. Later, Zhanna Badoeva admitted that the reason was that Badoev spent a lot of time at work and could not be at home for several days.

So, such an attitude was established in their family that they simply lived like Good friends, and each went about their own business, without interfering with each other’s affairs. They could no longer live together as a family.

New life

A little time passed after the alliance with Alan fell apart, and Badoeva had a new lover. Successful entrepreneur Sergei Babenko was able to win Zhanna’s heart. Their acquaintance took place in the United States of America.

After dating for a short time, they thought about getting married, but this never happened because they said goodbye forever.

Soon Zhanna met a new boyfriend. It was the musician Vasily Melnichin. He was born in the city of Lvov, and met Zhanna in Venice. Vasily is a professional musician, his permanent place residence Italy.

Presumably it is known that Zhanna and Vasily got married in two thousand and fourteen. After this, Jeanne and her children immigrated to Italy with him. But due to her work, Zhanna has to travel constantly.

Zhanna Badoeva is a popular and very charming TV presenter. She looks great on camera, has charm and a good sense of humor, and is always a pleasure to watch.

Zhanna was born in the Lithuanian SSR, in the city of Mazeikiai, into an ordinary family of engineers. Grandmother future star loved to play the piano, so little Zhanna often listened to her play and even fell asleep listening to her. She loved music with all her heart. The girl also enjoyed attending dance classes and practiced them professionally.

When the time came to go to university after graduating from school, her parents insisted on choosing a technical specialty, so Zhanna entered the construction institute. By this time, the family had moved to Ukraine, to Kyiv. The girl studied at the university and successfully graduated. But by that time she realized that the profession chosen by her parents was not at all for her and entered the Institute of Film and Television in the directing department. True, she initially planned to study to become an actress, but she was not accepted because of her age. Then she changed her mind and went to study as a director, since there were no age restrictions for this department.

The teachers noticed the artistic student at the very beginning of her studies. She showed herself so brightly that the acting teacher invited her to work as a teacher in the acting department, which she did. Zhanna worked in this position for several years.

Successes before becoming a TV presenter

The creative path of the future presenter began with participation in the Ukrainian Comedy Club. She became its first female resident. Then Zhanna entered the position of creative producer on television, and then became a production director on several television projects. Zhanna worked on such a popular TV channel as “1+1”. This practice brought her considerable experience.

Started in February 2011 new project– travel show “Heads and Tails”. This was Zhanna's original idea. She became the leader in it along with her husband Alan Badoev. They filmed the first season, then Alan was replaced by another presenter, and Zhanna remained on the show. She traveled to 67 countries with the program, literally lived this project as if it were her brainchild, and then left the program, citing the fact that she practically stopped seeing her family and children.

Zhanna Badoeva on the set of the program “Heads and Tails”

But she did not leave television and almost immediately took the place of co-host in the culinary show “MasterChef”. In order to get into this project, Zhanna had to go through a serious selection process.

Still from the program “MasterChef”

Then there were other projects in Ukrainian and Russian television. Now she is the permanent host of the show “ZhannaPozheni” on the Friday TV channel.

Personal life

For the first time, Zhanna married at the age of 19 to a wealthy man - the owner of a gas station chain named Igor. He was much older than her. Zhanna's first marriage left her with memories of complete youthful stupidity. She had just entered college, and soon she and Igor had a joint son, Boris. After some time, the girl realized that Igor had stopped developing. The husband insisted that his wife take care of the house and household chores, and did not want to put up with her independence. As a result, he kicked her out of the house with an 8-month-old child in her arms. Zhanna then “got the ground out from under her feet.” She went to her mother, where she was able to collect her thoughts and find the strength to survive the divorce.

Zhanna got married for the second time seven years later. Alan and I studied at university together. At first there were no ardent feelings between them. One day in 2003, colleagues decided to fly together on vacation to Egypt, booked a hotel, and had to bring money the next day. Of the whole company, only Zhanna and Alan came, and they set off on the trip. During the trip, nothing happened between them either, and only on the way back did the young people suddenly start talking about getting married. That's how it all started. It was happy marriage. In total, Alan and Zhanna lived together for 9 years. In their marriage, they had a daughter, Lolita. In 2012, the couple decided to break up, saying that there were no former feelings between them. However, Alan and Zhanna kept a good relationship and continue to actively communicate with each other.

After the divorce, Zhanna began an affair with businessman Sergei Babenko, an engagement was even announced, but the wedding was upset.

In 2015, Zhanna married for the third time to businessman Vasily Melchinin. The family lives in Italy.

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TV presenter Zhanna Badoeva managed to fall in love with millions of viewers of the Friday TV channel. In many ways, she is familiar to people from her work on the project “Heads and Tails” - but is the biography of Zhanna Badoeva known to the world? With the advent latest projects genuine interest in the spectacular star is increasing: How old is Zhanna Badoeva? Who is Jeanne's new Italian husband, with whom she is hiding a luxurious wedding? We decided to lift the veil hiding the fate of the presenter, her real story, facts and photos.

As the all-knowing Wikipedia helpfully reports, the star entertainment channel“Friday” was born on March 18, 1976. Contrary to popular belief and expressive appearance, there is no direct authoritative evidence that the presenter’s nationality is Jewish. Her small homeland- a small industrial town of Mazeikiai (Lithuania). The star's parents - simple engineers - prepared the girl to continue the family business. Persistent mom and dad achieved their goal: after graduating high school, she obediently entered the unloved construction university, then... she firmly decided to discover herself in something else.

The bright girl was interested in mysterious world expressive arts. The future celebrity literally dreamed theater performances, enchanting game, transformation. Badoeva went through a rather difficult path to cherished dream: she didn’t just study construction at the behest of her strict parents, she entered the acting department she wanted, but alas, she wasn’t accepted. Then the stubborn girl, without giving up, entered the director's department.

The difficult path was not without personal twists and turns. At the age of 19, yesterday's schoolgirl got married. At first, the marriage was unusually happy: the star still remembers it fondly. Fairy tale collapsed when the young wife decided to realize herself: she entered college, stayed late at rehearsals, and began acting in the Ukrainian “Comedy Club”. Igor’s husband was irritated by the striking emancipation of the woman he loved, and after seven years of a wonderful marriage, he mercilessly threw her out with infant.

Despite the intolerability of her situation, she did not give up, worked tirelessly, grew creatively, and developed. In other words, she became an integral person - the one who is known as “TV presenter Zhanna Badoeva.” At this stage she met a man. It was Alan Badoev, a Ukrainian director, screenwriter, and talented music video director.

If the first marriage was characterized by relations of dependence, then the second – by relations of equality. "Tandem of two creative people“- the TV presenter calls her second marriage. She and Alan were closely connected not only by a common hobby, but by striking similarities in character. Feeling each other as themselves, Alan and Zhanna soon became the most recognizable, beautiful, talented couple Ukrainian television.

The success was mainly due to the creative experiment, which turned into deafening popularity. In 2011, Alan and Zhanna launched a joint project under unusual name“Heads and Tails” is a modern travel show about the intricacies of foreign travel.

However, the spouses turned out to have the same advantages and disadvantages. One of the stumbling blocks was the lack of practical adaptation to everyday life. The children of the creative couple - there were already two of them: Lolita and Boris - constantly felt a lack of parental attention. Then successful TV presenter I suddenly realized that it was time to burn bridges again.

Devoted fans of the Badoev couple were painfully aware of the breakup, which actually meant the end of the fruitful collaboration between the two iconic presenters. Relatives, on the contrary, rejoiced at the end of the meaningless relationship. Both sides turned out to be wrong. Amicable divorce does not affect productivity ex-spouses: They still meet occasionally and discuss new ideas. And secondly, despite some of the confusion of the second marriage, presenter Zhanna Badoeva admits that the couple owes its ingenuity and uniqueness to the stress that was born during the stormy family life. It was he who spilled out into successful creative ideas.

Today? Today Badoeva is the host of television programs that attract multimillion-dollar audiences: a participant in the travel experiment “Heads and Tails”, an auditor of cosmetic establishments in the “Battle of Salons”, a matchmaker in the wedding show “Zhannapozheni”. She also teaches: she reads the history of cinema. Personal life The 39-year-old presenter is gradually getting better: new true friend became a successful businessman Vasily Melnichin from Italy. They met completely by chance, but a year later the man in love proposed. She thought for a moment and... agreed! Although the lavish wedding took place in secret, the talkative bride's third marriage did not remain a secret for long.

All that remains is to sincerely wish the newlyweds family happiness and the screen star creative and love success!

The famous TV presenter Zhanna Badoeva has long won the hearts of viewers, and more than one man’s heart. And representatives of the fair sex would like to know how this diva, who is already over forty (born in 1976), looks 10-15 years younger, and even manages to maintain a weight of 56 kg with a height of 164 cm. Maybe this is some kind of special diet? Let's look for the answer.

Zhanna Badoeva complains about a busy schedule

Numerous popular television projects and TV shows - the star admits that to comply strict diets she just doesn't have enough time. However, paying attention not only to work, but also to family, to taking care of herself is sacred to her. And earlier we said, .

But when asked about any diet, Zhanna shrugs in denial: no fasting, no refusal to eat after 18.00, because she has to work until late in the evening. The TV personality allows herself almost everything, but if she needs to lose a kilogram or two, she tries not to eat at night, not eat sweets, or simply eat less.

Although there are restrictions for her: she has long given up sugar and is completely indifferent to alcohol. And in the evening, Zhanna Badoeva prefers light food, completely ignoring flour and fatty foods.

Badoeva's new project

Zhanna is known to us as the author of the project and the host of the program “Heads and Tails”, cooking show“Master Chef” and many others, and in the spring on the Ukrainian channel “Inter” the show “Diet on the Dance Floor” started, where ten full participants three months will get rid of excess weight, dancing and learning the secrets of choreography with professionals, including Ukrainian stars.

The host of the project was Zhanna Badoeva, who believes that, first of all, self-love and harmony in the soul can not only hide, but actually remove. Well, and also dancing. Zhanna prefers the dance hall to exercising in the gym.

Zhanna's favorite food

Zhanna Badoeva never adheres to certain diets, but prefers meat, fish, and vegetables. Eggs, cheeses, shrimp - the indispensable contents of her refrigerator, you will agree, are reminiscent of the Mediterranean diet (see). Zhanna especially loves toast with avocado, adding cheese or shrimp on top. She can afford baked goods and croissants at home, in Italy, because they are very tasty there and impossible to refuse.

If her work schedule is busy, Zhanna will always have dried fruits (read more) or nuts in her bag - a useful and healthy snack. And another bottle of water - the TV presenter advises drinking more.

Badoeva's menu

Her diet is dominated by light, interesting and original salads, which she adores. Here's one of them.

Dietary beet salad


  • 1 beet;
  • 1 orange or grapefruit;
  • Roquefort cheese;
  • olive oil;
  • balsamic sauce.

Boil and cut the beets into thin slices, add citrus slices and cut the cheese into cubes. Mix everything, season with oil and a few drops of balsamic sauce. Sprinkle with sesame or flaxseed.

Another interesting salad recipe


  • Chinese wood mushrooms - approximately 0.25 kg;
  • bulb;
  • egg;
  • vegetable oil;
  • shrimp 0.3 kg;
  • soy sauce.

Soak tree mushrooms for a couple of hours in warm water, then boil for 20 minutes. Pour oil into a hot frying pan, pour in the beaten egg, add boiled rice, chopped onions, mushrooms, shrimp and soy sauce to taste. Bon appetit!

Jeanne's Secret

Obviously, Zhanna Badoeva does not have a specific diet. I have my weaknesses – coffee and sweets. Prefers to play sports healthy sleep, but if you need to get thin, limit yourself to some things and dance professionally.

So, everyone who wants to borrow the unique diet of Zhanna Badoeva is recommended to follow following rules(or exceptions to the rules).

But the main thing is to live in harmony with yourself and the world. And this is not for a week or a month. This should become your way of life.

Children of Zhanna Badoeva- son Boris and daughter Lolita were born from different men. Boris's father was Zhanna's first husband, businessman Igor Kurechenko - he was rich, owned a chain of gas stations and fully provided for his family. Zhanna married him very early, at nineteen, and after the birth of her son she completely immersed herself in family problems. The birth of her son did not prevent her from going to college, but Jeanne’s husband, who was much older and only wanted his wife to be a housewife and an obedient woman, did not like such independence.

In the photo are the children of Zhanna Badoeva

However, Zhanna’s character did not allow her to obey Igor in everything and remain silent when he began to put forward his demands and make claims. In response, Zhanna objected, argued, and, as a result, Igor Kurechenko set a condition - either Zhanna leaves the institute, or they get a divorce. She chose the second, hoping to the end that these were just words, but Igor really decided to break off relations with her, and at the same time, he simply kicked his wife out the door along with his little son, who at that time was only eight months old. She took this situation very hard, and pride and resentment did not allow her to demand from ex-husband child support for my son.

In the photo - Zhanna and Alan Badoevs with children

Zhanna worried about this situation for several years and only calmed down when she got married for the second time. At the institute, she met her second husband, Alan Badoev, whom she initially treated simply as a friend, and did not even think that she would ever marry him. They became close after a joint trip to Egypt, and after some time they got married - this happened seven years after the first divorce.

Zhanna's son Boris took Alan calmly, since he had known him since childhood. They had a daughter, Lolita, but, according to Zhanna, they never had a family as such, and in last years relations became strained to the limit, even Zhanna Badoeva’s children did not help correct the situation. The presenter says that their marriage was heading towards its collapse slowly and smoothly, and therefore it is difficult to say when the relationship between them deteriorated completely.

According to the TV presenter, her second husband turned out to be a wonderful father - he never made any distinction between his own daughter and Zhanna’s son from her first marriage, even now, when two years have passed since the divorce, Alan takes Zhanna Badoeva’s children to school and generally communicates with them often . Zhanna's first husband also often takes Boris and Lolita to his place, and in this regard, the children of Zhanna Badoeva are not deprived of male attention.
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