Lydia Taran told the truth about her divorce from Domansky. Lydia Taran: successful TV presenter and beautiful woman How old is Lydia Taran

Who turned 42 today, September 19, in an exclusive interview with Caravan of Stories, she openly spoke about her personal life and admitted that love and family are now more important to her than her career, and she wants to get married and have another child.

I recently read an interesting article about how human memory works. From very early childhood, only the most vivid and emotional moments are remembered. For example, I remember how, when I was one and a half years old, I was running along the street of the town of Znamenka, Kirovograd region, where my grandmother lived, running to meet my parents, who had come out of Kyiv to visit me. I spent the summer with my grandmother. I also remember how my grandmother baptized me in secret from my parents, as many grandmothers did. In Kyiv, this topic was generally taboo, but in the villages, grandmothers quietly baptized their grandchildren.

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There was no church in Znamenka, there were almost none left at that time, so my grandmother took me to a neighboring area on a completely packed rural bus, and there, right in the priest’s hut, which also served as a church, the sacrament took place. I remember this old hut, the buffet, which served as an iconostasis, the priest in a cassock; I remember how he put an aluminum cross on me. But I was only a little over two years old. But these were unusual impressions, which is why they remained in my memory.

There are also inspired memories: when your relatives constantly tell you what kind of child you were, it really seems to you that you remember it yourself. Mom often recalled how my brother Makar scared me very much, and with the best intentions. Makar is three years older and has always taken care of me. One day he brought an apple from kindergarten and gave it to me, and I was still a toothless baby. My brother did not know that a small child cannot bite off an apple, so he put the whole apple in my mouth, and when my mother entered the room, I was already losing consciousness. Sometimes, when for some reason I feel short of breath, it seems to me that I really remember this moment, these sensations.

Lydia Taran in 1982

Now my brother teaches history at Shevchenko University, organized an office there to study Chinese, and at the same time created a department of American studies; He is my very advanced brother - a teacher and a researcher at the same time. On set, young journalists, his former students, often come up to me and ask me to say hello to “beloved Makar Anatolyevich.” Makar is so smart that he speaks fluent Chinese, French and English, has studied the entire world history - from ancient civilizations to the modern history of Latin America, and has trained in Taiwan, China, and the USA! Moreover, all the opportunities for this - grants and travel programs - he “knocks out” for himself. As they say, in a family there must be someone smart and someone beautiful, and I know exactly which of the two of us is smart. Although Makar is handsome too.

When I was little, I adored my brother and imitated him in everything. She spoke about herself in the masculine gender: “he went,” “he did.” And also – no longer of her own free will – she wore his things. In those days, few could afford to dress a child the way they wanted and the way they liked. And if you have an older sister, then you will get her dresses, and if you have a brother, then pants. And so the mothers tried to sew and alter them. Our mother often altered something old, inventing new styles.

Little Lida in Beads costume. Mom sewed the outfit all night before the matinee, 1981

I remember being taken home from kindergarten on a sled through the creaking snow, I remember snowflakes swirling in the light of the streetlights. The sled had no back, so you had to hold on with your hands so as not to fall out when turning. Sometimes, on the contrary, I wanted to fall into a snowdrift, but in a fur coat I was so clumsy and heavy that I couldn’t even roll off the sled. A fur coat, leggings, felt boots... The kids were like cabbage back then: a thick woolen sweater, knitted by someone unknown and when, thick leggings, felt boots; It’s unclear which acquaintance gave away a hundred-fold tsigey fur coat, over the collar there was a scarf tied at the back so that adults could grab its ends like a leash; On top of the hat there was also a down scarf, which was also tied around the throat. All Soviet children remember the feeling of winter suffocation from scarves and shawls. You go outside like a robot. But you immediately forget about the discomfort and enthusiastically go digging snow, breaking icicles or gluing your tongue to the frozen iron of the swing. A completely different world.

Your parents were creative people: your mother was a journalist, your father was a writer and screenwriter... Probably, your life was still at least a little different from the lives of other Soviet children?

Mom worked as a journalist in the Komsomol press. She often traveled on her reporting duties, then wrote, and in the evenings she typed articles on a typewriter. There were two in the house - a huge “Ukraina” and a portable GDR “Erika”, which in fact was also quite large.

My brother and I, as we were going to bed, heard the machine whirring in the kitchen. If my mother was very tired, she would ask us to dictate to her. Makar and I took a ruler to trace the lines, sat next to each other and dictated, but soon we began to nod off. And my mother typed all night long - her articles, my father’s scripts or translations.

Who turned 42 today, September 19, in an exclusive interview with Caravan of Stories, she openly spoke about her personal life and admitted that love and family are now more important to her than her career, and she wants to get married and have another child.

I recently read an interesting article about how human memory works. From very early childhood, only the most vivid and emotional moments are remembered. For example, I remember how, when I was one and a half years old, I was running along the street of the town of Znamenka, Kirovograd region, where my grandmother lived, running to meet my parents, who had come out of Kyiv to visit me. I spent the summer with my grandmother. I also remember how my grandmother baptized me in secret from my parents, as many grandmothers did. In Kyiv, this topic was generally taboo, but in the villages, grandmothers quietly baptized their grandchildren.

Join us on Facebook , Twitter , Instagram -and always be aware of the most interesting showbiz news and materials from the magazine “Caravan of Stories”

There was no church in Znamenka, there were almost none left at that time, so my grandmother took me to a neighboring area on a completely packed rural bus, and there, right in the priest’s hut, which also served as a church, the sacrament took place. I remember this old hut, the buffet, which served as an iconostasis, the priest in a cassock; I remember how he put an aluminum cross on me. But I was only a little over two years old. But these were unusual impressions, which is why they remained in my memory.

There are also inspired memories: when your relatives constantly tell you what kind of child you were, it really seems to you that you remember it yourself. Mom often recalled how my brother Makar scared me very much, and with the best intentions. Makar is three years older and has always taken care of me. One day he brought an apple from kindergarten and gave it to me, and I was still a toothless baby. My brother did not know that a small child cannot bite off an apple, so he put the whole apple in my mouth, and when my mother entered the room, I was already losing consciousness. Sometimes, when for some reason I feel short of breath, it seems to me that I really remember this moment, these sensations.

Lydia Taran in 1982

Now my brother teaches history at Shevchenko University, organized an office there to study Chinese, and at the same time created a department of American studies; He is my very advanced brother - a teacher and a researcher at the same time. On set, young journalists, his former students, often come up to me and ask me to say hello to “beloved Makar Anatolyevich.” Makar is so smart that he speaks fluent Chinese, French and English, has studied the entire world history - from ancient civilizations to the modern history of Latin America, and has trained in Taiwan, China, and the USA! Moreover, all the opportunities for this - grants and travel programs - he “knocks out” for himself. As they say, in a family there must be someone smart and someone beautiful, and I know exactly which of the two of us is smart. Although Makar is handsome too.

When I was little, I adored my brother and imitated him in everything. She spoke about herself in the masculine gender: “he went,” “he did.” And also – no longer of her own free will – she wore his things. In those days, few could afford to dress a child the way they wanted and the way they liked. And if you have an older sister, then you will get her dresses, and if you have a brother, then pants. And so the mothers tried to sew and alter them. Our mother often altered something old, inventing new styles.

Little Lida in Beads costume. Mom sewed the outfit all night before the matinee, 1981

I remember being taken home from kindergarten on a sled through the creaking snow, I remember snowflakes swirling in the light of the streetlights. The sled had no back, so you had to hold on with your hands so as not to fall out when turning. Sometimes, on the contrary, I wanted to fall into a snowdrift, but in a fur coat I was so clumsy and heavy that I couldn’t even roll off the sled. A fur coat, leggings, felt boots... The kids were like cabbage back then: a thick woolen sweater, knitted by someone unknown and when, thick leggings, felt boots; It’s unclear which acquaintance gave away a hundred-fold tsigey fur coat, over the collar there was a scarf tied at the back so that adults could grab its ends like a leash; On top of the hat there was also a down scarf, which was also tied around the throat. All Soviet children remember the feeling of winter suffocation from scarves and shawls. You go outside like a robot. But you immediately forget about the discomfort and enthusiastically go digging snow, breaking icicles or gluing your tongue to the frozen iron of the swing. A completely different world.

Your parents were creative people: your mother was a journalist, your father was a writer and screenwriter... Probably, your life was still at least a little different from the lives of other Soviet children?

Mom worked as a journalist in the Komsomol press. She often traveled on her reporting duties, then wrote, and in the evenings she typed articles on a typewriter. There were two in the house - a huge “Ukraina” and a portable GDR “Erika”, which in fact was also quite large.

My brother and I, as we were going to bed, heard the machine whirring in the kitchen. If my mother was very tired, she would ask us to dictate to her. Makar and I took a ruler to trace the lines, sat next to each other and dictated, but soon we began to nod off. And my mother typed all night long - her articles, my father’s scripts or translations.

Lydia Taran is one of the most prominent representatives of the world of Ukrainian television, who managed to build an impressive career, not forgetting about her beauty or her family. How did she do it? Let's find out together!

Lydia Taran is one of the few women on Ukrainian television who have been able to firmly establish themselves in the profession for many years and continue to be one of the most sought-after presenters in the media industry. It is impossible to imagine the 1+1 TV channel without the pretty blonde, who hosted Breakfast, news, and sports programs, becoming the real “face” of the TV channel.

Nationality: Ukrainian

Citizenship: Ukraine

Activity: TV presenter

Family status: unmarried, has a daughter, Vasilina (born in 2007)


Lida was born in Kyiv in 1977 into a family of journalists. Her parents were constantly away from home, which is why Lida hated journalism and her mom and dad’s work as a child. Due to the fact that the family did not pay enough attention to her, Lida began to skip school. Unlike other “truants” who wandered around the courtyards, the girl spent her “free” time from school usefully: she sat for hours in the reading room of the library located not far from her house and read books.

Despite absenteeism, Taran graduated from school with good grades, although this did not help her enter the Faculty of International Relations. The girl didn’t know where to go instead and chose the most obvious option - journalism. When the parents found out that their daughter had followed in their footsteps, the father said that he would not help her “out of acquaintance” and that she would have to achieve everything herself.

And Lida accepted the challenge and coped with everything on her own! Even while studying at the Institute of Journalism of KNU named after. T.G. Shevchenko, she worked part-time on the radio, and then she was quite unexpectedly invited to television. The building next to the radio station housed the studio of the New Channel, and Taran asked a passing worker where she could find out about available vacancies. So, at just 21 years old, Lida began working on one of the national channels of Ukraine.

Lida was always interested in sports and wanted to work in sports news. Quite by chance, Andrei Kulikov, one of the most famous television journalists in the country, returned to the capital, and Taran was paired with him. According to Lida, at that time she felt so happy that she was ready to work practically for free. And when Lida found out that she would be paid decent money for the broadcast, she knew no limits to her happiness. Lida managed to work in projects on the New Channel “Reporter”, “Sportreporter”, “Pidyom” and “Gol”.

From 2005 to 2009, Lydia Taran worked as a news anchor on Channel 5 ( "Hour of New Products")

In 2009, Lida moved to channel 1+1, where she hosted such popular programs as "Breakfast" And "I love Ukraine". Later she became a participant in the popular project "Dancing for you" and winner of the prestigious Teletriumph television award. Lydia was the host of TSN, and also worked on channel 2+2 in the program "ProFootball".

It is very important for Taran to try herself in something new and interesting, so she does not classify herself as one of those presenters who work in only one direction for 10-20 years, for example, leading a news block, but always strive to gain new experience and learn something else.

In recent months, Lydia Taran has been curating a large charity project "Make your dream come true"and devotes his time to making the dreams of seriously ill children come true, for whom every day they live is a miracle.

Personal life

After a dizzying career on television, an equally stormy and discussed affair followed with a colleague and TV presenter Andrei Domansky. The presenters lived together for about five years, but never registered their relationship. In 2007, they had a daughter, whom her parents named Vasilina.

Lida communicated with Andrei for a long time when he was still married to his first wife, but only after he broke up with her did Taran decide to have a relationship. Everyone admired their couple, considering them ideal, so their unexpected separation came as a real shock to many.

Andrey did not turn out to be the “one” for Lida who comes into life once and for all, being the first to decide to break off the relationship. Lida took the breakup hard and was very offended by Andrey at first, but found the strength to look at this situation from the other side. Later in an interview, the TV presenter said that she thanked fate for meeting Domansky and for the fact that he gave her a daughter, Vasilina.

“The only thing I know about his personal life is that it is wonderful,” from his own interview. Now he looks free and happy. Maybe at some stage he was burdened by our relationship, he wanted something new, unknown and could not afford it... Now we have an even relationship, as Andrey says, on the “father-mother” plane and they do not include any interest in personal each other's lives."

Now Lydia is focused on her daughter and career success, but also does not forget to devote time to hobbies and entertainment. Lida had boyfriends several times, but she is in no hurry to share the details of her personal life and does not advertise it in any way.

“My present is Vasyusha, me and my mother”

  • Taran is a big fan of skiing, and whenever possible she tries to vacation in Europe.
  • Lydia speaks French and English.
  • Taran never denies himself anything and does not go on diets.
  • She is a big fan of beach holidays and chocolate tanning.
  • For many years, the presenter has been friends with her colleague Marichka Padalko. Marichka and her husband were Vasilina’s godparents, and Lida herself is the godmother of Padalko’s son.
  • Lida loves France and everything connected with this country. She has holidayed there several times, but due to the economic crisis she is afraid that she will not be able to travel as often as before.
  • Quite often he likes to change his image.
  • In December 2011, she participated in the show “Beauty in Ukrainian”.
  • In 2012, she took part in the project of the channel “1 + 1” “And Love Will Come.”

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Photo: lidiyataran,facebook

In an interview for the program Vіdverto with Masha Efrosinina(Ukraine channel) the TV presenter was as serious as ever. He shared his love story from life - why he and Lydia Taran The relationship never worked out.

- When you decided to leave your first life, did you go against your mother?

Yes, definitely. She reacted very sharply, dad was painfully worried, my sister was against it.

?- Were they against leaving the family or against Lida?

It's all automatic. Andrey leaves the family, he has another woman, which means she is the reason. And it is she who is the factor that prevents Andrey from taking his head in his hands. That's what it seemed to the parents.

?- Lida was very successful, and you were just starting. Who do you think was in charge? Lida is a very strong person.

I periodically encountered the fact that, being a leader by nature, I understood that they wanted to knock my saddle out from under me.

?- Have you ever stepped on your own throat?

Sometimes yes. I liked the publicity. Like a child who gets at his toys, bites everything, breaks everything.

? - How was it at home? What did this relationship consist of?

We lived by work. And it was very exciting. This was the main driver of the relationship. Ukrainian television - it was simply gushing out of all the cracks back then.

? - Your wife is the host of serious programs. Did you interfere, advise her on something?

She came home, and we talked to her there, discussed everything. We gave each other support.

?- You and Lida both earned a lot back then. But you already supported, it turns out, two families.

Yes. But we had enough. We never had any questions about why I was helping my first wife financially. Everything that was left was added up and we had a common budget.

?- How did Lida communicate with your mother?

I didn’t communicate well because there was a barrier from the start. I saw that my mother was doing everything to ensure that no one felt this, but it hung in the air. Social protocol was followed, but no further.

? - But how is it? When two beloved women are not exactly on warm terms?

And at that time I didn’t bother with this issue. At that time, work always came to the fore. And the main thing for me was that everything was fine at work, so that I could help the children financially.

Do you regret that your relationship with Lida was so work-like, passionate, and superficial that someone didn’t speak up earlier? Maybe they would have ended earlier and that shocking incident for me would not have happened when you broke up when you drove together from Kyiv to Italy by car. And in the car you realized that nothing binds you. I understood to such an extent that you, having brought her to the resting place, turned around and made your way back. What is supposed to happen in the brains of a man who has already experienced both breakups and a road to nowhere?

I understood that it was not fair. It's most unfair to stay close when I don't want to. So I turned around and left. Especially, you know, if we were alone. We went on vacation with friends. And at that time I didn’t have the energy to stage a play that we were a happy couple.

?- It can’t be that you understood all this in the car...

On the eve of departure I Factory, and Lida had Dancing. These were two exhausting projects for both her and me. We each completely immersed ourselves in our own project, and we didn’t talk about anything else at all. Then, at best, we crossed paths once a day. We emerged from this state before the trip and drove off. There were already hints that everything was not going well before the trip. And I was cut very badly. We arrived and spent the night. The next morning I said that I had problems at work. Lida supported this version. Then, when I left, she told me what was going on.

?- Lida, in turn, didn’t take a plane ticket, didn’t come back for you, why?

She was very offended. It seems to me. But Lida continues to project, she changes her internal resentment.

? - Why the offense?

She said the word “betrayal” several times. Even one of the channels filmed a program, and more than one, and Lida told very unpleasant things about me in an interview. The betrayal is that I left her then. The betrayal is that I ended our family, that she had plans for the future.

?- She wanted to marry you? Did she give you an ultimatum?

Yes. We had a period when she asked me this question, and I did not know what to answer her. You know, if we now look for the answer to this question, then perhaps I had a very strong feeling of guilt in front of Vasilina (the common daughter of Domansky and Taran - approx. website), my children in Odessa, and it seemed to me that this was a betrayal towards them. Yes, this is utter stupidity, but it was so.

? - Did you tell Lida about this?

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