Prayer to the Mother of God of Kazan for help. Prayer of the Kazan Mother of God

The history of the acquisition of the icon goes back to rebellious and dark times. In 1579, only 26 years had passed since the founding of the Kazan diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. The people mostly adhered to Islamic traditions. Muslims did their best to prevent the preaching of Christ's blessed word. But the Lord turned the light of truth into a sign. A terrible fire incinerated the settlement and burned part of the Kazan Cathedral to the ground. The Christian Faith became a disgrace, and every idolater made fun of it and mocked it.

In the midst of the turmoil, the Lord sent his gifts of alms. The daughter of the archer Daniil Onuchin, nine-year-old Matrona, dreamed of the Most Holy Kazan Mother of God and gave orders to find her among the ruins. The Most Pure One appeared three times and pointed out the place where the icon of the Mother of God was buried. But no one believed the little girl’s words. Then Matronushka, with the help of her parents, organized a search and found the face of the Kazan Mother of God, shining with purity and light.

First miracle

The faces of the Christians lit up with divine joy and they organized a procession with the icon of the Most Pure Virgin. Following Archbishop Jeremiah were two blind men. The eyes of the blind people opened to meet the Divine Light of Truth and their vision returned to them. Since then, pagans have believed in the power of prayers before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

By order of the royal decree of Ivan the Terrible, the place of the find was turned into a haven for a convent. The life-giving icon was placed under the domes of the erected Kazan Cathedral. Matrona and her mother took monastic vows and served the Most Holy Face of the Mother of God.

Orthodoxy firmly established itself on the Kazan land, absorbing the remnants of infidels onto the righteous path.

From all over the country people came to the miraculous Kazan icon and asked for all kinds of help in life: the sick prayed for health, the poor for work, lonely girls for marriage and children. The Mother of God generously shared Divine mercy and helped everyone who asked.

How to pray to Our Lady of Kazan

In the Gospel of Matthew, the Savior said: “According to your faith, be it done to you.” Prayer can only help sincerely believing Christians, whose voice sounds from the depths of the heart. The prayer to the Kazan Mother of God should be read with diligence, but not mechanically. The words should naturally sound like the deep song of a righteous soul. Along with prayers, it is necessary to keep holy water in the house for consumption.

It is important to know what to ask with the help of prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos of Kazan. Parishioners turn to her in cases of:

  • bodily injuries and any illness;
  • mental anxiety and confusion;
  • sorrow and sadness;
  • life's troubles.

The intercessor before the Lord bestows blessing, luck and harmony on her followers.

To get married soon

Since ancient times, parents bless girls on the eve of the wedding in front of the Queen of Heaven. And those who are not yet married and are waiting for their betrothed should sincerely offer up the prayer of the Kazan Mother of God for marriage. The prayer is so powerful that it not only finds a groom for the girl, but also keeps the home in prosperity and peace for many years.

Help with work

The poor and suffering pray to the Kazan Mother of God for employment. It is important to maintain purity of thoughts and not invent anything selfish or evil, otherwise the atrocity will return for the petitioner threefold. You need to pray in solitude with your whole soul, turning to the Most Holy Mother of God.

Prayer of the Kazan Mother of God Hodegetria

Hodegetria serves as a guide to light for lost souls, giving them high thoughts and pure ideals and completely eliminating fears. They pray to her for parents and children, as well as for offenders. The Lord commanded us to ask for the truth even for our enemies.

Prayer to the Kazan Mother of God of Diveyevo for health

The Most Holy Kazan Mother of God of Diveyevo grants healing to the sick, especially those who have lost their legs. To recover, you need to smear the sore spot with oil in a cross shape and pray for help from the icon of the Mother of God.

Strong prayers before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God

Troparion to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, tone 4

O zealous intercessor, / Mother of the Lord Most High, / pray for all Thy Son Christ our God, / and cause all to be saved, seeking refuge in Thy sovereign protection. / Intercede for all of us, O Lady Queen and Lady, / who are in adversity and in sorrow, and in illness, burdened with many sins, / standing and praying to You with a tender soul and a contrite heart, / before Your most pure image with tears, / and having irrevocable hope on Thee, / deliverance from all evils, / grant useful things to everyone / and save everything, Virgin Mary: // For You are the Divine Cover of Your servant.

Kontakion to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, tone 8

Let us come, people, to this quiet and good refuge, / the quick Helper, the ready and warm salvation, the protection of the Virgin. / Let us hasten to prayer and strive for repentance: / for the Most Pure Mother of God exudes boundless mercies to us, / advances to our aid, and delivers from great troubles and evils, // her well-behaved and God-fearing servants.

Text of the prayer before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Thy honorable icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who come running to You, beseech, Merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, that He may preserve our country in peace, and may He establish His holy Church May he preserve the unshakable from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no imams of any other help, no imams of other hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the All-Powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death; Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that we all praise Thy greatness with gratitude, let us be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom and there with all the saints we will glorify the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A terrible fire in 1579 destroyed part of the city of Kazan. Many residents lost friends and loved ones. In a difficult hour, the Mother of God appeared to the little girl Matrona and ordered her to dig up the icon from the ashes. Since then, the prayer of the Kazan Mother of God, a powerful prayer that helps those who suffer, has entered the religious life of Russian Christians. Any appeal to the saints, the Ever-Virgin, Her Son or the Lord and observance of ritual actions.

What do they ask the Kazan Mother of God for?

The icon, which miraculously appeared to a ten-year-old girl, comes to the rescue on various occasions. Let us list the main requests that those praying make.

  1. Marriage. The Kazan image of the Virgin Mary helps women find happiness in marriage with a worthy spouse after sincere prayer.
  2. Health. The icon is asked to improve the general physical and mental condition of a person. Frees the image of the Ever-Virgin and Child from blindness.
  3. The Kazan holy painting protects from foreign invaders.
  4. The Mother of God from Kazan stands guarding the integrity of Russian statehood.
  5. In a difficult period of life, it is worth asking for help from the sacred image of the Virgin Mary.

How to offer a prayer to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

  • With a humble heart, kneel before the icon. Uncover spiritual secrets. It’s good to go to confession and repent before prayer.
  • Light candles in front of the holy image, observing safety precautions when handling open fire.
  • Women are advised to cover their heads with a scarf.
  • It is better to close your eyes in order to fully concentrate on pronouncing the holy words.
  • Make the sign of the cross. Place your hands in a prayer gesture at your chest.
  • Whisper, speak out loud or silently the sacred words of prayer. The sufferer will definitely be heard if he prays with all his might with sincere faith in the Lord.
  • Perform the ritual several times a week, not forgetting to attend church.
  • The prayer is read at home in a clean corner in front of the holy image of the Kazan Mother of God. Appealing directly to one of the revered lists of icons, of which there are a great many in Russian churches, will have a beneficial effect on one’s fate.

The original image has been considered lost since 1904, when it was stolen and subsequently destroyed or resold. There is a version that the holy icon was preserved, but it was stolen, prudently replacing the real shrine for the night. In any case, the prayer of the Kazan Mother of God more than once came to the aid of Russian Christians as a strong prayer against foreign adversity and support in difficult times. The image of the Ever-Virgin will help you get married, get rid of illnesses and restore health after sincere and passionate requests. With ardent faith, any miracles of the Kazan icon, unusually found in the ashes of a burnt city, are possible.

The appearance of the image of the Kazan Mother of God among the people is associated with real miracles. It is believed that the icon first appeared in Kazan in 1959, when the Mother of God appeared to the girl Matrona, the daughter of an archer, who was 9 years old at that time.

The girl was ordered to go to a certain place in the ashes and dig up the icon. At that time, a monstrous fire broke out in Kazan, which destroyed the Kazan Kremlin and part of the city almost completely. Thousands of people remained on the street, screams and crying were heard from everywhere. The fire burned for a very long time.


At first, the parents did not believe the child, believing that prophetic dreams come only to saints. However, the dream was repeated 3 times, and then people went to the place of the fire, where they actually found the icon.

Moreover, while other people were digging, there was no icon. Then the girl herself began to dig, and the icon was quickly miraculously found. The icon amazed with the extraordinary freshness of the colors, as if they had been applied quite recently.

The news of the unusual appearance of the icon quickly became known to the townspeople, local clergy solemnly sent the image to the church of St. Nicholas, and while the procession was going on, 2 blind people received their sight, after which it was revealed that the found icon was miraculous.

It is known that Our Lady of Kazan in 1612 helped the country rid the capital of the Polish invasion. And, in gratitude, on November 4, Orthodox people began to celebrate the feast of the icon of the Mother of God, called “Kazan”.

During their invasion, the Poles set fire to and destroyed churches in the city. Then the leader of the Russian church called on the people to gather in the militia, which was commanded by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky.

Especially to support the rebels and raise their morale, an image of the Mother of God was sent from Kazan itself.
The time of the Polish invasion was later called the Time of Troubles.

Great changes took place both in the State and among the people: hunger, poverty, crisis in government and the economy, the Rurik dynasty of kings disappeared. The victory over the Poles at such a time was so amazing that people did not stop worshiping the unusual icon and asking for its help in various matters.

And Ivan the Terrible was so shocked by the story of the appearance of the icon that he ordered the construction of the Kazan Cathedral, where a convent was founded. It is known that soon that same girl Matrona and her mother took monastic vows in this monastery.

Powerful prayer for marriage

To get happily married, attend a church service on the feast of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God. During the chants, turn mentally to the Mother of God with faith and hope in your soul, so that she will send you the chosen one.
Then periodically you need to continue to pray at home in front of the image.

Before the sacrament, you must remain alone and light a lamp and a church candle. In silence, let the importance and seriousness of the whole action be revealed to you. It is important to feel and understand the meaning of the prayer text. Believe and you will receive. Those who read the prayer we have given here will get married very soon. The prayer must be said three times in the morning and evening for 30 days, do not extinguish the candle, but let it burn out.

About help in life

The Kazan Mother of God will come to the rescue in any life situation and give a person what he asks for. It is believed that the image of the Mother of God of Kazan indicates the direction of life for lost souls, guiding them on the true path. She helps everyone in need. And any prayer you have on this matter will be heard.

About eye health

The first miraculous healings with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God concerned the eyes, therefore all people suffering from eye diseases pray to this particular image of the Queen of Heaven.

About children

Children are the most valuable thing a person has. While they are small, they need special patronage and protection. The child’s energy field has not yet strengthened and is easily exposed to the negative influences of people with negative energy on the subtle plane.

The mother needs to take care not only of the physical health of the child, but also of his energetic purity, because the physical health of the child depends on this.

It is known that a child under 7 years of age is in the mother’s field and must be protected by her energy. Thanks to such a close connection, maternal prayers for children have enormous power and are capable, in the literal sense of the word, of saving a child’s life if necessary.

The more often a mother prays for her child, the stronger her protection becomes, and the more actively the child himself learns to resist external forces. Do not neglect prayers, who knows, maybe one day they will protect your child in a moment of danger, help hide from the evil eye and witchcraft.

In addition, having matured, the child will be able to independently follow the right path, from which he will never turn away, since his connection with the divine source will be very strong. He will be able to successfully resist temptations and curb passions, which will guarantee him a long, happy, prosperous life.

Mothers of soldiers, praying to Our Lady of Kazan, can be calm about their children: they will bypass both an enemy bullet and human betrayal.

If in some family it turns out that a sick child was born, the priests advise going with the baby to the village of Diveevo, which is located in the south of the Nizhny Novgorod region, where the Kazan healing spring is located. You should stay there for 40 days, praying continuously and immersing the child in the spring. There are known cases of miraculous healing of children in that place.

About help at work

Those who have lost their jobs should not despair. And here Mother of God of Kazan will come to the rescue. You will receive what you ask for miraculously, and peace and tranquility will come to the quarrelsome team.

About health

When you ask for health, not only read the prayer itself, speak to the Queen of Heaven in your own words. Tell her about your trouble, ask for healing. Simplicity and sincerity are always rewarded. You need to pray constantly so that your connection with the Higher Powers is not lost, so that they always protect you, and you get what you want quickly.

About the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In 1552, Tsar John IV (Ivan the Terrible) annexed the Kazan Khanate to Russia, as a result of which about 10,000 Russians were freed from Tatar captivity. In honor of this event, many Orthodox churches were erected in Rus'.

In 1579 in Kazan, the Most Pure Mother of God appeared three times to the ten-year-old girl Matrona with the command to inform the archbishop and the ruler of the city that they would find Her icon in the ground, at the site of a recent fire. They did not believe the girl’s words, but on July 8 (old style, July 21 – new style), accompanied by people, the mother and girl came to the indicated place. Those who came dug for a long time, but to no avail. When Matrona herself began to dig, soon after that the icon wrapped in cloth was found. The news of the miraculous discovery of the image of the Queen of Heaven in Kazan quickly spread throughout Rus'. On the site of the appearance of the icon, by order of the king, a temple was built in her honor and a convent was founded. July 21 and November 4 are days of celebration in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

In some literary publications you can get acquainted with the opinion that the first miracles from the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary were the healing of those with sore eyes. Therefore, it is precisely for deliverance from such ailments that all sufferers should pray before the image of the Queen of Heaven. However, according to our understanding, the mercy of the Most Holy Theotokos is limitless! Therefore, before Her image one must pray not only for the sight of blind eyes! On the page is the story of a resident of Sal Diveeva about a miraculous healing...

Prayer for health in front of the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Oh, Most Holy Lady and Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Thy honorable icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who come running to You, beg, O merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to keep our country peaceful, and His Holy Church unshakable will protect from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the all-powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death. Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that we all sing gratefully of Your greatness and mercy, let us be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom and there with all the saints we will glorify the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Kazan image of the Queen of Heaven The following pages of the site are dedicated to:

The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, nicknamed the Kazan Icon after the place where it was found, is one of the most revered in Orthodoxy. Many people who read the prayer of the Kazan Mother of God were convinced by their own example of her ability to work miracles. The icon has more than once rescued Rus' in the most difficult times.

If you want to ask for help from the Mother of God “Kazan”, use the following prayers:

I will also cite the texts of the troparion and kontakion. They sound like this:

What do they pray to this icon for?

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is one of the oldest Russian shrines. The main requests that believers make to this image of the Mother of God are prayers for:

  • the sight of blind eyes;
  • cure diseases of the organs of vision;
  • healing of bodily diseases;
  • getting rid of the invasion of foreign invaders;
  • intercession in difficult periods of life;
  • about marriage;
  • about health in general;
  • about help in life;
  • preservation of the Russian state.

Our Lady of Kazan also helps solve family problems. She maintains peace, harmony and harmony in the family. It is customary to use the icon to give a blessing to people getting married - it is believed that this rite contributes to a rich and happy life for the newly-made spouses.

There is a belief according to which the image of the Kazan Mother of God is particularly favorable to children. Therefore, parents pray to this icon, asking for its protection - with the goal that their child grows up healthy, strong and successful.

How to pray?

The favor and patronage of the Mother of God “Kazan” can be achieved with the help of correct prayer. The prayer ceremony must be performed in church or at home.

Everything is clear with the temple - prayers are read in front of the icon of the Mother of God. Let us dwell in more detail on prayer at home.

  • the best time of day to contact is morning;
  • you need to start praying immediately after waking up, namely: wash your face with water (preferably holy water), having previously crossed it, expel disturbing thoughts from your head, calm down;
  • light candles in front of the icon of the Mother of God, kneel down and begin reading a prayer.

It doesn't matter how many times you say the prayer. The main thing is to do it sincerely, with deep faith. After the words of the prayer are voiced, tell the Mother of God about your request, ask for her assistance in what you want. Be sure to remember that your desire is devoid of evil intentions!

From the history

On July 21 according to the new style (according to the old style - July 8), the Orthodox Church celebrates an important holiday - the Appearance of the icon of the Mother of God. This date was set in honor of the day the shrine was found.

Back in 1579, the Kazan Khanate had already been in the hands of Tsar Ivan the Terrible for a quarter of a century. This year turned out to be unusually difficult for the city. The summer was extremely hot and dry. In June 1579, a strong fire broke out in Kazan, due to which half of the Kazan Kremlin and a good part of the city simply turned into ashes. Only the Muslim part of the inhabitants of Kazan rejoiced after this, believing that in this way the Creator turned his wrath on Christians.

One of the townspeople was the archer Onuchin - his house was among the buildings destroyed by fire. Quite rightly, he decided to build a new home on the site of the burnt one. Then one event occurred, which was later described as a real miracle.

Daniel had a 10-year-old daughter named Matrona. One night, in a dream, the image of the Mother of God appeared to the girl, who commanded her to go to the site of the fire, dig up the icon among the rubble and tell the mayors and the archbishop about it. Matrona told her parents about her dream, but they did not take her words seriously. The extraordinary dreams did not stop. After the third time, the girl had difficulty persuading her mother to go with her to the indicated place and fulfill the request of the Mother of God. It didn't take long to clear away the rubble - very soon the icon began to shine with a wonderful light in front of them. The colors used to paint the image were striking in their freshness and brightness. This event happened precisely on July 8 (old style) 1579.

Soon the whole of Kazan learned about the amazing find. Crowds of people flocked to the place where the shrine was found. A prayer service was held, after which the image of the Kazan Mother of God was solemnly, with a procession of the cross, transferred to the Kazan Annunciation Cathedral. Even then, the icon showed its first miracle to the people: during the religious procession, two blind men - Nikita and Joseph - regained their sight.

No one knows for certain how the “Kazan” icon ended up at the site of the fire. Some believe that it was brought to the city by the Apostle Luke, others - by a certain Muslim who accepted the Christian faith and was forced to hide. Still others are of the opinion that the icon came to Kazan thanks to an unknown Russian prisoner.

Alas, in 1904, the original icon of the Kazan Mother of God was stolen and destroyed by robbers. Only numerous lists (copies) of it were preserved, which after the revolutionary year of 1917 were distributed throughout the world. The Russian Orthodox Church is now trying hard to return the shrines to their homeland.


The earliest copy of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God that has survived to this day was painted in 1606. Now it is kept in the Russian capital, in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Another, no less revered, list is also located in Moscow - in the house church at the residence of the Patriarch of Moscow. The Russian Orthodox Church received it as a gift from the Roman Catholic Church in honor of the end of the rivalry between them.

In the Prince Vladimir Cathedral, which stands in St. Petersburg, there is another copy, very close to the ancient original.

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