Animal tracks associated with feeding on seeds, fruits and berries and searching for food in the soil. What do squirrels eat, what can you feed squirrels in the park What do squirrels eat in the forest

Almost every person has an idea of ​​what a squirrel looks like. This animal can easily be seen while walking through the forest. However, if you ask what a male squirrel is called, most people will find it difficult to answer. And that's what it's called. Let's get to know this animal in more detail.


A small rodent of the squirrel family. Spends most of its life in trees. The most notable in appearance are the long fluffy tail, large ears with tassels and a beautiful fluffy coat. The paws have long, sharp claws for climbing trees.

The body length varies from 20 to 30 centimeters, while the tail length is 10-17 centimeters. The weight is also small - 250-350 grams.

The color of the animal is influenced by its habitat and time of year. Animals with darker fur live in coniferous forests. Here you can find a forest squirrel with a completely black color.

In deciduous forests, squirrels have reddish-red fur coats. In summer, the fur has more reddish-brown shades, and in winter - gray. Moreover, regardless of the habitat, the fur on the abdomen of any squirrel is always light.


The habitat of this furry rodent is a vast area. They are found in all forest zones, from the Atlantic coast to Kamchatka. They also live on Sakhalin and the island of Hokkaido.

The squirrel is a tree dweller. It prefers to settle on coniferous trees, but is found in any forest. In general, there should be enough food in places where squirrels live. If the year is rich in cedar and spruce cones, then the animal settles in cedar and spruce forests.

When the yield of seeds from coniferous trees is low, the animal can actively search for mushrooms, of which there are always more in pine forests. By the way, this furry animal often lives in city parks, as well as in the attics and attics of human houses.

Lifestyle and habits

Most of the life of these rodents is spent high in the trees, but they also have to descend to the ground. To move on the ground, they use jumps, the length of which reaches 1 meter.

Living in trees, this animal can jump perfectly. One of the functions of the bushy tail is as a steering wheel when jumping from tree to tree.

In warm weather, during the day she tirelessly collects food, occasionally basking motionless in the sun. From some of the food found, it makes provisions for the future, including for the winter.

When snow makes movement difficult, the animal climbs into its nest and waits out unfavorable conditions in a half-asleep state. Leads a daily lifestyle. When nocturnal predators go hunting, she goes to sleep in a hollow or nest.

He makes the nest himself, but how squirrels make a hollow will be discussed in more detail below.

When next to a person, he can beg for something tasty, and he can do it in an impudent manner. It looks very funny, and people, as a rule, like such arrogance. He also willingly checks human-made bird feeders.

Every year, from late summer to early autumn, these animals begin to migrate in search of food, which is no longer sufficient in the old places. Travels alone, without forming large aggregations.


Most people believe that it is exclusively a herbivore. Indeed, the most favorite delicacy is the seeds of cedar, spruce, and larch cones. The forest squirrel also eats berries, mushrooms, roots and other plant foods.

However, when there is a shortage of food, as well as during reproduction, larvae, insects, small amphibians and even eggs and small chicks are added to the diet.



Spending most of their lives on trees, these animals build nests for themselves. They are built in the form of a ball from flexible twigs. The inside of such dwellings is insulated with moss and the animals’ own hair.

Will a person who is not specifically interested accidentally hear the name of a squirrel’s nest? Not much chance. Gaino is the name of not only a squirrel’s nest, but also the nests of other animals.

It can build a hayno both in a hollow and in a fork of a tree between thick branches at a height of 5-17 meters. In addition to the main entrance, a small emergency entrance must be built from the side of the trunk to escape from uninvited guests.

The male squirrel does not build a nest. He occupies abandoned squirrel nests or completes abandoned bird nests.

Where do squirrels live in winter? In winter, they live in insulated nests, which are often built in hollows. During wintering, one squirrel nest can be occupied by 3-6 individuals. Having carefully plugged the entrance with moss, the animals try to warm each other. A fluffy tail also helps to stay warm during winter.

During severe frosts, the temperature inside the nest where the squirrels sleep can reach 15-20 degrees, so they are in no hurry to leave it until it warms up.


The animal prepares in advance for a warm and satisfying winter. Knows how to choose food that will not spoil all winter. Hollow trees are often used as storage areas. It can also hide food underground between tree roots.

Having made the necessary food reserves, the squirrel forgets about them. She will later discover most of them by chance when inspecting suitable places. It happens that she comes across supplies of other animals: mice or chipmunks. From reserves that are not found by either the squirrel or other animals, new trees can grow.


They reproduce 2-3 times a year. The mating season begins in late February - early March. Males begin to constantly fight among themselves. 5-6 males run after one female. As a result, she chooses the strongest one to mate.

Immediately after the squirrels mate, the female spends 4-5 days building a nest for the offspring with greater accuracy. This nest is larger than usual. The squirrel's pregnancy lasts for 40 days.

Then blind, deaf and naked cubs are born. Their number varies from 3 to 10. When squirrels have baby squirrels, the female takes all care of them.

After 14 days, the baby squirrels are covered with fur, and after a month they become sighted. After another month and a half, the young individuals become independent. After about 13 weeks, the squirrel has her next litter.

With very high fertility, only one to four individuals remain from each litter after a year. The reason is such enemies of squirrels as birds of prey and animals of the mustelid family. Moreover, hunting a squirrel that has not fully matured often turns out to be successful.

How many years do squirrels live in captivity when they are protected from their natural enemies? In favorable conditions, a squirrel can live 10-12 years.

In the wild, where an animal can die from various diseases, the life expectancy of a squirrel is on average 3-4 years.

Value for hunters

For hunters, the main value is the squirrel skin, although its meat is also consumed as food. In order not to spoil the skin, they try to shoot the squirrel in the head. Squirrel hunting can be done with or without a dog.


You will find interesting facts about proteins in our video.

Urban biocenoses are developing before our eyes. When a person builds a city, the old communities that were on this site are destroyed. But some of the species included in them remain and gradually adapt to new conditions.

Over time, other species from surrounding biocenoses may invade cities.

Among the wild animals found in cities are squirrels. We decided to find out in what conditions they live in the city. The squirrel itself does not strive to be close to a person. But once within the city limits, the graceful, brightly colored animal looks very beautiful and brings great joy, especially to children and the elderly.

The squirrel is a characteristic species for the entire forest zone. The main areas in which this rodent can be found are forests with a predominance of coniferous trees. The number of squirrels in Western Siberia, as elsewhere, fluctuates significantly from year to year, periodically increasing and decreasing by at least three times. Peaks in squirrel numbers are mainly associated with high yields of coniferous seeds and repeat after 5–7 years.

Squirrels, as a rule, lead a solitary lifestyle. The area of ​​their individual plots depends on the amount of food and ranges from 2–5 hectares.

The main food of the squirrel is spruce and pine seeds. The main trees in the park are maple and poplar. We counted only 350 pines and about 30 larches there, and these are young plantings concentrated in the center of the park. This is clearly not enough, and the squirrels living here must have larger areas than those living in the coniferous forest. The total area of ​​the park is 22 hectares, therefore, 4 or at most 6 animals can feed there. In order for more squirrels to live in the park, they need to be fed.

The squirrels in Komsomolsky Park receive a lot of additional food from humans. They are fed bread, seeds, pine nuts, vegetables and other products that park visitors place in feeders. In the summer, old individuals took food from people’s hands and sat on people’s shoulders. Squirrels readily drink water from artificial drinking bowls made from plastic bottles suspended on tree trunks. Sometimes squirrels visit the balconies of houses located near the park and look for food there.

We noted that the animals feed from dawn until 10–11 am, then rest and after 2 pm they go out to feed again, fattening until dark. In winter, you can rarely see a squirrel at the feeder after lunch.

Squirrels make nests in hollows and other secluded places. In the park they often settle in birdhouses suspended at a height of 5–7 m. One squirrel made a nest in a lamp next to the park path, not far from the feeders. She raised and fed the squirrels there, and when they grew up, she dragged them to another nest.

Little squirrels are beautiful, playful and very small, so that from afar they look like sparrows in the trees, especially if they sit quietly and calmly on the branches.

In July we began to find tails left over from squirrels. There are several reasons for the death of young squirrels in Komsomolsky Park. This is shooting young, gullible animals with air pistols and slingshots. Even older men, having learned that squirrels had appeared in the park, came with guns and spinning rods to catch squirrels for their wife’s collar. Some of the squirrels became trusting and almost tame, which made it easy to catch them by placing a treat in a bag. On the market, a tame squirrel is quite expensive.

Pensioners - visitors to the park - blame the deaths of squirrels and dog owners who walk their pets here, although this is prohibited. The likelihood that a dog will catch an adult squirrel is small, but it can catch a young foolish squirrel.

In addition to the listed enemies, squirrels in the park also have natural ones. We observed a gray owl sitting over a squirrel's nest, which could become its prey. Finally, squirrels can also die from diseases.

In the fall, we counted only two squirrels in the park, which we fed along with the birds throughout the fall and winter. True, it can be assumed that some young animals did not die, but went to wander in search of better feeding places - as is typical for squirrels in the wild.

However, if we want squirrels to continue to delight us with their presence in Komsomolsky Park, it is necessary to provide a number of measures that would improve the condition of their habitat. This, in particular, includes additional planting of trees and shrubs that would provide food for squirrels and other animals.

Sanitary felling in the park should be carried out no earlier than the end of July, when squirrel breeding has already ended. It is necessary to preserve in different places of the park, in a checkerboard pattern, areas with dense undergrowth or clumps of bushes with an area of ​​at least 3x3 m, which would serve as resting areas for animals. Last summer, the undergrowth in the park was completely cut out in June, when this was strictly prohibited.

It is very useful to maintain areas of tall, dense grass where many animals will find shelter and food. But all this may not give the expected results if in a small harmless animal we see only the skin, we break and destroy feeders and nesting boxes, without thinking that someone needs them and that someone invested in their construction and feeding the squirrels part of your soul. Squirrel is an animal particularly popular

both in adults and children. It is interesting to watch how she playfully jumps along the branches, periodically glancing at the casual observer. Visitors to city parks try to treat the furry animal. You should know what squirrels eat besides nuts. What to feed the squirrels in the park?

Thrifty worker Proteins are among the numerous, the distinctive feature of which is an oblong, elongated body and a long tail. The color of the fur varies depending on the time of year and region of residence. These animals are found in any forest, be it a pine forest or an oak grove. In addition, they can be seen quite often in parks and squares.

Squirrels build spherical nests made of moss, branches and grass or settle in tree hollows, even in birdhouses. Sometimes rodents settle in empty bird nests.

Due to the fact that the animal doesn't like to stay in one place for a long time, often it has more than ten nests. At the same time, the furry hostess always takes care of her houses; cleanliness is very important to her.

In summer, the squirrel carefully collects supplies, hides them in a safe hiding place and forgets about them. Only in winter does she find them by smell. True, not always exactly their own hiding places. We can say that these animals collect supplies not only for themselves, but also for their relatives.

In their natural habitat, it is rare for any squirrel to live to be five years old, since these animals have a lot of enemies. Danger awaits furry beauties on the ground, in the foliage and in the sky. Every time a squirrel climbs down from a tree, it puts itself in danger. The animals are hunted by those who eat squirrels: foxes and wolves. But even in a tree, enemies can lie in wait for her: martens, weasels, lynxes, wild cats, as well as hawks and owls.

What do squirrels eat in the wild?

The diet of free-living squirrels depends on the time of year and climatic conditions of the habitat region. These animals do not hibernate, so they stock up on food for the winter. And they eat:

  • pine and fir cones;
  • roots;
  • berries;
  • pine nuts;
  • tree buds;
  • lichens;
  • tree bark;
  • pine needles

Squirrels great knowledge of mushrooms. They distinguish up to 40 types of mushrooms and never bring poisonous ones to the nest.

Animals often visit vegetable gardens and orchards in search of vegetables and fruits. But they do not refuse animal food either. In case of insufficient amount of plant food, squirrels can feed on lizards, frogs, bird eggs, insects and larvae.

In summer, a squirrel needs 45 grams of food per day, during pregnancy - 85 grams, in winter - 35 grams.

What do squirrels eat in captivity?

Squirrels are omnivorous - they eat a variety of foods. In the “Book of Diets” of the Moscow Zoo you can see the following menu for these rodents:

  • hazelnuts, pine nuts and unsalted raw peanuts (10 g per day);
  • white wheat bread (about 10g per day);
  • walnut (once every three days, 10 g);
  • cabbage, carrots, apples (5 g every other day);
  • chestnut (every other day 5 g);
  • pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds (10 g daily);
  • fruits, berries, dried fruits, hemp seeds, sweet cookies, dried mushrooms (2 g per day);
  • chicken eggs (1 g per day);
  • bone meal, chalk, fish, jam, honey (no more than 2 g per day, alternate);
  • pine cones, grass, pine needles and fresh plant shoots in unlimited quantities.

Animals should not be overfed, as this can lead to dire consequences.

Life in the big city doesn't really scare squirrels. They get used to people over time and easily make contact. What do squirrels living in parks eat?

The diet of “park” rodents is based on various seeds and roots. In addition, the animals hunt insects, which are abundant in any area. Squirrels find bird nests and can eat not only eggs, but also chicks if they do not have time to fly away.

In addition to the usual food, rodents also try new foods. For example, they may find something edible for themselves in a trash can. Animals accept food that people offer them. It must be remembered that not all products are beneficial for furry beauties.

In public gardens and parks, squirrels are allowed to be treated to not too sweet and unsalted cookies, white bread croutons and other treats in small quantities.

What is prohibited from feeding squirrels?

It is strictly forbidden to feed squirrels:

  • salty, smoked, too sweet foods;
  • chips, salted peanuts, crackers with aromatic additives, salted fish, crackers;
  • fried foods (including sunflower seeds and peanuts);
  • exotic fruits and nuts.

After feeding the animals you need to wash your hands with soap. Do not forget that squirrels, despite their harmless, cute appearance, can be carriers of bacteria and infections that are dangerous to humans.

What do squirrels domesticated by humans eat?

Sometimes people keep squirrels as pets. This animal is clean and easy to care for. And the animals themselves are not against such a union.

It is important to know what to feed your squirrel at home. In general, choosing the right diet will not be difficult. First of all, the animal should be provided with the required amount of vitamins, so it is necessary to give fruits and berries. It is better to give preference to those that grow in the forest, since the squirrel is already accustomed to this delicacy.

Of course, the diet should include pine cones, nuts, and raw sunflower seeds. Pistachios and almonds should not be given. This may affect your pet's health.

In order for the rodent to sharpen its teeth and chew food normally, from time to time it is necessary to give bark or fresh twigs, and also add eggshells to the food. Once a month you should give the animal milk.

Everyone knows and loves the squirrel ( Sciurus) - a charming representative of the order of rodents, the squirrel family. Lives in our area common squirrel, which is also called veksha. At a young age, this agile, dexterous animal is trusting and quickly gets used to people.

Young common squirrel

Description of the squirrel

The squirrel family has 48 genera and 280 species. Among them there are very tiny animals. So, the body length is tiny mouse squirrel, which is found in the Congo Basin countries, no more than 7.5 cm and 5 cm of tail. We all know well common squirrel (S. vulgaris) with expressive black eyes, tufted ears and a fluffy tail. It weighs only 250 - 340 g, although it seems heavier. The length of its body is 20 - 28 cm, its fluffy tail is 20 cm.

Fur. Molting on the head, body and legs occurs twice a year, less often on the tail. The color of the fur in summer is brown-red, red. In Germany there are squirrels with black fur. By winter, hair color changes. Siberian and northern European squirrels become whitish-gray at this time. Winter fur is softer and fluffier than summer fur. Squirrels living in coniferous forests are often darker than those who choose deciduous trees. These animals are conventionally divided into “browntail”, “graytail”, “blacktail” and “redtail”.

Habitats. The common squirrel lives in Europe, Siberia and Indochina. She loves places where trees grow and is found in forests and parks. They also see it on trees near houses.

Nest. The squirrel feels more confident in deep forests, rather than on sunny edges. There she climbs into empty hollows, where she arranges her home. If he doesn’t find any, he completes old crow’s nests or makes his own on the branches of thick branches. The nest is covered with a roof on top to protect it from rain and snow. On frosty days, she blocks the entrance with grass or moss, so the inside of her house is always dry and warm. A squirrel often has several nests. She changes them, dragging her cubs in her teeth.

The main entrance is often oriented to the east, the spare one is often located near the trunk. It is used as an emergency in case of escape. The walls of the dwelling are made of twigs, and the inside is lined with dry moss. Squirrels often settle in.

Behavior. We are surprised by the dexterity of this animal, capable of instantly climbing trees. The sharp claws on her flexible fingers help her in this. Veksha grabs the tree bark with all its paws at once, crouches down and makes a jump. In case of danger, it flies like an arrow to the top of a tree or into a nest, moving in a spiral. The fluffy tail serves as a rudder and helps balance. Especially when making long jumps from tree to tree. In addition, the tail is an excellent heating pad. On cold and frosty days, the animal curls up into a ball and covers itself with fur.

Flying squirrels are sometimes found in Siberian forests. These small forest animals have a light membrane between their front and back legs. They easily jump, as if flying from tree to tree. I only once managed to see flying squirrels in our Smolensk forests. They lived in a deep hollow of an old tree. I discovered them there by accident. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Squirrels”).

The squirrel can swim, although it only gets into the water when necessary. For example, during wandering in search of a nourishing place or during fires and floods. Then the animals accumulate on the shore and boldly rush into the water, trying to get to the other side of even such large rivers as the Yenisei and Lena. Many of them drown.

When crossing rivers, even sea bays, they gather in denser flocks and swim (imagine!), raising their tails. Many drown, but those who remain float. Those who have safely crossed water and other obstacles (cities, tundra) wander further at a speed of 3 - 4 kilometers per hour. They walk, rubbing their paws into blood, dying in rivers, in the teeth of oncoming and pursuing predators, and at the hands of humans. (I.A. Akimushkin “Animal World”. Volume 2).

Veksha is more active in the morning and evening, and on a sunny day a well-fed animal can rest. During rain or snowstorm it dozes. It moves along the ground in long (up to one meter) leaps.

Food. The squirrel has an excellent appetite. The diet includes nuts, berries, mushrooms, grains, seeds and buds of various plants. She feasts on seeds, which she pulls out of cones, and eats young shoots and buds. The squirrel often robs bird nests, dragging away eggs and chicks. It happens that it attacks adult birds.

All squirrels love nuts

Veksha is a thrifty animal. She arranges storerooms where she hides supplies. She needs them in winter or rainy autumn.

It is true that in the fall, on days of abundance, the squirrel hides nuts and acorns in all the cracks and hollows, and it is also true that it dries mushrooms, hanging them on branches. But does the animal remember all its storerooms? Hardly. If you follow the tracks in winter, you will be convinced that the squirrel is looking for its reserves in the same way as you would look for them: rummaging everywhere where you can assume their existence, and sometimes passing near dried mushrooms without even noticing them. Be that as it may, after searching for some time, the squirrel eats its fill. (A.N. Formozov “The Pathfinder’s Companion”).

Nomadic squirrels feed hastily. Often they manage to snack only on lichen and tree bark. Animals that have survived starvation look thin and pitiful. The number of squirrels is highly dependent on the harvest and availability of food.

Reproduction. Males fight desperately to win a female. The squirrel gives birth to several blind, naked cubs. There are from three to seven, rarely more. With repeated births in June, there are fewer squirrels. The squirrel is a mammal; it feeds its young with milk. At the sixth week, the baby squirrels try to climb out of the nest, and at eleven months they become completely independent. Puberty occurs at nine to eleven months.

Squirrels often live in parks

Enemies. Squirrels have many enemies. These are not only hunters and trappers, but also animals such as marten, sable, fox and some birds: goshawk, owl and kite. They also hunt this furry animal.

A tame squirrel in the house becomes a gentle, clean animal that is pleasant to communicate with. Baby squirrels and young squirrels quickly get used to captivity. Pregnant females adapt to new living conditions within one to two weeks. It is most difficult for old animals to change their usual lifestyle.

Cell. The best option is a high, spacious enclosure with a metal mesh. For some time, a cage with a height of at least 70 cm will be suitable. It is placed in a place protected from drafts and wind. Not in the sun.

The cage must have a nest or house. You need branches and a squirrel wheel for constant movements. At first, cover the top of the enclosure or cage with a cloth or so that the squirrel feels calmer. During molting, the animal becomes less active.

Sometimes a squirrel is released from its cage to frolic in a room or apartment. Be sure to close everything and doors, remove those objects that could break or harm the furry animal. There is no need to force him into a cage. It’s better to lure the squirrel into its cage with tasty nuts or wait until it gets hungry and goes to its own house. You cannot leave a squirrel in a room unattended. It's not just about her safety, but also about many everyday inconveniences. The animal will stock up on food in the most unexpected places, gnawing, destroying and ruining everything. Of course, you need to lock the cat in another room for this time or let it out for a walk.

Squirrels can be easily trained and kept in captivity. I once had a friend, an archaeologist and book lover. In his large room lived an agile, cheerful squirrel. She brought a lot of worries and troubles to her book-loving owner. She tirelessly rushed around the bookshelves, sometimes gnawing on the bindings of expensive books. I had to put the squirrel in a wire cage with a wide rotating wheel. The squirrel ran tirelessly along this wire wheel. Squirrels need constant movement, which they are accustomed to in the forest. Without such constant movement, living in captivity, squirrels get sick and die. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Squirrels”).

Nutrition. The diet includes nuts (especially pine nuts and hazelnuts), acorns, raw seeds, conifer cones with seeds, edible mushrooms (fresh and dry), dried fruits, berries and fresh eggs (preferably quail). In spring, spruce branches with short young shoots (candles), birch branches with buds or fresh leaves are placed in the cage. Suitable delicacies: bugs and worms. They provide natural chalk, crushed shells and coarse table salt, but it is better to buy special mineral supplements and vitamins for squirrels.

In the forest, squirrels dry mushrooms, skillfully stringing them onto the branches of bushes and trees.
“The baby squirrels, taken out of the nest blind, when they grew up, without their mother’s advice, tried to “bury” nuts in the carpet pile!
The little squirrel, having received the first nut in his life, buried it in a secluded corner in the room. He acted like an adult squirrel. And she does this in the forest: having dug a small hole with her paws, she puts a nut in it, then, pressing with her muzzle and tapping the nut with her upper incisors, she drives it even deeper into the ground. With its paws it sprinkles earth and leaves on top and crushes them. He also “buried” a nut and a baby squirrel, but in imaginary soil and leaves, and therefore all his actions “hung” in the air, turning into an aimless pantomime” (I.A. Akimushkin “Animal World”).

Cleaning the cage. The cage is cleaned once a week, the house or nest is cleaned if necessary. The feeder is washed daily. You need to make sure that the water in the bowl or drinking bowl is always fresh and clean.

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Cute fluffy squirrels are one of the inhabitants of the rich taiga. Favorite characters in children's stories and cartoons, squirrels are portrayed as thrifty housewives, hiding nuts and mushrooms for the winter. And these friendly animals happily eat nuts from people’s hands. Therefore, many people do not have a question about what squirrels eat and what to offer sociable beauties in the forest when they meet, but this is not their entire diet.

What kind of animal is a squirrel?

The squirrel (Latin Sciurus) is a rodent that lives in forests throughout the world except Australia. They can settle in both coniferous and deciduous forests. And, of course, they really like to live next to people. They understand that we are a source of food for them, and if you feed a squirrel at the dacha, it will come to you the next day for more.

These animals live in trees and actually store food for the winter, since during the cold season they do not leave their homes and are in a half-asleep state. Squirrels' greatest love is to chew. Very often, confused with a tree branch, they stumble upon electrical wires. There are several cases in history where the stock index of large energy companies dropped because of squirrels.

This is a beautiful and amazing animal, and what squirrels eat can also surprise you.

What do these furry animals eat?

We have seen many times what squirrels eat in cartoons and fairy tales, but their diet is much more varied. The main feature of these animals is that they do not digest fiber, so they also feed on fats.

Squirrels will happily dine on insects, eggs and even small animals and frogs. In tropical countries, where there are practically no nut trees and shrubs, it is animal protein that replaces nuts.

In spring, when seeds begin to germinate and new ones have not yet appeared, buds and mushrooms become the main plant food.

What to feed a squirrel at home?

These furry animals are very smart and clean, so they can make a wonderful pet. However, because they love to chew on everything, it is better to keep them in a spacious cage, sometimes letting them out for a walk around the apartment. What squirrels eat in captivity should not differ significantly from their usual diet:

    Nuts. Anything will do except almonds. You should also be careful when feeding peanuts and sunflower seeds;

    Acorns. You can go out into the forest and pick up as much of this delicacy as you want;

    Fruits (apples, pears). In very limited quantities;

    Berries. Only forest ones, and only in season;

    Special food for rodents. They can be easily found at a pet store;

    Quail eggs. It should be given raw, but very rarely.

If people take care of what squirrels eat, living as pets or visiting their countryside, the animals can delight people up to twelve years of age. However, even after feeding these fluffies in the park, you take responsibility for their health, so you should follow a certain diet to which they are accustomed.

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